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[/] [or1k_old/] [trunk/] [orp/] [orp_soc/] [rtl/] [verilog/] [ethernet.old/] [eth_top.v] - Rev 1782
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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// eth_top.v //// //// //// //// This file is part of the Ethernet IP core project //// //// http://www.opencores.org/projects/ethmac/ //// //// //// //// Author(s): //// //// - Igor Mohor (igorM@opencores.org) //// //// //// //// All additional information is avaliable in the Readme.txt //// //// file. //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2001 Authors //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// //// //// //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// //// later version. //// //// //// //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// //// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// //// details. //// //// //// //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// //// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CVS Revision History // // $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ // Revision 1.22 2002/02/26 16:59:54 mohor // Small fixes for external/internal DMA missmatches. // // Revision 1.21 2002/02/26 16:21:00 mohor // Interrupts changed in the top file // // Revision 1.20 2002/02/18 10:40:17 mohor // Small fixes. // // Revision 1.19 2002/02/16 14:03:44 mohor // Registered trimmed. Unused registers removed. // // Revision 1.18 2002/02/16 13:06:33 mohor // EXTERNAL_DMA used instead of WISHBONE_DMA. // // Revision 1.17 2002/02/16 07:15:27 mohor // Testbench fixed, code simplified, unused signals removed. // // Revision 1.16 2002/02/15 13:49:39 mohor // RxAbort is connected differently. // // Revision 1.15 2002/02/15 11:38:26 mohor // Changes that were lost when updating from 1.11 to 1.14 fixed. // // Revision 1.14 2002/02/14 20:19:11 billditt // Modified for Address Checking, // addition of eth_addrcheck.v // // Revision 1.13 2002/02/12 17:03:03 mohor // HASH0 and HASH1 registers added. Registers address width was // changed to 8 bits. // // Revision 1.12 2002/02/11 09:18:22 mohor // Tx status is written back to the BD. // // Revision 1.11 2002/02/08 16:21:54 mohor // Rx status is written back to the BD. // // Revision 1.10 2002/02/06 14:10:21 mohor // non-DMA host interface added. Select the right configutation in eth_defines. // // Revision 1.9 2002/01/23 10:28:16 mohor // Link in the header changed. // // Revision 1.8 2001/12/05 15:00:16 mohor // RX_BD_NUM changed to TX_BD_NUM (holds number of TX descriptors // instead of the number of RX descriptors). // // Revision 1.7 2001/12/05 10:45:59 mohor // ETH_RX_BD_ADR register deleted. ETH_RX_BD_NUM is used instead. // // Revision 1.6 2001/10/19 11:24:29 mohor // Number of addresses (wb_adr_i) minimized. // // Revision 1.5 2001/10/19 08:43:51 