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\defgroup pavr_intro Introduction
\par Goal
This project implements an \b 8 \b bit \b controller that is compatible with
Atmel's \ref pavr_avrarch "AVR architecture", using \b VHDL (Very High speed
integrated circuits Hardware Definition Language). \n
The device built here is not a specific controller of the AVR family, but rather
a maximally featured AVR controller. It is configurable enough to be able to
simulate most AVR family controllers. \n
\b The \b goal is to obtain an AVR processor that is as powerful as possible (in
terms of MIPS), with a work budget of about 6 months*man. \n
\par Approach
Atmel's AVR core is reasonably fast, among the other 8 bit controllers on the
market (year 2002). Most instructions take one clock. The instruction set is
(almost) RISC. In real life applications, the average clocks per instruction
(CPI) is typically 1.2...1.7, depending on the application. CPI=1.4 is a good
average. The core has a short pipeline, with 2 stages (fetch and execute). With
Atmel's 0.5um technology, the core runs at 10...15 MHz. \n
From the start were searched ways to improve original core's performance. \n
As the original core already executes most instructions in one clock, two
ideas come quick in mind: a deeper pipeline and issuing more than one instruction
per clock (multi-issue). \n
A deeper pipeline is relatively straightforward. A clock speed increase of about
3...4x is expected from a 5 or 6 stages pipeline. However, the resulted average
CPI is expected to be slightly bigger than the original, mainly because of jumps,
branches, calls and returns. They require the pipeline to be flushed, at least
partially, thus some clocks are lost while refilling the pipeline. \n
The multi-issue approach was quickly rejected. The available time budget is
too small for implementing both a deep pipeline and multi-issuing. On the other
hand, multi-issue without a deeper pipeline wouldn't make much sense. \n
\par Result
pAVR is a \b parameterizable and \b synthesizable VHDL design, AVR-compatible,
that has: \n
   <li> 6 pipeline stages
   <li> 1 instruction/clock for most instructions
   <li> estimated clock frequency: \b ~50 \b MHz & \b 0.5 \b um; assuming that
         Atmel's core runs at 15 MHz & 0.5 um. \n
         3x Atmel original core's performance.
   <li> estimated MIPS at 50 MHz: \b 28 \b MIPS (typical), \b 50 \b MIPS (peak) \n
        3x Atmel original core's performance.. At 15 MHz, Atmel's core has
        10 MIPS typical, and 15 MIPS peak.
   <li> CPI: 1.7 clocks/instruction (typical), 1 clock/instruction (peak) \n
         0.75x (typical), 1.00x (peak) Atmel original core's performance.
   <li> pAVR architecture is rather computational-friendly than control-friendly.
         \ref pavr_pipeline_jumps "Jumps", \ref pavr_pipeline_branches "branches",
         \ref pavr_pipeline_skips "skips", \ref pavr_pipeline_calls "calls" and
         \ref pavr_pipeline_returns "returns" are relatively expansive in terms of
         clocks. A branch prediction scheme and a smarter return procedure might
         be considered as upgrades.
The \ref pavr_src "sources" structure is \b modularized. The sources are written
based on a set of common-sense \ref pavr_src_conv "conventions" (the process
splitting strategy, signals naming, etc). Thus, pAVR is quite an easily
\b maintainable design. \n
Extensive \ref pavr_test "testing" was carried out. \n
pAVR is to be synthesized and burned into a \ref pavr_fpga "FPGA". \n
\par Project structure
This project is distributed in two forms: \b release and \b devel (development). \n
The \b devel distribution contains
   <li> pAVR documentation
   <li> VHDL sources for pAVR and associated VHDL tests
   <li> test programs
   <li> some utilities (preprocessor, some useful scripts)
In a word, the devel structure contains anything that is needed for one to develop
   this project further. As a side note, this project was developed under Windows
   XP. Yet, all the main software tools used here have Linux counterparts (Doxygen,
   VHDL simulator, C compiler, TCL interpreter, text editor). \n
The documentation is generated via Doxygen. For those who don't know how to use
   this wonderful tool, please check <a href=""> </a>. \n
In the "doc" directory can be found the sources of the documentation. Also, here
   are some scripts for compiling the documentation, cleaning it up, or running
   (viewing) it. \n
In the "doc/html" folder is placed the compilation result (HTML). The HTML
   documentation is further compiled into a .CHM (compressed HTML) file that is
   placed in the "doc/chm" folder. CHM is a very convenient file format, providing
   about all the features of HTML, plus that it's very small due to compression
   and very handy (a single file instead of a bunch of files and folders).
   However, this file format is still Windows-bound. There are neither compilers
   nor viewers for Linux (but things might change soon...). \n
The "src" folder contains pAVR VHDL sources, VHDL tests and some Modelsim macro
   files. \n
The "test" folder contains the test programs (ASM and ANSI C) with which pAVR was
   tested. \n
The "tools" folder contains some utilities. The most important utility is a text
   preprocessor. In the VHDL sources are placed XML-like tags,  inserted as
   comments. The preprocessor parses these sources and interprets the XML-like
   tags. For example, some tags isolate non-synthesizable code that can easily
   removed when synthesizing pAVR. The preprocessor is also used to insert
   a common header into all VHDL sources. \n
Also, in the "tools" folder are some scripts that build devel or release packages. \n
The \b release distribution contains only the documentation. However, all the VHDL
   sources are embedded into the documentation, and are thus easily accessible. \n
The release distribution comes in two flavors: HTML or CHM. My favorite is CHM,
   because it's much more compact. However, for viewing the documentation under
   Linux, HTML is still needed. \n
Throughout this project are a few sub-projects that must be  edited/compiled/run
   independently (for example, generating the documentation, or compiling test
   sources). For this purpose, I use a TCL console with stdin/stdout/stderr, and
   a few buttons: edit/compile/run/clean. Each button launches a script with the
   same name as the button, placed in the same folder as the console script. The
   stdout/stderr of the scripts are captured on the TCL console. I use this
   "project manager" (the TCL console) the very same way for, let's say, compiling
   a C source or generating Doxygen documentation.

\defgroup pavr_avrarch AVR architecture
\par AVR features
- Load-store \ref pavr_avris "RISC" machine
- Harvard architecture, with separate program/data buses
- 2 level pipeline: fetch and execute
- Most instructions execute in 1 clock.
- Variable instruction word width: 16 or 32 bits. Most instructions are 16 bits
- Register File (RF) with 32 registers
- IO File (IOF) with 64 registers
- Loads and stores operate in the Unified Memory space. \n
The Unified Memory (UM) is the space formed by concatenating the RF, IOF and the
Data Memory (DM), in this order. Thus, the RF begins at address 0 in the UM, the
IOF at address 32 and the DM at address 96.
- Register File mapped pointer registers X, Y, Z, 16 bits each, for indirect
addressing the Data Memory and the Program Memory (PM). \n
Pointer registers have pre-decrement and post-increment capabilities.

Add some AVR kernel schematics. \n
Add some AVR general considerations.

\par Notes on AVR downsides
Among other 8 bit microcontrollers, the AVR architecture is relatively clean and
   fast. Of course, it is not perfect.
In the following, I will expand on some of the drawbacks of the AVR architecture. \n
Pipeline-friendliness issues:
   <li> \b The \b register \b file, \b IO \b file \b and \b data \b memory \b have
      \b a \b unified \b addressing \b space. \n
     The Register File, IO file and Data Memory are very different entities,
      from the point of view of the AVR instruction set. It's an obvious
      decision to physically implement them as different memory-like entities.
      Pipelining such a structure is straightforward. A simple and fast
      pipeline can be built naturally. Every memory-like entity can be
      assigned a fixed pipe stage during which it is accessed for writing or
      for reading, with no more than one such elementary operation needed
      during any instruction. \n
     \b However, the AVR architecture has a unified addressing space for Register
      File - IO file - Data Memory. Accessing this Unified Memory space can be
      done through indirect loads and stores, via dedicated pointer registers.
      Depending upon the contents of a pointer register, an access to the
      Register File or the IO file or the Data Memory is needed. This
      completely messes up the simple pipeline structure above, because
      instructions' execution is \b data \b driven. As a result, for example, the
      Register File must now be accessed, let's say for reading, in more than
      one pipe stage. This is most pipeline-destructive, because different
      instructions will compete on the same hardware resources. \n
     Arbitration/stall schemes are required. Also, new data hazards must be
      dealt with. All these are pretty complex, and come with a cost, in
      terms of both power consumption and speed. \n
     The unified address space does bring new addressing capabilities. However,
      they are unnatural and basically useless. Who will ever place the stack in
      the Register File or in the IO File? That would make some sense for low-end
      controllers that don't have Data Memory at all, and rely on a Register
      File mapped stack. However, the price paid for that is big. \n
     As a result, pAVR's loads and stores take 2 cycles. If the pointer registers
      would have pointed only in the Data Memory space, loads and stores would
      have naturally taken a single clock.
   <li> \b The \b Register \b File/IO \b file \b operand's \b addresses \b don't
      \b have \b fixed \b positions \b in \b the \b instruction \b opcodes. \n
     That would have allowed reducing the number of pipe stages from 6 to 5.
      As a result, a lower CPI would have been obtained, because of less
      cycles penalty on the instructions that modify the instruction flow
      (branches, jumps, calls etc). Also, that would have ment lower power
      consumption because of less registers and combinational logic.
   <li> \b The \b instruction \b has \b variable \b width: \b 16 \b or \b 32 \b bits. \n
     That is not pipeline-friendly. \n
     Each 32 bit instruction could have easily been replaced by two 16 bit
Instruction set orthogonalithy issues:
   - Pointer registers X, Y, Z have addressing capabilities that are different
      from each other.
   - Register File locations 0...15 have different addressing capabilities than
      RF locations 16...31.
   - IO locations 0 to 31 support more addressing modes than IO locations 32 to
   - There are instructions that work on 16 bit words (for example, 16 bit
      register-to-register moves). \n
      The existance of such instructions on a 8 bit RISC controller is questionable.
      That's not because such operations are not needed, but because the raise in
      complexity and irregularity is not justifiable. \n
      The cost/performance balance is negative for these instructions (we're still
      talking about a controller claimed to be RISC).
   - opcodes 0x95C8 and 0x9004 do exactly the same thing (LPM). \n
      Other such examples might exist. \n
      The instruction bits could have been used more carefully.
   - CLR affects flags, while SER does not, even though they seem to be
      complementary intructions. \n
      This might be a design flaw in the original core \b or designed on
      (a hidden) purpose by whoever designed the AVR core. By the way, if I
      remember well some ancient news, AVR was designed not by Atmel, but by a
      Scandinavian company that was aquired later by Atmel.


