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[/] [or1k/] [trunk/] [mw/] [src/] [mwin/] [bmp/] [convbmp.c] - Rev 1765
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/* * Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 Greg Haerr <greg@censoft.com> * * Windows BMP to Microwindows image converter * * 6/9/1999 g haerr * * 05/01/2000 Michael Temari <Michael@TemWare.Com> * Modified to output .s ACK format for Minix */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "device.h" /* separators for DOS & Unix file systems */ #define OS_FILE_SEPARATOR "/\\" #define PIX2BYTES(n) (((n)+7)/8) #define BI_RGB 0L #define BI_RLE8 1L #define BI_RLE4 2L #define BI_BITFIELDS 3L typedef unsigned char UCHAR; typedef unsigned char BYTE; #if !_MINIX typedef unsigned short WORD; typedef unsigned long DWORD; typedef long LONG; #define CASTWORD #define CASTDWORD #define CASTLONG #else /* The Minix ACK compiler cannot pack a structure so we do it the hardway */ typedef unsigned char WORD[2]; typedef unsigned char DWORD[4]; typedef unsigned char LONG[4]; #define CASTWORD *(unsigned short *)& #define CASTDWORD *(unsigned long *)& #define CASTLONG *(long *)& #endif #pragma pack(1) /* windows style*/ typedef struct { /* BITMAPFILEHEADER*/ BYTE bfType[2]; DWORD bfSize; WORD bfReserved1; WORD bfReserved2; DWORD bfOffBits; /* BITMAPINFOHEADER*/ DWORD BiSize; LONG BiWidth; LONG BiHeight; WORD BiPlanes; WORD BiBitCount; DWORD BiCompression; DWORD BiSizeImage; LONG BiXpelsPerMeter; LONG BiYpelsPerMeter; DWORD BiClrUsed; DWORD BiClrImportant; } BMPHEAD; /* os/2 style*/ typedef struct { /* BITMAPFILEHEADER*/ BYTE bfType[2]; DWORD bfSize; WORD bfReserved1; WORD bfReserved2; DWORD bfOffBits; /* BITMAPCOREHEADER*/ DWORD bcSize; WORD bcWidth; WORD bcHeight; WORD bcPlanes; WORD bcBitCount; } BMPCOREHEAD; #pragma pack() int ConvBMP(FILE *fp,char *name); void outline(UCHAR *linebuffer, int bitdepth, int linesize, int y); int DecodeRLE8(UCHAR *buf,FILE *fp); int DecodeRLE4(UCHAR *buf,FILE *fp); void put4(int b); int s_flag = 0; int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { FILE *fp; char *p; char name[64]; char oname[64]; /* skip the program name */ argc--; argv++; /* check for -s flag */ if(argc && strcmp(*argv, "-s") == 0) { s_flag = -1; argc--; argv++; } /* need at least one file to convert */ if(argc == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: convbmp [-s] <bmpfile>\n"); return(-1); } /* go back one since the first thing in the loop is to increment */ argv--; while(argc--) { argv++; if((p = strrchr(*argv, '.')) != (char *)NULL) *p = '\0'; strcpy(name, *argv); strcpy(oname, *argv); if(s_flag) strcat(oname, ".s"); else strcat(oname, ".c"); if(p != (char *)NULL) *p = '.'; if((fp = fopen(*argv, "rb")) == (FILE *)NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file: %s\n", *argv); continue; } if(freopen(oname, "w", stdout) == (FILE *)NULL) { fclose(fp); fprintf(stderr, "Could not open output file %s\n", oname); continue; } /* let's strip any directory from the path passed in. This prevent problems if this utility is given path is not for the curent directory. */ p = name; while( 1 ) { char *p1 = p; p1 = strpbrk( p, OS_FILE_SEPARATOR ); if( p1 ) { p = p1+1; } else { break; } } if(ConvBMP(fp, p)) { fprintf(stderr, "Conversion failed: %s\n", *argv); fclose(fp); continue; } fclose(fp); } return(0); } /* decode a bmp file*/ int ConvBMP(FILE *fp, char *name) { BMPHEAD bmp; BMPCOREHEAD *bmc; int i, palsize; UCHAR *linebuffer = NULL; unsigned int cx, cy, bitdepth, linesize; long compression; MWPALENTRY cmap[256]; long l; int g; int bytesperpixel; UCHAR *p = (UCHAR *)&l; /* read BMP header*/ if(fread(&bmp, 1, sizeof(BMPHEAD), fp) != sizeof(BMPHEAD)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading .bmp file header\n"); return(-1); } /* might be windows or os/2 header*/ if(CASTDWORD bmp.BiSize == 12) { bmc = (BMPCOREHEAD *)&bmp; cx = (int)CASTWORD bmc->bcWidth; cy = (int)CASTWORD bmc->bcHeight; bitdepth = CASTWORD bmc->bcBitCount; palsize = 1 << bitdepth; compression = BI_RGB; fseek(fp, sizeof(BMPCOREHEAD), SEEK_SET); } else { cx = (int)CASTLONG bmp.BiWidth; cy = (int)CASTLONG bmp.BiHeight; bitdepth = CASTWORD bmp.BiBitCount; palsize = (int)CASTDWORD bmp.BiClrUsed; if(palsize == 0) palsize = 1 << bitdepth; compression = CASTDWORD bmp.BiCompression; } if(bitdepth > 8) palsize = 0; /* currently only 1, 4, 8 and 24 bpp bitmaps*/ if(bitdepth > 8 && bitdepth != 24) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: bits per pixel must be 1, 4, 8 or 24\n"); return(-1); } /* compute image line size and allocate line buffer*/ if(bitdepth == 1) { linesize = PIX2BYTES(cx); bytesperpixel = 1; } else if(bitdepth <= 4) { linesize = PIX2BYTES(cx<<2); bytesperpixel = 1; } else if(bitdepth <= 8) { linesize = cx; bytesperpixel = 1; } else if(bitdepth <= 16) { linesize = cx * 2; bytesperpixel = 2; } else if(bitdepth <= 24) { linesize = cx * 3; bytesperpixel = 3; } else { linesize = cx * 4; bytesperpixel = 4; } linesize = (linesize+3) & ~3; if((linebuffer = malloc(linesize)) == (UCHAR *)NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error with malloc(%d)\n", linesize); return(-1); } if(!s_flag) { printf("/* Generated by convbmp*/\n"); printf("#include \"device.h\"\n\n"); printf("/* MWIMAGEHDR image_%s converted from %s.bmp*/\n\n", name, name); } /* get colormap*/ if(bitdepth <= 8) { for(i=0; i<palsize; i++) { cmap[i].b = fgetc(fp); cmap[i].g = fgetc(fp); cmap[i].r = fgetc(fp); if(CASTDWORD bmp.BiSize != 12) fgetc(fp); } if(!s_flag) { /* extract palette*/ printf("static MWPALENTRY palette[%d] = {\n", palsize); for(i=0; i<palsize; ++i) printf(" RGBDEF( %3d, %3d, %3d ),\t/* pal %d*/\n", cmap[i].r, cmap[i].g, cmap[i].b, i); printf("};\n\n"); } else { printf(".sect .text; .sect .rom; .sect .data; .sect .bss\n"); printf(".sect .data\n"); printf("__II0:\n"); l = 0L; g = 0; p = (UCHAR *)&l; for(i=0; i<palsize; ++i) { p[g++] = cmap[i].r; if(g == 4) { g = 0; printf(".data4\t%ld\n", l); l = 0L; } p[g++] = cmap[i].g; if(g == 4) { g = 0; printf(".data4\t%ld\n", l); l = 0L; } p[g++] = cmap[i].b; if(g == 4) { g = 0; printf(".data4\t%ld\n", l); l = 0L; } } if(g) printf(".data4\t%ld\n", l); } } if(!s_flag) { printf("static MWUCHAR imagebits[] = {\n"); } else { printf("__II1:\n"); l = 0L; g = 0; } /* decode image data*/ fseek(fp, CASTDWORD bmp.