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# This file is a Tcl script to test out Tk's "tk_chooseColor" command.
# It is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests.
# Copyright (c) 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: clrpick.test,v 2002-01-16 10:25:58 markom Exp $
if {[string compare test [info procs test]] == 1} {
source defs
test clrpick-1.1 {tk_chooseColor command} {
list [catch {tk_chooseColor -foo} msg] $msg
} {1 {unknown option "-foo", must be -initialcolor, -parent or -title}}
catch {tk_chooseColor -foo} msg
regsub -all , $msg "" options
regsub \"-foo\" $options "" options
foreach option $options {
if {[string index $option 0] == "-"} {
test clrpick-1.2 {tk_chooseColor command} {
list [catch {tk_chooseColor $option} msg] $msg
} [list 1 "value for \"$option\" missing"]
test clrpick-1.3 {tk_chooseColor command} {
list [catch {tk_chooseColor -foo bar} msg] $msg
} {1 {unknown option "-foo", must be -initialcolor, -parent or -title}}
test clrpick-1.4 {tk_chooseColor command} {
list [catch {tk_chooseColor -initialcolor} msg] $msg
} {1 {value for "-initialcolor" missing}}
test clrpick-1.5 {tk_chooseColor command} {
list [catch {tk_chooseColor -parent foo.bar} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad window path name "foo.bar"}}
test clrpick-1.6 {tk_chooseColor command} {
list [catch {tk_chooseColor -initialcolor badbadbaadcolor} msg] $msg
} {1 {unknown color name "badbadbaadcolor"}}
test clrpick-1.7 {tk_chooseColor command} {
list [catch {tk_chooseColor -initialcolor ##badbadbaadcolor} msg] $msg
} {1 {invalid color name "##badbadbaadcolor"}}
if {[info commands tkColorDialog] == ""} {
set isNative 1
} else {
set isNative 0
if {$isNative && ![info exists INTERACTIVE]} {
puts " Some tests were skipped because they could not be performed"
puts " automatically on this platform. If you wish to execute them"
puts " interactively, set the TCL variable INTERACTIVE and re-run"
puts " the test."
proc ToPressButton {parent btn} {
global isNative
if {!$isNative} {
after 200 "SendButtonPress $parent $btn mouse"
proc ToChooseColorByKey {parent r g b} {
global isNative
if {!$isNative} {
after 200 ChooseColorByKey $parent $r $g $b
proc PressButton {btn} {
event generate $btn <Enter>
event generate $btn <1> -x 5 -y 5
event generate $btn <ButtonRelease-1> -x 5 -y 5
proc ChooseColorByKey {parent r g b} {
set w .__tk__color
upvar #0 $w data
$data(red,entry) delete 0 end
$data(green,entry) delete 0 end
$data(blue,entry) delete 0 end
$data(red,entry) insert 0 $r
$data(green,entry) insert 0 $g
$data(blue,entry) insert 0 $b
# Manually force the refresh of the color values instead
# of counting on the timing of the event stream to change
# the values for us.
tkColorDialog_HandleRGBEntry $w
SendButtonPress $parent ok mouse
proc SendButtonPress {parent btn type} {
set w .__tk__color
upvar #0 $w data
set button $data($btn\Btn)
if ![winfo ismapped $button] {
if {$type == "mouse"} {
PressButton $button
} else {
event generate $w <Enter>
focus $w
event generate $button <Enter>
event generate $w <KeyPress> -keysym Return
set parent .
set verylongstring longstring:
set verylongstring $verylongstring$verylongstring
set verylongstring $verylongstring$verylongstring
set verylongstring $verylongstring$verylongstring
set verylongstring $verylongstring$verylongstring
#set verylongstring $verylongstring$verylongstring
# Interesting thing...when this is too long, the
# delay caused in processing it kills the automated testing,
# and makes a lot of the test cases fail.
#set verylongstring $verylongstring$verylongstring
#set verylongstring $verylongstring$verylongstring
#set verylongstring $verylongstring$verylongstring
#set verylongstring $verylongstring$verylongstring
# let's soak up a bunch of colors...so that
# machines with small color palettes still fail.
set numcolors 32
set nomorecolors 0
set i 0
canvas .c
pack .c -expand 1 -fill both
while {$i<$numcolors} {
set color \#[format "%02x%02x%02x" $i [expr $i+1] [expr $i+3]]
.c create rectangle [expr 10+$i] [expr 10+$i] [expr 50+$i] [expr 50+$i] -fill $color -outline $color
incr i
set i 0
while {$i<$numcolors} {
set color [.c itemcget $i -fill]
if {$color != ""} {
foreach {r g b} [winfo rgb . $color] {}
set r [expr $r/256]
set g [expr $g/256]
set b [expr $b/256]
if {"$color" != "#[format %02x%02x%02x $r $g $b]"} {
set nomorecolors 1
.c delete $i
incr i
destroy .c
if {!$nomorecolors} {
set color #404040
test clrpick-2.1 {tk_chooseColor command} {
ToPressButton $parent ok
tk_chooseColor -title "Press Ok $verylongstring" -initialcolor $color -parent $parent
} "$color"
set color #808040
test clrpick-2.2 {tk_chooseColor command} {
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "macintosh"} {
set colors "32768 32768 16384"
} else {
set colors "128 128 64"
ToChooseColorByKey $parent 128 128 64
tk_chooseColor -parent $parent -title "choose $colors"
} "$color"
test clrpick-2.3 {tk_chooseColor command} {
ToPressButton $parent ok
tk_chooseColor -parent $parent -title "Press OK"
} "$color"
} else {
puts "Skipped tests clrpick2.1, clrpick2.2 and clrpick2.3 because"
puts "you ran out of colors in your color palette, and this would"
puts "have caused the tests to generate errors."
test clrpick-2.4 {tk_chooseColor command} {
ToPressButton $parent cancel
tk_chooseColor -parent $parent -title "Press Cancel"
} ""
set color #000000
test clrpick-3.1 {tk_chooseColor: background events} {
after 1 {set x 53}
ToPressButton $parent ok
tk_chooseColor -parent $parent -title "Press OK" -initialcolor $color
} "#000000"
test clrpick-3.2 {tk_chooseColor: background events} {
after 1 {set x 53}
ToPressButton $parent cancel
tk_chooseColor -parent $parent -title "Press Cancel"
} ""
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