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/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2006 STMicroelectronics ******************** * File Name : 75x_i2c.c * Author : MCD Application Team * Date First Issued : 03/10/2006 * Description : This file provides all the I2C software functions. ******************************************************************************** * History: * 07/17/2006 : V1.0 * 03/10/2006 : V0.1 ******************************************************************************** * THE PRESENT SOFTWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME. * AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE * CONTENT OF SUCH SOFTWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING * INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. *******************************************************************************/ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "75x_i2c.h" #include "75x_mrcc.h" /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* I2C IT enable */ #define I2C_IT_Enable 0x01 #define I2C_IT_Disable 0xFE /* I2C Peripheral Enable/Disable */ #define I2C_PE_Set 0x20 #define I2C_PE_Reset 0xDF /* I2C START Enable/Disable */ #define I2C_Start_Enable 0x08 #define I2C_Start_Disable 0xF7 /* I2C STOP Enable/Disable */ #define I2C_Stop_Enable 0x02 #define I2C_Stop_Disable 0xFD /* Address direction bit */ #define I2C_ADD0_Set 0x01 #define I2C_ADD0_Reset 0xFE /* I2C Masks */ #define I2C_Frequency_Mask 0x1F #define I2C_AddressHigh_Mask 0xF9 #define I2C_OwnAddress_Mask 0x0300 #define I2C_StandardMode_Mask 0x7f #define I2C_FastMode_Mask 0x80 #define I2C_Event_Mask 0x3FFF /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : I2C_DeInit * Description : Deinitializes the I2C peripheral registers to their default * reset values. * Input : None * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void I2C_DeInit(void) { /* Reset the I2C registers values*/ MRCC_PeripheralSWResetConfig(MRCC_Peripheral_I2C,ENABLE); MRCC_PeripheralSWResetConfig(MRCC_Peripheral_I2C,DISABLE); } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : I2C_Init * Description : Initializes the I2C peripheral according to the specified * parameters in the I2C_Initstruct. * Input : - I2C_InitStruct: pointer to a I2C_InitTypeDef structure that * contains the configuration information for the specified I2C * peripheral. * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void I2C_Init(I2C_InitTypeDef* I2C_InitStruct) { u8 ITEState = 0; u16 Result = 0x0F; u32 APBClock = 8000000; MRCC_ClocksTypeDef MRCC_ClocksStatus; /* Get APBClock frequency value */ MRCC_GetClocksStatus(&MRCC_ClocksStatus); APBClock = MRCC_ClocksStatus.PCLK_Frequency; /* Save ITE bit state */ ITEState = I2C->CR & 0xFE; /* Disable I2C peripheral to set FR[2:0] bits */ I2C_Cmd(DISABLE); /* Clear frequency FR[2:0] bits */ I2C->OAR2 &= I2C_Frequency_Mask; /* Set frequency bits depending on APBClock value */ if (APBClock < 10000000) I2C->OAR2 &= 0x1F; else if (APBClock < 16670000) I2C->OAR2 |= 0x20; else if (APBClock < 26670000) I2C->OAR2 |= 0x40; else if (APBClock < 40000000) I2C->OAR2 |= 0x60; else if (APBClock < 53330000) I2C->OAR2 |= 0x80; else if (APBClock < 66000000) I2C->OAR2 |= 0xA0; else if (APBClock < 80000000) I2C->OAR2 |= 0xC0; else if (APBClock < 100000000) I2C->OAR2 |= 0xE0; I2C_Cmd(ENABLE); /* Restore the ITE bit state */ I2C->CR |= ITEState; /* Configure general call */ if (I2C_InitStruct->I2C_GeneralCall == I2C_GeneralCall_Enable) { /* Enable general call */ I2C->CR |= I2C_GeneralCall_Enable; } else { /* Disable general call */ I2C->CR &= I2C_GeneralCall_Disable; } /* Configure acknowledgement */ if (I2C_InitStruct->I2C_Ack == I2C_Ack_Enable) { /* Enable acknowledgement */ I2C->CR |= I2C_Ack_Enable; } else { /* Disable acknowledgement */ I2C->CR &= I2C_Ack_Disable; } /* Configure LSB own address */ I2C->OAR1 = I2C_InitStruct->I2C_OwnAddress; /* Clear MSB own address ADD[9:8] bits */ I2C->OAR2 &= I2C_AddressHigh_Mask; /* Set MSB own address value */ I2C->OAR2 |= (I2C_InitStruct->I2C_OwnAddress & I2C_OwnAddress_Mask)>>7; /* Configure speed in standard mode */ if (I2C_InitStruct->I2C_CLKSpeed <= 100000) { /* Standard