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#ifdef _WIN32 #include <windows.h> #include "tkInt.h" #include "tkWinInt.h" #include "tkPort.h" #include "tkText.h" #define MAXINT 32000000 #define HAS_3D_BORDER 1 #define NEW_LAYOUT 2 #define TOP_LINE 4 #define BOTTOM_LINE 8 #define DINFO_OUT_OF_DATE 1 #define REDRAW_PENDING 2 #define REDRAW_BORDERS 4 #define REPICK_NEEDED 8 /* * The following structure describes one line of the display, which may * be either part or all of one line of the text. */ typedef struct DLine { TkTextIndex index; /* Identifies first character in text * that is displayed on this line. */ int count; /* Number of characters accounted for by this * display line, including a trailing space * or newline that isn't actually displayed. */ int y; /* Y-position at which line is supposed to * be drawn (topmost pixel of rectangular * area occupied by line). */ int oldY; /* Y-position at which line currently * appears on display. -1 means line isn't * currently visible on display and must be * redrawn. This is used to move lines by * scrolling rather than re-drawing. */ int height; /* Height of line, in pixels. */ int baseline; /* Offset of text baseline from y, in * pixels. */ int spaceAbove; /* How much extra space was added to the * top of the line because of spacing * options. This is included in height * and baseline. */ int spaceBelow; /* How much extra space was added to the * bottom of the line because of spacing * options. This is included in height. */ int length; /* Total length of line, in pixels. */ TkTextDispChunk *chunkPtr; /* Pointer to first chunk in list of all * of those that are displayed on this * line of the screen. */ struct DLine *nextPtr; /* Next in list of all display lines for * this window. The list is sorted in * order from top to bottom. Note: the * next DLine doesn't always correspond * to the next line of text: (a) can have * multiple DLines for one text line, and * (b) can have gaps where DLine's have been * deleted because they're out of date. */ int flags; /* Various flag bits: see below for values. */ } DLine; typedef struct TextDInfo { Tcl_HashTable styleTable; /* Hash table that maps from StyleValues * to TextStyles for this widget. */ DLine *dLinePtr; /* First in list of all display lines for * this widget, in order from top to bottom. */ GC copyGC; /* Graphics context for copying from off- * screen pixmaps onto screen. */ GC scrollGC; /* Graphics context for copying from one place * in the window to another (scrolling): * differs from copyGC in that we need to get * GraphicsExpose events. */ int x; /* First x-coordinate that may be used for * actually displaying line information. * Leaves space for border, etc. */ int y; /* First y-coordinate that may be used for * actually displaying line information. * Leaves space for border, etc. */ int maxX; /* First x-coordinate to right of available * space for displaying lines. */ int maxY; /* First y-coordinate below available * space for displaying lines. */ int topOfEof; /* Top-most pixel (lowest y-value) that has * been drawn in the appropriate fashion for * the portion of the window after the last * line of the text. This field is used to * figure out when to redraw part or all of * the eof field. */ /* * Information used for scrolling: */ int newCharOffset; /* Desired x scroll position, measured as the * number of average-size characters off-screen * to the left for a line with no left * margin. */ int curPixelOffset; /* Actual x scroll position, measured as the * number of pixels off-screen to the left. */ int maxLength; /* Length in pixels of longest line that's * visible in window (length may exceed window * size). If there's no wrapping, this will * be zero. */ double