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OR1200 MAC test
Very basic, testing simple instructions and multiplication,
accumulation values
Julius Baxter, julius.baxter@orsoc.se
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#include "spr-defs.h"
#include "board.h"
#include "or1200-defines.h"
// Check MAC unit is enabled before trying to run this test
# error
# error No MAC unit detected. This test requires hardware MAC support
# error
/* =================================================== [ exceptions ] === */
.section .vectors, "ax"
/* ---[ 0x100: RESET exception ]----------------------------------------- */
.org 0x100
l.movhi r0, 0
/* Clear status register */
l.ori r1, r0, SPR_SR_SM
l.mtspr r0, r1, SPR_SR
/* Clear timer */
l.mtspr r0, r0, SPR_TTMR
/* Jump to program initialisation code */
.global _start
l.movhi r4, hi(_start)
l.ori r4, r4, lo(_start)
l.jr r4
/* =================================================== [ text ] === */
.section .text
/* =================================================== [ start ] === */
.global _start
/* Instruction cache enable */
/* Check if IC present and skip enabling otherwise */
l.mfspr r24,r0,SPR_UPR
l.andi r26,r24,SPR_UPR_ICP
l.sfeq r26,r0
l.bf .L8
/* Disable IC */
l.mfspr r6,r0,SPR_SR
l.addi r5,r0,-1
l.xori r5,r5,SPR_SR_ICE
l.and r5,r6,r5
l.mtspr r0,r5,SPR_SR
/* Establish cache block size
If BS=0, 16;
If BS=1, 32;
r14 contain block size
l.mfspr r24,r0,SPR_ICCFGR
l.andi r26,r24,SPR_ICCFGR_CBS
l.srli r28,r26,7
l.ori r30,r0,16
l.sll r14,r30,r28
/* Establish number of cache sets
r16 contains number of cache sets
r28 contains log(# of cache sets)
l.andi r26,r24,SPR_ICCFGR_NCS
l.srli r28,r26,3
l.ori r30,r0,1
l.sll r16,r30,r28
/* Invalidate IC */
l.addi r6,r0,0
l.sll r5,r14,r28
l.mtspr r0,r6,SPR_ICBIR
l.sfne r6,r5
l.bf .L7
l.add r6,r6,r14
/* Enable IC */
l.mfspr r6,r0,SPR_SR
l.ori r6,r6,SPR_SR_ICE
l.mtspr r0,r6,SPR_SR
/* Data cache enable */
/* Check if DC present and skip enabling otherwise */
l.mfspr r24,r0,SPR_UPR
l.andi r26,r24,SPR_UPR_DCP
l.sfeq r26,r0
l.bf .L10
/* Disable DC */
l.mfspr r6,r0,SPR_SR
l.addi r5,r0,-1
l.xori r5,r5,SPR_SR_DCE
l.and r5,r6,r5
l.mtspr r0,r5,SPR_SR
/* Establish cache block size
If BS=0, 16;
If BS=1, 32;
r14 contain block size
l.mfspr r24,r0,SPR_DCCFGR
l.andi r26,r24,SPR_DCCFGR_CBS
l.srli r28,r26,7
l.ori r30,r0,16
l.sll r14,r30,r28
/* Establish number of cache sets
r16 contains number of cache sets
r28 contains log(# of cache sets)
l.andi r26,r24,SPR_DCCFGR_NCS
l.srli r28,r26,3
l.ori r30,r0,1
l.sll r16,r30,r28
/* Invalidate DC */
l.addi r6,r0,0
l.sll r5,r14,r28
l.mtspr r0,r6,SPR_DCBIR
l.sfne r6,r5
l.bf .L9
l.add r6,r6,r14
/* Enable DC */
l.mfspr r6,r0,SPR_SR
l.ori r6,r6,SPR_SR_DCE
l.mtspr r0,r6,SPR_SR
// Kick off test
l.jal _main
/* =================================================== [ main ] === */
.global _main
// First clear MAC
l.macrc r3
l.nop 0x2
// Load a constant into r3
l.ori r4, r0, 0x3 // r4 = 3
l.ori r5, r0, 0x2 // r5 = 2
l.ori r6, r0, 0 // r6 = 0
l.ori r7, r0, 0x7 // r7 = 7
// Test back-to-back l.mac operations
l.mac r4, r5 // Multiply: MAC reg 6
l.mac r4, r7 // Multiply: MAC reg 27
l.mac r5, r5 // Multiply: MAC reg 31
l.mac r4, r0 // Multiply: MAC reg 31
l.mac r4, r5 // Multiply: MAC reg 37 (0x25)
l.macrc r3
l.nop 0x2
l.sfeqi r3, 0x25
l.bnf fail
l.ori r3, r0, 0x1 // Test 1 failed
// Test back-to-back l.maci operations
l.maci r4, 5 // Multiply: MAC reg 15
l.maci r4, 8 // Multiply: MAC reg 39
l.maci r5, 1 // Multiply: MAC reg 41
l.maci r4, 0 // Multiply: MAC reg 41
l.maci r4, 3 // Multiply: MAC reg 50 (0x32)
l.macrc r3
l.nop 0x2
l.sfeqi r3, 0x32
l.bnf fail
l.ori r3, r0, 0x2 // Test 2 failed
#define NUM_MAC_LOOPS 8
l.mac r4, r5 // Multiply: MAC reg 6
l.addi r6, r6, 1 // Increment counter
l.sfltui r6, NUM_MAC_LOOPS
l.bf macloop
l.macrc r3
l.nop 0x2
l.sfeqi r3, (NUM_MAC_LOOPS*6)
l.bnf fail
l.ori r3, r0, 0x3 // Test 3 failed
l.movhi r3, 0x8000
l.ori r3, r3, 0x000d
l.nop 0x2
l.ori r3, r0, 0
l.nop 0x1
l.nop 0x1
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