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//------------------------------------------------------------------------ // This Verilog file was developed by Altera Corporation. It may be // freely copied and/or distributed at no cost. Any persons using this // file for any purpose do so at their own risk, and are responsible for // the results of such use. Altera Corporation does not guarantee that // this file is complete, correct, or fit for any particular purpose. // NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. This notice must // accompany any copy of this file. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // LPM Synthesizable Models // These models are based on LPM version 220 (EIA-IS103 October 1998). //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Version Quartus v2.0 (lpm 220) Date 08/28/01 // // 08/28/01: Support for non-pli flow for convert_hex2ver // //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Version Quartus v1.1 (lpm 220) Date 04/17/01 // // 04/09/01: Fix 82832; inappropriate use of blocking assignments in // lpm_ram_dq, lpm_ram_io, lpm_ram_dp, lpm_rom. // 04/09/01: Make dcfifo and lpm_fifo_dc models consistent. // 04/05/01: Fix 82832; race condition in lpm_ram_dq with VerilogXL. // 03/20/01: Fix SPR 82096; the memenab & outenab signals are not // initialized for lpm_ram_io. // 01/23/01: Adding use_eab=on support for lpm_ram_io, lpm_ram_dp and // lpm_ram_dq. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Version Quartus v1.0 (lpm 220) Date 12/8/00 // // 12/8/00: Fix SPR78303. Remove use of blocking assignments in // lpm_fifo_dc // 12/5/00: Changed lpm_ram_dp rdclken, and wrclken to connect to pull up // properly. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Version 1.6 (lpm 220) Date 10/2/00 // // Changed the behaviour of LPM_FIFO_DC to match that of Quartus. // Changed data port of LPM_LATCH to be initialized with 0. // Fixed LPM_COUNTER, LPM_FF, LPM_SHIFTREG to output correctly after // aclr goes low but before any clock edge, and to output x's when // both aclr and aset are high. // Changed q port of LPM_FF and LPM_SHIFTREG to be initialized with 0. // Fixed underflow and overflow port of LPM_CLSHIFT in ROTATE mode. // Added LPM_REMAINDERPOSITIVE parameter to LPM_DIVIDE. This is a // non-LPM 220 standard parameter. It defaults to TRUE for LPM 220 // behaviour. // Fixed LPM_MULT to output correctly. // Changed default value of CIN port of LPM_ADD_SUB when subtract. // Changed output pipelines of LPM_ADD_SUB to be initialized with 0's. // Fixed overflow port of LPM_ADD_SUB for singned inputs. // Added DATA port to the sensitivity list in LPM_COUNTER and LPM_FF. // Synthesis tools do not allow mixing of level and edge sensitive // signals, and hence DATA port was omitted from the list. // Corrected the interpretation of CIN port of LPM_COUNTER. // Fixed LPM_RAM_DP, LPM_RAM_DQ, and LPM_RAM_IO to write data at rising // clock edge and to output correctly. // Fixed COUT port of LPM_COUNTER to go high when count is all 1's. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Version 1.59 (lpm 220) Date 5/4/00 // // Corrected LPM_FIFO_DC rdempty flag. // Updated comments in header about synthesis issues. // Fixed error detection of LPM_DIRECTION and UPDOWN conflict in // LPM_COUNTER. // Changed LPM_ROM to have no default name for initialization file. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Version 1.5 (lpm 220) Date 12/17/99 // // Modified LPM_ADD_SUB and LPM_MULT to accomodate LPM_WIDTH = 1. // Default values for LPM_WIDTH* are changed back to 1. // Added LPM_HINT to LPM_DIVIDE. // Rewritten LPM_FIFO_DC to output correctly. // Modified LPM_FIFO to output 0s before first read, output correct // values after aclr and sclr, and output LPM_NUMWORDS mod // exp(2, LPM_WIDTHU) when FIFO is full. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Version 1.4.1 (lpm 220) Date 10/29/99 // // Default values for LPM_WIDTH* of LPM_ADD_SUB and LPM_MULT are changed // from 1 to 2. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Version 1.4 (lpm 220) Date 10/18/99 // // Default values for each optional inputs for ALL modules are added. // Some LPM_PVALUE implementations were missing, and now implemented. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Version 1.3 (lpm 220) Date 06/23/99 // // Corrected LPM_FIFO and LPM_FIFO_DC cout and empty/full flags. // Implemented LPM_COUNTER cin/cout, and LPM_MODULUS is now working. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Version 1.2 (lpm 220) Date 06/16/99 // // Added LPM_RAM_DP, LPM_RAM_DQ, LPM_IO, LPM_ROM, LPM_FIFO, LPM_FIFO_DC. // Parameters and ports are added/discarded according to the spec. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Version 1.1 (lpm 220) Date 02/05/99 // // Added LPM_DIVIDE module. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Version 1.0 Date 07/09/97 // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Excluded Functions: // // LPM_FSM and LPM_TTABLE. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Assumptions: // // 1. The default value for LPM_SVALUE, LPM_AVALUE, LPM_PVALUE, and // LPM_STRENGTH is string UNUSED. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Verilog Language Issues: // // Two dimensional ports are not supported. Modules with two dimensional // ports are implemented as one dimensional signal of (LPM_SIZE * LPM_WIDTH) // bits wide. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ `define NO_PLI module lpm_constant ( result ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_constant"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_cvalue = 0; parameter lpm_strength = "UNUSED"; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; output [lpm_width-1:0] result; assign result = lpm_cvalue; endmodule // lpm_constant //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_inv ( result, data ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_inv"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; output [lpm_width-1:0] result; reg [lpm_width-1:0] result; always @(data) result = ~data; endmodule // lpm_inv //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_and ( result, data ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_and"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_size = 1; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [(lpm_size * lpm_width)-1:0] data; output [lpm_width-1:0] result; reg [lpm_width-1:0] result; integer i, j, k; always @(data) begin for (i=0; i<lpm_width; i=i+1) begin result[i] = data[i]; for (j=1; j<lpm_size; j=j+1) begin k = j * lpm_width + i; result[i] = result[i] & data[k]; end end end endmodule // lpm_and //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_or ( result, data ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_or"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_size = 1; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [(lpm_size * lpm_width)-1:0] data; output [lpm_width-1:0] result; reg [lpm_width-1:0] result; integer i, j, k; always @(data) begin for (i=0; i<lpm_width; i=i+1) begin result[i] = data[i]; for (j=1; j<lpm_size; j=j+1) begin k = j * lpm_width + i; result[i] = result[i] | data[k]; end end end endmodule // lpm_or //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_xor ( result, data ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_xor"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_size = 1; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [(lpm_size * lpm_width)-1:0] data; output [lpm_width-1:0] result; reg [lpm_width-1:0] result; integer i, j, k; always @(data) begin for (i=0; i<lpm_width; i=i+1) begin result[i] = data[i]; for (j=1; j<lpm_size; j=j+1) begin k = j * lpm_width + i; result[i] = result[i] ^ data[k]; end end end endmodule // lpm_xor //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_bustri ( result, tridata, data, enabledt, enabletr ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_bustri"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; input enabledt; input enabletr; output [lpm_width-1:0] result; inout [lpm_width-1:0] tridata; reg [lpm_width-1:0] result; reg [lpm_width-1:0] tmp_tridata; tri0 enabledt; tri0 enabletr; buf (i_enabledt, enabledt); buf (i_enabletr, enabletr); always @(data or tridata or i_enabletr or i_enabledt) begin if (i_enabledt == 0 && i_enabletr == 1) begin result = tridata; tmp_tridata = 'bz; end else if (i_enabledt == 1 && i_enabletr == 0) begin result = 'bz; tmp_tridata = data; end else if (i_enabledt == 1 && i_enabletr == 1) begin result = data; tmp_tridata = data; end else begin result = 'bz; tmp_tridata = 'bz; end end assign tridata = tmp_tridata; endmodule // lpm_bustri //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_mux ( result, clock, clken, data, aclr, sel ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_mux"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_size = 1; parameter lpm_widths = 1; parameter lpm_pipeline = 0; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [(lpm_size * lpm_width)-1:0] data; input aclr; input clock; input clken; input [lpm_widths-1:0] sel; output [lpm_width-1:0] result; reg [lpm_width-1:0] tmp_result2 [lpm_pipeline:0]; reg [lpm_width-1:0] tmp_result; integer i; tri0 aclr; tri0 clock; tri1 clken; buf (i_aclr, aclr); buf (i_clock, clock); buf (i_clken, clken); always @(data or sel or i_aclr) begin if (i_aclr) for (i = 0; i <= lpm_pipeline; i = i + 1) tmp_result2[i] = 'b0; else begin tmp_result = 0; for (i = 0; i < lpm_width; i = i + 1) tmp_result[i] = data[sel * lpm_width + i]; tmp_result2[lpm_pipeline] = tmp_result; end end always @(posedge i_clock) begin if (!i_aclr && i_clken == 1) for (i = 0; i < lpm_pipeline; i = i + 1) tmp_result2[i] <= tmp_result2[i+1]; end assign result = tmp_result2[0]; endmodule // lpm_mux //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_decode ( eq, data, enable, clock, clken, aclr ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_decode"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_decodes = 1 << lpm_width; parameter lpm_pipeline = 0; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; input enable; input clock; input clken; input aclr; output [lpm_decodes-1:0] eq; reg [lpm_decodes-1:0] tmp_eq2 [lpm_pipeline:0]; reg [lpm_decodes-1:0] tmp_eq; integer i; tri0 clock; tri1 clken; tri0 aclr; tri1 enable; buf (i_clock, clock); buf (i_clken, clken); buf (i_aclr, aclr); buf (i_enable, enable); always @(data or i_enable or i_aclr) begin if (i_aclr) for (i = 0; i <= lpm_pipeline; i = i + 1) tmp_eq2[i] = 'b0; else begin tmp_eq = 0; if (i_enable) tmp_eq[data] = 1'b1; tmp_eq2[lpm_pipeline] = tmp_eq; end end always @(posedge i_clock) begin if (!i_aclr && clken == 1) for (i = 0; i < lpm_pipeline; i = i + 1) tmp_eq2[i] <= tmp_eq2[i+1]; end assign eq = tmp_eq2[0]; endmodule // lpm_decode //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_clshift ( result, overflow, underflow, data, direction, distance ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_clshift"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_widthdist = 1; parameter lpm_shifttype = "LOGICAL"; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; input [lpm_widthdist-1:0] distance; input direction; output [lpm_width-1:0] result; output overflow; output underflow; reg [lpm_width-1:0] ONES; reg [lpm_width-1:0] result; reg overflow, underflow; integer i; tri0 direction; buf (i_direction, direction); //---------------------------------------------------------------// function [lpm_width+1:0] LogicShift; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; input [lpm_widthdist-1:0] dist; input direction; reg [lpm_width-1:0] tmp_buf; reg overflow, underflow; begin tmp_buf = data; overflow = 1'b0; underflow = 1'b0; if ((direction) && (dist > 0)) // shift right begin tmp_buf = data >> dist; if ((data != 0) && ((dist >= lpm_width) || (tmp_buf == 0))) underflow = 1'b1; end else if (dist > 0) // shift left begin tmp_buf = data << dist; if ((data != 0) && ((dist >= lpm_width) || ((data >> (lpm_width-dist)) != 0))) overflow = 1'b1; end LogicShift = {overflow,underflow,tmp_buf[lpm_width-1:0]}; end endfunction //---------------------------------------------------------------// function [lpm_width+1:0] ArithShift; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; input [lpm_widthdist-1:0] dist; input direction; reg [lpm_width-1:0] tmp_buf; reg overflow, underflow; begin tmp_buf = data; overflow = 1'b0; underflow = 1'b0; if (direction && (dist > 0)) // shift right begin if (data[lpm_width-1] == 0) // positive number begin tmp_buf = data >> dist; if ((data != 0) && ((dist >= lpm_width) || (tmp_buf == 0))) underflow = 1'b1; end else // negative number begin tmp_buf = (data >> dist) | (ONES << (lpm_width - dist)); if ((data != ONES) && ((dist >= lpm_width-1) || (tmp_buf == ONES))) underflow = 1'b1; end end else if (dist > 0) // shift left begin tmp_buf = data << dist; if (data[lpm_width-1] == 0) // positive number begin if ((data != 0) && ((dist >= lpm_width-1) || ((data >> (lpm_width-dist-1)) != 0))) overflow = 1'b1; end else // negative number begin if ((data != ONES) && ((dist >= lpm_width) || (((data >> (lpm_width-dist-1))|(ONES << (dist+1))) != ONES))) overflow = 1'b1; end end ArithShift = {overflow,underflow,tmp_buf[lpm_width-1:0]}; end endfunction //---------------------------------------------------------------// function [lpm_width+1:0] RotateShift; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; input [lpm_widthdist-1:0] dist; input direction; reg [lpm_width-1:0] tmp_buf; begin tmp_buf = data; if ((direction) && (dist > 0)) // shift right tmp_buf = (data >> dist) | (data << (lpm_width - dist)); else if (dist > 0) // shift left tmp_buf = (data << dist) | (data >> (lpm_width - dist)); RotateShift = {2'bx, tmp_buf[lpm_width-1:0]}; end endfunction //---------------------------------------------------------------// initial begin if (lpm_shifttype != "LOGICAL" && lpm_shifttype != "ARITHMETIC" && lpm_shifttype != "ROTATE" && lpm_shifttype != "UNUSED") // non-LPM 220 standard $display("Error! LPM_SHIFTTYPE value must be \"LOGICAL\", \"ARITHMETIC\", or \"ROTATE\"."); for (i=0; i < lpm_width; i=i+1) ONES[i] = 1'b1; end always @(data or i_direction or distance) begin if ((lpm_shifttype == "LOGICAL") || (lpm_shifttype == "UNUSED")) {overflow, underflow, result} = LogicShift(data, distance, i_direction); else if (lpm_shifttype == "ARITHMETIC") {overflow, underflow, result} = ArithShift(data, distance, i_direction); else if (lpm_shifttype == "ROTATE") {overflow, underflow, result} = RotateShift(data, distance, i_direction); end endmodule // lpm_clshift //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_add_sub ( result, cout, overflow, add_sub, cin, dataa, datab, clock, clken, aclr ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_direction = "UNUSED"; parameter lpm_representation = "UNSIGNED"; parameter lpm_pipeline = 0; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [lpm_width-1:0] dataa, datab; input add_sub, cin; input clock; input clken; input aclr; output [lpm_width-1:0] result; output cout, overflow; reg [lpm_width-1:0] tmp_result2 [lpm_pipeline:0]; reg [lpm_pipeline:0] tmp_cout2; reg [lpm_pipeline:0] tmp_overflow2; reg [lpm_width-1:0] not_a, not_b, tmp_result; reg i_cin; integer dataa_int, datab_int, result_int, borrow, i; tri0 aclr; tri0 clock; tri1 clken; tri1 add_sub; buf (i_aclr, aclr); buf (i_clock, clock); buf (i_clken, clken); buf (i_add_sub, add_sub); initial begin if (lpm_direction != "ADD" && lpm_direction != "SUB" && lpm_direction != "UNUSED" && // non-LPM 220 standard lpm_direction != "DEFAULT") // non-LPM 220 standard $display("Error! LPM_DIRECTION value must be \"ADD\" or \"SUB\"."); if (lpm_representation != "SIGNED" && lpm_representation != "UNSIGNED") $display("Error! LPM_REPRESENTATION value must be \"SIGNED\" or \"UNSIGNED\"."); for (i = 0; i <= lpm_pipeline; i = i + 1) begin tmp_result2[i] = 'b0; tmp_cout2[i] = 1'b0; tmp_overflow2[i] = 1'b0; end end always @(cin or dataa or datab or i_add_sub or i_aclr) begin if (i_aclr) for (i = 0; i <= lpm_pipeline; i = i + 1) begin tmp_result2[i] = 'b0; tmp_cout2[i] = 1'b0; tmp_overflow2[i] = 1'b0; end else begin // cout is the same for both signed and unsign representation. if (lpm_direction == "ADD" || (i_add_sub == 1 && (lpm_direction == "UNUSED" || lpm_direction == "DEFAULT") )) begin i_cin = (cin === 1'bz) ? 0 : cin; {tmp_cout2[lpm_pipeline], tmp_result2[lpm_pipeline]} = dataa + datab + i_cin; tmp_overflow2[lpm_pipeline] = tmp_cout2[lpm_pipeline]; end else if (lpm_direction == "SUB" || (i_add_sub == 0 && (lpm_direction == "UNUSED" || lpm_direction == "DEFAULT") )) begin i_cin = (cin === 1'bz) ? 1 : cin; borrow = (~i_cin) ? 1 : 0; {tmp_overflow2[lpm_pipeline], tmp_result2[lpm_pipeline]} = dataa - datab - borrow; tmp_cout2[lpm_pipeline] = (dataa >= (datab+borrow))?1:0; end if (lpm_representation == "SIGNED") begin not_a = ~dataa; not_b = ~datab; dataa_int = (dataa[lpm_width-1]) ? (not_a)*(-1)-1 : dataa; datab_int = (datab[lpm_width-1]) ? (not_b)*(-1)-1 : datab; // perform the addtion or subtraction operation if (lpm_direction == "ADD" || (i_add_sub == 1 && (lpm_direction == "UNUSED" || lpm_direction == "DEFAULT") )) begin i_cin = (cin === 1'bz) ? 