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# hosttest.exp
# Support for host-side testing
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Red Hat, Inc.
# This file is part of the eCos host tools.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author(s): bartv
# Contributors: bartv
# Date: 1998-11-25
# Note: Arguably this should be a loadable package
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This script gets loaded by host-side DejaGnu test harnesses to provide
# various utilities for testing eCos host applications. It lives in the
# host-side infrastructure directory and gets installed in
# $(PREFIX)/share/dejagnu.
# The script can assume that a number of globals from the site.exp
# file have been read in. These include:
# tool - name of the tool (i.e. the package)
# srcdir - location of the source directory
# objdir - location of the build tree
# host_alias - config triplet
# host_triplet - ditto
# The generated Makefile has some additional information that is useful.
# CC - name of the C compiler that is used
# CXX - name of the C++ compiler
# prefix - where everything gets installed
# OBJEXT - either o or obj
# EXEEXT - either nothing or .exe
# VERSION - the version number
# CFLAGS - flags to use when compiling C code
# CXXFLAGS - flags to use when compiling C++ code
# Some additional variables should be present in any generated
# makefiles in the eCos tree.
# INCLUDES - header file search path
# LIBS - libraries, search paths, ...
# hosttest_initialize
# Perform any initialization steps that are needed. Currently this
# means reading in the Makefile from the top-level of the build tree
# and figuring out the values of CC, CXX, and anything else that is
# useful. Any errors should be reported via perror and then the
# script should exit.
# There is an optional argument, a list of additional variables which
# should be present in the makefile and whose values are desired.
proc hosttest_initialize { { pkg_vars {} } } {
# First check that this script is actually running inside DejaGnu
if { [info exists ::objdir] == 0 } {
puts "Variable ::objdir is not defined, is this script really running inside DejaGnu?"
exit 1
# The information is stored in an array hosttest_data. Make sure this
# array exists.
array set ::hosttest_data {}
# Now clear out any entries in the array
foreach entry [array names ::hosttest_data] {
unset ::hosttest_data($entry)
# Now read in the build tree's Makefile (and not the testsuite's Makefile)
set filename [file join $::objdir .. Makefile]
if { [file exists $filename] == 0 } {
perror "Initialization error: the build tree's Makefile $filename does not exist."
exit 1
set status [ catch {
set fd [open $filename r]
set contents [read $fd]
close $fd
} message]
if { $status != 0 } {
perror "Error reading $filename.\n$message"
exit 1
# The data is available. Search it for each of the variables of
# interest. Some variables are optional and are given default
# values.
set ::hosttest_data(CFLAGS) ""
set ::hosttest_data(CXXFLAGS) ""
set lines [split $contents "\n"]
foreach var [concat { CC CXX prefix OBJEXT EXEEXT VERSION CFLAGS CXXFLAGS INCLUDES LIBS } $pkg_vars] {
set pattern "^$var\[ \t\]*:?=\[ \t\]* (.*)\$"
set dummy ""
set match ""
foreach line $lines {
if { [regexp -- $pattern $line dummy match] == 1 } {
set ::hosttest_data($var) $match
if { [info exists ::hosttest_data($var)] == 0 } {
perror "Variable $var is not defined in $filename"
exit 1
# If compiling with VC++ remove any cygwin-isms from the prefix
if { [string match "cl*" $::hosttest_data(CC)] } {
set status [catch "exec cygpath -w $::hosttest_data(prefix)" message]
if { $status == 0 } {
regsub -all -- {\\} $message {/} ::hosttest_data(prefix)
} else {
perror "Converting cygwin pathname $::hosttest_data(prefix)\n$message"
exit 1
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# hosttest_extract_version
# Assuming there has been a call to initialize, the required information
# should be available in the hosttest_data array. The initialize
# function should have aborted if the data is not available.
proc hosttest_extract_version { } {
if { [info exists ::hosttest_data(VERSION)] == 0 } {
error "No version information - host testing has not been properly initialized."
