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-- (c) Copyright 2010-2011 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
-- This file contains confidential and proprietary information
-- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and
-- international copyright and other intellectual property
-- laws.
-- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any
-- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as
-- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by
-- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable
-- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort,
-- including negligence, or under any other theory of
-- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature
-- related to, arising under or in connection with these
-- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect,
-- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage
-- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of
-- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought
-- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was
-- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the
-- possibility of the same.
-- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-
-- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe
-- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or
-- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities,
-- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any
-- other applications that could lead to death, personal
-- injury, or severe property or environmental damage
-- (individually and collectively, "Critical
-- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and
-- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical
-- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and
-- regulations governing limitations on product liability.
-- Project    : Series-7 Integrated Block for PCI Express
-- File       : cl_a7pcie_x4.vhd
-- Version    : 1.11
-- Description: Solution wrapper for Virtex7 Hard Block for PCI Express
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_misc.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity cl_a7pcie_x4 is
  generic (
    CFG_VEND_ID                                    : std_logic_vector := X"10EE";
    CFG_DEV_ID                                     : std_logic_vector := X"7024";
    CFG_REV_ID                                     : std_logic_vector := X"00";
    CFG_SUBSYS_VEND_ID                             : std_logic_vector := X"10EE";
    CFG_SUBSYS_ID                                  : std_logic_vector := X"0007";
    ALLOW_X8_GEN2                                  : string     := "FALSE";
    PIPE_PIPELINE_STAGES                           : integer    := 1;
    AER_BASE_PTR                                   : bit_vector := X"000";
    AER_CAP_ECRC_CHECK_CAPABLE                     : string     := "FALSE";
    AER_CAP_ECRC_GEN_CAPABLE                       : string     := "FALSE";
    AER_CAP_MULTIHEADER                            : string     := "FALSE";
    AER_CAP_NEXTPTR                                : bit_vector := X"000";
    AER_CAP_OPTIONAL_ERR_SUPPORT                   : bit_vector := X"000000";
    AER_CAP_ON                                     : string     := "FALSE";
    AER_CAP_PERMIT_ROOTERR_UPDATE                  : string     := "FALSE";
    BAR0                                           : bit_vector := X"FFE00000";
    BAR1                                           : bit_vector := X"FFE00000";
    BAR2                                           : bit_vector := X"00000000";
    BAR3                                           : bit_vector := X"00000000";
    BAR4                                           : bit_vector := X"00000000";
    BAR5                                           : bit_vector := X"00000000";
    C_DATA_WIDTH                                   : integer    := 64;
    CARDBUS_CIS_POINTER                            : bit_vector := X"00000000";
    CLASS_CODE                                     : bit_vector := X"058000";
    CMD_INTX_IMPLEMENTED                           : string     := "TRUE";
    CPL_TIMEOUT_DISABLE_SUPPORTED                  : string     := "FALSE";
    CPL_TIMEOUT_RANGES_SUPPORTED                   : bit_vector := X"2";
    DEV_CAP_ENDPOINT_L0S_LATENCY                   : integer    := 0;
    DEV_CAP_ENDPOINT_L1_LATENCY                    : integer    := 7;
    DEV_CAP_EXT_TAG_SUPPORTED                      : string     := "FALSE";
    DEV_CAP_MAX_PAYLOAD_SUPPORTED                  : integer    := 2;
    DEV_CAP_PHANTOM_FUNCTIONS_SUPPORT              : integer    := 0;
    DEV_CAP2_ARI_FORWARDING_SUPPORTED              : string     := "FALSE";
    DEV_CAP2_ATOMICOP32_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED        : string     := "FALSE";
    DEV_CAP2_ATOMICOP64_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED        : string     := "FALSE";
    DEV_CAP2_ATOMICOP_ROUTING_SUPPORTED            : string     := "FALSE";
    DEV_CAP2_CAS128_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED            : string     := "FALSE";
    DEV_CAP2_TPH_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED               : bit_vector := X"00";
    DEV_CONTROL_EXT_TAG_DEFAULT                    : string     := "FALSE";
    DISABLE_LANE_REVERSAL                          : string     := "FALSE";
    DISABLE_RX_POISONED_RESP                       : string     := "FALSE";
    DISABLE_SCRAMBLING                             : string     := "FALSE";
    DSN_BASE_PTR                                   : bit_vector := X"100";
    DSN_CAP_NEXTPTR                                : bit_vector := X"000";
    DSN_CAP_ON                                     : string     := "TRUE";
    ENABLE_MSG_ROUTE                               : bit_vector := "00000000000";
    ENABLE_RX_TD_ECRC_TRIM                         : string     := "FALSE";
    EXPANSION_ROM                                  : bit_vector := X"00000000";
    EXT_CFG_CAP_PTR                                : bit_vector := X"3F";
    EXT_CFG_XP_CAP_PTR                             : bit_vector := X"3FF";
    HEADER_TYPE                                    : bit_vector := X"00";
    INTERRUPT_PIN                                  : bit_vector := X"1";
    LAST_CONFIG_DWORD                              : bit_vector := X"3FF";
    LINK_CAP_ASPM_OPTIONALITY                      : string     := "FALSE";
    LINK_CAP_DLL_LINK_ACTIVE_REPORTING_CAP         : string     := "FALSE";
    LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_SPEED                        : bit_vector := X"2";
    LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_SPEED_int                    : integer    := 2;
    LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH                        : bit_vector := X"04";
    LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH_int                    : integer    := 4;
    LINK_CTRL2_DEEMPHASIS                          : string     := "FALSE";
    LINK_CTRL2_HW_AUTONOMOUS_SPEED_DISABLE         : string     := "FALSE";
    LINK_CTRL2_TARGET_LINK_SPEED                   : bit_vector := X"2";
    LINK_STATUS_SLOT_CLOCK_CONFIG                  : string     := "TRUE";
    LL_ACK_TIMEOUT                                 : bit_vector := X"0000";
    LL_ACK_TIMEOUT_EN                              : string     := "FALSE";
    LL_ACK_TIMEOUT_FUNC                            : integer    := 0;
    LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT                              : bit_vector := X"0000";
    LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT_EN                           : string     := "FALSE";
    LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT_FUNC                         : integer    := 1;
    LTSSM_MAX_LINK_WIDTH                           : bit_vector := X"04";
    MSI_CAP_MULTIMSGCAP                            : integer    := 0;
    MSI_CAP_MULTIMSG_EXTENSION                     : integer    := 0;
    MSI_CAP_ON                                     : string     := "TRUE";
    MSI_CAP_PER_VECTOR_MASKING_CAPABLE             : string     := "FALSE";
    MSI_CAP_64_BIT_ADDR_CAPABLE                    : string     := "TRUE";
    MSIX_CAP_ON                                    : string     := "FALSE";
    MSIX_CAP_PBA_BIR                               : integer    := 0;
    MSIX_CAP_PBA_OFFSET                            : bit_vector := X"0";
    MSIX_CAP_TABLE_BIR                             : integer    := 0;
    MSIX_CAP_TABLE_OFFSET                          : bit_vector := X"0";
    MSIX_CAP_TABLE_SIZE                            : bit_vector := X"0";
    PCIE_CAP_DEVICE_PORT_TYPE                      : bit_vector := X"0";
    PCIE_CAP_NEXTPTR                               : bit_vector := X"00";
    PM_CAP_DSI                                     : string     := "FALSE";
    PM_CAP_D1SUPPORT                               : string     := "FALSE";
    PM_CAP_D2SUPPORT                               : string     := "FALSE";
    PM_CAP_NEXTPTR                                 : bit_vector := X"48";
    PM_CAP_PMESUPPORT                              : bit_vector := X"0F";
    PM_CSR_NOSOFTRST                               : string     := "TRUE";
    PM_DATA_SCALE0                                 : bit_vector := X"0";
    PM_DATA_SCALE1                                 : bit_vector := X"0";
    PM_DATA_SCALE2                                 : bit_vector := X"0";
    PM_DATA_SCALE3                                 : bit_vector := X"0";
    PM_DATA_SCALE4                                 : bit_vector := X"0";
    PM_DATA_SCALE5                                 : bit_vector := X"0";
    PM_DATA_SCALE6                                 : bit_vector := X"0";
    PM_DATA_SCALE7                                 : bit_vector := X"0";
    PM_DATA0                                       : bit_vector := X"00";
    PM_DATA1                                       : bit_vector := X"00";
    PM_DATA2                                       : bit_vector := X"00";
    PM_DATA3                                       : bit_vector := X"00";
    PM_DATA4                                       : bit_vector := X"00";
    PM_DATA5                                       : bit_vector := X"00";
    PM_DATA6                                       : bit_vector := X"00";
    PM_DATA7                                       : bit_vector := X"00";
    RBAR_BASE_PTR                                  : bit_vector := X"000";
    RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR0                   : bit_vector := X"00";
    RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR1                   : bit_vector := X"00";
    RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR2                   : bit_vector := X"00";
    RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR3                   : bit_vector := X"00";
    RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR4                   : bit_vector := X"00";
    RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR5                   : bit_vector := X"00";
    RBAR_CAP_INDEX0                                : bit_vector := X"0";
    RBAR_CAP_INDEX1                                : bit_vector := X"0";
    RBAR_CAP_INDEX2                                : bit_vector := X"0";
    RBAR_CAP_INDEX3                                : bit_vector := X"0";
    RBAR_CAP_INDEX4                                : bit_vector := X"0";
    RBAR_CAP_INDEX5                                : bit_vector := X"0";
    RBAR_CAP_ON                                    : string     := "FALSE";
    RBAR_CAP_SUP0                                  : bit_vector := X"00001";
    RBAR_CAP_SUP1                                  : bit_vector := X"00001";
    RBAR_CAP_SUP2                                  : bit_vector := X"00001";
    RBAR_CAP_SUP3                                  : bit_vector := X"00001";
    RBAR_CAP_SUP4                                  : bit_vector := X"00001";
    RBAR_CAP_SUP5                                  : bit_vector := X"00001";
    RBAR_NUM                                       : bit_vector := X"0";
    RECRC_CHK                                      : integer    := 0;
    RECRC_CHK_TRIM                                 : string     := "FALSE";
    REF_CLK_FREQ                                   : integer    := 0;    -- 0 - 100 MHz; 1 - 125 MHz; 2 - 250 MHz
    --KEEP_WIDTH                                   : integer    := C_DATA_WIDTH / 8;
    TL_RX_RAM_RADDR_LATENCY                        : integer    := 0;
    TL_RX_RAM_RDATA_LATENCY                        : integer    := 2;
    TL_RX_RAM_WRITE_LATENCY                        : integer    := 0;
    TL_TX_RAM_RADDR_LATENCY                        : integer    := 0;
    TL_TX_RAM_RDATA_LATENCY                        : integer    := 2;
    TL_TX_RAM_WRITE_LATENCY                        : integer    := 0;
    TRN_NP_FC                                      : string     := "TRUE";
    TRN_DW                                         : string     := "FALSE";
    UPCONFIG_CAPABLE                               : string     := "TRUE";
    UPSTREAM_FACING                                : string     := "TRUE";
    UR_ATOMIC                                      : string     := "FALSE";
    UR_INV_REQ                                     : string     := "TRUE";
    UR_PRS_RESPONSE                                : string     := "TRUE";
    USER_CLK_FREQ                                  : integer    := 3;
    USER_CLK2_DIV2                                 : string     := "FALSE";
    VC_BASE_PTR                                    : bit_vector := X"000";
    VC_CAP_NEXTPTR                                 : bit_vector := X"000";
    VC_CAP_ON                                      : string     := "FALSE";
    VC_CAP_REJECT_SNOOP_TRANSACTIONS               : string     := "FALSE";
    VC0_CPL_INFINITE                               : string     := "TRUE";
    VC0_RX_RAM_LIMIT                               : bit_vector := X"7FF";
    VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_CD                           : integer    := 461;
    VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_CH                           : integer    := 36;
    VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_NPH                          : integer    := 12;
    VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_NPD                          : integer    := 24;
    VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_PD                           : integer    := 437;
    VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_PH                           : integer    := 32;
    VC0_TX_LASTPACKET                              : integer    := 29;
    VSEC_BASE_PTR                                  : bit_vector := X"000";
    VSEC_CAP_NEXTPTR                               : bit_vector := X"000";
    VSEC_CAP_ON                                    : string     := "FALSE";
    DISABLE_ASPM_L1_TIMER                          : string     := "FALSE";
    DISABLE_BAR_FILTERING                          : string     := "FALSE";
    DISABLE_ID_CHECK                               : string     := "FALSE";
    DISABLE_RX_TC_FILTER                           : string     := "FALSE";
    DNSTREAM_LINK_NUM                              : bit_vector := X"00";
    DSN_CAP_ID                                     : bit_vector := X"0003";
    DSN_CAP_VERSION                                : bit_vector := X"1";