0 : cin; result_int = dataa_int + datab_int + i_cin; tmp_result = result_int; tmp_overflow2[lpm_pipeline] = ((dataa[lpm_width-1] == datab[lpm_width-1]) && (dataa[lpm_width-1] != tmp_result[lpm_width-1])) ? 1 : 0; end else if (lpm_direction == "SUB" || (i_add_sub == 0 && (lpm_direction == "UNUSED" || lpm_direction == "DEFAULT") )) begin i_cin = (cin === 1'bz) ? 1 : cin; borrow = (~i_cin) ? 1 : 0; result_int = dataa_int - datab_int - borrow; tmp_result = result_int; tmp_overflow2[lpm_pipeline] = ((dataa[lpm_width-1] != datab[lpm_width-1]) && (dataa[lpm_width-1] != tmp_result[lpm_width-1])) ? 1 : 0; end tmp_result2[lpm_pipeline] = result_int; end end end always @(posedge i_clock) begin if (!i_aclr && i_clken == 1) for (i = 0; i < lpm_pipeline; i = i + 1) begin tmp_result2[i] <= tmp_result2[i+1]; tmp_cout2[i] <= tmp_cout2[i+1]; tmp_overflow2[i] <= tmp_overflow2[i+1]; end end assign result = tmp_result2[0]; assign cout = tmp_cout2[0]; assign overflow = tmp_overflow2[0]; endmodule // lpm_add_sub //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_compare ( alb, aeb, agb, aleb, aneb, ageb, dataa, datab, clock, clken, aclr ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_compare"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_representation = "UNSIGNED"; parameter lpm_pipeline = 0; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [lpm_width-1:0] dataa, datab; input clock; input clken; input aclr; output alb, aeb, agb, aleb, aneb, ageb; reg [lpm_pipeline:0] tmp_alb2, tmp_aeb2, tmp_agb2; reg [lpm_pipeline:0] tmp_aleb2, tmp_aneb2, tmp_ageb2; reg [lpm_width-1:0] not_a, not_b; integer dataa_int, datab_int, i; tri0 aclr; tri0 clock; tri1 clken; buf (i_aclr, aclr); buf (i_clock, clock); buf (i_clken, clken); initial begin if (lpm_representation != "SIGNED" && lpm_representation != "UNSIGNED") $display("Error! LPM_REPRESENTATION value must be \"SIGNED\" or \"UNSIGNED\"."); end always @(dataa or datab or i_aclr) begin if (i_aclr) for (i = 0; i <= lpm_pipeline; i = i + 1) begin tmp_aeb2[i] = 'b0; tmp_agb2[i] = 'b0; tmp_alb2[i] = 'b0; tmp_aleb2[i] = 'b0; tmp_aneb2[i] = 'b0; tmp_ageb2[i] = 'b0; end else begin dataa_int = dataa; datab_int = datab; not_a = ~dataa; not_b = ~datab; if (lpm_representation == "SIGNED") begin if (dataa[lpm_width-1] == 1) dataa_int = (not_a) * (-1) - 1; if (datab[lpm_width-1] == 1) datab_int = (not_b) * (-1) - 1; end tmp_alb2[lpm_pipeline] = (dataa_int < datab_int); tmp_aeb2[lpm_pipeline] = (dataa_int == datab_int); tmp_agb2[lpm_pipeline] = (dataa_int > datab_int); tmp_aleb2[lpm_pipeline] = (dataa_int <= datab_int); tmp_aneb2[lpm_pipeline] = (dataa_int != datab_int); tmp_ageb2[lpm_pipeline] = (dataa_int >= datab_int); end end always @(posedge i_clock) begin if (!i_aclr && i_clken == 1) for (i = 0; i < lpm_pipeline; i = i + 1) begin tmp_alb2[i] <= tmp_alb2[i+1]; tmp_aeb2[i] <= tmp_aeb2[i+1]; tmp_agb2[i] <= tmp_agb2[i+1]; tmp_aleb2[i] <= tmp_aleb2[i+1]; tmp_aneb2[i] <= tmp_aneb2[i+1]; tmp_ageb2[i] <= tmp_ageb2[i+1]; end end assign alb = tmp_alb2[0]; assign aeb = tmp_aeb2[0]; assign agb = tmp_agb2[0]; assign aleb = tmp_aleb2[0]; assign aneb = tmp_aneb2[0]; assign ageb = tmp_ageb2[0]; endmodule // lpm_compare //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_mult ( result, dataa, datab, sum, clock, clken, aclr ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_mult"; parameter lpm_widtha = 1; parameter lpm_widthb = 1; parameter lpm_widths = 1; parameter lpm_widthp = 1; parameter lpm_representation = "UNSIGNED"; parameter lpm_pipeline = 0; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input clock; input clken; input aclr; input [lpm_widtha-1:0] dataa; input [lpm_widthb-1:0] datab; input [lpm_widths-1:0] sum; output [lpm_widthp-1:0] result; // inernal reg reg [lpm_widthp-1:0] resulttmp [lpm_pipeline:0]; reg [lpm_widthp-1:0] i_prod, t_p; reg [lpm_widths-1:0] i_prod_s, t_s; reg [lpm_widtha+lpm_widthb-1:0] i_prod_ab; reg [lpm_widtha-1:0] t_a; reg [lpm_widthb-1:0] t_b; reg sign_ab, sign_s; integer i; tri0 aclr; tri0 clock; tri1 clken; buf (i_aclr, aclr); buf (i_clock, clock); buf (i_clken, clken); initial begin // check if lpm_widtha > 0 if (lpm_widtha <= 0) $display("Error! LPM_WIDTHA must be greater than 0.\n"); // check if lpm_widthb > 0 if (lpm_widthb <= 0) $display("Error! LPM_WIDTHB must be greater than 0.\n"); // check if lpm_widthp > 0 if (lpm_widthp <= 0) $display("Error! LPM_WIDTHP must be greater than 0.\n"); // check for valid lpm_rep value if ((lpm_representation != "SIGNED") && (lpm_representation != "UNSIGNED")) $display("Error! LPM_REPRESENTATION value must be \"SIGNED\" or \"UNSIGNED\".", $time); end always @(dataa or datab or sum or i_aclr) begin if (i_aclr) for (i = 0; i <= lpm_pipeline; i = i + 1) resulttmp[i] = 'b0; else begin t_a = dataa; t_b = datab; t_s = sum; sign_ab = 0; sign_s = 0; if (lpm_representation == "SIGNED") begin sign_ab = dataa[lpm_widtha-1] ^ datab[lpm_widthb-1]; sign_s = sum[lpm_widths-1]; if (dataa[lpm_widtha-1] == 1) t_a = ~dataa + 1; if (datab[lpm_widthb-1] == 1) t_b = ~datab + 1; if (sum[lpm_widths-1] == 1) t_s = ~sum + 1; end if (sum === {lpm_widths{1'bz}}) begin t_s = 0; sign_s = 0; end if (sign_ab == sign_s) begin i_prod = t_a * t_b + t_s; i_prod_s = t_a * t_b + t_s; i_prod_ab = t_a * t_b + t_s; end else begin i_prod = t_a * t_b - t_s; i_prod_s = t_a * t_b - t_s; i_prod_ab = t_a * t_b - t_s; end if (sign_ab) begin i_prod = ~i_prod + 1; i_prod_s = ~i_prod_s + 1; i_prod_ab = ~i_prod_ab + 1; end if (lpm_widthp < lpm_widths || lpm_widthp < lpm_widtha+lpm_widthb) for (i = 0; i < lpm_widthp; i = i + 1) i_prod[lpm_widthp-1-i] = (lpm_widths > lpm_widtha+lpm_widthb) ? i_prod_s[lpm_widths-1-i] : i_prod_ab[lpm_widtha+lpm_widthb-1-i]; resulttmp[lpm_pipeline] = i_prod; end end always @(posedge i_clock) begin if (!i_aclr && i_clken == 1) for (i = 0; i < lpm_pipeline; i = i + 1) resulttmp[i] <= resulttmp[i+1]; end assign result = resulttmp[0]; endmodule // lpm_mult //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_divide ( quotient, remain, numer, denom, clock, clken, aclr ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_divide"; parameter lpm_widthn = 1; parameter lpm_widthd = 1; parameter lpm_nrepresentation = "UNSIGNED"; parameter lpm_drepresentation = "UNSIGNED"; parameter lpm_remainderpositive = "TRUE"; parameter lpm_pipeline = 0; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input clock; input clken; input aclr; input [lpm_widthn-1:0] numer; input [lpm_widthd-1:0] denom; output [lpm_widthn-1:0] quotient; output [lpm_widthd-1:0] remain; // inernal reg reg [lpm_widthn-1:0] tmp_quotient [lpm_pipeline:0]; reg [lpm_widthd-1:0] tmp_remain [lpm_pipeline:0]; reg [lpm_widthn-1:0] ONES, ZEROS, UNKNOWN, HiZ; reg [lpm_widthd-1:0] DZEROS, DUNKNOWN; reg [lpm_widthn-1:0] NUNKNOWN; reg [lpm_widthd-1:0] RZEROS; reg [lpm_widthn-1:0] not_numer, int_numer; reg [lpm_widthd-1:0] not_denom, int_denom; integer i; integer int_quotient, int_remain; tri0 aclr; tri0 clock; tri1 clken; buf (i_aclr, aclr); buf (i_clock, clock); buf (i_clken, clken); initial begin // check if lpm_widthn > 0 if (lpm_widthn <= 0) $display("Error! LPM_WIDTHN must be greater than 0.\n"); // check if lpm_widthd > 0 if (lpm_widthd <= 0) $display("Error! LPM_WIDTHD must be greater than 0.\n"); // check for valid lpm_nrep value if ((lpm_nrepresentation != "SIGNED") && (lpm_nrepresentation != "UNSIGNED")) $display("Error! LPM_NREPRESENTATION value must be \"SIGNED\" or \"UNSIGNED\"."); // check for valid lpm_drep value if ((lpm_drepresentation != "SIGNED") && (lpm_drepresentation != "UNSIGNED")) $display("Error! LPM_DREPRESENTATION value must be \"SIGNED\" or \"UNSIGNED\"."); // check for valid lpm_remainderpositive value if ((lpm_remainderpositive != "TRUE") && (lpm_remainderpositive != "FALSE")) $display("Error! LPM_REMAINDERPOSITIVE value must be \"TRUE\" or \"FALSE\"."); for (i=0; i < lpm_widthn; i=i+1) begin ONES[i] = 1'b1; ZEROS[i] = 1'b0; UNKNOWN[i] = 1'bx; HiZ[i] = 1'bz; end for (i=0; i < lpm_widthd; i=i+1) DUNKNOWN[i] = 1'bx; for (i=0; i < lpm_widthn; i=i+1) NUNKNOWN[i] = 1'bx; for (i=0; i < lpm_widthd; i=i+1) RZEROS[i] = 1'b0; end always @(numer or denom or i_aclr) begin if (i_aclr) begin for (i = 0; i <= lpm_pipeline; i = i + 1) tmp_quotient[i] = ZEROS; tmp_remain[i] = RZEROS; end else begin int_numer = numer; int_denom = denom; not_numer = ~numer; not_denom = ~denom; if (lpm_nrepresentation == "SIGNED") if (numer[lpm_widthn-1] == 1) int_numer = (not_numer) * (-1) - 1; if (lpm_drepresentation == "SIGNED") if (denom[lpm_widthd-1] == 1) int_denom = (not_denom) * (-1) - 1; int_quotient = int_numer / int_denom; int_remain = int_numer % int_denom; // LPM 220 standard if ((lpm_remainderpositive == "TRUE") && (int_remain < 0)) begin int_quotient = int_quotient + ((int_denom < 0) ? 