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# This file is a Tcl script to test out Tk's "font" command
# plus the procedures in tkFont.c. It is organized in the
# standard fashion for Tcl tests.
# Copyright (c) 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: font.test,v 2002-01-16 10:25:58 markom Exp $
if {[string compare test [info procs test]] != 0} {
source defs
catch {destroy .b}
toplevel .b
wm geom .b +0+0
update idletasks
proc setup {} {
catch {destroy .b.f}
catch {font delete xyz}
label .b.f
pack .b.f
label .b.l -padx 0 -pady 0 -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 -justify left -text "0" -font "Courier -12"
pack .b.l
canvas .b.c -closeenough 0
.b.c create text 0 0 -tags text -anchor nw -just left -font "Courier -12"
pack .b.c
set ax [winfo reqwidth .b.l]
set ay [winfo reqheight .b.l]
proc getsize {} {
return "[winfo reqwidth .b.l] [winfo reqheight .b.l]"
proc csetup {{str ""}} {
focus -force .b.c
.b.c dchars text 0 end
.b.c insert text 0 $str
.b.c focus text
case $tcl_platform(platform) {
unix {set fixed "fixed"}
windows {set fixed "courier 12"}
macintosh {set fixed "monaco 9"}
set times [font actual {times 0} -family]
test font-1.1 {font command: general} {
list [catch {font} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "font option ?arg?"}}
test font-1.2 {font command: actual: arguments} {
list [catch {font actual xyz -displayof} msg] $msg
} {1 {value for "-displayof" missing}}
test font-1.3 {font command: actual: arguments} {
list [catch {font actual} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "font actual font ?-displayof window? ?option?"}}
test font-1.4 {font command: actual: arguments} {
list [catch {font actual xyz abc def} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "font actual font ?-displayof window? ?option?"}}
test font-1.5 {font command: actual: arguments} {
list [catch {font actual {}} msg] $msg
} {1 {font "" doesn't exist}}
test font-1.6 {font command: actual: displayof specified, so skip to next} {
catch {font actual xyz -displayof . -size}
} {0}
test font-1.7 {font command: actual: displayof specified, so skip to next} {
lindex [font actual xyz -displayof .] 0
} {-family}
test font-1.8 {font command: actual} {unix || mac} {
string tolower [font actual {-family times} -family]
} {times}
test font-1.9 {font command: actual} {pcOnly} {
font actual {-family times} -family
} {Times New Roman}
test font-1.10 {font command: actual} {
lindex [font actual {-family times}] 0
} {-family}
test font-1.11 {font command: bad option} {
list [catch {font actual xyz -style} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad option "-style": must be -family, -size, -weight, -slant, -underline, or -overstrike}}
test font-2.1 {font command: configure} {
list [catch {font configure} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "font configure fontname ?options?"}}
test font-2.2 {font command: configure: non-existent font} {
list [catch {font configure xyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {named font "xyz" doesn't exist}}
test font-2.3 {font command: configure: "deleted" font} {
font create xyz
.b.f configure -font xyz
font delete xyz
list [catch {font configure xyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {named font "xyz" doesn't exist}}
test font-2.4 {font command: configure: get all options} {
font create xyz -family xyz
lindex [font configure xyz] 1
} xyz
test font-2.5 {font command: configure: get one option} {
font create xyz -family xyz
font configure xyz -family
} xyz
test font-2.6 {font command: configure: update existing font} {
font create xyz
font configure xyz -family xyz
font configure xyz -family
} xyz
test font-2.7 {font command: configure: bad option} {
font create xyz
list [catch {font configure xyz -style} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad option "-style": must be -family, -size, -weight, -slant, -underline, or -overstrike}}
test font-3.1 {font command: create: make up name} {
font delete [font create]
font delete [font create -family xyz]
} {}
test font-3.2 {font command: create: already exists} {
font create xyz
