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[/] [openrisc/] [trunk/] [orpsocv2/] [rtl/] [verilog/] [usbhostslave/] [USBHostControlBI.v] - Rev 454
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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// USBHostControlBI.v //// //// //// //// This file is part of the usbhostslave opencores effort. //// <http://www.opencores.org/cores//> //// //// //// //// Module Description: //// //// //// //// //// To Do: //// //// //// //// //// Author(s): //// //// - Steve Fielding, sfielding@base2designs.com //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2004 Steve Fielding and OPENCORES.ORG //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// //// //// //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// //// later version. //// //// //// //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// //// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// //// details. //// //// //// //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// //// from <http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml> //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // `include "timescale.v" `include "usbhostslave_hostcontrol_h.v" module USBHostControlBI (address, dataIn, dataOut, writeEn, strobe_i, busClk, rstSyncToBusClk, usbClk, rstSyncToUsbClk, SOFSentIntOut, connEventIntOut, resumeIntOut, transDoneIntOut, TxTransTypeReg, TxSOFEnableReg, TxAddrReg, TxEndPReg, frameNumIn, RxPktStatusIn, RxPIDIn, connectStateIn, SOFSentIn, connEventIn, resumeIntIn, transDoneIn, hostControlSelect, clrTransReq, preambleEn, SOFSync, TxLineState, LineDirectControlEn, fullSpeedPol, fullSpeedRate, transReq, isoEn, SOFTimer ); input [3:0] address; input [7:0] dataIn; input writeEn; input strobe_i; input busClk; input rstSyncToBusClk; input usbClk; input rstSyncToUsbClk; output [7:0] dataOut; output SOFSentIntOut; output connEventIntOut; output resumeIntOut; output transDoneIntOut; output [1:0] TxTransTypeReg; output TxSOFEnableReg; output [6:0] TxAddrReg; output [3:0] TxEndPReg; input [10:0] frameNumIn; input [7:0] RxPktStatusIn; input [3:0] RxPIDIn; input [1:0] connectStateIn; input SOFSentIn; input connEventIn; input resumeIntIn; input transDoneIn; input hostControlSelect; input clrTransReq; output preambleEn; output SOFSync; output [1:0] TxLineState; output LineDirectControlEn; output fullSpeedPol; output fullSpeedRate; output transReq; output isoEn; //enable isochronous mode input [15:0] SOFTimer; wire [3:0] address; wire [7:0] dataIn; wire writeEn; wire strobe_i; wire busClk; wire rstSyncToBusClk; wire usbClk; wire rstSyncToUsbClk; reg [7:0] dataOut; reg SOFSentIntOut; reg connEventIntOut; reg resumeIntOut; reg transDoneIntOut; reg [1:0] TxTransTypeReg; reg [1:0] TxTransTypeReg_reg1; reg TxSOFEnableReg; reg TxSOFEnableReg_reg1; reg [6:0] TxAddrReg; reg [6:0] TxAddrReg_reg1; reg [3:0] TxEndPReg; reg [3:0] TxEndPReg_reg1; wire [10:0] frameNumIn; wire [7:0] RxPktStatusIn; wire [3:0] RxPIDIn; wire [1:0] connectStateIn; wire SOFSentIn; wire connEventIn; wire resumeIntIn; wire transDoneIn; wire hostControlSelect; wire clrTransReq; reg preambleEn; reg preambleEn_reg1; reg SOFSync; reg SOFSync_reg1; reg [1:0] TxLineState; reg [1:0] TxLineState_reg1; reg LineDirectControlEn; reg LineDirectControlEn_reg1; reg fullSpeedPol; reg fullSpeedPol_reg1; reg fullSpeedRate; reg fullSpeedRate_reg1; reg transReq; reg transReq_reg1; reg isoEn; reg isoEn_reg1; wire [15:0] SOFTimer; //internal wire and regs reg [1:0] TxControlReg; reg [4:0] TxLineControlReg; reg clrSOFReq; reg clrConnEvtReq; reg clrResInReq; reg clrTransDoneReq; reg SOFSentInt; reg connEventInt; reg resumeInt; reg transDoneInt; reg [3:0] interruptMaskReg; reg setTransReq; reg [2:0] resumeIntInExtend; reg [2:0] transDoneInExtend; reg [2:0] connEventInExtend; reg [2:0] SOFSentInExtend; reg [2:0] clrTransReqExtend; //clock domain crossing sync registers //STB = Sync To Busclk reg [1:0] TxTransTypeRegSTB; reg TxSOFEnableRegSTB; reg [6:0] TxAddrRegSTB; reg [3:0] TxEndPRegSTB; reg preambleEnSTB; reg SOFSyncSTB; reg [1:0] TxLineStateSTB; reg LineDirectControlEnSTB; reg fullSpeedPolSTB; reg fullSpeedRateSTB; reg transReqSTB; reg isoEnSTB; reg [10:0] frameNumInSTB; reg [10:0] frameNumInSTB_reg1; reg [7:0] RxPktStatusInSTB; reg [7:0] RxPktStatusInSTB_reg1; reg [3:0] RxPIDInSTB; reg [3:0] RxPIDInSTB_reg1; reg [1:0] connectStateInSTB; reg [1:0] connectStateInSTB_reg1; reg [2:0] SOFSentInSTB; reg [2:0] connEventInSTB; reg [2:0] resumeIntInSTB; reg [2:0] transDoneInSTB; reg [2:0] clrTransReqSTB; reg [15:0] SOFTimerSTB; reg [15:0] SOFTimerSTB_reg1; //sync write demux always @(posedge busClk) begin if (rstSyncToBusClk == 1'b1) begin isoEnSTB <= 1'b0; preambleEnSTB <= 1'b0; SOFSyncSTB <= 1'b0; TxTransTypeRegSTB <= 2'b00; TxLineControlReg <= 5'h00; TxSOFEnableRegSTB <= 1'b0; TxAddrRegSTB <= 7'h00; TxEndPRegSTB <= 4'h0; interruptMaskReg <= 4'h0; end else begin clrSOFReq <= 1'b0; clrConnEvtReq <= 1'b0; clrResInReq <= 1'b0; clrTransDoneReq <= 1'b0; setTransReq <= 1'b0; if (writeEn == 1'b1 && strobe_i == 1'b1 && hostControlSelect == 1'b1) begin case (address) `TX_CONTROL_REG : begin isoEnSTB <= dataIn[`ISO_ENABLE_BIT]; preambleEnSTB <= dataIn[`PREAMBLE_ENABLE_BIT]; SOFSyncSTB <= dataIn[`SOF_SYNC_BIT]; setTransReq <= dataIn[`TRANS_REQ_BIT]; end `TX_TRANS_TYPE_REG : TxTransTypeRegSTB <= dataIn[1:0]; `TX_LINE_CONTROL_REG : TxLineControlReg <= dataIn[4:0]; `TX_SOF_ENABLE_REG : TxSOFEnableRegSTB <= dataIn[`SOF_EN_BIT]; `TX_ADDR_REG : TxAddrRegSTB <= dataIn[6:0]; `TX_ENDP_REG : TxEndPRegSTB <= dataIn[3:0]; `INTERRUPT_STATUS_REG : begin clrSOFReq <= dataIn[`SOF_SENT_BIT]; clrConnEvtReq <= dataIn[`CONNECTION_EVENT_BIT]; clrResInReq <= dataIn[`RESUME_INT_BIT]; clrTransDoneReq <= dataIn[`TRANS_DONE_BIT]; end `INTERRUPT_MASK_REG : interruptMaskReg <= dataIn[3:0]; endcase end end end //interrupt control always @(posedge busClk) begin if (rstSyncToBusClk == 1'b1) begin SOFSentInt <= 1'b0; connEventInt <= 1'b0; resumeInt <= 1'b0; transDoneInt <= 1'b0; end else begin if (SOFSentInSTB[1] == 1'b1 && SOFSentInSTB[0] == 1'b0) SOFSentInt <= 1'b1; else if (clrSOFReq == 1'b1) SOFSentInt <= 1'b0; if (connEventInSTB[1] == 1'b1 && connEventInSTB[0] == 1'b0) connEventInt <= 1'b1; else if (clrConnEvtReq == 1'b1) connEventInt <= 1'b0; if (resumeIntInSTB[1] == 1'b1 && resumeIntInSTB[0] == 1'b0) resumeInt <= 1'b1; else if (clrResInReq == 1'b1) resumeInt <= 1'b0; if (transDoneInSTB[1] == 1'b1 && transDoneInSTB[0] == 1'b0) transDoneInt <= 1'b1; else if (clrTransDoneReq == 1'b1) transDoneInt <= 1'b0; end end //mask interrupts always @(*) begin transDoneIntOut <= transDoneInt & interruptMaskReg[`TRANS_DONE_BIT]; resumeIntOut <= resumeInt & interruptMaskReg[`RESUME_INT_BIT]; connEventIntOut <= connEventInt & interruptMaskReg[`CONNECTION_EVENT_BIT]; SOFSentIntOut <= SOFSentInt & interruptMaskReg[`SOF_SENT_BIT]; end //transaction request set/clear //Since 'busClk' can be a higher freq than 'usbClk', //'setTransReq' must be delayed with respect to other control signals, thus //ensuring that control signals have been clocked through to 'usbClk' clock //domain before the transaction request is asserted. //Not sure this is required because there is at least two 'usbClk' ticks between //detection of 'transReq' and sampling of related control signals. always @(posedge busClk) begin if (rstSyncToBusClk == 1'b1) begin transReqSTB <= 1'b0; end else begin if (setTransReq == 1'b1) transReqSTB <= 1'b1; else if (clrTransReqSTB[1] == 1'b1 && clrTransReqSTB[0] == 1'b0) transReqSTB <= 1'b0; end end //break out control signals always @(*) begin TxLineStateSTB <= TxLineControlReg[`TX_LINE_STATE_MSBIT:`TX_LINE_STATE_LSBIT]; LineDirectControlEnSTB <= TxLineControlReg[`DIRECT_CONTROL_BIT]; fullSpeedPolSTB <= TxLineControlReg[`FULL_SPEED_LINE_POLARITY_BIT]; fullSpeedRateSTB <= TxLineControlReg[`FULL_SPEED_LINE_RATE_BIT]; end // async read mux always @(*) begin case (address) `TX_CONTROL_REG : dataOut <= {4'b0000, isoEnSTB, preambleEnSTB, SOFSyncSTB, transReqSTB} ; `TX_TRANS_TYPE_REG : dataOut <= {6'b000000, TxTransTypeRegSTB}; `TX_LINE_CONTROL_REG : dataOut <= {3'b000, TxLineControlReg}; `TX_SOF_ENABLE_REG : dataOut <= {7'b0000000, TxSOFEnableRegSTB}; `TX_ADDR_REG : dataOut <= {1'b0, TxAddrRegSTB}; `TX_ENDP_REG : dataOut <= {4'h0, TxEndPRegSTB}; `FRAME_NUM_MSB_REG : dataOut <= {5'b00000, frameNumInSTB[10:8]}; `FRAME_NUM_LSB_REG : dataOut <= frameNumInSTB[7:0]; `INTERRUPT_STATUS_REG : dataOut <= {4'h0, SOFSentInt, connEventInt, resumeInt, transDoneInt}; `INTERRUPT_MASK_REG : dataOut <= {4'h0, interruptMaskReg}; `RX_STATUS_REG : dataOut <= RxPktStatusInSTB; `RX_PID_REG : dataOut <= {4'b0000, RxPIDInSTB}; `RX_CONNECT_STATE_REG : dataOut <= {6'b000000, connectStateInSTB}; `HOST_SOF_TIMER_MSB_REG : dataOut <= SOFTimerSTB[15:8]; default: dataOut <= 8'h00; endcase end //re-sync from busClk to usbClk. always @(posedge usbClk) begin if (rstSyncToUsbClk == 1'b1) begin isoEn <= 1'b0; isoEn_reg1 <= 1'b0; preambleEn <= 1'b0; preambleEn_reg1 <= 1'b0; SOFSync <= 1'b0; SOFSync_reg1 <= 1'b0; TxTransTypeReg <= 2'b00; TxTransTypeReg_reg1 <= 2'b00; TxSOFEnableReg <= 1'b0; TxSOFEnableReg_reg1 <= 1'b0; TxAddrReg <= {7{1'b0}}; TxAddrReg_reg1 <= {7{1'b0}}; TxEndPReg <= 4'h0; TxEndPReg_reg1 <= 4'h0; TxLineState <= 2'b00; TxLineState_reg1 <= 2'b00; LineDirectControlEn <= 1'b0; LineDirectControlEn_reg1 <= 1'b0; fullSpeedPol <= 1'b0; fullSpeedPol_reg1 <= 1'b0; fullSpeedRate <= 1'b0; fullSpeedRate_reg1 <= 1'b0; transReq <= 1'b0; transReq_reg1 <= 1'b0; end else begin isoEn_reg1 <= isoEnSTB; isoEn <= isoEn_reg1; preambleEn_reg1 <= preambleEnSTB; preambleEn <= preambleEn_reg1; SOFSync_reg1 <= SOFSyncSTB; SOFSync <= SOFSync_reg1; TxTransTypeReg_reg1 <= TxTransTypeRegSTB; TxTransTypeReg <= TxTransTypeReg_reg1; TxSOFEnableReg_reg1 <= TxSOFEnableRegSTB; TxSOFEnableReg <= TxSOFEnableReg_reg1; TxAddrReg_reg1 <= TxAddrRegSTB; TxAddrReg <= TxAddrReg_reg1; TxEndPReg_reg1 <= TxEndPRegSTB; TxEndPReg <= TxEndPReg_reg1; TxLineState_reg1 <= TxLineStateSTB; TxLineState <= TxLineState_reg1; LineDirectControlEn_reg1 <= LineDirectControlEnSTB; LineDirectControlEn <= LineDirectControlEn_reg1; fullSpeedPol_reg1 <= fullSpeedPolSTB; fullSpeedPol <= fullSpeedPol_reg1; fullSpeedRate_reg1 <= fullSpeedRateSTB; fullSpeedRate <= fullSpeedRate_reg1; transReq_reg1 <= transReqSTB; transReq <= transReq_reg1; end end //Extend resumeIntIn etc from 1 tick to 3 ticks always @(posedge usbClk) begin if (rstSyncToUsbClk == 1'b1) begin resumeIntInExtend <= 3'b000; transDoneInExtend <= 3'b000; connEventInExtend <= 3'b000; SOFSentInExtend <= 3'b000; clrTransReqExtend <= 3'b000; end else begin if (resumeIntIn == 1'b1) resumeIntInExtend <= 3'b111; else resumeIntInExtend <= {1'b0, resumeIntInExtend[2:1]}; if (transDoneIn == 1'b1) transDoneInExtend <= 3'b111; else transDoneInExtend <= {1'b0, transDoneInExtend[2:1]}; if (connEventIn == 1'b1) connEventInExtend <= 3'b111; else connEventInExtend <= {1'b0, connEventInExtend[2:1]}; if (SOFSentIn == 1'b1) SOFSentInExtend <= 3'b111; else SOFSentInExtend <= {1'b0, SOFSentInExtend[2:1]}; if (clrTransReq == 1'b1) clrTransReqExtend <= 3'b111; else clrTransReqExtend <= {1'b0, clrTransReqExtend[2:1]}; end end //re-sync from usbClk to busClk. Since 'clrTransReq', 'transDoneIn' etc are only asserted //for 3 'usbClk' ticks, busClk freq must be greater than or equal to usbClk/3 freq always @(posedge busClk) begin if (rstSyncToBusClk == 1'b1) begin SOFSentInSTB <= 3'b000; connEventInSTB <= 3'b000; resumeIntInSTB <= 3'b000; transDoneInSTB <= 3'b000; clrTransReqSTB <= 3'b000; frameNumInSTB <= {11{1'b0}}; frameNumInSTB_reg1 <= {11{1'b0}}; RxPktStatusInSTB <= 8'h00; RxPktStatusInSTB_reg1 <= 8'h00; RxPIDInSTB <= 4'h0; RxPIDInSTB_reg1 <= 4'h0; connectStateInSTB <= 2'b00; connectStateInSTB_reg1 <= 2'b00; SOFTimerSTB <= 16'h0000; SOFTimerSTB_reg1 <= 16'h0000; end else begin frameNumInSTB_reg1 <= frameNumIn; frameNumInSTB <= frameNumInSTB_reg1; RxPktStatusInSTB_reg1 <= RxPktStatusIn; RxPktStatusInSTB <= RxPktStatusInSTB_reg1; RxPIDInSTB_reg1 <= RxPIDIn; RxPIDInSTB <= RxPIDInSTB_reg1; connectStateInSTB_reg1 <= connectStateIn; connectStateInSTB <= connectStateInSTB_reg1; SOFSentInSTB <= {SOFSentInExtend[0], SOFSentInSTB[2:1]}; connEventInSTB <= {connEventInExtend[0], connEventInSTB[2:1]}; resumeIntInSTB <= {resumeIntInExtend[0], resumeIntInSTB[2:1]}; transDoneInSTB <= {transDoneInExtend[0], transDoneInSTB[2:1]}; clrTransReqSTB <= {clrTransReqExtend[0], clrTransReqSTB[2:1]}; //FIXME. It is not safe to pass 'SOFTimer' multi-bit signal between clock domains this way //All the other multi-bit signals will be static at the time that they are //read, but 'SOFTimer' will not be static. SOFTimerSTB_reg1 <= SOFTimer; SOFTimerSTB <= SOFTimerSTB_reg1; end end endmodule
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