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[/] [pavr/] [trunk/] [src/] [pavr_io_file.vhd] - Rev 6
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-- <File header> -- Project -- pAVR (pipelined AVR) is an 8 bit RISC controller, compatible with Atmel's -- AVR core, but about 3x faster in terms of both clock frequency and MIPS. -- The increase in speed comes from a relatively deep pipeline. The original -- AVR core has only two pipeline stages (fetch and execute), while pAVR has -- 6 pipeline stages: -- 1. PM (read Program Memory) -- 2. INSTR (load Instruction) -- 3. RFRD (decode Instruction and read Register File) -- 4. OPS (load Operands) -- 5. ALU (execute ALU opcode or access Unified Memory) -- 6. RFWR (write Register File) -- Version -- 0.32 -- Date -- 2002 August 07 -- Author -- Doru Cuturela, doruu@yahoo.com -- License -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- </File header> -- <File info> -- This defines pAVR's IO File. -- The IO File is composed of a set of discrete registers, that are grouped -- in a memory-like entity. The IO File has a general write/read port that is -- byte-oriented, and separate read and write ports for each register in the -- IO File. -- The general IO File port is a little bit more elaborated than a simple -- read/write port. It can read bytes from IO registers to output and write -- bytes from input to IO registers. Also, it can do some bit processing: load -- bits (from SREG to output), store bits (from input to SREG), set IO bits, -- clear IO bits. Bit loading/storing is done through the T bit in SREG. -- An opcode has to be provided to specify one of the actions that this port -- is capable of. The following opcodes are implemented for the IO File general -- port: -- - read byte (needed by instructions IN, SBIC, SBIS) -- - write byte (OUT) -- - clear bit (CBI) -- - set bit (SBI) -- - load bit (BLD) -- - store bit (BST) -- </File info> -- <File body> library work; use work.std_util.all; use work.pavr_util.all; use work.pavr_constants.all; library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity pavr_iof is port( pavr_iof_clk : in std_logic; pavr_iof_res : in std_logic; pavr_iof_syncres : in std_logic; -- General IO file port pavr_iof_opcode : in std_logic_vector(pavr_iof_opcode_w - 1 downto 0); pavr_iof_addr : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); pavr_iof_di : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); pavr_iof_do : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); pavr_iof_bitout : out std_logic; pavr_iof_bitaddr : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- AVR kernel register ports -- Status register (SREG) pavr_iof_sreg : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); pavr_iof_sreg_wr : in std_logic; pavr_iof_sreg_di : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Stack pointer (SP = SPH&SPL) pavr_iof_sph : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); pavr_iof_sph_wr : in std_logic; pavr_iof_sph_di : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); pavr_iof_spl : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); pavr_iof_spl_wr : in std_logic; pavr_iof_spl_di : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Pointer registers extensions (RAMPX, RAMPY, RAMPZ) pavr_iof_rampx : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); pavr_iof_rampx_wr : in std_logic; pavr_iof_rampx_di : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); pavr_iof_rampy : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); pavr_iof_rampy_wr : in std_logic; pavr_iof_rampy_di : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); pavr_iof_rampz : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); pavr_iof_rampz_wr : in std_logic; pavr_iof_rampz_di : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Data Memory extension address register (RAMPD) pavr_iof_rampd : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); pavr_iof_rampd_wr : in std_logic; pavr_iof_rampd_di : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Program Memory extension address register (EIND) pavr_iof_eind : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); pavr_iof_eind_wr : in std_logic; pavr_iof_eind_di : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- AVR non-kernel (feature) register ports -- Port A pavr_iof_pa: inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Interrupt-related interface signals to control module (to the pipeline). pavr_disable_int : in std_logic; -- Is the pipeline ready to process a new interrupt? pavr_int_rq : out std_logic; -- Ask the pipeline to process an interrupt. pavr_int_vec : out std_logic_vector(21 downto 0) -- Tell the pipeline what is the interrupt vector. ); end; architecture pavr_iof_arch of pavr_iof is -- Kernel registers signal