mohor // eth_timescale.v changed to timescale.v This is done because of the // simulation of the few cores in a one joined project. // // Revision 1.4 2001/10/18 12:07:11 mohor // Status signals changed, Adress decoding changed, interrupt controller // added. // // Revision 1.3 2001/09/24 15:02:56 mohor // Defines changed (All precede with ETH_). Small changes because some // tools generate warnings when two operands are together. Synchronization // between two clocks domains in eth_wishbonedma.v is changed (due to ASIC // demands). // // Revision 1.2 2001/08/15 14:03:59 mohor // Signal names changed on the top level for easier pad insertion (ASIC). // // Revision 1.1 2001/08/06 14:44:29 mohor // A define FPGA added to select between Artisan RAM (for ASIC) and Block Ram (For Virtex). // Include files fixed to contain no path. // File names and module names changed ta have a eth_ prologue in the name. // File eth_timescale.v is used to define timescale // All pin names on the top module are changed to contain _I, _O or _OE at the end. // Bidirectional signal MDIO is changed to three signals (Mdc_O, Mdi_I, Mdo_O // and Mdo_OE. The bidirectional signal must be created on the top level. This // is done due to the ASIC tools. // // Revision 1.2 2001/08/02 09:25:31 mohor // Unconnected signals are now connected. // // Revision 1.1 2001/07/30 21:23:42 mohor // Directory structure changed. Files checked and joind together. // // // // `include "eth_defines.v" `include "timescale.v" module eth_top ( // WISHBONE common wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_dat_i, wb_dat_o, // WISHBONE slave wb_adr_i, wb_sel_i, wb_we_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_stb_i, wb_ack_o, wb_err_o, `ifdef EXTERNAL_DMA wb_ack_i, wb_req_o, wb_nd_o, wb_rd_o, `else // WISHBONE master m_wb_adr_o, m_wb_sel_o, m_wb_we_o, m_wb_dat_o, m_wb_dat_i, m_wb_cyc_o, m_wb_stb_o, m_wb_ack_i, m_wb_err_i, `endif //TX mtx_clk_pad_i, mtxd_pad_o, mtxen_pad_o, mtxerr_pad_o, //RX mrx_clk_pad_i, mrxd_pad_i, mrxdv_pad_i, mrxerr_pad_i, mcoll_pad_i, mcrs_pad_i, // MIIM mdc_pad_o, md_pad_i, md_pad_o, md_padoen_o, int_o ); parameter Tp = 1; // WISHBONE common input wb_clk_i; // WISHBONE clock input wb_rst_i; // WISHBONE reset input [31:0] wb_dat_i; // WISHBONE data input output [31:0] wb_dat_o; // WISHBONE data output output wb_err_o; // WISHBONE error output // WISHBONE slave input [11:2] wb_adr_i; // WISHBONE address input input [3:0] wb_sel_i; // WISHBONE byte select input input wb_we_i; // WISHBONE write enable input input wb_cyc_i; // WISHBONE cycle input input wb_stb_i; // WISHBONE strobe input output wb_ack_o; // WISHBONE acknowledge output `ifdef EXTERNAL_DMA // DMA input [1:0] wb_ack_i; // DMA acknowledge input output [1:0] wb_req_o; // DMA request output output [1:0] wb_nd_o; // DMA force new descriptor output output wb_rd_o; // DMA restart descriptor