if { [info exists ::objdir] == 0 } {
error "Variable ::objdir is not defined, is this script really running inside DejaGnu?"
return $::hosttest_data(VERSION)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# hosttest_compile
# compile and link one or more source files. The arguments are:
# 1) the name of the test case
# 2) a list of one or more source files that need to be compiled.
# Both .c and .cxx files are supported, and the appropriate
# compiler will be used. If this list is empty then the
# code will look for a .c or a .cxx file which matches the
# name of the test executable. Source files are assumed to
# be relative to $::srcdir/$::subdir
# 3) a list (possibly empty) of directories that should be in the
# include path. The build tree's directory is automatically in
# the path, as is $(PREFIX)/include. Note that the build tree
# is actually one level above objdir, on the assumption that
# objdir is the testsuite subdirectory of the real objdir.
# 4) ditto for library search paths.
# 5) and a list of additional libraries that should be linked.
# Currently it is not possible to pass compiler flags since those
# might need translating between gcc and VC++. This may have to be
# resolved.
# Currently linking is not done via libtool. This may have to change.
# The various object files and the executable are placed in a directory
# testcase in the build tree, to avoid the risk of name clashes. This
# directory must not exist yet. There is a separate routine hosttest_clean
# which simply expunges the entire testcase directory.
# The output of a succesful compile or built is reported using
# verbose at level 2. Unsuccesful compiles or builts are reported using
# level 1.
proc hosttest_compile { name sources includes libdirs libs } {
# Make sure that the testcase directory does not yet exist, then
# create it. This guarantees a clean system and reasonable access
# permissions. Each testcase invocation should involve a call to
# the clean function.
set dirname [file join $::objdir "testcase"]
if { [file exists $dirname] != 0 } {
# An empty directory is ok.
if { [llength [glob -nocomplain -- [file join $dirname "*"]]] != 0 } {
error "hosttest_compile: $dirname already exists"
set status [catch { file mkdir $dirname } message]
if { $status != 0 } {
error "hosttest_compile: unable to create directory $dirname"
# The only argument that must be valid is the test name.
if { $name == "" } {
error "hosttest_compile: invalid test case name"
# If the list of sources is empty then look for a suitable
# file in the appropriate directory.
if { [llength $sources] == 0 } {
set filename [file join $::srcdir $::subdir "${name}.c"]
if { [file exists $filename] && [file isfile $filename] } {
lappend sources [file tail $filename]
} else {
set filename [file join $::srcdir $::subdir "${name}.cxx"]
if { [file exists $filename] && [file isfile $filename] } {
lappend sources [file tail $filename]
} else {
error "hosttest_compile: no sources listed and unable to find ${name}.c or ${name}.cxx"
# For each source file, generate a compile command line and try to execute
# it. The command line takes the form:
# (CC|CXX) -c (CFLAGS|CXXFLAGS) (INCDIRS) -o xxx yyy
# It is also useful to produce a list of the object files that need to
# linked later on, and to work out which tool should be invoked for
# linking.
set object_files {}
set has_cxx_files 0
foreach source $sources {
set commandline ""
if { [file extension $source] == ".c" } {
append commandline "$::hosttest_data(CC) -c $::hosttest_data(CFLAGS) "
} elseif { [file extension $source] == ".cxx" } {
set has_cxx_files 1
append commandline "$::hosttest_data(CXX) -c $::hosttest_data(CXXFLAGS) "
} else {
error "hosttest_compile: files of type [file extension $source] ($source) are not yet supported."
