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[/] [pci32tlite_oc/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [pci32tlite.vhd] - Rev 10

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--|																									|
--|  File:			pci32tLite.vhd                       		                                   	|
--|																									|
--|  Components:	pcidec.vhd																		|
--|		            pciwbsequ.vhd           														|
--|		            pcidmux.vhd           															|
--|		            pciregs.vhd           															|
--|		            pcipargen.vhd          															|
--|		            ona.vhd		          															|
--|																									|
--|																									|
--|  Revision history :																				|
--|  Date 		  Version	Author	Description														|
--|  2005-05-13   R00A00	PAU		First alfa revision												|
--|																									|
--|  2006-11-27	  R01		PAU		* BUG fast back-to-back transactions							|
--|									* TIMEOUT: Target termination with RETRY						|
--|	 2007-09-19   R02		PAU		* "intb" and "serr" signals not defined as TRI. They have to be |
--|									defined Opendrain in the FPGA (externally to the IP Core).		|
--|									* Small changes due to onalib.vhd improvement.					|
--|									* Removed TIMEOUT. Added wb_rty_i for Target termination with 	|
--|									RETRY.															|
--|									* Support Burst Cicles.											|
--|									* Add Whisbone data bus configuration generics: WBSIZE and 		|
--|									WBENDIAN.														|
--|									* Add wb_adr_o(1..0) signals.									|
--|									* wb_dat_i,wb_dat_o,wb_sel_o size depends on WBSIZE.			|
--|									* Advice: Change WB <-> PCI databus routing for "BIG"/16 WB 	|
--|									configuration and DWORD PCI transactions (DWORD is not			|
--|									recomended when WB 16 configuration).							|
--|	 2008-06-16   R03		PAU		* Add "1BARIO" configuration option for BARS generic.			|
--|									* fix bug with WBENDIAN generic in pciwbsequ.					|
--|									* Change PCI Burts to WB traslation behavior.					|
--|									* Add "classcode" generic.										|
--|									* Change BAR0 reset state to "0".								|
--|									* Fix pcidmux bug for LITTLE/8 configuration.					|
--|	 2022-01-10   v3.1		Peio Azkarate                                                   		|
--|								    * Project changes, Not rtl changes.								|
--| 																|
--|  Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Peio Azkarate,	|
--| 																|
--|  This source file may be used and distributed without     		|
--|  restriction provided that this copyright statement is not		|
--|  removed from the file and that any derivative work contains	|
--|  the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.	|
--|                                                              	|
--|  This source file is free software; you can redistribute it     |
--|  and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General     |
--|  Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;   |
--|  either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any     |
--|  later version.                                                 |
--| 																|
--|  This source is distributed in the hope that it will be         |
--|  useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied     |
--|  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more   |
--|  details.                                                       |
--| 																|
--|  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General      |
--|  Public License along with this source; if not, download it     |
--|  from                       |
--| 																|
--|									LIBRARIES									|
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
--|									ENTITY   									|
entity pci32tLite is
generic (
	vendorID 	 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := x"4150";
	deviceID 	 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := x"0001";
	revisionID 	 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)  := x"90";
	subsystemID  : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := x"0000";
   	subsystemvID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := x"1172";
    classcodeID  : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) := x"068000";
	-- BAR&WB_CFG (dont delete)
	BARS		: string := "1BARMEM";
	WBSIZE		: integer := 16;
	WBENDIAN	: string := "BIG"
port (
    -- General
    clk33       : in std_logic;
    rst		    : in std_logic;
