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//***************************************************************************** // DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY // // This file contains proprietary and confidential information of // Xilinx, Inc. ("Xilinx"), that is distributed under a license // from Xilinx, and may be used, copied and/or disclosed only // pursuant to the terms of a valid license agreement with Xilinx. // // XILINX IS PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION // ("MATERIALS") "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER // EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT // LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO NONINFRINGEMENT, // MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Xilinx // does not warrant that functions included in the Materials will // meet the requirements of Licensee, or that the operation of the // Materials will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that defects // in the Materials will be corrected. Furthermore, Xilinx does // not warrant or make any representations regarding use, or the // results of the use, of the Materials in terms of correctness, // accuracy, reliability or otherwise. // // Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe, // or for use in any application requiring fail-safe performance, // such as life-support or safety devices or systems, Class III // medical devices, nuclear facilities, applications related to // the deployment of airbags, or any other applications that could // lead to death, personal injury or severe property or // environmental damage (individually and collectively, "critical // applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and liability // of any use of Xilinx products in critical applications, // subject only to applicable laws and regulations governing // limitations on product liability. // // Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Xilinx, Inc. // All rights reserved. // // This disclaimer and copyright notice must be retained as part // of this file at all times. //***************************************************************************** // ____ ____ // / /\/ / // /___/ \ / Vendor : Xilinx // \ \ \/ Version : 3.6.1 // \ \ Application : MIG // / / Filename : s3adsp_ddr2_controller_0.v // /___/ /\ Date Last Modified : $Date: 2010/11/26 18:25:41 $ // \ \ / \ Date Created : Mon May 2 2005 // \___\/\___\ // Device : Spartan-3/3A/3A-DSP // Design Name : DDR2 SDRAM // Purpose : This is main controller block. This includes the following // features: // - The controller state machine that controls the // initialization process upon power up, as well as the // read, write, and refresh commands. // - Accepts and decodes the user commands. // - Generates the address and Bank address and control signals // to the memory // - Generates control signals for other modules. //***************************************************************************** `timescale 1ns/100ps `include "s3adsp_ddr2_parameters_0.v" module s3adsp_ddr2_controller_0 ( input clk/* synthesis syn_keep=1 */, input rst0, input rst180, input [((`ROW_ADDRESS + `COLUMN_ADDRESS)-1):0] address, input [`BANK_ADDRESS-1:0] bank_address, input [2:0] command_register, input burst_done, output ddr_rasb_cntrl, output ddr_casb_cntrl, output [`BANK_ADDRESS-1:0] ddr_ba_cntrl, output [`ROW_ADDRESS-1:0] ddr_address_cntrl, output ddr_csb_cntrl, output dqs_enable, output dqs_reset /* synthesis syn_keep=1 */, output rst_dqs_div_int, output cmd_ack, output init, output ddr_web_cntrl, output ddr_cke_cntrl, output reg write_enable, output reg rst_calib, output reg ddr_odt_cntrl, output reg ar_done, input wait_200us, output auto_ref_req, output reg read_fifo_rden // Read Enable signal for read fifo(to data_read module) ); localparam IDLE = 4'b0000; localparam PRECHARGE = 