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# Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
# DejaGnu@cygnus.com
# This file was written by Bob Manson (manson@cygnus.com)
# Open a connection to the remote DOS host.
proc dos_open { dest args } {
global destbat_num
if ![info exists destbat_num] {
set destbat_num [pid];
if { [board_info $dest conninfo] == "" } {
global board_info;
set name [board_info $dest name];
set board_info($name,conninfo) "b${destbat_num}.bat";
incr destbat_num;
if [board_info $dest exists fileid] {
return [board_info $dest fileid];
verbose "doing a dos_open to $dest"
set shell_prompt [board_info $dest shell_prompt];
set shell_id [remote_raw_open $dest];
if { $shell_id == "" || $shell_id < 0 } {
return -1;
if [board_info $dest exists init_command] {
remote_send $dest "[board_info $dest init_command]\n";
remote_expect $dest 10 {
-re "$shell_prompt" { }
default {
perror "failed connection to DOS on $dest."
return -1;
if [board_info $dest exists ftp_directory] {
set dir [board_info $dest ftp_directory];
regsub -all "/" "$dir" "\\" dir;
remote_send $dest "cd $dir\n";
remote_expect $dest 10 {
-re "$shell_prompt" { }
default {
perror "failed connection to DOS on $dest."
return -1;
if [board_info $dest exists dos_dir] {
set dos_dir [board_info $dest dos_dir];
regsub -all "^(\[a-zA-Z]:).*$" "$dos_dir" "\\1" drive;
regsub -all "^\[a-zA-Z]:" "$dos_dir" "" dos_dir;
remote_send $dest "${drive}\n";
remote_expect $dest 10 {
-re "$shell_prompt" { }
default {
perror "failed connection to DOS on $dest."
return -1;
remote_send $dest "cd $dos_dir\n";
remote_expect $dest 10 {
-re "$shell_prompt" { }
default {
perror "failed connection to DOS on $dest."
return -1;
global target_alias
if [info exists target_alias] {
set talias $target_alias;
} else {
set talias "foo-bar"
global board_info;
if [board_info $dest exists name] {
set n [board_info $dest name];
} else {
set n $dest;
set board_info($n,fileid) $shell_id;
if [board_info $dest exists init_script] {
remote_exec $dest "[board_info $dest init_script] $talias"
verbose "Succeeded in connecting to DOS."
return $shell_id;
# Close the connection to the remote host. If we're telnetting there, we
# need to exit the connection first (ataman telnetd gets confused otherwise).
proc dos_close { dest args } {
if [board_info $dest exists fileid] {
if { [board_info $dest connect] == "telnet" } {
remote_send $dest "exit\n";
sleep 2;
return [remote_raw_close $dest];
proc dos_prep_command { dest cmdline } {
global board_info;
set name [board_info $dest name];
set shell_id [remote_open "$dest"];
set localbat "/tmp/b[pid].bat";
set remotebat [board_info $dest conninfo];
verbose "opened"
if { $shell_id != "" && $shell_id >= 0 } {
set fileid [open "$localbat" "w"];
puts -nonewline $fileid "@echo off\r\n$cmdline\r\nif errorlevel 1 echo *** DOSEXIT code 1\r\nif not errorlevel 1 echo *** DOSEXIT code 0\r\n";
close $fileid;
set result [remote_download $dest $localbat $remotebat];
} else {
set result ""
remote_file build delete $localbat;
return $result;