1 : (-1)); int_remain = int_numer - int_quotient*int_denom; end tmp_quotient[lpm_pipeline] = int_quotient; tmp_remain[lpm_pipeline] = int_remain; end end always @(posedge i_clock) begin if (!i_aclr && i_clken) for (i = 0; i < lpm_pipeline; i = i + 1) begin tmp_quotient[i] <= tmp_quotient[i+1]; tmp_remain[i] <= tmp_remain[i+1]; end end assign quotient = tmp_quotient[0]; assign remain = tmp_remain[0]; endmodule // lpm_divide //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_abs ( result, overflow, data ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_abs"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; output [lpm_width-1:0] result; output overflow; reg [lpm_width-1:0] result, not_r; reg overflow; always @(data) begin overflow = 0; result = data; not_r = ~data; if (data[lpm_width-1] == 1) begin result = (not_r) + 1; overflow = (result == (1<<(lpm_width-1))); end end endmodule // lpm_abs //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_counter ( q, data, clock, cin, cout, clk_en, cnt_en, updown, aset, aclr, aload, sset, sclr, sload ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_counter"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_modulus = 0; parameter lpm_direction = "UNUSED"; parameter lpm_avalue = "UNUSED"; parameter lpm_svalue = "UNUSED"; parameter lpm_pvalue = "UNUSED"; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; output [lpm_width-1:0] q; output cout; input cin; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; input clock, clk_en, cnt_en, updown; input aset, aclr, aload; input sset, sclr, sload; reg [lpm_width-1:0] tmp_count; reg prev_clock; reg tmp_updown; reg [lpm_width-1:0] ONES; integer tmp_modulus, i; tri1 clk_en; tri1 cnt_en; tri0 sload; tri0 sset; tri0 sclr; tri0 aload; tri0 aset; tri0 aclr; tri1 cin; tri1 updown; buf (i_clk_en, clk_en); buf (i_cnt_en, cnt_en); buf (i_sload, sload); buf (i_sset, sset); buf (i_sclr, sclr); buf (i_aload, aload); buf (i_aset, aset); buf (i_aclr, aclr); buf (i_cin, cin); buf (i_updown, updown); //---------------------------------------------------------------// // function integer str_to_int; //---------------------------------------------------------------// function integer str_to_int; input [8*16:1] s; reg [8*16:1] reg_s; reg [8:1] digit; reg [8:1] tmp; integer m, ivalue; begin ivalue = 0; reg_s = s; for (m=1; m<=16; m=m+1) begin tmp = reg_s[128:121]; digit = tmp & 8'b00001111; reg_s = reg_s << 8; ivalue = ivalue * 10 + digit; end str_to_int = ivalue; end endfunction //---------------------------------------------------------------// initial begin // check if lpm_modulus < 0 if (lpm_modulus < 0) $display("Error! LPM_MODULUS must be greater than 0.\n"); // check if lpm_modulus > 1<<lpm_width if (lpm_modulus > 1<<lpm_width) $display("Error! LPM_MODULUS must be less than or equal to 1<<LPM_WIDTH.\n"); // check if lpm_direction valid if (lpm_direction != "UNUSED" && lpm_direction != "UP" && lpm_direction != "DOWN") $display("Error! LPM_DIRECTION must be \"UP\" or \"DOWN\" if used.\n"); else if (lpm_direction != "UNUSED" && ((updown == 1'b0) || (updown == 1'b1))) $display("Error! LPM_DIRECTION and UPDOWN cannot be used at the same time.\n"); for (i=0; i < lpm_width; i=i+1) ONES[i] = 1'b1; prev_clock = clock; tmp_modulus = (lpm_modulus == 0) ? (1 << lpm_width) : lpm_modulus; tmp_count = (lpm_pvalue == "UNUSED") ? 0 : str_to_int(lpm_pvalue); end always @(i_aclr or i_aset or i_aload or data or clock or i_updown) begin :asyn_block tmp_updown = ((lpm_direction == "UNUSED" && i_updown == 1) || lpm_direction == "UP") ? 1 : 0; if (i_aclr) tmp_count <= 0; else if (i_aset) tmp_count <= (lpm_avalue == "UNUSED") ? {lpm_width{1'b1}} : str_to_int(lpm_avalue); else if (i_aload) tmp_count <= data; else if (clock === 1 && prev_clock !== 1 && $time > 0) begin :syn_block if (i_clk_en) begin if (i_sclr) tmp_count <= 0; else if (i_sset) tmp_count <= (lpm_svalue == "UNUSED") ? {lpm_width{1'b1}} : str_to_int(lpm_svalue); else if (i_sload) tmp_count <= data; else if (i_cnt_en && i_cin) begin if (tmp_updown == 1) tmp_count <= (tmp_count == tmp_modulus-1) ? 0 : tmp_count+1; else tmp_count <= (tmp_count == 0) ? tmp_modulus-1 : tmp_count-1; end end end prev_clock = clock; end assign q = tmp_count; assign cout = (i_cin && ((tmp_updown==0 && tmp_count==0) || (tmp_updown==1 && (tmp_count==tmp_modulus-1 || tmp_count==ONES)) )) ? 1 : 0; endmodule // lpm_counter //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_latch ( q, data, gate, aset, aclr ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_latch"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_avalue = "UNUSED"; parameter lpm_pvalue = "UNUSED"; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; input gate, aset, aclr; output [lpm_width-1:0] q; reg [lpm_width-1:0] q; reg [lpm_width-1:0] i_data; tri0 aset; tri0 aclr; buf (i_aset, aset); buf (i_aclr, aclr); //---------------------------------------------------------------// // function integer str_to_int; //---------------------------------------------------------------// function integer str_to_int; input [8*16:1] s; reg [8*16:1] reg_s; reg [8:1] digit; reg [8:1] tmp; integer m, ivalue; begin ivalue = 0; reg_s = s; for (m=1; m<=16; m= m+1) begin tmp = reg_s[128:121]; digit = tmp & 8'b00001111; reg_s = reg_s << 8; ivalue = ivalue * 10 + digit; end str_to_int = ivalue; end endfunction //---------------------------------------------------------------// initial begin if (lpm_pvalue != "UNUSED") q = str_to_int(lpm_pvalue); i_data = (data === {lpm_width{1'bz}}) ? 0 : data; end always @(data) i_data = data; always @(i_data or gate or i_aclr or i_aset) begin if (i_aclr) q = 'b0; else if (i_aset) q = (lpm_avalue == "UNUSED") ? {lpm_width{1'b1}} : str_to_int(lpm_avalue); else if (gate) q = i_data; end endmodule // lpm_latch //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_ff ( q, data, clock, enable, aclr, aset, sclr, sset, aload, sload ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_ff"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_avalue = "UNUSED"; parameter lpm_svalue = "UNUSED"; parameter lpm_pvalue = "UNUSED"; parameter lpm_fftype = "DFF"; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; input clock, enable; input aclr, aset; input sclr, sset; input aload, sload ; output [lpm_width-1:0] q; reg [lpm_width-1:0] tmp_q; reg prev_clock; integer i; tri1 enable; tri0 sload; tri0 sclr; tri0 sset; tri0 aload; tri0 aclr; tri0 aset; buf (i_enable, enable); buf (i_sload, sload); buf (i_sclr, sclr); buf (i_sset, sset); buf (i_aload, aload); buf (i_aclr, aclr); buf (i_aset, aset); //---------------------------------------------------------------// // function integer str_to_int; //---------------------------------------------------------------// function integer str_to_int; input [8*16:1] s; reg [8*16:1] reg_s; reg [8:1] digit; reg [8:1] tmp; integer m, ivalue; begin ivalue = 0; reg_s = s; for (m=1; m<=16; m= m+1) begin tmp = reg_s[128:121]; digit = tmp & 8'b00001111; reg_s = reg_s << 8; ivalue = ivalue * 10 + digit; end str_to_int = ivalue; end endfunction //---------------------------------------------------------------// initial begin if (lpm_fftype != "DFF" && lpm_fftype != "TFF" && lpm_fftype != "UNUSED") // non-LPM 220 standard $display("Error! LPM_FFTYPE value must be \"DFF\" or \"TFF\"."); tmp_q = (lpm_pvalue == "UNUSED") ? 0 : str_to_int(lpm_pvalue); prev_clock = clock; end always @(i_aclr or i_aset or i_aload or data or clock) begin :asyn_block // Asynchronous process if (i_aclr) tmp_q = (i_aset) ? 'bx : 0; else if (i_aset) tmp_q = (lpm_avalue == "UNUSED") ? {lpm_width{1'b1}} : str_to_int(lpm_avalue); else if (i_aload) tmp_q = data; else if (clock === 1 && prev_clock !