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## Vectors.S
## OpenRISC exception vectors, interrupt-handling, reset and
## platform-indepent initialization
## -------------------------------------------
## This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
## Copyright (C) 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
## eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
## Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
## eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
## WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
## As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
## or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
## with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
## by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
## License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
## in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
## This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
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## Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
## at http://sources.redhat.com/ecos/ecos-license/
## -------------------------------------------
## Author(s): sfurman
## Contributors:
## Date: 2003-01-20
## Purpose: OpenRISC interrupts, exception vectors and reset
## Description: This file defines the code placed into the exception
## vectors. It also contains the first level default VSRs
## that save and restore state for both exceptions and
## interrupts.
#include <pkgconf/hal.h>
#include <pkgconf/kernel.h> // CYGPKG_KERNEL_INSTRUMENT
#include <cyg/hal/hal_intr.h>
#include <cyg/hal/hal_cache.h>
.extern _hal_vsr_table
.extern _cyg_hal_invoke_constructors
.extern _cyg_instrument
.extern _cyg_start
.extern _hal_IRQ_init
.extern _hal_platform_init
.extern _initialize_stub
.extern __bss_start
.extern __bss_end
.extern __sbss_start
.extern __sbss_end
# Include variant macros after MSR definition.
#include <cyg/hal/arch.inc>
#include <cyg/hal/openrisc.inc>
# Start by defining the exceptions vectors that must be placed in low
# memory, starting at location 0x100.
.section ".vectors","ax"