\defgroup pavr_avris AVR instruction set
<TABLE border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
<CAPTION> AVR instruction set</CAPTION>
   <TH> Arithmetic
   <TH> Bit & Others
   <TH> Transfer
   <TH> Jump
   <TH> Branch
   <TH> Call
   <TD valign="top">
      ADD   Rd, Rr            <BR>
      ADC   Rd, Rr            <BR>
      ADIW  Rd+1:Rd, K6       <BR>
      SUB   Rd, Rr            <BR>
      SUBI  Rd, K8            <BR>
      SBC   Rd, Rr            <BR>
      SBCI  Rd, K8            <BR>
      SBIW  Rd+1:Rd, K6       <BR>
      INC   Rd                <BR>
      DEC   Rd                <BR>
      AND   Rd, Rr            <BR>
      ANDI  Rd, K8            <BR>
      OR Rd, Rr               <BR>
      ORI   Rd, K8            <BR>
      EOR   Rd, Rr            <BR>
      <S> CLR   Rd </S> (EOR)*     <BR>
      <S> SER   Rd </S> (LDI)      <BR>
      <S> SBR   Rd, K8 </S> (ORI)  <BR>
      <S> CBR   Rd, K8 </S> (ANDI) <BR>
      <S> TST   Rd </S> (AND)      <BR>

      COM   Rd                <BR>
      NEG   Rd                <BR>
      CP Rd, Rr               <BR>
      CPC   Rd, Rr            <BR>
      CPI   Rd, K8            <BR>
      SWAP  Rd                <BR>
<!--      <S> LSL   Rd </S> (ADD) <BR> !-->
      LSR   Rd                <BR>
<!--      <S> ROL   Rd </S> (ADC) <BR> !-->
      ROR   Rd                <BR>
      ASR   Rd                <BR>

      MUL      Rd, Rr*        <BR>
      MULS     Rd, Rr         <BR>
      MULSU   Rd, Rr          <BR>
      FMUL      Rd, Rr        <BR>
      FMULS    Rd, Rr         <BR>
      FMULSU Rd, Rr           <BR>

   <TD valign="top">
      BSET  s                 <BR>
      BCLR  s                 <BR>
      SBI   A, b              <BR>
      CBI   A, b              <BR>
      BST   Rd, b             <BR>
      BLD   Rd, b             <BR>
      NOP                     <BR>
      BREAK**                 <BR>
      SLEEP                   <BR>
      WDR                     <BR>

   <TD valign="top">
      MOV     Rd, Rr          <BR>
      MOVW Rd+1:Rd, Rr+1:Rr   <BR>
      IN Rd, A                <BR>
      OUT   A, Rr             <BR>
      PUSH  Rr                <BR>
      POP   Rr                <BR>
      LDI   Rd, K8            <BR>
      LDS   Rd, K16           <BR>
      LD Rd, X                <BR>
      LD Rd, -X               <BR>
      LD Rd, X+               <BR>
      LDD   Rd, Y+K6           <BR>
      LD Rd, -Y               <BR>
      LD Rd, Y+               <BR>
      LDD   Rd, Z+K6           <BR>
      LD Rd, -Z               <BR>
      LD Rd, Z+               <BR>
      STS   K16, Rr           <BR>
      ST X, Rr                <BR>
      ST -X, Rr               <BR>
      ST X+, Rr               <BR>
      STD   Y+K6, Rr           <BR>
      ST -Y, Rr               <BR>
      ST Y+, Rr               <BR>
      STD   Z+K6, Rr           <BR>
      ST -Z, Rr               <BR>
      ST Z+, Rr               <BR>
      LPM                     <BR>
      LPM   Rd, Z             <BR>
      LPM   Rd, Z+            <BR>
      ELPM                    <BR>
      ELPM  Rd, Z             <BR>
      ELPM  Rd, Z+            <BR>
      SPM                     <BR>

   <TD valign="top">
      RJMP  K12               <BR>
      IJMP                    <BR>
      EIJMP                   <BR>
      JMP   K22               <BR>

   <TD valign="top">
      CPSE  Rd, Rr            <BR>
      SBRC  Rr, b             <BR>
      SBRS  Rr, b             <BR>
      SBIC  A, b              <BR>
      SBIS  A, b              <BR>
      BRBC  s, K7             <BR>
      BRBS  s, K7             <BR>

   <TD valign="top">
      RCALL   K12             <BR>
      ICALL                   <BR>
      EICALL                  <BR>
      CALL      K22           <BR>
      RET                     <BR>
      RETI                    <BR>

\b * Multiplications are fully supported by the pipeline (in terms of timing,
wires and registers). However, the multiplication module itself is null-defined
in the ALU, and always returns zero for now. It will be defined and plugged into
the ALU in a future version of pAVR. \n
\b ** Italicized instructions are currently not implemented in pAVR. \n


\defgroup pavr_implementation Implementation

\defgroup pavr_control Pipeline structure
\ingroup pavr_implementation
\par Shift-like flow
pAVR has a pipeline with 6 stages:
   <li> 1. read Program Memory (PM)
   <li> 2. strobe Program Memory output into instruction register (INSTR)
   <li> 3. decode instruction and read Register File (RFRD)
   <li> 4. strobe Register File output (OPS)
   <li> 5. execution or Unified Memory access (ALU)
   <li> 6. write Register File (RFWR)
\image html pavr_pipestruct_01.gif \n
Each pipeline stage is pretty much of an independent state machine. \n
Basically, each pipeline stage receives values from the previous one, in a
   \b shift-like flow. Only the `terminal' registers contain data actually used,
   the previous ones are used just for synchronization. \n
For example, this is how a particular hardware resource request flows through
   pipeline stages s3, s4 until it is processed in s5: \n
\image html pavr_pipestruct_02.gif \n
\b Exceptions from this `normal' flow are the \b stall and \b flush actions, which
   can basically independently stall or reset to zero (force a nop into) any stage.
   Other exceptions are when several registers in such a chain are actually used,
   not only the terminal one. \n
Apart from the (main) pipeline stages above (stages s1-s6), there are a number
   of pipeline stages only needed by a few instructions (such as 16 bit
   arithmetic, some of the skips, returns): s61, s51, s52, s53 and s54. During
   these pipeline stages, the main stages are stalled. \n
Stages s1, s2 are common to all instructions. They bring the instruction from
   Program Memory (PM) into the instruction register (instruction fetch stages). \n
During stage s3, the instruction just read from PM is decoded. That is, the
   following pipeline stages (s4, s5, s6, s61, s51, s52, s53, s54) are
   instructed what to do, by means of dedicated registers. \n
At a given moment, a pipe stage stage can do one of the following actions:
   <li> execute normally \n
        The registers in that stage are loaded with:
         <li> Values from the previous stage, if that stage is different from s1 or s2 or s3
         <li> Some particular values if that stage is s1 or s2 (those values are set by the
            Program Memory manager)
         <li> Values from the instruction decoder, if that stage is s3
   <li> flush (execute nop) \n
      All registers in that stage are reseted to zero.
   <li> stall \n
      All registers in that stage are kept unchanged.

\par Hardware resource managing
Pipeline stages can request access to hardware resources. Access to hardware
   resources is done via dedicated hardware resource managers (one manager
   per hardware resource; one VHDL process per manager). \n
Main hardware resources:
      <li> Register File (RF)
      <li> Bypass Unit (BPU)
         <li> Bypass Register 0 (Bypass chain 0) (BPR0)
         <li> Bypass Register 1 (Bypass chain 1) (BPR1)
         <li> Bypass Register 2 (Bypass chain 2) (BPR2)
      <li> IO File (IOF)
      <li> Status Register (SREG)
      <li> Stack Pointer (SP)
      <li> Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
      <li> Data Access Control Unit (DACU)
      <li> Program Memory (PM)
      <li> Stall and Flush Unit (SFU)
Only one such request can be received by a given resource at a time. If
   multiple accesses are requested from a resource, its access manager
   will assert an error during simulation; that would indicate a design bug. \n
The pipeline is built so that each resource is normally accessed during a
   fixed pipeline stage:
      <li> RF is normally read in s3 and written in s6.
      <li> IOF is normally read/written in s5.
      <li> DM is normally read/written in s5.
      <li> DACU is normally read/written in s5.
      <li> PM is normally read in s1.
However, exceptions can occur. For example, LPM instructions need to read
   PM in stage s5. Also, loads/stores must be able to read/write RF in stage s5. \n
Exceptions are handled at the hardware resource managers level. \n

\par Stall and Flush Unit
Because of the exceptions above, different pipeline stages can compete for a given
   hardware resource. A mechanism must be provided to handle hardware resource
   conflicts. The SFU implements this function, by arbitring hardware resource
   requests. The SFU stalls some instructions (some pipeline stages), while
   allowing others to execute. \n
Stall handling is done through two sets of signals:
      <li> SFU requests (SFU inputs)
         <li> stall requests
         <li> flush requests
         <li> branch requests
         <li> skip requests
         <li> nop requests
      <li> SFU control signals (SFU outputs)
         <li> stall control
         <li> flush control
      There is one pair of stall-flush control signals for each of the pipeline
      stages s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6.
\image html pavr_hwres_sfu_01.gif
Each instruction has an embedded stall behavior, that is decoded by the
instruction decoder. \n
Various instructions in the pipeline, in different execution phases, access the
SFU exactly the same way they access any other hardware resources, through SFU
access requests. \n
The SFU prioritizes stall/flush/branch/skip/nop requests and postpones younger
instructions until older instructions free the hardware resources (SFU hardware
resource including). The postponing process is done through the stall-flush
controls, on a per-pipeline stage basis. \n
The `SFU rule': when a resource conflict appears, the older instruction wins. \n
Some instructions need to insert a nop \b before the instruction `wave front',
   for freeing hardware resources normally used by younger instructions. For
   example, loads must `steal' the Register File read port 1 from younger
   instructions. \n
Nops are inserted by stalling certain pipe stages and flushing other, or
   possibly the same, stages. \n
Other instructions need a nop \b after the instruction wave front, for the
   previous instruction to complete and free hardware resources. For example,
   stores must wait a clock, until the previous instruction frees the Register
   File write port. \n
The two situations differ pretty much from the point of view of the control
   structure. In the second situation, the instruction is required to stall
   and flush itself, which adds additional problems. These problems are solved
   by introducing a dedicated noping state machine in stage s4, whose only
   purpose is to introduce at most one nop \b after any instruction. On the
   other hand, introducing nops \b before an instruction wave front is
   straightforward, as any instruction can stall/flush younger instructions by
   means of SFU requests. \n
The specific SFU requests can be found \ref pavr_hwres_sfu "here".

\par Shadowing
Let's consider the following situation: a load instruction reads the Data Memory
   during pipe stage s5. Suppose that next clock, an older instruction stalls s6,
   during which Data Memory output was supposed to be written into the Register
   File. After another clock, the stall is removed, and s6 requests to write the
   Register File, but the Data Memory output has changed during the stall.
   Corrupted data will be written into the Register File. With the shadow protocol,
   the Data Memory output is saved during the stall. When the stall is removed, the
   Register File is written with the saved data. \n
\b The \b shadow \b protocol \n
If a pipe stage is not permitted to place hardware resource requests, then mark
   every memory-like entity in that stage as having its output `shadowed', and
   write its associated shadow register with the corresponding data output.
   Else, mark it as `unshadowed'. \n
   As long as the memory-like enity is marked `shadowed', it will be read (by
   whatever entity needs that) from its associated shadow register, rather than
   directly from its data output. \n
In order to enable shadowing during multiple, successive stalls, shadow
   memory-like entities only if they aren't already shadowed. \n
Basically, the condition that shadows a memory-like entity's output is `hardware
   resources are disabled during that stage'. However, there are exceptions. For
   example, LPM family instructions steal Program Memory access by stalling the
   instruction that would normally be fetched that time. By stalling, hardware
   resource requests become disabled in that pipe stage. Still, LPM family
   instructions must be able to access directly Program Memory output. Here, the
   PM must not be shadowed even though during its pipe stage s2 (during which PM
   is normally accessed) all hardware requests are disabled by default. \n
Fortunately, there are only a few such exceptions (holes through the shadow
protocol). Overall, the shadow protocol is still a good idea, as it permits natural
& automatic handling of a bunch of registers placed in delicate areas. \n

   <li> Branch prediction with hashed branch prediction table and 2 bit predictor.
   <li> Super-RAM interfacing to Program Memory. \n
      A super-RAM is a classic RAM with two supplemental lines: a mem_rq input
      and a mem_ack output. The device that writes/reads the super-RAM knows that
      it can place an access request when the memory signalizes it's ready via
      mem_ack. Only then, it can place an access request via mem_rq. \n
      A super-RAM is a super-class for classic RAM. That is, a super-RAM becomes
      classic RAM if the RAM ignores mem_rq and keeps continousely mem_ack to 1. \n
      The super-RAM protocol is so flexible that, as an extreme example, it can
      serially (!) interface the Program Memory to the controller. That is, about
      2-3 wires instead of 38 wires, without needing to modify anything in the
      controller. Of course, that would come with a very large speed penalty, but
      it allows choosing the most advantageous compromise between the number of
      wires and speed. The only thing to be done is to add a serial to parallel
      converter, that complies to the super-RAM protocol. \n
      After pAVR is made super-RAM compatible, it can run anyway from a regular
      RAM, as it runs now, by ignoring the two extra lines. Thus, nothing is
      removed, it's only added. No speed penalty should be payed. \n
      A simple way to add the super-RAM interface is to force nops into the
      pipeline as long as the serial-to-parallel converter works on an instruction
      word. \n
   <li> Modify stall handling so that no nops are required \b after the instruction
      wavefront. The instructions could take care of themselves. The idea is that
      a request to a hardware resource that is already in use by an older instruction,
      could \b automatically generate a stall. \n
      That would:
         <li> generally simplify instruction handling
         <li> make average instruction execution slightly faster.