    -- PCI target 32bits
    ad          : inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    cbe         : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    par         : out std_logic;
    frame       : in std_logic;
    irdy        : in std_logic;
    trdy        : out std_logic;
    devsel      : out std_logic;
    stop        : out std_logic;
    idsel       : in std_logic;
    perr        : out std_logic;
    serr        : out std_logic;
    intb        : out std_logic;
	-- Master whisbone
    wb_adr_o     : out std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);
	wb_dat_i     : in std_logic_vector(WBSIZE-1 downto 0);
    wb_dat_o     : out std_logic_vector(WBSIZE-1 downto 0);
	wb_sel_o     : out std_logic_vector(((WBSIZE/8)-1) downto 0);
    wb_we_o      : out std_logic;
	wb_stb_o     : out std_logic;
	wb_cyc_o     : out std_logic;
	wb_ack_i     : in std_logic;
	wb_rty_i     : in std_logic;
	wb_err_i     : in std_logic;
	wb_int_i     : in std_logic
end pci32tLite;
--|									ARCHITECTURE								|
architecture rtl of pci32tLite is
--|									COMPONENTS									|
	component pcidec
	generic (
		BARS		 : string := "1BARMEM"
	port (
	    clk_i       	: in std_logic;
   		rst_i       	: in std_logic;
		ad_i			: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
		cbe_i			: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
		idsel_i    	 	: in std_logic;
		bar0_i        	: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 9);
		memEN_i			: in std_logic;
     	ioEN_i			: in std_logic;
		pciadrLD_i	   	: in std_logic;
		adrcfg_o		: out std_logic;
		adrmem_o		: out std_logic;
		adr_o			: out std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);
		cmd_o			: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
	end component;
	component pciwbsequ
	generic (
		BARS		 : string := "1BARMEM";
		WBSIZE		 : integer := 16;
		WBENDIAN	 : string := "BIG"
	port (
   		-- General
	    clk_i       	: in std_logic;
   		rst_i       	: in std_logic;
		-- pci
		cmd_i			: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
		cbe_i			: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
		frame_i    	 	: in std_logic;
		irdy_i        	: in std_logic;
		devsel_o		: out std_logic;
		trdy_o        	: out std_logic;
		stop_o        	: out std_logic;
		-- control
		adrcfg_i		: in std_logic;
		adrmem_i 		: in std_logic;
		pciadrLD_o	   	: out std_logic;
		pcidOE_o		: out std_logic;
		parOE_o			: out std_logic;
		wbdatLD_o   	: out std_logic;
		wrcfg_o 		: out std_logic;
		rdcfg_o 		: out std_logic;
		-- whisbone
		wb_sel_o		: out std_logic_vector(((WBSIZE/8)-1) downto 0);
		wb_we_o			: out std_logic;
		wb_stb_o		: out std_logic;
		wb_cyc_o		: out std_logic;
		wb_ack_i		: in std_logic;
		wb_rty_i    	: in std_logic;
		wb_err_i		: in std_logic
	end component;
	component pcidmux
	generic (
		BARS		 : string := "1BARMEM";
		WBSIZE		 : integer := 16;
		WBENDIAN	 : string := "BIG"
	port (
	    clk_i       	: in std_logic;
   		rst_i       	: in std_logic;
		d_io			: inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
		pcidatout_o		: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
		pcidOE_i		: in std_logic;
		wbdatLD_i		: in std_logic;
 		rdcfg_i			: in std_logic;
		cbe_i			: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
		wb_dat_i		: in std_logic_vector((WBSIZE-1) downto 0);
		wb_dat_o		: out std_logic_vector((WBSIZE-1) downto 0);
		rg_dat_i		: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
		rg_dat_o		: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
	end component;
	component pciregs
	generic (
		vendorID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
		deviceID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
		revisionID : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
		subsystemID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    	subsystemvID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        classcodeID : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
		BARS		 : string := "1BARMEM"
	port (
	    clk_i       	: in std_logic;
   		rst_i       	: in std_logic;
		adr_i			: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 2);
		cbe_i			: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
		dat_i			: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
		dat_o			: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
   		wrcfg_i       	: in std_logic;
   		rdcfg_i       	: in std_logic;
   		perr_i       	: in std_logic;
   		serr_i       	: in std_logic;
   		tabort_i       	: in std_logic;
		bar0_o			: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 9);
