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/* * nxterm - terminal emulator for Nano-X * * (C) 1994,95,96 by Torsten Scherer (TeSche) * itschere@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de * * - quite some changes for W1R1 * - yet more changes for W1R2 * * TeSche 01/96: * - supports W_ICON & W_CLOSE * - supports /etc/utmp logging for SunOS4 and Linux * - supports catching of console output for SunOS4 * Phx 02-06/96: * - supports NetBSD-Amiga * Eero 11/97: * - unsetenv(DISPLAY), setenv(LINES, COLUMNS). * - Add new text modes (you need to use terminfo...). * Eero 2/98: * - Implemented fg/bgcolor setting. With monochrome server it changes * bgmode variable, which tells in which mode to draw to screen * (M_CLEAR/M_DRAW) and affects F_REVERSE settings. * - Added a couple of checks. * * TODO: * - Allocate and set sensible window palette for fg/bg color setting. * - add scroll-region ('cs') command. Fairly many programs * can take advantage of that. * - Add xterm like mouse event to terminfo key event conversion... :) * - check if current NetBSD really needs ifdefs below with * current W server/library. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <utmp.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <termios.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #define MWINCLUDECOLORS #include "nano-X.h" #include "nxterm.h" #define TITLE "nxterm" #define SMALLBUFFER 80 #define LARGEBUFFER 1024 /* * some pty helper functions */ #ifdef linux #define NSIG _NSIG #endif #ifdef __FreeBSD__ #include <libutil.h> #endif /* * some global variables */ static GR_WINDOW_ID w1; /* id for window */ static GR_GC_ID gc1; /* graphics context */ static GR_FONT_ID regFont; /*static GR_FONT_ID boldFont;*/ static GR_SCREEN_INFO si; /* screen info */ static GR_FONT_INFO fi; /* Font Info */ static GR_WINDOW_INFO wi; static GR_GC_INFO gi; static GR_BOOL havefocus = GR_FALSE; static short winw, winh, pid, console; static int pipeh; static short cblink = 0, visualbell = 0, debug = 0; #ifdef __FreeBSD__ static char pty[SMALLBUFFER]; static struct winsize winsz; #endif #define fonh fi.height #define fonw fi.maxwidth int term_init(); /****************************************************************************/ /* * */ /* static int isIconified; */ static int isMaximized=0; void maximize(void) { static short x0, y0, w, h, w_max,h_max; if (!isMaximized) { w_max=si.cols-wi.bordersize; h_max=si.rows-wi.bordersize; GrMoveWindow(w1,0,0); GrResizeWindow(w1,w_max, h_max); isMaximized=1; } else { GrResizeWindow(w1, w, h); GrMoveWindow(w1, x0, y0); isMaximized=0; } } /****************************************************************************/ /* * some common tool functions */ void sigpipe(int sig) { /* this one musn't close the window */ /* _write_utmp(pty, "", "", 0); */ kill(-pid, SIGHUP); _exit(sig); } void sigchld(int sig) { /* _write_utmp(pty, "", "", 0); */ _exit(sig); } void sigquit(int sig) { signal(sig, SIG_IGN); kill(-pid, SIGHUP); } /* * this is the wterm terminal code, almost like VT52 */ short bgmode, escstate, curx, cury, curon, curvis; short savx, savy, wrap, style; short col, row, colmask = 0x7f, rowmask = 0x7f; /* * something to buffer plain text output */ short sbufcnt = 0; short sbufx, sbufy; char lineBuffer[SMALLBUFFER+1]; char *sbuf=lineBuffer; void sflush(void) { if (sbufcnt) { GrText(w1,gc1, sbufx*fonw, sbufy*fonh, sbuf, sbufcnt, GR_TFTOP); sbufcnt = 0; } } void lineRedraw(void) { GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.background); GrFillRect(w1, gc1, curx*fonw, cury*fonh, (col-curx)*fonw, fonh); GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.foreground); if (sbufcnt) { sbuf[sbufcnt] = 0; GrText(w1,gc1, sbufx*fonw, sbufy*fonh, sbuf, sbufcnt, GR_TFTOP); } } void sadd (char c) { if (sbufcnt == SMALLBUFFER) { sflush (); } if (!sbufcnt) { sbufx = curx; sbufy = cury; } sbuf[sbufcnt++] = c; } void show_cursor (void) { GrSetGCMode(gc1,GR_MODE_XOR); GrSetGCForeground(gc1, WHITE); GrFillRect(w1, gc1, curx*fonw, cury*fonh+1, fonw, fonh-1); GrSetGCForeground(gc1, gi.foreground); GrSetGCMode(gc1,GR_MODE_COPY); } void draw_cursor (void) { if (!curvis) { curvis = 1; show_cursor(); } } void hide_cursor (void) { if (curvis) { curvis = 0; show_cursor(); } } void vscroll(int lines) { hide_cursor(); GrCopyArea(w1,gc1,0, 0, winw, winh-(lines*fonh), w1, 0, (lines*fonh), MWROP_SRCCOPY); GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.background); GrFillRect(w1, gc1, 0, winh-(lines*fonh), winw, (lines*fonh)); GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.foreground); } void esc5(unsigned char c) /* setting background color */ { GrSetGCBackground(gc1, c); GrGetGCInfo(gc1,&gi); escstate = 0; } void esc4(unsigned char c) /* setting foreground color */ { GrSetGCForeground(gc1,c); GrGetGCInfo(gc1,&gi); escstate = 0; } void esc3(unsigned char c) /* cursor position x axis */ { curx = (c - 32) & colmask; if (curx >= col) curx = col - 1; else if (curx < 0) curx = 0; escstate = 0; } void esc2(unsigned char c) /* cursor position y axis */ { cury = (c - 32) & rowmask; if (cury >= row) cury = row - 1; else if (cury < 0) cury = 0; escstate = 3; } void esc1(unsigned char c) /* various control codes */ { static int ReverseMode=0; escstate = 0; switch(c) { case 'A':/* cursor up */ hide_cursor(); if ((cury -= 1) < 0) cury = 0; break; case 'B':/* cursor down */ hide_cursor(); if ((cury += 1) >= row) cury = row - 1; break; case 'C':/* cursor right */ hide_cursor(); if ((curx += 1) >= col) curx = col - 1; break; case 'D':/* cursor left */ hide_cursor(); if ((curx -= 1) < 0) curx = 0; break; case 'E':/* clear screen & home */ GrClearWindow(w1, 0); curx = 0; cury = 0; break; case 'H':/* cursor home */ curx = 0; cury = 0; break; case 'I':/* reverse index */ if ((cury -= 1) < 0) { cury = 0; vscroll(1); } break; case 'J':/* erase to end of page */ if (cury < row-1) { GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.background); GrFillRect(w1,gc1, 0,(cury+1)*fonh, winw, (row-1-cury)*fonh); GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.foreground); } GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.background); GrFillRect(w1, gc1, curx*fonw, cury*fonh, (col-curx)*fonw, fonh); GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.foreground); break; case 'K':/* erase to end of line */ GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.background); GrFillRect(w1, gc1, curx*fonw, cury*fonh, (col-curx)*fonw, fonh); GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.foreground); break; case 'L':/* insert line */ if (cury < row-1) { vscroll(1); } curx = 0; break; case 'M':/* delete line */ if (cury < row-1) { vscroll(1); } curx = 0; break; case 'Y':/* position cursor */ escstate = 2; break; case 'b':/* set foreground color */ escstate = 4; break; case 'c':/* set background color */ escstate = 5; break; case 'd':/* erase beginning of display */ /* w_setmode(win, bgmode); */ if (cury > 0) { GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.background); GrFillRect(w1,gc1, 0, 0, winw, cury*fonh); GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.foreground); } if (curx > 0) { GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.background); GrFillRect(w1,gc1, 0, cury*fonh, curx*fonw, fonh); GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.foreground); } break; case 'e':/* enable cursor */ curon = 1; break; case 'f':/* disable cursor */ curon = 0; break; case 'j':/* save cursor position */ savx = curx; savy = cury; break; case 'k':/* restore cursor position */ curx = savx; cury = savy; break; case 'l':/* erase entire line */ GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.background); GrRect(w1,gc1, 0, cury*fonh, winw, fonh); GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.foreground); curx = 0; break; case 'o':/* erase beginning of line */ if (curx > 0) { GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.background); GrRect(w1,gc1,0, cury*fonh, curx*fonw, fonh); GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.foreground); } break; case 'p':/* enter reverse video mode */ { if(!ReverseMode) { GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.background); GrSetGCBackground(gc1,gi.foreground); ReverseMode=1; } } break; case 'q':/* exit reverse video mode */ { if(ReverseMode) { GrSetGCForeground(gc1,gi.foreground); GrSetGCBackground(gc1,gi.background); ReverseMode=0; } } break; case 'v':/* enable wrap at end of line */ wrap = 1; break; case 'w':/* disable wrap at end of line */ wrap = 0; break; /* and these are the extentions not in VT52 */ case 'G': /* clear all attributes */ break; case 'g': /* enter bold mode */ /* GrSetGCFont(gc1, boldFont); */ break; case 'h': /* exit bold mode */ /* GrSetGCFont(gc1, regFont); */ break; case 'i': /* enter underline mode */ break; /* j, k and l are already used */ case 'm': /* exit underline mode */ break; /* these ones aren't yet on the termcap entries */ case 'n': /* enter italic mode */ break; /* o, p and q are already used */ case 'r': /* exit italic mode */ break; case 's': /* enter light mode */ break; case 't': /* exit ligth mode */ break; default: /* unknown escape sequence */ break; } } /* * un-escaped character print routine */ void esc0 (unsigned char c) { switch (c) { case 0: /* * printing \000 on a terminal means "do nothing". * But since we use \000 as string terminator none * of the characters that follow were printed. * * perl -e 'printf("a%ca", 0);' * * said 'a' in a wterm, but should say 'aa'. This * bug screwed up most ncurses programs. * * kay. */ break; case 7: /* bell */ if (visualbell) { /* w_setmode(win, M_INVERS); */ /* w_pbox(win, 0, 0, winw, winh); */ /* w_test(win, 0, 0); */ /* w_pbox(win, 0, 0, winw, winh); */ ; } else { ; GrBell(); } break; case 8: /* backspace */ lineRedraw(); if (--curx < 0) { curx = 0; } break; case 9: /* tab */ { int borg,i; borg=(((curx >> 3) + 1) << 3); if(borg >= col) { borg=col-1; } borg=borg-curx; for(i=0; i < borg; ++i){sadd(' ');} if ((curx = ((curx >> 3) + 1) << 3) >= col) { curx = col - 1; } } break; case 10: /* line feed */ sflush(); if (++cury >= row) { vscroll(1); cury = row-1; } break; case 13: /* carriage return */ sflush(); curx = 0; break; case 27: /* escape */ sflush(); escstate = 1; break; case 127: /* delete */ break; default: /* any printable char */ sadd(c); if (++curx >= col) { sflush(); if (!wrap) { curx = col-1; } else { curx = 0; if (++cury >= row) { vscroll(1); } } } break; } } void printc(unsigned char c) { switch(escstate) { case 0: esc0(c); break; case 1: sflush(); esc1(c); break; case 2: sflush(); esc2(c); break; case 3: sflush(); esc3(c); break; case 4: sflush(); esc4(c); break; case 5: sflush(); esc5(c); break; default: escstate = 0; break; } } void init() { curx = savx = 0; cury = savy = 0; wrap = 1; curon = 1; curvis = 0; escstate = 0; } /* * general code... */ void term(void) { long in, l; GR_EVENT wevent; GR_EVENT_KEYSTROKE *kp; unsigned char buf[LARGEBUFFER]; GrRegisterInput(pipeh); while (42) { if (havefocus) draw_cursor(); GrGetNextEvent(&wevent); switch(wevent.type) { case GR_EVENT_TYPE_CLOSE_REQ: GrClose(); exit(0); break; case GR_EVENT_TYPE_KEY_DOWN: kp=(GR_EVENT_KEYSTROKE *)&wevent; /* toss all special keys*/ if (kp->ch & MWKEY_NONASCII_MASK) break; *buf = kp->ch & 0xff; write(pipeh, buf,1); break; case GR_EVENT_TYPE_FOCUS_IN: havefocus = GR_TRUE; break; case GR_EVENT_TYPE_FOCUS_OUT: havefocus = GR_FALSE; hide_cursor(); break; case GR_EVENT_TYPE_UPDATE: /* * if we get temporarily unmapped (moved), * set cursor state off. */ if (wevent.update.utype == GR_UPDATE_UNMAPTEMP) curvis = 0; break; case GR_EVENT_TYPE_FDINPUT: hide_cursor(); while ((in = read(pipeh, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { for (l=0; l<in; l++) { printc(buf[l]); if (buf[l] == '\n') printc('\r'); } sflush(); } break; } } } void usage(char *s) { if (s) fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", s); printf("usage: nxterm [-b] [-d] [-f <font family>] [-s <font size>]\n"); printf(" [-g <geometry>] [-v] [-c] [-h] [program {args}]\n"); exit(0); } void *mysignal(int signum, void *handler) { struct sigaction sa, so; sa.sa_handler = handler; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; sigaction(signum, &sa, &so); return so.sa_handler; } /* * guess what... :) */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { GR_BITMAP bitmap1fg[7]; /* mouse cursor */ GR_BITMAP bitmap1bg[7]; GR_WM_PROPERTIES props; short xp, yp, fsize; char *family, *shell = NULL, *cptr, *geometry = NULL; struct passwd *pw; char buf[80]; short uid; char thesh[128]; #ifdef __FreeBSD__ char *ptr; #endif #ifdef SIGTTOU /* just in case we're started in the background */ signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); #endif /* who am I? */ if (!(pw = getpwuid((uid = getuid())))) { fprintf(stderr, "error: wterm can't determine determine your login name\n"); exit(-1); } if (GrOpen() < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot open graphics\n"); exit(1); } GrGetScreenInfo(&si); /* * scan arguments... */ console = 0; argv++; while (*argv && **argv=='-') switch (*(*argv+1)) { case 'b': cblink = 1; argv++; break; case 'c': console = 1; argv++; break; case 'd': debug = 1; argv++; break; case 'f': if (*++argv) { family = *argv++; } else { usage("-f option requires an argument"); } break; case 's': if (*++argv) { fsize = atoi(*argv++); } else { usage("-s option requires an argument"); } break; case 'g': if (*++argv) { geometry = *argv++; } else { usage("-g option requires an argument"); } break; case 'h': /* this will never return */ usage(""); case 'v': visualbell = 1; argv++; break; default: usage("unknown option"); } /* * now *argv either points to a program to start or is zero */ if (*argv) { shell = *argv; } if (!shell) { shell = getenv("SHELL="); } if (!shell) { shell = pw->pw_shell; } if (!shell) { shell = "/bin/sh"; } if (!