\defgroup pavr_hwres Hardware resources
\ingroup pavr_implementation

\defgroup pavr_hwres_rf Register File
\ingroup pavr_hwres
The Register File is a 3 port memory, with 2 read ports and 1 write port. \n
It has 32 locations, 8 bits each. \n
Separate read and write ports for the upper three 16 bit words are provided.
The upper three 16 bit words are the pointer registers X (at byte address
27:26), Y (29:28) and Z (31:30). \n
The RF is placed at the beginning of the Unified Memory space. \n
\image html pavr_hwres_rf_01.gif

\defgroup pavr_hwres_rf_rd1 Read port 1
\ingroup pavr_hwres_rf
\par Register File read port 1 connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_rf_rd1_01.gif
\par Requests to RF read port 1
   - pavr_s3_rfrd1_rq \n
      Most ALU-requiring instructions need to read an operand from RF read port 1
      in the same clock as the instruction is decoded (here, "to read" = "to
      strobe the read input"). Activate the read signal if necessary, via RF read
      port 1 manager. \n
   - pavr_s5_dacu_rfrd1_rq \n
      \anchor dacu_rq
      \b Note \b 1: This a somehow `missplaced' RF read port 1 request. To keep
      the controller compatible with the AVR architecture, loads and stores must
      operate in the Unified Memory space, that includes Register File, IO File
      and Data Memory. Thus, it is possible for a LOAD to actually transfer, for
      example, data from RF to RF, rather than from DM to RF (depending on the
      addresses involved). \n
      The DACU manager takes the decision which physical device has to be used,
      and places consequent calls to the appropriate hardware resource manager.
      This request is such a call. \n
      \b Note \b 2: The same situation happens with `misplaced' RF writes in
      stores. The stores read from RF and can actually write any of RF, IOF or DM.

\defgroup pavr_hwres_rf_rd2 Read port 2
\ingroup pavr_hwres_rf
\par Register File read port 2 connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_rf_rd2_01.gif
\par Requests to RF read port 2
   - pavr_s3_rfrd2_rq \n
   Needed by 2 operands instructions (most ALU instructions, moves).

\defgroup pavr_hwres_rf_wr Write port
\ingroup pavr_hwres_rf
\par Register File write port connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_rf_wr_01.gif
\par Requests to RF write port
   - pavr_s6_aluoutlo8_rfwr_rq \n
      Request to write the lower 8 bits of the ALU result into the Register File. \n
   - pavr_s61_aluouthi8_rfwr_rq \n
      Request to write the higher 8 bits of the ALU result into RF. \n
   - pavr_s6_iof_rfwr_rq \n
      Request to write IOF data out into RF. \n
      Needed by IN, BLD.
   - pavr_s6_dacu_rfwr_rq \n
      Request to write Unified Memory data out (DACU data out) into RF. \n
      Needed by loads and POP.
   - pavr_s6_pm_rfwr_rq \n
      Request to write Program Memory data out into RF. \n
      Needed by LPM, ELPM.
   - pavr_s5_dacu_rfwr_rq \n
      Request to write RF out into RF. \n
      Needed by stores and PUSH. \n
      See \ref dacu_rq "Note 2".

\defgroup pavr_hwres_rf_xwr X port
\ingroup pavr_hwres_rf
\par X port connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_rf_xwr_01.gif
This is a read and write port. \n
The contents of the X register is permanently available for reading, under the
name `pavr_rf_x'. \n
The X write port consists of a data in (pavr_rf_x_di) and a write strobe
\par Requests to X write port
   - pavr_s5_ldstincrampx_xwr_rq \n
      Increment X. \n
      If the controller has more than 64KB memory, than increment RAMPX:X (24
      bits) rather than X (16 bits). \n
      Needed by loads and stores with postincrement. \n
   - pavr_s5_ldstdecrampx_xwr_rq \n
      Decrement X. \n
      If more than 64KB memory, than decrement RAMPX:X rather than X. \n
      Needed by loads and stores with predecrement. \n

\defgroup pavr_hwres_rf_ywr Y port
\ingroup pavr_hwres_rf
\par Y port connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_rf_ywr_01.gif
This is a read and write port. \n
\par Requests to Y write port
   - pavr_s5_ldstincrampy_ywr_rq \n
      Increment Y or RAMPY:Y. \n
      Needed by loads and stores with postincrement. \n
   - pavr_s5_ldstdecrampy_ywr_rq \n
      Decrement Y or RAMPY:Y. \n
      Needed by loads and stores with predecrement. \n

\defgroup pavr_hwres_rf_zwr Z port
\ingroup pavr_hwres_rf
\par Z port connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_rf_zwr_01.gif
This is a read and write port. \n
\par Requests to Z write port
   - pavr_s5_ldstincrampz_zwr_rq \n
      Increment Z or RAMPZ:Z. \n
      Needed by loads and stores with postincrement. \n
   - pavr_s5_ldstdecrampz_zwr_rq \n
      Decrement Z or RAMPZ:Z. \n
      Needed by loads and stores with predecrement. \n
   - pavr_s5_lpminc_zwr_rq \n
      Increment Z. \n
      Needed by LPM with postincrement. \n
   - pavr_s5_elpmincrampz_zwr_rq \n
      Increment RAMPZ:Z. \n
      Needed by ELPM with postincrement. \n

\defgroup pavr_hwres_bpu Bypass Unit
\ingroup pavr_hwres
\par General considerations
The Bypass Unit (BPU) is a FIFO-like temporary storage area, that keeps data to
be written into the Register File. \n
If an instruction computes a value that must be written into the Register File
(RF) (an ALU instruction, for example) it first writes the BPU, and then (or at
the same time) actually writes the RF. \n
If the following instructions need an operand from the RF, at the same
address where the previous result should have been written into the RF, they will
actually read that operand from the BPU rather than from RF. \n
This way, `read before write' pipeline hazards are avoided. \n
The specific situations where BPU is needed are:
   - when reading Register File operand(s). \n
      Reading Register File operands is done through the BPU.
   - when reading pointer registers. \n
      Reading pointer registers is done through the BPU.

\par Details
The algorithm of using BPU:
   <li> the instruction that wants to write a result into the RF, writes first the
      BPU with 3 data fields:
      <li> the result itself
      <li> result's address into RF
      <li> a flag that marks this BPU entry as having valid data (a so-called
         `active' flag)
   <li> next instruction(s) that need an operand from RF, read it through
      a dedicated function (combinational logic), that does the following:
      <li> checks all BPU entries and see which ones are active (hold meaningful
      <li> compares operand's address against the addresses in all active BPU
      <li> if a single address matches, gets the data in that BPU entry rather than
         data from the RF.
      <li> if multiple addresses match, gets the data in the most recent BPU entry.
         Even though it's possible that 2 matches happen at simultaneous BPU
         entries, this situation should never occur; it would indicate a design
         bug. This illegal situation would assert an error during simulation.
      <li> if no address matches, gets data from the RF (as if BPU were not
The maximum delay between a write and a read from the RF is 4 clocks. Thus, the
BPU FIFO-like structure has a depth of 4. \n
On the other hand, the BPU must be able to be written 3  one byte operands, at a
time (must have 3 write ports). The most BPU demanding instructions are stores with
pre(post) decrement(increment). Both the one byte data and a 2 byte pointer register
must be written into the BPU, as well as into the RF. The 3 bytes are
simultaneousely written into so-called `BPU chains' or `BPU registers' (BPU
chains 0, 1, 2; or BPU registers 0, 1, 2; or BPR0, BPR1, BPR2). \n
The BPU has 3x4 entries, each consisting of:
   - an 8 bit data field
   - a 5 bit address field
   - a flag that marks the entry as active or inactive

\par Accessing BPU:
\image html pavr_hwres_bpu_01.gif

\defgroup pavr_hwres_bpr0 Bypass chain 0
\ingroup pavr_hwres_bpu
\par Bypass chain 0 (BPR0) write port connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_bpr0_01.gif
\par Requests to BPR0 write port
   - pavr_s5_alu_bpr0wr_rq \n
      Need by regular ALU instructions. \n
   - pavr_s6_iof_bpr0wr_rq \n
      Needed by instructions that read the IO File (IN, BLD).
   - pavr_s6_daculd_bpr0wr_rq \n
      Needed by loads.
   - pavr_s5_dacust_bpr0wr_rq \n
      Needed by stores.
   - pavr_s6_pmdo_bpr0wr_rq \n
      Needed by LPM family instructions.

\defgroup pavr_hwres_bpr1 Bypass chain 1
\ingroup pavr_hwres_bpu
\par Bypass chain 1 (BPR1) write port connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_bpr1_01.gif
\par Requests to BPR1 write port
   - pavr_s5_alu_bpr1wr_rq \n
      Need by regular ALU instructions that have a 16 bit result (ADIW, SBIW,
   - pavr_s5_dacux_bpr12wr_rq \n
      Needed by loads and stores with pre(post) decrement(increment). \n
      Lower byte of X pointer will be written into BPR1.
   - pavr_s5_dacuy_bpr12wr_rq \n
      Needed by loads and stores with pre(post) decrement(increment). \n
      Lower byte of Y pointer will be written into BPR1.
   - pavr_s5_dacuz_bpr12wr_rq \n
      Needed by loads and stores with pre(post) decrement(increment). \n
      Lower byte of Z pointer will be written into BPR1.

\defgroup pavr_hwres_bpr2 Bypass chain 2
\ingroup pavr_hwres_bpu
\par Bypass chain 2 (BPR2) write port connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_bpr2_01.gif
\par Requests to BPR2 write port
   - pavr_s5_dacux_bpr12wr_rq \n
      Needed by loads and stores with pre(post) decrement(increment). \n
      Higher byte of X pointer will be written into BPR2.
   - pavr_s5_dacuy_bpr12wr_rq \n
      Needed by loads and stores with pre(post) decrement(increment). \n
      Higher byte of Y pointer will be written into BPR2.
   - pavr_s5_dacuz_bpr12wr_rq
      Needed by loads and stores with pre(post) decrement(increment). \n
      Higher byte of Z pointer will be written into BPR2.

\defgroup pavr_hwres_iof IO File
\ingroup pavr_hwres
The IO File is composed of a set of discrete registers, that are grouped into a
memory-like entity. The IO File has a general write/read port that is
byte-oriented, and separate read and write ports for each register in the IO
File. \n
\image html pavr_hwres_iof_01.gif
Each IO File register is assigned a unique address in the IO space. That address
is defined in the in the constants definition file
(`pavr-constants.vhd'). \n
The IO space is placed in the Unified Memory just above the RF, that is, starting
with address 32. \n
The IO addressing space range is 0...63 (Unified Memory addresses 32...95). \n
Undefined IO registers will read an undefined value. \n

\defgroup pavr_hwres_iof_gen General IO port
\ingroup pavr_hwres_iof
\par General IO File port connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_iof_gen_01.gif
The general IO File port is a little bit more ellaborated than a simple read/write
port. It can read bytes from IO registers to output and write bytes from input to
IO registers. Also, it can do some bit processing: load bits (from T flag in SREG to
output), store bits (from input to T bit in SREG), set IO bits, clear IO bits. \n
An opcode has to be provided to specify one of the actions that this port is
capable of. \n
The following \b opcodes are implemented for the IO File general port:
   - read byte (needed by instructions IN, SBIC, SBIS)
   - write byte (OUT)
   - clear bit (CBI)
   - set bit (SBI)
   - load bit (BLD)
   - store bit (BST)

\par Requests to this port
   - pavr_s5_iof_rq \n
      Needed by instructions that manipulate IO File in stage s5: CBI, SBI, SBIC,
   - pavr_s6_iof_rq \n
      Needed by instructions that manipulate IO File in stage s6: CBI, SBI, BSET,
   - pavr_s5_dacu_iof_rq \n
      Needed by loads and stores that are decoded by DACU as accessing IO File. \n