    ENTER_RVRY_EI_L0                               : string     := "TRUE";
    INFER_EI                                       : bit_vector := X"00";
    IS_SWITCH                                      : string     := "FALSE";
    LINK_CAP_ASPM_SUPPORT                          : integer    := 1;
    LINK_CAP_CLOCK_POWER_MANAGEMENT                : string     := "FALSE";
    LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN1          : integer    := 7;
    LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN2          : integer    := 7;
    LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN1                 : integer    := 7;
    LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN2                 : integer    := 7;
    LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN1           : integer    := 7;
    LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN2           : integer    := 7;
    LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN1                  : integer    := 7;
    LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN2                  : integer    := 7;
    LINK_CAP_RSVD_23                               : integer    := 0;
    LINK_CONTROL_RCB                               : integer    := 0;
    MSI_BASE_PTR                                   : bit_vector := X"48";
    MSI_CAP_ID                                     : bit_vector := X"05";
    MSI_CAP_NEXTPTR                                : bit_vector := X"60";
    MSIX_BASE_PTR                                  : bit_vector := X"9c";
    MSIX_CAP_ID                                    : bit_vector := X"11";
    MSIX_CAP_NEXTPTR                               : bit_vector := X"00";
    N_FTS_COMCLK_GEN1                              : integer    := 255;
    N_FTS_COMCLK_GEN2                              : integer    := 255;
    N_FTS_GEN1                                     : integer    := 255;
    N_FTS_GEN2                                     : integer    := 255;
    PCIE_BASE_PTR                                  : bit_vector := X"60";
    PCIE_CAP_CAPABILITY_ID                         : bit_vector := X"10";
    PCIE_CAP_CAPABILITY_VERSION                    : bit_vector := X"2";
    PCIE_CAP_ON                                    : string     := "TRUE";
    PCIE_CAP_RSVD_15_14                            : integer    := 0;
    PCIE_CAP_SLOT_IMPLEMENTED                      : string     := "FALSE";
    PCIE_REVISION                                  : integer    := 2;
    PL_AUTO_CONFIG                                 : integer    := 0;
    PL_FAST_TRAIN                                  : string     := "FALSE";
    PCIE_EXT_CLK                                   : string     := "TRUE";
    PM_BASE_PTR                                    : bit_vector := X"40";
    PM_CAP_AUXCURRENT                              : integer    := 0;
    PM_CAP_ID                                      : bit_vector := X"01";
    PM_CAP_ON                                      : string     := "TRUE";
    PM_CAP_PME_CLOCK                               : string     := "FALSE";
    PM_CAP_RSVD_04                                 : integer    := 0;
    PM_CAP_VERSION                                 : integer    := 3;
    PM_CSR_BPCCEN                                  : string     := "FALSE";
    PM_CSR_B2B3                                    : string     := "FALSE";
    ROOT_CAP_CRS_SW_VISIBILITY                     : string     := "FALSE";
    SELECT_DLL_IF                                  : string     := "FALSE";
    SLOT_CAP_ATT_BUTTON_PRESENT                    : string     := "FALSE";
    SLOT_CAP_ATT_INDICATOR_PRESENT                 : string     := "FALSE";
    SLOT_CAP_ELEC_INTERLOCK_PRESENT                : string     := "FALSE";
    SLOT_CAP_HOTPLUG_CAPABLE                       : string     := "FALSE";
    SLOT_CAP_HOTPLUG_SURPRISE                      : string     := "FALSE";
    SLOT_CAP_MRL_SENSOR_PRESENT                    : string     := "FALSE";
    SLOT_CAP_NO_CMD_COMPLETED_SUPPORT              : string     := "FALSE";
    SLOT_CAP_PHYSICAL_SLOT_NUM                     : bit_vector := X"0000";
    SLOT_CAP_POWER_CONTROLLER_PRESENT              : string     := "FALSE";
    SLOT_CAP_POWER_INDICATOR_PRESENT               : string     := "FALSE";
    SLOT_CAP_SLOT_POWER_LIMIT_SCALE                : integer    := 0;
    SLOT_CAP_SLOT_POWER_LIMIT_VALUE                : bit_vector := X"00";
    SPARE_BIT0                                     : integer    := 0;
    SPARE_BIT1                                     : integer    := 0;
    SPARE_BIT2                                     : integer    := 0;
    SPARE_BIT3                                     : integer    := 0;
    SPARE_BIT4                                     : integer    := 0;
    SPARE_BIT5                                     : integer    := 0;
    SPARE_BIT6                                     : integer    := 0;
    SPARE_BIT7                                     : integer    := 0;
    SPARE_BIT8                                     : integer    := 0;
    SPARE_BYTE0                                    : bit_vector := X"00";
    SPARE_BYTE1                                    : bit_vector := X"00";
    SPARE_BYTE2                                    : bit_vector := X"00";
    SPARE_BYTE3                                    : bit_vector := X"00";
    SPARE_WORD0                                    : bit_vector := X"00000000";
    SPARE_WORD1                                    : bit_vector := X"00000000";
    SPARE_WORD2                                    : bit_vector := X"00000000";
    SPARE_WORD3                                    : bit_vector := X"00000000";
    TL_RBYPASS                                     : string     := "FALSE";
    TL_TFC_DISABLE                                 : string     := "FALSE";
    TL_TX_CHECKS_DISABLE                           : string     := "FALSE";
    EXIT_LOOPBACK_ON_EI                            : string     := "TRUE";
    CFG_ECRC_ERR_CPLSTAT                           : integer    := 0;
    CAPABILITIES_PTR                               : bit_vector := X"40";
    CRM_MODULE_RSTS                                : bit_vector := X"00";
    DEV_CAP_ENABLE_SLOT_PWR_LIMIT_SCALE            : string     := "TRUE";
    DEV_CAP_ENABLE_SLOT_PWR_LIMIT_VALUE            : string     := "TRUE";
    DEV_CAP_FUNCTION_LEVEL_RESET_CAPABLE           : string     := "FALSE";
    DEV_CAP_ROLE_BASED_ERROR                       : string     := "TRUE";
    DEV_CAP_RSVD_14_12                             : integer    := 0;
    DEV_CAP_RSVD_17_16                             : integer    := 0;
    DEV_CAP_RSVD_31_29                             : integer    := 0;
    DEV_CONTROL_AUX_POWER_SUPPORTED                : string     := "FALSE";
    VC_CAP_ID                                      : bit_vector := X"0002";
    VC_CAP_VERSION                                 : bit_vector := X"1";
    VSEC_CAP_HDR_ID                                : bit_vector := X"1234";
    VSEC_CAP_HDR_LENGTH                            : bit_vector := X"018";
    VSEC_CAP_HDR_REVISION                          : bit_vector := X"1";
    VSEC_CAP_ID                                    : bit_vector := X"000b";
    VSEC_CAP_IS_LINK_VISIBLE                       : string     := "TRUE";
    VSEC_CAP_VERSION                               : bit_vector := X"1";
    DISABLE_ERR_MSG                                : string     := "FALSE";
    DISABLE_LOCKED_FILTER                          : string     := "FALSE";
    DISABLE_PPM_FILTER                             : string     := "FALSE";
    INTERRUPT_STAT_AUTO                            : string     := "TRUE";
    MPS_FORCE                                      : string     := "FALSE";
    PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT                             : bit_vector := X"0000";
    PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT_EN                          : string     := "FALSE";
    PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT_FUNC                        : integer    := 0;
    PM_ASPM_FASTEXIT                               : string     := "FALSE";
    PM_MF                                          : string     := "FALSE";
    RP_AUTO_SPD                                    : bit_vector := X"1";
    RP_AUTO_SPD_LOOPCNT                            : bit_vector := X"1f";
    SIM_VERSION                                    : string     := "1.0";
    SSL_MESSAGE_AUTO                               : string     := "FALSE";
    TECRC_EP_INV                                   : string     := "FALSE";
    UR_CFG1                                        : string     := "TRUE";
    USE_RID_PINS                                   : string     := "FALSE";
    -- New Parameters
    DEV_CAP2_ENDEND_TLP_PREFIX_SUPPORTED           : string     := "FALSE";
    DEV_CAP2_EXTENDED_FMT_FIELD_SUPPORTED          : string     := "FALSE";
    DEV_CAP2_LTR_MECHANISM_SUPPORTED               : string     := "FALSE";
    DEV_CAP2_MAX_ENDEND_TLP_PREFIXES               : bit_vector := X"0";
    DEV_CAP2_NO_RO_ENABLED_PRPR_PASSING            : string     := "FALSE";
    LINK_CAP_SURPRISE_DOWN_ERROR_CAPABLE           : string     := "FALSE";
    AER_CAP_ID                                     : bit_vector := X"0001";
    AER_CAP_VERSION                                : bit_vector := X"1";
    RBAR_CAP_ID                                    : bit_vector := X"0015";
    RBAR_CAP_NEXTPTR                               : bit_vector := X"000";
    RBAR_CAP_VERSION                               : bit_vector := X"1";
    PCIE_USE_MODE                                  : string     := "1.0";
    PCIE_GT_DEVICE                                 : string     := "GTP";
    PCIE_CHAN_BOND                                 : integer    := 1;
    PCIE_PLL_SEL                                   : string     := "CPLL";
    PCIE_ASYNC_EN                                  : string     := "FALSE";
    PCIE_TXBUF_EN                                  : string     := "FALSE"
  port (
     -- 1. PCI Express (pci_exp) Interface                                                                            --
      pci_exp_txp                                : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      pci_exp_txn                                : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      pci_exp_rxp                                : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      pci_exp_rxn                                : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
     -- 2. Clocking Interface                                                                                         --
      PIPE_PCLK_IN                               : in std_logic;
      PIPE_RXUSRCLK_IN                           : in std_logic;
      PIPE_RXOUTCLK_IN                           : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      PIPE_DCLK_IN                               : in std_logic;
      PIPE_USERCLK1_IN                           : in std_logic;
      PIPE_USERCLK2_IN                           : in std_logic;
      PIPE_OOBCLK_IN                             : in std_logic;
      PIPE_MMCM_LOCK_IN                          : in std_logic;
      PIPE_TXOUTCLK_OUT                          : out std_logic;
      PIPE_RXOUTCLK_OUT                          : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      PIPE_PCLK_SEL_OUT                          : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      PIPE_GEN3_OUT                              : out std_logic;
     -- 3. AXI-S Interface                                                                                            --
      -- Common
      user_clk_out                               : out std_logic;
      user_reset_out                             : out std_logic;
      user_lnk_up                                : out std_logic;
      -- TX
      tx_buf_av                                  : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
      tx_cfg_req                                 : out std_logic;
      tx_err_drop                                : out std_logic;
      s_axis_tx_tready                           : out std_logic;
      s_axis_tx_tdata                            : in std_logic_vector((C_DATA_WIDTH - 1) downto 0);
      s_axis_tx_tkeep                            : in std_logic_vector((C_DATA_WIDTH / 8 - 1) downto 0);
      s_axis_tx_tlast                            : in std_logic;
      s_axis_tx_tvalid                           : in std_logic;
      s_axis_tx_tuser                            : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      tx_cfg_gnt                                 : in std_logic;
      -- RX
      m_axis_rx_tdata                            : out std_logic_vector((C_DATA_WIDTH - 1) downto 0);
      m_axis_rx_tkeep                            : out std_logic_vector((C_DATA_WIDTH / 8 - 1) downto 0);
      m_axis_rx_tlast                            : out std_logic;
      m_axis_rx_tvalid                           : out std_logic;
      m_axis_rx_tready                           : in std_logic;
      m_axis_rx_tuser                            : out std_logic_vector(21 downto 0);
      rx_np_ok                                   : in std_logic;
      rx_np_req                                  : in std_logic;
      -- Flow Control
      fc_cpld                                    : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
      fc_cplh                                    : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
      fc_npd                                     : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
      fc_nph                                     : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
      fc_pd                                      : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
      fc_ph                                      : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
      fc_sel                                     : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
     -- 4. Configuration (CFG) Interface                                                                              --
      -- EP and RP                                                      --
      cfg_mgmt_do                                : out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
      cfg_mgmt_rd_wr_done                        : out std_logic;
      cfg_status                                 : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
      cfg_command                                : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
      cfg_dstatus                                : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
      cfg_dcommand                               : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
      cfg_lstatus                                : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
      cfg_lcommand                               : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
      cfg_dcommand2                              : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
      cfg_pcie_link_state                        : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
      cfg_pmcsr_pme_en                           : out std_logic;
      cfg_pmcsr_powerstate                       : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
      cfg_pmcsr_pme_status                       : out std_logic;
