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## vectors.S
## PowerPC exception vectors
## -------------------------------------------
## This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
## Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
## Copyright (C) 2002 Gary Thomas
## eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
## Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
## eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
## WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
## As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
## or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
## with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
## by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
## License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
## in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
## This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
## this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
## Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
## at http://sources.redhat.com/ecos/ecos-license/
## -------------------------------------------
## Author(s): nickg, jskov
## Contributors: nickg, jskov
## Date: 1999-02-20
## Purpose: PowerPC exception vectors
## Description: This file defines the code placed into the exception
## vectors. It also contains the first level default VSRs
## that save and restore state for both exceptions and
## interrupts.
# The PowerPC exception handling has changed as of version 1.3.1.
# The primary motivation for rewriting the code was to bring it more
# in line with the other HALs, in particular to allow a RAM application
# to cleanly take over only a subset of vectors from a running ROM
# monitor.
# GDB stubs (and CygMon, should it be ported to PPC) copies
# exception vector entry handler code to address 0. These vector entry
# handlers (defined by the exception_vector macro below) compute
# a vector index into the hal_vsr_table, fetch the pointer, and
# jump to the HAL vector service routine (VSR).
# The hal_vsr_table is located immediately after the vector
# handlers (at address 0x3000), allowing RAM applications to
# change VSRs as necessary, while still keeping desired ROM
# monitor functionality available for debugging.
# ROM applications can still be configured to leave the vector entry
# handlers at 0xff000000, but there is at the moment no
# provision for reclaiming the reserved vector space in RAM to
# application usage.
# RAM applications can also be configured to provide exception
# handlers which are copied to address 0 on startup, thus taking
# full control of the target.
# Default configuration is for RAM applications to rely on an
# existing ROM monitor to provide debugging functionality, and
# for ROM applications to copy vectors to address 0.
# Unfortunately the new exception scheme is not compatible with the
# old scheme. Stubs and applications must be compiled using the same
# scheme (i.e., old binaries will not run with new stubs, and new
# binaries will not run with old stubs).
#include <pkgconf/hal.h>
#include <pkgconf/kernel.h> // CYGPKG_KERNEL_INSTRUMENT
#include <cyg/hal/ppc_regs.h>
// .file "vectors.S"
.extern hal_interrupt_data
.extern hal_interrupt_handlers
.extern hal_interrupt_objects
.extern hal_vsr_table
.extern cyg_hal_invoke_constructors
.extern cyg_instrument
.extern cyg_start
.extern hal_IRQ_init
.extern hal_MMU_init
.extern hal_enable_caches
.extern hal_hardware_init
.extern initialize_stub
.extern __bss_start
.extern __bss_end
.extern __sbss_start
.extern __sbss_end
# MSR initialization value
# zero all bits except:
# FP = floating point available
# ME = machine check enabled
# IP = vectors at 0xFFFxxxxx (ROM startup only)
# IR = instruction address translation
# DR = data address translation
# RI = recoverable interrupt
# define IP_BIT MSR_IP
# define IP_BIT 0
# define IR_DR_BITS (MSR_IR | MSR_DR)
# define IR_DR_BITS 0
# Include variant macros after MSR definition.
#include <cyg/hal/arch.inc>
#include <cyg/hal/ppc_offsets.inc>
# If the following option is enabled, we only save registers up to R12.
# The PowerPC ABI defines registers 13..31 as callee saved and thus we do
# not need to save them when calling C functions.
# define MAX_SAVE_REG 12
# define MAX_SAVE_REG 31
# Start by defining the exceptions vectors that must be placed at
# locations 0xFFF00000 or 0x00000000. The following code will normally
# be located at 0xFFF00000 in the ROM. It may optionally be copied out
# to 0x00000000 if we want to use the RAM vectors. For this reason this code
.section ".vectors","ax"