\defgroup pavr_hwres_iof_sregwr SREG port
\ingroup pavr_hwres_iof
\par SREG port connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_iof_sreg_01.gif
\par Requests to this port
   - pavr_s5_alu_sregwr_rq \n
      This signalizes that an instruction that uses the ALU wants to update the
      arithmetic flags. \n
      Flags I (general interrupt enable, SREG(7)) and T (transfer bit, SREG(6))
      are left unchanged. \n
   -  pavr_s5_setiflag_sregwr_rq \n
      This sets the I flag. \n
      Only RETI instruction needs this.
   - pavr_s5_clriflag_sregwr_rq \n
      This clears the I flag. \n
      No instruction explicitely requests this. \n
      This is only requested when an interrupt is acknowledged (during the
      consequent implicit CALL). \n

\defgroup pavr_hwres_iof_spwr SP port
\ingroup pavr_hwres_iof
\par SP port connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_iof_sp_01.gif
This the stack pointer. \n
It is 16 bits wide, being composed of two 8 bit registers, SPL and SPH. \n
The stack can reside anywhere in the Unified Memory space. That is, anywhere in
the RF, IOF or DM. It can even begin, for example, in RF and continue in IOF.
However, placing the stack pointer in the IOF is likely to be a programming error,
as the IOF registers have dedicated functions. Quasi-random values from stack
written into IOF could result, for example, in an unpredictably trigerring any
interrupt, and in general, in unpredictable behavior of the controller. \n

\par Requests to this port
   - pavr_s5_inc_spwr_rq \n
      Increment SP (SPH & SPL) with 1. \n
      Needed by POP.
   - pavr_s5_dec_spwr_rq \n
      Increment SP with 1. \n
      Needed by PUSH.
   - pavr_s5_calldec_spwr_rq \n
      Decrement SP with 1. \n
      Needed by RCALL, ICALL, EICALL, CALL, interrupt implicit CALL.
   - pavr_s51_calldec_spwr_rq \n
      Decrement SP with 1. \n
      Needed by RCALL, ICALL, EICALL, CALL, interrupt implicit CALL.
   - pavr_s52_calldec_spwr_rq \n
      Decrement SP with 1. \n
      Needed by RCALL, ICALL, EICALL, CALL, interrupt implicit CALL.
   - pavr_s5_retinc2_spwr_rq \n
      Increment SP with 2. \n
      Needed by RET, RETI.
   - pavr_s51_retinc_spwr_rq \n
      Increment SP with 1. \n
      Needed by RET, RETI. \n

\defgroup pavr_hwres_iof_rampxwr RAMPX port
\ingroup pavr_hwres_iof
\par RAMPX port connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_iof_rampx_01.gif
\par Requests to this port
   - pavr_s5_ldstincrampx_xwr_rq \n
      Needed by loads and stores with postincrement. \n
      Only modify RAMPX if the controller has more than 64 KB of Data Mamory.
   - pavr_s5_ldstdecrampx_xwr_rq \n
      Needed by loads and stores with predecrement. \n
      Only modify RAMPX if the controller has more than 64 KB of Data Mamory. \n

\defgroup pavr_hwres_iof_rampywr RAMPY port
\ingroup pavr_hwres_iof
\par RAMPY port connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_iof_rampy_01.gif
\par Requests to this port
   - pavr_s5_ldstincrampy_xwr_rq \n
      Needed by loads and stores with postincrement. \n
      Only modify RAMPY if the controller has more than 64 KB of Data Mamory.
   - pavr_s5_ldstdecrampy_xwr_rq \n
      Needed by loads and stores with predecrement. \n
      Only modify RAMPY if the controller has more than 64 KB of Data Mamory. \n

\defgroup pavr_hwres_iof_rampzwr RAMPZ port
\ingroup pavr_hwres_iof
\par RAMPZ port connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_iof_rampz_01.gif
\par Requests to this port
   - pavr_s5_ldstincrampz_xwr_rq \n
      Needed by loads and stores with postincrement. \n
      Only modify RAMPZ if the controller has more than 64 KB of Data Mamory.
   - pavr_s5_ldstdecrampz_xwr_rq \n
      Needed by loads and stores with predecrement. \n
      Only modify RAMPZ if the controller has more than 64 KB of Data Mamory. \n

\defgroup pavr_hwres_iof_rampdwr RAMPD port
\ingroup pavr_hwres_iof
\par RAMPD port connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_iof_rampd_01.gif
This is a trivial read-only port. \n
The register RAMPD is used in controllers with more than 64KB of Data Memory,
to access the whole Data Memory space. \n
RAMPD is used by instructions LDS (LoaD direct from data Space) and STS (STore
direct to data Space). In order to get to the desired Data Memory space address,
these instructions concatenate RAMPD with a 16 bit constant from the instruction
word (RAMPD:k16). \n
In controllers with less than 64KB of Data Memory, this register is not used. \n
The RAMPD register can be written only through the IOF general read and write port. \n
No instruction explicitely requests to write this register. \n

\defgroup pavr_hwres_iof_eindwr EIND port
\ingroup pavr_hwres_iof
\par EIND port connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_iof_eind_01.gif
This is a trivial read-only port. \n
The register EIND is used in controllers with more than 64K words of Program
Memory, to access the whole program space. \n
EIND is used by instructions EICALL (Extended Indirect CALL) and EIJMP (Extended
Indirect JuMP). In order to get to the desired program space address, these
instructions concatenate EIND with the Z register (EIND:Z). \n
In controllers with less than 64K words of Program Memory, this register is not
used. \n
The EIND register can be written only through the IOF general read and write
port. \n
No instruction explicitely requests to write this register. \n

\defgroup pavr_hwres_iof_perif Peripherals
\ingroup pavr_hwres_iof
Peripherals are only of secondary importance for this project. \n
However, an \ref pavr_hwres_iof_perif_pa  "IO port", an
\ref pavr_hwres_iof_perif_int0 "external interrupt" and an
\ref pavr_hwres_iof_perif_t0 "8 bit timer" are implemented, to properly test the
interrupt system. \n
Peripherals have been designed to be \b decoupled from the kernel. They are easily
upgradable, without needing to touch the kernel. \n

\defgroup pavr_hwres_iof_perif_pa Port A
\ingroup pavr_hwres_iof_perif
\par Port A structure
The port A offers 8 bidirectional general purpose IO lines. \n
Lines 0 and 1 also have alternate functions:
   <li> line 0 can be used as \ref pavr_hwres_iof_perif_int0 "external interrupt 0" input
   <li> line 1 can be used as \ref pavr_hwres_iof_perif_t0 "timer 0" clock input.
Port A is managed through 3 IO File locations: \b PORTA, \b DDRA and \b PINA. \n
\b DDRA sets each pin's direction: DDRA(i)=0 means that line i is input,
DDRA(i)=1 means that line i is output. \n
When writing a value to the port, that value goes into \b PORTA. If DDRA configures
the corresponding lines as outputs, the contents of PORTA will be available on
external  pins. However, if DDRA configures the lines as inputs (DDRA(i)=0), then:
   <li> if PORTA(i)=0, the line i is `pure' input (High Z). \n
   <li> if PORTA(i)=1, the line i is an input weakly pulled high. \n
\b PINA reads the physical value of external lines, rather than PORTA. \n
\par Port A schematics
\image html pavr_hwres_iof_perif_pa_01.gif

\defgroup pavr_hwres_iof_perif_int0 External interrupt 0
\ingroup pavr_hwres_iof_perif
\par Features
External interrupt 0 is physically mapped on the line 0 (bit 0) of
\ref pavr_hwres_iof_perif_pa "port A". \n
Its associated interrupt flag resides into the IO File register GIFR (General
Interrupt Flags Register): \n
\image html pavr_hwres_iof_perif_int0_01.gif
External interrupt 0 is enabled/disabled by setting/clearing bit 6 in GIMSK
(General Interrupt Mask) register: \n
\image html pavr_hwres_iof_perif_int0_02.gif
If enabled, it can trigger an interrupt on high-to-low transition, low-to-high
transition, or on a low level of the interrupt 0 input. This behavior is defined
by 2 bits in the MCUCR (Microcontroller Control) register: \n
\image html pavr_hwres_iof_perif_int0_03.gif

\defgroup pavr_hwres_iof_perif_t0 Timer 0
\ingroup pavr_hwres_iof_perif
\par Features
The IO File register that holds the current count is TCNT0. \n
Its behavior is controlled by a set of other IO File registers:
   - TIFR (Timer Interrupt Flag Register) holds the Timer 0 interrupt flag: \n
      \image html pavr_hwres_iof_perif_t0_02.gif
   - TIMSK (Timer Interrupt Mask) contains the flag that enables/disables Timer 0
      interrupt: \n
      \image html pavr_hwres_iof_perif_t0_03.gif
   - TCCR0 (Timer 0 Control Register) register defines the prescaling source of
      Timer 0. \n
      When external input pin is selected, Timer 0 clock source will be the line 0
      of \ref pavr_hwres_iof_perif_pa "port A": \n
      \image html pavr_hwres_iof_perif_t0_01.gif

\defgroup pavr_hwres_alu ALU
\ingroup pavr_hwres
\par ALU connectivity:
\image html pavr_hwres_alu_01.gif
\ref alu_pipe_ref_01 "Here" it can be seen how the ALU plugs into the pipeline. \n
The ALU is a 100% \b combinational device. \n
It accepts 2 operands:
   <li> a 16 bit operand \n
      This is taken through the Bypass Unit.
   <li> an 8 bit operand \n
      This is taken through the Bypass Unit.
The ALU output is 16 bits wide. \n

\par ALU opcodes:
   - NOP \n
   - OP1 \n
      Transfers operand 1 directly to the ALU output. \n
     OP2 \n
      Transfers operand 2 directly to the lower 8 bits of ALU output. \n
   -  ADD8 \n
      ADC8 \n
      Adds with carry lower 8 bits of operand 1 with operand 2. \n
      SUB8 \n
      SBC8 \n
   -  AND8 \n
      EOR8 \n
      OR8 \n
   -  INC8 \n
      DEC8 \n
   -  COM8 \n
      NEG8 \n
      SWAP8 \n
   -  LSR8 \n
      ASR8 \n
      ROR8 \n
   -  ADD16 \n
      Adds without carry operand 1 with operand 2 sign extended to 16 bits. \n
      SUB16 \n
   -  MUL8 \n
      MULS8 \n
      MULSU8 \n
      FMUL8 \n
      FMULS8 \n
      FMULSU8 \n

\par ALU flags:
- H (half carry)
- S (sign)
- V (two's complement)
- N (negative)
- Z (zero)
- C (carry)

\defgroup pavr_hwres_dacu DACU
\ingroup pavr_hwres
\par Overview
The Data Address Calculation Unit offers a unified read and write access over the
concatenated RF, IOF and DM space, that is, over the Unified Memory (UM) space. \n
Loads and stores operate in the UM space. They use the DACU in order to translate
the Unified Memory address into a RF, IOF or DM address. \n
The DACU takes requests to read or write into UM space, translates the UM address
into RF, IOF or DM address, and transparently places requests to read or write
the specific hardware resource (RF, IOF or DM) that corresponds to the given UM
address. \n

