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#ifndef CYGONCE_MCF5272_DEVS_H
#define CYGONCE_MCF5272_DEVS_H
//      mcf5272_devs.h
//      Definitions for the MCF5272 on-chip peripherals
// ####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTBEGIN####                                            
// -------------------------------------------                              
// This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.   
// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under    
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free     
// Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later      
// version.                                                                 
// eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT      
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or    
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License    
// for more details.                                                        
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        
// along with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,    
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.            
// As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use      
// macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file      
// and link it with other works to produce a work based on this file,       
// this file does not by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by   
// the GNU General Public License. However the source code for this file    
// must still be made available in accordance with section (3) of the GNU   
// General Public License v2.                                               
// This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based    
// on this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.         
// -------------------------------------------                              
// ####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTEND####                                              
// Author(s):     Enrico Piria, Wade Jensen
// Contributors:
// Date:          2005-25-06
// Purpose:       Definitions for the MCF5272 on-chip peripherals.
// Usage:         #include <cyg/hal/mcf5272_devs.h>
#include <pkgconf/hal.h>
#include <cyg/infra/cyg_type.h>
// General configuration registers
typedef struct
    // Module base  address  register
    cyg_uint32 mbar;
    // System configuration register
    cyg_uint16 scr;
    // System protection register
    cyg_uint16 spr;
    // Power management register
    cyg_uint32 pmr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint16 _res1;
    // Active low power register
    cyg_uint16 alpr;
    // Device identification register
    cyg_uint32 dir;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint32 _res2[3];
} __attribute__ ((aligned (4), packed)) mcf5272_sim_cfg_t;
// Configuration registers macros
#define MCF5272_SIM_SCR_HWWD_1024   0x0003
#define MCF5272_SIM_SPR_ADC         0x8000
#define MCF5272_SIM_SPR_ADCEN       0x0080
#define MCF5272_SIM_SPR_WPV         0x4000
#define MCF5272_SIM_SPR_WPVEN       0x0040
#define MCF5272_SIM_SPR_SMV         0x2000
#define MCF5272_SIM_SPR_SMVEN       0x0020
#define MCF5272_SIM_SPR_SBE         0x1000
#define MCF5272_SIM_SPR_SBEEN       0x0010
#define MCF5272_SIM_SPR_HWT         0x0800
#define MCF5272_SIM_SPR_HWTEN       0x0008
#define MCF5272_SIM_SPR_RPV         0x0400
#define MCF5272_SIM_SPR_RPVEN       0x0004
#define MCF5272_SIM_SPR_EXT         0x0200
#define MCF5272_SIM_SPR_EXTEN       0x0002
#define MCF5272_SIM_SPR_SUV         0x0100
#define MCF5272_SIM_SPR_SUVEN       0x0001
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Interrupt controller registers
typedef struct
    // Interrupt control register 1-4
    cyg_uint32 icr[4];
    // Interrupt source register
    cyg_uint32 isr;
    // Programmable interrupt transition register
    cyg_uint32 pitr;
    // Programmable interrupt wakeup register
    cyg_uint32 piwr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8  _res1[3];
    // Programmable interrupt vector register
    cyg_uint8  ipvr;
} __attribute__ ((aligned (4), packed)) mcf5272_sim_int_t;
// Interrupt controller related macros
#define MCF5272_SIM_PITR_INT1_POS_EDGE         (0x80000000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PITR_INT2_POS_EDGE         (0x40000000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PITR_INT3_POS_EDGE         (0x20000000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PITR_INT4_POS_EDGE         (0x10000000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PITR_INT5_POS_EDGE         (0x00000040)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PITR_INT6_POS_EDGE         (0x00000020)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_INT1_WAKE             (0x80000000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_INT2_WAKE             (0x40000000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_INT3_WAKE             (0x20000000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_INT4_WAKE             (0x10000000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_TMR0_WAKE             (0x08000000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_TMR1_WAKE             (0x04000000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_TMR2_WAKE             (0x02000000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_TMR3_WAKE             (0x01000000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_UART1_WAKE            (0x00800000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_UART2_WAKE            (0x00400000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_PLIP_WAKE             (0x00200000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_PLIA_WAKE             (0x00100000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_USB0_WAKE             (0x00080000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_USB1_WAKE             (0x00040000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_USB2_WAKE             (0x00020000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_USB3_WAKE             (0x00010000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_USB4_WAKE             (0x00008000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_USB5_WAKE             (0x00004000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_USB6_WAKE             (0x00002000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_USB7_WAKE             (0x00001000)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_DMA_WAKE              (0x00000800)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_ERX_WAKE              (0x00000400)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_ETX_WAKE              (0x00000200)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_ENTC_WAKE             (0x00000100)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_QSPI_WAKE             (0x00000080)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_INT5_WAKE             (0x00000040)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_INT6_WAKE             (0x00000020)
#define MCF5272_SIM_PIWR_SWTO_WAKE             (0x00000010)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Chip-select module
typedef struct
    // CS base register
    cyg_uint32 csbr;
    // CS option register
    cyg_uint32 csor;
} __attribute__ ((aligned (4), packed)) mcf5272_sim_cs_t;
// Chip-select modules related macros
#define MCF5272_CS_BR_BASE(a)           ((a) & 0xFFFFF000)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_MASK_128M         (0xF8000000)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_MASK_64M          (0xFC000000)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_MASK_32M          (0xFE000000)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_MASK_16M          (0xFF000000)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_MASK_8M           (0xFF800000)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_MASK_4M           (0xFFC00000)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_MASK_2M           (0xFFE00000)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_MASK_1M           (0xFFF00000)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_MASK_512K         (0xFFF80000)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_MASK_256K         (0xFFFC0000)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_MASK_128K         (0xFFFE0000)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_MASK_64K          (0xFFFF0000)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_MASK_32K          (0xFFFF8000)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_MASK_16K          (0xFFFFC000)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_MASK_8K           (0xFFFFE000)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_MASK_4K           (0xFFFFF000)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_WS_MASK           (0x007C)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_WS(a)             (((a) & 0x1F) << 2)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_BRST              (0x0100)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_WR_ONLY           (0x0003)
#define MCF5272_CS_OR_RD_ONLY           (0x0001)
#define MCF5272_CS_BR_PS_8              (0x0100)
#define MCF5272_CS_BR_PS_16             (0x0200)
#define MCF5272_CS_BR_PS_32             (0x0000)
#define MCF5272_CS_BR_PS_LINE           (0x0300)
#define MCF5272_CS_BR_ROM               (0x0000)
#define MCF5272_CS_BR_SRAM              (0x0000)
#define MCF5272_CS_BR_SRAM_8            (0x0C00)
#define MCF5272_CS_BR_SDRAM             (0x0400)
#define MCF5272_CS_BR_ISA               (0x0800)
#define MCF5272_CS_BR_SV                (0x0080)
#define MCF5272_CS_BR_EN                (0x0001)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// General purpose I/O module
typedef struct
    // Port A control register
    cyg_uint32 pacnt;
    // Port A data direction register
    cyg_uint16 paddr;
    // Port A data register
    cyg_uint16 padat;
    // Port B control register
    cyg_uint32 pbcnt;
    // Port B data direction register
    cyg_uint16 pbddr;
    // Port B data register
    cyg_uint16 pbdat;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint32 _res1;
    // Port C data direction register
    cyg_uint16 pcddr;
    // Port C data register
    cyg_uint16 pcdat;
    // Port D control register
    cyg_uint32 pdcnt;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint16 _res2;
    cyg_uint16 _res3;
} __attribute__ ((aligned (4), packed)) mcf5272_sim_gpio_t;
// GPIO ports related macros
#define MCF5272_GPIO_DDR_IN         (0)
#define MCF5272_GPIO_DDR_OUT        (1)
#define MCF5272_GPIO_PBCNT_ETH_EN   (0x55550000)
#define MCF5272_GPIO_PBCNT_ETH_DE   (0x00000000)
#define MCF5272_GPIO_PBCNT_ETH_MSK  (0xFFFF0000)
#define MCF5272_GPIO_PBCNT_TA_EN    (0x00000400)
#define MCF5272_GPIO_PBCNT_TA_DE    (0x00000000)
#define MCF5272_GPIO_PBCNT_TA_MSK   (0x00000C00)
#define MCF5272_GPIO_PBCNT_URT0_EN  (0x00000155)
#define MCF5272_GPIO_PBCNT_URT0_DE  (0x00000000)
#define MCF5272_GPIO_PBCNT_URT0_MSK (0x000003FF)
#define MCF5272_GPIO_PDCNT_INT4_EN  (0x00000C00)
#define MCF5272_GPIO_PDCNT_INT4_DE  (0x00000000)
#define MCF5272_GPIO_PDCNT_INT4_MSK (0x00000C00)
#define MCF5272_GPIO_PDCNT_URT1_EN  (0x000002AA)
#define MCF5272_GPIO_PDCNT_URT1_DE  (0x00000000)