# Macros for generating an exception vector service routine
# Reset vector macro
.macro reset_vector name
.p2align 8
.globl __exception_\name
bl _start
lwi r3,_start
mtlr r3
# Generic vector macro
.macro exception_vector name
.p2align 8
.globl __exception_\name
mtspr SPRG1,r3 # stash some work registers away
mtspr SPRG2,r4
mtspr SPRG3,r5
mfcr r4 # stash CR
li r5,__exception_\name-rom_vectors # load low half of vector addr
srwi r5,r5,6 # shift right by 6
lwi r3,hal_vsr_table # table base
lwzx r3,r3,r5 # address of vsr
mflr r5 # save link register
mtlr r3 # put vsr address into it
li r3,__exception_\name-rom_vectors # reload low half of vector addr
blr # go to common code
# Define the exception vectors.
// Some platforms won't let us put the vector code just where we want
// This macro introduces some lattitude in vector placement
# These are the architecture defined vectors that
# are always present.
exception_vector reserved_00000
reset_vector reset
exception_vector machine_check
exception_vector data_storage
exception_vector instruction_storage
exception_vector external
exception_vector alignment
exception_vector program
exception_vector floatingpoint_unavailable
exception_vector decrementer
exception_vector reserved_00a00
exception_vector reserved_00b00
exception_vector system_call
exception_vector trace
exception_vector floatingpoint_assist
exception_vector reserved_00f00
# Variants may define extra vectors.
# When vectors are not included this is the primary entry point.
.globl __exception_reset
lwi r3,_start
mtlr r3
# Real startup code. We jump here from the various reset vectors to set up
# the world.
.globl _start
# Initialize CPU to a post-reset state, ensuring the ground doesn''t
# shift under us while we try to set things up.
# Set up global offset table
# set up time base register to zero
xor r3,r3,r3
mtspr TBL_W,r3
xor r4,r4,r4
mtspr TBU_W,r4
# Call platform specific hardware initialization
# This may include memory controller initialization. It is not
# safe to access RAM until after this point.
bl hal_hardware_init # this is platform dependent
.globl _hal_hardware_init_done
lwi r3,rom_vectors-4
lwi r5,rom_vectors_end-4
0: lwzu r0,4(r3)
stwu r0,4(r4)
cmplw r3,r5
bne 0b
# set up stack
lwi sp,__interrupt_stack
mtspr SPRG0,sp # save in sprg0 for later use
# Set up exception handlers and VSR table, taking care not to
# step on any ROM monitor''s toes.
#if defined(CYG_HAL_STARTUP_ROM)