\par Reading DACU
\image html pavr_hwres_dacu_01.gif
DACU read \b requests:
   <li> pavr_s5_x_dacurd_rq <br>
         Needed by loads from address given by X pointer register.
   <li> pavr_s5_y_dacurd_rq <br>
         Needed by loads from address given by Y pointer register.
   <li> pavr_s5_z_dacurd_rq <br>
         Needed by loads from address given by Z pointer register.
   <li> pavr_s5_sp_dacurd_rq <br>
         Needed by POP instruction.
   <li> pavr_s5_k16_dacurd_rq <br>
         Needed by LDS instruction. <br>
         If the controller has more than 64KB of Data Memory, the Unified Memory
         address is built by concatenating the RAMPD with the 16 bit constant.
   <li> pavr_s5_pchi8_dacurd_rq <br>
         The higher 8 bits of the PC are loaded from the stack. <br>
         Needed by RET and RETI instructions.
   <li> pavr_s51_pcmid8_dacurd_rq <br>
         The middle 8 bits of the PC are loaded from the stack. <br>
         Needed by RET and RETI instructions.
   <li> pavr_s52_pclo8_dacurd_rq <br>
         The lower 8 bits of the PC are loaded from the stack. <br>
         Needed by RET and RETI instructions.
As a response to read requests, the DACU places read \b requests to RF, IOF or DM:
   <li> pavr_s5_dacu_rfrd1_rq
   <li> pavr_s5_dacu_iof_rq
   <li> pavr_s5_dacu_dmrd_rq
\par Writing DACU
\image html pavr_hwres_dacu_02.gif
DACU write \b requests:
   <li> pavr_s5_x_dacuwr_rq <br>
         Needed by stores to address given by X pointer register.
   <li> pavr_s5_y_dacuwr_rq <br>
         Needed by stores to address given by Y pointer register.
   <li> pavr_s5_z_dacuwr_rq <br>
         Needed by stores to address given by Z pointer register.
   <li> pavr_s5_sp_dacuwr_rq <br>
         Needed by PUSH instruction. <br>
   <li> pavr_s5_k16_dacuwr_rq <br>
         Needed by STS instruction. <br>
         If the controller has more than 64KB of Data Memory, the Unified Memory
         address is built by concatenating the RAMPD with the 16 bit constant.
   <li> pavr_s5_pclo8_dacuwr_rq <br>
         The lower 8 bits of the PC are stored on the stack. <br>
         Needed by CALL family instructions (CALL, RCALL, ICALL, EICALL, implicit
         interrupt CALL).
   <li> pavr_s51_pcmid8_dacuwr_rq <br>
         The middle 8 bits of the PC are stored on the stack. <br>
         Needed by CALL family instructions.
   <li> pavr_s52_pchi8_dacuwr_rq <br>
         The higher 8 bits of the PC are stored on the stack. <br>
         Needed by CALL family instructions.
As a response to write requests, the DACU places write \b requests to RF, IOF or DM,
   and BPU:
   <li> pavr_s5_dacu_rfwr_rq
   <li> pavr_s5_dacu_iof_rq
   <li> pavr_s5_dacu_dmwr_rq
   <li> pavr_s5_dacust_bpr0wr_rq

\defgroup pavr_hwres_dm Data Memory
\ingroup pavr_hwres
\par Data Memory connectivity
\image html pavr_hwres_dm_01.gif
The Data Memory is a single port RAM. \n
That port provides both read and write DM accesses. \n
The DM is organized on bytes, and has the length set by a constant in the
constants definition file (`pavr-constants.vhd'). \n
\par Requests to DM
Requests to access DM come only from the DACU: \n
   - pavr_s5_dacu_dmrd_rq \n
   - pavr_s5_dacu_dmwr_rq \n

\defgroup pavr_hwres_pm Program Memory
\ingroup pavr_hwres
\par PM handling
\image html pavr_hwres_pm_01.gif
The Program Memory is a single port RAM. \n
That port provides read-only access. Support for the instruction SPM (Store
Program Memory) is currently not provided. \n
The PM is organized on 16 bit words, and has the length set by a constant in the
constants definition file (`pavr-constants.vhd'). \n
Apart from controlling the Program Memory, the PM manager also controls the Program
Counter. \n
Some PM access requests need to modify the PC, others don't. The only PM requests
that don't modify the PC are the loads from PM (LPM and ELPM instructions). The
other requests correspond to instructions that want to modify the instruction
flow, thus modify the PC (jumps, branches, calls and returns). \n

\par Program Counter handling
At a given time, the pipeline can process more than one instruction. Up to 6
instructions can be simultaneousely processed. Obviousely, each of these
instructions has its own address in the PM. \n
One may ask: how is defined the Program Counter, as long as two or more instructions
are simultaneousely executed? Whose address is considered to be the Program Counter? \n
The answer is: the Program Counter is in fact composed of a set of registers. Each
instruction in the pipeline has an associated Program Counter that follows it
while flowing through the pipeline. Implementation details can be found in the
description of \ref pavr_pipeline_jumps "jumps", \ref pavr_pipeline_branches "branches",
\ref pavr_pipeline_skips "skips", \ref pavr_pipeline_calls "calls" and
\ref pavr_pipeline_returns "returns". \n
As an example, when a relative jump computes the target address, it considers its
own Program Counter rather than the address of the instruction fetched that
moment from the PM.
The instructions that modify the instruction flow (jumps, branches, skips, calls
and returns) must be able to manipulate the program counters associated with
pipeline stages s1, s2 and s3. However, this is done not directly, but via the
Program Memory manager. The PM manager centralizes all instruction flow access
requests (jump requests, branch requests, etc) and takes care of the program
counters in an organized and manageable manner. \n

\par Requests to PM
   - pavr_s5_lpm_pm_rq \n
      Needed by LPM instruction. \n
      This request doesn't modify the instruction flow. \n
   - pavr_s5_elpm_pm_rq \n
      Needed by ELPM instruction. \n
      This request doesn't modify the instruction flow. \n
   - pavr_s4_z_pm_rq \n
      Needed by ICALL and IJMP. \n
   - pavr_s4_zeind_pm_rq \n
      Needed by EICALL and EIJMP. \n
   - pavr_s4_k22abs_pm_rq \n
      Needed by CALL and JMP. \n
      To get to the jump address, the 16 bit instruction constant is concatenated
      with a 6 bit constant previousely read also from the instruction opcode.
   - pavr_s4_k12rel_pm_rq \n
      Needed by RCALL and RJMP. \n
      Note that pavr_s4_pc is a pipeline register that holds the Program Memory
      address of the instruction executing in pipeline stage s4. \n
      Because the relative jump actually occurs in stage s4, pavr_s4_pc is needed
      rather than the current Program Counter (pavr_pc).
   - pavr_s6_branch_pm_rq \n
      Needed by branch instructions (BRBC and BRBS). \n
   - pavr_s6_skip_pm_rq \n
      Needed by some skip instructions (CPSE, SBRC and SBRS). \n
   - pavr_s61_skip_pm_rq \n
      Needed by some skip instructions (SBIC and SBIS). \n
   - pavr_s4_k22int_pm_rq \n
      Needed by implicit interrupt CALL. \n
   - pavr_s54_ret_pm_rq \n
      Needed by RET and RETI. \n

\defgroup pavr_hwres_sfu Stall and Flush Unit
\ingroup pavr_hwres
The pipeline controls its own stall and flush status, through specific stall and
   flush-related request signals. These requests are sent to the Stall and Flush
   Unit (SFU). The output of the SFU is a set of signals that directly control
   pipeline stages (a stall and flush control signals pair for each stage): \n
\image html pavr_hwres_sfu_01.gif
\par Requests to SFU
   - stall requests \n
      The SFU stalls \b all younger stages. However, by stalling-only, the
         current instruction is spawned into 2 instances. One of them must
         be killed (flushed). The the younger instance is killed (the
         previous stage is flushed). \n
      Thus, a nop is introduced in the pipeline \b  before the instruction
         wavefront. \n
      If more than one stage request a stall at the same time, the older
         one has priority (the younger one will be stalled along with the
         others). Only after that, the younger one will be ackowledged its
         stall by means of appropriate stall and flush control signals. \n
      Stall \b requests:
      - pavr_s3_stall_rq \n
      - pavr_s5_stall_rq \n
      - pavr_s6_stall_rq
   - flush requests \n
      The SFU simply flushes that stage. \n
      More than one flush could be acknolewdged at the same time, without
         competition. However, all flush requests happen to request to flush the
         same pipeline stage, s2. \n
      Flush \b requests:
      - pavr_s3_flush_s2_rq \n
      - pavr_s4_flush_s2_rq \n
      - pavr_s4_ret_flush_s2_rq \n
      - pavr_s5_ret_flush_s2_rq \n
      - pavr_s51_ret_flush_s2_rq \n
      - pavr_s52_ret_flush_s2_rq \n
      - pavr_s53_ret_flush_s2_rq \n
      - pavr_s54_ret_flush_s2_rq \n
      - pavr_s55_ret_flush_s2_rq \n
   - branch requests \n
      The SFU flushes stages s2...s5, because the corresponding instructions were
      already uselessly fetched, and requests the PC to be loaded with the branch
      relative jump address. \n
      Branch \b requests:
      - pavr_s6_branch_rq \n
   - skip requests \n
      The SFU treats skips as branches that have the relative jump address equal to
      0, 1 or 2, depending on the skip condition and on next instruction's length
      (16/32 bits). \n
      Skip \b requests:
      - pavr_s6_skip_rq \n
      - pavr_s61_skip_rq
   - nop requests \n
      The SFU stalls all younger instructions. The current instruction is
         spawned into 2 instances. The older instance is killed (the very
         same stage that requested the nop stage is flushed). \n
      Thus, a nop is introduced in the pipeline \b  after the instruction
         wavefront. \n
      In order to do that, a micro-state machine is needed outside the
         pipeline, because otherwise that stage would undefinitely stall
         itself. \n
      Nop \b requests: \n
      - pavr_s4_nop_rq \n
\par SFU control signals
Each main pipeline stage (s1-s6) has 2 kinds of control signals, that are generated by
   the SFU:
   <li> stall control \n
      All registers in this stage are instructed to remain unchanged
         All possible requests to hardware resources (such as RF, IOF, BPU,
         DACU, SREG, etc) are reseted (to 0).
   <li> flush control \n
      All registers in this stage are reseted (to 0), to a most "benign"
         state (a nop). Also, all requests to hardware resources are
Each main pipeline stage has an associated flag that determines whether or not
that stage has the right to access hardware resources. These flags are also
managed by the SFU. \n
Hardware resources enabling flags:
   - pavr_s1_hwrq_en
   - pavr_s2_hwrq_en
   - pavr_s3_hwrq_en
   - pavr_s4_hwrq_en
   - pavr_s5_hwrq_en
   - pavr_s6_hwrq_en

\defgroup pavr_pipeline Pipeline details
\ingroup pavr_implementation

\defgroup pavr_pipeline_alu ALU
\ingroup pavr_pipeline
\par ALU description
The ALU is not a potentially conflicting resource, as it is fully controlled by
pipeline stage s5. \n
There are two ALU operands. The first operand is taken either from RF read port 1,
if it's an 8 bit operand, or taken from RF read port 1 (lower 8 bits) and from RF
read port 2 (higher 8 bits), if it's a 16 bit operand. The second operand is taken
either from the RF read port 2 or directly from the instruction opcode; it is
always 8 bit-wide. \n
Both operands are fed to the ALU through the Bypass Unit. \n
All ALU-requiring instructions write their result into the Bypass Unit. \n
Details about the ALU hardware resource (connectivity, ALU opcodes) can be found
\ref pavr_hwres_alu "here". \n
Instructions that make use of the ALU-related pipeline registers:
   - INC, DEC
   - AND, ANDI
   - OR, ORI, EOR
   - LSR, ROR, ASR
   - MOV, MOVW

\par Plugging the ALU into the pipeline
The pipeline registers related to ALU access are presented in the picture below. \n
From this picture, it can also easely figured out instructions' timing. \n
\anchor alu_pipe_ref_01
\image html pavr_pipe_alu_01.gif

\defgroup pavr_pipeline_iof IOF access
\ingroup pavr_pipeline
\par A few details
The IO File is accessed during stages s5 or/and s6. \n
As presented \ref pavr_hwres_iof_gen "here", the IO File can do more than
byte-oriented read-write operations. It can also do bit processing. \n
The following data is provided to the IOF, for each pipeline stage in which IOF
   access is required:
   - byte address
   - bit address
   - opcode
   - byte data in

\par Accessing the IOF
Main pipeline registers that implement IOF accessing instructions are presented
here: \n
\image html pavr_pipe_iof_01.gif

\defgroup pavr_pipeline_dacu DACU access
\ingroup pavr_pipeline
\par A few details
The Data Address Calculation Unit (DACU) handles the Unified Memory, by mapping
Unified Memory addresses into Register File, IO File or Data Memory addresses. \n
It also transparently places access requests to RF, IOF or DM, as response to UM
access requests. \n
More details on DACU requests can be found \ref pavr_hwres_dacu "here". \n
\par Plugging the DACU into the pipeline
\image html pavr_pipe_dacu_01.gif