mode speed calculate */ Result = ((APBClock/I2C_InitStruct->I2C_CLKSpeed)-7)/2; /* Set speed value and clear FM/SM bit for standard mode in LSB clock divider */ I2C->CCR = Result & I2C_StandardMode_Mask; } /* Configure speed in fast mode */ else if (I2C_InitStruct->I2C_CLKSpeed <= 400000) { /* Fast mode speed calculate */ Result = ((APBClock/I2C_InitStruct->I2C_CLKSpeed)-9)/3; /* Set speed value and set FM/SM bit for fast mode in LSB clock divider */ I2C->CCR = Result | I2C_FastMode_Mask; } /* Set speed in MSB clock divider */ I2C->ECCR = Result >>7; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : I2C_StructInit * Description : Fills each I2C_InitStruct member with its default value. * Input : - I2C_InitStruct: pointer to an I2C_InitTypeDef structure which will be initialized. * Output : None * Return : None. *******************************************************************************/ void I2C_StructInit(I2C_InitTypeDef* I2C_InitStruct) { /* Initialize the I2C_CLKSpeed member */ I2C_InitStruct->I2C_CLKSpeed = 5000; /* Initialize the I2C_OwnAddress member */ I2C_InitStruct->I2C_OwnAddress = 0x0; /* Initialize the I2C_GeneralCall member */ I2C_InitStruct->I2C_GeneralCall = I2C_GeneralCall_Disable; /* Initialize the I2C_Ack member */ I2C_InitStruct->I2C_Ack = I2C_Ack_Disable; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : I2C_Cmd * Description : Enables or disables the I2C peripheral. * Input : - NewState: new state of the I2C peripheral. This parameter * can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. * Output : None * Return : None. *******************************************************************************/ void I2C_Cmd(FunctionalState NewState) { if (NewState == ENABLE) { /* Enable the I2C peripheral by setting twice the PE bit on the CR register */ I2C->CR |= I2C_PE_Set; I2C->CR |= I2C_PE_Set; } else { /* Disable the I2C peripheral */ I2C->CR &= I2C_PE_Reset; } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : I2C_GenerateSTART * Description : Generates I2C communication START condition. * Input : - NewState: new state of the I2C START condition generation. * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. * Output : None * Return : None. *******************************************************************************/ void I2C_GenerateSTART(FunctionalState NewState) { if (NewState == ENABLE) { /* Generate a START condition */ I2C->CR |= I2C_Start_Enable; } else { /* Disable the START condition generation */ I2C->CR &= I2C_Start_Disable; } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : I2C_GenerateSTOP * Description : Generates I2C communication STOP condition. * Input : - NewState: new state of the I2C STOP condition generation. * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. * Output : None * Return : None. *******************************************************************************/ void I2C_GenerateSTOP(FunctionalState NewState) { if (NewState == ENABLE) { /* Generate a SIOP condition */ I2C->CR |= I2C_Stop_Enable; } else { /* Disable the STOP condition generation */ I2C->CR &= I2C_Stop_Disable; } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : I2C_AcknowledgeConfig * Description : Enables or disables I2C acknowledge feature. * Input : - NewState: new state of the I2C Acknowledgement. * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. * Output : None * Return : None. *******************************************************************************/ void I2C_AcknowledgeConfig(FunctionalState NewState) { if (NewState == ENABLE) { /* Enable the acknowledgement */ I2C->CR |= I2C_Ack_Enable; } else { /* Disable the acknowledgement */ I2C->CR &= I2C_Ack_Disable; } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : I2C_ITConfig * Description : Enables or disables the I2C interrupt. * Input : - NewState: new state of the I2C interrupt. * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. * Output : None * Return : None. *******************************************************************************/ void I2C_ITConfig(FunctionalState NewState) { if (NewState == ENABLE) { /* Enable the I2C interrupt */ I2C->CR |= I2C_IT_Enable; } else { /* Disable