== 1 && $time > 0) begin :syn_block // Synchronous process if (i_enable) begin if (i_sclr) tmp_q <= 0; else if (i_sset) tmp_q <= (lpm_svalue == "UNUSED") ? {lpm_width{1'b1}} : str_to_int(lpm_svalue); else if (i_sload) // Load data tmp_q <= data; else begin if (lpm_fftype == "TFF") // toggle begin for (i = 0; i < lpm_width; i=i+1) if (data[i] == 1'b1) tmp_q[i] <= ~tmp_q[i]; end else // DFF, load data tmp_q <= data; end end end prev_clock = clock; end assign q = tmp_q; endmodule // lpm_ff //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_shiftreg ( q, shiftout, data, clock, enable, aclr, aset, sclr, sset, shiftin, load ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_shiftreg"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_avalue = "UNUSED"; parameter lpm_svalue = "UNUSED"; parameter lpm_pvalue = "UNUSED"; parameter lpm_direction = "LEFT"; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; input clock, enable; input aclr, aset; input sclr, sset; input shiftin, load; output [lpm_width-1:0] q; output shiftout; reg [lpm_width-1:0] tmp_q; reg abit; integer i; wire tmp_shiftout; tri1 enable; tri1 shiftin; tri0 load; tri0 sclr; tri0 sset; tri0 aclr; tri0 aset; buf (i_enable, enable); buf (i_shiftin, shiftin); buf (i_load, load); buf (i_sclr, sclr); buf (i_sset, sset); buf (i_aclr, aclr); buf (i_aset, aset); //---------------------------------------------------------------// // function integer str_to_int; //---------------------------------------------------------------// function integer str_to_int; input [8*16:1] s; reg [8*16:1] reg_s; reg [8:1] digit; reg [8:1] tmp; integer m, ivalue; begin ivalue = 0; reg_s = s; for (m=1; m<=16; m= m+1) begin tmp = reg_s[128:121]; digit = tmp & 8'b00001111; reg_s = reg_s << 8; ivalue = ivalue * 10 + digit; end str_to_int = ivalue; end endfunction //---------------------------------------------------------------// initial begin if (lpm_direction != "LEFT" && lpm_direction != "RIGHT" && lpm_direction != "UNUSED") // non-LPM 220 standard $display("Error! LPM_DIRECTION value must be \"LEFT\" or \"RIGHT\"."); tmp_q = (lpm_pvalue == "UNUSED") ? 0 : str_to_int(lpm_pvalue); end always @(i_aclr or i_aset) begin if (i_aclr) tmp_q <= (i_aset) ? 'bx : 0; else if (i_aset) tmp_q <= (lpm_avalue == "UNUSED") ? {lpm_width{1'b1}} : str_to_int(lpm_avalue); end always @(posedge clock) begin :asyn_block // Asynchronous process if (i_aclr) tmp_q <= (i_aset) ? 'bx : 0; else if (i_aset) tmp_q <= (lpm_avalue == "UNUSED") ? {lpm_width{1'b1}} : str_to_int(lpm_avalue); else begin :syn_block // Synchronous process if (i_enable) begin if (i_sclr) tmp_q <= 0; else if (i_sset) tmp_q <= (lpm_svalue == "UNUSED") ? {lpm_width{1'b1}} : str_to_int(lpm_svalue); else if (i_load) tmp_q <= data; else if (!i_load) begin if (lpm_direction == "LEFT" || lpm_direction == "UNUSED") {abit,tmp_q} <= {tmp_q,i_shiftin}; else if (lpm_direction == "RIGHT") {tmp_q,abit} <= {i_shiftin,tmp_q}; end end end end assign tmp_shiftout = (lpm_direction == "RIGHT") ? tmp_q[0] : tmp_q[lpm_width-1]; assign q = tmp_q; assign shiftout = tmp_shiftout; endmodule // lpm_shiftreg //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_ram_dq ( q, data, inclock, outclock, we, address ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_ram_dq"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_widthad = 1; parameter lpm_numwords = 1 << lpm_widthad; parameter lpm_indata = "REGISTERED"; parameter lpm_address_control = "REGISTERED"; parameter lpm_outdata = "REGISTERED"; parameter lpm_file = "UNUSED"; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; parameter use_eab = "OFF"; parameter intended_device_family = "UNUSED"; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; input [lpm_widthad-1:0] address; input inclock, outclock, we; output [lpm_width-1:0] q; // internal reg reg [lpm_width-1:0] mem_data [lpm_numwords-1:0]; reg [lpm_width-1:0] tmp_q; reg [lpm_width-1:0] pdata; reg [lpm_width-1:0] in_data; reg [lpm_widthad-1:0] paddress; reg pwe; reg [lpm_width-1:0] ZEROS, ONES, UNKNOWN; reg [8*256:1] ram_initf; integer i; tri0 inclock; tri0 outclock; buf (i_inclock, inclock); buf (i_outclock, outclock); //---------------------------------------------------------------// function ValidAddress; input [lpm_widthad-1:0] paddress; begin ValidAddress = 1'b0; if (^paddress ==='bx) $display("%t:Error! Invalid address.\n", $time); else if (paddress >= lpm_numwords) $display("%t:Error! Address out of bound on RAM.\n", $time); else ValidAddress = 1'b1; end endfunction //---------------------------------------------------------------// initial begin // Initialize the internal data register. pdata = 0; paddress = 0; pwe = 0; if (lpm_width <= 0) $display("Error! LPM_WIDTH parameter must be greater than 0."); if (lpm_widthad <= 0) $display("Error! LPM_WIDTHAD parameter must be greater than 0."); // check for number of words out of bound if ((lpm_numwords > (1 << lpm_widthad)) ||(lpm_numwords <= (1 << (lpm_widthad-1)))) $display("Error! The ceiling of log2(LPM_NUMWORDS) must equal to LPM_WIDTHAD."); if ((lpm_address_control != "REGISTERED") && (lpm_address_control != "UNREGISTERED")) $display("Error! LPM_ADDRESS_CONTROL must be \"REGISTERED\" or \"UNREGISTERED\"."); if ((lpm_indata != "REGISTERED") && (lpm_indata != "UNREGISTERED")) $display("Error! LPM_INDATA must be \"REGISTERED\" or \"UNREGISTERED\"."); if ((lpm_outdata != "REGISTERED") && (lpm_outdata != "UNREGISTERED")) $display("Error! LPM_OUTDATA must be \"REGISTERED\" or \"UNREGISTERED\"."); for (i=0; i < lpm_width; i=i+1) begin ZEROS[i] = 1'b0; ONES[i] = 1'b1; UNKNOWN[i] = 1'bX; end for (i = 0; i < lpm_numwords; i=i+1) mem_data[i] = ZEROS; // load data to the RAM if (lpm_file != "UNUSED") begin `ifdef NO_PLI $readmemh(lpm_file, mem_data); `else $convert_hex2ver(lpm_file, lpm_width, ram_initf); $readmemh(ram_initf, mem_data); `endif end tmp_q = ZEROS; end always @(posedge i_inclock) begin if (lpm_address_control == "REGISTERED") begin if ((we) && ((use_eab == "OFF") && ((lpm_hint == "USE_EAB=OFF") || (lpm_hint == "UNUSED")))) begin if (lpm_indata == "REGISTERED") mem_data[address] <= data; else mem_data[address] <= pdata; end paddress <= address; pwe <= we; end if (lpm_indata == "REGISTERED") pdata <= data; end always @(data) begin if (lpm_indata == "UNREGISTERED") pdata <= data; end always @(address) begin if (lpm_address_control == "UNREGISTERED") paddress <= address; end always @(we) begin if (lpm_address_control == "UNREGISTERED") pwe <= we; end always @(pdata or paddress or pwe) begin :unregistered_inclock if (ValidAddress(paddress)) begin if ((lpm_address_control == "UNREGISTERED") && (pwe)) mem_data[paddress] <= pdata; end else begin if (lpm_outdata == "UNREGISTERED") tmp_q <= UNKNOWN; end end always @(posedge i_outclock) begin if (lpm_outdata == "REGISTERED") begin if (ValidAddress(paddress)) tmp_q <= mem_data[paddress]; else tmp_q <= UNKNOWN; end end always @(negedge i_inclock or pdata) begin if ((lpm_address_control == "REGISTERED") && (pwe)) if ((use_eab == "ON") || (lpm_hint == "USE_EAB=ON")) begin if (i_inclock == 0) mem_data[paddress] = pdata; end end assign q = (lpm_outdata == "UNREGISTERED") ? mem_data[paddress] : tmp_q; endmodule // lpm_ram_dq //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- module lpm_ram_dp ( q, data, wraddress, rdaddress, rdclock, wrclock, rdclken, wrclken, rden, wren); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_ram_dp"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_widthad = 1; parameter lpm_numwords = 1<< lpm_widthad; parameter lpm_indata = "REGISTERED"; parameter lpm_outdata = "REGISTERED"; parameter lpm_rdaddress_control = "REGISTERED"; parameter lpm_wraddress_control = "REGISTERED"; parameter lpm_file = "UNUSED"; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; parameter use_eab = "OFF"; parameter intended_device_family = "UNUSED"; parameter rden_used = "TRUE"; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; input [lpm_widthad-1:0] rdaddress, wraddress; input rdclock, wrclock, rdclken, wrclken, rden, wren; output [lpm_width-1:0] q; // internal reg reg [lpm_width-1:0] mem_data [(1<<lpm_widthad)-1:0]; reg [lpm_width-1:0] i_data_reg, i_data_tmp, i_q_reg, i_q_tmp; reg [lpm_width-1:0] ZEROS, ONES, UNKNOWN; reg [lpm_widthad-1:0] i_wraddress_reg, i_wraddress_tmp; reg [lpm_widthad-1:0] i_rdaddress_reg, i_rdaddress_tmp; reg [lpm_widthad-1:0] ZEROS_AD; reg i_wren_reg, i_wren_tmp, i_rden_reg, i_rden_tmp; reg [8*256:1] ram_initf; reg mem_updated; integer i, i_numwords; tri0 wrclock; tri1 wrclken; tri0 rdclock; tri1 rdclken; tri0 wren; tri1 rden; buf (i_inclock, wrclock); buf (i_inclocken, wrclken); buf (i_outclock, rdclock); buf (i_outclocken, rdclken); buf (i_wren, wren); buf (i_rden, rden); //---------------------------------------------------------------// function ValidAddress; input [lpm_widthad-1:0] paddress; begin ValidAddress = 1'b0; if (^paddress === 'bx) $display("%t:Error! Invalid address.\n", $time); else if (paddress >= lpm_numwords) $display("%t:Error! Address out of bound on RAM.