output `else // WISHBONE master output [31:0] m_wb_adr_o; output [3:0] m_wb_sel_o; output m_wb_we_o; input [31:0] m_wb_dat_i; output [31:0] m_wb_dat_o; output m_wb_cyc_o; output m_wb_stb_o; input m_wb_ack_i; input m_wb_err_i; `endif // Tx input mtx_clk_pad_i; // Transmit clock (from PHY) output [3:0] mtxd_pad_o; // Transmit nibble (to PHY) output mtxen_pad_o; // Transmit enable (to PHY) output mtxerr_pad_o; // Transmit error (to PHY) // Rx input mrx_clk_pad_i; // Receive clock (from PHY) input [3:0] mrxd_pad_i; // Receive nibble (from PHY) input mrxdv_pad_i; // Receive data valid (from PHY) input mrxerr_pad_i; // Receive data error (from PHY) // Common Tx and Rx input mcoll_pad_i; // Collision (from PHY) input mcrs_pad_i; // Carrier sense (from PHY) // MII Management interface input md_pad_i; // MII data input (from I/O cell) output mdc_pad_o; // MII Management data clock (to PHY) output md_pad_o; // MII data output (to I/O cell) output md_padoen_o; // MII data output enable (to I/O cell) output int_o; // Interrupt output wire [7:0] r_ClkDiv; wire r_MiiNoPre; wire [15:0] r_CtrlData; wire [4:0] r_FIAD; wire [4:0] r_RGAD; wire r_WCtrlData; wire r_RStat; wire r_ScanStat; wire NValid_stat; wire Busy_stat; wire LinkFail; wire r_MiiMRst; wire [15:0] Prsd; // Read Status Data (data read from the PHY) wire WCtrlDataStart; wire RStatStart; wire UpdateMIIRX_DATAReg; wire TxStartFrm; wire TxEndFrm; wire TxUsedData; wire [7:0] TxData; wire TxRetry; wire TxAbort; wire TxUnderRun; wire TxDone; wire [5:0] CollValid; // Connecting Miim module eth_miim miim1 ( .Clk(wb_clk_i), .Reset(r_MiiMRst), .Divider(r_ClkDiv), .NoPre(r_MiiNoPre), .CtrlData(r_CtrlData), .Rgad(r_RGAD), .Fiad(r_FIAD), .WCtrlData(r_WCtrlData), .RStat(r_RStat), .ScanStat(r_ScanStat), .Mdi(md_pad_i), .Mdo(md_pad_o), .MdoEn(md_padoen_o), .Mdc(mdc_pad_o), .Busy(Busy_stat), .Prsd(Prsd), .LinkFail(LinkFail), .Nvalid(NValid_stat), .WCtrlDataStart(WCtrlDataStart), .RStatStart(RStatStart), .UpdateMIIRX_DATAReg(UpdateMIIRX_DATAReg) ); wire RegCs; // Connected to registers wire [31:0] RegDataOut; // Multiplexed to wb_dat_o wire r_RecSmall; // Receive small frames wire r_Rst; // Reset wire r_LoopBck; // Loopback wire r_TxEn; // Tx Enable wire r_RxEn; // Rx Enable wire MRxDV_Lb; // Muxed MII receive data valid wire MRxErr_Lb; // Muxed MII Receive Error wire [3:0] MRxD_Lb; // Muxed MII Receive Data wire Transmitting; // Indication that TxEthMAC is transmitting wire r_HugEn; // Huge packet enable wire r_DlyCrcEn; // Delayed CRC enabled wire [15:0] r_MaxFL; // Maximum frame length wire [15:0] r_MinFL; // Minimum frame length wire ShortFrame; wire DribbleNibble; // Extra nibble received wire ReceivedPacketTooBig; // Received packet is too big wire [47:0] r_MAC; // MAC address wire LoadRxStatus; // Rx status was loaded wire [31:0] r_HASH0; // HASH table, lower 4 bytes wire [31:0] r_HASH1; // HASH