4'b0001; localparam AUTO_REFRESH = 4'b0010; localparam ACTIVE = 4'b0011; localparam FIRST_WRITE = 4'b0100; localparam WRITE_WAIT = 4'b0101; localparam BURST_WRITE = 4'b0110; localparam PRECHARGE_AFTER_WRITE = 4'b0111; localparam PRECHARGE_AFTER_WRITE_2 = 4'b1000; localparam READ_WAIT = 4'b1001; localparam BURST_READ = 4'b1010; localparam ACTIVE_WAIT = 4'b1011; localparam INIT_IDLE = 2'b00; localparam INIT_PRECHARGE = 2'b01; localparam INIT_LOAD_MODE_REG = 2'b10; localparam INIT_AUTO_REFRESH = 2'b11; parameter COL_WIDTH = `COLUMN_ADDRESS; parameter ROW_WIDTH = `ROW_ADDRESS; reg [3:0] current_state; reg [3:0] next_state; reg [1:0] init_current_state; reg [1:0] init_next_state; reg [((`ROW_ADDRESS + `COLUMN_ADDRESS)-1):0] address_reg; reg auto_ref; reg auto_ref1; reg autoref_value; reg auto_ref_detect1; reg [(`MAX_REF_WIDTH-1):0] autoref_count; reg auto_ref_issued; reg [`BANK_ADDRESS-1:0] ba_address_reg1; reg [`BANK_ADDRESS-1:0] ba_address_reg2; reg [2:0] burst_length; reg [2:0] cas_count; reg [4:0] ras_count; reg [`ROW_ADDRESS-1:0] column_address_reg; reg [`ROW_ADDRESS-1:0] column_address_reg1; reg [2:0] wr; reg ddr_rasb2; reg ddr_casb2; reg ddr_web2; reg [`BANK_ADDRESS-1:0] ddr_ba1; reg [`ROW_ADDRESS-1:0] ddr_address1; reg [3:0] init_count; reg init_done; reg init_done_r1; reg init_memory; reg init_mem; reg [6:0] init_pre_count; reg [7:0] dll_rst_count; reg [(`MAX_REF_WIDTH-1):0] ref_freq_cnt; reg read_cmd1; reg read_cmd2; reg read_cmd3; reg [2:0] rcd_count; reg [7:0] rfc_counter_value; reg [7:0] rfc_count; reg rfc_count_reg; reg ar_done_reg; reg rdburst_end_1; reg rdburst_end_2; reg [`ROW_ADDRESS-1:0] row_address_reg; reg rst_dqs_div_r; reg rst_dqs_div_r1; //For Reg Dimm reg [2:0] wrburst_end_cnt; reg wrburst_end_1; reg wrburst_end_2; reg wrburst_end_3; reg [2:0] wr_count; reg write_cmd1; reg write_cmd2; reg write_cmd3; reg [2:0] dqs_div_cascount; reg [2:0] dqs_div_rdburstcount; reg dqs_enable1; reg dqs_enable2; reg dqs_enable3; reg dqs_reset1_clk0; reg dqs_reset2_clk0; reg dqs_reset3_clk0; reg dqs_enable_int; reg dqs_reset_int; reg rst180_r; reg rst0_r; reg ddr_odt2; reg go_to_active; reg accept_cmd_in; reg odt_deassert; reg [2:0] rp_count; reg auto_ref_wait; reg auto_ref_wait1; reg auto_ref_wait2; reg [7:0] count6; wire [`ROW_ADDRESS - 1:0] lmr; wire [`ROW_ADDRESS - 1:0] emr; wire [`ROW_ADDRESS - 1:0] lmr_dll_rst; wire [`ROW_ADDRESS - 1:0] lmr_dll_set; wire [`ROW_ADDRESS-1:0] column_address; wire write_cmd_in; wire read_cmd_in; wire init_cmd_in; wire wrburst_end; wire [`ROW_ADDRESS-1:0] row_address; wire rdburst_end; wire init_done_value; wire ddr_rasb1; wire ddr_casb1; wire ddr_web1; wire ack_reg; wire ack_o; wire auto_ref_issued_p; wire ar_done_p; wire go_to_active_value; wire ddr_odt1; wire rst_dqs_div_int1; wire [2:0] burst_cnt_max; // Input : COMMAND REGISTER FORMAT // 000 - NOP // 010 - Initialize memory // 100 - Write Request // 110 - Read request // Input : Address format // row address = address((`ROW_ADDRESS+ `COLUMN_ADDRESS) -1 : `COLUMN_ADDRESS) // column addres = address( `COLUMN_ADDRESS-1 : 0) assign ddr_csb_cntrl = 1'b0; assign row_address = address_reg[((`ROW_ADDRESS + `COLUMN_ADDRESS)-1): `COLUMN_ADDRESS]; assign init = init_done; assign ddr_rasb_cntrl = ddr_rasb2; assign ddr_casb_cntrl = ddr_casb2; assign ddr_web_cntrl = ddr_web2; assign ddr_address_cntrl = ddr_address1; assign ddr_ba_cntrl = ddr_ba1; assign rst_dqs_div_int = rst_dqs_div_int1; assign emr = `EXT_LOAD_MODE_REGISTER; assign lmr = `LOAD_MODE_REGISTER; assign lmr_dll_rst = {lmr[`ROW_ADDRESS - 1 : 9],1'b1,lmr[7:0]}; assign lmr_dll_set = {lmr[`ROW_ADDRESS - 1 : 9],1'b0,lmr[7:0]}; assign ddr_cke_cntrl = ~wait_200us; // turn off auto-precharge when issuing read/write commands (A10 = 0) // mapping the column address for linear addressing. generate if (COL_WIDTH == ROW_WIDTH-1) begin: gen_ddr_addr_col_0 assign column_address = {address_reg[COL_WIDTH-1:10], 