# Macros for generating an exception vector service routine
# Reset vector macro
.macro reset_vector name org
.p2align 8
.globl __exception_\name
load32i r3,_start
l.jr r3
l.nop # delay slot
# Generic vector macro
.macro exception_vector name org
.p2align 8
.globl __exception_\name
l.addi sp,sp,-SIZEOF_OR1KREGS # space for registers
# Store General Purpose Registers (GPRs).
l.sw 3 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r3
l.sw 4 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r4
l.sw 5 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r5
l.sw 6 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r6
l.sw 7 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r7
l.sw 8 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r8
l.sw 9 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r9
l.sw 11 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r11
l.sw 13 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r13
l.sw 15 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r15
l.sw 17 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r17
l.sw 19 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r19
l.sw 21 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r21
l.sw 23 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r23
l.sw 25 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r25
l.sw 27 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r27
l.sw 29 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r29
l.sw 31 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r31
# R0 is not typically stored because it is always zero-valued,
# but we store it here for consistency when examining registers
# in the debugger.
l.sw 0 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r0
# Callee-saved regs don't need to be preserved across a call into
# an ISR, but we can do so to make debugging easier.
l.sw 2 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r2
l.sw 10 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r10
l.sw 12 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r12
l.sw 14 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r14
l.sw 16 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r16
l.sw 18 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r18
l.sw 20 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r20
l.sw 22 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r22
l.sw 24 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r24
l.sw 26 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r26
l.sw 28 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r28
l.sw 30 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp), r30
# save MAC LO and HI regs
l.mfspr r5,r0,SPR_MACLO
l.sw OR1KREG_MACLO(sp),r5
l.mfspr r5,r0,SPR_MACHI
l.sw OR1KREG_MACHI(sp),r5
# Save SP of interruptee in reg dump
l.addi r5,sp,SIZEOF_OR1KREGS
l.sw 1 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp),r5
# ...and the PC
l.mfspr r5,r0,SPR_EPCR_BASE
l.sw OR1KREG_PC(sp),r5
# ... and the Supervisor Register
l.mfspr r5,r0,SPR_ESR_BASE
l.sw OR1KREG_SR(sp),r5
# ... and the exception's effective address, if there is one.
# FIXME - don't need to do this for some exceptions
l.mfspr r5,r0,SPR_EEAR_BASE
l.sw OR1KREG_EEAR(sp),r5
# Second arg to VSR is exception number
# First vector is located at 0x100, second at 0x200, etc.
# Shift right to get vector number for address lookup.
l.ori r4,r0,(\org>>8)
l.sw OR1KREG_VECTOR(sp),r4
# Lookup address of VSR in table and jump to it
# Arg 0: Pointer to HAL_SavedRegisters struct
# Arg 1: Vector #
load32i r5,_hal_vsr_table+(\org>>6)
l.lwz r5,0(r5)
l.jr r5 # To the VSR, Batman
# First arg to VSR is SP
l.or r3,r0,sp # Delay slot
# Define the exception vectors.
# These are the architecture-defined vectors that
# are always present.
reset_vector reset 0x100
exception_vector bus_error 0x200
exception_vector data_page_fault 0x300
exception_vector instruction_page_fault 0x400
exception_vector tick_timer 0x500
exception_vector unaligned_access 0x600
exception_vector illegal_instruction 0x700
exception_vector external_interrupt 0x800
exception_vector dtlb_miss 0x900
exception_vector itlb_miss 0xa00
exception_vector range 0xb00
exception_vector syscall 0xc00
exception_vector reserved 0xd00
exception_vector trap 0xe00
#if defined(CYG_HAL_STARTUP_ROM) || \
( defined(CYG_HAL_STARTUP_RAM) && \
.macro hal_vsr_table_init
# Next initialize the VSR table. This happens whether the
# vectors were copied to RAM or not.
# First fill with exception handlers
load32i r3,_cyg_hal_default_exception_vsr
load32i r4,_hal_vsr_table+4 # First entry in table is unused
1: l.sw 0(r4),r3
l.addi r5,r5,-1
l.sfgtsi r5,0
l.bf 1b
l.addi r4,r4,4 # delay slot
# Then fill in the interrupt handlers
load32i r4,_hal_vsr_table
load32i r3,_cyg_hal_default_interrupt_vsr
# Initialize the VSR table entries
# We only take control of the interrupt vectors,
# the rest are left to the ROM for now...
.macro hal_vsr_table_init
load32i r4,_hal_vsr_table
load32i r3,_cyg_hal_default_interrupt_vsr
#error "Need to define hal_vsr_table_init"
