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# Legal Notice: (C)2007 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Your
# use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
# software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any
# output files any of the foregoing (including device programming or
# simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are
# expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program
# License Subscription Agreement or other applicable license agreement,
# including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose
# of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera
# or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
# agreement for further details.

# This file constrains the ALTMEMPHY memory interface PHY. The parameters at
# the top of thie file may be edited, but be warned that it it overwritten when
# regenerating the ALTMEMPHY Megacore Function.
# Generated by:9.0
# variation name : altera_ddr_phy
# family : Cyclone III
# speed_grade : 6
# local_if_drate : Full
# pll_ref_clk_mhz : 50.0
# mem_if_clk_mhz : 150.0
# mem_if_preset : PSC A2S56D40CTP-G5
# chip_or_dimm : Discrete Device
# mem_if_dq_per_dqs : 8
# ac_phase : 90
# ac_clk_select : 90

# The clock period of your memory interface. Don't modify this
set t(period) 6.666

# The worst case skew between any pair of traces which are nominally matched
set t(board_skew) 0.020
set t(min_additional_dqs_variation) 0.000
set t(max_additional_dqs_variation) 0.000

# Memory timing parameters. See Section 6 of the JEDEC spec.
# ----------------------------------
# tDS/tDH: write timing
set t(DS) 0.400
set t(DH) 0.400

# Data output timing for non-DQS capture
set t(AC) 0.700

# Address and command input timing
set t(IS) 0.600
set t(IH) 0.600

# DQS to CK input timing
set t(DSS) 0.2
set t(DSH) 0.2
set t(DQSS) 0.28

# DQ to DQS timing on read
set t(DQSQ) 0.400
set t(QHS) 0.500

# DQS to CK timing on reads
set t(DQSCK) 0.550
set t(capture_shift) 2.2
set t(HP) 3.000

# The maximum allowed length of the mimic path depends on the device family
if {$::TimeQuestInfo(family) == "Arria GX"} {
set t(mimic_shift) 2.200
} elseif {$::TimeQuestInfo(family) == "HardCopy II"} {
set t(mimic_shift) 2.000
} elseif {$::TimeQuestInfo(family) == "Cyclone III" || $::TimeQuestInfo(family) == "Cyclone III LS"} {
set t(mimic_shift) 2.500
} else {
set t(mimic_shift) 1.600

# The characterised margin loss on capture due to measurement error in the
# sequencer auto calibration.
set t(calibration_error) 1.144

# If the address and command paths are longer than the CK paths, put the
# difference in here
set t(additional_addresscmd_tpd) 0.000

# The variation name of this ALTMEMPHY
set corename "altera_ddr_phy"

# The clock period of the PLL reference clock
set t(inclk_period) 20.000

# Duty cycle distortion from the device data sheet
set t(DCD_total) 0.250

# PLL phase shift error
set t(PLL_PSERR) 0.000

# A callback to collect the results of the top level pin detection
proc ddr_pin {n pin pins_array_name} {
        upvar 1 $pins_array_name pins
        global pins
        if {![info exists pins($n)] } {
                post_message -type critical_warning "ddr_pin $n $pin $pins_array_name didn't recognise '$n' as a pin type"
        } else {
                lappend pins($n) $pin

# Locate the top level pins that are connected to this ALTMEMPHY instance
set pin_file_name "altera_ddr_phy_ddr_pins.tcl"
set dirname [file dirname [info script]] 
set fn [file join $dirname $pin_file_name]
source $fn

# Add the SDC constraints for a single instantiation of this ALTMEMPHY
# variation. This is called multiple times if the variation has multiple
# instantiations.
proc add_requirements_for_instance {corename instance_name t_name altera_ddr_phy_use_high_performance_timing} {
        upvar 1 $t_name t
        set instname "${instance_name}|${corename}"

        global ck_output_clocks
        array unset ck_output_clocks

        global pins
        array unset pins

        set pins(ck_p) [list]
        set pins(ck_n) [list]
        set pins(addrcmd) [list]
        set pins(addrcmd_2t) [list]
        set pins(dqsgroup) [list]
        set pins(dgroup) [list]

# Cache the result of the automatic top level pin detection to reduce fit times
        global pins_cache
        if { [array exists pins_cache] &&  [info exists pins_cache($corename-$instance_name)] } {
                # post_message -type critical_warning "cache hit"
                array set pins $pins_cache($corename-$instance_name)
        } else {
                # post_message -type critical_warning "cache miss"
                get_ddr_pins $instname pins
                set pins_cache($corename-$instance_name) [array get pins]