# Include path: start with the source tree. Then the build tree.
# Then the makefile's INCLUDES variable.
# Then any additional directories specified explicitly by the
# testcase. Finish off with the prefix. Note that header files
# in the prefix directory may be out of date, depending on whether
# or not there has been an install recently.
append commandline "-I[file join [pwd] [file dirname $::srcdir]] "
append commandline "-I[file join [pwd] [file dirname $::objdir]] "
append commandline "$::hosttest_data(INCLUDES) "
foreach dir $includes {
append commandline "-I[file join [pwd] $dir] "
append commandline "-I[file join [pwd] $::hosttest_data(prefix) include] "
# The output file must go into the testcase directory and have the right suffix
set objfile "[file root [file tail $source]].$::hosttest_data(OBJEXT)"
lappend object_files $objfile
if { [string match "cl*" $::hosttest_data(CC)] } {
append commandline "-Fo[file join $::objdir testcase $objfile] "
} else {
append commandline "-o [file join $::objdir testcase $objfile] "
# Finally provide the source file.
append commandline "[file join $::srcdir $::subdir $source]"
verbose -log -- $commandline
# Time to invoke the compiler.
set status [catch { set result [eval exec -keepnewline -- $commandline] } message]
if { $status == 0 } {
# The compile succeeded and the output is in result. Report the
# output.
verbose -log -- $result
} else {
# The compile failed and the output is in message.
verbose -log -- $message
error "hosttest_compile: failed to compile $source"
# At this stage all the source files have been compiled, a list of
# object files has been constructed, and it is known whether or
# not any of the sources were c++. Time to construct a new command
# line.
set commandline ""
if { $has_cxx_files == 0 } {
append commandline "$::hosttest_data(CC) $::hosttest_data(CFLAGS) "
} else {
append commandline "$::hosttest_data(CXX) $::hosttest_data(CXXFLAGS) "
set exename [file join $::objdir "testcase" "$name$::hosttest_data(EXEEXT)"]
# List all of the object files
foreach obj $object_files {
append commandline "[file join $::objdir "testcase" $obj] "
# Now take care of libraries and search paths. This requires different
# code for gcc and VC++.
if { [string match "cl*" $::hosttest_data(CC)] } {
append commandline "-Fe$exename "
foreach lib $libs {
append commandline "${lib}.lib "
append commandline "$::hosttest_data(LIBS) "
append commandline "-libpath=[file join [pwd] [file dirname $::objdir]] "
foreach dir $libdirs {
append commandline "-libpath=[file join [pwd] $dir] "
append commandline "-libpath=[file join [pwd] $::hosttest_data(prefix) lib] "
} else {
append commandline "-o $exename "
append commandline "-L[file join [pwd] [file dirname $::objdir]] "
foreach dir $libdirs {
append commandline "-L[file join [pwd] $dir] "
append commandline "-L[file join [pwd] $::hosttest_data(prefix) lib] "
foreach lib $libs {
append commandline "-l$lib "
append commandline "$::hosttest_data(LIBS) "
# We have a command line, go for it.
verbose -log -- $commandline
set status [catch { set result [eval exec -keepnewline -- $commandline] } message]
if { $status == 0 } {
# The link has succeeded, we have an executable.
verbose -log -- $result
} else {
# The link failed and the output is in message.
# Report things are per compilation failures
verbose -log -- $message
error "hosttest_compile: failed to link $exename"
# There should be a test executable.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# hosttest_clean
# Clean up a testcase directory.
proc hosttest_clean { } {
set dirname [file join $::objdir "testcase"]
if { [file exists $dirname] == 0 } {
# Something must have gone seriously wrong during the build phase,
# there is nothing there.
if { [file isdirectory $dirname] == 0 } {
error "hosttest_clean: $dirname should be a directory"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain -- [file join $dirname "*"]] {
set filename [file join $dirname $entry]
if { [file isfile $filename] == 0 } {
error "hosttest_clean: $filename is not a file"
set status [catch { file delete -force -- $filename } message]
if { $status != 0 } {
error "hosttest_clean: unable to delete $filename, $message"
set status [catch { file delete -force -- $dirname } message]
if { $status != 0 } {
error "hosttest_clean: unable to delete directory $dirname, $message"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run a test executable, returning the status code and the output.