pavr_iof_sreg_int: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pavr_iof_sph_int: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pavr_iof_spl_int: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pavr_iof_rampx_int: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pavr_iof_rampy_int: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pavr_iof_rampz_int: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pavr_iof_rampd_int: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pavr_iof_eind_int: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Feature registers -- Microcontroller control signal pavr_iof_mcucr: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- General interrupt mask signal pavr_iof_gimsk: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- General interrupt flags signal pavr_iof_gifr: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Timer 0 signal pavr_iof_tcnt0: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); -- *** 9 bits wide, to manage overflow. signal pavr_iof_tccr0: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pavr_iof_tifr: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pavr_iof_timsk: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Port A signal pavr_iof_porta: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pavr_iof_ddra: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pavr_iof_pina: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- *** This is not a register; these are just wires. -- Local wires signal pavr_tmpdi: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pavr_int_flgs: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- !!! Can it be introduced into process as var? signal pavr_int_flgs_dcd: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- -"- signal pavr_int0_clk: std_logic; signal pavr_t0_clk, next_pavr_t0_clk: std_logic; signal clk_t0_cnt: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); begin -- Build interrupt flags vector and decode that vector. That is, prioritize -- interrupts and find what interrupt has to be processed. process(pavr_disable_int, pavr_int_flgs, pavr_iof_sreg_int, pavr_iof_gifr, pavr_iof_gimsk, pavr_iof_tifr, pavr_iof_timsk) begin pavr_int_flgs <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, pavr_int_flgs'length); pavr_int_flgs_dcd <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, pavr_int_flgs'length); -- Build active interrupts flags vector -- First, check if the pipeline is ready to process an interrupt. if (pavr_disable_int = '0') then -- Check if interrupts are globally enabled. if (pavr_iof_sreg_int(7) = '1') then -- Check all interrupts sources if active and enabled. pavr_int_flgs(pavr_int0_int_pri) <= pavr_iof_gifr(6) and pavr_iof_gimsk(6); pavr_int_flgs(pavr_tov0_int_pri) <= pavr_iof_tifr(1) and pavr_iof_timsk(1); end if; end if; -- Prioritize interrupts pavr_int_flgs_dcd <= prioritize_int(pavr_int_flgs); end process; -- Build Timer 0 clock. t0_clk: process(pavr_iof_clk, clk_t0_cnt, pavr_iof_pina, pavr_iof_tccr0) begin next_pavr_t0_clk <= '0'; case pavr_iof_tccr0(2 downto 0) is when "000" => null; when "001" => next_pavr_t0_clk <= pavr_iof_clk; when "010" => next_pavr_t0_clk <= clk_t0_cnt(2); when "011" => next_pavr_t0_clk <= clk_t0_cnt(5); when "100" => next_pavr_t0_clk <= clk_t0_cnt(7); when "101" => next_pavr_t0_clk <= clk_t0_cnt(9); when "110" => next_pavr_t0_clk <= not pavr_iof_pina(1); when others => next_pavr_t0_clk <= pavr_iof_pina(1); end case; end process t0_clk; -- Manage IOF data in. manage_iof_di: process(pavr_iof_opcode, pavr_iof_bitaddr, pavr_iof_di) begin pavr_tmpdi <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); case pavr_iof_opcode is when pavr_iof_opcode_wrbyte => pavr_tmpdi <= pavr_iof_di; when pavr_iof_opcode_clrbit => pavr_tmpdi <= pavr_iof_di; pavr_tmpdi(std_logic_vector_to_nat(pavr_iof_bitaddr)) <= '0'; when pavr_iof_opcode_setbit => pavr_tmpdi <= pavr_iof_di; pavr_tmpdi(std_logic_vector_to_nat(pavr_iof_bitaddr)) <= '1'; when others => null; end case; end process manage_iof_di; -- Managing IOF registers manage_iof_regs: process(pavr_iof_clk, pavr_iof_res, pavr_iof_syncres, pavr_iof_opcode, pavr_iof_addr, pavr_iof_di, pavr_iof_bitaddr, pavr_tmpdi, pavr_iof_sreg_wr, pavr_iof_sreg_di, pavr_iof_sph_wr, pavr_iof_sph_di, pavr_iof_spl_wr, pavr_iof_spl_di, pavr_iof_rampx_wr, pavr_iof_rampx_di, pavr_iof_rampy_wr, pavr_iof_rampy_di, pavr_iof_rampz_wr, pavr_iof_rampz_di, pavr_iof_rampd_wr, pavr_iof_rampd_di, pavr_iof_eind_wr, pavr_iof_eind_di, pavr_int_flgs_dcd, pavr_t0_clk, next_pavr_t0_clk, clk_t0_cnt, pavr_int0_clk, pavr_iof_sreg_int, pavr_iof_sph_int, pavr_iof_spl_int, pavr_iof_rampx_int, pavr_iof_rampy_int, pavr_iof_rampz_int, pavr_iof_rampd_int, pavr_iof_eind_int, pavr_iof_mcucr, pavr_iof_gimsk, pavr_iof_gifr, pavr_iof_timsk, pavr_iof_tifr, pavr_iof_tcnt0, pavr_iof_tccr0, pavr_iof_porta, pavr_iof_ddra, pavr_iof_pina, pavr_iof_pa ) variable