xScrollFirst, xScrollLast; /* Most recent values reported to horizontal * scrollbar; used to eliminate unnecessary * reports. */ double yScrollFirst, yScrollLast; /* Most recent values reported to vertical * scrollbar; used to eliminate unnecessary * reports. */ /* * The following information is used to implement scanning: */ int scanMarkChar; /* Character that was at the left edge of * the window when the scan started. */ int scanMarkX; /* X-position of mouse at time scan started. */ int scanTotalScroll; /* Total scrolling (in screen lines) that has * occurred since scanMarkY was set. */ int scanMarkY; /* Y-position of mouse at time scan started. */ /* * Miscellaneous information: */ int dLinesInvalidated; /* This value is set to 1 whenever something * happens that invalidates information in * DLine structures; if a redisplay * is in progress, it will see this and * abort the redisplay. This is needed * because, for example, an embedded window * could change its size when it is first * displayed, invalidating the DLine that * is currently being displayed. If redisplay * continues, it will use freed memory and * could dump core. */ int flags; /* Various flag values: see below for * definitions. */ } TextDInfo; /* * The following structure describes how to display a range of characters. * The information is generated by scanning all of the tags associated * with the characters and combining that with default information for * the overall widget. These structures form the hash keys for * dInfoPtr->styleTable. */ typedef struct StyleValues { Tk_3DBorder border; /* Used for drawing background under text. * NULL means use widget background. */ int borderWidth; /* Width of 3-D border for background. */ int relief; /* 3-D relief for background. */ Pixmap bgStipple; /* Stipple bitmap for background. None * means draw solid. */ XColor *fgColor; /* Foreground color for text. */ Tk_Font tkfont; /* Font for displaying text. */ Pixmap fgStipple; /* Stipple bitmap for text and other * foreground stuff. None means draw * solid.*/ int justify; /* Justification style for text. */ int lMargin1; /* Left margin, in pixels, for first display * line of each text line. */ int lMargin2; /* Left margin, in pixels, for second and * later display lines of each text line. */ int offset; /* Offset in pixels of baseline, relative to * baseline of line. */ int overstrike; /* Non-zero means draw overstrike through * text. */ int rMargin; /* Right margin, in pixels. */ int spacing1; /* Spacing above first dline in text line. */ int spacing2; /* Spacing between lines of dline. */ int spacing3; /* Spacing below last dline in text line. */ TkTextTabArray *tabArrayPtr;/* Locations and types of tab stops (may * be NULL). */ int underline; /* Non-zero means draw underline underneath * text. */ Tk_Uid wrapMode; /* How to handle wrap-around for this tag. * One of tkTextCharUid, tkTextNoneUid, * or tkTextWordUid. */ } StyleValues; /* * The following structure extends the StyleValues structure above with * graphics contexts used to actually draw the characters. The entries * in dInfoPtr->styleTable point to structures of this type. */ typedef struct TextStyle { int refCount; /* Number of times this structure is * referenced in Chunks. */ GC bgGC; /* Graphics context for background. None * means use widget background. */ GC fgGC; /* Graphics context for foreground. */ StyleValues *sValuePtr; /* Raw information from which GCs were * derived. */ Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr; /* Pointer to entry in styleTable. Used * to delete entry. */ } TextStyle; void DisplayDLineToDrawable(TkText *textPtr, DLine *dlPtr, DLine *prevPtr, TkWinDrawable *drawable); /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * PrintTextCmd -- * When invoked with the correct args this will bring up a * standard Windows print dialog box and then print the * contence of the text wiget. * * Results: * Standard Tcl result. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int PrintTextCmd(clientData, interp, argc, argv) ClientData clientData; Tcl_Interp *interp; int argc; char **argv; { PRINTDLG pd; Tcl_CmdInfo textCmd; TkText *textPtr; TextDInfo *dInfoPtr; DLine *dlPtr; TkWinDrawable *PrinterDrawable; Tk_Window tkwin; Tk_Item *itemPtr; int maxHeight; DLine *prevPtr; Pixmap pixmap; int bottomY = 0; /* Initialization needed only to stop * compiler warnings. */ DOCINFO *lpdi = malloc(sizeof(DOCINFO)); TkTextIndex first, last; int numLines; HDC hDCpixmap; TkWinDCState pixmapState; DEVMODE dm; float Ptr_pixX,Ptr_pixY,Ptr_mmX,Ptr_mmY; float canv_pixX,canv_pixY,canv_mmX,canv_mmY; int page_Y_size,tiles_high,tile_y; int screenX1, screenX2, screenY1, screenY2, width, height; int saved_x; int saved_y; int saved_w; int saved_h; int saved_maxX; int saved_maxY; int saved_eof; if (argc < 2) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " text \"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } /* * The second arg is the canvas widget. */ if (!Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, argv[1], &textCmd)) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "couldn't get text information for \"", argv[1], "\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } memset(&dm,0,sizeof(DEVMODE)); dm.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); dm.dmScale = 500; memset(lpdi,0,sizeof(DOCINFO)); lpdi->cbSize=sizeof(DOCINFO); lpdi->lpszDocName=malloc(255); sprintf((char*)lpdi->lpszDocName,"SN - Printing\0"); lpdi->lpszOutput=NULL; textPtr = (TkText *)(textCmd.clientData); tkwin = textPtr->tkwin; dInfoPtr = textPtr->dInfoPtr; dlPtr=dInfoPtr->dLinePtr; memset(&pd,0,sizeof( PRINTDLG )); pd.lStructSize = sizeof( PRINTDLG ); pd.hwndOwner = NULL; pd.hDevMode = NULL; pd.hDevNames = NULL; pd.Flags = PD_RETURNDC|PD_NOSELECTION; /* * Get printer details. */ if (!PrintDlg(&pd)) { goto done; } PrinterDrawable = (TkWinDrawable *) ckalloc(sizeof(TkWinDrawable)); PrinterDrawable->type = TWD_WINDC; PrinterDrawable->winDC.hdc = pd.hDC; Ptr_pixX=(float)GetDeviceCaps(PrinterDrawable->winDC.hdc,HORZRES); Ptr_pixY=(float)GetDeviceCaps(PrinterDrawable->winDC.hdc,VERTRES); Ptr_mmX=(float)GetDeviceCaps(PrinterDrawable->winDC.hdc,HORZSIZE); Ptr_mmY=(float)GetDeviceCaps(PrinterDrawable->winDC.hdc,VERTSIZE); screenX1=0; screenY1=0; screenX2=dInfoPtr->maxX; screenY2=dInfoPtr->maxY; pixmap = Tk_GetPixmap(Tk_Display(tkwin), Tk_WindowId(tkwin), (screenX2 + 30), (screenY2 + 30), Tk_Depth(tkwin)); width = screenX2 - screenX1; height = screenY2 - screenY1; hDCpixmap = TkWinGetDrawableDC(Tk_Display(tkwin), pixmap, &pixmapState); canv_pixX=(float)GetDeviceCaps(hDCpixmap,HORZRES); canv_pixY=(float)GetDeviceCaps(hDCpixmap,VERTRES); canv_mmX=(float)GetDeviceCaps(hDCpixmap,HORZSIZE); canv_mmY=(float)GetDeviceCaps(hDCpixmap,VERTSIZE); /* * Save text widget data. */ dInfoPtr = textPtr->dInfoPtr; saved_x = dInfoPtr->x; saved_y = dInfoPtr->y; saved_w = Tk_Width(textPtr->tkwin); saved_h = Tk_Height(textPtr->tkwin); saved_maxX = dInfoPtr->maxX; saved_maxY = dInfoPtr->maxY; saved_eof = dInfoPtr->topOfEof; dInfoPtr->maxX = MAXINT; Tk_Width(textPtr->tkwin) = MAXINT; dInfoPtr->maxY = MAXINT; Tk_Height(textPtr->tkwin) = MAXINT; /* Make the text widget big enough for all the text to be seen. */ numLines = TkBTreeNumLines(textPtr->tree); #if (TCL_MAJOR_VERSION >= 8) && (TCL_MINOR_VERSION >= 1) TkTextMakeByteIndex(textPtr->tree, 0, 0, &first); TkTextMakeByteIndex(textPtr->tree, numLines, 100, &last); #else TkTextMakeIndex(textPtr->tree, 0, 