\n", $time); else ValidAddress = 1'b1; end endfunction //---------------------------------------------------------------// initial begin // Check for invalid parameters if (lpm_width < 1) $display("Error! lpm_width parameter must be greater than 0."); if (lpm_widthad < 1) $display("Error! lpm_widthad parameter must be greater than 0."); if ((lpm_indata != "REGISTERED") && (lpm_indata != "UNREGISTERED")) $display("Error! lpm_indata must be \"REGISTERED\" or \"UNREGISTERED\"."); if ((lpm_outdata != "REGISTERED") && (lpm_outdata != "UNREGISTERED")) $display("Error! lpm_outdata must be \"REGISTERED\" or \"UNREGISTERED\"."); if ((lpm_wraddress_control != "REGISTERED") && (lpm_wraddress_control != "UNREGISTERED")) $display("Error! lpm_wraddress_control must be \"REGISTERED\" or \"UNREGISTERED\"."); if ((lpm_rdaddress_control != "REGISTERED") && (lpm_rdaddress_control != "UNREGISTERED")) $display("Error! lpm_rdaddress_control must be \"REGISTERED\" or \"UNREGISTERED\"."); // Initialize constants for (i=0; i<lpm_width; i=i+1) begin ZEROS[i] = 1'b0; ONES[i] = 1'b1; UNKNOWN[i] = 1'bx; end for (i=0; i<lpm_widthad; i=i+1) ZEROS_AD[i] = 1'b0; // Initialize mem_data i_numwords = (lpm_numwords) ? lpm_numwords : 1<<lpm_widthad; if (lpm_file == "UNUSED") for (i=0; i<i_numwords; i=i+1) mem_data[i] = ZEROS; else begin `ifdef NO_PLI $readmemh(lpm_file, mem_data); `else $convert_hex2ver(lpm_file, lpm_width, ram_initf); $readmemh(ram_initf, mem_data); `endif end mem_updated = 0; // Initialize registers i_data_reg <= ZEROS; i_wraddress_reg <= ZEROS_AD; i_rdaddress_reg <= ZEROS_AD; i_wren_reg <= 0; if (rden_used == "TRUE") i_rden_reg <= 0; else i_rden_reg <= 1; // Initialize output i_q_reg = ZEROS; if ((use_eab == "ON") || (lpm_hint == "USE_EAB=ON")) begin if (intended_device_family == "APEX20K") i_q_tmp = ZEROS; else i_q_tmp = ONES; end else i_q_tmp = ZEROS; end //========= // Clocks //========= always @(posedge i_inclock) begin if (lpm_indata == "REGISTERED") if (i_inclocken == 1 && $time > 0) i_data_reg <= data; if (lpm_wraddress_control == "REGISTERED") if (i_inclocken == 1 && $time > 0) begin i_wraddress_reg <= wraddress; i_wren_reg <= i_wren; end end always @(posedge i_outclock) begin if (lpm_outdata == "REGISTERED") if (i_outclocken == 1 && $time > 0) begin i_q_reg <= i_q_tmp; end if (lpm_rdaddress_control == "REGISTERED") if (i_outclocken == 1 && $time > 0) begin i_rdaddress_reg <= rdaddress; i_rden_reg <= i_rden; end end //========= // Memory //========= always @(i_data_tmp or i_wren_tmp or i_wraddress_tmp or negedge i_inclock) begin if (i_wren_tmp == 1) if (ValidAddress(i_wraddress_tmp)) begin if (((use_eab == "ON") || (lpm_hint == "USE_EAB=ON")) && (lpm_wraddress_control == "REGISTERED")) begin if (i_inclock == 0) begin mem_data[i_wraddress_tmp] = i_data_tmp; mem_updated <= ~mem_updated; end end else begin mem_data[i_wraddress_tmp] = i_data_tmp; mem_updated <= ~mem_updated; end end end always @(i_rden_tmp or i_rdaddress_tmp or mem_updated) begin if (i_rden_tmp == 1) i_q_tmp = (ValidAddress(i_rdaddress_tmp)) ? mem_data[i_rdaddress_tmp] : UNKNOWN; else if ((intended_device_family == "APEX20K") && ((use_eab == "ON") || (lpm_hint == "USE_EAB=ON"))) i_q_tmp = 0; end //======= // Sync //======= always @(wraddress or i_wraddress_reg) i_wraddress_tmp = (lpm_wraddress_control == "REGISTERED") ? i_wraddress_reg : wraddress; always @(rdaddress or i_rdaddress_reg) i_rdaddress_tmp = (lpm_rdaddress_control == "REGISTERED") ? i_rdaddress_reg : rdaddress; always @(i_wren or i_wren_reg) i_wren_tmp = (lpm_wraddress_control == "REGISTERED") ? i_wren_reg : i_wren; always @(i_rden or i_rden_reg) i_rden_tmp = (lpm_rdaddress_control == "REGISTERED") ? i_rden_reg : i_rden; always @(data or i_data_reg) i_data_tmp = (lpm_indata == "REGISTERED") ? i_data_reg : data; assign q = (lpm_outdata == "REGISTERED") ? i_q_reg : i_q_tmp; endmodule // lpm_ram_dp //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_ram_io ( dio, inclock, outclock, we, memenab, outenab, address ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_ram_io"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_widthad = 1; parameter lpm_numwords = 1<< lpm_widthad; parameter lpm_indata = "REGISTERED"; parameter lpm_address_control = "REGISTERED"; parameter lpm_outdata = "REGISTERED"; parameter lpm_file = "UNUSED"; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; parameter use_eab = "OFF"; parameter intended_device_family = "UNUSED"; input [lpm_widthad-1:0] address; input inclock, outclock, we; input memenab; input outenab; inout [lpm_width-1:0] dio; // inernal reg reg [lpm_width-1:0] mem_data [lpm_numwords-1:0]; reg [lpm_width-1:0] tmp_io; reg [lpm_width-1:0] tmp_q; reg [lpm_width-1:0] pdio; reg [lpm_widthad-1:0] paddress; reg pwe; reg [lpm_width-1:0] ZEROS, ONES, UNKNOWN, HiZ; reg [8*256:1] ram_initf; integer i; tri0 inclock; tri0 outclock; tri1 memenab; tri1 outenab; buf (i_inclock, inclock); buf (i_outclock, outclock); buf (i_memenab, memenab); buf (i_outenab, outenab); //---------------------------------------------------------------// function ValidAddress; input [lpm_widthad-1:0] paddress; begin ValidAddress = 1'b0; if (^paddress ==='bx) $display("%t:Error: Invalid address.", $time); else if (paddress >= lpm_numwords) $display("%t:Error: Address out of bound on RAM.", $time); else ValidAddress = 1'b1; end endfunction //---------------------------------------------------------------// initial begin if (lpm_width <= 0) $display("Error! LPM_WIDTH parameter must be greater than 0."); if (lpm_widthad <= 0) $display("Error! LPM_WIDTHAD parameter must be greater than 0."); // check for number of words out of bound if ((lpm_numwords > (1 << lpm_widthad)) ||(lpm_numwords <= (1 << (lpm_widthad-1)))) begin $display("Error! The ceiling of log2(LPM_NUMWORDS) must equal to LPM_WIDTHAD."); end if ((lpm_indata != "REGISTERED") && (lpm_indata != "UNREGISTERED")) $display("Error! LPM_INDATA must be \"REGISTERED\" or \"UNREGISTERED\"."); if ((lpm_address_control != "REGISTERED") && (lpm_address_control != "UNREGISTERED")) $display("Error! LPM_ADDRESS_CONTROL must be \"REGISTERED\" or \"UNREGISTERED\"."); if ((lpm_outdata != "REGISTERED") && (lpm_outdata != "UNREGISTERED")) $display("Error! LPM_OUTDATA must be \"REGISTERED\" or \"UNREGISTERED\"."); for (i=0; i < lpm_width; i=i+1) begin ZEROS[i] = 1'b0; ONES[i] = 1'b1; UNKNOWN[i] = 1'bX; HiZ[i] = 1'bZ; end for (i = 0; i < lpm_numwords; i=i+1) mem_data[i] = ZEROS; // Initialize input/output pwe <= 0; pdio <= 0; paddress <= 0; tmp_io = 0; tmp_q <= ZEROS; // load data to the RAM if (lpm_file != "UNUSED") begin `ifdef NO_PLI $readmemh(lpm_file, mem_data); `else $convert_hex2ver(lpm_file, lpm_width, ram_initf); $readmemh(ram_initf, mem_data); `endif end end always @(dio) begin if (lpm_indata == "UNREGISTERED") pdio <= dio; end always @(address) begin if (lpm_address_control == "UNREGISTERED") paddress <= address; end always @(we) begin if (lpm_address_control == "UNREGISTERED") pwe <= we; end always @(posedge i_inclock) begin if (lpm_indata == "REGISTERED") pdio <= dio; if (lpm_address_control == "REGISTERED") begin paddress <= address; pwe <= we; end end always @(pdio or paddress or pwe or i_memenab) begin :block_a if (ValidAddress(paddress)) begin if (lpm_address_control == "UNREGISTERED") if (pwe && i_memenab) mem_data[paddress] <= pdio; if (lpm_outdata == "UNREGISTERED") tmp_q <= mem_data[paddress]; end else begin if (lpm_outdata == "UNREGISTERED") tmp_q <= UNKNOWN; end end always @(negedge i_inclock or pdio) begin if (lpm_address_control == "REGISTERED") if ((use_eab == "ON") || (lpm_hint == "USE_EAB=ON")) if (pwe && i_memenab && (i_inclock == 0)) mem_data[paddress] = pdio; end always @(posedge i_inclock) begin if (lpm_address_control == "REGISTERED") if ((use_eab == "OFF") && pwe && i_memenab) mem_data[paddress] <= pdio; end always @(posedge i_outclock) begin if (lpm_outdata == "REGISTERED") tmp_q <= mem_data[paddress]; end always @(i_memenab or i_outenab or tmp_q) begin if (i_memenab && i_outenab) tmp_io = tmp_q; else if (!i_memenab || (i_memenab && !i_outenab)) tmp_io = HiZ; end assign dio = tmp_io; endmodule // lpm_ram_io //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_rom ( q, inclock, outclock, memenab, address ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_rom"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_widthad = 1; parameter lpm_numwords = 1 << lpm_widthad; parameter lpm_address_control = "REGISTERED"; parameter lpm_outdata = "REGISTERED"; parameter lpm_file = ""; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; parameter intended_device_family = "UNUSED"; input [lpm_widthad-1:0] address; input inclock, outclock; input memenab; output [lpm_width-1:0] q; // inernal reg reg [lpm_width-1:0] mem_data [lpm_numwords-1:0]; reg [lpm_widthad-1:0] paddress; reg [lpm_width-1:0] tmp_q; reg [lpm_width-1:0] tmp_q_reg; reg [lpm_width-1:0] ZEROS, UNKNOWN, HiZ; reg [8*256:1] rom_initf; integer