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## variant.inc
## PPC40x family assembler header file
## -------------------------------------------
## This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
## Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
## eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
## Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
## eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
## WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
## As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
## or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
## with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
## by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
## License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
## in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
## This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
## this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
## Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
## at http://sources.redhat.com/ecos/ecos-license/
## -------------------------------------------
## Author(s): jskov
## Contributors:jskov, gthomas
## Date: 2000-08-27
## Purpose: MPCxxx family definitions.
## Description: This file contains various definitions and macros that are
## useful for writing assembly code for the PPC40x CPU family.
## Usage:
## #include <cyg/hal/variant.inc>
## ...
#include <pkgconf/hal.h>
#include <cyg/hal/arch.inc>
#include <cyg/hal/plf.inc>
## PPC40x defined vectors
## Special code to handle the various timers which generate non-standard
## interrupts. There are really three VSRs here, each 0x10 apart.
.macro timer_vector name
.p2align 8
.globl __exception_\name
# Variable timer interrupt
mtspr SPRG1,r3 # stash some work registers away
mtspr SPRG2,r4
li r4,0x1000 # vector offset
b 0f
# Fixed timer interrupt
mtspr SPRG1,r3 # stash some work registers away
mtspr SPRG2,r4
li r4,0x1010 # vector offset
b 0f
# Watchdog timer interrupt
mtspr SPRG1,r3 # stash some work registers away
mtspr SPRG2,r4
li r4,0x1020 # vector offset
0: mtspr SPRG3,r5
lwi r3,hal_vsr_table+(0x1000>>6) # table base
lwz r3,0(r3) # address of vsr
mflr r5 # save link register
mtlr r3 # put vsr address into it
mr r3,r4 # original vector
mfcr r4 # stash CR
blr # go to common code
.macro hal_extra_vectors
timer_vector ppc40x_timers
exception_vector data_TLB_miss
exception_vector instr_TLB_miss
exception_vector reserved_01300
exception_vector reserved_01400
exception_vector reserved_01500
exception_vector reserved_01600
exception_vector reserved_01700
exception_vector reserved_01800
exception_vector reserved_01900
exception_vector reserved_01A00
exception_vector reserved_01B00
exception_vector reserved_01C00
exception_vector reserved_01D00
exception_vector reserved_01E00
exception_vector reserved_01F00
exception_vector ppc40x_debug
## PPC40x CPU initialization
## Initialize CPU to a post-reset state, ensuring the ground doesn''t
## shift under us while we try to set things up.
.macro hal_cpu_init
# Set up MSR (disable MMU for now)
lwi r3,(CYG_MSR & ~(MSR_IR | MSR_DR))
mfmsr r4
mtmsr r3
## PPC40x monitor initialization
#if defined(CYG_HAL_STARTUP_ROM) || \
( defined(CYG_HAL_STARTUP_RAM) && \
.macro hal_mon_init
# If we are starting up from ROM and want vectors in RAM
# or we are starting in RAM and NOT using a ROM monitor,
# copy exception handler code to 0.
lwi r3,rom_vectors # r3 = rom start
lwi r4,0 # r4 = ram start
lwi r5,rom_vectors_end # r5 = rom end
cmplw r3,r5 # skip if no vectors
beq 2f
subi r3,r3,4
subi r4,r4,4
subi r5,r5,4
lwzu r0,4(r3) # get word from ROM
stwu r0,4(r4) # store in RAM
cmplw r3,r5 # compare
blt 1b # loop if not yet done
# Ensure that the vectors will come from 0x0000
lwi r4,0
mtspr SPR_EVPR,r4
# Next initialize the VSR table. This happens whether the
# vectors were copied to RAM or not.
# First fill with exception handlers
lwi r3,cyg_hal_default_exception_vsr
lwi r4,hal_vsr_table
subi r4,r4,4
1: stwu r3,4(r4)
subi r5,r5,1
cmpwi r5,0
bne 1b
# Then fill in the special vectors
lwi r3,cyg_hal_default_interrupt_vsr
lwi r4,hal_vsr_table
# Initialize the VSR table entries
# We only take control of the interrupt vectors,
# the rest are left to the ROM for now...
.macro hal_mon_init
lwi r3,cyg_hal_default_interrupt_vsr
lwi r4,hal_vsr_table
.macro hal_mon_init
## PPC40x exception state handling
.macro hal_variant_save regs
.macro hal_variant_load regs
## Indicate that the ISR tables are defined in variant.S
## MPC4xx interrupt handling.
## Decode the EXISR appropriately
# decode the interrupt
# the interrupt vector will be 0x500 or 0x10x0
# 0x0500 = external, must be decoded via EXISR
# 0x10X0 = timer, X is the timer type
# r3 used as scratch
.macro hal_intc_decode dreg,state
lwz \dreg,CYGARC_PPCREG_VECTOR(\state) # retrieve vector number,
extrwi. \dreg,\dreg,1,19 # isolate bit 19
beq 0f # timer interrupt = 1
lwz \dreg,CYGARC_PPCREG_VECTOR(\state) # retrieve vector number,
extrwi \dreg,\dreg,2,26 # isolate bits 26-27
b 1f
0: mfdcr r3,DCR_EXISR # Interrupt status register
lwi \dreg,0x8FF0001F # significant bits
and \dreg,\dreg,r3
cntlzw r3,\dreg # find highest "1" bit
slwi r3,r3,2
lwi \dreg,EXISR_TAB # convert bit # to signal #
lwzx \dreg,\dreg,r3
1: stw \dreg,CYGARC_PPCREG_VECTOR(\state) # update vector in state frame.
slwi \dreg,\dreg,2 # convert to byte offset.
#endif // ifndef CYGONCE_HAL_VARIANT_INC
# end of variant.inc
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