pavr_iof_portaz: std_logic_vector(pavr_iof_porta'length - 1 downto 0); begin -- Port A asynchronous circuitry. for i in 0 to 7 loop if pavr_iof_ddra(i)='1' then pavr_iof_portaz(i) := pavr_iof_porta(i); else -- *** When synthesizing, to check if the technology permits weak -- pull-ups and high Z. If it doesn't, workaround these lines. if pavr_iof_porta(i)='1' then -- Weak pull-ups pavr_iof_portaz(i) := 'H'; else -- High Z pavr_iof_portaz(i) := 'Z'; end if; end if; end loop; pavr_iof_pa <= pavr_iof_portaz; pavr_iof_pina <= pavr_iof_pa; if (pavr_iof_res = '1') then -- Reset -- IOF registers pavr_iof_sreg_int <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_sph_int <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_spl_int <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_rampx_int <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_rampy_int <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_rampz_int <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_rampd_int <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_eind_int <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_mcucr <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_gimsk <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_gifr <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_tcnt0 <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 9); pavr_iof_tccr0 <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_tifr <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_timsk <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_porta <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_ddra <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); -- Local registers clk_t0_cnt <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, clk_t0_cnt'length); pavr_t0_clk <= '0'; pavr_int0_clk <= '0'; elsif pavr_iof_clk'event and pavr_iof_clk = '1' then pavr_iof_bitout <= '0'; pavr_int_rq <= '0'; pavr_int_vec <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 22); -- Feature registers-related circuitry ------------------------------- -- External interrupt 0 case pavr_iof_mcucr(1 downto 0) is when "00" => -- Trigger external interrupt 0 on low level. if pavr_iof_pa(0)='0' then pavr_iof_gifr(6) <= '1'; end if; when "01" => -- Not used. null; when "10" => -- Trigger external interrupt 0 on negative edge. if pavr_int0_clk='1' and pavr_iof_pa(0)='0' then pavr_iof_gifr(6) <= '1'; end if; when others => -- Trigger external interrupt 0 on positive edge. if pavr_int0_clk='0' and pavr_iof_pa(0)='1' then pavr_iof_gifr(6) <= '1'; end if; end case; pavr_int0_clk <= pavr_iof_pa(0); -- Timer 0 -- Build timer 0's clock. -- Update counter 0. case pavr_iof_tccr0(2 downto 0) is when "000" => null; when "001" => pavr_iof_tcnt0 <= pavr_iof_tcnt0 + 1; when others => if pavr_t0_clk='0' and next_pavr_t0_clk='1' then pavr_iof_tcnt0 <= pavr_iof_tcnt0 + 1; end if; end case; -- Capture timer 0 overflow event. if pavr_iof_tcnt0(8) = '1' then -- Set timer 0 overflow flag in TIFR register. pavr_iof_tifr(1) <= '1'; -- Reset overflow (MSBit) in TCNT0 register, because we don't want to -- set overflow flag over and over again from now on. pavr_iof_tcnt0(8) <= '0'; end if; pavr_t0_clk <= next_pavr_t0_clk; clk_t0_cnt <= clk_t0_cnt+1; -- Interrupt Manager ------------------------------------------------- -- If interrupt 0 is decoded as a winner interrupt, then acknowledge it. if pavr_int_flgs_dcd(pavr_int0_int_pri) = '1' then pavr_iof_gifr(6) <= '0'; pavr_int_rq <= '1'; pavr_int_vec <= int_to_std_logic_vector(pavr_int0_int_vec, 22); end if; -- If timer 0 overflow interrupt is decoded as a winner interrupt, then -- acknowledge it. if pavr_int_flgs_dcd(pavr_tov0_int_pri) = '1' then pavr_iof_tifr(1) <= '0'; pavr_int_rq <= '1'; pavr_int_vec <= int_to_std_logic_vector(pavr_tov0_int_vec, 22); end if; -- Check IOF opcode and process it. ---------------------------------- case pavr_iof_opcode is -- Read byte. when pavr_iof_opcode_rdbyte => case std_logic_vector_to_nat(pavr_iof_addr) is when pavr_sreg_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_sreg_int; when pavr_sph_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_sph_int; when pavr_spl_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_spl_int; when pavr_rampx_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_rampx_int; when pavr_rampy_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_rampy_int; when pavr_rampz_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_rampz_int; when pavr_rampd_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_rampd_int; when pavr_eind_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_eind_int; when pavr_mcucr_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_mcucr; when pavr_gimsk_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_gimsk; when pavr_gifr_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_gifr; when