\defgroup pavr_pipeline_jumps Jumps
\ingroup pavr_pipeline
\par A few details
There are 4 jump instructions:
   <li> RJMP (relative jump) \n
      The jump address is obtained by adding to the current Program Counter a 12
      bit signed offset obtained from the instruction word.
   <li> IJMP (indirect jump) \n
      The jump address is read from the Z pointer register. \n
      The jump destination resides in the lower 64 Kwords of Program Memory. \n
   <li> EIJMP (extended indirect jump) \n
      The jump address is read from EIND:Z (higher 6 bis from EIND register in IOF,
      and lower 16 bits from Z pointer in RF). \n
      This jump accesses the whole 22 bit addressing space of the Program Memory. \n
   <li> JMP (long jump) \n
      The jump address is read from two consecutive instruction words. \n
      This jump accesses the whole 22 bit addressing space of the Program Memory. \n
When a jump is detected into the pipeline, next two instructions (that were already
uselessly fetched from the Program Memory) are flushed. Then, the Program Memory
manager is asked permission to access the Program Memory and to modify the
instruction flow (modify the Program Counter). \n
After that, unless it gets flushed or stalled by an older instruction, the jump
instruction will configure the pipeline to fetch from the new PM address. \n
RJMP and JMP take 3 clocks, while IJMP and EIJMP take 4 clocks. \n

\par Jump state machine
\image html pavr_pipe_jumps_01.gif

\defgroup pavr_pipeline_branches Branches
\ingroup pavr_pipeline
\par A few details
The branches condition a 7 bit relative jump by the value of a bit in the Status
Register. \n
If the branch condition is not met, no further action is taken. However, if the
branch condition is evaluated as true, then all previous stages are flushed and
the Stall and Flush Unit is requestd a branch. The SFU, in turn, asks the PM
manager permission to access the Program Memory and modify the program flow. \n
Branches take place in stage s6. \n
Not taken branches take 2 clocks, while taken branches take 4 clocks. \n

\par Branch state machine
\image html pavr_pipe_branches_01.gif

\defgroup pavr_pipeline_skips Skips
\ingroup pavr_pipeline
\par A few details
Skips are implemented as branches that have the relative target address equal to
0, 1 or 2, depending on the skip condition and on whether the following
instruction has 16 or 32 bits. \n
There are two kinds of skips: one category that makes the skip request in stage
s6 (the same as branches), and one that requests skip in s61. The first category
includes instructions CPSE (Compare registers and skip if equal), SBRC and SBRS
(skip if bit in register is cleared/set). The second category includes SBIC, SBIS
(Skip if bit in IO register is cleared/set). \n
CPSE, SBRC and SBRS take 2 clocks if not taken, and 4 clocks if taken. \n
SBIC and SBIS take 3 clocks if not taken, and 5 clocks if taken. \n

\par Skip state machine
\image html pavr_pipe_skips_01.gif

\defgroup pavr_pipeline_calls Calls
\ingroup pavr_pipeline
\par A few details
There are 4 call instructions, analogue to the \ref pavr_pipeline_jumps "jump"
   <li> RCALL (relative call) \n
      The call address is obtained by adding to the current Program Counter a 12
      bit signed offset obtained from the instruction word.
   <li> ICALL (indirect call) \n
      The call address is read from the Z pointer register. \n
      The destination resides in the lower 64 Kwords of Program Memory. \n
   <li> EICALL (extended indirect call) \n
      The call address is read from EIND:Z (higher 6 bis from EIND register in IOF,
      and lower 16 bits from Z pointer in RF). \n
      This call accesses the whole 22 bit addressing space of the Program Memory. \n
   <li> CALL (far call) \n
      The call address is read from two consecutive instruction words. \n
      This call accesses the whole 22 bit addressing space of the Program Memory. \n
Apart from these, there is another kind of call, automatically inserted into the
pipeline when an interrupt is processed. In addition to the regular calls, the
implicit interrupt call also clears the general interrupt flag (flag I in the
Status Register). This way, nested interrupts are disabled by default. However,
they can be enabled explicitely. This behavior is questionable, but is implemented
for the sake of AVR compatibility. \n
After an interrupt generates an implicit call, further interrupts are disabled for
4 clocks. This way, at least one instruction will be executed fron the called
subroutine. Only after that, another interrupt can change the instruction flow. \n
All calls take 4 clocks. \n

\par Call state machine
\image html pavr_pipe_calls_01.gif

\defgroup pavr_pipeline_returns Returns
\ingroup pavr_pipeline
\par A few details
There are two kinds of returns:
   <li> RET \n
      Return from subroutine. \n
      The Program Counter is loaded with the return address (22 bit wide) read
      from the stack, and the Stack Pointer is incremented by 3.
   <li> RETI \n
      The same as RET, but in addition sets the general interrupt flag (flag I in
      the Status Register).
Returns are the slowest instructions in the pAVR implementation of the AVR
instruction set. They take 9 clocks. \n
First 2 clocks are spent while waiting the previous instructions to write the
Unified Memory. Next 5 clocks, the Program Counter is read from the Unified
Memory. In a future version, this part might take only 4 clocks. Finally,
another 2 clocks are spent while bringing the target instruction into the
instruction register. \n
\image html pavr_pipe_returns_01.gif

\defgroup pavr_pipeline_int Interrupts
\ingroup pavr_pipeline
\par General
The Interrupt System can forcedly place calls into the pipeline stage s3, as a
result of specific IO activity. \n
\par Implementation
The core of the Interrupt System is the Interrupt Manager module. It prioritizes
the interrupt sources, checks if interrupts are enabled and if the pipeline is
ready to process interrupts, and finally sends interrupt requests to the
pipeline, together with the associated interrupt vector and other pipeline
control signals. \n
\image html pavr_hwres_int_01.gif
The pipeline acknowledges interrupt requests by forcing the Instruction Decoder
to decode a call instruction, with the absolute jump address given by the
Interrupt Manager. Next 2 instructions, that were already uselessly fetched, are
flushed. \n
The interrupt vectors are parameterized, and can be placed anywhere in the
Program Memory. \n
Every interrupt has a parameterized priority. \n
In the present implementation, up to 32 interrupt sources are handled. \n
2 interrupt sources are implemented:
\ref pavr_hwres_iof_perif_int0 "external interrupt 0" and
\ref pavr_hwres_iof_perif_t0 "timer 0" interrupt. \n
Because the Interrupt Manger shares much with the IO File, it is not
built as a separate entity, but rather embedded into the IO File. The Interrupt
Manager might be implemented as separate entity in a future version of pAVR. \n
The interrupt latency is 5 clocks (1 clock needed by the interrupt manager and
4 clocks needed by the implicit call).

\defgroup pavr_pipeline_others Others
\ingroup pavr_pipeline
\par LPM/ELPM state machine
This is how the LPM/ELPM state machine plugs into the pipeline: \n
\image html pavr_pipe_others_01.gif

\defgroup pavr_test Testing
\par Testing strategy
When testing a certain entity, the following \b testing \b strategy was adopted:
   <li> embed that entity into a larger one that also includes all other
   ingredients needed for a real-life simulation of the tested entity. Typical
   such `other ingredients' are RAMs and multiplexers.
   <li> run custom VHDL tests that test as much as possible of the functionality
   of the device under test. Extreme cases are the first situations to be tested.
Two kinds of tests were conducted on pAVR:
   <li> every module of pAVR was separately tested as described in the testing
   strategy above.
   <li> pAVR as whole was tested as described in the testing strategy above.

\par Testing pAVR modules
Each pAVR module was separately tested. \n
The particular tests carried out are presented below, grouped by the entities
under test:
   <li> \b utilities defined in `std_util.vhd' \n
      The associated test file is `test_std_util.vhd'. \n
      The utilities defined in `std_util.vhd' here are:
         <li> type conversion routines often used throughout the other source files
            in this project
         <li> basic arithmetic functions
         <li> sign and zero-extend functions \n
            Both are tested in `test_std_util.vhd'. \n
            Extreme cases and typical cases are considered. \n
         <li> vector comparision function \n
            Tested in `test_std_util.vhd'. \n
            Extreme cases and typical cases are considered. \n
   <li> \b ALU \n
      The associated tests are defined in `test_pavr_alu.vhd'. They consist of
      checking the ALU output and flags output for all ALU opcodes, one by one,
      for all of these situations:
         <li> carry in = 0
         <li> carry in = 1
         <li> additions generate overflow
         <li> substractions generate overflow
      There are 26 ALU opcodes to be checked for each situation.
   <li> \b Register \b File \n
      The associated tests are defined in `test_pavr_register_file.vhd'. \n
      The following tests are done:
         <li> read all ports, one at a time
               <li> read port 1 (RFRD1)
               <li> read port 2 (RFRD2)
               <li> write port (RFWR)
               <li> write pointer register X (RFXWR)
               <li> write pointer register Y (RFYWR)
               <li> write pointer register Z (RFZWR)
         <li> combined RFRD1, RFRD2, RFWR \n
            They should work simultaneousely.
         <li> combined RFXWR, RFYWR, RFZWR  \n
            They should work simultaneousely.
         <li> combined RFRD1, RFRD2, RFWR, RFXWR, RFYWR, RFZWR \n
            That is, all RF ports are accessed simultaneousely. They should
            do their job. \n
            However, note that the pointer registers are accessible for writting
            by their own ports but also by the RF write port. Writing them via
            pointer register write ports overwrites writing via general write
            port. Even though concurrent writing could happen in a perfectly legal
            AVR implementation, AVR's behavior is unpredictible (what write port
            has priority). We have chosen for pAVR the priority as mentioned above.
   <li> \b IO \b File \n
      The associated tests are defined in `test_pavr_io_file.vhd'. \n
      The following tests are performed on the IOF:
         <li> test the IOF general write/read/bit processing port. \n
            Test all opcodes that this port is capable of:
               <li> wrbyte
               <li> rdbyte
               <li> clrbit
               <li> setbit
               <li> stbit
               <li> ldbit
         <li> test the IOF port A. \n
            Port A is intended to offer to pAVR pin-level IO connectivity with the
            outside world. \n
            Test reading from and writing to Port A. \n
            Test that Port A pins correctly take the appropriate logic values
            (high, low, high Z or weak high).
         <li> test Timer 0.
               <li> test Timer 0 prescaler.
               <li> test Timer 0 overflow.
               <li> test Timer 0 interrupt.
         <li> test External Interrupt 0. \n
            Test if each possible configuration (activation on low level, rising
            edge or falling edge) correctly triggers External Interrupt 0 flag.
   <li> \b Data \b Memory \n
      The tests defined in `test_pavr_dm.vhd' are simple read-write confirmations
      that the Data Memory does its job.

\par Testing the pAVR entity
pAVR as a whole was tested by building an upper entity that embedds a pAVR, its
Program Memory and some multiplexers. Those multiplexers are meant to give Program
Memory control to the test entity (for properly setting up Program Memory
contents) or to pAVR (while pAVR is actually being monitored as it executes
intructions from the Program Memory). \n
The binary file that will be executed by pAVR during the test is automatically
loaded into the Program Memory using an ANSI C utility, TagScan. The test entity
has a number of tags spread over the source code, as comments. The TagScan utility
reads the binary file to be loaded, scans the test file, and inserts VHDL
statements into the properly tagged places. These statements load the Program
Memory using its own write port. This way of initializing the Program Memory
seems more general (and surely more interesting) than using file IO VHDL
functions. \n
The TagScan utility is also used for other purposes. For example, for
inserting a certain header in all source files. It is heavily used as
a general preprocessor. \n
Testing pAVR as a whole actually means designing and running binaries that put
pAVR on extreme situations. \n
The following tests are done:
   <li> <strong> Interrupts </strong> <br>
      This exercises pAVR interrupt handling. <br>
      All interrupts are tested. <br>
      The associated peripherals (Port A, Timer 0 and External Interrupt 0) are
      put in a variety of conditions. <br>
      Results: <br>
   <li> <strong> General test </strong> <br>
      This is a hand-written assembler source that is meant to be assembled and
         run on pAVR. <br>
      It exercises each of pAVR instructions, one by one. <br>
      It tries to put pAVR in most difficult situations, for each instruction. For
      example, it exercises:
         <li> concurrent stalls
         <li> stalls combined with 32 bit instructions
         <li> stalls combined with intructions that change the instruction flow
         <li> control hazard candidates (stress the Program Memory Manager and
            the Stall and Flush Unit)
         <li> data hazard candidates (stress the Bypass Unit)
      Results: <br>
         Passed OK. The verification consisted of checking each instruction, each
         intermediate result and each relevant intermediate internal state.
         <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
               <th> Assembler
               <th> Clocks
               <th> Instructions
               <th> CPI
               <td> avrasm32, by Atmel
               <td> 667
               <td> 361
               <td> 1.85
   <li> <strong> Sieve </strong> <br>
      Sieve of Eratosthenes; finds the the first 100 prime numbers. <br>
      Written in ANSI C. <br>
      <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
            <th> Compiler
            <th> Clocks
            <th> Instructions
            <th> CPI
            <td> avr-gcc, O0
            <td> 12170
            <td> 8851
            <td> 1.37
            <td> avr-gcc, O3
            <td> 11946
            <td> 8824
            <td> 1.35
   <li> <strong> TagScan </strong> <br>
      Exercises string manipulating routines. <br>
      Written in ANSI C. <br>
      <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
            <th> Compiler
            <th> Clocks
            <th> Instructions
            <th> CPI
            <td> tbd
            <td> tbd
            <td> tbd
            <td> tbd
   <li> <strong> C compiler </strong> <br>
      Written in ANSI C. <br>
      <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
            <th> Compiler
            <th> Clocks
            <th> Instructions
            <th> CPI
            <td> tbd
            <td> tbd
            <td> tbd
            <td> tbd
   <li> <strong> Waves </strong> <br>
      Simulates waves on the surface of a liquid. <br>
      Written in ANSI C. <br>
      Uses floating point numbers (observation: the avr-gcc compiler seems to
      take about 200 pAVR clocks per floating point operation). <br>
      A mesh of only 5x5 points is considered, and only 5 iterations
      are done. Bigger values make the simulation unacceptably long on
      the available computer. <br>