# Create the PLL input clock and derive clocks on the PLL outputs
        set msg_list [list]

        set ck_pll_clock_id [get_output_clock_id $pins(ck_p) "CK output" msg_list]
        if {$ck_pll_clock_id == -1} {
                foreach {msg_type msg} $msg_list {
                        post_message -type $msg_type "altera_ddr_phy_ddr_timing.sdc: $msg"
                post_message -type warning "altera_ddr_phy_ddr_timing.sdc: Failed to find PLL clock for pins [join $pins(ck_p)]"
        } else {
                set ck_pll_clock [get_node_info -name $ck_pll_clock_id]
                set pll_ref_clk_id [get_input_clk_id $ck_pll_clock_id]
                if {$pll_ref_clk_id != -1} {
                        set pll_ref_clk [get_node_info -name $pll_ref_clk_id]
                        if {[get_collection_size [get_clocks -nowarn $pll_ref_clk]] == 0} {
                                create_clock -period $t(inclk_period) $pll_ref_clk

                        if {[get_collection_size [get_clocks -nowarn $ck_pll_clock]] > 0} {
                                # PLL clocks already derived
                        } else {
                } else {
                        post_message -type info "altera_ddr_phy_ddr_timing.sdc: Could not find PLL clocks for $ck_pll_clock. Creating PLL base clocks"
                        # Attempt to recover
                        derive_pll_clocks -create_base_clocks


# Find the TimeQuest name for the resync clock. If it is not found, create one.
        set resync_clock_pattern ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|*|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk\[3\]
        set resync_clock_id ""
        sett_collection resync_clock_id [get_pins -compatibility_mode $resync_clock_pattern]
        set resync_clock [get_node_info -name $resync_clock_id]
        set resync_pll_ref_clk_id [get_input_clk_id $resync_clock_id]

        if {$resync_pll_ref_clk_id != -1} {
                set resync_pll_ref_clk [get_node_info -name $resync_pll_ref_clk_id]
                if {[get_collection_size [get_clocks -nowarn $resync_pll_ref_clk]] == 0} {
                        create_clock -period $t(inclk_period) $resync_pll_ref_clk
        } else {
                post_message -type warning "altera_ddr_phy_ddr_timing.sdc: Failed to find PLL input clock pin driving $resync_clock"


# Find the TimeQuest name for the mimic clock. If it is not found, create one.
        set mimic_clock_pattern ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|*|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk\[4\]
        set mimic_clock_pins [get_pins -nowarn -compatibility_mode $mimic_clock_pattern]

        if {[get_collection_size $mimic_clock_pins] == 1} {
                set mimic_clock_id ""
                sett_collection mimic_clock_id $mimic_clock_pins
                set mimic_clock [get_node_info -name $mimic_clock_id]
        } else {
                post_message -type error "Couldn't find mimic clock from pattern $mimic_clock_pattern"
                set mimic_clock ""


# Find the TimeQuest name for the system clock. If it is not found, create one.
        set system_clock_pattern ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|*|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk\[1\]
        set system_clock_pins [get_pins -nowarn -compatibility_mode $system_clock_pattern]

        if {[get_collection_size $system_clock_pins] == 1} {
                set system_clock_id ""
                sett_collection system_clock_id $system_clock_pins
                set system_clock [get_node_info -name $system_clock_id]
                if {[info exists pll_ref_clk]} {
                        set_false_path -from $pll_ref_clk -to $system_clock
                        set_false_path -to $pll_ref_clk -from $system_clock
                        #Cut the path from the system clock to the mimic clock :
                        set_false_path -from $system_clock -to [get_clocks $mimic_clock]
        } else {
                set system_clock ""

