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//####COPYRIGHTBEGIN#### // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 Red Hat, Inc. // // This program is part of the eCos host tools. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) // any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for // more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with // this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //####COPYRIGHTEND#### // PropertiesView2.cpp : implementation file // // //=========================================================================== //#####DESCRIPTIONBEGIN#### // // Author(s): sdf // Contact(s): sdf // Date: 1998/08/11 // Version: 0.01 // Purpose: // Description: This is the implementation of the properties window view. // Requires: // Provides: // See also: // Known bugs: // Usage: // //####DESCRIPTIONEND#### // //=========================================================================== #include "stdafx.h" #include "PropertiesList.h" #include "ConfigToolDoc.h" #include "ConfigItem.H" #include "CTUtils.h" #include "ControlView.h" #include "ConfigTool.h" #define INCLUDEFILE <string> #include "IncludeSTL.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif // specify the CDL properties which are to be visible in the properties view const std::string CPropertiesList::visible_properties [] = { CdlPropertyId_ActiveIf, CdlPropertyId_BuildProc, CdlPropertyId_Calculated, CdlPropertyId_CancelProc, CdlPropertyId_CheckProc, CdlPropertyId_Compile, CdlPropertyId_ConfirmProc, CdlPropertyId_DecorationProc, CdlPropertyId_DefaultValue, CdlPropertyId_Define, CdlPropertyId_DefineHeader, CdlPropertyId_DefineProc, // CdlPropertyId_Description, CdlPropertyId_Dialog, // CdlPropertyId_Display, CdlPropertyId_DisplayProc, CdlPropertyId_Doc, CdlPropertyId_EntryProc, CdlPropertyId_Flavor, CdlPropertyId_DefineFormat, CdlPropertyId_Group, CdlPropertyId_Hardware, CdlPropertyId_IfDefine, CdlPropertyId_Implements, CdlPropertyId_IncludeDir, CdlPropertyId_IncludeFiles, CdlPropertyId_InitProc, CdlPropertyId_InstallProc, CdlPropertyId_LegalValues, CdlPropertyId_Library, CdlPropertyId_LicenseProc, CdlPropertyId_Make, CdlPropertyId_Makefile, CdlPropertyId_MakeObject, CdlPropertyId_NoDefine, CdlPropertyId_Object, CdlPropertyId_Parent, CdlPropertyId_Requires, CdlPropertyId_Screen, CdlPropertyId_Script, CdlPropertyId_UpdateProc, CdlPropertyId_Wizard }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CPropertiesList CPropertiesList::CPropertiesList() : m_pti(NULL), m_nFirstProperty(0), m_nOnSizeRecursionCount(0) { m_f[0]=0.25; m_f[1]=0.75; m_GrayPen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1,RGB(192,192,192)); } CPropertiesList::~CPropertiesList() { } //CListCtrl BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CPropertiesList, CListCtrl) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CPropertiesList) ON_NOTIFY(HDN_ENDTRACKW, 0, OnEndTrack) ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT(NM_DBLCLK, OnDblclk) ON_WM_CREATE() ON_WM_SIZE() ON_WM_PAINT() ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT(HDN_TRACK, OnTrack) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() const LPCTSTR CPropertiesList::FieldTypeImage[MAXFIELDTYPE]= {_T("Type"), _T("Value"), _T("Default"), _T("Macro"), _T("File"), _T("URL"), _T("Enabled")}; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CPropertiesList message handlers void CPropertiesList::OnDblclk(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { // Double-clicked the item // We do not use the parameters on the OnDblClk handlers in order to preserve compatibility // between pre- and post-4.71 comctrl32.dll versions. int pos=GetMessagePos(); CPoint pt(GET_X_LPARAM(pos),GET_Y_LPARAM(pos)); ScreenToClient(&pt); int nItem=HitTest(pt,NULL); if(GetItemData(nItem)>1){ // This is a property row const CdlGoalExpression goal = dynamic_cast<CdlGoalExpression> ((CdlProperty) GetItemData (nItem)); if (goal){ // This is a rule row const CdlExpression expression = goal->get_expression (); if (1 == expression->references.size ()) // if the property contains a single reference { // assume that the reference is to another user visible node and try to find it std::string macro_name = expression->references [0].get_destination_name (); CConfigItem * pItem = CConfigTool::GetConfigToolDoc ()->Find (CString (macro_name.c_str ())); if (pItem) // the referenced node was found so select it { CConfigTool::GetControlView()->GetTreeCtrl().SelectItem(pItem->HItem()); } } } } else { const CString strText(GetItemText(nItem,0)); if(strText==FieldTypeImage[File]){ m_pti->ViewHeader(); } else if (strText==FieldTypeImage[URL]) { m_pti->ViewURL(); } } UNUSED_ALWAYS(pResult); UNUSED_ALWAYS(pNMHDR); } void CPropertiesList::OnPaint() { // Default painting Default(); // Draw the grid int nItems=GetItemCount(); if(nItems>0){ CDC &dc=*GetDC(); // device context for painting CRect rcHeader; GetHeaderCtrl()->GetClientRect(rcHeader); dc.ExcludeClipRect(rcHeader); CFont *pOldFont=dc.SelectObject(GetFont()); CPen *pOldPen=dc.SelectObject(&m_GrayPen); CRect rect; GetItemRect(0,rect,LVIR_BOUNDS); int cy=rect.top-1; int dy=rect.Height(); // This prevents the vertical line leaving shadows when column dragging occurs rect.top--; rect.bottom=rect.top+1; dc.FillSolidRect(rect,GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); // Vertical line GetItemRect(0,rect,LVIR_LABEL); dc.MoveTo(rect.right-1,cy-1); dc.LineTo(rect.right-1,cy+dy*nItems); GetClientRect(rect); int cx=rect.Width(); for(int i=0;i<nItems;i++){ cy+=dy; dc.MoveTo(0,cy); dc.LineTo(cx,cy); } dc.SelectObject(pOldPen); dc.SelectObject(pOldFont); ReleaseDC(&dc); } } void CPropertiesList::Fill(CConfigItem *pti) { if(NULL==pti){ DeleteAllItems(); m_nFirstProperty=0; m_pti=NULL; } else if(pti!=m_pti){ m_pti=pti; m_nMaxValueWidth=0; CConfigItem::TreeItemType type=m_pti->Type(); int i; // Initially flag all items as unnecessary - calls of SetItem or SetProperty will change this for(i=GetItemCount()-1;i>=0;--i){ SetItemData(i,0); } if (m_pti->HasBool () || (CConfigItem::None!=type)){ SetItem(Macro, m_pti->Macro ()); } if (m_pti->HasBool ()){ SetItem(Enabled,m_pti->IsEnabled() ? _T("True") : _T("False")); } if(!m_pti->FileName().IsEmpty()){ SetItem(File,m_pti->FileName()); } SetItem(URL,m_pti->GetURL()); if(CConfigItem::None!=type){ switch(type){ case CConfigItem::String: SetItem(Value,m_pti->StringValue()); SetItem(DefaultValue,m_pti->StringDefaultValue()); break; case CConfigItem::Integer: SetItem(Value,CUtils::IntToStr(m_pti->Value(),CConfigTool::GetConfigToolDoc()->m_bHex)); SetItem(DefaultValue,CUtils::IntToStr(m_pti->DefaultValue(),CConfigTool::GetConfigToolDoc()->m_bHex)); break; case CConfigItem::Double: SetItem(Value,CUtils::DoubleToStr(m_pti->DoubleValue())); SetItem(DefaultValue,CUtils::DoubleToStr(m_pti->DoubleDefaultValue())); break; case CConfigItem::Enum: SetItem(Value,m_pti->StringValue()); SetItem(DefaultValue,m_pti->StringDefaultValue()); break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } SetItem(Type,CConfigItem::TreeItemTypeImage[type]); } // List all the properties applicable to me const std::string name = CUtils::UnicodeToStdStr (m_pti->Macro ()); if (name.size () > 0) { const CdlConfiguration config = CConfigTool::GetConfigToolDoc ()->GetCdlConfig (); const CdlNode node = config->find_node (name, true); ASSERT (node); const std::vector<CdlProperty> & properties = node->get_properties (); std::vector<CdlProperty>::const_iterator property_i; CMapStringToPtr map; // count of each property name for (property_i = properties.begin (); property_i != properties.end (); property_i++) {// for each property // get the property name const CdlProperty &prop=*property_i; const CString strName(prop->get_property_name ().c_str()); enum {VISIBLE_PROPERTIES_COUNT=sizeof visible_properties/sizeof visible_properties[0]}; if (std::find (visible_properties, visible_properties + VISIBLE_PROPERTIES_COUNT, CUtils::UnicodeToStdStr(strName)) != visible_properties + VISIBLE_PROPERTIES_COUNT) {// if the property should be displayed // set the property arguments CString strPropertyArgs; const std::vector<std::string> & argv = prop->get_argv (); void *p; if(!map.Lookup(strName,p)){ p=0; } p=(void *)((int)p+1); map.SetAt(strName,p); std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator argv_i; for (argv_i = argv.begin (); argv_i != argv.end (); argv_i++){ // for each property argument... if (argv_i != argv.begin ()){ // ...except the first (the property name) CString strArg(CUtils::StripExtraWhitespace (CString(argv_i->c_str()))); if (strPropertyArgs.GetLength () + strArg.GetLength() + 1 > 256) {// if the string is too long for the list control break; // no need to add any further arguments } strPropertyArgs += strArg; // add the argument to the string strPropertyArgs += _T (" "); // separate arguments by a space character } } // the list control appears to display a maximum of 256 characters int nIndex=SetItem(strName,strPropertyArgs,GetItemCount(),(int)p); SetItemData(nIndex,(DWORD)prop); // display the exclamation icon if the property is in a conflicts list bool bConflictItem = // PropertyInConflictsList (* property_i, config->get_structural_conflicts ()) || ignore for now PropertyInConflictsList (prop, config->get_all_conflicts ()); CListCtrl::SetItem (nIndex, 0, LVIF_IMAGE, NULL, bConflictItem ? 