      Checking the result is done by converting the array of 25 floats
      into a scaled array of 25 chars, copying these chars from Data
      Memory (by hand), constructing a 3D image of the result, and
      comparing it to a reference 3D image. <br>

      Results: <br>
      Passed OK. As expected, the chars array to be tested exactly matches
      the reference array.
      <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
            <th> Compiler
            <th> Clocks
            <th> Instructions
            <th> CPI
            <td> avr-gcc
            <td> 209,175
            <td> 122,236
            <td> 1.71

\defgroup pavr_test_bugs Bugs
\ingroup pavr_test
\par Errata to Atmel's AVR documentation:
The corrected versions of some paragraphs from Atmel's documentation are shown
below. \n
Original, wrong, terms are strikelined, while corrected terms are bolded: \n
- The following text can be found throughout the references. \n
   <font color=gray>
   "... <br>
   <strong> RAMPD </strong> <br>
   Register concatenated with the <s> Z register </s> <strong> instruction word
   </strong> enabling direct addressing of the whole data space on MCUs with more than 64K
   bytes data space. <br>
   <strong> EIND </strong> <br>
   Register concatenated with the <s> instruction word </s> <strong> Z register </strong>
   enabling indirect jump and call to the whole program space on MCUs with more
   than 64K <s> bytes </s> <strong> words </strong> program space. <br>
   ..." <br>
   <font color=black>
- In the `AVR Instruction Set' document, page 60:
   <font color=gray>
   "... <br>
   <strong> V: </strong> Rd7 * <s> /Rd7 </s> <strong> /Rr7 </strong> * /R7 + /Rd7 * Rr7 * R7 <br>
   <font color=black>


\par Atmel's AVRStudio simulator bugs
- bug001
   - \b symptom: NEG instruction computes the H flag via other formula than that
      given in the AVR Instruction Set (H=R3+Rd3). \n
      Where is the bug, in the simulator or in the document, it's up to be seen. \n
      Versions 3.53 and 4.04 of AVRStudio behave the same (weird) way. \n
      Example: initially having SREG=0x01 and R10=0xD9, NEG R10 sets SREG to 0x01
      instead of 0x21. \n
      The AVRStudio formula for H seems to be R3*(not Rd3) rather than R3+Rd3.
- bug002
   - \b symptom: when trying to set/reset port A pins, there is a 1 clock delay
      between the moment PORTA receives the bits and the moment PINA gets updated.
      Those events should have been simultaneous (of course, port A direction was
      considered already configured as output, by setting DDRA(i)=1).


\b pAVR \b bugs \b history
\par 28-31 July 2002
   - The Program Memory and Program Counter are handled in different places, even
      though they share much functionality. Moreover, the Program Counter doesn't
      have associated an explicit manager. This makes PM and PC quite difficult to
      maintain. \n
      Reorganized PM and PC handling. Now they are handled by a common manager,
      the PM manager. \n
   - Every test runs smoothly so far.

\par 27 July 2002
   - The Stall and Flush Unit and Shadow Manager are difficult to maintain because
      of too many rules and exceptions. \n
      Reorganized the SFU so that its behavior follows only one rule, the so-called
      `SFU rule': older hardware resource  requests have priority over younger ones. \n
      Reorganized the Shadow Manager so that its behavior accurately implements
      the shadow protocol. However, a few exceptions still exist (such as LPM
      Program Memory handling or CPSE RF handling).
   - *** Modelsim 5.3 behaves strange again. \n
      It asserts hardware managers warnings, but when the the local conditions are
      investigated, the situation is perfectly legal. It seems that at a moment
      when a signal has a 0-1 transition and another one has a 1-0 transition,
      there is a `small' (theoretically 0) amount of time that both signals are
      considered 1, and that transient triggers the warning. That shouldn't happen,
      it seems to be a Modelsim bug. \n
      However, trying to reproduce that behavior was unsuccessfull. It only appears
      sometimes; the apparition rule is well hidden. \n
      For now, it's best to ignore these warnings during simulation. However, it
      means that those assertions don't fullfill their purpose.

\par 25 July 2002
   - bug023
      - \b symptom: IJMP and EIJMP don't jump were they are supposed to, if the
         instruction before them modifies the Z pointer.
      - \b remedy: IJMP and EIJMP actually jump before even the BPU gets updated
         by the previous instruction. As they use the Register File mapped Z
         pointer for finding target address, they need to be calmed down for a
         clock (Z pointer is modified in stage s5). \n
         Just request a nop in pipe stage s4. Now IJMP and EIJMP take 4 clocks
         (RJMP and JMP still take 3).
      - \b status: corrected
   - bug024
      - \b symptom: loads don't work any more (!). They (sometimes) get garbage.
      - \b remedy: when correcting bug 021, the shadow protocol was applied for
         all devices that could use it. It was wrong. The Data Address Calculation
         Unit must not use the shadow protocol, because it gets RF/IOF/DM
         exclusivity by means of stalling, and it must be granted access to these
         resources, even during stalls. \n
         When trying to read from Unified Memory, loads got data from shadow
         registers, not directly from the RF/IOF/DM 's data out.
      - \b status: corrected DACU
   - bug025
      - \b symptom: JMP gets corrupted if the previous instruction is a load.
      - \b remedy: JMP is a 32 bit instruction. The second word (a 16 bit constant)
         can get flushed by a previous instruction stall s5. \n
         Flush s2 requested in s3 and s4 are more delicate than other flushes.
         They can interfere with stalls requested by older instructions. They must
         be stallable because older instructions might want that. If stall s2
         requested in s3 or s4, then if older instructions require stall, don't
         blindly flush s2, but rather do nothing and wait for the stall to end.
         Only after that acknowledge the flush. \n
      - \b status: corrected
   - bug026
      - \b symptom: CPSE doesn't skip the following instruction, when it should.
      - \b remedy: the skip condition was picked as `not zero flag', instead of
         `zero flag'.
      - \b status: corrected
   - bug027
      - \b symptom: SBIC and SBIS don't do their job.
      - \b remedy: IOF read access was simply not requestd.
      - \b status: corrected the Instruction Decoder by placing an IOF request
         in pipe stage s5, for SBIC and SBIS
   - bug028
      - \b symptom: RCALL doesn't work.
      - \b remedy:
         - the 12 bit relative offset wasn't initialized in the Instruction
         Decoder. Just do that (cut&paste the corresponding code line from RJMP,
         as the relative jump address is placed in the same bits in the
         instruction code).
         - the return address was correct for CALL but bigger with one than needed
            for RCALL. Actually, CALL and RCALL need \b different return addresses,
            as CALL has 32 bits and RCALL only 16. \n
            Modification: now, the current instruction's PC is \b conditionally
            incremented in pipe stage s4. A new set of wires and registers were
            introduced so that CALL can request to increment its return address.
            RCALL doesn't need to do that.
      - \b status: corrected the Instruction Decoder, so that CALL requires to
         increment its return address.
   - note: all instructions seem to work.

\par 24 July 2002
   - bug020
      - \b symptom: garbage got by loads placed immediately after stores that
         modify their pointer.
      - \b remedy: loads and stores can modify their data pointer. However, the
         Bypass Unit must also be updated, because the pointer registers are
         placed in the Register File. The BPU wasn't updated.
      - \b status: corrected
      - \b note: the modularity of the design (separate hardware managers, small
         set of conventions regarding signal naming, grouping similar-function
         code) payed off. This bug required an intervention spread out over half
         megabyte of code. The Data Address Calculation Unit, Bypass Unit were
         modifed, new wires and registers were defined, some of them were renamed.
   - bug021
      - \b symptom: stores that modify their pointer make the following
         instruction unable to update the Bypass Unit. Moreover, the BPU is
         written with garbage.
      - \b remedy: Stores and the instruction after them can require to
         simultaneousely write the BPU. That's because these stores make intensive
            use of BPU and eat all its write resources. They write 3 bytes: 2 of
            them in s5 (the modified pointer) and 1 in s6 (the data to be written
            into the Register File). The one written in s6 can be simultaneous with
            following instruction's s5 write BPU request. \n
            To correct this bug, there are 2 options:
            <li> 1. add a stall in pipe stage s5 for all stores. That is, stores
               will take 3 clocks.
            <li> 2. increase BPU width from 2 chains to 3 chains and modify the way
               stores make use of Bypass Unit (write all what has to be written -
               3 bytes - in the same pipe stage, s5). This is more attractive
               because stores still need only 2 clocks. However, the Bypass Unit
               continues to grow (from initial depth/width of 2/2 to the present 4/3).
         Option 2 was chosen. \n
         The Unified Memory architecture favorized this bug. Stores
         must be able to write the Register File and, consequently, write their
         data into BPU along with the pointer they have modified.
      - \b status: corrected
   - bug022
      - \b symptom: LPM always returns 0.
      - \b remedy: multiple bug:
         - The LPM stalled s2, then read s2 status. Seeing it `busy', gives up from
            reading what it needed and maintains pavr_pm_addr_int at its present value.
            The Program Memory Manager needs to be instructed to forcedly grant access
            to LPM instructions to s2, even if it is stalled. Also, the shadow protocol
            must be bypassed.
         - LPM didn't update BPU.
         - pointer registers were used directly in a few hardware managers, not via BPU.
            This enables subtle read before write hazards (they escaped until now).
      - \b status: corrected
   - note: \n
            LD Rd, -X; LD Rd, X; LD Rd, X+; \n
            LD Rd, -Y; LD Rd, Y; LD Rd, Y+; LDD Rd, Y+q; \n
            LD Rd, -Z; LD Rd, Z; LD Rd, Z+; LDD Rd, Z+q; \n
            ST -X, Rr; ST X, Rr; ST X+, Rr; \n
            ST -Y, Rr; ST Y, Rr; ST Y+, Rr; STD Y+q, Rr; \n
            ST -Z, Rr; ST Z, Rr; ST Z+, Rr; STD Z+q, Rr; \n
            LPM; LPM Rd, Z; LPM Rd, Z+ \n
            seem to work.