0, &first); TkTextMakeIndex(textPtr->tree, numLines, 100, &last); #endif TkTextChanged(textPtr, &first, &last); /* * Set the display info flag to out-of-date. */ textPtr->dInfoPtr->flags|=DINFO_OUT_OF_DATE; /* *TkTextXviewCmd will call UpdateDisplayInfo. */ TkTextXviewCmd(textPtr, interp, 2, NULL); dInfoPtr = textPtr->dInfoPtr; SetMapMode(PrinterDrawable->winDC.hdc,MM_ISOTROPIC); SetWindowExtEx(PrinterDrawable->winDC.hdc,(int)((float)canv_pixX),(int)((float)canv_pixY),NULL); SetViewportExtEx(PrinterDrawable->winDC.hdc,(int)((float)Ptr_pixX), (int)((float)Ptr_pixY), NULL); /* * Get max Y for text widget. */ maxHeight = -1; for (dlPtr = dInfoPtr->dLinePtr; dlPtr != NULL; dlPtr = dlPtr->nextPtr) { maxHeight = dlPtr->y + dlPtr->height; } /* * Calculate the number of tiles high. */ page_Y_size = GetDeviceCaps(hDCpixmap,LOGPIXELSY)*(Ptr_mmY/22); tiles_high = ( maxHeight / page_Y_size ); /* start at page zero */ StartDoc(pd.hDC,lpdi); for (tile_y = 0; tile_y <= tiles_high;tile_y++) { SetViewportOrgEx(pd.hDC,0,-(tile_y*Ptr_pixY),NULL); StartPage(pd.hDC); if (maxHeight > 0) { for (prevPtr = NULL, dlPtr = textPtr->dInfoPtr->dLinePtr; (dlPtr != NULL) && (dlPtr->y < dInfoPtr->maxY); prevPtr = dlPtr, dlPtr = dlPtr->nextPtr) { DisplayDLineToDrawable(textPtr, dlPtr, prevPtr, PrinterDrawable); } } EndPage(pd.hDC); } EndDoc(pd.hDC); /* * Restore text widget data. */ dInfoPtr->x = saved_x; dInfoPtr->y = saved_y; Tk_Width(textPtr->tkwin) = saved_w; Tk_Height(textPtr->tkwin) = saved_h; dInfoPtr->maxY = saved_maxY; dInfoPtr->maxX = saved_maxX; dInfoPtr->topOfEof = saved_eof; /* * Pitch the info again. */ TkTextChanged(textPtr, &first, &last); /* * Display info not valid anymore. */ textPtr->dInfoPtr->flags|=DINFO_OUT_OF_DATE; done: return TCL_OK; error: return TCL_ERROR; } static void ide_delete_print_text_command(ClientData clientData) { /* destructor code here.*/ } int ide_create_print_text_command (Tcl_Interp *interp) { if (Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "ide_print_text", PrintTextCmd, NULL, NULL) == NULL) return TCL_ERROR; return TCL_OK; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * DisplayDLineToDrawable -- * * This procedure is invoked to draw a single line to a HDC * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void DisplayDLineToDrawable(textPtr, dlPtr, prevPtr, drawable) TkText *textPtr; /* Text widget in which to draw line. */ register DLine *dlPtr; /* Information about line to draw. */ DLine *prevPtr; /* Line just before one to draw, or NULL * if dlPtr is the top line. */ TkWinDrawable *drawable; /* drawable to use for displaying. * Caller must make sure it's large enough * to hold line. */ { register TkTextDispChunk *chunkPtr; TextDInfo *dInfoPtr = textPtr->dInfoPtr; Display *display; int height, x; /* * First, clear the area of the line to the background color for the * text widget. */ display = Tk_Display(textPtr->tkwin); for (chunkPtr = dlPtr->chunkPtr; (chunkPtr != NULL); chunkPtr = chunkPtr->nextPtr) { if (chunkPtr->displayProc == TkTextInsertDisplayProc) { /* * Already displayed the insertion cursor above. Don't * do it again here. */ continue; } else { x = chunkPtr->x + dInfoPtr->x - dInfoPtr->curPixelOffset; if ((x + chunkPtr->width <= 0) || (x >= dInfoPtr->maxX)) { (*chunkPtr->displayProc)(chunkPtr, -chunkPtr->width, dlPtr->y, dlPtr->height - dlPtr->spaceAbove - dlPtr->spaceBelow, dlPtr->baseline - dlPtr->spaceAbove, display, (unsigned long)drawable, dlPtr->y + dlPtr->spaceAbove); } else { (*chunkPtr->displayProc)(chunkPtr, x, dlPtr->y, dlPtr->height - dlPtr->spaceAbove - dlPtr->spaceBelow, dlPtr->baseline - dlPtr->spaceAbove, display, (unsigned long)drawable, dlPtr->y + dlPtr->spaceAbove); } } } } #endif /* _WIN */
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