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////                                                              ////
////  dbg_if_model.v                                              ////
////                                                              ////
////                                                              ////
////  This file is part of the OpenRISC test bench.               ////
////                                   ////
////                                                              ////
////                                                              ////
////  Author(s):                                                  ////
////       Damjan Lampret                                         ////
////                                  ////
////                                                              ////
////                                                              ////
////  All additional information is avaliable in the README.txt   ////
////  file.                                                       ////
////                                                              ////
////                                                              ////
//// Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Authors                              ////
////                                                              ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
////                                                              ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
//// later version.                                               ////
////                                                              ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details.                                                     ////
////                                                              ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
//// from                     ////
////                                                              ////
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.1  2002/01/14 06:19:35  lampret
// Added debug model for testing du. Updated or1200_monitor.
`include "dbg_defines.v"
// Top module
module dbg_if_model(
                // JTAG pins
                tms_pad_i, tck_pad_i, trst_pad_i, tdi_pad_i, tdo_pad_o, 
                // Boundary Scan signals
                capture_dr_o, shift_dr_o, update_dr_o, extest_selected_o, bs_chain_i,
                // RISC signals
                risc_clk_i, risc_addr_o, risc_data_i, risc_data_o, wp_i, 
                bp_i, opselect_o, lsstatus_i, istatus_i, risc_stall_o, reset_o, 
                // WISHBONE common signals
                wb_rst_i, wb_clk_i, 
                // WISHBONE master interface
                wb_adr_o, wb_dat_o, wb_dat_i, wb_cyc_o, wb_stb_o, wb_sel_o,
                wb_we_o, wb_ack_i, wb_cab_o, wb_err_i
parameter Tp = 1;
// JTAG pins
input         tms_pad_i;                  // JTAG test mode select pad
input         tck_pad_i;                  // JTAG test clock pad
input         trst_pad_i;                 // JTAG test reset pad
input         tdi_pad_i;                  // JTAG test data input pad
output        tdo_pad_o;                  // JTAG test data output pad
// Boundary Scan signals
output capture_dr_o;
output shift_dr_o;
output update_dr_o;
output extest_selected_o;
input  bs_chain_i;
// RISC signals
input         risc_clk_i;                 // Master clock (RISC clock)
input  [31:0] risc_data_i;                // RISC data inputs (data that is written to the RISC registers)
input  [10:0] wp_i;                       // Watchpoint inputs
input         bp_i;                       // Breakpoint input
input  [3:0]  lsstatus_i;                 // Load/store status inputs
input  [1:0]  istatus_i;                  // Instruction status inputs
output [31:0] risc_addr_o;                // RISC address output (for adressing registers within RISC)
output [31:0] risc_data_o;                // RISC data output (data read from risc registers)
output [`OPSELECTWIDTH-1:0] opselect_o;   // Operation selection (selecting what kind of data is set to the risc_data_i)
output                      risc_stall_o; // Stalls the RISC
output                      reset_o;      // Resets the RISC
// WISHBONE common signals
input         wb_rst_i;                   // WISHBONE reset
