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[/] [openrisc/] [trunk/] [rtos/] [rtems/] [tools/] [update/] [ampolish] - Rev 855
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package main ;
use strict ;
# Perl script to beautify and enhance RTEMS automake Makefile.ams
# Reads from stdin and writes to stdout
# usage:
# <path-to>/ampolish <Makefile.am >Makefile.am~
# mv Makefile.am~ Makefile.am
my @vars ;
my @conditions = ( "" ) ;
my @buffer = ();
my %var_ ;
define_variable( "\$(AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS)", ( "foreign", "1.4" ) );
define_variable( "\$(VPATH)", ( "\@srcdir\@" ) );
# find relative up-path to configure.in
my $rtems_cfg = find_file(".","configure.in");
# find relative up-path from configure.in to VERSION
my $rtems_top = find_file("$rtems_cfg","VERSION");
if ( "$rtems_top" eq "." ) { $rtems_top = "" ; }
else { $rtems_top .= "/" ; }
# PASS1:
# read input file and concatenate multiple lines into single lines.
my @ibuf = () ;
while( <STDIN> )
{ # consume header
last if ( /^[^#].*$/ ) ;
push @ibuf, "$_" ;
if ( /^(#.*)$/o )
{ # preserve comments
push @ibuf, "$_" ;
elsif ( /^(\t.*)\\[\s]*$/o )
{ # multilines for scripts
while( <STDIN> )
if ( /^(.*)\\[\s]*$/o )
$line .= "$_" ;
push @ibuf, $line ;
last ;
elsif ( /^(.*)\\[\s]*$/o )
{ # multilines
my $line = "$1" ;
while( <STDIN> )
if ( /^(.*)\\[\s]*$/o )
$line .= "$1" ;
$line .= "$_" ;
$line =~ s%[\s]+% %g ;
push @ibuf, "$line\n" ;
last ;
push @ibuf, "$_" ;
} while ( <STDIN> ) ;
@buffer = @ibuf ;
# PASS2:
# fix obsolete constructs
my @ibuf = () ;
foreach ( @buffer )
# tr /\{\}/\(\)/ ;
if ( /^(TMP|PRE)INSTALL_FILES[\s]*=(.*)$/o )
{ # force "+="
push @ibuf, "$1INSTALL_FILES +=$2\n" ;
elsif ( /^(VPATH|EXTRA_DIST)[\s]*\+=(.*)$/o )
{ # force "="
push @ibuf, "$1 = $2\n" ;
elsif ( /^[\s]*ACLOCAL[\s]*=[\s]*\@ACLOCAL\@.*$/o )
{ # remove the line
elsif ( /^[\s]*(ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS)[\s\t]*[\+]*=[\s]*(.*)[\s]*$/o )
{ # remove the line
elsif ( /^[\s]*(AM_CFLAGS)[\s\t]*[\+]*=[\s]*\$\(CFLAGS_OS_V\)[\s]*$/o )
{ # remove the line
elsif ( /^[\s]*debug-am:.*$/o )
{ # remove the line
elsif ( /^[\s]*all(\-am):(.*)$/o )
{ # replace the line
push @ibuf, "all-local:$2\n" ;
elsif ( /^[\s]*profile-am:.*$/o )
{ # remove the line
elsif ( /^[\s]*include[\s\t]*\$\(RTEMS_ROOT\)\/make\/lib.cfg[\s]*$/o )
push @ibuf, "include \$(top_srcdir)/${rtems_top}automake/lib.am\n" ;
elsif ( /^(.*[^\s])[\s]*$/o )
{ # remove trailing spaces
push @ibuf, "$1\n" ;
push @ibuf, "$_" ;
@buffer = @ibuf ;
# print STDERR "<tmp>\n", @buffer, "</tmp>\n" ;
my @ibuf = () ;
foreach ( @buffer )
if ( /^#(.*)$/o )
push @ibuf, "#$1\n" ;
elsif ( /^[\s]*if[\s\t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[\s\t]*$/o )
push @conditions, "\@" . $1 . "_TRUE\@" ;