# Run CMDLINE on DESTHOST. We handle two cases; one is where we're at
# a DOS prompt, and the other is where we're in GDB.
# We run CMDLINE by creating a batchfile, downloading it, and then
# executing it; this handles the case where the commandline is too
# long for command.com to deal with.
proc dos_exec { dest program pargs inp outp } {
set cmdline "$program $pargs"
set shell_prompt [board_info $dest shell_prompt];
if { $inp != "" } {
set inp [remote_download $dest $inp inpfile];
if { $inp != "" } {
set inp " < $inp";
if { $outp != "" } {
set outpf " > tempout";
} else {
set outpf "";
verbose "cmdline is $cmdline$inp." 2
# Make a DOS batch file; we use @echo off so we don't have to see
# the DOS command prompts and such.
for { set i 0; } { $i < 2 } { incr i } {
set exit_status -1;
verbose "calling open"
set batfile [dos_prep_command $dest "$cmdline$inp$outpf"];
if { $batfile != "" } {
if { [dos_start_command $batfile $dest] == "" } {
# FIXME: The 300 below should be a parameter.
set result [remote_wait $dest 300];
set exit_status [lindex $result 0];
set output [lindex $result 1];
if { $exit_status >= 0 } {
if { $outp != "" } {
remote_upload $dest tempout $outp;
remote_file $dest delete tempout;
return [list $exit_status $output];
if { $exit_status != -2 } {
remote_close $dest;
remote_reboot $dest;
return [list -1 "program execution failed"];
# Start CMDLINE executing on DEST.
# There are two cases that we handle, one where we're at a DOS prompt
# and the other is when the remote machine is running GDB.
proc dos_start_command { cmdline dest } {
set shell_prompt [board_info $dest shell_prompt];
set prefix ""
set ok 0;
for {set i 0;} {$i <= 2 && ! $ok} {incr i;} {
set shell_id [remote_open $dest];
if { $shell_id != "" && $shell_id > 0 } {
remote_send $dest "echo k\r";
remote_expect $dest 20 {
-re "\\(gdb\\)" {
set shell_prompt "\\(gdb\\)";
# gdb uses 'shell command'.
set prefix "shell ";
set ok 1;
-re "$shell_prompt" {
set ok 1;
default { }
if { ! $ok } {
remote_close $dest;
remote_reboot $dest;
if { ! $ok } {
return "unable to start command"
} else {
remote_send $dest "${prefix}${cmdline}\n";
remote_expect $dest 2 {
-re "${cmdline}\[\r\n\]\[\r\n\]?" { }
timeout { }
return "";
# Send STRING to DEST, translating all LFs to CRs first, and sending one
# line at a time because of strangeness with telnet in some circumstances.
proc dos_send { dest string } {
verbose "Sending '$string' to $dest" 2
# Convert LFs to CRs, 'cause that is what DOS wants to see.
set first 1
set string [string trimright $string "\r\n"]
foreach line [split $string "\r\n"] {
if {$first} {
set first 0
} else {
# small delay between lines, to keep from
# overwhelming the stupid telnet server.
sleep 1.0
remote_raw_send $dest "$line\r"
# Spawn PROGRAM on DEST, and return the spawn_id associated with the
# connection; we can only spawn one command at a time.
proc dos_spawn { dest program args } {
verbose "running $program on $dest"
set remotebat [dos_prep_command $dest $program];
for { set x 0; } { $x < 3 } { incr x } {
if { [dos_start_command $remotebat $dest] == "" } {
return [board_info $dest fileid];
remote_close $dest;
remote_reboot $dest;
return -1;
proc dos_wait { dest timeout } {
set output "";
set shell_prompt [board_info $dest shell_prompt];
set status 1;
verbose "waiting in dos_wait";
remote_expect $dest $timeout {
-re "(.*)\[*\]\[*\]\[*\] DOSEXIT code (\[0-9\]+)\[\r\n\]\[\r\n\]?" {
verbose "got exit status";
append output $expect_out(1,string);
set status $expect_out(2,string);
-re "(.*)${shell_prompt}" {
append output $expect_out(1,string);
verbose "output from dos is:'$output'";
return [list $status $output];
-re "(.*)\\(gdb\\)" {
append output $expect_out(1,string);
return [list $status $output];
-re "In.*cygwin.*except" {
remote_close $dest;
remote_reboot $dest;
return [list -2 $output];