list [catch {font create xyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {font "xyz" already exists}}
test font-3.3 {font command: create: error recreating "deleted" font} {
font create xyz
.b.f configure -font xyz
font delete xyz
list [catch {font create xyz -xyz times} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad option "-xyz": must be -family, -size, -weight, -slant, -underline, or -overstrike}}
test font-3.4 {font command: create: recreate "deleted" font} {
font create xyz
.b.f configure -font xyz
font delete xyz
font actual xyz
font create xyz -family times
font configure xyz -family
} {times}
test font-3.5 {font command: create: bad option creating new font} {
list [catch {font create xyz -xyz times} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad option "-xyz": must be -family, -size, -weight, -slant, -underline, or -overstrike}}
test font-3.6 {font command: create: totally new font} {
font create xyz -family xyz
font configure xyz -family
} {xyz}
test font-4.1 {font command: delete: arguments} {
list [catch {font delete} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "font delete fontname ?fontname ...?"}}
test font-4.2 {font command: delete: loop test} {
font create a -underline 1
font create b -underline 1
font create c -underline 1
font delete a b c
list [font actual a -underline] [font actual b -underline] [font actual c -underline]
} {0 0 0}
test font-4.3 {font command: delete: non-existent} {
list [catch {font delete xyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {named font "xyz" doesn't exist}}
test font-4.4 {font command: delete: mark for later deletion} {
font create xyz
.b.f configure -font xyz
font delete xyz
font actual xyz
list [catch {font configure xyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {named font "xyz" doesn't exist}}
test font-4.5 {font command: delete: actually delete} {
font create xyz -underline 1
font delete xyz
font actual xyz -underline
} {0}
test font-5.1 {font command: families: arguments} {
list [catch {font families -displayof} msg] $msg
} {1 {value for "-displayof" missing}}
test font-5.2 {font command: families: arguments} {
list [catch {font families xyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "font families ?-displayof window?"}}
test font-5.3 {font command: families} {
font families
set x {}
} {}
test font-6.1 {font command: measure: arguments} {
list [catch {font measure xyz -displayof} msg] $msg
} {1 {value for "-displayof" missing}}
test font-6.2 {font command: measure: arguments} {
list [catch {font measure} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "font measure font ?-displayof window? text"}}
test font-6.3 {font command: measure: arguments} {
list [catch {font measure xyz abc def} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "font measure font ?-displayof window? text"}}
test font-6.4 {font command: measure: arguments} {
list [catch {font measure {} abc} msg] $msg
} {1 {font "" doesn't exist}}
test font-6.5 {font command: measure} {
expr [font measure $fixed "abcdefg"]==[font measure $fixed "a"]*7
} {1}
test font-7.1 {font command: metrics: arguments} {
list [catch {font metrics xyz -displayof} msg] $msg
} {1 {value for "-displayof" missing}}
test font-7.2 {font command: metrics: arguments} {
list [catch {font metrics} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "font metrics font ?-displayof window? ?option?"}}
test font-7.3 {font command: metrics: get all metrics} {
catch {unset a}
array set a [font metrics {-family xyz}]
set x [lsort [array names a]]
unset a
set x
} {-ascent -descent -fixed -linespace}
test font-7.4 {font command: metrics: get ascent} {
catch {expr [font metrics $fixed -ascent]}
} {0}
test font-7.5 {font command: metrics: get descent} {
catch {expr [font metrics {-family xyz} -descent]}
} {0}
test font-7.6 {font command: metrics: get linespace} {
catch {expr [font metrics {-family fixed} -linespace]}
} {0}
test font-7.7 {font command: metrics: get fixed} {
catch {expr [font metrics {-family fixed} -fixed]}
} {0}
test font-7.8 {font command: metrics: get ascent} {
catch {expr [font metrics {-family xyz} -ascent]}
} {0}
test font-7.9 {font command: metrics: get descent} {