#define MCF5272_GPIO_PDCNT_URT1_MSK (0x000003FF)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// UART module
typedef struct
    // UART mode register
    cyg_uint8 umr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res1[3];
    // UART status register (R) and clock-select register (W)
    cyg_uint8 usr_ucsr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res2[3];
    // UART command register
    cyg_uint8 ucr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res3[3];
    // UART receiver buffers (R) and transmitter buffers (W)
    cyg_uint8 urb_utb;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res4[3];
    // UART input port change register (R) and auxiliary control register (W)
    cyg_uint8 uipcr_uacr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res5[3];
    // UART interrupt status register (R) and interrupt mask register (W)
    cyg_uint8 uisr_uimr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res6[3];
    // UART divider upper register
    cyg_uint8 udu;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res7[3];
    // UART divider lower register
    cyg_uint8 udl;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res8[3];
    // UART autobaud register MSB
    cyg_uint8 uabu;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res9[3];
    // UART autobaud register LSB
    cyg_uint8 uabl;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res10[3];
    // UART transmitter FIFO register
    cyg_uint8 utf;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res11[3];
    // UART receiver FIFO register
    cyg_uint8 urf;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res12[3];
    // UART fractional precision divider register
    cyg_uint8 ufpd;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res13[3];
    // UART input port register
    cyg_uint8 uip;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res14[3];
    // UART output port register 1
    cyg_uint8 uop1;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res15[3];
    // UART output port register 0
    cyg_uint8 uop0;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res16[3];
} __attribute__ ((aligned (4), packed)) mcf5272_uart_t;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SDRAM controller
typedef struct
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8   _res1[2];
    // SDRAM configuration register
    cyg_uint16  sdcr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8   _res2[2];
    // SDRAM timing register
    cyg_uint16  sdtr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8   _res3[120];
} __attribute__ ((aligned (4), packed)) mcf5272_sim_sdramctrl_t;
// SDRAM controller related macros
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_MCAS_A7    (0x0 << 13)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_MCAS_A8    (0x1 << 13)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_MCAS_A9    (0x2 << 13)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_MCAS_A10   (0x3 << 13)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_BALOC_A19  (0x0 << 8)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_BALOC_A20  (0x1 << 8)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_BALOC_A21  (0x2 << 8)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_BALOC_A22  (0x3 << 8)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_BALOC_A23  (0x4 << 8)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_BALOC_A24  (0x5 << 8)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_BALOC_A25  (0x6 << 8)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_BALOC_A26  (0x7 << 8)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_GSL        (0x00000080)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_REG        (0x00000010)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_INV        (0x00000008)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_SLEEP      (0x00000004)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_ACT        (0x00000002)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCCR_INIT       (0x00000001)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCTR_RTP_66MHz  (0x3D << 10)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCTR_RTP_48MHz  (0x2B << 10)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCTR_RTP_33MHz  (0x1D << 10)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCTR_RTP_25MHz  (0x16 << 10)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCTR_RC(x)      ((x & 0x3) << 8)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCTR_RP(x)      ((x & 0x3) << 4)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCTR_RCD(x)     ((x & 0x3) << 2)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCTR_CLT_2      (0x00000001)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCTR_CLT_3      (0x00000002)
#define MCF5272_SDRAMC_SDCTR_CLT_4      (0x00000003)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Timer module
typedef struct
    // Timer mode register
    cyg_uint16 tmr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint16 _res1;
    // Timer reference register
    cyg_uint16 trr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint16 _res2;
    // Timer capture register
    cyg_uint16 tcap;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint16 _res3;
    // Timer counter register
    cyg_uint16 tcn;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint16 _res4;
    // Timer event register
    cyg_uint16 ter;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint16 _res5;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint32 _res6[3];
} __attribute__ ((aligned (4), packed)) mcf5272_timer_t;
// Related macros
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TMR_PS            (0xFF00)