# Copy data from ROM to ram
lwi r3,__rom_data_start # r3 = rom start
lwi r4,__ram_data_start # r4 = ram start
lwi r5,__ram_data_end # r5 = ram end
cmplw r4,r5 # skip if no data
beq 2f
lwz r0,0(r3) # get word from ROM
stw r0,0(r4) # store in RAM
addi r3,r3,4 # increment by 1 word
addi r4,r4,4 # increment by 1 word
cmplw r4,r5 # compare
blt 1b # loop if not yet done
# clear BSS
lwi r3,__bss_start # r3 = start
lwi r4,__bss_end # r4 = end
li r0,0 # r0 = 0
cmplw r3,r4 # skip if no bss
beq 2f
1: stw r0,0(r3) # store zero
addi r3,r3,4 # increment by 1 word
cmplw r3,r4 # compare
blt 1b # loop if not yet done
# clear SBSS
lwi r3,__sbss_start # r3 = start
lwi r4,__sbss_end # r4 = end
cmplw r3,r4 # skip if no sbss
beq 2f
1: stw r0,0(r3) # store zero
addi r3,r3,4 # increment by 1 word
cmplw r3,r4 # compare
blt 1b # loop if not yet done
# It is now safe to call C functions which may rely on initialized
# data.
# Set up stack for calls to C code.
subi sp,sp,12 # make space on stack
li r0,0
stw r0,0(sp) # clear back chain
stw r0,8(sp) # zero return pc
stwu sp,-CYGARC_PPC_STACK_FRAME_SIZE(sp) # create new stack frame
# Variant HALs may need to do something special before we continue
bl hal_variant_init
# Platform initialization
bl hal_platform_init
# MMU and cache are controlled by the same option since caching
# on the PPC does not make sense without the MMU to mark regions
# which should not be cached.
# Initialize MMU.
bl hal_MMU_init
# Enable MMU so we can safely enable caches.
lwi r3,CYG_MSR # interrupts enabled later
mtmsr r3
# Enable caches
bl hal_enable_caches
# set up platform specific interrupt environment
bl hal_IRQ_init
# call c++ constructors
bl cyg_hal_invoke_constructors
bl initialize_stub
.extern hal_ctrlc_isr_init
bl hal_ctrlc_isr_init
bl cyg_start # call cyg_start
b 9b # if we return, loop
# This code handles the common part of all exception handlers.
# It saves the machine state onto the stack and then calls
# a "C" routine to do the rest of the work. This work may result
# in thread switches, and changes to the saved state. When we return
# here the saved state is restored and execution is continued.
.globl cyg_hal_default_exception_vsr
# We come here with all register containing their
# pre-exception values except:
# R3 = ls 16 bits of vector address
# R4 = saved CR
# R5 = saved LR
# LR = VSR address
# SPRG1 = old R3
# SPRG2 = old R4
# SPRG3 = old R5
# SRR0 = old PC
# SRR1 = old MSR and the exception cause (the POW state is lost!)
# leave space for registers and
# a safety margin
// The caches on this processor are always enabled when the MMU is on
// (and disabled when off). Thus we need to be careful about cache
// polution and staleness when changing the MMU state.
// At this point, the MMU is off due to the exception. We need to
// flush the part of the cache which may be touched before the MMU
// is reenabled so that memory will be consistent when that happens.
// Of course, this is complicated by the fact that there are no "free"
// registers at this point in the code.
dcbf 0,sp // Flushes first line
stw r3,0(sp) // This is now safe
li r3,CYGARC_PPCREG_VECTOR // Flush lines which will be changed
dcbf r3,sp
dcbf r3,sp
dcbf r3,sp
lwz r3,0(sp) // Restore register
# First, save away some registers
stw r3,CYGARC_PPCREG_VECTOR(sp) # stash vector
stw r4,CYGARC_PPCREG_CR(sp) # stash CR
stw r5,CYGARC_PPCREG_LR(sp) # stash LR
# Mark this fram as an Exception frame
lwi r3,0xDDDDDDE0
lwi r3,0xDDDDDDE1
# Enable MMU.
lwi r3,CYG_MSR
mtmsr r3
mfspr r3,SPRG1 # save original R3
stw r3,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+3*4(sp)
mfspr r4,SPRG2 # save original R4
stw r4,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+4*4(sp)
mfspr r5,SPRG3 # save original R5
stw r5,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+5*4(sp)
stw r0,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+0*4(sp) # save R0
stw r2,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+2*4(sp) # save R2
mr r3,sp # recreate original SP
stw r3,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+1*4(sp) # and save it in state
# Save registers r6..r12/r31
.set _reg,6
.rept MAX_SAVE_REG+1-6
stw _reg,(CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+_reg*4)(sp)
.set _reg,_reg+1
# Save registers used in vsr (r14+r15)
stw r14,(CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+14*4)(sp)
stw r15,(CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+15*4)(sp)
# get remaining family CPU registers
mfxer r3
mfctr r4
mfsrr0 r5
mfsrr1 r6
# and store them
# Save variant registers
hal_variant_save sp
# Save FPU registers
hal_fpu_save sp
# The entire CPU state is now stashed on the stack,
# call into C to do something with it.
mr r3,sp # R3 = register dump
subi sp,sp,CYGARC_PPC_STACK_FRAME_SIZE # make a null frame
li r0,0 # R0 = 0
stw r0,0(sp) # backchain = 0
stw r0,8(sp) # return pc = 0
stwu sp,-CYGARC_PPC_STACK_FRAME_SIZE(sp) # create new stack frame
# where C code can save LR
lwi r5,restore_state # get return link
mtlr r5 # to link register
.extern cyg_hal_exception_handler
b cyg_hal_exception_handler # call C code, r3 = registers
# When the call returns it will go to restore_state below.
## The following macros are defined depending on whether the Interrupt
## system is using isr tables or chaining, and depending on the interrupt
## controller in the system.
## This is the simple version. No interrupt controller, CYGARC_PPCREG_VECTOR
## is updated with the decoded interrupt vector. Isr tables/chaining
## use same interrupt decoder.
## Bit 21 biffers between decrementer (0) and external (1).
# decode the interrupt
.macro hal_intc_decode dreg,state
lwz \dreg,CYGARC_PPCREG_VECTOR(\state) # retrieve vector number,
rlwinm \dreg,\dreg,22,31,31 # isolate bit 21 and update
stw \dreg,CYGARC_PPCREG_VECTOR(\state) # vector in state frame.
slwi \dreg,\dreg,2 # convert to word offset.