catch {expr [font metrics {-family xyz} -descent]}
} {0}
test font-7.10 {font command: metrics: get linespace} {
catch {expr [font metrics {-family fixed} -linespace]}
} {0}
test font-7.11 {font command: metrics: get fixed} {
catch {expr [font metrics {-family fixed} -fixed]}
} {0}
test font-7.12 {font command: metrics: bad metric} {
list [catch {font metrics {-family fixed} -xyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad metric "-xyz": must be -ascent, -descent, -linespace, or -fixed}}
test font-8.1 {font command: names: arguments} {
list [catch {font names xyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "font names"}}
test font-8.2 {font command: names} {
font create xyz
font create abc
set x [lsort [font names]]
font delete abc
font delete xyz
set x
} {abc xyz}
test font-8.3 {font command: names} {
font create xyz
font create abc
set x [lsort [font names]]
.b.f config -font xyz
font delete xyz
lappend x [font names]
font delete abc
set x
} {abc xyz abc}
test font-9.1 {font command: unknown option} {
list [catch {font xyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad option "xyz": must be actual, configure, create, delete, families, measure, metrics, or names}}
test font-10.1 {UpdateDependantFonts procedure: no users} {
font create xyz
font configure xyz -family times
} {}
test font-10.2 {UpdateDependantFonts procedure: pings the widgets} {
font create xyz -family times -size 20
.b.f config -font xyz -text "abcd" -padx 0 -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0
set a1 [font measure xyz "abcd"]
set b1 [winfo reqwidth .b.f]
font configure xyz -family helvetica -size 20
set a2 [font measure xyz "abcd"]
set b2 [winfo reqwidth .b.f]
expr {$a1==$b1 && $a2==$b2}
} {1}
test font-11.1 {Tk_GetFont procedure: bump ref count} {
.b.f config -font {-family fixed}
lindex [font actual {-family fixed}] 0
} {-family}
test font-11.2 {Tk_GetFont procedure: bump ref count of named font, too} {
font create xyz
.b.f config -font xyz
lindex [font actual xyz] 0
} {-family}
test font-11.3 {Tk_GetFont procedure: get named font} {
font create xyz
.b.f config -font xyz
} {}
test font-11.4 {Tk_GetFont procedure: get native font} {unixOnly} {
.b.f config -font fixed
} {}
test font-11.5 {Tk_GetFont procedure: get native font} {pcOnly} {
.b.f config -font oemfixed
} {}
test font-11.6 {Tk_GetFont procedure: get native font} {macOnly} {
.b.f config -font application
} {}
test font-11.7 {Tk_GetFont procedure: get attribute font} {
list [catch {.b.f config -font {xxx yyy zzz}} msg] $msg
} {1 {expected integer but got "yyy"}}
test font-11.8 {Tk_GetFont procedure: get attribute font} {
lindex [font actual {plan 9}] 0
} {-family}
test font-11.9 {Tk_GetFont procedure: no match} {
list [catch {font actual {}} msg] $msg
} {1 {font "" doesn't exist}}
test font-12.1 {Tk_NameOfFont procedure} {
.b.f config -font {-family fixed}
.b.f cget -font
} {-family fixed}
test font-13.1 {Tk_FreeFont procedure: one ref} {
.b.f config -font {-family fixed}
destroy .b.f
} {}
test font-13.2 {Tk_FreeFont procedure: multiple ref} {
.b.f config -font {-family fixed}
button .b.b -font {-family fixed}
destroy .b.f
set x [.b.b cget -font]
destroy .b.b
set x
} {-family fixed}
test font-13.3 {Tk_FreeFont procedure: named font} {
font create xyz
.b.f config -font xyz
destroy .b.f
font names
} {xyz}
test font-13.4 {Tk_FreeFont procedure: named font} {
font create xyz -underline 1
.b.f config -font xyz
font delete xyz
set x [font actual xyz -underline]
destroy .b.f
list [font actual xyz -underline] $x
} {0 1}
test font-13.5 {Tk_FreeFont procedure: named font not deleted yet} {
font create xyz
.b.f config -font xyz
button .b.b -font xyz
font delete xyz
set x [font actual xyz]
destroy .b.b
list [lindex [font actual xyz] 0] [lindex $x 0]
} {-family -family}
test font-14.1 {Tk_FontId} {
.b.f config -font "times 20"
} {}
test font-15.1 {Tk_FontMetrics procedure} {
button .b.w1 -text abc
entry .b.w2 -text abcd
destroy .b.w1 .b.w2
} {}
proc psfontname {name} {
set a [.b.c itemcget text -font]
.b.c itemconfig text -font $name
set post [.b.c postscript]
.b.c itemconfig text -font $a