1 : 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } } } for(i=GetItemCount()-1;i>=0;--i){ if(0==GetItemData(i)){ DeleteItem(i); if(i<m_nFirstProperty){ m_nFirstProperty--; } } } CRect rect; GetClientRect(rect); int nAvailWidth=rect.Width()-GetColumnWidth(0); int w=max(m_nMaxValueWidth,nAvailWidth); m_f[1]=double(w)/double(rect.Width()); SetColumnWidth(1,w); } } bool CPropertiesList::PropertyInConflictsList (CdlProperty property, const std::list<CdlConflict> & conflicts) { std::list<CdlConflict>::const_iterator conf_i; for (conf_i = conflicts.begin (); conf_i != conflicts.end (); conf_i++) // for each conflict if (property == (* conf_i)->get_property ()) return true; return false; } // set item text in the properties list control, extending the list if necessary int CPropertiesList::SetItemTextGrow(int nItem, LPCTSTR lpszItem) { while (GetItemCount () < nItem + 1) { int n=InsertItem (GetItemCount (), _T("")); if (-1 == n){ return -1; } } return SetItemText (nItem, 0, lpszItem); } int CPropertiesList::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { lpCreateStruct->style|=WS_HSCROLL|WS_VSCROLL|LVS_REPORT|LVS_REPORT|LVS_SINGLESEL; if (CListCtrl::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; //GetHeaderCtrl()->ModifyStyle(HDS_FULLDRAG,0,0); // remove HDS_FULLDRAG style from header ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(GetSafeHwnd(),/*LVS_EX_GRIDLINES|*/LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT/*|LVS_EX_ONECLICKACTIVATE*//*|LVS_EX_TRACKSELECT*/); InsertColumn(0,_T("Property"),LVCFMT_LEFT,0,0); InsertColumn(1,_T("Value"),LVCFMT_LEFT,0,1); return 0; } void CPropertiesList::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CListCtrl::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); if(0==m_nOnSizeRecursionCount++){//prevent recursion m_fWidth=cx; for(int i=0;i<NCOLS;i++){ SetColumnWidth(i,int(cx*m_f[i])); } } m_nOnSizeRecursionCount--; } void CPropertiesList::OnEndTrack(NMHEADER *pNMHeader, LRESULT*) { m_f[pNMHeader->iItem]=pNMHeader->pitem->cxy/m_fWidth; } void CPropertiesList::OnTrack(NMHEADER*, LRESULT*) { CRect rect; GetItemRect(0,rect,LVIR_BOUNDS); rect.bottom=rect.top+2; InvalidateRect(rect); } void CPropertiesList::RefreshValue() { if (m_pti->HasBool ()){ SetItem(CPropertiesList::Enabled, m_pti->IsEnabled () ? _T("True") : _T("False")); } if (m_pti->Type () != CConfigItem::None){ SetItem(CPropertiesList::Value,m_pti->StringValue()); } for (int nItem = m_nFirstProperty; nItem < GetItemCount (); nItem++) { CdlProperty property = (CdlProperty) GetItemData (nItem); ASSERT (property); // display the exclamation icon if the property is in a conflicts list const CdlConfiguration config = CConfigTool::GetConfigToolDoc ()->GetCdlConfig (); bool bConflictItem = // PropertyInConflictsList (property, config->get_structural_conflicts ()) || ignore for now PropertyInConflictsList (property, config->get_all_conflicts ()); CListCtrl::SetItem (nItem, 0, LVIF_IMAGE, NULL, bConflictItem ? 1 : 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } } int CPropertiesList::SetItem(FieldType f, LPCTSTR pszValue) { int nIndex=SetItem(FieldTypeImage[f],pszValue,m_nFirstProperty); if(nIndex==m_nFirstProperty){ m_nFirstProperty++; } SetItemData(nIndex,1); return nIndex; } int CPropertiesList::SetItem(LPCTSTR pszItem, LPCTSTR pszValue, int nInsertAs,int nRepeat) { ASSERT(nInsertAs<=GetItemCount()); LVFINDINFO info; info.flags =LVFI_STRING; info.psz =pszItem; info.vkDirection=VK_DOWN; int nIndex=-1; do { nIndex=FindItem(&info,nIndex); } while (--nRepeat>0 && nIndex!=-1); if(-1==nIndex){ nIndex=InsertItem(nInsertAs,pszItem); } SetItemText(nIndex,1,pszValue); CDC *pDC=GetDC(); CFont *pOldFont=pDC->SelectObject(GetFont()); m_nMaxValueWidth=max(m_nMaxValueWidth,pDC->GetTextExtent(pszValue).cx); pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont); ReleaseDC(pDC); return nIndex; }
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