pavr_tcnt0_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_tcnt0(7 downto 0); when pavr_tccr0_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_tccr0; when pavr_tifr_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_tifr; when pavr_timsk_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_timsk; when pavr_porta_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_porta; when pavr_ddra_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_ddra; when pavr_pina_addr => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_pina; when others => null; end case; -- Write byte | clear bit | set bit. when pavr_iof_opcode_wrbyte | pavr_iof_opcode_clrbit | pavr_iof_opcode_setbit => case std_logic_vector_to_nat(pavr_iof_addr) is when pavr_sreg_addr => pavr_iof_sreg_int <= pavr_tmpdi; when pavr_sph_addr => pavr_iof_sph_int <= pavr_tmpdi; when pavr_spl_addr => pavr_iof_spl_int <= pavr_tmpdi; when pavr_rampx_addr => pavr_iof_rampx_int <= pavr_tmpdi; when pavr_rampy_addr => pavr_iof_rampy_int <= pavr_tmpdi; when pavr_rampz_addr => pavr_iof_rampz_int <= pavr_tmpdi; when pavr_rampd_addr => pavr_iof_rampd_int <= pavr_tmpdi; when pavr_eind_addr => pavr_iof_eind_int <= pavr_tmpdi; when pavr_mcucr_addr => pavr_iof_mcucr <= pavr_tmpdi; when pavr_gimsk_addr => pavr_iof_gimsk <= pavr_tmpdi; when pavr_gifr_addr => pavr_iof_gifr <= pavr_tmpdi; when pavr_tcnt0_addr => pavr_iof_tcnt0( 8) <= '0'; pavr_iof_tcnt0(7 downto 0) <= pavr_tmpdi; when pavr_tccr0_addr => pavr_iof_tccr0 <= pavr_tmpdi; when pavr_tifr_addr => pavr_iof_tifr <= pavr_tmpdi; when pavr_timsk_addr => pavr_iof_timsk <= pavr_tmpdi; when pavr_porta_addr => pavr_iof_porta <= pavr_tmpdi; when pavr_ddra_addr => pavr_iof_ddra <= pavr_tmpdi; when pavr_pina_addr => -- PinA is just a read-only wire. null; when others => null; end case; -- Load bit. when pavr_iof_opcode_ldbit => pavr_iof_do <= pavr_iof_di; pavr_iof_do(std_logic_vector_to_nat(pavr_iof_bitaddr)) <= pavr_iof_sreg_int(6); -- Store bit. when pavr_iof_opcode_stbit => pavr_iof_sreg_int(6) <= pavr_iof_di(std_logic_vector_to_nat(pavr_iof_bitaddr)); -- pavr_iof_opcode_nop when others => null; end case; -- Kernel registers ports -------------------------------------------- -- Status register (SREG) port if (pavr_iof_sreg_wr = '1') then pavr_iof_sreg_int <= pavr_iof_sreg_di; end if; -- Stack pointer (SPH&SPL) ports if (pavr_iof_sph_wr = '1') then pavr_iof_sph_int <= pavr_iof_sph_di; end if; if (pavr_iof_spl_wr = '1') then pavr_iof_spl_int <= pavr_iof_spl_di; end if; -- Pointer registers X extension (RAMPX) port if (pavr_iof_rampx_wr = '1') then pavr_iof_rampx_int <= pavr_iof_rampx_di; end if; -- Pointer registers Y extension (RAMPY) port if (pavr_iof_rampy_wr = '1') then pavr_iof_rampy_int <= pavr_iof_rampy_di; end if; -- Pointer registers Z extension (RAMPZ) port if (pavr_iof_rampz_wr = '1') then pavr_iof_rampz_int <= pavr_iof_rampz_di; end if; -- Data Memory extension address (RAMPD) register if (pavr_iof_rampd_wr = '1') then pavr_iof_rampd_int <= pavr_iof_rampd_di; end if; -- Program Memory extension address (EIND) register if (pavr_iof_eind_wr = '1') then pavr_iof_eind_int <= pavr_iof_eind_di; end if; if (pavr_iof_syncres = '1') then -- Synchronous reset -- IOF registers pavr_iof_sreg_int <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_sph_int <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_spl_int <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_rampx_int <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_rampy_int <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_rampz_int <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_rampd_int <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_eind_int <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_mcucr <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_gimsk <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_gifr <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_tcnt0 <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 9); pavr_iof_tccr0 <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_tifr <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_timsk <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_porta <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); pavr_iof_ddra <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, 8); -- Local registers clk_t0_cnt <= int_to_std_logic_vector(0, clk_t0_cnt'length); pavr_t0_clk <= '0'; pavr_int0_clk <= '0'; end if; end if; end process manage_iof_regs; -- Zero-level assignments. pavr_iof_sreg <= pavr_iof_sreg_int; pavr_iof_sph <= pavr_iof_sph_int; pavr_iof_spl <= pavr_iof_spl_int; pavr_iof_rampx <= pavr_iof_rampx_int; pavr_iof_rampy <= pavr_iof_rampy_int; pavr_iof_rampz <= pavr_iof_rampz_int; pavr_iof_rampd <= pavr_iof_rampd_int; pavr_iof_eind <= pavr_iof_eind_int; end; -- </File body>