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[/] [or1k_old/] [trunk/] [uclinux/] [uClinux-2.0.x/] [scripts/] [header.tk] - Rev 1765
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# This is a handy replacement for ".widget cget" that requires neither tk4
# nor additional source code uglification.
proc cget { w option } {
return "[lindex [$w configure $option] 4]"
# Function to compensate for broken config.in scripts like the sound driver,
# which make dependencies on variables that are never even conditionally
# defined.
proc vfix { var } {
global $var
if [ catch {eval concat $$var} ] {
puts stdout "WARNING - broken Config.in! $var was not declared!"
set $var 0
# Create a "reference" object to steal colors from.
button .ref
# On monochrome displays, -disabledforeground is blank by default; that's
# bad. Fill it with -foreground instead.
if { [cget .ref -disabledforeground] == "" } {
.ref configure -disabledforeground [cget .ref -foreground]
# Define some macros we will need to parse the config.in file.
proc mainmenu_name { text } {
message .header.message -width 400 -relief raised -text "$text"
pack .header.label .header.message -side left -padx 15
wm title . "$text"
proc menu_option { w menu_num text } {
button .f0.x$menu_num -text "$text" -width 50 -command "$w .$w \"$text\""
pack .f0.x$menu_num -pady 1 -expand on
# Not used at the moment, but this runs a command in a subprocess and
# displays the result in a window with a scrollbar.
# For now, we just do external "make" commands to stdout with do_make, so
# this function is never called.
proc do_cmd { w command } {
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w -class Dialog
frame $w.tb
text $w.tb.text -relief raised -bd 2 -yscrollcommand "$w.tb.scroll set"
scrollbar $w.tb.scroll -command "$w.tb.text yview"
pack $w.tb.scroll -side right -fill y
pack $w.tb.text -side left
set oldFocus [focus]
frame $w.back
button $w.back.ok -text "OK" -width 20 \
-command "destroy $w; focus $oldFocus" -state disabled
button $w.back.ccl -text "Cancel" -width 20 \
-command "destroy $w; focus $oldFocus"
pack $w.tb -side top
pack $w.back.ok $w.back.ccl -side left
pack $w.back -side bottom -pady 10
focus $w
wm geometry $w +30+35
$w.tb.text delete 1.0 end
set f [open |$command]
while {![eof $f]} {
$w.tb.text insert end [read $f 256]
close $f
$w.back.ok configure -state normal
proc load_configfile { w title func } {
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w -class Dialog
global loadfile
frame $w.x
label $w.bm -bitmap questhead
pack $w.bm -pady 10 -side top -padx 10
label $w.x.l -text "Enter filename:" -relief raised
entry $w.x.x -width 35 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 \
-textvariable loadfile
pack $w.x.l $w.x.x -anchor w -side left
pack $w.x -side top -pady 10
wm title $w "$title"
set oldFocus [focus]
frame $w.f
button $w.f.back -text "OK" -width 20 \
-command "destroy $w; focus $oldFocus;$func .fileio"
button $w.f.canc -text "Cancel" \
-width 20 -command "destroy $w; focus $oldFocus"
pack $w.f.back $w.f.canc -side left -pady 10 -padx 45
pack $w.f -pady 10 -side bottom -padx 10 -anchor w
focus $w
global winx; global winy
set winx [expr [winfo x .]+30]; set winy [expr [winfo y .]+30]
wm geometry $w +$winx+$winy
proc maybe_exit { w } {
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w -class Dialog
label $w.bm -bitmap questhead
pack $w.bm -pady 10 -side top -padx 10
message $w.m -width 400 -aspect 300 \
-text "Changes will be lost. Are you sure?" -relief flat
pack $w.m -pady 10 -side top -padx 10
wm title $w "Are you sure?"