      cfg_received_func_lvl_rst                  : out std_logic;
      -- Management Interface
      cfg_mgmt_di                                : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
      cfg_mgmt_byte_en                           : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
      cfg_mgmt_dwaddr                            : in std_logic_vector (9 downto 0);
      cfg_mgmt_wr_en                             : in std_logic;
      cfg_mgmt_rd_en                             : in std_logic;
      cfg_mgmt_wr_readonly                       : in std_logic;
      -- Error Reporting Interface
      cfg_err_ecrc                               : in std_logic;
      cfg_err_ur                                 : in std_logic;
      cfg_err_cpl_timeout                        : in std_logic;
      cfg_err_cpl_unexpect                       : in std_logic;
      cfg_err_cpl_abort                          : in std_logic;
      cfg_err_posted                             : in std_logic;
      cfg_err_cor                                : in std_logic;
      cfg_err_atomic_egress_blocked              : in std_logic;
      cfg_err_internal_cor                       : in std_logic;
      cfg_err_malformed                          : in std_logic;
      cfg_err_mc_blocked                         : in std_logic;
      cfg_err_poisoned                           : in std_logic;
      cfg_err_norecovery                         : in std_logic;
      cfg_err_tlp_cpl_header                     : in std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
      cfg_err_cpl_rdy                            : out std_logic;
      cfg_err_locked                             : in std_logic;
      cfg_err_acs                                : in std_logic;
      cfg_err_internal_uncor                     : in std_logic;
      cfg_trn_pending                            : in std_logic;
      cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l0s                       : in std_logic;
      cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l1                        : in std_logic;
      cfg_pm_force_state_en                      : in std_logic;
      cfg_pm_force_state                         : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
      cfg_dsn                                    : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
      -- EP Only                                                        --
      cfg_interrupt                              : in std_logic;
      cfg_interrupt_rdy                          : out std_logic;
      cfg_interrupt_assert                       : in std_logic;
      cfg_interrupt_di                           : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
      cfg_interrupt_do                           : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
      cfg_interrupt_mmenable                     : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
      cfg_interrupt_msienable                    : out std_logic;
      cfg_interrupt_msixenable                   : out std_logic;
      cfg_interrupt_msixfm                       : out std_logic;
      cfg_interrupt_stat                         : in std_logic;
      cfg_pciecap_interrupt_msgnum               : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
      cfg_to_turnoff                             : out std_logic;
      cfg_turnoff_ok                             : in std_logic;
      cfg_bus_number                             : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
      cfg_device_number                          : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
      cfg_function_number                        : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
      cfg_pm_wake                                : in std_logic;
      -- RP Only                                                        --
      cfg_pm_send_pme_to                         : in std_logic;
      cfg_ds_bus_number                          : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
      cfg_ds_device_number                       : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
      cfg_ds_function_number                     : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
      cfg_mgmt_wr_rw1c_as_rw                     : in std_logic;
      cfg_msg_received                           : out std_logic;
      cfg_msg_data                               : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
      cfg_bridge_serr_en                         : out std_logic;
      cfg_slot_control_electromech_il_ctl_pulse  : out std_logic;
      cfg_root_control_syserr_corr_err_en        : out std_logic;
      cfg_root_control_syserr_non_fatal_err_en   : out std_logic;
      cfg_root_control_syserr_fatal_err_en       : out std_logic;
      cfg_root_control_pme_int_en                : out std_logic;
      cfg_aer_rooterr_corr_err_reporting_en      : out std_logic;
      cfg_aer_rooterr_non_fatal_err_reporting_en : out std_logic;
      cfg_aer_rooterr_fatal_err_reporting_en     : out std_logic;
      cfg_aer_rooterr_corr_err_received          : out std_logic;
      cfg_aer_rooterr_non_fatal_err_received     : out std_logic;
      cfg_aer_rooterr_fatal_err_received         : out std_logic;
      cfg_msg_received_err_cor                   : out std_logic;
      cfg_msg_received_err_non_fatal             : out std_logic;
      cfg_msg_received_err_fatal                 : out std_logic;
      cfg_msg_received_pm_as_nak                 : out std_logic;
      cfg_msg_received_pm_pme                    : out std_logic;
      cfg_msg_received_pme_to_ack                : out std_logic;
      cfg_msg_received_assert_int_a              : out std_logic;
      cfg_msg_received_assert_int_b              : out std_logic;
      cfg_msg_received_assert_int_c              : out std_logic;
      cfg_msg_received_assert_int_d              : out std_logic;
      cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_a            : out std_logic;
      cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_b            : out std_logic;
      cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_c            : out std_logic;
      cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_d            : out std_logic;
      cfg_msg_received_setslotpowerlimit         : out std_logic;
     -- 5. Physical Layer Control and Status (PL) Interface                                                           --
      pl_directed_link_change                    : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
      pl_directed_link_width                     : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
      pl_directed_link_speed                     : in std_logic;
      pl_directed_link_auton                     : in std_logic;
      pl_upstream_prefer_deemph                  : in std_logic;
      pl_sel_lnk_rate                            : out std_logic;
      pl_sel_lnk_width                           : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
      pl_ltssm_state                             : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
      pl_lane_reversal_mode                      : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
      pl_phy_lnk_up                              : out std_logic;
      pl_tx_pm_state                             : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
      pl_rx_pm_state                             : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
      pl_link_upcfg_cap                          : out std_logic;
      pl_link_gen2_cap                           : out std_logic;
      pl_link_partner_gen2_supported             : out std_logic;
      pl_initial_link_width                      : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
      pl_directed_change_done                    : out std_logic;
      -- EP Only                                                        --
      pl_received_hot_rst                        : out std_logic;
      -- RP Only                                                        --
      pl_transmit_hot_rst                        : in std_logic;
      pl_downstream_deemph_source                : in std_logic;
     -- 6. AER interface                                                                                              --
      cfg_err_aer_headerlog                      : in std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
      cfg_aer_interrupt_msgnum                   : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
      cfg_err_aer_headerlog_set                  : out std_logic;
      cfg_aer_ecrc_check_en                      : out std_logic;
      cfg_aer_ecrc_gen_en                        : out std_logic;
     -- 7. VC interface                                                                                               --
      cfg_vc_tcvc_map                            : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
     -- 8. System(SYS) Interface                                                                                      --
      PIPE_MMCM_RST_N                            : in std_logic;   --     // Async      | Async
      sys_clk                                    : in std_logic;
      sys_rst_n                                  : in std_logic
end cl_a7pcie_x4;
  architecture pcie_7x of cl_a7pcie_x4 is
   attribute CORE_GENERATION_INFO : string;
   attribute CORE_GENERATION_INFO of pcie_7x : ARCHITECTURE is
    component cl_a7pcie_x4_pcie_top is
      generic (
        C_DATA_WIDTH                                   : INTEGER range 32 to 128 := 64;
        C_REM_WIDTH                                    : INTEGER range 0 to 128  :=  1;
        PIPE_PIPELINE_STAGES                           : INTEGER range 0 to 2 := 0;      -- 0 - 0 stages, 1 - 1 stage, 2 - 2 stages
        -- PCIE_2_1 params
        AER_BASE_PTR                                   : bit_vector := X"140";
        AER_CAP_ECRC_CHECK_CAPABLE                     : string     := "FALSE";
        AER_CAP_ECRC_GEN_CAPABLE                       : string     := "FALSE";
        AER_CAP_ID                                     : bit_vector := X"0001";
        AER_CAP_MULTIHEADER                            : string     := "FALSE";
        AER_CAP_NEXTPTR                                : bit_vector := X"178";
        AER_CAP_ON                                     : string     := "FALSE";
        AER_CAP_OPTIONAL_ERR_SUPPORT                   : bit_vector := X"000000";
        AER_CAP_PERMIT_ROOTERR_UPDATE                  : string     := "TRUE";
        AER_CAP_VERSION                                : bit_vector := X"2";
        ALLOW_X8_GEN2                                  : string     := "FALSE";
        BAR0                                           : bit_vector := X"FFFFFF00";
        BAR1                                           : bit_vector := X"FFFF0000";
        BAR2                                           : bit_vector := X"FFFF000C";
        BAR3                                           : bit_vector := X"FFFFFFFF";
        BAR4                                           : bit_vector := X"00000000";
        BAR5                                           : bit_vector := X"00000000";
        CAPABILITIES_PTR                               : bit_vector := X"40";
        CARDBUS_CIS_POINTER                            : bit_vector := X"00000000";
        CFG_ECRC_ERR_CPLSTAT                           : integer    := 0;
        CLASS_CODE                                     : bit_vector := X"000000";
        CMD_INTX_IMPLEMENTED                           : string     := "TRUE";
        CPL_TIMEOUT_DISABLE_SUPPORTED                  : string     := "FALSE";
        CPL_TIMEOUT_RANGES_SUPPORTED                   : bit_vector := X"0";
        CRM_MODULE_RSTS                                : bit_vector := X"00";
        DEV_CAP2_ARI_FORWARDING_SUPPORTED              : string     := "FALSE";
        DEV_CAP2_ATOMICOP32_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED        : string     := "FALSE";
        DEV_CAP2_ATOMICOP64_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED        : string     := "FALSE";
        DEV_CAP2_ATOMICOP_ROUTING_SUPPORTED            : string     := "FALSE";
        DEV_CAP2_CAS128_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED            : string     := "FALSE";
        DEV_CAP2_ENDEND_TLP_PREFIX_SUPPORTED           : string     := "FALSE";
        DEV_CAP2_EXTENDED_FMT_FIELD_SUPPORTED          : string     := "FALSE";
        DEV_CAP2_LTR_MECHANISM_SUPPORTED               : string     := "FALSE";
        DEV_CAP2_MAX_ENDEND_TLP_PREFIXES               : bit_vector := X"0";
        DEV_CAP2_NO_RO_ENABLED_PRPR_PASSING            : string     := "FALSE";
        DEV_CAP2_TPH_COMPLETER_SUPPORTED               : bit_vector := X"0";
        DEV_CAP_ENABLE_SLOT_PWR_LIMIT_SCALE            : string     := "TRUE";
        DEV_CAP_ENABLE_SLOT_PWR_LIMIT_VALUE            : string     := "TRUE";
        DEV_CAP_ENDPOINT_L0S_LATENCY                   : integer    := 0;
        DEV_CAP_ENDPOINT_L1_LATENCY                    : integer    := 0;
        DEV_CAP_EXT_TAG_SUPPORTED                      : string     := "TRUE";
        DEV_CAP_FUNCTION_LEVEL_RESET_CAPABLE           : string     := "FALSE";
        DEV_CAP_MAX_PAYLOAD_SUPPORTED                  : integer    := 2;
        DEV_CAP_PHANTOM_FUNCTIONS_SUPPORT              : integer    := 0;
        DEV_CAP_ROLE_BASED_ERROR                       : string     := "TRUE";
        DEV_CAP_RSVD_14_12                             : integer    := 0;
        DEV_CAP_RSVD_17_16                             : integer    := 0;
        DEV_CAP_RSVD_31_29                             : integer    := 0;
        DEV_CONTROL_AUX_POWER_SUPPORTED                : string     := "FALSE";
        DEV_CONTROL_EXT_TAG_DEFAULT                    : string     := "FALSE";
        DISABLE_ASPM_L1_TIMER                          : string     := "FALSE";
        DISABLE_BAR_FILTERING                          : string     := "FALSE";
        DISABLE_ERR_MSG                                : string     := "FALSE";
        DISABLE_ID_CHECK                               : string     := "FALSE";
        DISABLE_LANE_REVERSAL                          : string     := "FALSE";
        DISABLE_LOCKED_FILTER                          : string     := "FALSE";
        DISABLE_PPM_FILTER                             : string     := "FALSE";
        DISABLE_RX_POISONED_RESP                       : string     := "FALSE";
        DISABLE_RX_TC_FILTER                           : string     := "FALSE";
        DISABLE_SCRAMBLING                             : string     := "FALSE";
        DNSTREAM_LINK_NUM                              : bit_vector := X"00";
        DSN_BASE_PTR                                   : bit_vector := X"100";
        DSN_CAP_ID                                     : bit_vector := X"0003";
        DSN_CAP_NEXTPTR                                : bit_vector := X"10C";
        DSN_CAP_ON                                     : string     := "TRUE";
        DSN_CAP_VERSION                                : bit_vector := X"1";
        ENABLE_MSG_ROUTE                               : bit_vector := X"000";
        ENABLE_RX_TD_ECRC_TRIM                         : string     := "FALSE";
        ENDEND_TLP_PREFIX_FORWARDING_SUPPORTED         : string     := "FALSE";