# Common interrupt handling code.
.globl cyg_hal_default_interrupt_vsr
# We come here with all register containing their
# pre-exception values except:
# R3 = ls 16 bits of vector address
# R4 = saved CR
# R5 = saved LR
# LR = VSR address
# SPRG1 = old R3
# SPRG2 = old R4
# SPRG3 = old R5
# SRR0 = old PC
# SRR1 = old MSR
# leave space for registers and
# a safety margin
// The caches on this processor are always enabled when the MMU is on
// (and disabled when off). Thus we need to be careful about cache
// polution and staleness when changing the MMU state.
// At this point, the MMU is off due to the exception. We need to
// flush the part of the cache which may be touched before the MMU
// is reenabled so that memory will be consistent when that happens.
// Of course, this is complicated by the fact that there are no "free"
// registers at this point in the code.
dcbf 0,sp // Flushes first line
stw r3,0(sp) // This is now safe
li r3,CYGARC_PPCREG_VECTOR // Flush lines which will be changed
dcbf r3,sp
dcbf r3,sp
dcbf r3,sp
lwz r3,0(sp) // Restore register
stw r3,CYGARC_PPCREG_VECTOR(sp) # stash vector
stw r4,CYGARC_PPCREG_CR(sp) # stash CR
stw r5,CYGARC_PPCREG_LR(sp) # stash LR
# Mark this fram as an 1nterrupt frame
lwi r3,0xDDDDDD10
lwi r3,0xDDDDDD11
# Enable MMU.
lwi r3,CYG_MSR
mtmsr r3
mfspr r3,SPRG1 # save original R3
stw r3,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+3*4(sp)
mfspr r4,SPRG2 # save original R4
stw r4,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+4*4(sp)
mfspr r5,SPRG3 # save original R5
stw r5,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+5*4(sp)
stw r0,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+0*4(sp) # save R0
stw r2,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+2*4(sp) # save R2
mr r3,sp # recreate original SP
stw r3,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+1*4(sp) # and save it in state
# Save registers r6..r12/r31
.set _reg,6
.rept MAX_SAVE_REG+1-6
stw _reg,(CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+_reg*4)(sp)
.set _reg,_reg+1
# Save registers used in vsr (r14+r15)
stw r14,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+14*4(sp)
stw r15,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+15*4(sp)
# get remaining family CPU registers
mfxer r3
mfctr r4
mfsrr0 r5
mfsrr1 r6
# and store them
# Save variant registers
hal_variant_save sp
# Save FPU registers
hal_fpu_save sp
# The entire CPU state is now stashed on the stack,
# increment the scheduler lock and call the ISR
# for this vector.
.extern cyg_scheduler_sched_lock
lwi r3,cyg_scheduler_sched_lock
lwz r4,0(r3)
addi r4,r4,1
stw r4,0(r3)