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET); if(compression == BI_RLE8) { for(i = cy-1; i>= 0; i--) { if(!DecodeRLE8(linebuffer, fp)) break; outline(linebuffer, bitdepth, linesize, i); } } else if(compression == BI_RLE4) { for(i = cy-1; i>= 0; i--) { if(!DecodeRLE4(linebuffer, fp)) break; outline(linebuffer, bitdepth, linesize, i); } } else { for(i=0; i<cy; i++) { if(fread(linebuffer, 1, linesize, fp) != (size_t)linesize) { free(linebuffer); fprintf(stderr, "Error fread\n"); return(-1); } outline(linebuffer, bitdepth, linesize, cy-i-1); } } if(!s_flag) { printf("};\n\n"); printf("MWIMAGEHDR image_%s = {\n", name); printf(" %d, %d,\t/* width, height*/\n", cx, cy); printf(" %d, %d,\t\t/* planes, bpp*/\n", 1, bitdepth); printf(" %d, %d,\t/* pitch, bytesperpixel*/\n", linesize, bytesperpixel); printf(" %d, %d,\t/* compression, palsize*/\n", 1, palsize); printf(" %ldL,\t\t/* transcolor*/\n", -1L); if(palsize) printf(" palette,\n"); else printf(" 0,\n"); printf(" imagebits,\n"); printf("};\n"); } else { printf(".extern _image_%s\n", name); printf("_image_%s:\n", name); printf(".data4\t%ld\n",(long)cx); printf(".data4\t%ld\n",(long)cy); printf(".data4\t%ld\n",1L); printf(".data4\t%ld\n",(long)bitdepth); printf(".data4\t%ld\n",(long)linesize); printf(".data4\t%ld\n",(long)bytesperpixel); printf(".data4\t%ld\n",1L); printf(".data4\t%ld\n",(long)palsize); printf(".data4\t%ld\n",-1L); printf(".data4\t__II0\n"); if(palsize) printf(".data4\t__II1\n"); else printf(".data4\t0\n"); printf(".sect .text\n"); } free(linebuffer); return(0); } void outline(UCHAR *linebuffer, int bitdepth, int linesize, int y) { static int bc = 0; static long l = 0; static char *p = (char *)&l; int n; switch(bitdepth) { case 1: case 4: for(n=0; n<linesize; ++n) { if(!s_flag) printf("0x%02x,", linebuffer[n]); else { p[bc++] = linebuffer[n]; if(bc == 4) { bc = 0; printf(".data4\t%ld\n", l); l = 0L; } } } break; case 8: default: for(n=0; n<linesize; ++n) { if(!s_flag) printf("%d,", linebuffer[n]); else { p[bc++] = linebuffer[n]; if(bc == 4) { bc = 0; printf(".data4\t%ld\n", l); l = 0L; } } } } if(!s_flag) printf("\n"); } /* * Decode one line of RLE8, return 0 when done with all bitmap data */ int DecodeRLE8(UCHAR *buf,FILE *fp) { int c, n; UCHAR * p = buf; while(1) { switch(n = fgetc(fp)) { case EOF: return(0); case 0: /* 0 = escape*/ switch(n = fgetc(fp)) { case 0: /* 0 0 = end of current scan line*/ return(1); case 1: /* 0 1 = end of data*/ return(1); case 2: /* 0 2 xx yy delta mode - NOT SUPPORTED*/ (void)fgetc(fp); (void)fgetc(fp); continue; default: /* 0 3..255 xx nn uncompressed data*/ for(c=0; c<n; c++) *p++ = fgetc(fp); if(n & 1) (void)fgetc(fp); continue; } default: c = fgetc(fp); while(n--) *p++ = c; continue; } } } /* * Decode one line of RLE4, return 0 when done with all bitmap data */ static UCHAR *p; static int once; void put4(int b) { static int last; last = (last << 4) | b; if(++once == 2) { *p++ = last; once = 0; } } int DecodeRLE4(UCHAR *buf, FILE *fp) { int c, n, c1, c2; p = buf; once = 0; while(1) { switch(n = fgetc(fp)) { case EOF: return(0); case 0: /* 0 = escape*/ switch(n = fgetc(fp)) { case 0: /* 0 0 = end of current scan line*/ if(once) put4(0); return(1); case 1: /* 0 1 = end of data*/ if(once) put4(0); return(1); case 2: /* 0 2 xx yy delta mode - NOT SUPPORTED*/ (void)fgetc(fp); (void)fgetc(fp); continue; default: /* 0 3..255 xx nn uncompressed data*/ c2 = (n+3) & ~3; for(c=0; c<c2; c++) { if((c & 1) == 0) c1 = fgetc(fp); if(c < n) put4((c1 >> 4) & 0x0f); c1 <<= 4; } continue; } default: c = fgetc(fp); c1 = (c >> 4) & 0x0f; c2 = c & 0x0f; for(c=0; c<n; c++) put4((c&1)? c2: c1); continue; } } }