\par 23 July 2002
   - bug016
      - \b symptom: read before write data hazards
      - \b remedy: BLD instruction didn't update BPU.
      - \b status: corrected
   - bug017
      - \b symptom: BLD doesn't modify the target register.
      - \b remedy: while processing pavr_s5_iof_rq IOF request, the IOF Manager
         set IOF bit address to zero instead of pavr_s5_iof_bitaddr. Correct that.
      - \b status: corrected
   - bug018
      - \b symptom: Even though they work fine separately, POP, PUSH and MOVW one
         after another (in various combinations) don't.
      - \b remedy:
         This is a triple (!) bug:
            <li> MOVW requires a stall in s6 while POP requires a stall in s5. The
               two stalls are simultaneous. \n
               The Stall and Flush Unit doesn't handle properly multiple stalls. \n
               Modify SFU so that the oldest stall doesn't kill the younger one(s),
               but only delays it (them).
            <li> The SP was incremented during a stall, and the DACU received after
               the stall a wrong pointer (the new SP). \n
               All hardware resources must be stallable. Presently they are not.
            <li> The instruction after MOVW, PUSH is skipped. The PM data out shadow
               register doesn't do its job. \n
               The shadow registers are updated every clock. That's not right. \n
               Update them only if they don't already hold meaningful data (check
               the corresponding `shadow_active' flag). Otherwise, during
               successive stalls they get corrupted.
         This was a tough one.
      - \b status: corrected
   - bug019
      - \b symptom: the sequence \n
         LDI R17, 0xC3 \n
         ST  Z+, R17 \n
         results in storing garbage into memory.
      - \b remedy: the nop requests (placed by ST) increase the needed BPU depth
         with one. Thus, BPU depth must be increased from 3 to 4.
      - \b status: corrected
   - note:
      - CBI, SBI, BST, BLD, MOVW, IN, OUT, PUSH, POP, LDS, STS    seem to work.

\par 22 July 2002
   - bug011
      - \b symptom: DEC does in fact INC
      - \b remedy: ALU operand 2 is selected as -1 in pipe stage s5, and then, the
         DEC-related code does out=op1-op2, which results in out=op1+1. \n
         Just make the ALU treat INC and DEC the same way (that is, out=op1+op2).
      - \b status: corrected
   - bug012
      - \b symptom: BPU doesn't do its job.
      - \b remedy: stupid and time costly bug, generated by a (too) quick cut and
         paste in the BPU code.
      - \b status: corrected
      - \b note: Modelsim PE/Plus 5.3a_p1 has a cache problem. After correcting
         this bug, the same results came after recompiling and restarting the
         simultation. It was enough to close Modelsim and open the project again
         for things to go fine. It's not the first time Modelsim behaves this way.
   - bug013
      - \b symptom: Z flag is computed wrongly for ALU opcodes that need 8 bit
         substraction with carry.
      - \b remedy: Z=Z*oldZ
      - \b status: corrected
   - bug014
      - \b symptom: Z flag is computed wrongly for all ALU opcodes (!).
      - \b remedy: instead of and-ing the negated bits of output, Z output was
         computed by and-ing output's bits.
      - \b status: corrected
   - bug15
      - \b symptom: read before write data hazards related to IN instruction
      - \b remedy: IN doesn't write the Bypass Unit. Do that. Nasty one, requiring
         new wires and registers.
      - \b status: corrected
      - \b note: the shadow manager was completed. Pretty much code, hopefully
         with no new bugs.
   - notes:
         ROR, ASR, multiplications (timing-only), BCLR, BSET seem to work.

\par 21 July 2002
   - bug008
      - \b symptom: read before write data hazards.
      - \b remedy: the Bypass depth was increased from 2 to 3. Design bug.\n
         *** To update the documentation!
      - \b status: corrected.
   - bug009
      - \b symptom: the 16 bit arithmetic instructions write only the lower byte of
         the result in the Register File if the next few instructions aren't
      - \b remedy: 16 bit arithmetic instructions stalled s6. During stalling s6,
         the Bypass flushed a value that was needed later. A signal was needed
         that can stall the BPU. Now, the stall s6 requests also stall the BPU.\n
         Pretty triky design bug.\n
         *** To update the documentation!\n
      - \b status: corrected.
   - bug010
      - \b symptom: stalls needed by 16 bit arithmetic instructions induce the
         replacement of the instruction placed 4 clocks later by a nop
      - \b remedy: shadow registers were assigned, but never used. PM data out,
         (and consequently, the instruction register) read a nop instead the
         correct data that was read during the stall. Now the pipeline uses
         shadow registers related by PM data out.\n
         *** The other shadow registers (related to DM, RF, IOF and DACU data out)
         are still unused!\n
         *** To update the documentation with shadow-related issues!
      - \b status: corrected.\n
   - note:
      - ADD, ADC, ADIW, SUB, SUBI, SBC, SBIW seem to work.

\par 15 July 2002
   - bug004
      - \b remedy: reporting this bug was a bug. The Register File works fine. This
         bug report was generated by modifying X register (RF addr 27:26) and
         expecting that RF bulk data (RF addr 0...25) to be modified, which won't
      - \b status: ok.
   - bug005
      - \b remedy: DACU data out was duplicated, with 2 different names: pavr_dacu_do
         and pavr_s6_dacudo. pavr_dacu_do was only writen, and pavr_s6_dacudo was
         only read. When RET tried to read the return address from DACU, it got
         garbage, because it read DACU data out from pavr_s6_dacudo, that was not
         assigned any value.\n
         Cut out pavr_s6_dacudo. DACU data out is now unique, for both read an
         write (that is, pavr_dacu_do). Also, the documentation was updated.
      - \b status: corrected.
   - bug006
      - \b symptom: CALL doesn't work.
      - \b remedy: in the SP Manager, pavr_s5_calldec_spwr_rq was writen twice, and
         pavr_s52_calldec_spwr_rq wasn't writen at all, because of a less careful
         cut-and-paste. As a result, during CALL, PC's lsByte was not stored.
      - \b status: corrected
   - bug007
      - \b symptom: ALU flags are not defined.
      - \b remedy: ALU flags in was not connected to SREG (zero-level assignment)
      - \b status: corrected
   - notes:
      - RET, CALL seem to work.
      - pAVR runs its first complete program (12 instructions).

\par 13 July 2002
   - bug003
      - \b symptom: RET is a mess
      - \b remedy: during nop requests, stall must have higher priority that flush in
         s2. The Stall Manager (the nop request-related lines) must take care of
      - \b status: corrected
   - bug004
      - \b symptom: RF seems to be unable to write other registers than pointer
      - \b status: NOT corrected!
   - bug005
      - \b symptom: RET is still a mess.
      - \b status: NOT corrected!
   - bugs pool: 004, 005

\par 27 June 2002
   - bug001
      - \b symptom: read before write data hazards. Hmm, this kind of bugs shouldn't
         have occured.
      - \b remedy: LDI didn't update BPU0. Just do that.
      - \b status: corrected.
   - bug002
      - \b symptom: while reading the code, something was smelling bad.
      - \b remedy: the code that computes the branch/skip conditions was not writen
         at all.
      - \b status: corrected.
   - notes:
      - The controller has successfully executed its first instruction (a RJMP)!
         However, it was the only...\n
      - The kernel seems to be easy to debug thanks to its regular structure.
      - RJMP, LDI, NOP seem to work.


\defgroup pavr_fpga FPGA prototyping
\ingroup pavr_test
No FPGAs were burned so far. \n

\defgroup pavr_src Sources
\par Sources
The source package contains the following files, in the compiling order:
- <a href="std_util.vhd"> std_util.vhd </a>
   - Type conversion routines ofted used throughout the other source files in this
   - Basic arithmetic functions
   - Sign and zero-extend functions
   - Vector comparision function
- <a href="pavr_util.vhd"> pavr_util.vhd </a>
   - Bypass Unit access function
   - Interrupt arbitrer function
- <a href="pavr_constants.vhd"> pavr_constants.vhd </a>
   - Constants needed by pAVR
   - When costumizing pAVR, look and modify (seek-and-destroy) here.
- <a href="pavr_data_mem.vhd"> pavr_data_mem.vhd </a>
- <a href="pavr_alu.vhd"> pavr_alu.vhd </a>
- <a href="pavr_register_file.vhd"> pavr_register_file.vhd </a>
- <a href="pavr_io_file.vhd"> pavr_io_file.vhd </a>
- <a href="pavr_control.vhd"> pavr_control.vhd </a>
   - pAVR pipeline (pAVR kernel)

\par Test sources
The test sources in this package implement all the tests presented
\ref pavr_test "above". \n
The test source package contains the following files:
- <a href="test_pavr_alu.vhd"> test_pavr_alu.vhd </a> \n
   Tests the ALU.
- <a href="test_pavr_control_interrupts.vhd">
   test_pavr_control_interrupts.vhd </a> \n
   This test is yet to be done.
- <a href="test_std_util.vhd">           test_std_util.vhd             </a> \n
   Tests the utilities defined in `std_util.vhd'.
- <a href="test_pavr_data_mem.vhd">      test_pavr_data_mem.vhd        </a> \n
   Tests the Data Memory.
- <a href="test_pavr_register_file.vhd"> test_pavr_register_file.vhd   </a> \n
   Tests the Register File.
- <a href="test_pavr_io_file.vhd">       test_pavr_io_file.vhd         </a> \n
   Tests the IO File.
- <a href="test_pavr_constants.vhd">     test_pavr_constants.vhd       </a> \n
   Defines constants needed by the main test entity.
- <a href="test_pavr_util.vhd">          test_pavr_util.vhd            </a> \n
   Defines utilities needed by the main test entity.
- <a href="test_pavr_pm.vhd">            test_pavr_pm.vhd              </a> \n
   Defines the Program Memory that is needed by the main test entity.
- <a href="test_pavr.vhd">               test_pavr.vhd                 </a> \n
   Defines the main test entity. \n
   Tests pAVR as a whole.

\anchor pavr_src_conv
\par Conventions used when writting the VHDL sources
The terminology used reflects the data flow. \n
For example, `pavr_s4_s6_rfwr_addr1' is assigned in s3 (by the instruction decoder),
shifts into `pavr_s5_s6_rfwr_addr1', that finally shifts into
`pavr_s6_rfwr_addr1' (terminal register). Only this one carries information
actually used by hardware resource managers. This particualr one signalizes
an access request to the Register File write port manager. \n
Process splitting strategy:
   <li> requests to hardware resources are managed by dedicated processes, one
      VHDL process per hardware resource.
   <li> a main asynchronous process (instruction decoder) computes values that
      initialize the pipeline in s3.
   <li> a main synchronous process assings new values to pipeline registers.
Replace `next_...' signals family with a (pretty wide) state decoder.

\par Licensing
Please read the \ref pavr_about "licensing terms".

\defgroup pavr_ref References
\par References
Most of the documentation needed for this project was found on Atmel's website, While working on this project (2002 Q1, Q2), it was
available in PDF format, free for downloading. \n
The specific documents that were used are:
   <li> "AVR Instruction Set", Atmel Corporation
   <li> Datasheets for the controllers:
      <li> ATtiny28 series
      <li> AT90S2313
      <li> AT90S8535
      <li> ATmega8 series
      <li> ATmega103 series
While designing pAVR's pipeline, I found many interesting ideas in the book
   "Computer architecture - a quantitative approach", by J. Hennessy and D.
   Patterson. If you are a processor designer, then this book is for you. \n

\par Errata
A few \ref pavr_test_bugs "bugs" have been found in Atmel's documents.

\defgroup pavr_thoughts Some final thoughts
\par Instead of conclusion...
It's relatively easy to design a fast 8 bit controller. All that has to be done
   is to follow the path well known from the big brothers, the 32 bit
   controllers. The short story is: analyze what "typical programs" mean,
   imagine a simple and fast instruction set, and implement it into a deep
   pipeline (by the way, for this topics, I recommend you "Computer
   architecture - a quantitative approach", by J. Hennessy and D. Patterson). \n
Then, why are the 8 bit controllers currently on the market so slow? The
   instruction set, CPI, max frequency for current 8 bit ucs are bad. In fact,
   they are so bad, that we must consider other factors than pure uc design to
   explain that. My guess is that market issues distructively interfere here. How
   is that, this could be another project's goal... \n

\defgroup pavr_about About ...
\par Project
\b pAVR (pipelined AVR) is an 8 bit RISC controller, compatible with Atmel's
AVR core, but about 3x faster in terms of both clock frequency and MIPS. \n
The increase in speed comes from a relatively deep pipeline.
\par Version
\par Date
2002 August 07
\par Author
Doru Cuturela, \n
\par Licensing
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version. \n
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
<a href="gpl.txt"> GNU General Public License </a> for more details. \n
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

\par Note
The design effort for this project was about 6 months (2002, Feb-Aug), one
man working. \n

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