1'b0, address_reg[9:0]}; end else begin if (COL_WIDTH > 10) begin: gen_ddr_addr_col_1 assign column_address = {{(ROW_WIDTH-COL_WIDTH-1){1'b0}}, address_reg[COL_WIDTH-1:10], 1'b0, address_reg[9:0]}; end else begin: gen_ddr_addr_col_2 assign column_address = {{(ROW_WIDTH-COL_WIDTH-1){1'b0}}, 1'b0, address_reg[COL_WIDTH-1:0]}; end end endgenerate always @ (negedge clk) rst180_r <= rst180; always @ (posedge clk) rst0_r <= rst0; //****************************************************************************** // Register user address //****************************************************************************** always @ (negedge clk) begin row_address_reg <= row_address; column_address_reg <= column_address; ba_address_reg1 <= bank_address; ba_address_reg2 <= ba_address_reg1; address_reg <= address; end always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) begin burst_length <= 3'b000; wr <= 3'd0; end else begin burst_length <= lmr[2:0]; wr <= `TWR_COUNT_VALUE; end end always @( negedge clk ) begin if ( rst180_r ) accept_cmd_in <= 1'b0; else if ( current_state == IDLE && ((rp_count == 3'd0 && rfc_count_reg && !auto_ref_wait && !auto_ref_issued))) accept_cmd_in <= 1'b1; else accept_cmd_in <= 1'b0; end //****************************************************************************** // Commands from user. //****************************************************************************** assign init_cmd_in = (command_register == 3'b010); assign write_cmd_in = (command_register == 3'b100 && accept_cmd_in == 1'b1) ; assign read_cmd_in = (command_register == 3'b110 && accept_cmd_in == 1'b1) ; //****************************************************************************** // write_cmd1 is asserted when user issued write command and the controller s/m // is in idle state and AUTO_REF is not asserted. //****************************************************************************** always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) begin write_cmd1 <= 1'b0; write_cmd2 <= 1'b0; write_cmd3 <= 1'b0; end else begin if (accept_cmd_in) write_cmd1 <= write_cmd_in; write_cmd2 <= write_cmd1; write_cmd3 <= write_cmd2; end end //****************************************************************************** // read_cmd1 is asserted when user issued read command and the controller s/m // is in idle state and AUTO_REF is not asserted. //****************************************************************************** always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) begin read_cmd1 <= 1'b0; read_cmd2 <= 1'b0; read_cmd3 <= 1'b0; end else begin if (accept_cmd_in) read_cmd1 <= read_cmd_in; read_cmd2 <= read_cmd1; read_cmd3 <= read_cmd2; end end //****************************************************************************** // ras_count- Active to Precharge time // Controller is giving tras violation when user issues a single read command for // BL=4 and tRAS is more then 42ns.It uses a fixed clk count of 7 clocks which is // 7*6(@166) = 42ns. Addded ras_count counter which will take care of tras timeout. // RAS_COUNT_VALUE parameter is used to load the counter and it depends on the // selected memory and frequency //****************************************************************************** always @( negedge clk ) begin if ( rst180_r ) ras_count <= 5'd0; else if ( current_state == ACTIVE ) ras_count <= `RAS_COUNT_VALUE-1; else if ( ras_count != 5'b00000 ) ras_count <= ras_count - 1'b1; end //****************************************************************************** // rfc_count // An executable command can be issued only after Trfc period after a AUTOREFRESH // command is issued. rfc_count_value is set in the parameter file depending on // the memory device speed grade and the selected frequency.For example for 5B // speed grade, trfc= 75 at 133Mhz, rfc_counter_value = 8'b00001010. // ( Trfc/clk_period= 75/7.5= 