set end [string first "findfont" $post]
incr end -2
set post [string range $post [expr $end-70] $end]
set start [string first "gsave" $post]
return [string range $post [expr $start+7] end]
test font-16.1 {Tk_PostscriptFontName procedure: native} {unixOnly} {
set x [font actual {{itc avant garde} 10} -family]
if {[string match *avant*garde $x]} {
psfontname "{itc avant garde} 10"
} else {
set x {AvantGarde-Book}
} {AvantGarde-Book}
test font-16.2 {Tk_PostscriptFontName procedure: native} {pcOnly} {
psfontname "arial 10"
} {Helvetica}
test font-16.3 {Tk_PostscriptFontName procedure: native} {pcOnly} {
psfontname "{times new roman} 10"
} {Times-Roman}
test font-16.4 {Tk_PostscriptFontName procedure: native} {pcOnly} {
psfontname "{courier new} 10"
} {Courier}
test font-16.5 {Tk_PostscriptFontName procedure: native} {macOnly} {
psfontname "geneva 10"
} {Helvetica}
test font-16.6 {Tk_PostscriptFontName procedure: native} {macOnly} {
psfontname "{new york} 10"
} {Times-Roman}
test font-16.7 {Tk_PostscriptFontName procedure: native} {macOnly} {
psfontname "monaco 10"
} {Courier}
test font-16.8 {Tk_PostscriptFontName procedure: spaces} {unixOnly} {
set x [font actual {{lucida bright} 10} -family]
if {[string match lucida*bright $x]} {
psfontname "{lucida bright} 10"
} else {
set x {LucidaBright}
} {LucidaBright}
test font-16.9 {Tk_PostscriptFontName procedure: spaces} {unixOnly} {
psfontname "{new century schoolbook} 10"
} {NewCenturySchlbk-Roman}
set i 10
foreach p {
{"avantgarde" AvantGarde-Book AvantGarde-Demi AvantGarde-BookOblique AvantGarde-DemiOblique}
{"bookman" Bookman-Light Bookman-Demi Bookman-LightItalic Bookman-DemiItalic}
{"courier" Courier Courier-Bold Courier-Oblique Courier-BoldOblique}
{"helvetica" Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique}
{"new century schoolbook" NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NewCenturySchlbk-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Italic NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic}
{"palatino" Palatino-Roman Palatino-Bold Palatino-Italic Palatino-BoldItalic}
{"symbol" Symbol Symbol Symbol Symbol}
{"times" Times-Roman Times-Bold Times-Italic Times-BoldItalic}
{"zapfchancery" ZapfChancery-MediumItalic ZapfChancery-MediumItalic ZapfChancery-MediumItalic ZapfChancery-MediumItalic}
{"zapfdingbats" ZapfDingbats ZapfDingbats ZapfDingbats ZapfDingbats}
} {
test font-16.$i {Tk_PostscriptFontName procedure: exhaustive} {unixOnly} {
set family [lindex $p 0]
set x {}
set i 1
foreach slant {roman italic} {
foreach weight {normal bold} {
set name [list $family 12 $slant $weight]
if {[font actual $name -family] == $family} {
lappend x [psfontname $name]
} else {
lappend x [lindex $p $i]
incr i
incr i
set x
} [lrange $p 1 end]
foreach p {
{"arial" Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique}
{"courier new" Courier Courier-Bold Courier-Oblique Courier-BoldOblique}
{"helvetica" Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique}
{"symbol" Symbol Symbol-Bold Symbol-Italic Symbol-BoldItalic}
{"times new roman" Times-Roman Times-Bold Times-Italic Times-BoldItalic}
} {
test font-16.$i {Tk_PostscriptFontName procedure: exhaustive} {pcOnly} {
set family [lindex $p 0]
set x {}
foreach slant {roman italic} {
foreach weight {normal bold} {
lappend x [psfontname [list $family 12 "$slant $weight"]]
incr i
set x
} [lrange $p 1 end]
foreach p {
{"courier" Courier Courier-Bold Courier-Oblique Courier-BoldOblique}
{"geneva" Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique}
{"helvetica" Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique}
{"monaco" Courier Courier-Bold Courier-Oblique Courier-BoldOblique}
{"new york" Times-Roman Times-Bold Times-Italic Times-BoldItalic}
{"symbol" Symbol Symbol-Bold Symbol-Italic Symbol-BoldItalic}
{"times" Times-Roman Times-Bold Times-Italic Times-BoldItalic}
} {
test font-16.$i {Tk_PostscriptFontName procedure: exhaustive} {macOnly} {
set family [lindex $p 0]
set x {}
foreach slant {roman italic} {
foreach weight {normal bold} {
lappend x [psfontname [list $family 12 $slant $weight]]
incr i
set x
} [lrange $p 1 end]
test font-17.1 {Tk_UnderlineChars procedure} {