set oldFocus [focus]
frame $w.f
button $w.f.back -text "OK" -width 20 \
-command "exit"
button $w.f.canc -text "Cancel" \
-width 20 -command "destroy $w; focus $oldFocus"
pack $w.f.back $w.f.canc -side left -pady 10 -padx 45
pack $w.f -pady 10 -side bottom -padx 10 -anchor w
focus $w
global winx; global winy
set winx [expr [winfo x .]+30]; set winy [expr [winfo y .]+30]
wm geometry $w +$winx+$winy
proc read_config_file { w } {
global loadfile
if { [string length $loadfile] != 0 && [file readable $loadfile] == 1 } then {
read_config $loadfile
} else {
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w -class Dialog
message $w.m -width 400 -aspect 300 -text \
"Unable to read file $loadfile" \
-relief raised
label $w.bm -bitmap error
pack $w.bm $w.m -pady 10 -side top -padx 10
wm title $w "Oops"
set oldFocus [focus]
frame $w.f
button $w.f.back -text "Bummer" \
-width 10 -command "destroy $w; focus $oldFocus"
pack $w.f.back -side bottom -pady 10 -anchor s
pack $w.f -pady 10 -side top -padx 10 -anchor s
focus $w
global winx; global winy
set winx [expr [winfo x .]+30]; set winy [expr [winfo y .]+30]
wm geometry $w +$winx+$winy
proc write_config_file { w } {
global loadfile
if { [string length $loadfile] != 0
&& ([file writable $loadfile] == 1 || ([file exists $loadfile] == 0 && [file writable [file dirname $loadfile]] == 1)) } then {
writeconfig $loadfile /dev/null
} else {
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w -class Dialog
message $w.m -width 400 -aspect 300 -text \
"Unable to write file $loadfile" \
-relief raised
label $w.bm -bitmap error
pack $w.bm $w.m -pady 10 -side top -padx 10
wm title $w "Oops"
set oldFocus [focus]
frame $w.f
button $w.f.back -text "OK" \
-width 10 -command "destroy $w; focus $oldFocus"
pack $w.f.back -side bottom -pady 10 -anchor s
pack $w.f -pady 10 -side top -padx 10 -anchor s
focus $w
global winx; global winy
set winx [expr [winfo x .]+30]; set winy [expr [winfo y .]+30]
wm geometry $w +$winx+$winy
proc read_config { filename } {
set file1 [open $filename r]
while { [gets $file1 line] >= 0} {
if [regexp {([0-9A-Za-z_]+)=([ynm])} $line foo var value] {
if { $value == "y" } then { set cmd "global $var; set $var 1" }
if { $value == "n" } then { set cmd "global $var; set $var 0" }
if { $value == "m" } then { set cmd "global $var; set $var 2" }
eval $cmd
if [regexp {# ([0-9A-Za-z_]+) is not set} $line foo var] {
set cmd "global $var; set $var 0"
eval $cmd
if [regexp {([0-9A-Za-z_]+)=([0-9A-Fa-f]+)} $line foo var value] {
set cmd "global $var; set $var $value"
eval $cmd
close $file1
update_mainmenu .rdupd
proc write_comment { file1 file2 text } {
puts $file1 ""
puts $file1 "#"
puts $file1 "# $text"
puts $file1 "#"
puts $file2 "/*"
puts $file2 " * $text"
puts $file2 " */"
proc write_tristate { file1 file2 varname variable dep } {
if { $variable == 0 } \
then { puts $file1 "# $varname is not set"; \
puts $file2 "#undef $varname"} \
elseif { $variable == 2 || ($dep == 2 && $variable == 1) } \
then { puts $file1 "$varname=m"; \
puts $file2 "#undef $varname"; \
puts $file2 "#define ${varname}_MODULE 1" } \
elseif { $variable == 1 && $dep != 2 } \
then { puts $file1 "$varname=y"; \
puts $file2 "#define $varname 1" } \
else { \
error "Attempting to write value for variable that is not configured ($varname)." \
proc write_int { file1 file2 varname variable dep } {
if { $dep == 0 } \
then { puts $file1 "# $varname is not set"; \
puts $file2 "#undef $varname"} \
else {
puts $file1 "$varname=$variable"; \
puts $file2 "#define $varname $variable"; \
proc write_hex { file1 file2 varname variable dep } {
if { $dep == 0 } \
then { puts $file1 "# $varname is not set"; \
puts $file2 "#undef $varname"} \
else {
puts $file1 "$varname=$variable"; \
puts $file2 "#define $varname 0x$variable"; \
proc option_name {w mnum line text helpidx} {
button $w.x$line.l -text "$text" -relief groove -anchor w
$w.x$line.l configure -activefore [cget $w.x$line.l -fg] \
-activeback [cget $w.x$line.l -bg]
button $w.x$line.help -text "Help" -relief raised \
-command "dohelp .dohelp $helpidx"
pack $w.x$line.help -side right -fill y
pack $w.x$line.l -side right -fill both -expand on
proc toggle_switch {w mnum line text variable} {
frame $w.x$line -relief sunken
radiobutton $w.x$line.y -text "y" -variable $variable -value 1 \
