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# ====================================================================
#      can_lpc2xxx.cdl
#      eCos LPC2xxx CAN module configuration data
# ====================================================================
## ####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTBEGIN####                                            
## -------------------------------------------                              
## This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.   
## Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.                  
## eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under    
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free     
## Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later      
## version.                                                                 
## eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT      
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or    
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License    
## for more details.                                                        
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        
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## -------------------------------------------                              
## ####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTEND####                                              
# ====================================================================
# Author(s):      Uwe Kindler
# Contributors:
# Date:           2007-02-10
# ====================================================================

    display       "Philips LPC2xxx CAN device drivers"
    parent        CYGPKG_IO_CAN_DEVICES
    active_if     CYGPKG_IO_CAN
    requires      CYGPKG_ERROR
    implements    CYGINT_IO_CAN_STD_CAN_ID
    implements    CYGINT_IO_CAN_EXT_CAN_ID
    include_dir   cyg/io
    description   "
           This option enables the CAN device drivers for the
           Philips LPC2XXX."
    compile       -library=libextras.a   can_lpc2xxx.c
    define_proc {
        puts $::cdl_system_header "/***** CAN driver proc output start *****/"
        puts $::cdl_system_header "#define CYGDAT_IO_CAN_DEVICE_HEADER <pkgconf/devs_can_lpc2xxx.h>"
        puts $::cdl_system_header "/*****  CAN driver proc output end  *****/"
        display    "Acceptance filter runtime configuration"
        flavor      bool
        implements  CYGINT_IO_CAN_RUNTIME_MBOX_CFG
        description "
            The LPC2xxx CAN module supports a global acceptance
            filter. Enabling this option provides support for runtime
            configuration of this acceptance filter.  If each CAN
            channel should receive all CAN messages and individual
            message filtering is not required then disable this option
            to eliminate almost the complete acceptance filter code
            and to decrease code size. If this option is disabled the
            option CYGOPT_IO_CAN_RUNTIME_MBOX_CFG is not available and
            the configuration key CYG_IO_SET_CONFIG_CAN_MSGBUF is not
            supported by this driver."

                display       "Range filtering"
                flavor        bool
                default_value 0
                description   "
                    The common CAN I/O layer supports setup of single
                    message filters for reception of single CAN
                    messages. The global LPC2xxx acceptance filter
                    supports not only single message filters but also
                    message ranges.  A message range is defined by a
                    lower bound CAN identifier and an upper bound CAN
                    identifier. The acceptance filter will accept all
                    messages within this range of CAN identifiers. The
                    acceptance filter supports a number of message
                    ranges for each CAN channel."
         cdl_option CYGOPT_DEVS_CAN_LPC2XXX_LUT_ERR_SUPP {
             display                 "LUT Error Support"
             flavor                  bool
             default_value   0
             description "   
                 The CAN module contains a look-up table for
                 acceptance filtering of incoming CAN messages. The
                 look-up table indicates errors in the LUT error
                 registers. If this option is enabled, additional
                 error check code is executed if an interrupt is
                 serviced. Normally the acceptance filter code should
                 fill the look-up table properly and no LUT error
                 should ever occur. You need to decide if LUT error
                 checking is required for your application because it
                 adds some bytes of code and slows down the ISR/DSR
                 handling a little bit because of the additional code
                 that need to be executed."
        display                 "Use Self Reception Request command"
        flavor                  bool
        active_if               CYGHWR_HAL_ARM_LPC2XXX_VARIANT_VERSION < 4
        default_value   0
        description "   
            Enable this option for using work-around of problem with
            receiving messages while arbitration is lost. If this work
            around is used each transmitted CAN message will be
            received. This will produce additional RX interrupts an
            requires additional time for processing these interrupts
            and for filtering of received messages.

            The errata sheet tells the following about this issue:
            Introduction: The CAN module can lose arbitration to
            another CAN node during an attempt to transmit a CAN
            message. The message of the CAN node the arbitration was
            lost to is supposed to be received correctly by the CAN

            Problem: Messages might not be received correctly if
            during a CAN Transmission the CAN bus arbitration is lost
            to another CAN node.

            Work-around: Use the Self Reception Request command
            instead of the Transmission Request command. However, it
            has to be taken into account that now all transmitted
            messages may be received if not prevented by appropriate
            Acceptance Filter settings.  (Don't set up Acceptance
            Filter Message Identifiers for the messages you are
            transmitting yourself.)."  