text .b.t
.b.t insert 1.0 abc\tdefg
.b.t tag config sel -underline 1
.b.t tag add sel 1.0 end
} {}
test font-18.1 {Tk_ComputeTextLayout: empty string} {
.b.l config -text ""
} {}
test font-18.2 {Tk_ComputeTextLayout: simple string} {
.b.l config -text "000"
} "[expr $ax*3] $ay"
test font-18.3 {Tk_ComputeTextLayout: find special chars} {
.b.l config -text "000\n000"
} "[expr $ax*3] [expr $ay*2]"
test font-18.4 {Tk_ComputeTextLayout: calls Tk_MeasureChars} {
.b.l config -text "000\n000"
} "[expr $ax*3] [expr $ay*2]"
test font-18.5 {Tk_ComputeTextLayout: break line} {
.b.l config -text "000\t00000" -wrap [expr 9*$ax]
set x [getsize]
.b.l config -wrap 0
set x
} "[expr 8*$ax] [expr 2*$ay]"
test font-18.6 {Tk_ComputeTextLayout: normal ended on special char} {
.b.l config -text "000\n000"
} {}
test font-18.7 {Tk_ComputeTextLayout: special char was \n} {
.b.l config -text "000\n0000"
} "[expr $ax*4] [expr $ay*2]"
test font-18.8 {Tk_ComputeTextLayout: special char was \t} {
.b.l config -text "000\t00"
} "[expr $ax*10] $ay"
test font-18.9 {Tk_ComputeTextLayout: tab didn't cause break} {
set x {}
.b.l config -text "000\t000"
lappend x [getsize]
.b.l config -text "000\t000" -wrap [expr 100*$ax]
lappend x [getsize]
.b.l config -wrap 0
set x
} "{[expr $ax*11] $ay} {[expr $ax*11] $ay}"
test font-18.10 {Tk_ComputeTextLayout: tab caused break} {
set x {}
.b.l config -text "000\t"
lappend x [getsize]
.b.l config -text "000\t00" -wrap [expr $ax*6]
lappend x [getsize]
.b.l config -wrap 0
set x
} "{[expr $ax*3] $ay} {[expr $ax*3] [expr $ay*2]}"
test font-18.11 {Tk_ComputeTextLayout: absorb spaces at eol} {
set x {}
.b.l config -text "000 000" -wrap [expr $ax*5]
lappend x [getsize]
.b.l config -text "000 "
lappend x [getsize]
.b.l config -wrap 0
set x
} "{[expr $ax*3] [expr $ay*2]} {[expr $ax*3] $ay}"
test font-18.12 {Tk_ComputeTextLayout: append non-printing spaces to chunk} {
set x {}
.b.l config -text "000 0000" -wrap [expr $ax*5]
lappend x [getsize]
.b.l config -text "000\t00 0000" -wrap [expr $ax*12]
lappend x [getsize]
.b.l config -wrap 0
set x
} "{[expr $ax*4] [expr $ay*2]} {[expr $ax*10] [expr $ay*2]}"
test font-18.13 {Tk_ComputeTextLayout: many lines -> realloc line array} {
.b.l config -text "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
} "1 [expr $ay*129]"
test font-18.14 {Tk_ComputeTextLayout: text ended with \n} {
list [.b.l config -text "0000"; getsize] [.b.l config -text "0000\n"; getsize]
} "{[expr $ax*4] $ay} {[expr $ax*4] [expr $ay*2]}"
test font-18.15 {Tk_ComputeTextLayout: justification} {
csetup "000\n00000"
set x {}
.b.c itemconfig text -just left
lappend x [.b.c index text @[expr $ax*2],0]
.b.c itemconfig text -just center
lappend x [.b.c index text @[expr $ax*2],0]
.b.c itemconfig text -just right
lappend x [.b.c index text @[expr $ax*2],0]
.b.c itemconfig text -just left
set x
} {2 1 0}
test font-19.1 {Tk_FreeTextLayout procedure} {
.b.f config -text foo
.b.f config -text boo
} {}
test font-20.1 {Tk_DrawTextLayout procedure: auto-detect last char} {
.b.f config -text foo
} {}
test font-20.2 {Tk_DrawTextLayout procedure: multiple chunks} {
csetup "000\t00\n000"
} {}
test font-20.3 {Tk_DrawTextLayout: draw subset of chunk: numDisplay <= 0} {
csetup "000\t00"
.b.c select from text 3
.b.c select to text 5
} {}
test font-20.4 {Tk_DrawTextLayout: draw subset of chunk: firstChar <= 0} {
.b.c select from text 3
.b.c select to text 5
} {}
test font-20.5 {Tk_DrawTextLayout: draw subset of chunk: firstChar > 0} {
.b.c select from text 2
.b.c select to text 2
} {}
test font-20.6 {Tk_DrawTextLayout: draw subset of chunk: lastChar < numChars} {
.b.c select from text 4
.b.c select to text 4
} {}
test font-21.1 {Tk_UnderlineTextLayout procedure: no underline chosen} {
.b.f config -text "foo" -under -1
} {}
test font-21.2 {Tk_UnderlineTextLayout procedure: underline not visible} {
.b.f config -text "000 00000" -wrap [expr $ax*7] -under 10
} {}
test font-21.3 {Tk_UnderlineTextLayout procedure: underline is visible} {
.b.f config -text "000 00000" -wrap [expr $ax*7] -under 5
.b.f config -wrap -1 -under -1
} {}
test font-22.1 {Tk_PointToChar procedure: above all lines} {
csetup "000"