# The results are returned in variables. It is assumed that some test cases
# will fail, so raising an exception is appropriate only if something
# has gone wrong at the test harness level. The argument list
# should be the name of the test case (from which the executable file name
# can be derived) and a list of arguments.
proc hosttest_run { result_arg output_arg test args } {
upvar $result_arg result
upvar $output_arg output
# Figure out the filename corresponding to the test and make
# sure it exists.
set filename [file join $::objdir "testcase" $test]
append filename $::hosttest_data(EXEEXT)
if { ([file exists $filename] == 0) || ([file isfile $filename] == 0) } {
error "hosttest_run: testcase file $filename does not exist"
# There is no need to worry about interacting with the program,
# just exec it. It is a good idea to do this in the testcase directory,
# so that any core dumps get cleaned up as well.
set current_dir [pwd]
set status [ catch { cd [file join $::objdir "testcase"] } message ]
if { $status != 0 } {
error "unable to change directory to [file join $::objdir testcase]\n$message"
verbose -log -- $filename $args
set status [ catch { set result [eval exec -keepnewline -- $filename $args] } output]
if { $status == 0 } {
# The command has succeeded. The exit code is 0 and the output
# was returned by the exec.
set output $result
set result 0
} else {
# The command has failed. The exit code is 1 and the output is
# already in the right place.
verbose -log -- $output
set result 1
set status [catch { cd $current_dir } message]
if { $status != 0 } {
error "unable to change directory back to $current_dir"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Given some test output, look through it for pass and fail messages.
# These should result in appropriate DejaGnu pass and fail calls.
# In addition, if the program exited with a non-zero status code but
# did not report any failures then a special failure is reported.
proc hosttest_handle_output { name result output } {
set passes 0
set fails 0
foreach line [split $output "\n"] {
# The output should be of one of the following forms:
# PASS:<message>
# FAIL:<message> Line: xx File: xx
# Whatever
# PASS and FAIL messages will be reported via DejaGnu pass and fail
# calls. Everything else gets passed to verbose, so the user gets
# to choose how much information gets reported.
set dummy ""
set match1 ""
set match2 ""
if { [regexp -- {^PASS:<(.*)>.*$} $line dummy match1] == 1 } {
pass $match1
incr passes
} elseif { [regexp -- {^FAIL:<(.*)>(.*)$} $line dummy match1 match2] == 1 } {
fail "$match1 $match2"
incr fails
} else {
verbose $line
if { ($result != 0) && ($fails == 0) } {
fail "program terminated with non-zero exit code but did not report any failures"
} elseif { ($passes == 0) && ($fails == 0) } {
unresolved "test case $name did not report any passes or failures"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# hosttest_run_test_with_filter
# This routines combines the compile, run and clean operations,
# plus it invokes a supplied callback to filter the output. The
# callback is passed three arguments: the test name, the exit code,
# and all of the program output.
proc hosttest_run_test_with_filter { name filter sources incdirs libdirs libs args } {
set result 0
set output ""
set status [ catch { hosttest_compile $name $sources $incdirs $libdirs $libs } message]
if { $status != 0 } {
fail "unable to compile test case $name, $message"
set status [ catch { hosttest_run result output $name $args } message]
if { $status != 0 } {
fail "unable to run test case $name, $message"
set status [ catch { $filter $name $result $output } message]
if { $status != 0 } {
fail "unable to parse output from test case $name"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# hosttest_run_simple_test
# This routine combines the compile, run, output, and clean operations.
# The arguments are the same as for compilation, plus an additional
# list for run-time parameters to the test case.
proc hosttest_run_simple_test { name sources incdirs libdirs libs args } {
set result 0
set output ""
set status [ catch { hosttest_compile $name $sources $incdirs $libdirs $libs } message]
if { $status != 0 } {
fail "unable to compile test case $name, $message"
set status [ catch { hosttest_run result output $name $args } message]
if { $status != 0 } {
fail "unable to run test case $name, $message"
set status [ catch { hosttest_handle_output $name $result $output } message]
if { $status != 0 } {
fail "unable to parse output from test case $name"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Filename translation. A particular file has been created and must now