         display         "Arbitration lost interrupt enable"
         flavor          bool
         default_value   0
         description "   
             If the CAN controller loses arbitration while attempting to 
             transmit a message, an interrupt can be triggered. Normally
             this is no real error condition and it is not necessary to
             propagate these events to upper layers. But you can enable
             this option if you want to check for arbitration lost events."     
        display "Support printing debug information"
            default_value 0
            description "
                Check this box to turn ON debug options for LPC2XXXX 
                CAN device driver."
    # Support up to 4 on-chip CAN modules. The number may vary between
    # processor variants so it is easy to update this here
    for { set ::channel 0 } { $::channel < 4 } { incr ::channel } {
        cdl_interface CYGINT_DEVS_CAN_LPC2XXX_CAN[set ::channel] {
            display     "Platform provides CAN [set ::channel]"
            flavor      bool
            description "
                This interface will be implemented if the specific LPC2xxx
                processor being used has on-chip CAN [set ::channel], and if
                that CAN module is accessible on the target hardware."
        cdl_component CYGPKG_DEVS_CAN_LPC2XXX_CAN[set ::channel] {
            display     "Allow access to the on-chip CAN [set ::channel] via a CAN driver"
            flavor      bool
            active_if       CYGINT_DEVS_CAN_LPC2XXX_CAN[set ::channel]
            implements      CYGINT_IO_CAN_CHANNELS
            default_value   1
            description "
                If the application needs to access the on-chip CAN
                module [set ::channel] via an eCos CAN driver then
                this option should be enabled."

            cdl_option CYGPKG_DEVS_CAN_LPC2XXX_CAN[set ::channel]_NAME {
                display     "Device name for CAN module [set ::channel]"
                flavor      data
                default_value   [format {"\"/dev/can%d\""} $::channel]
                description "
                    This option controls the name that an eCos application
                    should use to access this device via cyg_io_lookup(),
                    open(), or similar calls."

            cdl_option CYGNUM_DEVS_CAN_LPC2XXX_CAN[set ::channel]_KBAUD {
                display     "Default baud rate for CAN module [set ::channel]"
                flavor      data
                default_value   100
                legal_values    { 10 20 50 100 125 250 500 800 1000 "AUTO"}
                description "
                    This option determines the initial baud rate in
                    KBaud for CAN module [set ::channel]"

            cdl_option CYGNUM_DEVS_CAN_LPC2XXX_CAN[set ::channel]_QUEUESIZE_TX {
                display     "Size of TX Queue for the CAN module [set ::channel] driver"
                flavor      data
                default_value   32
                legal_values    1 to 1024
                description "
                    The CAN device driver will run in interrupt mode
                    and will perform buffering of outgoing data. This
                    option controls the number of CAN messages the TX
                    queue can store."
            cdl_option CYGNUM_DEVS_CAN_LPC2XXX_CAN[set ::channel]_QUEUESIZE_RX {
                display     "Size of RX Queue for the CAN module [set ::channel] driver"
                flavor      data
                default_value   64
                legal_values    8 to 4096
                description "
                    The CAN device driver will run in interrupt mode
                    and will perform buffering of incoming data. This
                    option controls the number of CAN events the RX
                    queue can store."
            cdl_option CYGOPT_DEVS_CAN_LPC2XXX_CAN[set ::channel]_ACCFILT_STARTUP_CFG {
                display       "Acceptance filter startup configuration"
                flavor        data
                legal_values  {"RX_ALL" "RX_NONE"}
                default_value {"RX_ALL"}
                active_if   CYGOPT_DEVS_CAN_LPC2XXX_RUNTIME_ACCFILT
                description   "
                    Normally the acceptance filter will be configured
                    at startup time to receive all available CAN
                    messages. The application can setup single message
                    filters during runtime later. If RX_NONE is
                    selected then the acceptance filter for this
                    channel is configured to receive no CAN message

                cdl_option CYGNUM_DEVS_CAN_LPC2XXX_CAN[set ::channel]_RX_INT_PRIORITY {
                    display       "Priority level of CAN module [set ::channel] receive interrupt"
                    flavor        data
                    active_if     CYGHWR_HAL_ARM_LPC2XXX_VARIANT_VERSION < 4
                    default_value 16
                    legal_values  0 to 16
                    description   "
                        This option sets CAN module [set ::channel]
                        device receive interrupt priority level.  We
                        support up to 17 interrupt levels. Interrupts
                        0 - 15 are vectored interrupt
                        requests. Priority 16 indicates a non vectored
                        IRQ. Vectored IRQs have the higher priority
                        then non vectored IRQs and slot 0 has the
                        highest priority and slot 15 has the lowest."