input         wb_clk_i;                   // WISHBONE clock
// WISHBONE master interface
output [31:0] wb_adr_o;
output [31:0] wb_dat_o;
input  [31:0] wb_dat_i;
output        wb_cyc_o;
output        wb_stb_o;
output  [3:0] wb_sel_o;
output        wb_we_o;
input         wb_ack_i;
output        wb_cab_o;
input         wb_err_i;
reg	[31:0]	risc_addr_o;
reg	[31:0]	risc_data_o;
reg	[`OPSELECTWIDTH-1:0] opselect_o;
reg		risc_stall_a;
reg		risc_stall_r;
integer		i, npc, ppc, r1, insn, result;
assign tdo_pad_o = 1'b0;
assign capture_dr_o = 1'b0;
assign shift_dr_o = 1'b0;
assign update_dr_o = 1'b0;
assign extest_selected_o = 1'b0;
assign reset_o = 1'b0;
assign risc_stall_o = risc_stall_r | risc_stall_a;
assign wb_cab_o = 1'b0;
always @(posedge wb_rst_i or posedge bp_i)
	if (wb_rst_i)
		risc_stall_r <= #1 1'b0;
	else if (bp_i)
		risc_stall_r <= #1 1'b1;
initial begin
	risc_addr_o = 0;
	risc_data_o = 0;
	opselect_o = 0;
	risc_stall_a = 1'b0;
	while (!bp_i) @(posedge risc_clk_i);
	wb_master.wr(32'h8000_0004, 32'h9c200000, 4'b1111);	/* l.addi  r1,r0,0x0       */
	wb_master.wr(32'h8000_0008, 32'h18408008, 4'b1111);	/* l.movhi r2,0x8008       */
	wb_master.wr(32'h8000_000c, 32'h9c210001, 4'b1111);	/* l.addi  r1,r1,1         */
	wb_master.wr(32'h8000_0010, 32'h9c210001, 4'b1111);	/* l.addi  r1,r1,1         */
	wb_master.wr(32'h8000_0014, 32'hd4020800, 4'b1111);	/* l.sw    0(r2),r1        */
	wb_master.wr(32'h8000_0018, 32'h9c210001, 4'b1111);	/* l.addi  r1,r1,1         */
	wb_master.wr(32'h8000_001c, 32'h84620000, 4'b1111);	/* l.lwz   r3,0(r2)        */
	wb_master.wr(32'h8000_0020, 32'h03fffffb, 4'b1111);	/* l.j     loop2           */
	wb_master.wr(32'h8000_0024, 32'he0211800, 4'b1111);	/* l.add   r1,r1,r3        */
	wb_master.wr(32'h8000_0028, 32'he0211800, 4'b1111);	/* l.add   r1,r1,r3        */
	// Enable exceptions in SR
	wr_reg(17, 3);
	// Set trap bit in DSR
	wr_reg((6 << 11) + 20, 32'h2000);
	// Set NPC
	// Set step-bit (DMR1[ST])
	wr_reg((6 << 11) + 16, 1 << 22);
	// Single-step
	for (i = 1; i < 10; i = i + 1)
	// Read NPC
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 16, npc);
	// Read PPC
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 18, ppc);
	// Read R1
	rd_reg(32'h401, r1);
	$display("Read      npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h", npc, ppc, r1);
	$display("Expected  npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h\n", 32'h8000000c, 32'h80000024, 5);
	result = npc + ppc + r1;
	/* Reset step bit */
	wr_reg ((6 << 11) + 16, 0);
	/* Set trap insn in delay slot */
	wb_master.rd (32'h8000_0024, insn);
	wb_master.wr (32'h8000_0024, 32'h21000001, 4'b1111);
	/* Unstall */
	/* Read NPC */
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 16, npc);
	/* Read PPC */
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 18, ppc);
	/* Read R1 */
	rd_reg(32'h401, r1);
	/* Set back original insn */
	wb_master.wr (32'h8000_0024, insn, 4'b1111);
	$display("Read      npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h", npc, ppc, r1);
	$display("Expected  npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h\n", 32'h8000000c, 32'h80000024, 8);
	result = npc + ppc + r1 + result;
	/* Set trap insn in place of branch insn */
	wb_master.rd (32'h8000_0020, insn);
	wb_master.wr (32'h8000_0020, 32'h21000001, 4'b1111);
	/* Set PC */
	/* Unstall */
	/* Read NPC */
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 16, npc);
	/* Read PPC */
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 18, ppc);
	/* Read R1 */
	rd_reg(32'h401, r1);
	/* Set back original insn */
	wb_master.wr (32'h8000_0020, insn, 4'b1111);
	$display("Read      npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h", npc, ppc, r1);
	$display("Expected  npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h\n", 32'h80000024, 32'h80000020, 11);
	result = npc + ppc + r1 + result;
	/* Set trap insn before branch insn */
	wb_master.rd (32'h8000_001c, insn);
	wb_master.wr (32'h8000_001c, 32'h21000001, 4'b1111);
	/* Set PC */
	/* Unstall */
	/* Read NPC */
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 16, npc);
	/* Read PPC */
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 18, ppc);
	/* Read R1 */
	rd_reg(32'h401, r1);
	/* Set back original insn */
	wb_master.wr (32'h8000_001c, insn, 4'b1111);
	$display("Read      npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h", npc, ppc, r1);