        ENTER_RVRY_EI_L0                               : string     := "TRUE";
        EXIT_LOOPBACK_ON_EI                            : string     := "TRUE";
        EXPANSION_ROM                                  : bit_vector := X"FFFFF001";
        EXT_CFG_CAP_PTR                                : bit_vector := X"3F";
        EXT_CFG_XP_CAP_PTR                             : bit_vector := X"3FF";
        HEADER_TYPE                                    : bit_vector := X"00";
        INFER_EI                                       : bit_vector := X"00";
        INTERRUPT_PIN                                  : bit_vector := X"01";
        INTERRUPT_STAT_AUTO                            : string     := "TRUE";
        IS_SWITCH                                      : string     := "FALSE";
        LAST_CONFIG_DWORD                              : bit_vector := X"3FF";
        LINK_CAP_ASPM_OPTIONALITY                      : string     := "TRUE";
        LINK_CAP_ASPM_SUPPORT                          : integer    := 1;
        LINK_CAP_CLOCK_POWER_MANAGEMENT                : string     := "FALSE";
        LINK_CAP_DLL_LINK_ACTIVE_REPORTING_CAP         : string     := "FALSE";
        LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN1          : integer    := 7;
        LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN2          : integer    := 7;
        LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN1                 : integer    := 7;
        LINK_CAP_L0S_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN2                 : integer    := 7;
        LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN1           : integer    := 7;
        LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_COMCLK_GEN2           : integer    := 7;
        LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN1                  : integer    := 7;
        LINK_CAP_L1_EXIT_LATENCY_GEN2                  : integer    := 7;
        LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_SPEED                        : bit_vector := X"1";
        LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_SPEED_int                    : integer    := 1;
        LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH                        : bit_vector := X"08";
        LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH_int                    : integer    := 8;
        LINK_CAP_RSVD_23                               : integer    := 0;
        LINK_CAP_SURPRISE_DOWN_ERROR_CAPABLE           : string     := "FALSE";
        LINK_CONTROL_RCB                               : integer    := 0;
        LINK_CTRL2_DEEMPHASIS                          : string     := "FALSE";
        LINK_CTRL2_HW_AUTONOMOUS_SPEED_DISABLE         : string     := "FALSE";
        LINK_CTRL2_TARGET_LINK_SPEED                   : bit_vector := X"2";
        LINK_STATUS_SLOT_CLOCK_CONFIG                  : string     := "TRUE";
        LL_ACK_TIMEOUT                                 : bit_vector := X"0000";
        LL_ACK_TIMEOUT_EN                              : string     := "FALSE";
        LL_ACK_TIMEOUT_FUNC                            : integer    := 0;
        LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT                              : bit_vector := X"0000";
        LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT_EN                           : string     := "FALSE";
        LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT_FUNC                         : integer    := 0;
        LTSSM_MAX_LINK_WIDTH                           : bit_vector := X"01";
        MPS_FORCE                                      : string     := "FALSE";
        MSIX_BASE_PTR                                  : bit_vector := X"9C";
        MSIX_CAP_ID                                    : bit_vector := X"11";
        MSIX_CAP_NEXTPTR                               : bit_vector := X"00";
        MSIX_CAP_ON                                    : string     := "FALSE";
        MSIX_CAP_PBA_BIR                               : integer    := 0;
        MSIX_CAP_PBA_OFFSET                            : bit_vector := X"00000050";
        MSIX_CAP_TABLE_BIR                             : integer    := 0;
        MSIX_CAP_TABLE_OFFSET                          : bit_vector := X"00000040";
        MSIX_CAP_TABLE_SIZE                            : bit_vector := X"000";
        MSI_BASE_PTR                                   : bit_vector := X"48";
        MSI_CAP_64_BIT_ADDR_CAPABLE                    : string     := "TRUE";
        MSI_CAP_ID                                     : bit_vector := X"05";
        MSI_CAP_MULTIMSGCAP                            : integer    := 0;
        MSI_CAP_MULTIMSG_EXTENSION                     : integer    := 0;
        MSI_CAP_NEXTPTR                                : bit_vector := X"60";
        MSI_CAP_ON                                     : string     := "FALSE";
        MSI_CAP_PER_VECTOR_MASKING_CAPABLE             : string     := "TRUE";
        N_FTS_COMCLK_GEN1                              : integer    := 255;
        N_FTS_COMCLK_GEN2                              : integer    := 255;
        N_FTS_GEN1                                     : integer    := 255;
        N_FTS_GEN2                                     : integer    := 255;
        PCIE_BASE_PTR                                  : bit_vector := X"60";
        PCIE_CAP_CAPABILITY_ID                         : bit_vector := X"10";
        PCIE_CAP_CAPABILITY_VERSION                    : bit_vector := X"2";
        PCIE_CAP_DEVICE_PORT_TYPE                      : bit_vector := X"0";
        PCIE_CAP_NEXTPTR                               : bit_vector := X"9C";
        PCIE_CAP_ON                                    : string     := "TRUE";
        PCIE_CAP_RSVD_15_14                            : integer    := 0;
        PCIE_CAP_SLOT_IMPLEMENTED                      : string     := "FALSE";
        PCIE_REVISION                                  : integer    := 2;
        PL_AUTO_CONFIG                                 : integer    := 0;
        PL_FAST_TRAIN                                  : string     := "FALSE";
        PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT                             : bit_vector := X"0000";
        PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT_EN                          : string     := "FALSE";
        PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT_FUNC                        : integer    := 0;
        PM_ASPM_FASTEXIT                               : string     := "FALSE";
        PM_BASE_PTR                                    : bit_vector := X"40";
        PM_CAP_AUXCURRENT                              : integer    := 0;
        PM_CAP_D1SUPPORT                               : string     := "TRUE";
        PM_CAP_D2SUPPORT                               : string     := "TRUE";
        PM_CAP_DSI                                     : string     := "FALSE";
        PM_CAP_ID                                      : bit_vector := X"01";
        PM_CAP_NEXTPTR                                 : bit_vector := X"48";
        PM_CAP_ON                                      : string     := "TRUE";
        PM_CAP_PMESUPPORT                              : bit_vector := X"0F";
        PM_CAP_PME_CLOCK                               : string     := "FALSE";
        PM_CAP_RSVD_04                                 : integer    := 0;
        PM_CAP_VERSION                                 : integer    := 3;
        PM_CSR_B2B3                                    : string     := "FALSE";
        PM_CSR_BPCCEN                                  : string     := "FALSE";
        PM_CSR_NOSOFTRST                               : string     := "TRUE";
        PM_DATA0                                       : bit_vector := X"01";
        PM_DATA1                                       : bit_vector := X"01";
        PM_DATA2                                       : bit_vector := X"01";
        PM_DATA3                                       : bit_vector := X"01";
        PM_DATA4                                       : bit_vector := X"01";
        PM_DATA5                                       : bit_vector := X"01";
        PM_DATA6                                       : bit_vector := X"01";
        PM_DATA7                                       : bit_vector := X"01";
        PM_DATA_SCALE0                                 : bit_vector := X"1";
        PM_DATA_SCALE1                                 : bit_vector := X"1";
        PM_DATA_SCALE2                                 : bit_vector := X"1";
        PM_DATA_SCALE3                                 : bit_vector := X"1";
        PM_DATA_SCALE4                                 : bit_vector := X"1";
        PM_DATA_SCALE5                                 : bit_vector := X"1";
        PM_DATA_SCALE6                                 : bit_vector := X"1";
        PM_DATA_SCALE7                                 : bit_vector := X"1";
        PM_MF                                          : string     := "FALSE";
        RBAR_BASE_PTR                                  : bit_vector := X"178";
        RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR0                   : bit_vector := X"00";
        RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR1                   : bit_vector := X"00";
        RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR2                   : bit_vector := X"00";
        RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR3                   : bit_vector := X"00";
        RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR4                   : bit_vector := X"00";
        RBAR_CAP_CONTROL_ENCODEDBAR5                   : bit_vector := X"00";
        RBAR_CAP_ID                                    : bit_vector := X"0015";
        RBAR_CAP_INDEX0                                : bit_vector := X"0";
        RBAR_CAP_INDEX1                                : bit_vector := X"0";
        RBAR_CAP_INDEX2                                : bit_vector := X"0";
        RBAR_CAP_INDEX3                                : bit_vector := X"0";
        RBAR_CAP_INDEX4                                : bit_vector := X"0";
        RBAR_CAP_INDEX5                                : bit_vector := X"0";
        RBAR_CAP_NEXTPTR                               : bit_vector := X"000";
        RBAR_CAP_ON                                    : string     := "FALSE";
        RBAR_CAP_SUP0                                  : bit_vector := X"00000000";
        RBAR_CAP_SUP1                                  : bit_vector := X"00000000";
        RBAR_CAP_SUP2                                  : bit_vector := X"00000000";
        RBAR_CAP_SUP3                                  : bit_vector := X"00000000";
        RBAR_CAP_SUP4                                  : bit_vector := X"00000000";
        RBAR_CAP_SUP5                                  : bit_vector := X"00000000";
        RBAR_CAP_VERSION                               : bit_vector := X"1";
        RBAR_NUM                                       : bit_vector := X"1";
        RECRC_CHK                                      : integer    := 0;
        RECRC_CHK_TRIM                                 : string     := "FALSE";
        ROOT_CAP_CRS_SW_VISIBILITY                     : string     := "FALSE";
        RP_AUTO_SPD                                    : bit_vector := X"1";
        RP_AUTO_SPD_LOOPCNT                            : bit_vector := X"1F";
        SELECT_DLL_IF                                  : string     := "FALSE";
        SIM_VERSION                                    : string     := "1.0";
        SLOT_CAP_ATT_BUTTON_PRESENT                    : string     := "FALSE";
        SLOT_CAP_ATT_INDICATOR_PRESENT                 : string     := "FALSE";
        SLOT_CAP_ELEC_INTERLOCK_PRESENT                : string     := "FALSE";
        SLOT_CAP_HOTPLUG_CAPABLE                       : string     := "FALSE";
        SLOT_CAP_HOTPLUG_SURPRISE                      : string     := "FALSE";
        SLOT_CAP_MRL_SENSOR_PRESENT                    : string     := "FALSE";
        SLOT_CAP_NO_CMD_COMPLETED_SUPPORT              : string     := "FALSE";
        SLOT_CAP_PHYSICAL_SLOT_NUM                     : bit_vector := X"0000";
        SLOT_CAP_POWER_CONTROLLER_PRESENT              : string     := "FALSE";
        SLOT_CAP_POWER_INDICATOR_PRESENT               : string     := "FALSE";
        SLOT_CAP_SLOT_POWER_LIMIT_SCALE                : integer    := 0;
        SLOT_CAP_SLOT_POWER_LIMIT_VALUE                : bit_vector := X"00";
        SPARE_BIT0                                     : integer    := 0;
        SPARE_BIT1                                     : integer    := 0;
        SPARE_BIT2                                     : integer    := 0;
        SPARE_BIT3                                     : integer    := 0;
        SPARE_BIT4                                     : integer    := 0;
        SPARE_BIT5                                     : integer    := 0;
        SPARE_BIT6                                     : integer    := 0;
        SPARE_BIT7                                     : integer    := 0;
        SPARE_BIT8                                     : integer    := 0;
        SPARE_BYTE0                                    : bit_vector := X"00";
        SPARE_BYTE1                                    : bit_vector := X"00";
        SPARE_BYTE2                                    : bit_vector := X"00";
        SPARE_BYTE3                                    : bit_vector := X"00";
        SPARE_WORD0                                    : bit_vector := X"00000000";
        SPARE_WORD1                                    : bit_vector := X"00000000";
        SPARE_WORD2                                    : bit_vector := X"00000000";
        SPARE_WORD3                                    : bit_vector := X"00000000";
        SSL_MESSAGE_AUTO                               : string     := "FALSE";
        TECRC_EP_INV                                   : string     := "FALSE";
        TL_RBYPASS                                     : string     := "FALSE";
        TL_RX_RAM_RADDR_LATENCY                        : integer    := 0;
        TL_RX_RAM_RDATA_LATENCY                        : integer    := 2;
        TL_RX_RAM_WRITE_LATENCY                        : integer    := 0;
        TL_TFC_DISABLE                                 : string     := "FALSE";
        TL_TX_CHECKS_DISABLE                           : string     := "FALSE";
        TL_TX_RAM_RADDR_LATENCY                        : integer    := 0;
        TL_TX_RAM_RDATA_LATENCY                        : integer    := 2;
        TL_TX_RAM_WRITE_LATENCY                        : integer    := 0;
        TRN_DW                                         : string     := "FALSE";
        TRN_NP_FC                                      : string     := "FALSE";
        UPCONFIG_CAPABLE                               : string     := "TRUE";
        UPSTREAM_FACING                                : string     := "TRUE";
        UR_ATOMIC                                      : string     := "TRUE";
        UR_CFG1                                        : string     := "TRUE";
        UR_INV_REQ                                     : string     := "TRUE";
        UR_PRS_RESPONSE                                : string     := "TRUE";
        USER_CLK2_DIV2                                 : string     := "FALSE";
        USER_CLK_FREQ                                  : integer    := 3;
