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[/] [or1k_old/] [trunk/] [mp3/] [bench/] [verilog/] [wb_master.v] - Rev 1782
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`include "timescale.v" // -*- Mode: Verilog -*- // Filename : wb_master.v // Description : Wishbone Master Behavorial // Author : Winefred Washington // Created On : Thu Jan 11 21:18:41 2001 // Last Modified By: . // Last Modified On: . // Update Count : 0 // Status : Unknown, Use with caution! // Description Specification // General Description: 8, 16, 32-bit WISHBONE Master // Supported cycles: MASTER, READ/WRITE // MASTER, BLOCK READ/WRITE // MASTER, RMW // Data port, size: 8, 16, 32-bit // Data port, granularity 8-bit // Data port, Max. operand size 32-bit // Data transfer ordering: little endian // Data transfer sequencing: undefined // module wb_master(CLK_I, RST_I, TAG_I, TAG_O, ACK_I, ADR_O, CYC_O, DAT_I, DAT_O, ERR_I, RTY_I, SEL_O, STB_O, WE_O); input CLK_I; input RST_I; input [3:0] TAG_I; output [3:0] TAG_O; input ACK_I; output [31:0] ADR_O; output CYC_O; input [31:0] DAT_I; output [31:0] DAT_O; input ERR_I; input RTY_I; output [3:0] SEL_O; output STB_O; output WE_O; reg [31:0] ADR_O; reg [3:0] SEL_O; reg CYC_O; reg STB_O; reg WE_O; reg [31:0] DAT_O; wire [15:0] mem_sizes; // determines the data width of an address range reg [31:0] write_burst_buffer[0:7]; reg [31:0] read_burst_buffer[0:7]; reg GO; integer cycle_end; integer address; integer data; integer selects; integer write_flag; // // mem_sizes determines the data widths of memory space // The memory space is divided into eight regions. Each // region is controlled by a two bit field. // // Bits // 00 = 8 bit memory space // 01 = 16 bit // 10 = 32 bit // 11 = 64 bit (not supported in this model // assign mem_sizes = 16'b10_10_10_10_10_10_10_10; function [1:0] data_width; input [31:0] adr; begin casex (adr[31:29]) 3'b000: data_width = mem_sizes[15:14]; 3'b001: data_width = mem_sizes[13:12]; 3'b010: data_width = mem_sizes[11:10]; 3'b011: data_width = mem_sizes[9:8]; 3'b100: data_width = mem_sizes[7:6]; 3'b101: data_width = mem_sizes[5:4]; 3'b110: data_width = mem_sizes[3:2]; 3'b111: data_width = mem_sizes[1:0]; 3'bxxx: data_width = 2'bxx; endcase // casex (adr[31:29]) end endfunction always @(posedge CLK_I or posedge RST_I) begin if (RST_I) begin GO = 1'b0; end end // read single task rd; input [31:0] adr; output [31:0] result; begin cycle_end = 1; address = adr; selects = 255; write_flag = 0; GO <= 1; @(posedge CLK_I); // GO <= 0; // wait for cycle to start while (~CYC_O) @(posedge CLK_I); // wait for cycle to end while (CYC_O) @(posedge CLK_I); result = data; // $display(" Reading %h from address %h", result, address); end endtask // read task wr; input [31:0] adr; input [31:0] dat; input [3:0] sel; begin cycle_end = 1; address = adr; selects = sel; write_flag = 1; data = dat; GO <= 1; @(posedge CLK_I); // GO <= 0; // wait for cycle to start while (~CYC_O) @(posedge CLK_I); // wait for cycle to end while (CYC_O) @(posedge CLK_I); // $display(" Writing %h to address %h", data, address); end endtask // wr // block read task blkrd; input [31:0] adr; input end_flag; output [31:0] result; begin write_flag = 0; cycle_end = end_flag; address = adr; GO <= 1; @(posedge CLK_I); // GO <= 0; while (~(ACK_I & STB_O)) @(posedge CLK_I); result = data; end endtask // blkrd // block write task blkwr; input [31:0] adr; input [31:0] dat; input [3:0] sel; input end_flag; begin write_flag = 1; cycle_end = end_flag; address = adr; data = dat; selects = sel; GO <= 1; @(posedge CLK_I); // GO <= 0; while (~(ACK_I & STB_O)) @(posedge CLK_I); end endtask // blkwr // RMW task rmw; input [31:0] adr; input [31:0] dat; input [3:0] sel; output [31:0] result; begin // read phase write_flag = 0; cycle_end = 0; address = adr; GO <= 1; @(posedge CLK_I); // GO <= 0; while (~(ACK_I & STB_O)) @(posedge CLK_I); result = data; // write phase write_flag = 1; address = adr; selects = sel; GO <= 1; data <= dat; cycle_end <= 1; @(posedge CLK_I); // GO <= 0; while (~(ACK_I & STB_O)) @(posedge CLK_I); end endtask // rmw always @(posedge CLK_I) begin if (RST_I) ADR_O <= 32'h0000_0000; else ADR_O <= address; end always @(posedge CLK_I) begin if (RST_I | ERR_I | RTY_I) CYC_O <= 1'b0; else if ((cycle_end == 1) & ACK_I) CYC_O <= 1'b0; else if (GO | CYC_O) begin CYC_O <= 1'b1; GO <= 1'b0; end end // stb control always @(posedge CLK_I) begin if (RST_I | ERR_I | RTY_I) STB_O <= 1'b0; else if (STB_O & ACK_I) STB_O <= 1'b0; else if (GO | STB_O) STB_O <= 1'b1; end // selects & data always @(posedge CLK_I) begin if (write_flag == 0) begin SEL_O <= 4'b1111; if (STB_O & ACK_I) data <= DAT_I; end else begin case (data_width(address)) 2'b00: begin SEL_O <= {3'b000, selects[0]}; DAT_O <= {data[7:0], data[7:0], data[7:0], data[7:0]}; end 2'b01: begin SEL_O <= {2'b00, selects[1:0]}; DAT_O <= {data[15:0], data[15:0]}; end 2'b10: begin SEL_O <= selects; DAT_O <= data; end endcase end end always @(posedge CLK_I) begin if (RST_I) WE_O <= 1'b0; else if (GO) WE_O <= write_flag; end endmodule