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/******************************************************************************* * This file is owned and controlled by Xilinx and must be used * * solely for design, simulation, implementation and creation of * * design files limited to Xilinx devices or technologies. Use * * with non-Xilinx devices or technologies is expressly prohibited * * and immediately terminates your license. * * * * XILINX IS PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION "AS IS" * * SOLELY FOR USE IN DEVELOPING PROGRAMS AND SOLUTIONS FOR * * XILINX DEVICES. BY PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION * * AS ONE POSSIBLE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS FEATURE, APPLICATION * * OR STANDARD, XILINX IS MAKING NO REPRESENTATION THAT THIS * * IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE FROM ANY CLAIMS OF INFRINGEMENT, * * AND YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ANY RIGHTS YOU MAY REQUIRE * * FOR YOUR IMPLEMENTATION. XILINX EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY * * WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE ADEQUACY OF THE * * IMPLEMENTATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OR * * REPRESENTATIONS THAT THIS IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE FROM CLAIMS OF * * INFRINGEMENT, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * * * Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support * * appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications are * * expressly prohibited. * * * * (c) Copyright 1995-2009 Xilinx, Inc. * * All rights reserved. * *******************************************************************************/ // The synthesis directives "translate_off/translate_on" specified below are // supported by Xilinx, Mentor Graphics and Synplicity synthesis // tools. Ensure they are correct for your synthesis tool(s). // You must compile the wrapper file xilinx_ddr2_if_cache.v when simulating // the core, xilinx_ddr2_if_cache. When compiling the wrapper file, be sure to // reference the XilinxCoreLib Verilog simulation library. For detailed // instructions, please refer to the "CORE Generator Help". `timescale 1ns/1ps module xilinx_ddr2_if_cache( clka, ena, wea, addra, dina, douta, clkb, enb, web, addrb, dinb, doutb); input clka; input ena; input [3 : 0] wea; input [11 : 0] addra; input [31 : 0] dina; output [31 : 0] douta; input clkb; input enb; input [15 : 0] web; input [9 : 0] addrb; input [127 : 0] dinb; output [127 : 0] doutb; // synthesis translate_off BLK_MEM_GEN_V3_1 #( .C_ADDRA_WIDTH(12), .C_ADDRB_WIDTH(10), .C_ALGORITHM(1), .C_BYTE_SIZE(8), .C_COMMON_CLK(0), .C_DEFAULT_DATA("0"), .C_DISABLE_WARN_BHV_COLL(0), .C_DISABLE_WARN_BHV_RANGE(0), .C_FAMILY("virtex5"), .C_HAS_ENA(1), .C_HAS_ENB(1), .C_HAS_INJECTERR(0), .C_HAS_MEM_OUTPUT_REGS_A(0), .C_HAS_MEM_OUTPUT_REGS_B(0), .C_HAS_MUX_OUTPUT_REGS_A(0), .C_HAS_MUX_OUTPUT_REGS_B(0), .C_HAS_REGCEA(0), .C_HAS_REGCEB(0), .C_HAS_RSTA(0), .C_HAS_RSTB(0), .C_INITA_VAL("0"), .C_INITB_VAL("0"), .C_INIT_FILE_NAME("no_coe_file_loaded"), .C_LOAD_INIT_FILE(0), .C_MEM_TYPE(2), .C_MUX_PIPELINE_STAGES(0), .C_PRIM_TYPE(1), .C_READ_DEPTH_A(4096), .C_READ_DEPTH_B(1024), .C_READ_WIDTH_A(32), .C_READ_WIDTH_B(128), .C_RSTRAM_A(0), .C_RSTRAM_B(0), .C_RST_PRIORITY_A("CE"), .C_RST_PRIORITY_B("CE"), .C_RST_TYPE("SYNC"), .C_SIM_COLLISION_CHECK("ALL"), .C_USE_BYTE_WEA(1), .C_USE_BYTE_WEB(1), .C_USE_DEFAULT_DATA(0), .C_USE_ECC(0), .C_WEA_WIDTH(4), .C_WEB_WIDTH(16), .C_WRITE_DEPTH_A(4096), .C_WRITE_DEPTH_B(1024), .C_WRITE_MODE_A("WRITE_FIRST"), .C_WRITE_MODE_B("WRITE_FIRST"), .C_WRITE_WIDTH_A(32), .C_WRITE_WIDTH_B(128), .C_XDEVICEFAMILY("virtex5")) inst ( .CLKA(clka), .ENA(ena), .WEA(wea), .ADDRA(addra), .DINA(dina), .DOUTA(douta), .CLKB(clkb), .ENB(enb), .WEB(web), .ADDRB(addrb), .DINB(dinb), .DOUTB(doutb), .RSTA(), .REGCEA(), .RSTB(), .REGCEB(), .INJECTSBITERR(), .INJECTDBITERR(), .SBITERR(), .DBITERR(), .RDADDRECC()); // synthesis translate_on // XST black box declaration // box_type "black_box" // synthesis attribute box_type of ml501_ddr2_if_cache is "black_box" endmodule
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