-re "\[\r\n\]+" {
# This is a bit obscure. We only want to put whole
# lines into the output string, because otherwise we
# might miss a prompt because we only got 1/2 of it the
# first time 'round. The other tricky bit is that
# expect_out(buffer) will contain everything before and including
# the matched pattern.
append output $expect_out(buffer);
exp_continue -continue_timer;
timeout {
warning "timeout in dos_wait";
if { [dos_interrupt_job $dest] == "" } {
return [list 1 $output];
eof {
warning "got EOF from dos host.";
remote_close $dest;
return [list -1 $output];
proc dos_load { dest prog args } {
global dos_dll_loaded;
set progargs "";
set inpfile "";
if { [llength $args] > 0 } {
set progargs [lindex $args 1];
if { [llength $args] > 1 } {
set inpfile [lindex $args 1];
if ![info exists dos_dll_loaded] {
if ![is_remote host] {
global target_alias;
set comp [get_multilibs];
if [file exists "${comp}/winsup/new-cygwin1.dll"] {
set dll "${comp}/winsup/new-cygwin1.dll";
set dll_name "cygwin1.dll";
} elseif [file exists "${comp}/winsup/new-cygwin.dll"] {
set dll "${comp}/winsup/new-cygwin.dll";
set dll_name "cygwin.dll";
} elseif [file exists ${comp}/lib/cygwin1.dll] {
set dll "${comp}/lib/cygwin1.dll";
set dll_name "cygwin1.dll";
} elseif [file exists ${comp}/lib/cygwin.dll] {
set dll "${comp}/lib/cygwin.dll";
set dll_name "cygwin.dll";
} else {
error "couldn't find cygwin.dll:$comp"
return "fail";
remote_download $dest $dll $dll_name
set dos_dll_loaded 1;
set remote_prog [remote_download $dest $prog "aout.exe"];
set result [remote_exec $dest $remote_prog $progargs $inpfile];
set status [lindex $result 0];
set output [lindex $result 1];
set status2 [check_for_board_status output];
if { $status2 >= 0 } {
set status $status2;
if { $status != 0 } {
set status "fail";
} else {
set status "pass";
return [list $status $output];
proc dos_file { dest op args } {
switch $op {
delete {
foreach x $args {
remote_exec $dest "del" "$x";
default {
return [eval standard_file \{$dest\} \{$op\} $args];
# Interrupt the current spawned command being run; the only tricky
# part is that we have to handle the "Terminate batch job" prompt.
proc dos_interrupt_job { host } {
set shell_prompt [board_info $host shell_prompt];
remote_send $host "\003";
remote_expect $host 10 {
-re "Terminate batch job.*Y/N\[)\]\[?\] *$" {
remote_send $host "n\n";
-re "$shell_prompt" {
return "";
-re ">" {
remote_send $host "\n";
return "fail";
proc dos_copy_download { host localfile remotefile } {
remote_file build delete "[board_info $host local_dir]/$remotefile";
if [remote_file build exists $localfile] {
set result [remote_download build $localfile "[board_info $host local_dir]/$remotefile"];
if { $result != "" } {
remote_exec build "chmod" "a+rw $result";
return $remotefile;
} else {
return ""
proc dos_copy_upload { host remotefile localfile } {
remote_file build delete $localfile;
if [file exists "[board_info $host local_dir]/$remotefile"] {
set result [remote_download build "[board_info $host local_dir]/$remotefile" $localfile];
} else {
set result "";
if { $result != "" } {
remote_exec build "chmod" "a+rw $result";
return $result;
proc dos_copy_file { dest op args } {
if { $op == "delete" } {
set file "[board_info $dest local_dir]/[lindex $args 0]";
remote_file build delete $file;
set_board_info protocol "dos";
set_board_info shell_prompt "(^|\[\r\n\])\[a-zA-Z\]:\[^\r\n\]*>\[ \t\]*$";
set_board_info needs_status_wrapper 1
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