table, upper 4 bytes wire [7:0] r_TxBDNum; // Receive buffer descriptor number wire [6:0] r_IPGT; // wire [6:0] r_IPGR1; // wire [6:0] r_IPGR2; // wire [5:0] r_CollValid; // wire r_TPauseRq; // Transmit PAUSE request pulse wire [3:0] r_MaxRet; // wire r_NoBckof; // wire r_ExDfrEn; // wire TX_BD_NUM_Wr; // Write enable that writes RX_BD_NUM to the registers. wire TPauseRq; // Sinhronized Tx PAUSE request wire [15:0] TxPauseTV; // Tx PAUSE timer value wire r_TxFlow; // Tx flow control enable wire r_IFG; // Minimum interframe gap for incoming packets wire TxB_IRQ; // Interrupt Tx Buffer wire TxE_IRQ; // Interrupt Tx Error wire RxB_IRQ; // Interrupt Rx Buffer wire RxE_IRQ; // Interrupt Rx Error wire Busy_IRQ; // Interrupt Busy (lack of buffers) wire TxC_IRQ; // Interrupt Tx Control Frame wire RxC_IRQ; // Interrupt Rx Control Frame wire DWord; wire BDAck; wire [31:0] DMA_WB_DAT_O; // wb_dat_o that comes from the WishboneDMA module wire BDCs; // Buffer descriptor CS assign DWord = &wb_sel_i; assign RegCs = wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & DWord & ~wb_adr_i[11] & ~wb_adr_i[10]; assign BDCs = wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & DWord & ~wb_adr_i[11] & wb_adr_i[10]; assign wb_ack_o = RegCs | BDAck; assign wb_err_o = wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & ~DWord; // Selecting the WISHBONE output data assign wb_dat_o[31:0] = (RegCs & ~wb_we_i)? RegDataOut : DMA_WB_DAT_O; // Connecting Ethernet registers eth_registers ethreg1 ( .DataIn(wb_dat_i), .Address(wb_adr_i[9:2]), .Rw(wb_we_i), .Cs(RegCs), .Clk(wb_clk_i), .Reset(wb_rst_i), .DataOut(RegDataOut), .r_RecSmall(r_RecSmall), .r_Pad(r_Pad), .r_HugEn(r_HugEn), .r_CrcEn(r_CrcEn), .r_DlyCrcEn(r_DlyCrcEn), .r_Rst(r_Rst), .r_FullD(r_FullD), .r_ExDfrEn(r_ExDfrEn), .r_NoBckof(r_NoBckof), .r_LoopBck(r_LoopBck), .r_IFG(r_IFG), .r_Pro(r_Pro), .r_Iam(), .r_Bro(r_Bro), .r_NoPre(r_NoPre), .r_TxEn(r_TxEn), .r_RxEn(r_RxEn), .Busy_IRQ(Busy_IRQ), .RxE_IRQ(RxE_IRQ), .RxB_IRQ(RxB_IRQ), .TxE_IRQ(TxE_IRQ), .TxB_IRQ(TxB_IRQ), .TxC_IRQ(TxC_IRQ), .RxC_IRQ(RxC_IRQ), .r_IPGT(r_IPGT), .r_IPGR1(r_IPGR1), .r_IPGR2(r_IPGR2), .r_MinFL(r_MinFL), .r_MaxFL(r_MaxFL), .r_MaxRet(r_MaxRet), .r_CollValid(r_CollValid), .r_TxFlow(r_TxFlow), .r_RxFlow(r_RxFlow), .r_PassAll(r_PassAll), .r_MiiMRst(r_MiiMRst), .r_MiiNoPre(r_MiiNoPre), .r_ClkDiv(r_ClkDiv), .r_WCtrlData(r_WCtrlData), .r_RStat(r_RStat), .r_ScanStat(r_ScanStat), .r_RGAD(r_RGAD), .r_FIAD(r_FIAD), .r_CtrlData(r_CtrlData), .NValid_stat(NValid_stat), .Busy_stat(Busy_stat), .LinkFail(LinkFail), .r_MAC(r_MAC), .WCtrlDataStart(WCtrlDataStart), .RStatStart(RStatStart), .UpdateMIIRX_DATAReg(UpdateMIIRX_DATAReg), .Prsd(Prsd), .r_TxBDNum(r_TxBDNum), .TX_BD_NUM_Wr(TX_BD_NUM_Wr), .int_o(int_o), .r_HASH0(r_HASH0), .r_HASH1(r_HASH1) ); wire [7:0] RxData; wire RxValid; wire RxStartFrm; wire RxEndFrm; wire RxAbort; wire WillTransmit; // Will