*argv) { /* * the '-' makes the shell think it is a login shell, * we leave argv[0] alone if it isn`t a shell (ie. * the user specified the program to run as an argument * to wterm. */ cptr = strrchr(shell, '/'); sprintf (thesh, "-%s", cptr ? cptr + 1 : shell); *--argv = thesh; } col = 80; row = 25; xp = 0; yp = 0; if (geometry) { if (col < 1) { col = 80; } if (row < 1) { row = 25; } if (col > 0x7f) colmask = 0xffff; if (row > 0x7f) rowmask = 0xffff; } regFont=GrCreateFont(GR_FONT_SYSTEM_FIXED, 0, NULL); /*regFont=GrCreateFont(GR_FONT_OEM_FIXED, 0, NULL);*/ /*boldFont=GrCreateFont(GR_FONT_SYSTEM_FIXED, 0, NULL);*/ GrGetFontInfo(regFont, &fi); winw=col*fi.maxwidth; winh=row*fi.height; w1 = GrNewWindow(GR_ROOT_WINDOW_ID, 10,10,winw, winh,0,BLACK,LTBLUE); props.flags = GR_WM_FLAGS_TITLE; props.title = TITLE; GrSetWMProperties(w1, &props); GrSelectEvents(w1, GR_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_DOWN | GR_EVENT_MASK_KEY_DOWN | GR_EVENT_MASK_FOCUS_IN | GR_EVENT_MASK_FOCUS_OUT | GR_EVENT_MASK_UPDATE | GR_EVENT_MASK_CLOSE_REQ); GrMapWindow(w1); gc1 = GrNewGC(); GrSetGCFont(gc1, regFont); #define _ ((unsigned) 0) /* off bits */ #define X ((unsigned) 1) /* on bits */ #define MASK(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) \ (((((((((((((a * 2) + b) * 2) + c) * 2) + d) * 2) \ + e) * 2) + f) * 2) + g) << 9) bitmap1fg[0] = MASK(_,_,X,_,X,_,_); bitmap1fg[1] = MASK(_,_,_,X,_,_,_); bitmap1fg[2] = MASK(_,_,_,X,_,_,_); bitmap1fg[3] = MASK(_,_,_,X,_,_,_); bitmap1fg[4] = MASK(_,_,_,X,_,_,_); bitmap1fg[5] = MASK(_,_,_,X,_,_,_); bitmap1fg[6] = MASK(_,_,X,_,X,_,_); bitmap1bg[0] = MASK(_,X,X,X,X,X,_); bitmap1bg[1] = MASK(_,_,X,X,X,_,_); bitmap1bg[2] = MASK(_,_,X,X,X,_,_); bitmap1bg[3] = MASK(_,_,X,X,X,_,_); bitmap1bg[4] = MASK(_,_,X,X,X,_,_); bitmap1bg[5] = MASK(_,_,X,X,X,_,_); bitmap1bg[6] = MASK(_,X,X,X,X,X,_); GrSetCursor(w1, 7, 7, 3, 3, GREEN, BLACK, bitmap1fg, bitmap1bg); GrSetGCForeground(gc1, GREEN); GrSetGCBackground(gc1, BLACK); GrGetWindowInfo(w1,&wi); GrGetGCInfo(gc1,&gi); sprintf(buf, "wterm: %s", shell); /* * what kind of terminal do we want to emulate? */ #ifdef __FreeBSD__ putenv ("TERM=wterm"); #else putenv ("TERM=vt52"); #endif /* * this one should enable us to get rid of an /etc/termcap entry for * both curses and ncurses, hopefully... */ if (termcap_string) { sprintf (termcap_string + strlen (termcap_string), "li#%d:co#%d:", row, col); putenv (termcap_string); } /* in case program absolutely needs terminfo entry, these 'should' * transmit the screen size of correctly (at least xterm sets these * and everything seems to work correctly...). Unlike putenv(), * setenv() allocates also the given string not just a pointer. */ sprintf (buf, "%d", col); setenv ("COLUMNS", buf, 1); sprintf (buf, "%d", row); setenv ("LINES", buf, 1); init(); /* * create a pty */ #ifdef __FreeBSD__ winsz.ws_col = col; winsz.ws_row = row; if ((pid = forkpty(&pipeh, pty, NULL, &winsz)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"wterm: can't create pty\r\n"); perror("wterm"); sleep(2); GrKillWindow(w1); exit(-1); } if ((ptr = rindex(pty, '/'))) { strcpy(pty, ptr + 1); } if (!pid) { int i; for (i = getdtablesize(); --i >= 3; ) close (i); /* * SIG_IGN are not reset on exec() */ for (i = NSIG; --i >= 0; ) signal (i, SIG_DFL); /* caution: start shell with correct user id! */ seteuid(getuid()); setegid(getgid()); /* this shall not return */ execvp(shell, argv); /* oops? */ fprintf(stderr,"wterm: can't start shell\r\n"); sleep(3); GrKillWindow(w1); _exit(-1); } #else pipeh = term_init(); #endif /* _write_utmp(pty, pw->pw_name, "", time(0)); */ #if 0 /* catch some signals */ mysignal(SIGTERM, sigquit); mysignal(SIGHUP, sigquit); mysignal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); mysignal(SIGQUIT, sigquit); mysignal(SIGPIPE, sigpipe); mysignal(SIGCHLD, sigchld); #endif /* prepare to catch console output */ if (console) { /* for any OS chr$(7) might cause endless loops if * catched from console */ visualbell = 1; console = 0; /* data will come to normal pipe handle */ ioctl(pipeh, TIOCCONS, 0); } term(); return 0; } #if ELKS char * nargv[2] = {"/bin/sash", NULL}; #else #if DOS_DJGPP char * nargv[2] = {"bash", NULL}; #else char * nargv[2] = {"/bin/sh", NULL}; #endif #endif void sigchild(int signo) { GrClose(); exit(0); } int term_init() { int tfd; int n = 0; pid_t pid; char pty_name[12]; again: sprintf(pty_name, "/dev/ptyp%d", n); if ((tfd = open(pty_name, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK)) < 0) { if ((errno == EBUSY || errno == EIO) && n < 10) { n++; goto again; } fprintf(stderr, "Can't create pty %s\n", pty_name); return -1; } signal(SIGCHLD, sigchild); signal(SIGINT, sigchild); if ((pid = fork()) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "No processes\n"); return -1; } if (!pid) { close(STDIN_FILENO); close(STDOUT_FILENO); close(tfd); setsid(); pty_name[5] = 't'; if ((tfd = open(pty_name, O_RDWR)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Child: Can't open pty %s\n", pty_name); exit(1); } close(STDERR_FILENO); dup2(tfd, STDIN_FILENO); dup2(tfd, STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(tfd, STDERR_FILENO); execv(nargv[0], nargv); exit(1); } return tfd; } #if 0 void _write_utmp(char *line, char *user, char *host, int time) { int fh, offset, isEmpty, isLine; struct utmp ut; if ((fh = open("/etc/utmp", O_RDWR)) < 0) { return; } /* first of all try to find an entry with the same line */ offset = 0; isEmpty = -1; isLine = -1; while ((isLine < 0) && (read(fh, &ut, sizeof(ut)) == sizeof(ut))) { if (!ut.ut_line[0]) { if (isEmpty < 0) { isEmpty = offset; } } else { if (!strncmp(ut.ut_line, line, sizeof(ut.ut_line))) { isLine = offset; } } offset += sizeof(ut); } if (isLine != -1) { /* we've found a match */ lseek(fh, isLine, SEEK_SET); } else if (isEmpty != -1) { /* no match found, but at least an empty entry */ lseek(fh, isLine, SEEK_SET); } else { /* not even an empty entry found, assume we can append to the file */ } if (time) { strncpy(ut.ut_line, line, sizeof(ut.ut_line)); strncpy(ut.ut_name, user, sizeof(ut.ut_name)); strncpy(ut.ut_host, host, sizeof(ut.ut_host)); ut.ut_time = time; } else { memset(&ut, 0, sizeof(ut)); } write(fh, &ut, sizeof(ut)); close(fh); } #endif
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