the I2C interrupt */ I2C->CR &= I2C_IT_Disable; } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : I2C_GetLastEvent * Description : Gets the last I2C event that has occurred. * Input : None * Output : None * Return : The Last happened Event. *******************************************************************************/ u16 I2C_GetLastEvent(void) { u16 Flag1 = 0, Flag2 = 0, LastEvent = 0; Flag1 = I2C->SR1; Flag2 = I2C->SR2; Flag2 = Flag2<<8; /* Get the last event value from I2C status register */ LastEvent = (((Flag1 | (Flag2)) & I2C_Event_Mask)); /* Return the last event */ return LastEvent; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : I2C_CheckEvent * Description : Checks whether the Last I2C Event is equal to the one passed * as parameter. * Input : - I2C_EVENT: specifies the event to be checked. This parameter * can be one of the following values: * - I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_ADDRESS_MATCHED * - I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_BYTE_RECEIVED * - I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_BYTE_TRANSMITTED * - I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_ACK_FAILURE * - I2C_EVENT_MASTER_MODE_SELECT * - I2C_EVENT_MASTER_MODE_SELECTED * - I2C_EVENT_MASTER_BYTE_RECEIVED * - I2C_EVENT_MASTER_BYTE_TRANSMITTED * - I2C_EVENT_MASTER_MODE_ADDRESS10 * - I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_STOP_DETECTED * Output : None * Return : An ErrorStatus enumuration value: * - SUCCESS: Last event is equal to the I2C_Event * - ERROR: Last event is different from the I2C_Event *******************************************************************************/ ErrorStatus I2C_CheckEvent(u16 I2C_EVENT) { u16 LastEvent = I2C_GetLastEvent(); /* Check whether the last event is equal to I2C_EVENT */ if (LastEvent == I2C_EVENT) { /* Return SUCCESS when last event is equal to I2C_EVENT */ return SUCCESS; } else { /* Return ERROR when last event is different from I2C_EVENT */ return ERROR; } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : I2C_SendData * Description : Sends a data byte. * Input : - Data: indicates the byte to be transmitted. * Output : None * Return : None. *******************************************************************************/ void I2C_SendData(u8 Data) { /* Write in the DR register the byte to be sent */ I2C->DR = Data; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : I2C_ReceiveData * Description : Reads the received byte. * Input : None * Output : None * Return : The received byte *******************************************************************************/ u8 I2C_ReceiveData(void) { /* Return from the DR register the received byte */ return I2C->DR; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : I2C_Send7bitAddress * Description : Transmits the address byte to select the slave device. * Input : - Address: specifies the slave address which will be transmitted * - Direction: specifies whether the I2C device will be a * Transmitter or a Receiver. This parameter can be one of the * following values * - I2C_MODE_TRANSMITTER: Transmitter mode * - I2C_MODE_RECEIVER: Receiver mode * Output : None * Return : None. *******************************************************************************/ void I2C_Send7bitAddress(u8 Address, u8 Direction) { /* Test on the direction to define the read/write bit */ if (Direction == I2C_MODE_RECEIVER) { /* Set the address bit0 for read */ Address |= I2C_ADD0_Set; } else { /* Reset the address bit0 for write */ Address &= I2C_ADD0_Reset; } /* Send the address */ I2C->DR = Address; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : I2C_ReadRegister * Description : Reads the specified I2C register and returns its value. * Input1 : - I2C_Register: specifies the register to read. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * - I2C_CR: CR register. * - I2C_SR1: SR1 register. * - I2C_SR2: SR2 register. * - I2C_CCR: CCR register. * - I2C_OAR1: OAR1 register. * - I2C_OAR2: OAR2 register. * - I2C_DR: DR register. * - I2C_ECCR: ECCR register. * Output : None * Return : The value of the read register. *******************************************************************************/ u8 I2C_ReadRegister(u8 I2C_Register) { /* Return the selected register value */ return (*(u8 *)(I2C_BASE + I2C_Register)); } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : I2C_GetFlagStatus * Description : Checks whether the specified I2C flag is set or not. * Input : - I2C_FLAG: specifies the flag to check. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * - I2C_FLAG_SB: Start bit flag (Master mode) * - I2C_FLAG_M_SL: Master/Slave flag * - I2C_FLAG_ADSL: Address matched flag (Slave mode) * - I2C_FLAG_BTF: Byte transfer finished flag * - I2C_FLAG_BUSY: Bus busy flag * - I2C_FLAG_TRA: Transmitter/Receiver flag * - I2C_FLAG_ADD10: 10-bit addressing in Master mode flag * - I2C_FLAG_EVF: Event flag * - I2C_FLAG_GCAL: General call flag (slave mode) * - I2C_FLAG_BERR: Bus error flag * - I2C_FLAG_ARLO: Arbitration lost flag * - I2C_FLAG_STOPF: Stop detection flag (slave mode) * - I2C_FLAG_AF: Acknowledge failure flag * - I2C_FLAG_ENDAD: End of address transmission flag * - I2C_FLAG_ACK: Acknowledge enable flag * Output : None * Return : The NewState of the I2C_FLAG (SET or RESET). *******************************************************************************/ FlagStatus I2C_GetFlagStatus(u16 I2C_FLAG) { u16 Flag1 = 0, Flag2 = 0, Flag3 = 0, Tmp = 0; Flag1 = I2C->SR1; Flag2 = I2C->SR2; Flag2 = Flag2<<8; Flag3 = I2C->CR & 0x04; /* Get all the I2C flags in a unique register*/ Tmp = (((Flag1 | (Flag2)) & I2C_Event_Mask) | (Flag3<<12)); /* Check the status of the specified I2C flag */ if((Tmp & I2C_FLAG) != RESET) { /* Return SET if I2C_FLAG is set */ return SET; } else { /* Return RESET if I2C_FLAG is reset */ return RESET; } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : I2C_ClearFlag * Description : Clears the I2C’s pending flags * Input : - I2C_FLAG: specifies the flag to clear. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * - I2C_FLAG_SB: Start bit flag * - I2C_FLAG_M_SL: Master/Slave flag * - I2C_FLAG_ADSL: Adress matched flag * - I2C_FLAG_BTF: Byte transfer finished flag * - I2C_FLAG_BUSY: Bus busy flag * - I2C_FLAG_TRA: Transmitter/Receiver flag * - I2C_FLAG_ADD10: 10-bit addressing in Master mode flag * - I2C_FLAG_EVF: Event flag * - I2C_FLAG_GCAL: General call flag * - I2C_FLAG_BERR: Bus error flag * - I2C_FLAG_ARLO: Arbitration lost flag * - I2C_FLAG_STOPF: Stop detection flag * - I2C_FLAG_AF: Acknowledge failure flag * - I2C_FLAG_ENDAD: End of address transmission flag * - I2C_FLAG_ACK: Acknowledge enable flag * - parameter needed in the case that the flag to be cleared * need a write in one register * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void I2C_ClearFlag(u16 I2C_FLAG, ...) { u8 Tmp = (u8)*((u32 *) & I2C_FLAG + sizeof(I2C_FLAG)); /* flags that need a read of the SR2 register to be cleared */ if ((I2C_FLAG == I2C_FLAG_ADD10) || (I2C_FLAG == I2C_FLAG_EVF) || (I2C_FLAG == I2C_FLAG_STOPF) || (I2C_FLAG == I2C_FLAG_AF) || (I2C_FLAG == I2C_FLAG_BERR) || (I2C_FLAG == I2C_FLAG_ARLO) || (I2C_FLAG == I2C_FLAG_ENDAD)) { /* Read the SR2 register */ (void)I2C->SR2; /* Two flags need a second step to be cleared */ switch (I2C_FLAG) { case I2C_FLAG_ADD10: /* Send the MSB 10bit address passed as second parameter */ I2C->DR = Tmp; break; case I2C_FLAG_ENDAD: /* Write to the I2C_CR register by setting PE bit */ I2C->CR |= I2C_PE_Set; break; } } /* flags that need a read of the SR1 register to be cleared */ else if (I2C_FLAG==I2C_FLAG_SB || I2C_FLAG==I2C_FLAG_ADSL || I2C_FLAG==I2C_FLAG_BTF || I2C_FLAG==I2C_FLAG_TRA) { /* Read the SR1 register */ (void)I2C->SR1; /* three flags need a second step to be cleared */ if (I2C_FLAG == I2C_FLAG_SB) { /* Send the address byte passed as second parameter */ I2C->DR=Tmp; } else if (I2C_FLAG==I2C_FLAG_BTF || I2C_FLAG==I2C_FLAG_TRA) { /* return the received byte in the variable passed as second parameter */ Tmp=I2C->DR; } } /* flags that need to disable the I2C interface */ else if ( I2C_FLAG==I2C_FLAG_M_SL || I2C_FLAG==I2C_FLAG_GCAL) { I2C_Cmd(DISABLE); I2C_Cmd(ENABLE); } } /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2006 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
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