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TMR_PS_BIT        (8)
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TMR_CE            (0x00C0)
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TMR_CE_BIT        (6)
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TMR_OM            (0x0020)
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TMR_OM_BIT        (5)
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TMR_ORI           (0x0010)
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TMR_ORI_BIT       (4)
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TMR_FRR           (0x0008)
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TMR_FRR_BIT       (3)
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TMR_CLK           (0x0006)
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TMR_CLK_BIT       (1)
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TMR_RST           (0x0001)
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TMR_RST_BIT       (0)
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TER_REF           (0x0002)
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TER_REF_BIT       (1)
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TER_CAP           (0x0001)
#define MCF5272_TIMER_TER_CAP_BIT       (0)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Watchdog timer
typedef struct
    // Watchdog reset reference register
    cyg_uint16 wrrr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint16 _res1;
    // Watchdog interrupt reference register
    cyg_uint16 wirr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint16 _res2;
    // Watchdog counter register
    cyg_uint16 wcr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint16 _res3;
    // Watchdog event register
    cyg_uint16 wer;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint16 _res4;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint32 _res5[28];
} __attribute__ ((aligned (4), packed)) mcf5272_sim_wdtmr_t;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fast Ethernet Controller module
typedef struct
    // Ethernet control register
    cyg_uint32 ecr;
    // Ethernet interrupt event register
    cyg_uint32 eir;
    // Ethernet interrupt mask register
    cyg_uint32 eimr;
    // Interrupt vector status register
    cyg_uint32 ivsr;
    // Receive descriptor active register
    cyg_uint32 rdar;
    // Transmit descriptor active register
    cyg_uint32 tdar;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res2[0x0880 - 0x0858];
    // MII management frame register
    cyg_uint32 mmfr;
    // MII speed control register
    cyg_uint32 mscr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res3[0x08cc - 0x0888];
    // FIFO receive bound register
    cyg_uint32 frbr;
    // FIFO receive start register
    cyg_uint32 frsr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res4[0x08e4 - 0x08d4];
    // Transmit FIFO watermark
    cyg_uint32 tfwr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res5[0x08ec - 0x08e8];
    // Transmit FIFO start register
    cyg_uint32 tfsr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res6[0x0944 - 0x08f0];
    // Receive control register
    cyg_uint32 rcr;
    // Maximum frame length register
    cyg_uint32 mflr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res7[0x0984 - 0x094c];
    // Transmit control register
    cyg_uint32 tcr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res8[0x0c00 - 0x0988];
    // RAM perfect match address low register
    cyg_uint32 malr;
    // RAM perfect match address high register
    cyg_uint32 maur;
    // Hash table high register
    cyg_uint32 htur;
    // Hash table low register
    cyg_uint32 htlr;
    // Pointer to receive descriptor ring
    cyg_uint32 erdsr;
    // Pointer to transmit descriptor ring
    cyg_uint32 etdsr;
    // Maximum receive buffer size
    cyg_uint32 emrbr;
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res9[0x0c40 - 0x0c1c];
    // FIFO RAM space
    cyg_uint8 efifo[0x0e00 - 0x0c40];
    // Gap
    cyg_uint8 _res10[0x1000 - 0x0e00];
} __attribute__ ((aligned (4), packed)) mcf5272_fec_t;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// On-chip peripherals: this structure defines each register's offset from the
// current value of the MBAR register.
typedef struct
    // 0x0000: System Integration Module (SIM) general configuration registers
    mcf5272_sim_cfg_t cfg;
    // 0x0020: SIM interrupt controller registers
    mcf5272_sim_int_t intc;
    // 0x0040: SIM chip-select modules
    mcf5272_sim_cs_t cs[8];             
    // 0x0080: SIM general purpose I/O control registers
    mcf5272_sim_gpio_t gpio;
    // 0x00a0: QSPI module
    // TODO: a specific data structure is needed
    cyg_uint32 qspi[8];
    // 0x00c0: PWM module
    // TODO: a specific data structure is needed
    cyg_uint32 pwm[8];
    // 0x00e0: DMA controller
    // TODO: a specific data structure is needed
    cyg_uint32 dmac[8];
    // 0x0100: UART modules
    mcf5272_uart_t uart[2];
    // 0x0180: SIM SDRAM controller
    mcf5272_sim_sdramctrl_t sdramc;
    // 0x0200: timer module
    mcf5272_timer_t timer[4];
    // 0x0280: SIM watchdog timer module
    mcf5272_sim_wdtmr_t wdtimer;
    // 0x0300: physical layer interface controller
    // TODO: a specific data structure is needed
    cyg_uint32 plic[336];
    // 0x0840: ethernet module
    mcf5272_fec_t fec;
    // 0x1000: USB module
    // TODO: a specific data structure is needed
    cyg_uint32 usb[512];
} __attribute__ ((aligned (4), packed)) mcf5272_devs_t;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// End of mcf5272_devs.h
#endif // CYGONCE_MCF5272_DEVS_H

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