        USE_RID_PINS                                   : string     := "FALSE";
        VC0_CPL_INFINITE                               : string     := "TRUE";
        VC0_RX_RAM_LIMIT                               : bit_vector := X"03FF";
        VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_CD                           : integer    := 127;
        VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_CH                           : integer    := 31;
        VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_NPD                          : integer    := 24;
        VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_NPH                          : integer    := 12;
        VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_PD                           : integer    := 288;
        VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_PH                           : integer    := 32;
        VC0_TX_LASTPACKET                              : integer    := 31;
        VC_BASE_PTR                                    : bit_vector := X"10C";
        VC_CAP_ID                                      : bit_vector := X"0002";
        VC_CAP_NEXTPTR                                 : bit_vector := X"000";
        VC_CAP_ON                                      : string     := "FALSE";
        VC_CAP_REJECT_SNOOP_TRANSACTIONS               : string     := "FALSE";
        VC_CAP_VERSION                                 : bit_vector := X"1";
        VSEC_BASE_PTR                                  : bit_vector := X"128";
        VSEC_CAP_HDR_ID                                : bit_vector := X"1234";
        VSEC_CAP_HDR_LENGTH                            : bit_vector := X"018";
        VSEC_CAP_HDR_REVISION                          : bit_vector := X"1";
        VSEC_CAP_ID                                    : bit_vector := X"000B";
        VSEC_CAP_IS_LINK_VISIBLE                       : string     := "TRUE";
        VSEC_CAP_NEXTPTR                               : bit_vector := X"140";
        VSEC_CAP_ON                                    : string     := "FALSE";
        VSEC_CAP_VERSION                               : bit_vector := X"1"
      port (
        -- Common
        user_clk_out                                   : out std_logic;
        user_reset                                     : in std_logic;
        user_lnk_up                                    : in std_logic;
        trn_lnk_up                                     : out std_logic;
        user_rst_n                                     : out std_logic;
        -- Tx
        tx_buf_av                                      : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
        tx_cfg_req                                     : out std_logic;
        tx_err_drop                                    : out std_logic;
        s_axis_tx_tready                               : out std_logic;
        s_axis_tx_tdata                                : in std_logic_vector((C_DATA_WIDTH - 1) downto 0);
        s_axis_tx_tkeep                                : in std_logic_vector((C_DATA_WIDTH / 8 - 1) downto 0);
        s_axis_tx_tlast                                : in std_logic;
        s_axis_tx_tvalid                               : in std_logic;
        s_axis_tx_tuser                                : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
        tx_cfg_gnt                                     : in std_logic;
        -- Rx
        m_axis_rx_tdata                                : out std_logic_vector((C_DATA_WIDTH - 1) downto 0);
        m_axis_rx_tkeep                                : out std_logic_vector((C_DATA_WIDTH / 8 - 1) downto 0);
        m_axis_rx_tlast                                : out std_logic;
        m_axis_rx_tvalid                               : out std_logic;
        m_axis_rx_tready                               : in std_logic;
        m_axis_rx_tuser                                : out std_logic_vector(21 downto 0);
        rx_np_ok                                       : in std_logic;
        rx_np_req                                      : in std_logic;
        -- Flow Control
        fc_cpld                                        : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
        fc_cplh                                        : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
        fc_npd                                         : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
        fc_nph                                         : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
        fc_pd                                          : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
        fc_ph                                          : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
        fc_sel                                         : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        pl_directed_link_change                        : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pl_directed_link_width                         : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pl_directed_link_speed                         : in std_logic;
        pl_directed_link_auton                         : in std_logic;
        pl_upstream_prefer_deemph                      : in std_logic;
        pl_downstream_deemph_source                    : in std_logic;
        pl_directed_ltssm_new_vld                      : in std_logic;
        pl_directed_ltssm_new                          : in std_logic_vector (5 downto 0);
        pl_directed_ltssm_stall                        : in std_logic;
        cm_rst_n                                       : in std_logic;
        func_lvl_rst_n                                 : in std_logic;
        pl_transmit_hot_rst                            : in std_logic;
        cfg_mgmt_di                                    : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
        cfg_mgmt_byte_en_n                             : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
        cfg_mgmt_dwaddr                                : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
        cfg_mgmt_wr_rw1c_as_rw_n                       : in std_logic;
        cfg_mgmt_wr_readonly_n                         : in std_logic;
        cfg_mgmt_wr_en_n                               : in std_logic;
        cfg_mgmt_rd_en_n                               : in std_logic;
        cfg_err_malformed_n                            : in std_logic;
        cfg_err_cor_n                                  : in std_logic;
        cfg_err_ur_n                                   : in std_logic;
        cfg_err_ecrc_n                                 : in std_logic;
        cfg_err_cpl_timeout_n                          : in std_logic;
        cfg_err_cpl_abort_n                            : in std_logic;
        cfg_err_cpl_unexpect_n                         : in std_logic;
        cfg_err_poisoned_n                             : in std_logic;
        cfg_err_acs_n                                  : in std_logic;
        cfg_err_atomic_egress_blocked_n                : in std_logic;
        cfg_err_mc_blocked_n                           : in std_logic;
        cfg_err_internal_uncor_n                       : in std_logic;
        cfg_err_internal_cor_n                         : in std_logic;
        cfg_err_posted_n                               : in std_logic;
        cfg_err_locked_n                               : in std_logic;
        cfg_err_norecovery_n                           : in std_logic;
        cfg_err_aer_headerlog                          : in std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
        cfg_err_tlp_cpl_header                         : in std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
        cfg_interrupt_n                                : in std_logic;
        cfg_interrupt_di                               : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
        cfg_interrupt_assert_n                         : in std_logic;
        cfg_interrupt_stat_n                           : in std_logic;
        cfg_ds_bus_number                              : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
        cfg_ds_device_number                           : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
        cfg_ds_function_number                         : in std_logic_vector( 2 downto 0);
        cfg_port_number                                : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
        cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l0s_n                         : in std_logic;
        cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l1_n                          : in std_logic;
        cfg_pm_force_state_en_n                        : in std_logic;
        cfg_pm_force_state                             : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        cfg_pm_wake_n                                  : in std_logic;
        cfg_turnoff_ok                                 : in std_logic;
        cfg_pm_send_pme_to_n                           : in std_logic;
        cfg_pciecap_interrupt_msgnum                   : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
        cfg_trn_pending                                : in std_logic;
        cfg_force_mps                                  : in std_logic_vector( 2 downto 0);
        cfg_force_common_clock_off                     : in std_logic;
        cfg_force_extended_sync_on                     : in std_logic;
        cfg_dsn                                        : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
        cfg_aer_interrupt_msgnum                       : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
        drp_clk                                        : in std_logic;
        drp_en                                         : in std_logic;
        drp_we                                         : in std_logic;
        drp_addr                                       : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
        drp_di                                         : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        drp_rdy                                        : out std_logic;
        drp_do                                         : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        dbg_mode                                       : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        dbg_sub_mode                                   : in std_logic;
        pl_dbg_mode                                    : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        pl_sel_lnk_rate                                : out std_logic;
        pl_sel_lnk_width                               : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pl_ltssm_state                                 : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
        pl_lane_reversal_mode                          : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pl_phy_lnk_up                                  : out std_logic;
        pl_tx_pm_state                                 : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        pl_rx_pm_state                                 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pl_link_upcfg_cap                              : out std_logic;
        pl_link_gen2_cap                               : out std_logic;
        pl_link_partner_gen2_supported                 : out std_logic;
        pl_initial_link_width                          : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        pl_directed_change_done                        : out std_logic;
        pl_received_hot_rst                            : out std_logic;
        lnk_clk_en                                     : out std_logic;
        cfg_mgmt_do                                    : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
        cfg_mgmt_rd_wr_done                            : out std_logic;
        cfg_err_aer_headerlog_set                      : out std_logic;
        cfg_err_cpl_rdy                                : out std_logic;
        cfg_interrupt_rdy                              : out std_logic;
        cfg_interrupt_mmenable                         : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        cfg_interrupt_msienable                        : out std_logic;
        cfg_interrupt_do                               : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
        cfg_interrupt_msixenable                       : out std_logic;
        cfg_interrupt_msixfm                           : out std_logic;
        cfg_bus_number                                 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
        cfg_device_number                              : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
        cfg_function_number                            : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        cfg_status                                     : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        cfg_command                                    : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        cfg_dstatus                                    : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        cfg_dcommand                                   : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        cfg_lstatus                                    : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        cfg_lcommand                                   : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        cfg_dcommand2                                  : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        cfg_received_func_lvl_rst                      : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_received                               : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_data                                   : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        cfg_msg_received_err_cor                       : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_received_err_non_fatal                 : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_received_err_fatal                     : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_received_assert_int_a                  : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_a                : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_received_assert_int_b                  : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_b                : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_received_assert_int_c                  : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_c                : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_received_assert_int_d                  : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_d                : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_received_pm_pme                        : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_received_pme_to_ack                    : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_received_pme_to                        : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_received_setslotpowerlimit             : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_received_unlock                        : out std_logic;