# When the ALTMEMPHY is targeted for the HardCopy device family, additional
# clock uncertainties need to be added. These uncertainties will be provided by
# the HardCopy Design Centre in a file called <variation name>_cu.tcl. They are
#  not needed for the FPGA device families, and are set to zero in that case.
set fpga_PA_DQS_HOLD_ERROR 0
set fpga_tDQSS_SETUP_ERROR 0
set fpga_tDQSS_HOLD_ERROR 0
set fpga_tDSSH_SETUP_ERROR 0
set fpga_tDSSH_HOLD_ERROR 0
# post_message -type info "Creating CK output clocks"
        set ck_clock_types_list [list tDSS tDQSS ac_rise ac_fall]
        set source $ck_pll_clock

        foreach ckpin [concat $pins(ck_p) $pins(ck_n)] {
                if { [lsearch -exact $pins(ck_p) $ckpin] != -1 } { 
                        set invert 0
                        set ckpn p
                } elseif { [lsearch -exact $pins(ck_n) $ckpin] != -1 } {
                        set invert 1
                        set ckpn n
                } else {
                        error "Can't find pin $ckpin in $pins(ck_p) or $pins(ck_n)"

                # We don't care about the tco of the memory clocks
                set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports $ckpin]
                set clocknamestub "${instname}_ck_${ckpn}_${ckpin}"

                foreach ck_clock_type $ck_clock_types_list {
                        set clockname "${clocknamestub}_${ck_clock_type}"
                        if { $invert } { 
                                create_generated_clock -add -multiply_by 1 -source $source -master_clock $source -invert -name $clockname $ckpin
                        } else { 
                                create_generated_clock -add -multiply_by 1 -source $source -master_clock $source -name $clockname $ckpin
                        add_output_clock $ck_clock_type $ckpn $clockname

# calibrated capture clock
set capture_clockname "${instname}_ddr_capture"
set capture_pattern ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|dpio|dqs_group\[*\].dq\[*\].dqi|auto_generated|input_cell_*\[0\]|clk
create_clock -period $t(period) -name $capture_clockname [get_pins -compatibility_mode $capture_pattern] -add
set count 0
foreach_in_collection reg [get_pins -compatibility_mode $capture_pattern] {
  set clockname "${instname}_dq_[incr count]"
  create_generated_clock -name $clockname -source [get_pins -compatibility_mode $resync_clock] [get_pin_info -name $reg] -add
  set_false_path -from [get_ports *] -to [get_clocks $clockname]
set_false_path -from [get_clocks $capture_clockname] -to [get_clocks $resync_clock]
# measure clock
set measure_clockname ${instname}_ddr_mimic
set measure_pattern ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|DDR_CLK_OUT\[0\].ddr_clk_out_p|auto_generated|input_cell_h\[0\]|clk
sett_collection c [get_pins -compatibility_mode $measure_pattern]
set source [get_node_info -name $c]
create_clock -period $t(period) -name $measure_clockname $source -add
set_false_path -from [get_clocks $mimic_clock] -to $measure_clockname
set_false_path -to   [get_clocks $mimic_clock] -from $measure_clockname
foreach ck_clock_type_pn [array names ck_output_clocks] {
  set_false_path -from [get_clocks $ck_output_clocks($ck_clock_type_pn)] -to [get_clocks $measure_clockname]

# The scan clock provides a slow-speed clock domain to drive the PLL phase
# stepping interface. It is created by dividing down a PLL output phase. All
# transfers to and from the scan clock domain have asynchronous clock domain
# crossings, so the only constraint on these paths is that they have a skew
# less than 2 whole cycles of the scan clock. The fastest that the scan clock
# can run is 100MHz, so we set a +/- 9ns skew constraint across the clock
# domain crossing.
        set scan_clock_patterns [list ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|scan_clk|q 2]
        foreach {pattern divide_by} $scan_clock_patterns {
                foreach_in_collection c [get_pins -compatibility_mode $pattern] {
                        set source [get_node_info -name $c]
                        set sys_pll_clock [get_pll_clock [list $c] "System" "" 16]
                        if {$sys_pll_clock != ""} {
                                post_sdc_message info "Creating scan clock ${source}_clock driven by $sys_pll_clock divided by $divide_by"
                                create_generated_clock -multiply_by 1 -divide_by $divide_by -source $sys_pll_clock -master_clock $sys_pll_clock $source -name ${source}_clock
                                set_max_delay -to [get_clocks $sys_pll_clock] -from [get_clocks ${source}_clock] 9.0
                                set_max_delay -from [get_clocks $sys_pll_clock] -to [get_clocks ${source}_clock] 9.0
                                set_min_delay -to [get_clocks $sys_pll_clock] -from [get_clocks ${source}_clock] -9.0
                                set_min_delay -from [get_clocks $sys_pll_clock] -to [get_clocks ${source}_clock] -9.0
                        } else {
                                post_message -type warning "Cannot find source clock of $source"