                cdl_option CYGNUM_DEVS_CAN_LPC2XXX_CAN[set ::channel]_TX_INT_PRIORITY {
                    display       "Priority level of CAN module [set ::channel] transmit interrupt"
                    flavor        data
                    active_if     CYGHWR_HAL_ARM_LPC2XXX_VARIANT_VERSION < 4
                    default_value 16
                    legal_values  0 to 16
                    description   "
                        This option sets CAN module [set ::channel]
                        device transmit interrupt priority level.  We
                        support up to 17 interrupt levels. Interrupts
                        0 - 15 are vectored interrupt
                        requests. Priority 16 indicates a non vectored
                        IRQ. Vectored IRQs have the higher priority
                        then non vectored IRQs and slot 0 has the
                        highest priority and slot 15 has the lowest."
        display       "Priority level of CAN error interrupt"
        flavor        data
        active_if     CYGHWR_HAL_ARM_LPC2XXX_VARIANT_VERSION < 4
        default_value 16
        legal_values  0 to 16
        description   "
            This option sets CAN device error interrupt priority level.
            We support up to 17 interrupt levels. Interrupts 0 - 15
            are vectored interrupt requests. Priority 16 indicates a
            non vectored IRQ. Vectored IRQs have the higher priority
            then non vectored IRQs and slot 0 has the highest priority
            and slot 15 has the lowest."
        display       "Priority level of all CAN interrupts"
        flavor        data
        active_if     CYGHWR_HAL_ARM_LPC2XXX_VARIANT_VERSION >= 4
        default_value 15
        legal_values  0 to 15
        description   "
            The LPC24xx family uses one single interrupt vector for
            all CAN interrupts of all CAN channels. This if very 
            different from former LPC2xxx variants where each CAN
            channels has its own interrupt vectors for transmit
            and receive interrupts. There are 16 priority 
            levels, corresponding to the values 0 through  15 decimal, 
            of which 15 is the lowest priority. The reset value of 
            these interrupt priority registers defaults all interrupts 
            to the lowest priority 15, allowing a single write to 
            elevate the priority of an individual interrupt."
        display "CAN LPC2xxx device driver tests"
        flavor  data
        calculated { "tests/can_busload tests/can_rx_tx" }
        description   "
            This option specifies the set of tests for the LPC2xxx 
            CAN device driver."
        display "Build extra CAN tests"
        default_value 0
        description "
            This option enables the building of some extra tests which
            can be used when testing / debugging the LPC2xxx CAN driver. These
            are not built by default since they do not use the dedicated
            testing infrastructure. All tests require a properly configured
            CAN network with a second CAN node that can send and receive
            CAN messages."
        make -priority 320 {
            <PREFIX>/bin/can_multichan_rx : <PACKAGE>/tests/can_multichan_rx.c
            @sh -c "mkdir -p tests $(dir $@)"
            $(CC) -c $(INCLUDE_PATH) -Wp,-MD,deps.tmp -I$(dir $<) $(CFLAGS) -o tests/can_multichan_rx.o $<
            @echo $@ ": \\" > $(notdir $@).deps
            @echo $(wildcard $(PREFIX)/lib/*) " \\" >> $(notdir $@).deps
            @tail -n +2 deps.tmp >> $(notdir $@).deps
            @echo >> $(notdir $@).deps
            @rm deps.tmp
            $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(PREFIX)/lib -Ttarget.ld -o $@ tests/can_multichan_rx.o
        make -priority 320 {
            <PREFIX>/bin/can_multichan_tx : <PACKAGE>/tests/can_multichan_tx.c
            @sh -c "mkdir -p tests $(dir $@)"
            $(CC) -c $(INCLUDE_PATH) -Wp,-MD,deps.tmp -I$(dir $<) $(CFLAGS) -o tests/can_multichan_tx.o $<
            @echo $@ ": \\" > $(notdir $@).deps
            @echo $(wildcard $(PREFIX)/lib/*) " \\" >> $(notdir $@).deps
            @tail -n +2 deps.tmp >> $(notdir $@).deps
            @echo >> $(notdir $@).deps
            @rm deps.tmp
            $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(PREFIX)/lib -Ttarget.ld -o $@ tests/can_multichan_tx.o
        make -priority 320 {
            <PREFIX>/bin/can_baudrates : <PACKAGE>/tests/can_baudrates.c
            @sh -c "mkdir -p tests $(dir $@)"
            $(CC) -c $(INCLUDE_PATH) -Wp,-MD,deps.tmp -I$(dir $<) $(CFLAGS) -o tests/can_baudrates.o $<
            @echo $@ ": \\" > $(notdir $@).deps
            @echo $(wildcard $(PREFIX)/lib/*) " \\" >> $(notdir $@).deps
            @tail -n +2 deps.tmp >> $(notdir $@).deps
            @echo >> $(notdir $@).deps
            @rm deps.tmp
            $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(PREFIX)/lib -Ttarget.ld -o $@ tests/can_baudrates.o
        make -priority 320 {
            <PREFIX>/bin/can_extended_cfg : <PACKAGE>/tests/can_extended_cfg.c
            @sh -c "mkdir -p tests $(dir $@)"
            $(CC) -c $(INCLUDE_PATH) -Wp,-MD,deps.tmp -I$(dir $<) $(CFLAGS) -o tests/can_extended_cfg.o $<
            @echo $@ ": \\" > $(notdir $@).deps
            @echo $(wildcard $(PREFIX)/lib/*) " \\" >> $(notdir $@).deps
            @tail -n +2 deps.tmp >> $(notdir $@).deps
            @echo >> $(notdir $@).deps
            @rm deps.tmp
            $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(PREFIX)/lib -Ttarget.ld -o $@ tests/can_extended_cfg.o

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