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libgui - Handy GUI code
This module has various pieces of code that are useful for a GUI. For
the most part, they are Tcl/Tk-related.
Open issues:
- bitmaps and canvas code are duplicated in S-N; should look into
- tkTreeTable taken from S-N but modified; should use the same
version in both places. Better yet, replace this widget with
one that works better
Here's a brief runthrough:
Directory of Tcl code
Tcl code to implement balloon help (aka tooltips)
Primary interface is the "balloon" command. See last function in
file for details on usage
Provides bind_widget_after_class proc; rearranges bindtags in
a frequently-useful way.
Tcl procs relating to canvas widgets
set_scroll_region canvas
Set the scroll region on CANVAS to include all items in the
canvas. Most easily used when bound to <Configure> on the
Defining words.
defarray name ?value?
Define a global array named NAME. VALUE, if present, is the
initial value. VALUE is in the format expected by "array
defvar name ?value?
Define a new global variable named NAME.
Provides the proc "gensym", which generates new symbol names.
Defines the stub proc "gettext", used for looking up text in a
localization database.
Provides procs for handling hooks (lists of functions that
should be run when something happens).
Provides the Labelledframe widget -- a frame with a groove and
a label.
Defines useful list procs. Some of these are Tcl versions of C
functions in TclX.
lvarpush listvar element ?index?
Insert ELEMENT into list stored in LISTVAR (a variable).
Element is inserted at INDEXth position. INDEX defaults to
lvarpop listvar ?index?
Remove INDEXth element from list stored in LISTVAR (a
variable). Returns the removed element. INDEX defaults to
lassign list args
Assign successive elements from LIST to variables named in
ARGS. If LIST is longer than ARGS, assign a list of remaining
elements to last variable.
lrmdups list args
Remove duplicates and sort list. ARGS, if specified, are
arguments to lsort
lremove list element
Return list created by removing the first item `ELEMENT'
Procs for handling monochrome displays or colorblind users
Application preference code. This will probably vanish at some
point, once we figure out how we really want to do this. I just
had this code lying around, and it was useful to me, so I included
Defines a single interface, "preference", which has several
preference define name default docstring ?handler?
Define a new preference. HANDLER, if specified, is a proc
to run whenever the preference's value changes.
preference get name
Return value of preference.
preference documentation name
Return doc string of preference
preference varname name
Return name of variable representing named preference. This
can be used eg as the -variable of a radiobutton.
preference set name value
Set preference.
preference get_commands
Return text of commands which, when evalled, will restore
the current state of all defined preferences.
The sendpr widget; a GUI for send-pr.
Code for bindings on toplevels.
bind_for_toplevel_only toplevel sequence script
Put a binding on window TOPLEVEL for event SEQUENCE. When the
event is seen, SCRIPT will run. This proc adds a new bindtag
to the toplevel to avoid the problems associated with putting
bindings directly on toplevels.
Attempt to make setting the -underline option easier. This is
particular good when using gettext. Unfortunately the interface
is hard to use; it should be changed.
extract_label_info option label
Extract underline and label info from descriptor string LABEL.
Any underline in LABEL is extracted, and the next character's
index is used as the -underline value. There must be only one
underline in LABEL. This proc returns a list of the form:
Eg: extract_label_info -text _File
-> {-text File -underline 0}
Directory of C code. This is all put into libide.a.
Useful startup code that all applications should run.
int ide_initialize (Tcl_Interp *interp, char *appname);
This function:
- Sets the global Tcl variable ide_application_name to APPNAME.
- Searches the filesystem for the libide Tcl code, and sets
up the auto_path appropriately. The IDE_LIBRARY environment
variable can override the searching.
- Sets up the auto_path to include the application's Tcl library
as well (if possible). Applications should install their Tcl
code in $(datadir)/APPNAME/
- Runs the application's startup file - $(datadir)/APPNAME/APPNAME.tcl
- Sets these entries in the global array Paths:
Paths(bitmapdir) Location of libide bitmaps
Paths(appdir) Location of application's scripts
This function returns TCL_OK on success, and something else on
Makes it easy to write commands which are split into a number of
subcommands (eg, like the Tcl "file" command).
int create_command_with_subcommands (Tcl_interp *interp, char *name,
struct subcommand_table *table)
Create a new Tcl command name NAME. TABLE describes the
subcommands; see subcommand.h for details. Returns TCL_OK on
success, TCL_ERROR on failure.
tkCanvEdge.c, tkCanvLayout.c, tkCanvLayout.h, tkCanvas.c, tkCanvas.h
Patched versions (ugh) of the corresponding Tk files, and some new
files. These files implement graph layout for canvases.