i; tri0 inclock; tri0 outclock; tri1 memenab; buf (i_inclock, inclock); buf (i_outclock, outclock); buf (i_memenab, memenab); //---------------------------------------------------------------// function ValidAddress; input [lpm_widthad-1:0] address; begin ValidAddress = 1'b0; if (^address =='bx) $display("%d:Error: Invalid address.", $time); else if (address >= lpm_numwords) $display("%d:Error: Address out of bound on ROM.", $time); else ValidAddress = 1'b1; end endfunction //---------------------------------------------------------------// initial begin // Initialize output tmp_q <= 0; tmp_q_reg <= 0; paddress <= 0; if (lpm_width <= 0) $display("Error! LPM_WIDTH parameter must be greater than 0."); if (lpm_widthad <= 0) $display("Error! LPM_WIDTHAD parameter must be greater than 0."); // check for number of words out of bound if ((lpm_numwords > (1 << lpm_widthad)) ||(lpm_numwords <= (1 << (lpm_widthad-1)))) $display("Error! The ceiling of log2(LPM_NUMWORDS) must equal to LPM_WIDTHAD."); if ((lpm_address_control != "REGISTERED") && (lpm_address_control != "UNREGISTERED")) $display("Error! LPM_ADDRESS_CONTROL must be \"REGISTERED\" or \"UNREGISTERED\"."); if ((lpm_outdata != "REGISTERED") && (lpm_outdata != "UNREGISTERED")) $display("Error! LPM_OUTDATA must be \"REGISTERED\" or \"UNREGISTERED\"."); for (i=0; i < lpm_width; i=i+1) begin ZEROS[i] = 1'b0; UNKNOWN[i] = 1'bX; HiZ[i] = 1'bZ; end for (i = 0; i < lpm_numwords; i=i+1) mem_data[i] = ZEROS; // load data to the ROM if (lpm_file == "" || lpm_file == "UNUSED") $display("Warning: LPM_ROM must have data file for initialization.\n"); else begin `ifdef NO_PLI $readmemh(lpm_file, mem_data); `else $convert_hex2ver(lpm_file, lpm_width, rom_initf); $readmemh(rom_initf, mem_data); `endif end end always @(posedge i_inclock) begin if (lpm_address_control == "REGISTERED") paddress <= address; end always @(address) begin if (lpm_address_control == "UNREGISTERED") paddress <= address; end always @(paddress) begin if (ValidAddress(paddress)) begin if (lpm_outdata == "UNREGISTERED") tmp_q_reg <= mem_data[paddress]; end else begin if (lpm_outdata == "UNREGISTERED") tmp_q_reg <= UNKNOWN; end end always @(posedge i_outclock) begin if (lpm_outdata == "REGISTERED") begin if (ValidAddress(paddress)) tmp_q_reg <= mem_data[paddress]; else tmp_q_reg <= UNKNOWN; end end always @(i_memenab or tmp_q_reg) begin tmp_q <= (i_memenab) ? tmp_q_reg : HiZ; end assign q = tmp_q; endmodule // lpm_rom //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_fifo ( data, clock, wrreq, rdreq, aclr, sclr, q, usedw, full, empty ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_fifo"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_widthu = 1; parameter lpm_numwords = 1; parameter lpm_showahead = "OFF"; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; input clock; input wrreq; input rdreq; input aclr; input sclr; output [lpm_width-1:0] q; output [lpm_widthu-1:0] usedw; output full; output empty; // internal reg reg [lpm_width-1:0] mem_data [lpm_numwords-1:0]; reg [lpm_width-1:0] tmp_q; reg [lpm_width-1:0] ZEROS; reg [lpm_widthu+1:0] count_id; reg [lpm_widthu-1:0] write_id; reg [lpm_widthu-1:0] read_id; reg empty_flag; reg full_flag; integer i; // VCS fix reg [lpm_widthu+1:0] usedw_tmp; tri0 aclr; tri0 sclr; buf (i_aclr, aclr); buf (i_sclr, sclr); initial begin if (lpm_width <= 0) $display("Error! LPM_WIDTH must be greater than 0."); if (lpm_numwords < 1) $display("Error! LPM_NUMWORDS must be greater than 0."); // check for number of words out of bound if ((lpm_widthu != 1) && (lpm_numwords > (1 << lpm_widthu))) $display("Error! The ceiling of log2(LPM_NUMWORDS) must equal to LPM_WIDTHU."); if (lpm_numwords <= (1 << (lpm_widthu-1)) && lpm_numwords > 1) $display("Error! The ceiling of log2(LPM_NUMWORDS) must equal to LPM_WIDTHU."); if (lpm_showahead != "ON" && lpm_showahead != "OFF") $display("Error! LPM_SHOWAHEAD must be \"ON\" or \"OFF\"."); for (i=0; i < lpm_width; i=i+1) ZEROS[i] = 1'b0; for (i = 0; i < lpm_numwords; i=i+1) mem_data[i] = ZEROS; full_flag = 0; empty_flag = 1; read_id = 0; write_id = 0; count_id = 0; usedw_tmp = 0; tmp_q = ZEROS; end always @(posedge clock or posedge i_aclr) begin if (i_aclr) begin tmp_q = ZEROS; full_flag = 0; empty_flag = 1; read_id = 0; write_id = 0; count_id = 0; if (lpm_showahead == "ON") tmp_q = mem_data[0]; end else if (clock) begin if (i_sclr) begin tmp_q <= mem_data[read_id]; full_flag <= 0; empty_flag <= 1; read_id = 0; write_id = 0; count_id = 0; if (lpm_showahead == "ON") tmp_q <= mem_data[0]; end else begin // both WRITE and READ if ((wrreq && !full_flag) && (rdreq && !empty_flag)) begin mem_data[write_id] = data; if (write_id >= lpm_numwords-1) write_id = 0; else write_id = write_id + 1; tmp_q <= mem_data[read_id]; if (read_id >= lpm_numwords-1) read_id = 0; else read_id = read_id + 1; if (lpm_showahead == "ON") tmp_q <= mem_data[read_id]; end // WRITE else if (wrreq && !full_flag) begin mem_data[write_id] = data; if (lpm_showahead == "ON") begin // changed by M.Singal : // showahead should show current // write data // tmp_q <= mem_data[read_id]; tmp_q <= data; end count_id = count_id + 1; empty_flag <= 0; if (count_id >= lpm_numwords) begin full_flag <= 1; count_id = lpm_numwords; end if (write_id >= lpm_numwords-1) write_id = 0; else write_id = write_id + 1; end // READ else if (rdreq && !empty_flag) begin tmp_q <= mem_data[read_id]; count_id = count_id - 1; full_flag <= 0; if (count_id <= 0) begin empty_flag <= 1; count_id = 0; end if (read_id >= lpm_numwords-1) read_id = 0; else read_id = read_id + 1; if (lpm_showahead == "ON") tmp_q <= mem_data[read_id]; end end end usedw_tmp <= count_id; end assign q = tmp_q; assign full = full_flag; assign empty = empty_flag; // assign usedw = count_id; assign usedw = usedw_tmp; endmodule // lpm_fifo //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_fifo_dc_dffpipe ( d, q, clock, aclr ); parameter lpm_delay = 1; parameter lpm_width = 128; input [lpm_width-1:0] d; input clock; input aclr; output [lpm_width-1:0] q; // internal reg reg [lpm_width-1:0] dffpipe [lpm_delay:0]; reg [lpm_width-1:0] i_q; integer delay, i; initial begin delay = lpm_delay-1; for (i=0; i<lpm_delay; i=i+1) dffpipe[i] = 0; i_q = 0; end always @(d) begin if (lpm_delay == 0 && !aclr) i_q <= (aclr) ? 0 : d; end always @(aclr) begin if (aclr) begin for (i=0; i<lpm_delay; i=i+1) dffpipe[i] = 0; i_q <= 0; end end always @(posedge clock) begin if (!aclr && lpm_delay > 0 && $time > 0) begin if (delay > 0) for (i=delay; i>0; i=i-1) dffpipe[i] = dffpipe[i-1]; dffpipe[0] = d; i_q <= dffpipe[delay]; end end assign q = i_q; endmodule // lpm_fifo_dc_dffpipe //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_fifo_dc_fefifo ( usedw_in, wreq, rreq, empty, full, clock, aclr ); parameter lpm_widthad = 1; parameter lpm_numwords = 1; parameter lpm_mode = "READ"; parameter underflow_checking = "ON"; parameter overflow_checking = "ON"; input [lpm_widthad-1:0] usedw_in; input wreq, rreq; output empty, full; input clock; input aclr; // internal reg reg [1:0] sm_empty; reg i_empty; reg lrreq; reg valid_rreq; reg i_full; integer almostfull; initial begin if (lpm_mode != "READ" && lpm_mode != "WRITE") $display("Error! LPM_MODE must be \"READ\" or \"WRITE\"."); if(underflow_checking != "ON" && underflow_checking != "OFF") $display("Error! underflow_checking must be ON or OFF."); if(overflow_checking != "ON" && overflow_checking != "OFF") $display("Error! overflow_checking must be ON or OFF."); sm_empty = 2'b00; i_empty = 1'b1; lrreq = 1'b0; i_full = 1'b0; almostfull = (lpm_numwords >= 3) ? lpm_numwords-3 : 0; end always @(rreq or i_empty) valid_rreq = (underflow_checking == "OFF") ? rreq : rreq && !i_empty; always @(posedge clock or posedge aclr) begin if (aclr) begin sm_empty = 2'b00; lrreq <= 1'b0; end else // if ($time > 0) begin lrreq <= valid_rreq; if (lpm_mode == "READ") begin casex (sm_empty) 2'b00: // state_empty if (usedw_in != 0) sm_empty = 2'b01; 2'b01: // state_non_empty if (rreq && ((usedw_in==1 && !lrreq) || (usedw_in==2 && lrreq))) sm_empty = 2'b10; 2'b10: // state_emptywait if (usedw_in > 1) sm_empty = 2'b01; else sm_empty = 2'b00; endcase end else if (lpm_mode == "WRITE") begin casex (sm_empty) 2'b00: // state_empty if (wreq) sm_empty = 2'b01; 2'b01: // state_one if (!wreq) sm_empty = 2'b11; 2'b11: // state_non_empty if (wreq) sm_empty = 2'b01; else if (usedw_in == 0) sm_empty = 2'b00; endcase end end i_empty <= !sm_empty[0]; i_full <= (!aclr && $time>0 && usedw_in>=almostfull) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; end assign empty = i_empty; assign