        cfg_msg_received_pm_as_nak                     : out std_logic;
        cfg_to_turnoff                                 : out std_logic;
        cfg_pcie_link_state                            : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        cfg_pm_rcv_as_req_l1_n                         : out std_logic;
        cfg_pm_rcv_enter_l1_n                          : out std_logic;
        cfg_pm_rcv_enter_l23_n                         : out std_logic;
        cfg_pm_rcv_req_ack_n                           : out std_logic;
        cfg_pmcsr_powerstate                           : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        cfg_pmcsr_pme_en                               : out std_logic;
        cfg_pmcsr_pme_status                           : out std_logic;
        cfg_transaction                                : out std_logic;
        cfg_transaction_type                           : out std_logic;
        cfg_transaction_addr                           : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
        cfg_command_io_enable                          : out std_logic;
        cfg_command_mem_enable                         : out std_logic;
        cfg_command_bus_master_enable                  : out std_logic;
        cfg_command_interrupt_disable                  : out std_logic;
        cfg_command_serr_en                            : out std_logic;
        cfg_bridge_serr_en                             : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_status_corr_err_detected               : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_status_non_fatal_err_detected          : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_status_fatal_err_detected              : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_status_ur_detected                     : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control_corr_err_reporting_en          : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control_non_fatal_reporting_en         : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control_fatal_err_reporting_en         : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control_ur_err_reporting_en            : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control_enable_ro                      : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control_max_payload                    : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        cfg_dev_control_ext_tag_en                     : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control_phantom_en                     : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control_aux_power_en                   : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control_no_snoop_en                    : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control_max_read_req                   : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        cfg_dev_id                                     : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        cfg_vend_id                                    : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        cfg_rev_id                                     : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
        cfg_subsys_id                                  : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        cfg_subsys_vend_id                             : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        cfg_link_status_current_speed                  : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        cfg_link_status_negotiated_width               : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
        cfg_link_status_link_training                  : out std_logic;
        cfg_link_status_dll_active                     : out std_logic;
        cfg_link_status_bandwidth_status               : out std_logic;
        cfg_link_status_auto_bandwidth_status          : out std_logic;
        cfg_link_control_aspm_control                  : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        cfg_link_control_rcb                           : out std_logic;
        cfg_link_control_link_disable                  : out std_logic;
        cfg_link_control_retrain_link                  : out std_logic;
        cfg_link_control_common_clock                  : out std_logic;
        cfg_link_control_extended_sync                 : out std_logic;
        cfg_link_control_clock_pm_en                   : out std_logic;
        cfg_link_control_hw_auto_width_dis             : out std_logic;
        cfg_link_control_bandwidth_int_en              : out std_logic;
        cfg_link_control_auto_bandwidth_int_en         : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control2_cpl_timeout_val               : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
        cfg_dev_control2_cpl_timeout_dis               : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control2_ari_forward_en                : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control2_atomic_requester_en           : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control2_atomic_egress_block           : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control2_ido_req_en                    : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control2_ido_cpl_en                    : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control2_ltr_en                        : out std_logic;
        cfg_dev_control2_tlp_prefix_block              : out std_logic;
        cfg_slot_control_electromech_il_ctl_pulse      : out std_logic;
        cfg_root_control_syserr_corr_err_en            : out std_logic;
        cfg_root_control_syserr_non_fatal_err_en       : out std_logic;
        cfg_root_control_syserr_fatal_err_en           : out std_logic;
        cfg_root_control_pme_int_en                    : out std_logic;
        cfg_aer_ecrc_check_en                          : out std_logic;
        cfg_aer_ecrc_gen_en                            : out std_logic;
        cfg_aer_rooterr_corr_err_reporting_en          : out std_logic;
        cfg_aer_rooterr_non_fatal_err_reporting_en     : out std_logic;
        cfg_aer_rooterr_fatal_err_reporting_en         : out std_logic;
        cfg_aer_rooterr_corr_err_received              : out std_logic;
        cfg_aer_rooterr_non_fatal_err_received         : out std_logic;
        cfg_aer_rooterr_fatal_err_received             : out std_logic;
        cfg_vc_tcvc_map                                : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
        dbg_vec_a                                      : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
        dbg_vec_b                                      : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
        dbg_vec_c                                      : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
        dbg_sclr_a                                     : out std_logic;
        dbg_sclr_b                                     : out std_logic;
        dbg_sclr_c                                     : out std_logic;
        dbg_sclr_d                                     : out std_logic;
        dbg_sclr_e                                     : out std_logic;
        dbg_sclr_f                                     : out std_logic;
        dbg_sclr_g                                     : out std_logic;
        dbg_sclr_h                                     : out std_logic;
        dbg_sclr_i                                     : out std_logic;
        dbg_sclr_j                                     : out std_logic;
        dbg_sclr_k                                     : out std_logic;
        trn_rdllp_data                                 : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
        trn_rdllp_src_rdy                              : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pl_dbg_vec                                     : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
        phy_rdy_n                                      : in std_logic;
        pipe_clk                                       : in std_logic;
        user_clk                                       : in std_logic;
        user_clk2                                      : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx0_polarity_gt                           : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx1_polarity_gt                           : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx2_polarity_gt                           : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx3_polarity_gt                           : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx4_polarity_gt                           : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx5_polarity_gt                           : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx6_polarity_gt                           : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx7_polarity_gt                           : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx_deemph_gt                              : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx_margin_gt                              : out std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
        pipe_tx_rate_gt                                : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx_rcvr_det_gt                            : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx0_char_is_k_gt                          : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx0_compliance_gt                         : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx0_data_gt                               : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
        pipe_tx0_elec_idle_gt                          : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx0_powerdown_gt                          : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx1_char_is_k_gt                          : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx1_compliance_gt                         : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx1_data_gt                               : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
        pipe_tx1_elec_idle_gt                          : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx1_powerdown_gt                          : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx2_char_is_k_gt                          : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx2_compliance_gt                         : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx2_data_gt                               : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
        pipe_tx2_elec_idle_gt                          : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx2_powerdown_gt                          : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx3_char_is_k_gt                          : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx3_compliance_gt                         : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx3_data_gt                               : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
        pipe_tx3_elec_idle_gt                          : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx3_powerdown_gt                          : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx4_char_is_k_gt                          : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx4_compliance_gt                         : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx4_data_gt                               : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
        pipe_tx4_elec_idle_gt                          : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx4_powerdown_gt                          : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx5_char_is_k_gt                          : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx5_compliance_gt                         : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx5_data_gt                               : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
        pipe_tx5_elec_idle_gt                          : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx5_powerdown_gt                          : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx6_char_is_k_gt                          : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx6_compliance_gt                         : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx6_data_gt                               : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
        pipe_tx6_elec_idle_gt                          : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx6_powerdown_gt                          : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx7_char_is_k_gt                          : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx7_compliance_gt                         : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx7_data_gt                               : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
        pipe_tx7_elec_idle_gt                          : out std_logic;
        pipe_tx7_powerdown_gt                          : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_rx0_chanisaligned_gt                      : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx0_char_is_k_gt                          : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_rx0_data_gt                               : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
        pipe_rx0_elec_idle_gt                          : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx0_phy_status_gt                         : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx0_status_gt                             : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
        pipe_rx0_valid_gt                              : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx1_chanisaligned_gt                      : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx1_char_is_k_gt                          : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_rx1_data_gt                               : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
        pipe_rx1_elec_idle_gt                          : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx1_phy_status_gt                         : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx1_status_gt                             : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
        pipe_rx1_valid_gt                              : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx2_chanisaligned_gt                      : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx2_char_is_k_gt                          : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_rx2_data_gt                               : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
        pipe_rx2_elec_idle_gt                          : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx2_phy_status_gt                         : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx2_status_gt                             : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