10) //****************************************************************************** always @( negedge clk ) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) rfc_count <= 8'd0; else if(current_state == AUTO_REFRESH) rfc_count <= rfc_counter_value; else if(rfc_count != 8'd0) rfc_count <= rfc_count - 1'b1; end //****************************************************************************** // rp_count // An executable command can be issued only after Trp period after a PRECHARGE // command is issued. //****************************************************************************** always @( negedge clk ) begin if ( rst180_r ) rp_count <= 3'b000; else if ( current_state == PRECHARGE ) rp_count <= `RP_COUNT_VALUE; else if ( rp_count != 3'b000 ) rp_count <= rp_count - 1'b1; end //****************************************************************************** // rcd_count // ACTIVE to READ/WRITE delay - Minimum interval between ACTIVE and READ/WRITE command. //****************************************************************************** always @( negedge clk ) begin if ( rst180_r ) rcd_count <= 3'b000; else if ( current_state == ACTIVE ) rcd_count <= 3'b001; else if ( rcd_count != 3'b000 ) rcd_count <= rcd_count - 1'b1; end //****************************************************************************** // WR Counter a PRECHARGE command can be applied only after 3 cycles after a // WRITE command has finished executing //****************************************************************************** always @(negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r) wr_count <= 3'b000; else if (dqs_enable_int) wr_count <= wr ; else if (wr_count != 3'b000) wr_count <= wr_count - 3'b001; end //****************************************************************************** // autoref_count - This counter is used to issue AUTO REFRESH command to // the memory for every 7.8125us. // (Auto Refresh Request is raised for every 7.7 us to allow for termination // of any ongoing bus transfer).For example at 166MHz frequency // autoref_count = refresh_time_period/clock_period = 7.7us/6.02ns = 1279 //****************************************************************************** always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) begin rfc_counter_value <= `RFC_COUNT_VALUE; ref_freq_cnt <= `MAX_REF_CNT; autoref_value <= 1'b0; end else begin rfc_counter_value <= `RFC_COUNT_VALUE; ref_freq_cnt <= `MAX_REF_CNT; autoref_value <= (autoref_count == ref_freq_cnt); end end always @(negedge clk) begin if(rst180_r) autoref_count <= `MAX_REF_WIDTH'b0; else if(autoref_value) autoref_count <= `MAX_REF_WIDTH'b0; else autoref_count <= autoref_count + 1'b1; end always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) begin auto_ref_detect1 <= 1'b0; auto_ref1 <= 1'b0; end else begin auto_ref_detect1 <= autoref_value && init_done; auto_ref1 <= auto_ref_detect1; end end assign ar_done_p = (ar_done_reg == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) begin auto_ref_wait <= 1'b0; ar_done <= 1'b0; auto_ref_issued <= 1'b0; end else begin if (auto_ref1 && !auto_ref_wait) auto_ref_wait <= 1'b1; else if (auto_ref_issued_p) auto_ref_wait <= 1'b0; else auto_ref_wait <= auto_ref_wait; ar_done <= ar_done_p; auto_ref_issued <= auto_ref_issued_p; end end always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) begin auto_ref_wait1 <= 1'b0; auto_ref_wait2 <= 1'b0; auto_ref <= 1'b0; end else begin if (auto_ref_issued_p) begin auto_ref_wait1 <= 1'b0; auto_ref_wait2 <= 1'b0; auto_ref <= 1'b0; end else begin auto_ref_wait1 <= auto_ref_wait; auto_ref_wait2 <= auto_ref_wait1; auto_ref <= auto_ref_wait2; end end end assign auto_ref_req = auto_ref_wait; assign auto_ref_issued_p = (current_state == AUTO_REFRESH); //****************************************************************************** // Common counter for the Initialization sequence //****************************************************************************** always @(negedge clk) begin if(rst180_r) count6 <= 8'd0; else if(init_current_state == INIT_AUTO_REFRESH || init_current_state == INIT_PRECHARGE || init_current_state == INIT_LOAD_MODE_REG) count6 <= `RFC_COUNT_VALUE; else if(count6 != 8'd0) count6 <= count6 - 1'b1; else count6 <= 8'd0; end //****************************************************************************** // While doing consecutive READs or WRITEs, the burst_cnt_max value determines // when the next READ or WRITE command should be issued. burst_cnt_max shows the // number of clock cycles for each burst. // e.g burst_cnt_max = 2 for a burst length of 4 // = 4 for a burst length of 8 //****************************************************************************** assign burst_cnt_max = (burst_length == 3'b010) ? 3'b010 : (burst_length == 3'b011) ? 3'b100 : 3'b000; always @( negedge clk) begin if(rst180_r) cas_count <= 3'b000; else if(current_state == BURST_READ) cas_count <= burst_cnt_max - 1'b1; else if(cas_count != 3'b000) cas_count <= cas_count - 1'b1; end always @( negedge clk ) begin if(rst180_r) wrburst_end_cnt <= 3'b000; else if((current_state == FIRST_WRITE) || (current_state == BURST_WRITE)) wrburst_end_cnt <= burst_cnt_max; else if(wrburst_end_cnt != 3'b000) wrburst_end_cnt <= wrburst_end_cnt - 1'b1; end always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) rdburst_end_1 <= 1'b0; else begin rdburst_end_2 <= rdburst_end_1; if (burst_done == 1'b1) rdburst_end_1 <= 1'b1; else rdburst_end_1 <= 1'b0; end end assign rdburst_end = rdburst_end_1 || rdburst_end_2 ; always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) wrburst_end_1 <= 1'b0; else begin wrburst_end_2 <= wrburst_end_1; wrburst_end_3 <= wrburst_end_2; if (burst_done == 1'b1) wrburst_end_1 <= 1'b1; else wrburst_end_1 <= 1'b0; end end assign wrburst_end = wrburst_end_1 || wrburst_end_2 || wrburst_end_3; //****************************************************************************** // dqs_enable and dqs_reset signals are used to generate DQS signal during write // data. //****************************************************************************** assign dqs_enable = dqs_enable2; assign dqs_reset = dqs_reset2_clk0; always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) begin dqs_enable_int <= 1'b0; dqs_reset_int <= 1'b0; end else begin dqs_enable_int <= ((current_state == FIRST_WRITE) || (current_state == BURST_WRITE) || (wrburst_end_cnt != 3'b000)); dqs_reset_int <= (current_state == FIRST_WRITE); end end always @ (posedge clk) begin if (rst0_r == 1'b1) begin dqs_enable1 <= 1'b0; dqs_enable2 <= 1'b0; dqs_enable3 <= 1'b0; dqs_reset1_clk0 <= 1'b0; dqs_reset2_clk0 <= 1'b0; dqs_reset3_clk0 <= 1'b0; end else begin dqs_enable1 <= dqs_enable_int; dqs_enable2 <= dqs_enable1; dqs_enable3 <= dqs_enable2; dqs_reset1_clk0 <= dqs_reset_int; dqs_reset2_clk0 <= dqs_reset1_clk0; dqs_reset3_clk0 <= dqs_reset2_clk0; end end //****************************************************************************** //Write Enable signal to the datapath //****************************************************************************** always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) write_enable <= 1'b0; else if(wrburst_end_cnt != 3'b000) write_enable <= 1'b1; else write_enable <= 1'b0; end assign cmd_ack = ack_reg; FD ack_reg_inst1 ( .Q (ack_reg), .D (ack_o), .C (~clk) ); assign ack_o = ((write_cmd_in == 1'b1) || (write_cmd1 == 1'b1) || (read_cmd_in == 1'b1) || (read_cmd1 == 1'b1)); //****************************************************************************** // init_done will be asserted when initialization sequence is complete //****************************************************************************** always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) begin init_memory <= 1'b0; init_done <= 1'b0; init_done_r1 <= 1'b0; end else begin init_memory <= init_mem; init_done <= init_done_value && (init_count == 4'b1011); init_done_r1 <= init_done; end end //synthesis translate_off always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b0) if (init_done == 1'b1 && init_done_r1 == 1'b0) $display ("INITIALIZATION_DONE"); end //synthesis translate_on always @ (negedge clk) begin if (init_cmd_in) init_pre_count <= 7'b101_0000; else init_pre_count <= init_pre_count - 7'h1; end always @( negedge clk ) begin if ( rst180_r ) init_mem <= 1'b0; else if ( init_cmd_in ) init_mem <= 1'b1; else if ( (init_count == 4'b1011) && (count6 == 8'd0 )) init_mem <= 1'b0; else init_mem <= init_mem; end always @( negedge clk ) begin if ( rst180_r ) init_count <= 4'b0; else if (((init_current_state == INIT_PRECHARGE) || (init_current_state == INIT_LOAD_MODE_REG) || (init_current_state == INIT_AUTO_REFRESH)) && init_memory == 1'b1) init_count <= init_count + 1'b1; else init_count <= init_count; end assign init_done_value = (dll_rst_count == 8'b0000_0001) ; //Counter to count 200 clock cycles When DLL reset is issued during //initialization. always @( negedge clk ) begin if( rst180_r ) dll_rst_count <= 8'd0; else if(init_count == 4'b0100) dll_rst_count <= 8'd200; else if(dll_rst_count != 8'b0000_0001) dll_rst_count <= dll_rst_count - 8'b0000_0001; else dll_rst_count <= dll_rst_count; end assign go_to_active_value =((write_cmd_in == 1'b1) && (accept_cmd_in == 1'b1)) || ((read_cmd_in == 1'b1) && (accept_cmd_in == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) go_to_active <= 1'b0; else go_to_active <= go_to_active_value; end always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) begin rfc_count_reg <= 1'b0; ar_done_reg <= 1'b0; end else begin if(rfc_count == 8'd2) ar_done_reg <= 1'b1; else ar_done_reg <= 1'b0; if(ar_done_reg == 1'b1) rfc_count_reg <= 1'b1; else if(init_done == 1'b1 && init_mem == 1'b0 && rfc_count == 8'd0) rfc_count_reg <= 1'b1; else if (auto_ref_issued == 1'b1) rfc_count_reg <= 1'b0; else rfc_count_reg <= rfc_count_reg; end end //****************************************************************************** // Initialization state machine //****************************************************************************** always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) init_current_state <= INIT_IDLE; else init_current_state <= init_next_state; end always @ (*) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) init_next_state = INIT_IDLE; else begin case (init_current_state) INIT_IDLE : begin if (init_memory == 1'b1) begin case (init_count) 4'b0000 : begin if(init_pre_count == 7'b000_0001) init_next_state = INIT_PRECHARGE; else init_next_state = INIT_IDLE; end 4'b0001 : begin if (count6 == 8'd0) init_next_state = INIT_LOAD_MODE_REG; else init_next_state = INIT_IDLE; end 4'b0010 : begin if (count6 == 8'd0) init_next_state = INIT_LOAD_MODE_REG; else init_next_state = INIT_IDLE; end 4'b0011 : begin if (count6 == 8'd0) init_next_state = INIT_LOAD_MODE_REG; else init_next_state = INIT_IDLE; end 4'b0100 : begin if (count6 == 8'd0) init_next_state = INIT_LOAD_MODE_REG; else init_next_state = INIT_IDLE; end 4'b0101 : begin if (count6 == 8'd0) init_next_state = INIT_PRECHARGE; else init_next_state = INIT_IDLE; end 4'b0110 : begin if (count6 == 8'd0) init_next_state = INIT_AUTO_REFRESH; else init_next_state = INIT_IDLE; end 4'b0111: begin if (count6 == 8'd0) init_next_state = INIT_AUTO_REFRESH; else init_next_state = INIT_IDLE; end 4'b1000: begin if (count6 == 8'd0) init_next_state = INIT_LOAD_MODE_REG; else init_next_state = INIT_IDLE; end 4'b1001: begin if (count6 == 8'd0) init_next_state = INIT_LOAD_MODE_REG; else init_next_state = init_current_state; end 4'b1010: begin if (count6 == 8'd0) init_next_state = INIT_LOAD_MODE_REG; else init_next_state = init_current_state; end 4'b1011: begin if (count6 == 8'd0) init_next_state = INIT_IDLE; else init_next_state = init_current_state; end default : init_next_state = INIT_IDLE; endcase end else init_next_state = INIT_IDLE; end INIT_PRECHARGE : init_next_state = INIT_IDLE; INIT_LOAD_MODE_REG : init_next_state = INIT_IDLE; INIT_AUTO_REFRESH : init_next_state = INIT_IDLE; default : init_next_state = INIT_IDLE; endcase end end //****************************************************************************** // Main state machine //****************************************************************************** always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) current_state <= IDLE; else current_state <= next_state; end always @ (*) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) next_state = IDLE; else begin case (current_state) IDLE : begin if(~init_mem) begin if ( auto_ref == 1'b1 && rfc_count_reg == 1'b1 && rp_count == 3'd0 ) next_state = AUTO_REFRESH; else if (go_to_active == 1'b1) next_state = ACTIVE; else next_state = IDLE; end else next_state = IDLE; end PRECHARGE : next_state = IDLE; AUTO_REFRESH : next_state = IDLE; ACTIVE : next_state = ACTIVE_WAIT; ACTIVE_WAIT : begin if(rcd_count == 3'b000 && write_cmd1) next_state = FIRST_WRITE; else if (rcd_count == 3'b000 && read_cmd3) next_state = BURST_READ; else next_state = ACTIVE_WAIT; end FIRST_WRITE : begin next_state = WRITE_WAIT; end WRITE_WAIT : begin case(wrburst_end) 1'b1 : next_state = PRECHARGE_AFTER_WRITE; 1'b0 : begin if (wrburst_end_cnt == 3'b010) next_state = BURST_WRITE; else next_state = WRITE_WAIT; end default : next_state = WRITE_WAIT; endcase end BURST_WRITE : begin next_state = WRITE_WAIT; end PRECHARGE_AFTER_WRITE : begin next_state = PRECHARGE_AFTER_WRITE_2; end PRECHARGE_AFTER_WRITE_2 : begin if(wr_count == 3'd0 && ras_count == 5'd0) next_state = PRECHARGE; else next_state = PRECHARGE_AFTER_WRITE_2; end READ_WAIT : begin case(rdburst_end) 1'b1 : next_state = PRECHARGE_AFTER_WRITE; 1'b0 : begin if (cas_count == 3'b001) next_state = BURST_READ; else next_state = READ_WAIT; end default : next_state = READ_WAIT; endcase end BURST_READ : begin next_state = READ_WAIT; end default : next_state = IDLE; endcase end end //****************************************************************************** // Address generation logic //****************************************************************************** always @( negedge clk ) begin if(rst180_r) ddr_address1 <= {`ROW_ADDRESS{1'b0}}; else if(init_mem) case ( init_count ) 4'b0000, 4'b0101 : ddr_address1 <= {`ROW_ADDRESS{1'b0}} | 12'h400; 4'b0001 : ddr_address1 <= {`ROW_ADDRESS{1'b0}}; 4'b0010 : ddr_address1 <= {`ROW_ADDRESS{1'b0}}; 4'b0011 : ddr_address1 <= emr; 4'b0100 : ddr_address1 <= lmr_dll_rst; 4'b1000 : ddr_address1 <= lmr_dll_set; 4'b1001 : ddr_address1 <= emr | 12'h380; 4'b1010 : ddr_address1 <= emr & 12'hc7f; default : ddr_address1 <= {`ROW_ADDRESS{1'b0}}; endcase else if ( current_state == PRECHARGE || init_current_state == INIT_PRECHARGE ) ddr_address1 <= {`ROW_ADDRESS{1'b0}} | 12'h400; else if ( current_state == ACTIVE ) ddr_address1 <= row_address_reg; else if ( current_state == BURST_WRITE || current_state == FIRST_WRITE || current_state == BURST_READ ) ddr_address1 <= column_address_reg1; else ddr_address1 <= `ROW_ADDRESS'b0; end always @( negedge clk ) begin if ( rst180_r ) ddr_ba1 <= {{`BANK_ADDRESS-1{1'b0}},1'b0}; else if ( init_mem ) case ( init_count ) 4'b0001 : ddr_ba1 <= (`BANK_ADDRESS'b10); 4'b0010 : ddr_ba1 <= (`BANK_ADDRESS'b11); 4'b0011 , 4'b1001 , 4'b1010 : ddr_ba1 <= (`BANK_ADDRESS'b01); default : ddr_ba1 <= {{`BANK_ADDRESS-1{1'b0}},1'b0}; endcase else if ( current_state == ACTIVE || current_state == FIRST_WRITE || current_state == BURST_WRITE || current_state == BURST_READ) ddr_ba1 <= ba_address_reg2; else ddr_ba1 <= `BANK_ADDRESS'b0; end always @( negedge clk ) begin if ( rst180_r ) odt_deassert <= 1'b0; else if (wrburst_end_3) odt_deassert <= 1'b1; else if(!write_cmd3) odt_deassert <= 1'b0; else