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##      spi_freescale_dspi.cdl
##      Freescale DSPI driver configuration options.
## ####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTBEGIN####                                            
## -------------------------------------------                              
## This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.   
## Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
## eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under    
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free     
## Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later      
## version.                                                                 
## eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT      
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or    
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License    
## for more details.                                                        
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        
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## As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use      
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## on this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.         
## -------------------------------------------                              
## ####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTEND####                                              
## Author(s):     Ilija Kocho
## Date:          2011-11-03
## Purpose:       Configure Freescale DSPI driver.

    display       "Freescale DSPI driver"
    description   "
        This package provides SPI driver support for the Freescale
        microcontrollers that employ DSPI interface."

    parent        CYGPKG_IO_SPI
    active_if     CYGPKG_IO_SPI

    include_dir   cyg/io
    compile       spi_freescale_dspi.c

        display "DSPI FIFO size"
        flavor data
        calculated 4

        display "CTAR registers"
        flavor data
        calculated 2

        description "DSPI can have from 2 to 8 CTAR registers that keep
            transfer communication settings. In eCos CTAR0 is used for
            all normal transfers while CTAR1 is used as auxiliary for
            'transaction end' (non)transfer."

            display "CTAR1 Aux settings"
            flavor none

                display "Nominal clock speed Hz"
                flavor data
                default_value 25000000

                    display "Use double baud rate"
                    flavor bool
                    default_value 1
                    description "Double baud rate is a feature of Freescale DSPI
                    that may provide higher baud rates but duty the cycle may be
                    different than 50/50 depdent on scaler/prescaler setting
                    for achieved baud rate."

                display "Nominal chip select delay (units)"
                flavor data
                legal_values { 1 to 1000 }
                default_value 1

                display "Chip select delay unit (ns)"
                flavor data
                calculated 100

    for { set ::spibus 0 } { $::spibus < 3 } { incr ::spibus } {

        cdl_interface CYGINT_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus] {

        cdl_component CYGHWR_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus] {
            display "Freescale DSPI bus [set ::spibus]"
            description "Enable DSPI bus [set :: spibus]."
            flavor bool
            default_value CYGINT_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]
            active_if CYGINT_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]

            implements CYGINT_HAL_DMA
            requires   CYGPKG_HAL_FREESCALE_EDMA

            cdl_component CYGHWR_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS {
                display "Chip-selects"
                flavor none
                cdl_option CYHGWR_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_PCSS {
                    display "Chip-select Strobe enable"
                    flavor bool
                    default_value 0

                    requires CYHGWR_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_PCSS == 1 \
                        implies CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS5 == 0

                cdl_interface CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS0 {
                    description "
                        Number of devices selected by CS0.
                        May be be 0 or 1"

                cdl_component CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS0 {
                    display "CS0"
                    flavor bool
                    calculated CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS0
                    active_if CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS0

                    requires CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS0 == 1

                    cdl_option CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS0_IS {
                        display "CS0 Inactive state Hi(1) Lo(0)"
                        flavor data
                        default_value { 1 }
                        legal_values { 0 1 }

                cdl_interface CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS1 {
                    description "
                        Number of devices selected by CS1.
                        May be be 0 or 1"

                cdl_component CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS1 {
                    display "CS1"
                    flavor bool
                    calculated CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS1
                    active_if CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS1

                    requires CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS1 == 1

                    cdl_option CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS1_IS {
                        display "CS1 Inactive state Hi(1) Lo(0)"
                        flavor data
                        default_value { 1 }
                        legal_values { 0 1 }

                cdl_interface CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS2 {
                    description "
                        Number of devices selected by CS2.
                        May be be 0 or 1"

                cdl_component CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS2 {
                    display "CS2"
                    flavor bool
                    calculated CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS2
                    active_if CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS2