# be accessed from Tcl.
# Under Unix everything just works.
# Under Windows, well there is cygwin and there is the Windows world.
# A file may have come from either. cygtclsh80 and hence DejaGnu is not
# fully integrated with cygwin, for example it does not know about
# cygwin mount points. There are also complications because of
# volume-relative filenames.
# The code here tries a number of different ways of finding a file which
# matches the name. It is possible that the result is not actually what
# was intended, but hopefully this case will never arise.
proc hosttest_translate_existing_filename { name } {
if { $::tcl_platform(platform) == "unix" } {
# The file should exist. It is worth checking just in case.
if { [file exists $name] == 0 } {
return ""
} else {
return $name
if { $::tcl_platform(platform) != "windows" } {
perror "The testing framework does not know about platform $::tcl_platform(platform)"
return ""
# Always get rid of any backslashes, they just cause trouble
regsub -all -- {\\} $name {/} name
# If the name is already valid, great.
if { [file exists $name] } {
return $name
# OK, try to use cygwin's cygpath utility to convert it.
set status [catch "exec cygpath -w $name" message]
if { $status == 0 } {
set cygwin_name ""
regsub -all -- {\\} $message {/} cygwin_name
if { [file exists $cygwin_name] } {
return $cygwin_name
# Is the name volumerelative? If so work out the current volume
# from the current directory and prepend this.
if { [file pathtype $name] == "volumerelative" } {
append fullname [string range [pwd] 0 1] $name
if { [file exists $fullname] } {
return $fullname
# There are other possibilities, e.g. d:xxx indicating a file
# relative to the current directory on drive d:. For now such
# Lovecraftian abominations are ignored.
return ""
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Support for assertion dumps. The infrastructure allows other subsystems
# to add their own callbacks which get invoked during a panic and which
# can write additional output to the dump file. For example it would be
# possible to output full details of the current configuration. These
# routines make it easier to write test cases for such callbacks.
# hosttest_assert_check(result output)
# Make sure that the test case really triggered an assertion.
# hosttest_assert_read_dump(output)
# Identify the temporary file used for the dump, read it in, delete
# it (no point in leaving such temporaries lying around when running
# testcases) and return the contents of the file.
# hosttest_assert_extract_callback(dump title)
# Given a dump output as returned by read_dump, look for a section
# generated by a callback with the given title. Return the contents
# of the callback.
proc hosttest_assert_check { result output } {
if { $result == 0 } {
return 0
foreach line [split $output "\n"] {
if { [string match "Assertion failure*" $line] } {
return 1
return 0
# This routine assumes that assert_check has already been called.
proc hosttest_assert_read_dump { output } {
foreach line [split $output "\n"] {
set dummy ""
set match ""
if { [regexp -nocase -- {^writing additional output to (.*)$} $line dummy match] } {
# The filename is in match, but it may not be directly accessible.
set filename [hosttest_translate_existing_filename $match]
if { $filename == "" } {
return ""
set status [ catch {
set fd [open $filename r]
set data [read $fd]
close $fd
file delete $filename
} message]
if { $status != 0 } {
unresolved "Unable to process assertion dump file $filename"
unresolved "File $filename may have to be deleted manually"
return ""
return $data
return ""
# Look for the appropriate markers. Also clean up blank lines
# at the start and end.
proc hosttest_assert_extract_callback { dump title } {
set lines [split $dump "\n"]
set result ""
while { [llength $lines] > 0 } {
set line [lindex $lines 0]
set lines [lreplace $lines 0 0]
if { [regexp -nocase -- "^\# \{\{\{.*${title}.*\$" $line] } {
# Skip any blank lines at the start
while { [llength $lines] > 0 } {
set line [lindex $lines 0]
if { [regexp -- {^ *$} $line] == 0} {
set lines [lreplace $lines 0 0]
# Now add any lines until the close marker.
# Nested folds are not supported yet.
while { [llength $lines] > 0 } {
set line [lindex $lines 0]
set lines [lreplace $lines 0 0]
if { [regexp -nocase -- {^\# \}\}\}.*$} $line] } {
append result $line "\n"
return $result
return ""
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