-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_menu$mnum .menu$mnum"
radiobutton $w.x$line.m -text "m" -variable $variable -value 2 \
-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_menu$mnum .menu$mnum"
radiobutton $w.x$line.n -text "n" -variable $variable -value 0 \
-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_menu$mnum .menu$mnum"
option_name $w $mnum $line $text $variable
pack $w.x$line.n $w.x$line.m $w.x$line.y -side right -fill y
proc bool {w mnum line text variable} {
toggle_switch $w $mnum $line $text $variable
$w.x$line.m configure -state disabled
pack $w.x$line -anchor w -fill both -expand on
proc tristate {w mnum line text variable } {
toggle_switch $w $mnum $line $text $variable
pack $w.x$line -anchor w -fill both -expand on
proc dep_tristate {w mnum line text variable depend } {
tristate $w $mnum $line $text $variable
proc int { w mnum line text variable } {
frame $w.x$line
entry $w.x$line.x -width 18 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 \
-textvariable $variable
option_name $w $mnum $line $text $variable
pack $w.x$line.x -anchor w -side right -fill y
pack $w.x$line -anchor w -fill both -expand on
proc hex { w mnum line text variable } {
int $w $mnum $line $text $variable
proc minimenu { w mnum line text variable helpidx } {
frame $w.x$line
menubutton $w.x$line.x -textvariable $variable -menu \
$w.x$line.x.menu -relief raised \
-width 15 -anchor w
option_name $w $mnum $line $text $helpidx
pack $w.x$line.x -anchor w -side right -fill y
pack $w.x$line -anchor w -fill both -expand on
proc comment {w line text } {
#nothing done for comments now.
proc do_make { command } {
exec sh -c $command <@stdin >@stdout 2>@stderr
# do_cmd .make_window "sh -c $command"
proc dohelp {w var } {
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w -class Dialog
set filefound 0
set found 0
set lineno 0
if { [file readable Documentation/Configure.help] == 1} then {
set filefound 1
set message [exec sed -n "
/^$var\[ \]*\$/,\${
/^$var\[ \]*\$/c\\
/^\[ \]*\$/bL
:L x
s/\\n //
s/\\n / /g
" Documentation/Configure.help]
set found [expr [string length "$message"] > 0]
frame $w.f1
if { $found == 0 } then {
if { $filefound == 0 } then {
message $w.f1.m -width 750 -aspect 300 -relief flat -text \
"No help available - unable to open file Documentation/Configure.help. This file should have come with your kernel."
} else {
message $w.f1.m -width 400 -aspect 300 -relief flat -text \
"No help available for $var"
label $w.f1.bm -bitmap error
wm title $w "RTFM"
} else {
message $w.f1.m -width 400 -aspect 300 -text $message \
-relief flat
label $w.f1.bm -bitmap info
wm title $w "Configuration help"
pack $w.f1.bm $w.f1.m -side left -padx 10
pack $w.f1 -side top
set oldFocus [focus]
# Do the OK button
frame $w.f2
button $w.f2.ok -text "OK" \
-width 10 -command "destroy $w; focus $oldFocus"
pack $w.f2.ok -side bottom -pady 10 -anchor s
pack $w.f2 -side bottom -padx 10 -anchor s
# Finish off the window
focus $w
global winx; global winy
set winx [expr [winfo x .]+30]; set winy [expr [winfo y .]+30]
wm geometry $w +$winx+$winy
proc wrapup {w } {
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w -class Dialog
message $w.m -width 400 -aspect 300 -text \
"The linux kernel is now hopefully configured for your setup. Check the top-level Makefile for additional configuration, and do a 'make dep ; make clean' if you want to be sure all the files are correctly re-made." -relief raised
label $w.bm -bitmap info
pack $w.bm $w.m -pady 10 -side top -padx 10
wm title $w "Kernel build instructions"
set oldFocus [focus]
frame $w.f
button $w.f.back -text "OK" \
-width 10 -command "exit"
pack $w.f.back -side bottom -pady 10 -anchor s
pack $w.f -pady 10 -side top -padx 10 -anchor s
focus $w
global winx; global winy
set winx [expr [winfo x .]+30]; set winy [expr [winfo y .]+30]
wm geometry $w +$winx+$winy
proc check_sound_config { num } {
#nothing for now.
proc do_sound {w mnum line} {
message $w.x$line -width 400 -aspect 300 -text "Note: The sound drivers cannot as of yet be configured via the X-based interface" -relief raised
pack $w.x$line -side top -pady 10
# Next set up the particulars for the top level menu, and define a few
# buttons which we will stick down at the bottom.
frame .header
label .header.label
frame .f0
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