# I-Cache initialization macro
.macro hal_icache_init
/* Disable I-Cache */
l.mfspr r13,r0,SPR_SR
l.addi r11,r0,-1
l.xori r11,r11,SPR_SR_ICE
l.and r11,r13,r11
l.mtspr r0,r11,SPR_SR
/* Invalidate I-Cache */
l.addi r13,r0,0
l.addi r11,r0,HAL_ICACHE_SIZE
l.mtspr r0,r13,SPR_ICBIR
l.sfne r13,r11
l.bf 1b
l.addi r13,r13,HAL_ICACHE_LINE_SIZE
/* Enable I-Cache */
l.mfspr r13,r0,SPR_SR
l.ori r13,r13,SPR_SR_ICE
l.mtspr r0,r13,SPR_SR
/* Flush instructions out of instruction buffer */
# D-Cache initialization macro
.macro hal_dcache_init
/* Flush DC */
l.addi r10,r0,0
l.addi r11,r0,HAL_DCACHE_SIZE
l.mtspr r0,r10,SPR_DCBIR
l.sfne r10,r11
l.bf 1b
l.addi r10,r10,HAL_DCACHE_LINE_SIZE
/* Enable DC */
l.mfspr r10,r0,SPR_SR
l.ori r10,r10,SPR_SR_DCE
l.mtspr r0,r10,SPR_SR
# Startup code: We jump here from the reset vector to set up the world.
# Initialize Supervision Register:
# Supervisor mode on, all interrupts off, caches off
# (If we've entered here from a hardware reset, then the SR is already
# set to this value, but we may have jumped here as part of a soft
# system reset.)
l.ori r3,r0,SPR_SR_SM
l.mtspr r0,r3,SPR_SR
# Run platform-specific hardware initialization code.
# This may include memory controller initialization.
# Hence, it is not safe to access RAM until after this point.
# Enable I-Cache
# Enable D-Cache
# Start the tick timer, in case timer polling routine hal_delay_us() is called.
# Initially, no interrupts are generated by the tick timer. Later on, that
# may change when the kernel is initialized.
l.movhi r3, hi(0x40000000|CYGNUM_HAL_RTC_PERIOD)
l.mtspr r0,r3, SPR_TTMR
.globl _hal_hardware_init_done
# set up stack
load32i sp,__interrupt_stack
# Make a dummy frame on the stack, so that stack backtraces are sane
# for debugging. On return from that function, the restore_state()
# function is called to resume the interrupted thread.
l.addi sp,sp,-8
l.sw 4(sp),r0 # Dummy saved FP
l.sw 0(sp),r0 # Dummy saved LR
# Set up exception handlers and VSR table, taking care not to
# step on any ROM monitor VSRs.
#if defined(CYG_HAL_STARTUP_ROM)
# Copy exception/interrupt vectors from ROM to address 0x100
load32i r4,0x100
load32i r3,rom_vectors
load32i r5,rom_vectors_end
1: l.sfeq r3,r5
l.bf 2f
l.lwz r6,0(r3)
l.sw 0(r4),r6
l.addi r3,r3,4
l.j 1b
l.addi r4,r4,4 # delay slot
# Copy .data section into RAM
load32i r3,__rom_data_start
load32i r4,__ram_data_start
load32i r5,__ram_data_end
1: l.sfeq r4,r5
l.bf 2f
l.lwz r6,0(r3)
l.sw 0(r4),r6
l.addi r3,r3,4
l.j 1b
l.addi r4,r4,4 # delay slot
# clear BSS
load32i r4,__bss_start
load32i r5,__bss_end
1: l.sfeq r4,r5
l.bf 2f
l.sw 0(r4),r0
l.j 1b
l.addi r4,r4,4
# Note: no SBSS section to clear with OpenRISC target
# Platform-specific initialization
l.jal _hal_platform_init
l.nop # delay slot
# call c++ constructors
l.jal _cyg_hal_invoke_constructors
l.nop # delay slot
l.jal _initialize_stub
l.nop # delay slot
.extern _hal_ctrlc_isr_init
l.jal _hal_ctrlc_isr_init
l.nop # delay slot
l.jal _cyg_start # call cyg_start()
l.nop # delay slot
l.j 9b # if we return, loop
# This code handles the common part of all exception handlers.
# On entry, the machine state is already saved on the stack.
# R3 = pointer to HAL_SavedRegisters struct containing saved machine state
# R4 = Vector number
# It calls a C routine to do any work, which may result in
# thread switches and changes to the saved state. When we return
# here, the saved state is restored and execution is continued.
.extern _cyg_hal_exception_handler
# Call C code
# When cyg_hal_exception_handler() returns, it will jump
# directly to restore_state(), which will resume execution
# at the location of the exception.
l.movhi r9, hi(restore_state)
l.j _cyg_hal_exception_handler
l.ori r9,r9,lo(restore_state) #Delay slot
# Control never reaches this point,
# This code handles all interrupts and dispatches to a C ISR function
# On entry, the machine state is already saved on the stack.
# R3 = pointer to HAL_SavedRegisters struct containing saved machine state
# R4 = Vector number
# After we return here, the saved state is restored and execution is continued.
.section .text.ram,"ax"
.section .text,"ax"
# Stash away pointer to saved regs for later
l.or r31,r3,r3
# Set scheduler lock to prevent thread rescheduling while the ISR runs
.extern _cyg_scheduler_sched_lock
load32i r5, _cyg_scheduler_sched_lock
l.lwz r6,0(r5)
l.addi r6,r6,1
l.sw 0(r5),r6
# Interrupts execute on their own dedicated stack.
# If we're on a thread stack, switch to the interrupt stack.
# If we're called inside a nested interrupt, do nothing.
l.or r6,sp,sp # Stash SP for later
load32i r7,__interrupt_stack # stack top (highest addr + 1)
load32i r8,__interrupt_stack_base # stack base (lowest addr)
l.sfltu sp,r8 # if (sp < __interrupt_stack_base)
l.bf 1f # switch to interrupt stack
l.sfltu sp,r7 # if (sp < __interrupt_stack_top)
l.bf 2f # already on interrupt stack
l.nop # delay slot
1: l.or sp,r7,r7 # Switch to interrupt stack
2: l.addi sp,sp,-8 # Make space to save old SP...