.b.c index text @-1,0
} {0}
test font-22.2 {Tk_PointToChar procedure: no chars} {
# After fixing the following bug:
# In canvas text item, it was impossible to click to position the
# insertion point just after the last character.
# introduced another bug that Tk_PointToChar() would return a character
# index of 1 if TextLayout contained 0 characters.
csetup ""
.b.c index text @100,100
} {0}
test font-22.3 {Tk_PointToChar procedure: loop test} {
csetup "000\n000\n000\n000"
.b.c index text @10000,0
} {3}
test font-22.4 {Tk_PointToChar procedure: intersect line} {
csetup "000\n000\n000"
.b.c index text @0,$ay
} {4}
test font-22.5 {Tk_PointToChar procedure: to the left of all chunks} {
.b.c index text @-100,$ay
} {4}
test font-22.6 {Tk_PointToChar procedure: past any possible chunk} {
.b.c index text @100000,$ay
} {7}
test font-22.7 {Tk_PointToChar procedure: which chunk on this line} {
csetup "000\n000\t000\t000\n000"
.b.c index text @[expr $ax*2],$ay
} {6}
test font-22.8 {Tk_PointToChar procedure: which chunk on this line} {
csetup "000\n000\t000\t000\n000"
.b.c index text @[expr $ax*10],$ay
} {10}
test font-22.9 {Tk_PointToChar procedure: in special chunk} {
csetup "000\n000\t000\t000\n000"
.b.c index text @[expr $ax*6],$ay
} {7}
test font-22.10 {Tk_PointToChar procedure: past all chars in chunk} {
csetup "000 0000000"
.b.c itemconfig text -width [expr $ax*5]
set x [.b.c index text @[expr $ax*5],0]
.b.c itemconfig text -width 0
set x
} {3}
test font-22.11 {Tk_PointToChar procedure: below all chunks} {
csetup "000 0000000"
.b.c index text @0,1000000
} {11}
test font-23.1 {Tk_CharBBox procedure: index < 0} {
.b.f config -text "000" -underline -1
} {}
test font-23.2 {Tk_CharBBox procedure: loop} {
.b.f config -text "000\t000\t000\t000" -underline 9
} {}
test font-23.3 {Tk_CharBBox procedure: special char} {
.b.f config -text "000\t000\t000" -underline 7
} {}
test font-23.4 {Tk_CharBBox procedure: normal char} {
.b.f config -text "000" -underline 1
} {}
test font-23.5 {Tk_CharBBox procedure: right edge of bbox truncated} {
.b.f config -text "0 0000" -wrap [expr $ax*4] -under 2
.b.f config -wrap 0
} {}
test font-23.6 {Tk_CharBBox procedure: bbox pegged to right edge} {
.b.f config -text "0 0000" -wrap [expr $ax*4] -under 3
.b.f config -wrap 0
} {}
.b.c bind all <Enter> {lappend x [.b.c index current @%x,%y]}
test font-24.1 {Tk_TextLayoutToPoint procedure: loop once} {
csetup "000\n000\n000"
set x {}
event generate .b.c <Leave>
event generate .b.c <Enter> -x 0 -y 0
set x
} {0}
test font-24.2 {Tk_TextLayoutToPoint procedure: loop multiple} {
csetup "000\n000\n000"
set x {}
event generate .b.c <Leave>
event generate .b.c <Enter> -x $ax -y $ay
set x
} {5}
test font-24.3 {Tk_TextLayoutToPoint procedure: loop to end} {
csetup "000\n0\n000"
set x {}
event generate .b.c <Leave>
event generate .b.c <Enter> -x [expr $ax*2] -y $ay
set x
} {}
test font-24.4 {Tk_TextLayoutToPoint procedure: hit a special char (tab)} {
csetup "000\t000\n000"
set x {}
event generate .b.c <Leave>
event generate .b.c <Enter> -x [expr $ax*6] -y 0
set x
} {3}
test font-24.5 {Tk_TextLayoutToPoint procedure: ignore newline} {
csetup "000\n0\n000"
set x {}
event generate .b.c <Leave>
event generate .b.c <Enter> -x [expr $ax*2] -y $ay
set x
} {}
test font-24.6 {Tk_TextLayoutToPoint procedure: ignore spaces at eol} {
csetup "000\n000 000000000"
.b.c itemconfig text -width [expr $ax*10]
set x {}
event generate .b.c <Leave>
event generate .b.c <Enter> -x [expr $ax*5] -y $ay
.b.c itemconfig text -width 0
set x
} {}
.b.c itemconfig text -justify center
test font-24.7 {Tk_TextLayoutToPoint procedure: on left side} {
csetup "0\n000"
set x {}
event generate .b.c <Leave>
event generate .b.c <Enter> -x 0 -y 0
set x
} {}
test font-24.8 {Tk_TextLayoutToPoint procedure: on right side} {
csetup "0\n000"
set x {}
event generate .b.c <Leave>
event generate .b.c <Enter> -x [expr $ax*2] -y 0
set x
} {}
test font-24.9 {Tk_TextLayoutToPoint procedure: inside line} {
csetup "0\n000"
set x {}
event generate .b.c <Leave>
event generate .b.c <Enter> -x $ax -y 0
set x
} {0}
test font-24.10 {Tk_TextLayoutToPoint procedure: above line} {
csetup "0\n000"
set x {}
event generate .b.c <Leave>
event generate .b.c <Enter> -x 0 -y 0
set x
} {}
test font-24.11 {Tk_TextLayoutToPoint procedure: below line} {
csetup "000\n0"
set x {}
event generate .b.c <Leave>
event generate .b.c <Enter> -x 0 -y $ay
set x
} {}