                    requires CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS2 == 1

                    cdl_option CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS2_IS {
                        display "CS2 Inactive state Hi(1) Lo(0)"
                        flavor data
                        default_value { 1 }
                        legal_values { 0 1 }

                cdl_interface CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS3 {
                    description "
                        Number of devices selected by CS3.
                        May be be 0 or 1"

                cdl_component CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS3 {
                    display "CS3"
                    flavor bool
                    calculated CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS3
                    active_if CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS3

                    requires CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS3 == 1

                    cdl_option CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS3_IS {
                        display "CS3 Inactive state Hi(1) Lo(0)"
                        flavor data
                        default_value { 1 }
                        legal_values { 0 1 }

                cdl_interface CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS4 {
                    description "
                        Number of devices selected by CS4.
                        May be be 0 or 1"

                cdl_component CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS4 {
                    display "CS4"
                    flavor bool
                    calculated CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS4
                    active_if CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS4

                    requires CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS4 == 1

                    cdl_option CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS4_IS {
                        display "CS4 Inactive state Hi(1) Lo(0)"
                        flavor data
                        default_value { 1 }
                        legal_values { 0 1 }

                cdl_interface CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS5 {
                    description "
                        Number of devices selected by CS5.
                        May be be 0 or 1"

                cdl_component CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS5 {
                    display "CS5"
                    flavor bool
                    calculated CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS5
                    active_if CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS5

                    requires CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS5 == 1

                    cdl_option CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS5_IS {
                        display "CS5 Inactive state Hi(1) Lo(0)"
                        flavor data
                        default_value { 1 }
                        legal_values { 0 1 }

                cdl_component CYGHWR_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_PCSIS {
                    display "Peripheral CS inactive states"
                    flavor data
                    calculated (0x0 + \
                        (get_data(CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS0_IS) == 1 ? 1 : 0) +      \
                        (get_data(CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS1_IS) == 1 ? 2 : 0) +      \
                        (get_data(CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS2_IS) == 1 ? 4 : 0) +      \
                        (get_data(CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS3_IS) == 1 ? 8 : 0) +      \
                        (get_data(CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS4_IS) == 1 ? 16 : 0) +     \
                        (get_data(CYGHWR_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_CS5_IS) == 1 ? 32 : 0))

            cdl_interface CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_HAS_MASS {
                description "SPI bus serves mas data device(s)."

            cdl_option CYGNUM_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_PUSHQUE_SIZE {
                display "Queue buffer size"
                description "
                DSPI requires a command for every transfer so output
                data must be re-packed in additional buffer prior to
                being submitted to DMA.
                If Queue capacity is same as DSPI FIFO size, the minimal
                legal value, the DMA is not needed so no buffer memory
                is allocated. Note: For every entry, byte (8 bit transfer)
                or half word (16 bit transfer) a whole 32 bit word
                is being allocated."

                legal_values { CYGHWR_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI_FIFO_SIZE to 2048 }
                flavor data
                default_value  CYGINT_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_HAS_MASS ? 128 : \

            cdl_interface CYGINT_DEVS_SPI_DSPI[set ::spibus]_USES_DMA {
                flavor bool

            cdl_component CYGHWR_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_TX_DMA_CHAN {
                display "TX DMA channel"
                flavor data
                implements CYGINT_DEVS_SPI_DSPI[set ::spibus]_USES_DMA

                active_if CYGNUM_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_PUSHQUE_SIZE > \
                default_value 6
                legal_values { 0 to (CYGNUM_HAL_FREESCALE_EDMA_CHAN_NUM-1) }
                description "DMA channel assigned to the trasmitter of SPI bus"

                cdl_component CYGNUM_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_TX_DMA_PRI {
                    display "Transmit DMA channel priority"
                    flavor data
                    legal_values  { 0 to (CYGNUM_HAL_FREESCALE_EDMA_CHAN_NUM-1) 255 }
                    default_value 255
                    description "
                    DMA can work in either round robin or preeptve arbitration
                    mode. In preemptive mode, DMA each channel has unique priority,
                    lower number meaning lower priority.
                    255 is a phony meaning \"default channel priority\"."