push @ibuf, "if $1\n" ;
elsif ( /^[\s]*else[\s\t]*$/o )
@conditions[$#conditions] =~ s/_TRUE\@$/_FALSE\@/;
push @ibuf, "else\n" ;
elsif ( /^[\s]*endif[\s\t]*$/o )
pop @conditions ;
push @ibuf, "endif\n" ;
push @ibuf, "$_" ;
elsif ( /^[\s]*(VPATH)[\s\t]*([\+]*)=[\s]*(.*)[\s]*$/o )
my $lh = "\$($1)" ;
my @rh = split( /:/,"$3");
if ( $#conditions > 0 )
print STDERR "WARNING: $1 must not be set inside of conditionals!\n"
define_variable( "$lh", @rh );
elsif ( /^[\s]*(AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS)[\s\t]*([\+]*)=[\s]*(.*)$/o )
my $lh = "\$($1)" ;
my @rh = &split_vars("$3");
if ( $#conditions > 0 )
print STDERR "WARNING: $1 must not be set inside of conditionals!\n"
define_variable( "$lh", @rh );
elsif ( /^[\s]*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[\s\t]*([\+]*)=[\s]*(.*)$/o )
my $lh = join ('',@conditions) . "\$($1)" ;
my @rh = &split_vars("$3");
my $seen = variable_seen( "$lh" ) ;
if ( $#conditions > 0 )
define_variable( "\$($1)", () );
define_variable( "$lh", @rh );
if ( not $seen )
elsif ( /^[\s]*include[\s\t]*\$\(top_srcdir\)[\.\/]*automake\/(.*)\.am$/o )
if ( "$1" eq "lib" )
push @ibuf, "include \$(top_srcdir)/${rtems_top}automake/$1.am\n" ;
elsif ( "$1" eq "local" )
$main::seen_local = 1 ;
elsif ( "$1" eq "host" )
$main::seen_host = 1 ;
elsif ( /^[\s]*include[\s\t]*(.*)$/o )
push @ibuf, "include $1\n" ;
elsif ( /^\t(.*)$/o )
push @ibuf, "\t$1\n" ;
elsif ( /^(.*)\:(.*)$/o )
push @ibuf, "$1:$2\n" ;
elsif ( /^[\s]*$/o )
push @ibuf, "\n" ;
die "ERROR: Don't know how to handle <$_>" ;
} # for
@buffer = @ibuf ;
} # while
die "Conditional stack corrupted" if ( $#conditions != 0 );
foreach( @vars )
purge( \@{$var_{"$_"}} );
# print STDERR "<tmp>\n", @buffer, "</tmp>\n" ;
my @ibuf = () ;
foreach( @buffer )
if ( /^#.*$/o )
push @ibuf, "$_" ;
my $l = $var_{"\$(AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS)"} ;
push @ibuf, "\nAUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = @{$l}\n" ;
if ( "$rtems_cfg" eq "." )
push @ibuf, "ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I \$(RTEMS_TOPdir)/aclocal\n" ;
if ( defined( @{$var_{"\$(VPATH)"}} ) )
if ( $#{$var_{"\$(VPATH)"}} > 0 )
my $l = join (':',@{$var_{"\$(VPATH)"}}) ;
push @ibuf, "\nVPATH = $l\n" ;
push @ibuf, "\n" ;
print_var(\@ibuf, "$3 $1=", $var_{"$2\$($3)"}) ;
elsif ( /^\t.*$/o )
&print_script(\@ibuf, "$_");
elsif ( /^[\s]*if[\s]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[\s\t]*$/o )
push @conditions, "\@$1_TRUE\@" ;
push @ibuf, "if $1\n" ;
elsif ( /^[\s]*else[\s]*$/o )
@conditions[$#conditions] =~ s/_TRUE\@$/_FALSE\@/;
push @ibuf, "else\n" ;
elsif ( /^[\s]*endif[\s]*$/o )
pop @conditions ;
push @ibuf, "endif\n" ;
if ( variable_seen("\$(SUBDIRS)") )
push @ibuf, "include \$(top_srcdir)/${rtems_top}automake/subdirs.am\n" ;