test font-24.12 {Tk_TextLayoutToPoint procedure: in line} {
csetup "0\n000"
set x {}
event generate .b.c <Leave>
event generate .b.c <Enter> -x $ax -y $ay
set x
} {3}
.b.c itemconfig text -justify left
test font-24.13 {Tk_TextLayoutToPoint procedure: exact hit} {
csetup "000"
set x {}
event generate .b.c <Leave>
event generate .b.c <Enter> -x $ax -y 0
set x
} {1}
test font-25.1 {Tk_TextLayoutToArea procedure: loop once} {
csetup "000\n000\n000"
.b.c find overlapping 0 0 0 0
} [.b.c find withtag text]
test font-25.2 {Tk_TextLayoutToArea procedure: loop multiple} {
csetup "000\t000\t000"
.b.c find overlapping [expr $ax*10] 0 [expr $ax*10] 0
} [.b.c find withtag text]
test font-25.3 {Tk_TextLayoutToArea procedure: loop to end} {
csetup "0\n000"
.b.c find overlapping [expr $ax*2] 0 [expr $ax*2] 0
} {}
test font-25.4 {Tk_TextLayoutToArea procedure: hit a special char (tab)} {
csetup "000\t000"
.b.c find overlapping [expr $ax*6] 0 [expr $ax*6] 0
} [.b.c find withtag text]
test font-25.5 {Tk_TextLayoutToArea procedure: ignore newlines} {
csetup "000\n0\n000"
.b.c find overlapping $ax $ay $ax $ay
} {}
test font-25.6 {Tk_TextLayoutToArea procedure: ignore spaces at eol} {
csetup "000\n000 000000000"
.b.c itemconfig text -width [expr $ax*10]
set x [.b.c find overlapping [expr $ax*5] $ay [expr $ax*5] $ay]
.b.c itemconfig text -width 0
set x
} {}
test font-26.1 {Tk_TextLayoutToPostscript: ensure buffer doesn't overflow} {
# If there were a whole bunch of returns or tabs in a row, then the
# temporary buffer could overflow and write on the stack.
csetup "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm1234qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm\n"
.b.c itemconfig text -width 800
.b.c insert text end "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm1234qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm\n"
.b.c insert text end "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
.b.c insert text end "end"
set x [.b.c postscript]
set i [string first "(qwerty" $x]
string range $x $i [expr {$i + 213}]
} {(qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm1234qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm)
test font-27.1 {Tk_TextWidth procedure} {
font measure [.b.l cget -font] "000"
} [expr $ax*3]
test font-28.1 {SetupFontMetrics procedure} {
.b.f config -font $fixed
} {}
test font-29.1 {TkInitFontAttributes procedure} {
font create xyz
font config xyz
} {-family {} -size 0 -weight normal -slant roman -underline 0 -overstrike 0}
test font-30.1 {ConfigAttributes procedure: arguments} {
list [catch {font create xyz -family} msg] $msg
} {1 {missing value for "-family" option}}
test font-30.2 {ConfigAttributes procedure: arguments} {
list [catch {font create xyz -xyz xyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad option "-xyz": must be -family, -size, -weight, -slant, -underline, or -overstrike}}
set i 3
foreach p {
{family xyz times}
{size 20 40}
{weight normal bold}
{slant roman italic}
{underline 0 1}
{overstrike 0 1}
} {
set opt [lindex $p 0]
test font-30.$i "ConfigAttributes procedure: $opt" {
set x {}
font create xyz -$opt [lindex $p 1]
lappend x [font config xyz -$opt]
font config xyz -$opt [lindex $p 2]
lappend x [font config xyz -$opt]
} [lrange $p 1 2]
incr i
foreach p {
{size xyz {1 {expected integer but got "xyz"}}}
{weight xyz {1 {bad -weight value "xyz": must be normal, bold}}}
{slant xyz {1 {bad -slant value "xyz": must be roman, italic}}}
{underline xyz {1 {expected boolean value but got "xyz"}}}
{overstrike xyz {1 {expected boolean value but got "xyz"}}}
} {
test font-30.$i "ConfigAttributes procedure: [lindex $p 0]" {
list [catch {font create xyz -[lindex $p 0] [lindex $p 1]} msg] $msg
} [lindex $p 2]
incr i
test font-31.1 {GetAttributeInfo procedure: error} {
list [catch {font actual xyz -style} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad option "-style": must be -family, -size, -weight, -slant, -underline, or -overstrike}}
test font-31.2 {GetAttributeInfo procedure: all attributes} {
font create xyz -family xyz
font config xyz
} {-family xyz -size 0 -weight normal -slant roman -underline 0 -overstrike 0}
set i 3
foreach p {
{family xyz xyz}
{size 20 20}
{weight normal normal}
{slant italic italic}
{underline yes 1}
{overstrike false 0}
} {
test font-31.$i "GetAttributeInfo procedure: [lindex $p 0]" {
font create xyz -[lindex $p 0] [lindex $p 1]
font config xyz -[lindex $p 0]
} [lindex $p 2]