                    cdl_option CYGNUM_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_TX_DMA_ECP {
                        display "Enable channel preemption"
                        flavor data
                        legal_values { 0 1 }
                        default_value 0

                    cdl_option CYGNUM_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_TX_DMA_DPA {
                        display "Disable preempt ability"
                        flavor data
                        legal_values { 0 1 }
                        default_value 0


                cdl_option CYGOPT_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_TCD_SECTION {
                    display "DMA TCD section"
                    flavor data
                    default_value { "\".sram\"" }
                    legal_values { "\".sram\"" "\".ram\"" }

                    description "
                    Section in which will be DMA Transfer Control
                    Descriptors shall reside"

            cdl_component CYGHWR_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_RX_DMA_CHAN {
                display "RX DMA channel"
                flavor data
                implements CYGINT_DEVS_SPI_DSPI[set ::spibus]_USES_DMA

                active_if CYGNUM_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_PUSHQUE_SIZE > \
                default_value 7
                legal_values { 0 to (CYGNUM_HAL_FREESCALE_EDMA_CHAN_NUM-1) }
                description "DMA channel assigned to the receiver of SPI bus"

                cdl_component CYGNUM_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_RX_DMA_PRI {
                    display "Receive DMA channel priority"
                    flavor data
                    legal_values { 0 to (CYGNUM_HAL_FREESCALE_EDMA_CHAN_NUM-1) 255 }
                    default_value 255
                    description "
                    DMA can work in either round robin or preeptve arbitration
                    mode. In preemptive mode, DMA each channel has unique priority,
                    lower number meaning lower priority.
                    255 is a phony meaning \"default channel priority\"."

                    cdl_option CYGNUM_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_RX_DMA_ECP {
                        display "Enable channel preemption"
                        flavor data
                        legal_values { 0 1 }
                        default_value 0

                    cdl_option CYGNUM_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_RX_DMA_DPA {
                        display "Disable preempt ability"
                        flavor data
                        legal_values { 0 1 }
                        default_value 0

            cdl_option CYGNUM_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_ISR_PRI {
                display "Interrupt priority"
                flavor data
                requires CYGNUM_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_ISR_PRI_SP
                calculated CYGNUM_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI[set ::spibus]_ISR_PRI_SP
                description "Interrupt priority set-point is provtded bu HAL"

        display "Driver debug output level"
        flavor  data
        legal_values { 0 1 2 3 }
        default_value 0
        description   "
        This option specifies the level of debug data output by
        the Freescale DSPI device driver. A value of 0 signifies
        no debug data output; 1 signifies normal debug data
        output; and 2 signifies maximum debug data output."

        display "Freescale DSPI driver build options"
        flavor  none
        description   "
        Package specific build options including control over
        compiler flags used only in building this package,
        and details of which tests are built."

            display "Additional compiler flags"
            flavor data
            default_value { "" }
            description   "
            This option modifies the set of compiler flags for
            building the Freescale DSPI driver. These flags are used in addition
            to the set of global flags."

            display "Suppressed compiler flags"
            flavor data
            default_value { "" }
            description   "
            This option modifies the set of compiler flags for
            building the Freescale DSPI driver. These flags are removed from
            the set of global flags if present."

            display "Build Freescale DSPI loopback test"
            flavor bool
            default_value 0
            requires  { CYGHWR_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI0 ||
            description  "
            This option enables the building of the Freescale DSPI loopback test.
            Refer to the comments in tests/loopback.c for details of how to
            use this test."

            display "Freescale DSPI tests"
            flavor data
            calculated { CYGBLD_DEVS_SPI_FREESCALE_DSPI_LOOPBACK_TEST ? "tests/loopback" : "" }

# EOF spi_freescale_dspi.cdl

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