l.sw 0(sp),r6 # ...and save it on the stack
# Call C code
# Log the interrupt if kernel tracing is enabled
l.ori r3,r0,0x0301 # arg1 = type = INTR,RAISE
# arg2 = vector number
l.ori r5,r0,r0 # arg3 = 0
l.jal _cyg_instrument # call instrument function
# If we are supporting Ctrl-C interrupts from GDB, we must squirrel
# away a pointer to the save interrupt state here so that we can
# plant a breakpoint at some later time.
.extern _hal_saved_interrupt_state
load32i r8,_hal_saved_interrupt_state
l.sw 0(r8),r31
# In the event of multiple pending interrupts, determine which
# one will be serviced first. By software convention, the lowest
# numbered external interrupt gets priority.
# The (internal) tick timer interrupt is serviced only if no
# external interrupts are pending.
# Read the PIC interrupt controller's status register
l.mfspr r9,r0,SPR_PICSR
# Any pending external interrupts ?
l.sfnei r9,0
l.bf check_for_external_interrupts
# Theoretically, the only way we could get here is if the tick timer
# interrupt fired, but we check to be sure that's what happened.
l.bf 3f
l.ori r3,r0,CYGNUM_HAL_INTERRUPT_RTC # delay slot
l.jal _hal_spurious_IRQ
l.j ignore_spurious_interrupt
# Identify the lowest numbered interrupt bit in the PIC's PSR,
# numbering the MSB as 31 and the LSB as 0
l.ori r3,r0,0
2: l.andi r11,r9,1 # Test low bit
l.sfnei r11,0
l.bf 3f
l.srli r9,r9,1 # Shift right 1 bit
l.j 2b
l.addi r3,r3,1 # Delay slot
# At this point, r3 contains the ISR number, from 0-32
# which will be used to index the table of ISRs
l.slli r15,r3,2
load32i r9, _hal_interrupt_handlers # get interrupt handler table
l.add r9,r9,r15
l.lwz r11,0(r9) # load ISR pointer
load32i r9, _hal_interrupt_data # get interrupt data table
l.add r9,r9,r15
l.lwz r4,0(r9) # load data arg to ISR
# Call ISR
# arg0 = ISR #
# arg1 = data arg associated with interrupt
l.jalr r11
# If we are returning from the last nested interrupt, move back
# to the thread stack. interrupt_end() must be called on the
# thread stack since it potentially causes a context switch.
# Since we have arranged for the top of stack location to
# contain the sp we need to go back to here, just pop it off
# and put it in SP.
l.lwz sp,0(sp)
# We only need to call _interrupt_end() when there is a kernel
# present to do any tidying up.
# on return r11 bit 1 will indicate whether a DSR is
# to be posted. Pass this together with a pointer to
# the interrupt object we have just used to the
# interrupt tidy up routine.
l.or r3,r11,r11
# Get pointer to HAL_SavedRegisters struct, stashed earlier
l.or r5,r31,r31
# Get opaque object associated w/ interrupt vector
load32i r9, _hal_interrupt_objects # get interrupt data table
l.add r9,r9,r15
l.lwz r4,0(r9)