incr i
# In tests below, one field is set to "xyz" so that font name doesn't
# look like a native X font, so that ParseFontName or TkParseXLFD will
# be called.
test font-32.1 {ParseFontName procedure: begins with -} {
lindex [font actual -xyz-times-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*] 1
} $times
test font-32.2 {ParseFontName procedure: begins with -*} {
lindex [font actual -*-times-xyz-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*] 1
} $times
test font-32.3 {ParseFontName procedure: begins with -, doesn't look like list} {
lindex [font actual -xyz-times-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*] 1
} $times
test font-32.4 {ParseFontName procedure: begins with -, looks like list} {
lindex [font actual {-family times}] 1
} $times
test font-32.5 {ParseFontName procedure: begins with *} {
lindex [font actual *-times-xyz-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*] 1
} $times
test font-32.6 {ParseFontName procedure: begins with *} {
font actual *-times-xyz -family
} $times
test font-32.7 {ParseFontName procedure: arguments} {
list [catch {font actual {}} msg] $msg
} {1 {font "" doesn't exist}}
test font-32.8 {ParseFontName procedure: arguments} {
list [catch {font actual {times 20 xyz xyz}} msg] $msg
} {1 {unknown font style "xyz"}}
test font-32.9 {ParseFontName procedure: arguments} {
list [catch {font actual {times xyz xyz}} msg] $msg
} {1 {expected integer but got "xyz"}}
test font-32.10 {ParseFontName procedure: stylelist loop} {macOnly} {
lrange [font actual {times 12 bold italic overstrike underline}] 4 end
} {-weight bold -slant italic -underline 1 -overstrike 0}
test font-32.11 {ParseFontName procedure: stylelist loop} {unixOrPc} {
lrange [font actual {times 12 bold italic overstrike underline}] 4 end
} {-weight bold -slant italic -underline 1 -overstrike 1}
test font-32.12 {ParseFontName procedure: stylelist error} {
list [catch {font actual {times 12 bold xyz}} msg] $msg
} {1 {unknown font style "xyz"}}
test font-33.1 {TkParseXLFD procedure: initial dash} {
font actual -xyz-times-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -family
} $times
test font-33.2 {TkParseXLFD procedure: no initial dash} {
font actual *-times-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-xyz -family
} $times
test font-33.3 {TkParseXLFD procedure: not enough fields} {
font actual -xyz-times-*-*-* -family
} $times
test font-33.4 {TkParseXLFD procedure: all fields unspecified} {
lindex [font actual -xyz-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*] 0
} {-family}
test font-33.5 {TkParseXLFD procedure: all fields specified} {
lindex [font actual -foundry-times-weight-slant-setwidth-addstyle-10-10-10-10-spacing-avgwidth-registry-encoding] 1
} $times
test font-33.6 {TkParseXLFD procedure: arguments} {
# XLFD with bad pointsize: fallback to some system font.
font actual -*-*-*-*-*-*-xyz-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
set x {}
} {}
test font-33.7 {TkParseXLFD procedure: arguments} {
# XLFD with bad pixelsize: fallback to some system font.
font actual -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-xyz-*-*-*-*-*-*
set x {}
} {}
test font-33.8 {TkParseXLFD procedure: pixelsize specified} {
font metrics -xyz-times-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -linespace
set x {}
} {}
test font-33.9 {TkParseXLFD procedure: weird pixelsize specified} {
font metrics {-xyz-times-*-*-*-*-[ 12.0 0 12.0 0]-*-*-*-*-*-*-*} -linespace
set x {}
} {}
test font-33.10 {TkParseXLFD procedure: pointsize specified} {
font metrics -xyz-times-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* -linespace
set x {}
} {}
test font-33.11 {TkParseXLFD procedure: weird pointsize specified} {
font metrics {-xyz-times-*-*-*-*-*-[ 12.0 0 12.0 0]-*-*-*-*-*-*} -linespace
set x {}
} {}
test font-34.1 {FieldSpecified procedure: specified vs. non-specified} {
font actual -xyz--*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
font actual -xyz-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
font actual -xyz-?-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
lindex [font actual -xyz-times-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*] 1
} $times
test font-35.1 {NewChunk procedure: test realloc} {
.b.f config -text "xxx\nxxx\txxx\nxxx\t\t\t"
} {}
destroy .b
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