		perrEN_o		: out std_logic;
		serrEN_o		: out std_logic;
		memEN_o			: out std_logic;
	    ioEN_o			: out std_logic
	end component;
	component pcipargen
	port (
		clk_i			: in std_logic;
		pcidatout_i		: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
		cbe_i			: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
		parOE_i 		: in std_logic;
		par_o			: out std_logic
	end component;
--|									CONSTANTS  									|
--|									SIGNALS   									|
	signal bar0			: std_logic_vector(31 downto 9);
	signal memEN		: std_logic;
	signal ioEN			: std_logic;
	signal pciadrLD		: std_logic;
	signal adrcfg		: std_logic;
	signal adrmem		: std_logic;
	signal adr			: std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);
	signal cmd			: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
	signal pcidOE		: std_logic;
	signal parOE		: std_logic;
	signal wbdatLD		: std_logic;
	signal wrcfg		: std_logic;
	signal rdcfg		: std_logic;
	signal pcidatread	: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
	signal pcidatwrite	: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
	signal pcidatout	: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
	signal parerr		: std_logic;
	signal syserr		: std_logic;
	signal tabort		: std_logic;
	signal perrEN		: std_logic;
	signal serrEN		: std_logic;
	assert (BARS = "1BARMEM" or BARS = "1BARIO")
         report "ERROR : Bad BAR configuration"
         severity Failure;
	assert ((WBSIZE = 32 and WBENDIAN = "LITTLE") or (WBSIZE = 16) or (WBSIZE = 8 and WBENDIAN = "LITTLE"))
         report "ERROR : Bad WBSIZE/WBENDIAN configuration"
         severity Failure;
    --|  Component instances													|
	--|  PCI decoder							|
	u1: component pcidec
	generic map (
		BARS		 => BARS
	port map (
	    clk_i   	=> clk33,
   		rst_i  		=> rst,
		ad_i		=> ad,
		cbe_i		=> cbe,
		idsel_i    	=> idsel,
		bar0_i      => bar0,
		memEN_i		=> memEN,
		ioEN_i		=> ioEN,
		pciadrLD_i	=> pciadrLD,
		adrcfg_o	=> adrcfg,
		adrmem_o	=> adrmem,
		adr_o		=> adr,
		cmd_o		=> cmd
	--|  PCI-WB Sequencer						|
	u2: component pciwbsequ
	generic map (
		BARS		 => BARS,
	port map (
   		-- General
	    clk_i 		=> clk33,
   		rst_i       => rst,
		-- pci
		cmd_i		=> cmd,
		cbe_i		=> cbe,
		frame_i    	=> frame,
		irdy_i      => irdy,
		devsel_o	=> devsel,
		trdy_o      => trdy,
		stop_o      => stop,
		-- control
		adrcfg_i	=> adrcfg,
		adrmem_i 	=> adrmem,
		pciadrLD_o	=> pciadrLD,
		pcidOE_o	=> pcidOE,
		parOE_o		=> parOE,
		wbdatLD_o   => wbdatLD,
		wrcfg_o 	=> wrcfg,
		rdcfg_o 	=> rdcfg,
		-- whisbone
		wb_sel_o	=> wb_sel_o(((WBSIZE/8)-1) downto 0),
		wb_we_o		=> wb_we_o,
		wb_stb_o	=> wb_stb_o,
		wb_cyc_o	=> wb_cyc_o,
		wb_ack_i	=> wb_ack_i,
		wb_rty_i	=> wb_rty_i,
		wb_err_i	=> wb_err_i
	--|  PCI-wb datamultiplexer					|
	u3: component pcidmux
	generic map (
		BARS		 => BARS,
	port map (
	    clk_i   	=> clk33,
   		rst_i  		=> rst,
		d_io		=> ad,
		pcidatout_o	=> pcidatout,
		pcidOE_i	=> pcidOE,
		wbdatLD_i	=> wbdatLD,
        rdcfg_i		=> rdcfg,
		cbe_i		=> cbe,
		wb_dat_i	=> wb_dat_i((WBSIZE-1) downto 0),
		wb_dat_o	=> wb_dat_o((WBSIZE-1) downto 0),
		rg_dat_i	=> pcidatread,
		rg_dat_o	=> pcidatwrite
	--|  PCI registers							|
	u4: component pciregs
	generic map (
		vendorID 		=> vendorID,
		deviceID 		=> deviceID,
		revisionID 		=> revisionID,
		subsystemID 	=> subsystemID,
    	subsystemvID 	=> subsystemvID,
    	classcodeID 	=> classcodeID,
		BARS		    => BARS
	port map (
	    clk_i   	=> clk33,
   		rst_i  		=> rst,
		adr_i		=> adr(7 downto 2),
		cbe_i		=> cbe,
		dat_i		=> pcidatwrite,
		dat_o		=> pcidatread,
   		wrcfg_i     => wrcfg,
   		rdcfg_i     => rdcfg,
   		perr_i      => parerr,
   		serr_i      => syserr,
   		tabort_i    => tabort,
		bar0_o		=> bar0,
		perrEN_o	=> perrEN,
		serrEN_o	=> serrEN,
		memEN_o		=> memEN,
     	ioEN_o		=> ioEN
	--|  PCI Parity Gnerator					|
	u5: component pcipargen
	port map (
	    clk_i   	=> clk33,
		pcidatout_i	=> pcidatout,
		cbe_i		=> cbe,
		parOE_i		=> parOE,
		par_o		=> par
	--|  Whisbone Address bus					|
	wb_adr_o <= adr;
	--|  unimplemented							|
	parerr 	<= '0';
	syserr 	<= '0';
	tabort 	<= '0';
	--|  unused outputs							|
	-- El pin de interrupcion "serr" debe ser OPENDRAIN.
	-- Definirlo as� en la FPGA.
	-- #perr:
	-- #serr:
	perr 	<= 'Z';
	--serr	<= 'Z';
	serr	<= '1';
	--|  Interrupt								|
	-- El pin de interrupcion "intb" debe ser OPENDRAIN.
	-- Definirlo as� en la FPGA.
	--intb	<= '0' when ( wb_int_i = '1' ) else 'Z';
	intb	<= not wb_int_i;
end rtl;

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