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//***************************************************************************** // DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY // // This file contains proprietary and confidential information of // Xilinx, Inc. ("Xilinx"), that is distributed under a license // from Xilinx, and may be used, copied and/or disclosed only // pursuant to the terms of a valid license agreement with Xilinx. // // XILINX IS PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION // ("MATERIALS") "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER // EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT // LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO NONINFRINGEMENT, // MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Xilinx // does not warrant that functions included in the Materials will // meet the requirements of Licensee, or that the operation of the // Materials will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that defects // in the Materials will be corrected. Furthermore, Xilinx does // not warrant or make any representations regarding use, or the // results of the use, of the Materials in terms of correctness, // accuracy, reliability or otherwise. // // Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe, // or for use in any application requiring fail-safe performance, // such as life-support or safety devices or systems, Class III // medical devices, nuclear facilities, applications related to // the deployment of airbags, or any other applications that could // lead to death, personal injury or severe property or // environmental damage (individually and collectively, "critical // applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and liability // of any use of Xilinx products in critical applications, // subject only to applicable laws and regulations governing // limitations on product liability. // // Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 Xilinx, Inc. // All rights reserved. // // This disclaimer and copyright notice must be retained as part // of this file at all times. //***************************************************************************** // ____ ____ // / /\/ / // /___/ \ / Vendor: Xilinx // \ \ \/ Version: 3.0 // \ \ Application: MIG // / / Filename: ddr2_phy_io.v // /___/ /\ Date Last Modified: $Date: 2009/01/15 14:22:14 $ // \ \ / \ Date Created: Wed Aug 16 2006 // \___\/\___\ // //Device: Virtex-5 //Design Name: DDR2 //Purpose: // This module instantiates calibration logic, data, data strobe and the // data mask iobs. //Reference: //Revision History: // Rev 1.1 - DM_IOB instance made based on USE_DM_PORT value . PK. 25/6/08 // Rev 1.2 - Parameter HIGH_PERFORMANCE_MODE added. PK. 7/10/08 // Rev 1.3 - Parameter IODELAY_GRP added. PK. 11/27/08 //***************************************************************************** `timescale 1ns/1ps module ddr2_phy_io # ( // Following parameters are for 72-bit RDIMM design (for ML561 Reference // board design). Actual values may be different. Actual parameters values // are passed from design top module ddr2_mig module. Please refer to // the ddr2_mig module for actual values. parameter CLK_WIDTH = 1, parameter USE_DM_PORT = 1, parameter DM_WIDTH = 9, parameter DQ_WIDTH = 72, parameter DQ_BITS = 7, parameter DQ_PER_DQS = 8, parameter DQS_BITS = 4, parameter DQS_WIDTH = 9, parameter HIGH_PERFORMANCE_MODE = "TRUE", parameter IODELAY_GRP = "IODELAY_MIG", parameter ODT_WIDTH = 1, parameter ADDITIVE_LAT = 0, parameter CAS_LAT = 5, parameter REG_ENABLE = 1, parameter CLK_PERIOD = 3000, parameter DDR_TYPE = 1, parameter SIM_ONLY = 0, parameter DEBUG_EN = 0, parameter FPGA_SPEED_GRADE = 2 ) ( input clk0, input clk90, input clkdiv0, input rst0, input rst90, input rstdiv0, input dm_ce, input [1:0] dq_oe_n, input dqs_oe_n, input dqs_rst_n, input [3:0] calib_start, input ctrl_rden, input phy_init_rden, input calib_ref_done, output [3:0] calib_done, output calib_ref_req, output [DQS_WIDTH-1:0] calib_rden, output [DQS_WIDTH-1:0] calib_rden_sel, input [DQ_WIDTH-1:0] wr_data_rise, input [DQ_WIDTH-1:0] wr_data_fall, input [(DQ_WIDTH/8)-1:0] mask_data_rise, input [(DQ_WIDTH/8)-1:0] mask_data_fall, output [(DQ_WIDTH)-1:0] rd_data_rise, output [(DQ_WIDTH)-1:0] rd_data_fall, output [CLK_WIDTH-1:0] ddr_ck, output [CLK_WIDTH-1:0] ddr_ck_n, output [DM_WIDTH-1:0] ddr_dm, inout [DQS_WIDTH-1:0] ddr_dqs, inout [DQS_WIDTH-1:0] ddr_dqs_n, inout [DQ_WIDTH-1:0] ddr_dq, // Debug signals (optional use) input dbg_idel_up_all, input dbg_idel_down_all, input dbg_idel_up_dq, input dbg_idel_down_dq, input dbg_idel_up_dqs, input dbg_idel_down_dqs, input dbg_idel_up_gate, input dbg_idel_down_gate, input [DQ_BITS-1:0] dbg_sel_idel_dq, input dbg_sel_all_idel_dq, input [DQS_BITS:0] dbg_sel_idel_dqs, input dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs, input [DQS_BITS:0] dbg_sel_idel_gate, input dbg_sel_all_idel_gate, output [3:0] dbg_calib_done, output [3:0] dbg_calib_err, output [(6*DQ_WIDTH)-1:0] dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt, output [(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0] dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt, output [(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0] dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt, output [DQS_WIDTH-1:0] dbg_calib_rd_data_sel, output [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0] dbg_calib_rden_dly, output [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0] dbg_calib_gate_dly ); // ratio of # of physical DM outputs to bytes in data bus // may be different - e.g. if using x4 components localparam DM_TO_BYTE_RATIO = DM_WIDTH / (DQ_WIDTH/8); wire [CLK_WIDTH-1:0] ddr_ck_q; wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0] delayed_dqs; wire [DQ_WIDTH-1:0] dlyce_dq; wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0] dlyce_dqs; wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0] dlyce_gate; wire [DQ_WIDTH-1:0] dlyinc_dq; wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0] dlyinc_dqs; wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0] dlyinc_gate; wire dlyrst_dq; wire dlyrst_dqs; wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0] dlyrst_gate; wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0] dq_ce; (* KEEP = "TRUE" *) wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0] en_dqs /* synthesis syn_keep = 1 */; wire [DQS_WIDTH-1:0] rd_data_sel; //*************************************************************************** ddr2_phy_calib # ( .DQ_WIDTH (DQ_WIDTH), .DQ_BITS (DQ_BITS), .DQ_PER_DQS (DQ_PER_DQS), .DQS_BITS (DQS_BITS), .DQS_WIDTH (DQS_WIDTH), .ADDITIVE_LAT (ADDITIVE_LAT), .CAS_LAT (CAS_LAT), .REG_ENABLE (REG_ENABLE), .CLK_PERIOD (CLK_PERIOD), .SIM_ONLY (SIM_ONLY), .DEBUG_EN (DEBUG_EN) ) u_phy_calib ( .clk (clk0), .clkdiv (clkdiv0), .rstdiv (rstdiv0), .calib_start (calib_start), .ctrl_rden (ctrl_rden), .phy_init_rden (phy_init_rden), .rd_data_rise (rd_data_rise), .rd_data_fall (rd_data_fall), .calib_ref_done (calib_ref_done), .calib_done (calib_done), .calib_ref_req (calib_ref_req), .calib_rden (calib_rden), .calib_rden_sel (calib_rden_sel), .dlyrst_dq (dlyrst_dq), .dlyce_dq (dlyce_dq), .dlyinc_dq (dlyinc_dq), .dlyrst_dqs (dlyrst_dqs), .dlyce_dqs (dlyce_dqs), .dlyinc_dqs (dlyinc_dqs), .dlyrst_gate (dlyrst_gate), .dlyce_gate (dlyce_gate), .dlyinc_gate (dlyinc_gate), .en_dqs (en_dqs), .rd_data_sel (rd_data_sel), .dbg_idel_up_all (dbg_idel_up_all), .dbg_idel_down_all (dbg_idel_down_all), .dbg_idel_up_dq (dbg_idel_up_dq), .dbg_idel_down_dq (dbg_idel_down_dq), .dbg_idel_up_dqs (dbg_idel_up_dqs), .dbg_idel_down_dqs (dbg_idel_down_dqs), .dbg_idel_up_gate (dbg_idel_up_gate), .dbg_idel_down_gate (dbg_idel_down_gate), .dbg_sel_idel_dq (dbg_sel_idel_dq), .dbg_sel_all_idel_dq (dbg_sel_all_idel_dq), .dbg_sel_idel_dqs (dbg_sel_idel_dqs), .dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs (dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs), .dbg_sel_idel_gate (dbg_sel_idel_gate), .dbg_sel_all_idel_gate (dbg_sel_all_idel_gate), .dbg_calib_done (dbg_calib_done), .dbg_calib_err (dbg_calib_err), .dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt (dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt), .dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt (dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt), .dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt (dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt), .dbg_calib_rd_data_sel (dbg_calib_rd_data_sel), .dbg_calib_rden_dly (dbg_calib_rden_dly), .dbg_calib_gate_dly (dbg_calib_gate_dly) ); //*************************************************************************** // Memory clock generation //*************************************************************************** genvar ck_i; generate for(ck_i = 0; ck_i < CLK_WIDTH; ck_i = ck_i+1) begin: gen_ck ODDR # ( .SRTYPE ("SYNC"), .DDR_CLK_EDGE ("OPPOSITE_EDGE") ) u_oddr_ck_i ( .Q (ddr_ck_q[ck_i]), .C (clk0), .CE (1'b1), .D1 (1'b0), .D2 (1'b1), .R (1'b0), .S (1'b0) ); // Can insert ODELAY here if required OBUFDS u_obuf_ck_i ( .I (ddr_ck_q[ck_i]), .O (ddr_ck[ck_i]), .OB (ddr_ck_n[ck_i]) ); end endgenerate //*************************************************************************** // DQS instances //*************************************************************************** genvar dqs_i; generate for(dqs_i = 0; dqs_i < DQS_WIDTH; dqs_i = dqs_i+1) begin: gen_dqs ddr2_phy_dqs_iob # ( .DDR_TYPE (DDR_TYPE), .HIGH_PERFORMANCE_MODE (HIGH_PERFORMANCE_MODE), .IODELAY_GRP (IODELAY_GRP) ) u_iob_dqs ( .clk0 (clk0), .clkdiv0 (clkdiv0), .rst0 (rst0), .dlyinc_dqs (dlyinc_dqs[dqs_i]), .dlyce_dqs (dlyce_dqs[dqs_i]), .dlyrst_dqs (dlyrst_dqs), .dlyinc_gate (dlyinc_gate[dqs_i]), .dlyce_gate (dlyce_gate[dqs_i]), .dlyrst_gate (dlyrst_gate[dqs_i]), .dqs_oe_n (dqs_oe_n), .dqs_rst_n (dqs_rst_n), .en_dqs (en_dqs[dqs_i]), .ddr_dqs (ddr_dqs[dqs_i]), .ddr_dqs_n (ddr_dqs_n[dqs_i]), .dq_ce (dq_ce[dqs_i]), .delayed_dqs (delayed_dqs[dqs_i]) ); end endgenerate //*************************************************************************** // DM instances //*************************************************************************** genvar dm_i; generate if (USE_DM_PORT) begin: gen_dm_inst for(dm_i = 0; dm_i < DM_WIDTH; dm_i = dm_i+1) begin: gen_dm ddr2_phy_dm_iob u_iob_dm ( .clk90 (clk90), .dm_ce (dm_ce), .mask_data_rise (mask_data_rise[dm_i/DM_TO_BYTE_RATIO]), .mask_data_fall (mask_data_fall[dm_i/DM_TO_BYTE_RATIO]), .ddr_dm (ddr_dm[dm_i]) ); end end endgenerate //*************************************************************************** // DQ IOB instances //*************************************************************************** genvar dq_i; generate for(dq_i = 0; dq_i < DQ_WIDTH; dq_i = dq_i+1) begin: gen_dq ddr2_phy_dq_iob # ( .HIGH_PERFORMANCE_MODE (HIGH_PERFORMANCE_MODE), .IODELAY_GRP (IODELAY_GRP), .FPGA_SPEED_GRADE (FPGA_SPEED_GRADE) ) u_iob_dq ( .clk0 (clk0), .clk90 (clk90), .clkdiv0 (clkdiv0), .rst90 (rst90), .dlyinc (dlyinc_dq[dq_i]), .dlyce (dlyce_dq[dq_i]), .dlyrst (dlyrst_dq), .dq_oe_n (dq_oe_n), .dqs (delayed_dqs[dq_i/DQ_PER_DQS]), .ce (dq_ce[dq_i/DQ_PER_DQS]), .rd_data_sel (rd_data_sel[dq_i/DQ_PER_DQS]), .wr_data_rise (wr_data_rise[dq_i]), .wr_data_fall (wr_data_fall[dq_i]), .rd_data_rise (rd_data_rise[dq_i]), .rd_data_fall (rd_data_fall[dq_i]), .ddr_dq (ddr_dq[dq_i]) ); end endgenerate endmodule
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