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exec itkwish $0
# ======================================================================
# Simple text editor built with [incr Widgets]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# AUTHOR: Michael J. McLennan
# CLASS: Object-Oriented Programming with [incr Tcl]
# ======================================================================
package require Iwidgets 2.1
option add *edit.width 5i startupFile
option add *edit.height 4i startupFile
option add *Fileselectiondialog.width 4i startupFile
option add *Fileselectiondialog.height 5i startupFile
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set FileWindows 0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dialog boxes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
messagedialog .notice -title "itkedit: Notice" \
-bitmap info -buttonboxpos e -modality application
.notice hide OK
.notice hide Help
.notice buttonconfigure Cancel -text "Dismiss"
messagedialog .confirm -title "itkedit: Confirm" \
-bitmap questhead -modality application
.confirm hide Help
.confirm buttonconfigure OK -text "Yes"
.confirm buttonconfigure Cancel -text "No"
fileselectiondialog .files -title "itkedit: Files" \
-childsitepos s -modality application
.files hide Help
set PaneMenu "[.files childsite].panes"
optionmenu $PaneMenu -labeltext "Edit Window:"
pack $PaneMenu -pady 6
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# USAGE: file_load
# Initiates the process of loading a new text file for editing.
# Pops up a Fileselectiondialog, allowing the user to select a
# file for editing. If the user pushes the "load" button, the
# file is loaded.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
proc file_load {} {
global FileName PaneMenu
.files buttonconfigure OK -text "Load"
if {[.files activate]} {
set fname [.files get]
set cmd {
set fid [open $fname r]
set text [read $fid]
close $fid
if {[catch $cmd err] != 0} {
.notice configure -bitmap error \
-text "Cannot load file \"$fname\":\n$err"
.notice activate
set pane [$PaneMenu get]
set win [.edit childsite $pane]
clear_text $win
$win.text insert end $text
$win.text configure -labeltext "file: $fname"
set FileName($win) $fname
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# USAGE: file_save_as
# Initiates the process of saving the current text into a particular
# file. Pops up a Fileselectiondialog, allowing the user to select
# a file for saving. If the user pushes the "save" button, the
# file is saved.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
proc file_save_as {} {
global FileName PaneMenu
.files buttonconfigure OK -text "Save"
if {[.files activate]} {
set pane [$PaneMenu get]
set win [.edit childsite $pane]
set FileName($win) [.files get]
file_save $win
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# USAGE: file_save <win>
# Saves the context of <win> into its associated file. Does the
# dirty work to finish the file_save_as operation.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
proc file_save {win} {
global FileName FileChanged
set cmd {
set fid [open $FileName($win) w]
puts $fid [$win.text get 1.0 end]
close $fid
set FileChanged($win) 0
$win.text configure -labeltext "file: $FileName($win)"
if {[catch $cmd err] != 0} {
.notice configure -bitmap error \
-text "Cannot save file \"$FileName($win)\":\n$err"
.notice activate
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# USAGE: clear_text ?<win>?
# Clears the text area associated with <win>, making sure to save
# any pending changes. If no <win> is specified, then all text
# areas are cleared.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
proc clear_text {{areas ""}} {
global FileName FileChanged FileWindows
if {$areas == ""} {
for {set i 0} {$i < $FileWindows} {incr i} {
set pane "area #[expr $i+1]"
lappend areas [.edit childsite $pane]
foreach win $areas {
if {$FileChanged($win)} {
set fname [file tail $FileName($win)]
.confirm configure -text "File \"$fname\" has changed.\nSave changes?"
if {[.confirm activate]} {
file_save $win
$win.text delete 1.0 end
set FileChanged($win) 0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# USAGE: split_view
# Adds another editing pane to the current editor.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
proc split_view {} {
global FileName FileChanged FileWindows PaneMenu
set pane "area #[incr FileWindows]"
.edit add $pane -minimum 100
$PaneMenu insert end $pane
set win [.edit childsite $pane]
set FileName($win) untitled.txt
set FileChanged($win) 0
scrolledtext $win.text -wrap none -labeltext "file: $FileName($win)" \
-hscrollmode none -vscrollmode dynamic -visibleitems 1x1
pack $win.text -expand yes -fill both
bind [$win.text component text] <KeyPress> "
set FileChanged($win) 1
frame .mbar -borderwidth 2 -relief raised
pack .mbar -side top -fill x
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# FILE menu
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
menubutton .mbar.file -text "File" -underline 0 -menu .mbar.file.menu
pack .mbar.file -side left -padx 4
menu .mbar.file.menu
.mbar.file.menu add command -label "Load..." \
-accelerator " ^L" -underline 0 -command file_load
bind . <Control-KeyPress-l> { .mbar.file.menu invoke "Load..." }
.mbar.file.menu add command -label "Save As..." \
-accelerator " ^S" -underline 0 -command file_save_as
bind . <Control-KeyPress-s> { .mbar.file.menu invoke "Save As..." }
.mbar.file.menu add separator
.mbar.file.menu add command -label "Quit" \
-accelerator " ^Q" -underline 0 -command {clear_text; exit}
bind . <Control-KeyPress-q> { .mbar.file.menu invoke Quit }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# VIEW menu
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
menubutton .mbar.view -text "View" -underline 0 -menu .mbar.view.menu
pack .mbar.view -side left -padx 4
menu .mbar.view.menu
.mbar.view.menu add command -label "Split" \
-underline 0 -command split_view
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Editor
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
panedwindow .edit -orient horizontal
pack .edit -expand yes -fill both
wm title . "itkedit"
wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW { .mbar.file.menu invoke Quit }
after idle {
update idletasks
wm minsize . [winfo reqwidth .] [winfo reqheight .]
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