# Call interrupt_end() to execute any pending DSRs
# Arg 0 = return value from ISR
# Arg 1 = object associated with interrupt
# Arg 2 = HAL_SavedRegisters struct
.extern _interrupt_end
l.jal _interrupt_end # call into C to finish off
# Fall through to restore_state...
# Return from either an interrupt or an exception
# On entry:
# SP = pointer to (HAL_SavedRegisters struct)
# Restore General Purpose Registers (GPRs).
# R0 is not restored because it is always zero-valued.
# R1, R3, and R4 are used as temps, so they are restored a little later
l.lwz r5, 5 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r6, 6 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r7, 7 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r8, 8 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r9, 9 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r11, 11 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r13, 13 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r15, 15 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r17, 17 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r19, 19 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r21, 21 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r23, 23 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r25, 25 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r27, 27 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r29, 29 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r31, 31 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
# Callee-saved regs don't need to be preserved across a call into
# an ISR, but we can do so to make debugging easier.
l.lwz r2, 2 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r10, 10 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r12, 12 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r14, 14 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r16, 16 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r18, 18 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r20, 20 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r22, 22 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r24, 24 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r26, 26 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r28, 28 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r30, 30 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
# Restore MAC LO and HI regs
l.lwz r4, OR1KREG_MACLO(sp)
l.mtspr r0,r4,SPR_MACLO
l.lwz r4, OR1KREG_MACHI(sp)
l.mtspr r0,r4,SPR_MACHI
# Must disable interrupts, since they could clobber ESR and EPC regs
l.mfspr r3, r0, SPR_SR
load32i r4,~(SPR_SR_TEE|SPR_SR_IEE)
l.and r3, r4, r3
l.mtspr r0, r3, SPR_SR
# At this point we've restored all the pre-interrupt GPRs except for the SP.
# Restore pre-interrupt SR, SP, and PC
l.lwz r4, OR1KREG_SR(sp)
l.mtspr r0, r4, SPR_ESR_BASE
l.lwz r4, OR1KREG_PC(sp)
l.mtspr r0, r4, SPR_EPCR_BASE
l.lwz r4, 4 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz r3, 3 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
l.lwz sp, 1 * OR1K_GPRSIZE(sp)
# All done, restore CPU state and continue
l.nop # Delay slot
## Execute pending DSRs on the interrupt stack with interrupts enabled.
## Note: this can only be called from code running on a thread stack
.extern _cyg_interrupt_call_pending_DSRs
# Switch to interrupt stack
l.or r3, sp, sp # Stash entry SP
load32i sp, __interrupt_stack
l.addi sp, sp, -16
l.sw 0(sp), r3 # Save entry SP
l.mfspr r4,r0,SPR_SR
l.sw 4(sp), r4 # Save interrupt state
l.ori r4, r4, SPR_SR_IEE|SPR_SR_TEE
l.sw 8(sp),lr
l.jal _cyg_interrupt_call_pending_DSRs
# Enable interrupts before calling DSRs
l.mtspr r0, r4, SPR_SR # Delay slot
l.lwz r4, 4(sp)
l.lwz lr, 8(sp)
l.lwz sp, 0(sp)
# Merge original interrupt state with (possibly altered) SR reg
l.andi r4, r4, SPR_SR_IEE|SPR_SR_TEE
l.mfspr r5, r0, SPR_SR
load32i r6, ~(SPR_SR_IEE|SPR_SR_TEE)
l.and r5, r5, r6
l.or r4, r4, r5
l.jr r9
l.mtspr r0, r4, SPR_SR # Delay slot
## Switch to a new stack.
## This is used in RedBoot to allow code to execute in a different
## stack context.
# Arguments are:
# r3 = function to call
# r4 = stack pointer to use
# Dummy prologue, so that debugger is fooled into thinking there
# is a stack frame. The debugger will use the offsets in the prologue
# below to read the saved register values out of the *new* stack.
l.addi sp,sp,-8
l.sw 0(sp),fp
l.addi fp,sp,8
l.sw 4(sp),lr
l.or r5,sp,sp # Remember original SP
l.addi r6,fp,-8 # Remember original FP
l.or sp,r4,r4 # Switch to new stack
# "Real prologue" - Offsets here must match dummy prologue above
l.addi sp,sp,-16
l.sw 0(sp),r6 # So debugger can know caller's FP
l.sw 4(sp),lr # So debugger can know caller's PC
l.sw 8(sp),r5 # Save old SP on stack
# Call function
l.jalr r3
l.lwz sp, 8(sp) # Restore original SP
l.lwz lr, 4(sp)
l.jr lr # Return to caller
l.addi sp,sp, 8 # Delay slot
## Temporary interrupt stack
.section ".bss"
.balign 16
.global _cyg_interrupt_stack_base
.byte 0
.balign 16
.global _cyg_interrupt_stack
.long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.extern _hal_default_isr
.globl _hal_interrupt_handlers
.long _hal_default_isr
.globl _hal_interrupt_data
.long 0
.globl _hal_interrupt_objects
.long 0
# end of vectors.S
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