full = i_full; endmodule // lpm_fifo_dc_fefifo //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_fifo_dc ( data, rdclock, wrclock, aclr, rdreq, wrreq, rdfull, wrfull, rdempty, wrempty, rdusedw, wrusedw, q ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_fifo_dc"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_widthu = 1; parameter lpm_numwords = 1; parameter lpm_showahead = "OFF"; parameter lpm_hint = "USE_EAB=ON"; parameter underflow_checking = "ON"; parameter overflow_checking = "ON"; parameter delay_rdusedw = 1; parameter delay_wrusedw = 1; parameter rdsync_delaypipe = 3; parameter wrsync_delaypipe = 3; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; input rdclock; input wrclock; input wrreq; input rdreq; input aclr; output rdfull; output wrfull; output rdempty; output wrempty; output [lpm_widthu-1:0] rdusedw; output [lpm_widthu-1:0] wrusedw; output [lpm_width-1:0] q; // internal reg reg [lpm_width-1:0] mem_data [(1<<lpm_widthu)-1:0]; reg [lpm_widthu-1:0] i_rdptr, i_wrptr; wire [lpm_widthu-1:0] w_rdptrrg, w_wrdelaycycle; wire [lpm_widthu-1:0] w_ws_nbrp, w_rs_nbwp, w_ws_dbrp, w_rs_dbwp; wire [lpm_widthu-1:0] w_wr_dbuw, w_rd_dbuw, w_rdusedw, w_wrusedw; reg [lpm_widthu-1:0] i_wr_udwn, i_rd_udwn; wire w_rdempty, w_wrempty, wrdfull, w_wrfull; reg i_rdempty, i_wrempty; reg i_rdfull, i_wrfull; reg i_rden, i_wren, i_rdenclock; reg [lpm_width-1:0] i_q; integer i; reg [lpm_width-1:0] i_data_tmp, i_data_reg; reg [lpm_width-1:0] i_q_tmp, i_q_reg; reg [lpm_widthu-1:0] i_rdptr_tmp, i_wrptr_tmp, i_wrptr_reg; reg i_wren_tmp, i_wren_reg; tri0 aclr; buf (i_aclr, aclr); initial begin if(lpm_showahead != "ON" && lpm_showahead != "OFF") $display("Error! lpm_showahead must be ON or OFF."); if(underflow_checking != "ON" && underflow_checking != "OFF") $display("Error! underflow_checking must be ON or OFF."); if(overflow_checking != "ON" && overflow_checking != "OFF") $display("Error! overflow_checking must be ON or OFF."); i_rdptr = 0; i_wrptr = 0; i_rdempty = 1; i_wrempty = 1; i_rdfull = 0; i_wrfull = 0; i_rden = 0; i_rdenclock = 0; i_wren = 0; i_q = 0; i_data_tmp = 0; i_data_reg = 0; i_q_tmp = 0; i_q_reg = 0; i_rdptr_tmp = 0; i_wrptr_tmp = 0; i_wrptr_reg = 0; i_wren_tmp = 0; i_wren_reg = 0; i_wr_udwn = 0; i_rd_udwn = 0; for (i=0; i<(1<<lpm_widthu); i=i+1) mem_data[i] = 0; end //-------- // FIFOram //-------- always @(rdreq or i_rdempty) i_rden = (underflow_checking == "OFF") ? rdreq : rdreq && !i_rdempty; always @(wrreq or i_wrfull) i_wren = (overflow_checking == "OFF") ? wrreq : wrreq && !i_wrfull; // FIFOram_sync always @(i_data_reg or i_q_tmp or i_q_reg or i_aclr or i_rdptr or i_wren_reg or i_wrptr_reg) begin if (i_aclr) begin i_wrptr_tmp <= 0; i_rdptr_tmp <= 0; i_wren_tmp <= 0; i_data_tmp <= 0; i_q <= (lpm_showahead == "ON") ? i_q_tmp : 0; end else begin i_wrptr_tmp <= i_wrptr_reg; i_rdptr_tmp <= i_rdptr; i_wren_tmp <= i_wren_reg; i_data_tmp <= i_data_reg; i_q <= (lpm_showahead == "ON") ? i_q_tmp : i_q_reg; end end // FIFOram_aclr always @(i_aclr) begin if (i_aclr) begin i_data_reg <= 0; i_wrptr_reg <= 0; i_wren_reg <= 0; i_q_reg <= 0; end end // FIFOram_wrclock always @(posedge wrclock) begin if (!i_aclr && $time > 0) begin i_data_reg <= data; i_wrptr_reg <= i_wrptr; i_wren_reg <= i_wren; end end // FIFOram_rdclock always @(posedge rdclock) begin if (!i_aclr && i_rden && $time > 0) i_q_reg <= i_q_tmp; end // FIFOram_memory_read always @(i_rdptr_tmp) i_q_tmp <= mem_data[i_rdptr_tmp]; // FIFOram_memory_write_eab always @(negedge wrclock) begin if (lpm_hint == "USE_EAB=ON") begin if (i_wren_tmp) mem_data[i_wrptr_tmp] = i_data_tmp; i_q_tmp = mem_data[i_rdptr_tmp]; end end // FIFOram_memory_write_lcell always @(posedge wrclock) begin if (lpm_hint != "USE_EAB=ON") begin if (i_wren_tmp) mem_data[i_wrptr_tmp] = i_data_tmp; i_q_tmp = mem_data[i_rdptr_tmp]; end end //--------- // Counters //--------- // rdptr always @(i_aclr) if (i_aclr) i_rdptr <= 0; always @(posedge rdclock) if (!i_aclr && i_rden && $time > 0) i_rdptr <= ((i_rdptr < (1<<lpm_widthu)-1) || (underflow_checking == "OFF")) ? i_rdptr+1 : 0; // wrptr always @(i_aclr) if (i_aclr) i_wrptr <= 0; always @(posedge wrclock) if (!i_aclr && i_wren && $time > 0) i_wrptr <= ((i_wrptr < (1<<lpm_widthu)-1) || (overflow_checking == "OFF")) ? i_wrptr+1 : 0; //------------------- // Delays & DFF Pipes //------------------- always @(negedge rdclock) i_rdenclock <= 0; always @(posedge rdclock) if (i_rden) i_rdenclock <= 1; lpm_fifo_dc_dffpipe RDPTR_D ( .d (i_rdptr), .q (w_rdptrrg), .clock (i_rdenclock), .aclr (i_aclr) ); lpm_fifo_dc_dffpipe WRPTR_D ( .d (i_wrptr), .q (w_wrdelaycycle), .clock (wrclock), .aclr (i_aclr) ); defparam RDPTR_D.lpm_delay = 0, RDPTR_D.lpm_width = lpm_widthu, WRPTR_D.lpm_delay = 1, WRPTR_D.lpm_width = lpm_widthu; lpm_fifo_dc_dffpipe WS_NBRP ( .d (w_rdptrrg), .q (w_ws_nbrp), .clock (wrclock), .aclr (i_aclr) ); lpm_fifo_dc_dffpipe RS_NBWP ( .d (w_wrdelaycycle), .q (w_rs_nbwp), .clock (rdclock), .aclr (i_aclr) ); lpm_fifo_dc_dffpipe WS_DBRP ( .d (w_ws_nbrp), .q (w_ws_dbrp), .clock (wrclock), .aclr (i_aclr) ); lpm_fifo_dc_dffpipe RS_DBWP ( .d (w_rs_nbwp), .q (w_rs_dbwp), .clock (rdclock), .aclr (i_aclr) ); defparam WS_NBRP.lpm_delay = wrsync_delaypipe, WS_NBRP.lpm_width = lpm_widthu, RS_NBWP.lpm_delay = rdsync_delaypipe, RS_NBWP.lpm_width = lpm_widthu, WS_DBRP.lpm_delay = 1, // gray_delaypipe WS_DBRP.lpm_width = lpm_widthu, RS_DBWP.lpm_delay = 1, // gray_delaypipe RS_DBWP.lpm_width = lpm_widthu; always @(i_wrptr or w_ws_dbrp) i_wr_udwn = i_wrptr - w_ws_dbrp; always @(i_rdptr or w_rs_dbwp) i_rd_udwn = w_rs_dbwp - i_rdptr; lpm_fifo_dc_dffpipe WRUSEDW ( .d (i_wr_udwn), .q (w_wrusedw), .clock (wrclock), .aclr (i_aclr) ); lpm_fifo_dc_dffpipe RDUSEDW ( .d (i_rd_udwn), .q (w_rdusedw), .clock (rdclock), .aclr (i_aclr) ); lpm_fifo_dc_dffpipe WR_DBUW ( .d (i_wr_udwn), .q (w_wr_dbuw), .clock (wrclock), .aclr (i_aclr) ); lpm_fifo_dc_dffpipe RD_DBUW ( .d (i_rd_udwn), .q (w_rd_dbuw), .clock (rdclock), .aclr (i_aclr) ); defparam WRUSEDW.lpm_delay = delay_wrusedw, WRUSEDW.lpm_width = lpm_widthu, RDUSEDW.lpm_delay = delay_rdusedw, RDUSEDW.lpm_width = lpm_widthu, WR_DBUW.lpm_delay = 1, // wrusedw_delaypipe WR_DBUW.lpm_width = lpm_widthu, RD_DBUW.lpm_delay = 1, // rdusedw_delaypipe RD_DBUW.lpm_width = lpm_widthu; //----------- // Full/Empty //----------- lpm_fifo_dc_fefifo WR_FE ( .usedw_in (w_wr_dbuw), .wreq (wrreq), .rreq (rdreq), .clock (wrclock), .aclr (i_aclr), .empty (w_wrempty), .full (w_wrfull) ); lpm_fifo_dc_fefifo RD_FE ( .usedw_in (w_rd_dbuw), .rreq (rdreq), .wreq(wrreq), .clock (rdclock), .aclr (i_aclr), .empty (w_rdempty), .full (w_rdfull) ); defparam WR_FE.lpm_widthad = lpm_widthu, WR_FE.lpm_numwords = lpm_numwords, WR_FE.underflow_checking = underflow_checking, WR_FE.overflow_checking = overflow_checking, WR_FE.lpm_mode = "WRITE", RD_FE.lpm_widthad = lpm_widthu, RD_FE.lpm_numwords = lpm_numwords, RD_FE.underflow_checking = underflow_checking, RD_FE.overflow_checking = overflow_checking, RD_FE.lpm_mode = "READ"; always @(w_wrfull) i_wrfull = w_wrfull; always @(w_rdfull) i_rdfull = w_rdfull; always @(w_wrempty) i_wrempty = w_wrempty; always @(w_rdempty) i_rdempty = w_rdempty; //-------- // Outputs //-------- assign q = i_q; assign wrfull = i_wrfull; assign rdfull = i_rdfull; assign wrempty = i_wrempty; assign rdempty = i_rdempty; assign wrusedw = w_wrusedw; assign rdusedw = w_rdusedw; endmodule // lpm_fifo_dc //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_inpad ( result, pad ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_inpad"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [lpm_width-1:0] pad; output [lpm_width-1:0] result; reg [lpm_width-1:0] result; always @(pad) begin result = pad; end endmodule // lpm_inpad //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_outpad ( data, pad ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_outpad"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; output [lpm_width-1:0] pad; reg [lpm_width-1:0] pad; always @(data) begin pad = data; end endmodule // lpm_outpad //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module lpm_bipad ( result, pad, data, enable ); parameter lpm_type = "lpm_bipad"; parameter lpm_width = 1; parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED"; input [lpm_width-1:0] data; input enable; inout [lpm_width-1:0] pad; output [lpm_width-1:0] result; reg [lpm_width-1:0] tmp_pad; reg [lpm_width-1:0] result; always @(data or pad or enable) begin if (enable == 1) begin tmp_pad = data; result = 'bz; end else if (enable == 0) begin result = pad; tmp_pad = 'bz; end end assign pad = tmp_pad; endmodule // lpm_bipad