if ( defined( $main::seen_host ) )
push @ibuf, "include \$(top_srcdir)/${rtems_top}automake/host.am\n" ;
push @ibuf, "include \$(top_srcdir)/${rtems_top}automake/local.am\n" ;
@buffer = @ibuf ;
#print STDERR "<tmp>\n", @buffer, "</tmp>\n" ;
{ ## pretty print
my $out = join ('',@buffer) ;
$out =~ s/\s\#\n(\#\n)+/\n/g ;
$out =~ s/\n\n\#\n\n/\n/g ;
$out =~ s/\n\n[\n]*/\n\n/g ;
print $out ;
exit 0;
# find a relative up-path to a file $file, starting at directory $pre
sub find_file
my $pre = $_[0] ;
my $file= $_[1] ;
my $top = "." ;
if (not "$pre") { $pre = "." ; }
for ( my $str = "$pre" . "/" . "$top" ;
( -d "$str" ) ;
$str = "$pre" . "/" . "$top" )
if ( -f "${str}/${file}" )
return $top ;
if ( "$top" eq "." )
$top = ".." ;
$top .= "/.." ;
} ;
die "Can't find file ${file}\n" ;
sub variable_seen($)
my $label = "$_[0]" ;
my $res = defined $var_{"$label"};
#print STDERR "SEEN: $label ->$res<\n" ;
return $res ;
sub define_variable($$)
my ($label,@value) = @_ ;
if ( not variable_seen("$label") )
#print STDERR "DEFINING: $label\n" ;
push @vars, "$label" ;
foreach my $i ( @{value} )
push @{$var_{"$label"}}, $i ;
# Strip off duplicate entries from a list
sub purge($)
my $list = $_[0] ; # Reference to list !
my (@tmp) = () ;
foreach my $l ( @{$list} )
my $i = 1 ;
foreach my $t (@tmp)
if ( $t eq $l )
$i = 0 ;
last ;
push @tmp,$l if ($i) ;
@{$list} = @tmp ;
# Break the right hand side of a variable assignment into separate chunks
sub split_vars($)
my $line = $_[0] ;
my (@buf) = split(//,"$line") ;
my $begin = 0 ;
my @res = () ;
my $depth = 0 ;
my $state = 0 ;
my $len = $#buf + 1 ;
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $len ; $i++ )
my $c = @buf[$i] ;
if ( $state == 0 )
if ( "$c" ne " " )
{ # token
$begin = $i ;
$state++ ;
if ( "$c" eq "\$" )
{ # variable
$depth++ ;
elsif ( $state == 1 )
if ( ( "$c" eq "\)" ) or ( "$c" eq "\}" ) )
{ # variable
$depth-- ;
elsif ( ("$c" eq " " ) and ( $depth == 0 ) )
push @res, substr($line,$begin,$i-$begin);
$state-- ;
elsif ( "$c" eq "\$" )
{ # variable
$depth++ ;
die "split_vars: unknown mode\n" ;
if ( $state > 0 )
push @res, substr($line,$begin,$len-$begin);
$state = 0
return @res ;
sub print_var($$$)
my ($ibuf,$line,$l) = @_ ; # $l .. reference to list
foreach (@{$l}) {
if ( ( length($line) + length($_) ) < 76 )
$line .= " $_";
push @{$ibuf}, "$line \\\n";
$line = " $_" ;
push @{$ibuf}, "$line\n" ;
sub print_line($$)
my ($ibuf,$input) = @_ ;
my @l = split( / /, $input );
my $line = shift @l ;
foreach my $i (@l) {
if ( ( length($line) + length($i) ) < 76 )
$line .= " $i";
push @{$ibuf}, "$line \\\n";
$line = " $i" ;
push @{$ibuf}, "$line" ;
sub print_script($$)
my ($ibuf,$input) = @_ ;
push @{$ibuf}, $input ;
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