odt_deassert <= odt_deassert; end assign ddr_odt1 = ( write_cmd3 == 1'b1 && (emr[6]|emr[2]) && !odt_deassert ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; //****************************************************************************** // Register column address //****************************************************************************** always @ (negedge clk) column_address_reg1 <= column_address_reg; //****************************************************************************** //Pipeline stages for ddr_address and ddr_ba //****************************************************************************** always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) begin ddr_odt2 <= 1'b0; ddr_rasb2 <= 1'b1; ddr_casb2 <= 1'b1; ddr_web2 <= 1'b1; end else begin ddr_odt2 <= ddr_odt1; ddr_rasb2 <= ddr_rasb1; ddr_casb2 <= ddr_casb1; ddr_web2 <= ddr_web1; end end always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) ddr_odt_cntrl <= 1'b0; else ddr_odt_cntrl <= ddr_odt2; end //****************************************************************************** // Control signals to the Memory //****************************************************************************** assign ddr_rasb1 = ~((current_state == ACTIVE) || (current_state == PRECHARGE) || (current_state == AUTO_REFRESH) || (init_current_state == INIT_PRECHARGE) || (init_current_state == INIT_AUTO_REFRESH) || (init_current_state == INIT_LOAD_MODE_REG)); assign ddr_casb1 = ~((current_state == BURST_READ) || (current_state == BURST_WRITE) || (current_state == FIRST_WRITE) || (current_state == AUTO_REFRESH) || (init_current_state == INIT_AUTO_REFRESH) || (init_current_state == INIT_LOAD_MODE_REG)); assign ddr_web1 = ~((current_state == BURST_WRITE) || (current_state == FIRST_WRITE) || (current_state == PRECHARGE) || (init_current_state == INIT_PRECHARGE) || (init_current_state == INIT_LOAD_MODE_REG)); //****************************************************************************** // Register CONTROL SIGNALS outputs //****************************************************************************** always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) dqs_div_cascount <= 3'b0; else if ((ddr_rasb2 == 1'b1) && (ddr_casb2 == 1'b0) && (ddr_web2 == 1'b1)) dqs_div_cascount <= burst_cnt_max ; else if (dqs_div_cascount != 3'b000) dqs_div_cascount <= dqs_div_cascount - 1'b1; else dqs_div_cascount <= dqs_div_cascount; end always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) dqs_div_rdburstcount <= 3'b000; else begin if ((dqs_div_cascount == 3'b001) && (burst_length== 3'b010)) dqs_div_rdburstcount <= 3'b010; else if ((dqs_div_cascount == 3'b011) && (burst_length== 3'b011)) dqs_div_rdburstcount <= 3'b100; else begin if (dqs_div_rdburstcount != 3'b000) dqs_div_rdburstcount <= dqs_div_rdburstcount - 1'b1; else dqs_div_rdburstcount <= dqs_div_rdburstcount; end end end always @ (negedge clk) begin if (rst180_r == 1'b1) rst_dqs_div_r <= 1'b0; else begin if (dqs_div_cascount == 3'b001 && burst_length == 3'b010) rst_dqs_div_r <= 1'b1; else if (dqs_div_cascount == 3'b011 && burst_length == 3'b011) rst_dqs_div_r <= 1'b1; else if (dqs_div_rdburstcount == 3'b001 && dqs_div_cascount == 3'b000) rst_dqs_div_r <= 1'b0; else rst_dqs_div_r <= rst_dqs_div_r; end end // always @ (negedge clk) always @ (negedge clk) rst_dqs_div_r1 <= rst_dqs_div_r; always @( negedge clk ) begin if(dqs_div_cascount != 3'b0 || dqs_div_rdburstcount != 3'b0 ) rst_calib <= 1'b1; else rst_calib <= 1'b0; end (* IOB = "FORCE" *) FD rst_iob_out ( .Q(rst_dqs_div_int1), .D(rst_dqs_div_r), .C(clk) )/* synthesis syn_useioff = 1 */; //Read fifo read enable logic, this signal is same as rst_dqs_div_int signal for RDIMM //and one clock ahead of rst_dqs_div_int for component or UDIMM OR SODIMM. always @(negedge clk) read_fifo_rden <= rst_dqs_div_r1; endmodule
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