mr r14,sp # r14 = register dump
lwi r3,__interrupt_stack # stack top
lwi r4,__interrupt_stack_base # stack base
sub. r5,sp,r4 # sp - base
blt 1f # if < 0 - not on istack
sub. r5,r3,sp # top - sp
bgt 2f # if > 0 - already on istack
1: mr sp,r3 # switch to istack
2: stwu r14,-4(sp) # save old SP on stack
subi sp,sp,CYGARC_PPC_STACK_FRAME_SIZE # make a null frame
li r0,0 # R0 = 0
stw r0,0(sp) # backchain = 0
stw r0,8(sp) # return pc = 0
stwu sp,-CYGARC_PPC_STACK_FRAME_SIZE(sp) # create new stack frame
# where C code can save LR
lwi r3,0x0301 # r3 = type = INTR,RAISE
lwz r4,CYGARC_PPCREG_VECTOR(r14) # arg1 = vector address
srwi r4,r4,8 # arg1 = vector number
xor r5,r5,r5 # arg2 = 0
bl cyg_instrument # call instrument function
hal_intc_decode r15,r14 # get table index
# If we are supporting Ctrl-C interrupts from GDB, we must squirrel
# away a pointer to the save interrupt state here so that we can
# plant a breakpoint at some later time.
.extern hal_saved_interrupt_state
lwi r3,hal_saved_interrupt_state
stw r14,0(r3)
# The CPM controller allows nested interrupts. However,
# it sits on the back of the SIU controller which has no
# HW support for this. In effect, SW masking of lower
# priority IRQs in the SIU would be required for this to work.
lwz r3,CYGARC_PPCREG_VECTOR(r14) # retrieve decoded vector #
lwi r6,hal_interrupt_handlers # get interrupt handler table
lwzx r6,r6,r15 # load routine pointer
lwi r4,hal_interrupt_data # get interrupt data table
lwzx r4,r4,r15 # load data pointer
# R4 = data argument
mr r5,r14 # R5 = saved registers
mtctr r6 # put isr address in ctr
bctrl # branch to ctr reg and link
# If we are returning from the last nested interrupt, move back
# to the thread stack. interrupt_end() must be called on the
# thread stack since it potentially causes a context switch.
# Since we have arranged for the top of stack location to
# contain the sp we need to go back to here, just pop it off
# and put it in SP.
lwz sp,CYGARC_PPC_STACK_FRAME_SIZE*2(sp) # sp = *sp
subi sp,sp,CYGARC_PPC_STACK_FRAME_SIZE # make a null frame
li r0,0 # R0 = 0
stw r0,0(sp) # backchain = 0
stw r0,8(sp) # return pc = 0
stwu sp,-CYGARC_PPC_STACK_FRAME_SIZE(sp) # create new stack frame
# where C code can save LR
# We only need to call _interrupt_end() when there is a kernel
# present to do any tidying up.
# on return r3 bit 1 will indicate whether a DSR is
# to be posted. Pass this together with a pointer to
# the interrupt object we have just used to the
# interrupt tidy up routine.
# Note that r14 and r15 are defined to be preserved across
# calls by the calling convention, so they still contain
# the register dump and the vector number respectively.
lwi r4,hal_interrupt_objects # get interrupt object table
lwzx r4,r4,r15 # load object pointer
mr r5,r14 # arg3 = saved register dump
.extern interrupt_end
bl interrupt_end # call into C to finish off
# All done, restore CPU state and continue
# retrieve CPU state pointer
# Restore FPU registers
hal_fpu_load sp
# Restore variant registers
hal_variant_load sp
# get sprs we want to restore
# stuff some of them into the CPU
mtxer r3
mtlr r4
mtctr r5
# Restore registers used in vsr (r14+r15)
lwz r14,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+14*4(r1)
lwz r15,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+15*4(r1)
# restore registers r6..r12/r31
.set _reg,6
.rept MAX_SAVE_REG+1-6
lwz _reg,(CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+_reg*4)(sp)
.set _reg,_reg+1
# restore R0 and R2
lwz r0,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+0*4(sp)
lwz r2,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+2*4(sp)
# Here all the registers are loaded except
# sp = HAL_SavedRegisters
# r3 = ccr
# r4 = srr0 = pc
# r5 = srr1 = msr
# We have to disable interrupts while srr0 and
# srr1 are loaded, since another interrupt will
# destroy them.
mtcr r3 # set ccr
mtsrr0 r4 # load old pc
mtsrr1 r5 # load old msr
# Mark this frame as (almost) dead.
lwi r3,0xDDDDDDD0
lwi r3,0xDDDDDDD1
lwz r3,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+3*4(sp) # load r3 value
lwz r4,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+4*4(sp) # load r4 value
lwz r5,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+5*4(sp) # load r5 value
lwz sp,CYGARC_PPCREG_REGS+1*4(sp) # restore sp
sync # settle things down
rfi # and return
## Execute pending DSRs on the interrupt stack with interrupts enabled.
## Note: this can only be called from code running on a thread stack
.extern cyg_interrupt_call_pending_DSRs
# Change to interrupt stack, save state and set up stack for
# calls to C code.
mr r3,sp
lwi r4,__interrupt_stack
subi r4,r4,24 # make space on stack
mr sp,r4
stw r3,12(sp) # save old sp
mfmsr r3
stw r3,16(sp) # save old MSR
mflr r3
stw r3,20(sp) # save old LR
li r0,0
stw r0,0(sp) # clear back chain
stw r0,8(sp) # zero return pc
# Call into kernel which will execute DSRs
bl cyg_interrupt_call_pending_DSRs
lwz r3,20(sp) # restore LR
mtlr r3
lwz r5,12(sp) # get SP from saved state
lwz r3,16(sp) # restore interrupt setting
hal_cpu_int_merge r3
mr sp,r5 # restore stack pointer
blr # and return to caller
## Temporary interrupt stack
.section ".bss"
.balign 16
.global cyg_interrupt_stack_base
.byte 0
.balign 16
.global cyg_interrupt_stack
.long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
# end of vectors.S
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