	$display("Expected  npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h\n", 32'h80000020, 32'h8000001c, 24);
	result = npc + ppc + r1 + result;
	/* Set trap insn behind lsu insn */
	wb_master.rd (32'h8000_0018, insn);
	wb_master.wr (32'h8000_0018, 32'h21000001, 4'b1111);
	/* Set PC */
	/* Unstall */
	/* Read NPC */
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 16, npc);
	/* Read PPC */
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 18, ppc);
	/* Read R1 */
	rd_reg(32'h401, r1);
	/* Set back original insn */
	wb_master.wr (32'h8000_0018, insn, 4'b1111);
	$display("Read      npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h", npc, ppc, r1);
	$display("Expected  npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h\n", 32'h8000001c, 32'h80000018, 49);
	result = npc + ppc + r1 + result;
	/* Set trap insn very near previous one */
	wb_master.rd (32'h8000_001c, insn);
	wb_master.wr (32'h8000_001c, 32'h21000001, 4'b1111);
	/* Set PC */
	/* Unstall */
	/* Read NPC */
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 16, npc);
	/* Read PPC */
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 18, ppc);
	/* Read R1 */
	rd_reg(32'h401, r1);
	/* Set back original insn */
	wb_master.wr (32'h8000_001c, insn, 4'b1111);
	$display("Read      npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h", npc, ppc, r1);
	$display("Expected  npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h\n", 32'h80000020, 32'h8000001c, 50);
	result = npc + ppc + r1 + result;
	/* Set trap insn to the start */
	wb_master.rd (32'h8000_000c, insn);
	wb_master.wr (32'h8000_000c, 32'h21000001, 4'b1111);
	/* Set PC */
	/* Unstall */
	/* Read NPC */
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 16, npc);
	/* Read PPC */
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 18, ppc);
	/* Read R1 */
	rd_reg(32'h401, r1);
	/* Set back original insn */
	wb_master.wr (32'h8000_000c, insn, 4'b1111);
	$display("Read      npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h", npc, ppc, r1);
	$display("Expected  npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h\n", 32'h80000010, 32'h8000000c, 99);
	result = npc + ppc + r1 + result;
	// Set step-bit (DMR1[ST])
	wr_reg((6 << 11) + 16, 1 << 22);
	// Single-step
	for (i = 0; i < 5; i = i + 1)
	/* Read NPC */
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 16, npc);
	/* Read PPC */
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 18, ppc);
	/* Read R1 */
	rd_reg(32'h401, r1);
	$display("Read      npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h", npc, ppc, r1);
	$display("Expected  npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h\n", 32'h80000024, 32'h80000020, 101);
	result = npc + ppc + r1 + result;
	/* Set PC */
	// Single-step
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i = i + 1)
	/* Read NPC */
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 16, npc);
	/* Read PPC */
	rd_reg((0 << 11) + 18, ppc);
	/* Read R1 */
	rd_reg(32'h401, r1);
	$display("Read      npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h", npc, ppc, r1);
	$display("Expected  npc = %h ppc = %h r1 = %h\n", 32'h8000000c, 32'h80000024, 201);
	result = npc + ppc + r1 + result;
	$display("result = %h\n", result + 32'h5eaddaa9);
	#100 $finish;
task stall;
	risc_stall_r = 1'b1;
	@(posedge risc_clk_i);
	@(posedge risc_clk_i);
task unstall;
	risc_stall_r = 1'b0;
	@(posedge risc_clk_i);
	while (!bp_i) @(posedge risc_clk_i);
task wr_npc;
input	[31:0]	npc;
	npc = npc - 0;
	wr_reg((0 << 11) + 16, npc);
task wr_reg;
input 	[31:0]	addr;
input	[31:0]	data;
	risc_stall_a = 1'b1;
	@(posedge risc_clk_i);
	risc_addr_o = addr;
	risc_data_o = data;
	opselect_o = 5;
	@(posedge risc_clk_i);
	risc_addr_o = 0;
	risc_data_o = 0;
	opselect_o = 0;
	@(posedge risc_clk_i);
	@(posedge risc_clk_i);
	@(posedge risc_clk_i);
	risc_stall_a = 1'b0;
task rd_reg;
input 	[31:0]	addr;
output	[31:0]	data;
	risc_stall_a = 1'b1;
	@(posedge risc_clk_i);
	risc_addr_o = addr;
	opselect_o = 4;
	@(posedge risc_clk_i);
	@(posedge risc_clk_i);
	data = risc_data_i;
	@(posedge risc_clk_i);
	risc_addr_o = 0;
	risc_data_o = 0;
	opselect_o = 0;
	@(posedge risc_clk_i);
	@(posedge risc_clk_i);
	@(posedge risc_clk_i);
	risc_stall_a = 1'b0;
// Instantiation of Master WISHBONE BFM
wb_master wb_master(
        // WISHBONE Interface

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