        set msg_list [list]
# Locate the clocks that drive the DQ and DQS pins when writing
        set dqs_pll_clock_id [get_output_clock_id [get_all_dqs_pins $pins(dqsgroup)] "DQS output" msg_list]
        set dq_pll_clock_id [get_output_clock_id [get_all_dq_pins $pins(dqsgroup)] "DQ output" msg_list]

        if {$dqs_pll_clock_id == -1 || $dq_pll_clock_id == -1} {
                foreach {msg_type msg} $msg_list {
                        post_message -type $msg_type "altera_ddr_phy_ddr_timing.sdc: $msg"
                post_message -type warning "altera_ddr_phy_ddr_timing.sdc: Failed to find PLL clock for pins [join [get_all_dqs_pins $pins(dqsgroup)]]"
        } else {
                set dqsclksource [get_node_info -name $dqs_pll_clock_id]
                set dqclksource [get_node_info -name $dq_pll_clock_id]

        foreach dqsgroup $pins(dqsgroup) {
                set dqspin [lindex $dqsgroup 0]

                # If this design uses macro timing parameters, SDC constraints are not needed
                if {!$altera_ddr_phy_use_high_performance_timing} {
                        # DQS output clock
                        set dqs_out_clockname "${instname}_ddr_dqsout_${dqspin}"
                        create_generated_clock -multiply_by 1 -source $dqsclksource -master_clock $dqsclksource $dqspin -name $dqs_out_clockname -add
                # endif !altera_ddr_phy_use_high_performance_timing
                if {!$altera_ddr_phy_use_high_performance_timing} {

# The write timing constrains the DQ write data with respect to the DQS strobe.
# An output clock is created on the DQS strobe, and we create a pair of
# set_output_delay assignments: one for the DQ data vs the rising edge of the
# DQS and the other against the falling edge.
# For the two max delay (setup) constraints:
# $t(board_skew)
# The worst case difference in propagation delay between the DQS strobe and any
# DQ pin within the same group.
# $t(DS)
# The setup requirement at the memory
# An uncertainty term for HardCopy II designs, contact the HardCopy Design
# Centre for more information.
# For the two min delay (hold) constraints:
# - $t(board_skew)
# The worst case difference in propagation delay between the DQS strobe and any
# DQ pin within the same group.
# -$t(DH)       
# The hold requirement at the memory
# - $t(DCD_total)
# Duty cycle distortion, since the launch and latch edges will be on the
# opposite edges
# An uncertainty term for HardCopy II designs, contact the HardCopy Design
# Centre for more information.
                        set_output_delay -add_delay -clock $dqs_out_clockname -max [round_3dp [expr {$t(board_skew) + $t(DS) + $WR_DQS_DQ_SETUP_ERROR}]] [concat [lindex $dqsgroup 1] [lindex $dqsgroup 2]]
                        set_output_delay -add_delay -clock $dqs_out_clockname -min [round_3dp [expr {-$t(DH) - $t(board_skew) - $WR_DQS_DQ_HOLD_ERROR}]] [concat [lindex $dqsgroup 1] [lindex $dqsgroup 2]]
                        set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock $dqs_out_clockname -max [round_3dp [expr {$t(board_skew) + $t(DS) + $WR_DQS_DQ_SETUP_ERROR}]] [concat [lindex $dqsgroup 1] [lindex $dqsgroup 2]]
                        set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock $dqs_out_clockname -min [round_3dp [expr {-$t(DH) - $t(board_skew) - $WR_DQS_DQ_HOLD_ERROR}]] [concat [lindex $dqsgroup 1] [lindex $dqsgroup 2]]
                # endif !altera_ddr_phy_use_high_performance_timing