        pipe_rx2_valid_gt                              : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx3_chanisaligned_gt                      : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx3_char_is_k_gt                          : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_rx3_data_gt                               : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
        pipe_rx3_elec_idle_gt                          : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx3_phy_status_gt                         : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx3_status_gt                             : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
        pipe_rx3_valid_gt                              : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx4_chanisaligned_gt                      : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx4_char_is_k_gt                          : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_rx4_data_gt                               : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
        pipe_rx4_elec_idle_gt                          : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx4_phy_status_gt                         : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx4_status_gt                             : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
        pipe_rx4_valid_gt                              : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx5_chanisaligned_gt                      : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx5_char_is_k_gt                          : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_rx5_data_gt                               : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
        pipe_rx5_elec_idle_gt                          : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx5_phy_status_gt                         : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx5_status_gt                             : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
        pipe_rx5_valid_gt                              : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx6_chanisaligned_gt                      : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx6_char_is_k_gt                          : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_rx6_data_gt                               : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
        pipe_rx6_elec_idle_gt                          : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx6_phy_status_gt                         : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx6_status_gt                             : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
        pipe_rx6_valid_gt                              : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx7_chanisaligned_gt                      : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx7_char_is_k_gt                          : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        pipe_rx7_data_gt                               : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
        pipe_rx7_elec_idle_gt                          : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx7_phy_status_gt                         : in std_logic;
        pipe_rx7_status_gt                             : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
        pipe_rx7_valid_gt                              : in std_logic
    end component;
    component cl_a7pcie_x4_gt_top is
      generic (
        LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH_INT   : integer := 1;       -- 1 - x1 , 2 - x2 , 4 - x4 , 8 - x8
        REF_CLK_FREQ                  : integer := 0;       -- 0 - 100 MHz , 1 - 125 MHz , 2 - 250 MHz
        USER_CLK2_DIV2                : string  := "FALSE"; -- "TRUE" => user_clk2 = user_clk/2, where user_clk = 500 or 250 MHz.
                                                            -- "FALSE" => user_clk2 = user_clk
        USER_CLK_FREQ                 : integer := 3;       -- 0 - 31.25 MHz, 1 - 62.5 MHz, 2 - 125 MHz, 3 - 250 MHz, 4 - 500Mhz
        PL_FAST_TRAIN                 : string  := "FALSE"; -- Simulation Speedup
        PCIE_EXT_CLK                  : string  := "FALSE"; -- External Clock Enable
        PCIE_USE_MODE                 : string  := "1.0";   -- 1.0 = K325T IES, 1.1 = vx485t IES, 3.0 = K325T GES
        PCIE_GT_DEVICE                : string  := "GTX";   -- Select the GT to use (GTP for Artix-7, GTX for K7/V7)
        PCIE_PLL_SEL                  : string  := "CPLL";  -- Select the PLL (CPLL or QPLL)
        PCIE_ASYNC_EN                 : string  := "FALSE"; -- Asynchronous Clocking Enable
        PCIE_TXBUF_EN                 : string  := "FALSE"; -- Use the Tansmit Buffer
        PCIE_CHAN_BOND                : integer := 0        -- PCIE Channel Bond Methodology Select
      port (
        -- pl ltssm
        pl_ltssm_state         : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
        -- Pipe Per-Link Signals
        pipe_tx_rcvr_det       : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx_reset          : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx_rate           : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx_deemph         : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx_margin         : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
        pipe_tx_swing          : in std_logic;
        -- External Clocking Interface                                                                    --
        PIPE_PCLK_IN           : in std_logic;
        PIPE_RXUSRCLK_IN       : in std_logic;
        PIPE_RXOUTCLK_IN       : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
        PIPE_DCLK_IN           : in std_logic;
        PIPE_USERCLK1_IN       : in std_logic;
        PIPE_USERCLK2_IN       : in std_logic;
        PIPE_OOBCLK_IN         : in std_logic;
        PIPE_MMCM_LOCK_IN      : in std_logic;
        PIPE_TXOUTCLK_OUT      : out std_logic;
        PIPE_RXOUTCLK_OUT      : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
        PIPE_PCLK_SEL_OUT      : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
        PIPE_GEN3_OUT          : out std_logic;
        -- Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 0
        pipe_rx0_char_is_k     : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pipe_rx0_data          : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        pipe_rx0_valid         : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx0_chanisaligned : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx0_status        : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        pipe_rx0_phy_status    : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx0_elec_idle     : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx0_polarity      : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx0_compliance    : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx0_char_is_k     : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx0_data          : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        pipe_tx0_elec_idle     : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx0_powerdown     : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        -- Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 1
        pipe_rx1_char_is_k     : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pipe_rx1_data          : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        pipe_rx1_valid         : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx1_chanisaligned : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx1_status        : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        pipe_rx1_phy_status    : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx1_elec_idle     : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx1_polarity      : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx1_compliance    : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx1_char_is_k     : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx1_data          : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        pipe_tx1_elec_idle     : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx1_powerdown     : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        -- Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 2
        pipe_rx2_char_is_k     : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pipe_rx2_data          : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        pipe_rx2_valid         : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx2_chanisaligned : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx2_status        : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        pipe_rx2_phy_status    : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx2_elec_idle     : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx2_polarity      : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx2_compliance    : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx2_char_is_k     : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx2_data          : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        pipe_tx2_elec_idle     : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx2_powerdown     : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        -- Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 3
        pipe_rx3_char_is_k     : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pipe_rx3_data          : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        pipe_rx3_valid         : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx3_chanisaligned : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx3_status        : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        pipe_rx3_phy_status    : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx3_elec_idle     : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx3_polarity      : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx3_compliance    : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx3_char_is_k     : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx3_data          : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        pipe_tx3_elec_idle     : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx3_powerdown     : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        -- Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 4
        pipe_rx4_char_is_k     : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pipe_rx4_data          : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        pipe_rx4_valid         : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx4_chanisaligned : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx4_status        : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        pipe_rx4_phy_status    : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx4_elec_idle     : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx4_polarity      : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx4_compliance    : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx4_char_is_k     : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx4_data          : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        pipe_tx4_elec_idle     : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx4_powerdown     : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        -- Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 5
        pipe_rx5_char_is_k     : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pipe_rx5_data          : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        pipe_rx5_valid         : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx5_chanisaligned : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx5_status        : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        pipe_rx5_phy_status    : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx5_elec_idle     : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx5_polarity      : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx5_compliance    : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx5_char_is_k     : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx5_data          : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        pipe_tx5_elec_idle     : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx5_powerdown     : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
         -- Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 6
        pipe_rx6_char_is_k     : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pipe_rx6_data          : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        pipe_rx6_valid         : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx6_chanisaligned : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx6_status        : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        pipe_rx6_phy_status    : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx6_elec_idle     : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx6_polarity      : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx6_compliance    : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx6_char_is_k     : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx6_data          : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        pipe_tx6_elec_idle     : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx6_powerdown     : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        -- Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 7
        pipe_rx7_char_is_k     : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pipe_rx7_data          : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        pipe_rx7_valid         : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx7_chanisaligned : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx7_status        : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        pipe_rx7_phy_status    : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx7_elec_idle     : out std_logic;
        pipe_rx7_polarity      : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx7_compliance    : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx7_char_is_k     : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        pipe_tx7_data          : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        pipe_tx7_elec_idle     : in std_logic;
        pipe_tx7_powerdown     : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        -- PCI Express signals
        pci_exp_txn             : out std_logic_vector((LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH_INT-1) downto 0);
        pci_exp_txp             : out std_logic_vector((LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH_INT-1) downto 0);
        pci_exp_rxn             : in std_logic_vector((LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH_INT-1) downto 0);
        pci_exp_rxp             : in std_logic_vector((LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH_INT-1) downto 0);
         -- Non PIPE signals
        sys_clk                 : in std_logic;
        PIPE_MMCM_RST_N         : in std_logic;   --     // Async      | Async
        pipe_clk                : out std_logic;
        user_clk                : out std_logic;
        user_clk2               : out std_logic;
        sys_rst_n               : in std_logic;
        phy_rdy_n               : out std_logic
    end component;
    signal user_clk                                : std_logic;