transmit (to RxEthMAC) wire ResetCollision; // Reset Collision (for synchronizing collision) wire [7:0] TxDataOut; // Transmit Packet Data (to TxEthMAC) wire WillSendControlFrame; wire TxCtrlEndFrm; wire ReceivedPauseFrm; wire ReceiveEnd; wire ReceivedPacketGood; wire ReceivedLengthOK; wire InvalidSymbol; wire LatchedCrcError; wire RxLateCollision; wire [3:0] RetryCntLatched; wire [3:0] RetryCnt; wire StartTxDone; wire StartTxAbort; wire MaxCollisionOccured; wire RetryLimit; wire StatePreamble; wire [1:0] StateData; // Connecting MACControl eth_maccontrol maccontrol1 ( .MTxClk(mtx_clk_pad_i), .TPauseRq(TPauseRq), .TxPauseTV(TxPauseTV), .TxDataIn(TxData), .TxStartFrmIn(TxStartFrm), .TxEndFrmIn(TxEndFrm), .TxUsedDataIn(TxUsedDataIn), .TxDoneIn(TxDoneIn), .TxAbortIn(TxAbortIn), .MRxClk(mrx_clk_pad_i), .RxData(RxData), .RxValid(RxValid), .RxStartFrm(RxStartFrm), .RxEndFrm(RxEndFrm), .ReceiveEnd(ReceiveEnd), .ReceivedPacketGood(ReceivedPacketGood), .PassAll(r_PassAll), .TxFlow(r_TxFlow), .RxFlow(r_RxFlow), .DlyCrcEn(r_DlyCrcEn), .MAC(r_MAC), .PadIn(r_Pad | PerPacketPad), .PadOut(PadOut), .CrcEnIn(r_CrcEn | PerPacketCrcEn), .CrcEnOut(CrcEnOut), .TxReset(r_Rst), .RxReset(r_Rst), .ReceivedLengthOK(ReceivedLengthOK), .TxDataOut(TxDataOut), .TxStartFrmOut(TxStartFrmOut), .TxEndFrmOut(TxEndFrmOut), .TxUsedDataOut(TxUsedData), .TxDoneOut(TxDone), .TxAbortOut(TxAbort), .WillSendControlFrame(WillSendControlFrame), .TxCtrlEndFrm(TxCtrlEndFrm), .ReceivedPauseFrm(ReceivedPauseFrm) ); wire TxCarrierSense; // Synchronized CarrierSense (to Tx clock) wire Collision; // Synchronized Collision reg CarrierSense_Tx1; reg CarrierSense_Tx2; reg Collision_Tx1; reg Collision_Tx2; reg RxEnSync; // Synchronized Receive Enable reg CarrierSense_Rx1; reg RxCarrierSense; // Synchronized CarrierSense (to Rx clock) reg WillTransmit_q; reg WillTransmit_q2; // Muxed MII receive data valid assign MRxDV_Lb = r_LoopBck? mtxen_pad_o : mrxdv_pad_i & RxEnSync; // Muxed MII Receive Error assign MRxErr_Lb = r_LoopBck? mtxerr_pad_o : mrxerr_pad_i & RxEnSync; // Muxed MII Receive Data assign MRxD_Lb[3:0] = r_LoopBck? mtxd_pad_o[3:0] : mrxd_pad_i[3:0]; // Connecting TxEthMAC eth_txethmac txethmac1 ( .MTxClk(mtx_clk_pad_i), .Reset(r_Rst), .CarrierSense(TxCarrierSense), .Collision(Collision), .TxData(TxDataOut), .TxStartFrm(TxStartFrmOut), .TxUnderRun(TxUnderRun), .TxEndFrm(TxEndFrmOut), .Pad(PadOut), .MinFL(r_MinFL), .CrcEn(CrcEnOut), .FullD(r_FullD), .HugEn(r_HugEn), .DlyCrcEn(r_DlyCrcEn), .IPGT(r_IPGT), .IPGR1(r_IPGR1), .IPGR2(r_IPGR2), .CollValid(r_CollValid), .MaxRet(r_MaxRet), .NoBckof(r_NoBckof), .ExDfrEn(r_ExDfrEn), .MaxFL(r_MaxFL), .MTxEn(mtxen_pad_o), .MTxD(mtxd_pad_o), .MTxErr(mtxerr_pad_o), .TxUsedData(TxUsedDataIn), .TxDone(TxDoneIn), .TxRetry(TxRetry), .TxAbort(TxAbortIn), .WillTransmit(WillTransmit), .ResetCollision(ResetCollision), .RetryCnt(RetryCnt), .StartTxDone(StartTxDone), .StartTxAbort(StartTxAbort), .MaxCollisionOccured(MaxCollisionOccured), .LateCollision(LateCollision), .StartDefer(StartDefer), .StatePreamble(StatePreamble), .StateData(StateData) ); wire [15:0] RxByteCnt; wire RxByteCntEq0; wire RxByteCntGreat2; wire RxByteCntMaxFrame; wire RxCrcError; wire RxStateIdle; wire RxStatePreamble; wire RxStateSFD; wire [1:0] RxStateData; // Connecting RxEthMAC eth_rxethmac rxethmac1 ( .MRxClk(mrx_clk_pad_i), .MRxDV(MRxDV_Lb), .MRxD(MRxD_Lb), .Transmitting(Transmitting), .HugEn(r_HugEn), .DlyCrcEn(r_DlyCrcEn), .MaxFL(r_MaxFL), .r_IFG(r_IFG), .Reset(r_Rst), .RxData(RxData), .RxValid(RxValid), .RxStartFrm(RxStartFrm), .RxEndFrm(RxEndFrm), .ByteCnt(RxByteCnt), .ByteCntEq0(RxByteCntEq0), .ByteCntGreat2(RxByteCntGreat2), .ByteCntMaxFrame(RxByteCntMaxFrame), .CrcError(RxCrcError), .StateIdle(RxStateIdle), .StatePreamble(RxStatePreamble), .StateSFD(RxStateSFD), .StateData(RxStateData), .MAC(r_MAC), .r_Pro(r_Pro), .r_Bro(r_Bro), .r_HASH0(r_HASH0), .r_HASH1(r_HASH1), .RxAbort(RxAbort) ); // MII Carrier Sense Synchronization always @ (posedge mtx_clk_pad_i or posedge r_Rst) begin if(r_Rst) begin CarrierSense_Tx1 <= #Tp 1'b0; CarrierSense_Tx2 <= #Tp 1'b0; end else begin CarrierSense_Tx1 <= #Tp mcrs_pad_i; CarrierSense_Tx2 <= #Tp CarrierSense_Tx1; end end assign TxCarrierSense = ~r_FullD & CarrierSense_Tx2; // MII Collision Synchronization always @ (posedge mtx_clk_pad_i or posedge r_Rst) begin if(r_Rst) begin Collision_Tx1 <= #Tp 1'b0; Collision_Tx2 <= #Tp 1'b0; end else begin Collision_Tx1 <= #Tp mcoll_pad_i; if(ResetCollision) Collision_Tx2 <= #Tp 1'b0; else if(Collision_Tx1) Collision_Tx2 <= #Tp 1'b1; end end // Synchronized Collision assign Collision = ~r_FullD & Collision_Tx2; // Carrier sense is synchronized to receive clock. always @ (posedge mrx_clk_pad_i or posedge r_Rst) begin if(r_Rst) begin CarrierSense_Rx1 <= #Tp 1'h0; RxCarrierSense <= #Tp 1'h0; end else begin CarrierSense_Rx1 <= #Tp mcrs_pad_i; RxCarrierSense <= #Tp CarrierSense_Rx1; end end // Delayed WillTransmit always @ (posedge mrx_clk_pad_i) begin WillTransmit_q <= #Tp WillTransmit; WillTransmit_q2 <= #Tp WillTransmit_q; end assign Transmitting = ~r_FullD & WillTransmit_q2; // Synchronized Receive Enable always @ (posedge mrx_clk_pad_i or posedge r_Rst) begin if(r_Rst) RxEnSync <= #Tp 1'b0; else if(~RxCarrierSense | RxCarrierSense & Transmitting) RxEnSync <= #Tp r_RxEn; end // Connecting WishboneDMA module `ifdef EXTERNAL_DMA eth_wishbonedma wishbone `else eth_wishbone wishbone `endif ( .WB_CLK_I(wb_clk_i), .WB_DAT_I(wb_dat_i), .WB_DAT_O(DMA_WB_DAT_O), // WISHBONE slave .WB_ADR_I(wb_adr_i[9:2]), .WB_WE_I(wb_we_i), .BDCs(BDCs), .WB_ACK_O(BDAck), .Reset(wb_rst_i), `ifdef EXTERNAL_DMA .WB_REQ_O(wb_req_o), .WB_ND_O(wb_nd_o), .WB_RD_O(wb_rd_o), .WB_ACK_I(wb_ack_i), .r_DmaEn(1'b1), `else // WISHBONE master .m_wb_adr_o(m_wb_adr_o), .m_wb_sel_o(m_wb_sel_o), .m_wb_we_o(m_wb_we_o), .m_wb_dat_i(m_wb_dat_i), .m_wb_dat_o(m_wb_dat_o), .m_wb_cyc_o(m_wb_cyc_o), .m_wb_stb_o(m_wb_stb_o), .m_wb_ack_i(m_wb_ack_i), .m_wb_err_i(m_wb_err_i), `endif //TX .MTxClk(mtx_clk_pad_i), .TxStartFrm(TxStartFrm), .TxEndFrm(TxEndFrm), .TxUsedData(TxUsedData), .TxData(TxData), .TxRetry(TxRetry), .TxAbort(TxAbort), .TxUnderRun(TxUnderRun), .TxDone(TxDone), .TPauseRq(TPauseRq), .TxPauseTV(TxPauseTV), .PerPacketCrcEn(PerPacketCrcEn), .PerPacketPad(PerPacketPad), .WillSendControlFrame(WillSendControlFrame), .TxCtrlEndFrm(TxCtrlEndFrm), // Register .r_TxEn(r_TxEn), .r_RxEn(r_RxEn), .r_TxBDNum(r_TxBDNum), .TX_BD_NUM_Wr(TX_BD_NUM_Wr), .r_RecSmall(r_RecSmall), //RX .MRxClk(mrx_clk_pad_i), .RxData(RxData), .RxValid(RxValid), .RxStartFrm(RxStartFrm), .RxEndFrm(RxEndFrm), .Busy_IRQ(Busy_IRQ), .RxE_IRQ(RxE_IRQ), .RxB_IRQ(RxB_IRQ), .TxE_IRQ(TxE_IRQ), .TxB_IRQ(TxB_IRQ), .TxC_IRQ(TxC_IRQ), .RxC_IRQ(RxC_IRQ), .RxAbort(RxAbort), .InvalidSymbol(InvalidSymbol), .LatchedCrcError(LatchedCrcError), .RxLength(RxByteCnt), .RxLateCollision(RxLateCollision), .ShortFrame(ShortFrame), .DribbleNibble(DribbleNibble), .ReceivedPacketTooBig(ReceivedPacketTooBig), .LoadRxStatus(LoadRxStatus), .RetryCntLatched(RetryCntLatched), .RetryLimit(RetryLimit), .LateCollLatched(LateCollLatched), .DeferLatched(DeferLatched), .CarrierSenseLost(CarrierSenseLost),.ReceivedPacketGood(ReceivedPacketGood) ); // Connecting MacStatus module eth_macstatus macstatus1 ( .MRxClk(mrx_clk_pad_i), .Reset(r_Rst), .ReceiveEnd(ReceiveEnd), .ReceivedPacketGood(ReceivedPacketGood), .ReceivedLengthOK(ReceivedLengthOK), .RxCrcError(RxCrcError), .MRxErr(MRxErr_Lb), .MRxDV(MRxDV_Lb), .RxStateSFD(RxStateSFD), .RxStateData(RxStateData), .RxStatePreamble(RxStatePreamble), .RxStateIdle(RxStateIdle), .Transmitting(Transmitting), .RxByteCnt(RxByteCnt), .RxByteCntEq0(RxByteCntEq0), .RxByteCntGreat2(RxByteCntGreat2), .RxByteCntMaxFrame(RxByteCntMaxFrame), .ReceivedPauseFrm(ReceivedPauseFrm),.InvalidSymbol(InvalidSymbol), .MRxD(MRxD_Lb), .LatchedCrcError(LatchedCrcError), .Collision(mcoll_pad_i), .CollValid(r_CollValid), .RxLateCollision(RxLateCollision), .r_RecSmall(r_RecSmall), .r_MinFL(r_MinFL), .r_MaxFL(r_MaxFL), .ShortFrame(ShortFrame), .DribbleNibble(DribbleNibble), .ReceivedPacketTooBig(ReceivedPacketTooBig), .r_HugEn(r_HugEn), .LoadRxStatus(LoadRxStatus), .RetryCnt(RetryCnt), .StartTxDone(StartTxDone), .StartTxAbort(StartTxAbort), .RetryCntLatched(RetryCntLatched), .MTxClk(mtx_clk_pad_i), .MaxCollisionOccured(MaxCollisionOccured), .RetryLimit(RetryLimit), .LateCollision(LateCollision), .LateCollLatched(LateCollLatched), .StartDefer(StartDefer), .DeferLatched(DeferLatched), .TxStartFrm(TxStartFrmOut), .StatePreamble(StatePreamble), .StateData(StateData), .CarrierSense(CarrierSense_Tx2), .CarrierSenseLost(CarrierSenseLost), .TxUsedData(TxUsedDataIn) ); endmodule