# The memory requires that the DQS strobes and CK clocks arrive edge aligned.
# For designs that generate CK/CK# from normal I/O (not recommended for
# HardCopy) this is just a problem for the board layout, since the DQS and CK
# signals are generated using the same structures from the same clocks.
# However, for designs that generate CK and CK# from dedicated PLL clock
# outputs (required for HardCopy), the CK and CK# outputs must use a different
# PLL clock than the slower DQS outputs to align themselves at the memory.
# There are two timing constraints: tDQSS says that the rising edge of DQS must
# align to the rising edge of ck to within 25% of a clock cycle, and tDSS/tDSH
# that requires the falling edge of DQS to be more than 20% of a clock cycle
# away from the rising edge of CK. This is automatically met if the minimum
# pulse width of CK is 45% (note that DDR3 has a 47/53 DCD requirement plus a
# separate jitter requirement).
# Since we need to correctly account for DCD, we must turn both of these
# parameters into timing constraints.
# DQS vs CK
# These offsets are only needed for designs that use a dedicated PLL output for
# the mem_ck pins. This design uses DDIO structures instead, so the required
# offset is zero.
                set off_tDQSS 0
                set off_tDSS 0
                foreach ckclock [get_output_clocks tDQSS p] {
                        set_output_delay -add_delay -clock $ckclock -max [round_3dp [expr {($off_tDQSS+1-$t(DQSS)) * $t(period) + $t(board_skew) + $fpga_tDQSS_SETUP_ERROR}]] $dqspin
                        set_output_delay -add_delay -clock $ckclock -min [round_3dp [expr {($off_tDQSS+$t(DQSS)) * $t(period) - $t(board_skew) - $fpga_tDQSS_HOLD_ERROR}]] $dqspin
                foreach ckclock [get_output_clocks tDQSS n] {
                        set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock $ckclock -max [round_3dp [expr {($off_tDQSS+1-$t(DQSS)) * $t(period) + $t(board_skew) + $fpga_tDQSS_SETUP_ERROR}]] $dqspin
                        set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock $ckclock -min [round_3dp [expr {($off_tDQSS+$t(DQSS)) * $t(period) - $t(board_skew) - $fpga_tDQSS_HOLD_ERROR}]] $dqspin
                foreach ckclock [concat [get_output_clocks tDQSS p] [get_output_clocks tDQSS n]] {
                        set_false_path -to [get_clocks $ckclock] -fall_from [get_clocks $dqsclksource]
                foreach ckclock [get_output_clocks tDSS p] {
                        set_output_delay -add_delay -clock $ckclock -max [round_3dp [expr {($off_tDSS+$t(DSS)) * $t(period) + $t(board_skew) + $fpga_tDSSH_SETUP_ERROR}]] $dqspin
                        set_output_delay -add_delay -clock $ckclock -min [round_3dp [expr {($off_tDSS-$t(DSH)) * $t(period) - $t(board_skew) - $fpga_tDSSH_HOLD_ERROR}]] $dqspin
                foreach cknclock [get_output_clocks tDSS n] {
                        set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock $cknclock -max [round_3dp [expr {($off_tDSS+$t(DSS)) * $t(period) + $t(board_skew) + $fpga_tDSSH_SETUP_ERROR}]] $dqspin
                        set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock $cknclock -min [round_3dp [expr {($off_tDSS-$t(DSH)) * $t(period) - $t(board_skew) - $fpga_tDSSH_HOLD_ERROR}]] $dqspin
                foreach ckclock [concat [get_output_clocks tDSS p] [get_output_clocks tDSS n]] {
                        # DSS and DSH are only for falling edge of DQS
                        set_false_path -to [get_clocks $ckclock] -rise_from [get_clocks $dqsclksource]

# There are three potential timing paths through a DDIO to the output pin. Two
# of these are from the output registers, and the third is the combinatorial
# path
# The only timing path through a DDIO that actually affects the output is the
# one that goes through the MUX. The timing delays through the other paths are
# chosen to ensure this.
                set_false_path -from [all_registers] -to [get_ports $dqspin]


set x [expr {$t(HP) - 2*$t(AC) - $t(calibration_error)}]
set_max_delay -from [get_all_dq_pins $pins(dqsgroup)] -to [all_registers] [round_3dp [expr {$t(capture_shift) + 0.5*$x}]]
set_min_delay -from [get_all_dq_pins $pins(dqsgroup)] -to [all_registers] [round_3dp [expr {$t(capture_shift) - 0.5*$x}]]
set capture_clock $resync_clock
set_false_path -from [get_all_dq_pins $pins(dqsgroup)] -to [get_clocks $capture_clock]
set_false_path -to [get_pins -compatibility_mode ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|dpio|dqs_group\[*\].dq\[*\].dqi|auto_generated|input_*_*\[0\]|clrn]

        if {$altera_ddr_phy_use_high_performance_timing} {

# Cut paths to read capture registers, since they are subject to macro timing
# analysis
                set dq_list [get_all_dq_pins $pins(dqsgroup)]
                if {[llength $dq_list] > 0} {
                        set_false_path -from [concat $dq_list] -to [all_registers]
                # Cut paths from write registers and PLL clocks-as-data
                set d_dm_list [concat $dq_list [get_all_dm_pins $pins(dqsgroup)]]
                if {[llength $d_dm_list] > 0} {
                        set_false_path -from * -to $d_dm_list
        # endif altera_ddr_phy_use_high_performance_timing

#False path the read and write latency values from the sequencer, as these will be static when being used :
set rd_wr_latency_ops [get_pins -compatibility_mode ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|*seq_wrapper|*seq_inst|*dgrb|?d_lat*|clk]
set_false_path -from $rd_wr_latency_ops
#False path the sequencer memory clock disable signal from the sequencer, as this will be static when being used :
set_false_path -from [get_pins -compatibility_mode  ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|*seq_wrapper|*seq_inst|seq_mem_clk_disable*]

# The mimic path consists of a register on a dedicated PLL clock phase that is
# set up to capture an echo of the outgoing CK clocks.
# The sequencer measures the arrival time of the echo of the CK clock by
# sweeping the dedicated PLL phase that is used to clock the mimic path
# register. By taking a reference measurement of this phase during calibration
# and comparing that with a similar measurement during operation, variations in
# timing due to voltage and temperature can be tracked.
# The mimic path register needs to be placed close to the IOE in order that the
# changes in the length of the routing from the IOE to the mimic path register
# doesn't distort the measurements.
foreach ck $pins(ck_p) {
  create_clock -period $t(period) $ck -name ${instname}_${ck}_mimic_launch_clock -add
set_max_delay -from [get_clocks ${instname}_${ck}_mimic_launch_clock] -to  [get_clocks *ddr_mimic]  $t(mimic_shift)

# Cut asynchronous reset paths for clock domain crossing in the clocking and
# reset block

#  - clk|global_pre_clear|clrn: The master reset flop, driven by the PLL locked
# output and the soft_reset_n and global_reset_n signals

#  - clk|reset_master_ams|clrn: Synchronises the PLL locked reset to the
# global_pre_clear reset

#  - clk|mem_pipe|ams_pipe\[*\]|clrn: Transfers the master reset to the mem
# clock domain

#  - clk|mem_clk_pipe|ams_pipe\[*\]|clrn: Transfers the master reset to the mem
# clock domain

#  - clk|write_clk_pipe|ams_pipe\[*\]|clrn: Transfers the master reset to the
# write clock domain

#  - clk|measure_clk_pipe|ams_pipe\[*\]|clrn: Transfers the master reset to the
# measure clock domain

#  - clk|resync_clk_pipe|ams_pipe\[*\]|clrn: Transfers the master reset to the
# resync clock domain
#  - clk|clk_div_reset_ams_n_r|clrn: Master reset clock domain crossing
#  - clk|clk_div_reset_ams_n|clrn: Master reset clock domain crossing

#  - clk|pll_reconfig_reset_ams_n_r|clrn: Master reset clock domain crossing to
# the PLL reconfig block

#  - clk|pll_reconfig_reset_ams_n|clrn: Master reset clock domain crossing to
# the PLL reconfig block
        set clear_list [list \
                ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|*pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll_lock_sync|clrn \
                ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|global_pre_clear|clrn \
                ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|reset_master_ams|clrn \
                ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|mem_pipe|ams_pipe\[*\]|clrn \
                ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|mem_clk_pipe|ams_pipe\[*\]|clrn \
                ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|write_clk_pipe|ams_pipe\[*\]|clrn \
                ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|measure_clk_pipe|ams_pipe\[*\]|clrn \
                ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|resync_clk_pipe|ams_pipe\[*\]|clrn \
                ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|clk_div_reset_ams_n_r|clrn \
                ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|clk_div_reset_ams_n|clrn \
                ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|pll_reconfig_reset_ams_n_r|clrn \
                ${instname}_alt_mem_phy_inst|clk|pll_reconfig_reset_ams_n|clrn \

        foreach clear $clear_list {
                set clear_pins [get_pins -nowarn -compatibility_mode $clear]
                if {[get_collection_size $clear_pins] > 0} {
                        set_false_path -thru $clear_pins -to *

# Timing constrain the Address/command outputs. Note that ALTMEMPHY uses a DDIO
# structure to generate the output, even though the output is single data rate
# (or half data rate for the non-chip-select pins, when in half rate mode). It
# does this by controlling the input to the DDIO such that the same data is
# driven out on the rising and falling edges, or on the falling edge and the
# subsequent rising edge. This is used to provide a 180 degree phase shift to
# the output when the address/command phase in the wizard is set to 90 degree
# or 180 degrees, which are inverted versions of the 270 degree write clock or
# 0 degree DQS clock.
# The transitions on the select signal driving the DDIO output MUX control the
# timing, so we have to cut the paths coming from the registers to the IO pin
# with a set_false_path -from [all_registers] assignment.
# We also have to tell TimeQuest that only the rising (or falling) edge of the
# address/command clock generates a transition on the output. This is done with
# a set_false_path -rise_from (or -fall_from) assignment.
# When the core is in half-rate mode, which is the default and needed to
# achieve the maximum possible frequency, all the address/command pins except
# the chip select (cs) pin are driven out a whole cycle early. This improves
# timing when the address bus has a greater load than the Chip Select signal.
# It is simply a set_multicycle_path assignment to all the 2t address/command
# pins.
# Address/Command
        set msg_list [list]
        set ac_pll_clock_id [get_output_clock_id $pins(addrcmd) "Address/Command output" msg_list]
        if {$ac_pll_clock_id == -1} {
                foreach {msg_type msg} $msg_list {
                        post_message -type $msg_type "altera_ddr_phy_ddr_timing.sdc: $msg"
                post_message -type warning "altera_ddr_phy_ddr_timing.sdc: Failed to find PLL clock for pins [join $pins(addrcmd)]"
        } else {
                set ac_pll_clock [get_node_info -name $ac_pll_clock_id]

# These offset parameters are needed for designs that have the 'Use Dedicated
# PLL clock outputs' set. They are not needed in this case, and are set to
# zero.
                set ded_off_rise 0
                set ded_off_fall 0
                set off $ded_off_fall
                # Only analyze the DDIO mux select
                set_false_path -from [all_registers] -to [concat $pins(addrcmd) $pins(addrcmd_2t)]
                foreach ckclock [get_output_clocks ac_fall p] {
                        set_output_delay -add_delay -clock $ckclock -max [round_3dp [expr {$off*$t(period) + $t(IS) + $t(board_skew) + $fpga_tCK_ADDR_CTRL_SETUP_ERROR + $t(additional_addresscmd_tpd)}]] [concat $pins(addrcmd) $pins(addrcmd_2t)]
                        set_output_delay -add_delay -clock $ckclock -min [round_3dp [expr {$off*$t(period) - $t(IH) - $t(board_skew) - $fpga_tCK_ADDR_CTRL_HOLD_ERROR  + $t(additional_addresscmd_tpd)}]] [concat $pins(addrcmd) $pins(addrcmd_2t)]
                foreach ckclock [get_output_clocks ac_fall n] {
                        set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock $ckclock -max [round_3dp [expr {$off*$t(period) + $t(IS) + $t(board_skew) + $fpga_tCK_ADDR_CTRL_SETUP_ERROR + $t(additional_addresscmd_tpd)}]] [concat $pins(addrcmd) $pins(addrcmd_2t)]
                        set_output_delay -add_delay -clock_fall -clock $ckclock -min [round_3dp [expr {$off*$t(period) - $t(IH) - $t(board_skew) - $fpga_tCK_ADDR_CTRL_HOLD_ERROR  + $t(additional_addresscmd_tpd)}]] [concat $pins(addrcmd) $pins(addrcmd_2t)]
                if {$ac_pll_clock_id != -1} {
                        foreach ckclock [concat [get_output_clocks ac_fall p] [get_output_clocks ac_fall n]] {
                                set_false_path -rise_from [get_clocks $ac_pll_clock] -to $ckclock
        if { [llength $pins(addrcmd_2t)] > 0 } {
                # post_message -type info "Address/Command (half rate)"
                set_multicycle_path -setup -to $pins(addrcmd_2t) 2
                set_multicycle_path -hold -to $pins(addrcmd_2t) 1



# Apply the timing constraints to every instantiation of this ALTMEMPHY
# variation within the design.
set instance_list [get_core_instance_list $corename]
foreach inst $instance_list {
        post_sdc_message info "Adding SDC requirements for $corename instance $inst"
        add_requirements_for_instance $corename $inst t $altera_ddr_phy_use_high_performance_timing
        add_ddr_report_command "source [list [file join [file dirname [info script]] ${corename}_report_timing.tcl]]"

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