    signal user_clk2                               : std_logic;
    signal pipe_clk                                : std_logic;
    signal cfg_vend_id_wire                        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);--;= CFG_VEND_ID;
    signal cfg_dev_id_wire                         : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);--;= CFG_DEV_ID;
    signal cfg_rev_id_wire                         : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --;= CFG_REV_ID;
    signal cfg_subsys_vend_id_wire                 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);--;= CFG_SUBSYS_VEND_ID;
    signal cfg_subsys_id_wire                      : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);--;= CFG_SUBSYS_ID;
    -- PIPE Interface Wires
    signal phy_rdy_n                               : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx0_polarity_gt                    : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx1_polarity_gt                    : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx2_polarity_gt                    : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx3_polarity_gt                    : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx4_polarity_gt                    : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx5_polarity_gt                    : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx6_polarity_gt                    : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx7_polarity_gt                    : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx_deemph_gt                       : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx_margin_gt                       : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx_rate_gt                         : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx_rcvr_det_gt                     : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx0_char_is_k_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx0_compliance_gt                  : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx0_data_gt                        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx0_elec_idle_gt                   : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx0_powerdown_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx1_char_is_k_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx1_compliance_gt                  : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx1_data_gt                        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx1_elec_idle_gt                   : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx1_powerdown_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx2_char_is_k_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx2_compliance_gt                  : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx2_data_gt                        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx2_elec_idle_gt                   : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx2_powerdown_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx3_char_is_k_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx3_compliance_gt                  : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx3_data_gt                        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx3_elec_idle_gt                   : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx3_powerdown_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx4_char_is_k_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx4_compliance_gt                  : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx4_data_gt                        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx4_elec_idle_gt                   : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx4_powerdown_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx5_char_is_k_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx5_compliance_gt                  : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx5_data_gt                        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx5_elec_idle_gt                   : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx5_powerdown_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx6_char_is_k_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx6_compliance_gt                  : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx6_data_gt                        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx6_elec_idle_gt                   : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx6_powerdown_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx7_char_is_k_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx7_compliance_gt                  : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx7_data_gt                        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal pipe_tx7_elec_idle_gt                   : std_logic;
    signal pipe_tx7_powerdown_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx0_chanisaligned_gt               : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx0_char_is_k_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx0_data_gt                        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx0_elec_idle_gt                   : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx0_phy_status_gt                  : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx0_status_gt                      : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx0_valid_gt                       : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx1_chanisaligned_gt               : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx1_char_is_k_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx1_data_gt                        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx1_elec_idle_gt                   : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx1_phy_status_gt                  : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx1_status_gt                      : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx1_valid_gt                       : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx2_chanisaligned_gt               : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx2_char_is_k_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx2_data_gt                        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx2_elec_idle_gt                   : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx2_phy_status_gt                  : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx2_status_gt                      : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx2_valid_gt                       : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx3_chanisaligned_gt               : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx3_char_is_k_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx3_data_gt                        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx3_elec_idle_gt                   : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx3_phy_status_gt                  : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx3_status_gt                      : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx3_valid_gt                       : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx4_chanisaligned_gt               : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx4_char_is_k_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx4_data_gt                        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx4_elec_idle_gt                   : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx4_phy_status_gt                  : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx4_status_gt                      : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx4_valid_gt                       : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx5_chanisaligned_gt               : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx5_char_is_k_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx5_data_gt                        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx5_elec_idle_gt                   : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx5_phy_status_gt                  : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx5_status_gt                      : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx5_valid_gt                       : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx6_chanisaligned_gt               : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx6_char_is_k_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx6_data_gt                        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx6_elec_idle_gt                   : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx6_phy_status_gt                  : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx6_status_gt                      : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx6_valid_gt                       : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx7_chanisaligned_gt               : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx7_char_is_k_gt                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx7_data_gt                        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx7_elec_idle_gt                   : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx7_phy_status_gt                  : std_logic;
    signal pipe_rx7_status_gt                      : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    signal pipe_rx7_valid_gt                       : std_logic;
    signal user_lnk_up_d                           : std_logic;
    signal user_lnk_up_int                         : std_logic;
    signal user_reset_int                          : std_logic;
    signal user_rst_n                              : std_logic;
    signal sys_or_hot_rst                          : std_logic;
--    signal sys_rst_n                               : std_logic;
    signal trn_lnk_up                              : std_logic;
    -- Intermediate signals that need to be inverted
    signal cfg_mgmt_byte_en_int_n                  : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    signal cfg_err_cor_int_n                       : std_logic;
    signal cfg_err_cpl_abort_int_n                 : std_logic;
    signal cfg_err_cpl_timeout_int_n               : std_logic;
    signal cfg_err_cpl_unexpect_int_n              : std_logic;
    signal cfg_err_ecrc_int_n                      : std_logic;
    signal cfg_err_locked_int_n                    : std_logic;
    signal cfg_err_posted_int_n                    : std_logic;
    signal cfg_err_ur_int_n                        : std_logic;
    signal cfg_err_malformed_int_n                 : std_logic;
    signal cfg_err_poisoned_int_n                  : std_logic;
    signal cfg_err_atomic_egress_blocked_int_n     : std_logic;
    signal cfg_err_mc_blocked_int_n                : std_logic;
    signal cfg_err_internal_uncor_int_n            : std_logic;
    signal cfg_err_internal_cor_int_n              : std_logic;
    signal cfg_err_norecovery_int_n                : std_logic;
    signal cfg_interrupt_assert_int_n              : std_logic;
    signal cfg_interrupt_int_n                     : std_logic;
    signal cfg_interrupt_stat_int_n                : std_logic;
    signal cfg_pm_wake_int_n                       : std_logic;
    signal cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l0s_int_n              : std_logic;
    signal cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l1_int_n               : std_logic;
    signal cfg_pm_force_state_en_int_n             : std_logic;
    signal cfg_mgmt_rd_en_int_n                    : std_logic;
    signal cfg_mgmt_wr_en_int_n                    : std_logic;
    signal cfg_mgmt_wr_readonly_int_n              : std_logic;
    signal cfg_mgmt_wr_rw1c_as_rw_int_n            : std_logic;
    signal pl_received_hot_rst_int                 : std_logic;
    signal pl_received_hot_rst_q                   : std_logic;
    signal user_clk_out_int                        : std_logic;
    signal pl_phy_lnk_up_int                       : std_logic;
    signal pl_phy_lnk_up_q                         : std_logic;
    signal bridge_reset_int                        : std_logic;
    signal bridge_reset_d                          : std_logic;
    signal pl_ltssm_state_int                      : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
      -- map the data bits
    function get_rem(
      constant dw   : integer)
      return integer is
    begin  -- get_rem
      if (dw = 128) then
        return 2;
        return 1;
      end if;
    end get_rem;
   function pad_gen (
      in_vec   : bit_vector;
      op_len   : integer)
      return bit_vector is
      variable ret : bit_vector(op_len-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
      constant len : integer := in_vec'length;  -- length of input vector
   begin  -- pad_gen
      for i in 0 to op_len-1 loop
         if (i < len) then
            ret(i) := in_vec(len-i-1);
            ret(i) := '0';
         end if;
      end loop;  -- i
      return ret;
   end pad_gen;
    constant C_REM_WIDTH                       : integer := get_rem(C_DATA_WIDTH);
    constant TCQ                               : integer := 1;       -- clock to out delay model
--      sys_rst_n                                <= not sys_reset;
      cfg_mgmt_byte_en_int_n                   <= not cfg_mgmt_byte_en;
      cfg_err_cor_int_n                        <= not cfg_err_cor;
      cfg_err_cpl_abort_int_n                  <= not cfg_err_cpl_abort;
      cfg_err_cpl_timeout_int_n                <= not cfg_err_cpl_timeout;
      cfg_err_cpl_unexpect_int_n               <= not cfg_err_cpl_unexpect;
      cfg_err_ecrc_int_n                       <= not cfg_err_ecrc;
      cfg_err_locked_int_n                     <= not cfg_err_locked;
      cfg_err_posted_int_n                     <= not cfg_err_posted;
      cfg_err_ur_int_n                         <= not cfg_err_ur;
      cfg_err_malformed_int_n                  <= not cfg_err_malformed;
      cfg_err_poisoned_int_n                   <= not cfg_err_poisoned;
      cfg_err_atomic_egress_blocked_int_n      <= not cfg_err_atomic_egress_blocked;
      cfg_err_mc_blocked_int_n                 <= not cfg_err_mc_blocked;
      cfg_err_internal_uncor_int_n             <= not cfg_err_internal_uncor;
      cfg_err_internal_cor_int_n               <= not cfg_err_internal_cor;
      cfg_err_norecovery_int_n                 <= not cfg_err_norecovery;
      cfg_interrupt_assert_int_n               <= not cfg_interrupt_assert;
      cfg_interrupt_int_n                      <= not cfg_interrupt;
      cfg_interrupt_stat_int_n                 <= not cfg_interrupt_stat;
      cfg_pm_wake_int_n                        <= not cfg_pm_wake;
      cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l0s_int_n               <= not cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l0s;
      cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l1_int_n                <= not cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l1;
      cfg_pm_force_state_en_int_n              <= not cfg_pm_force_state_en;
      cfg_mgmt_rd_en_int_n                     <= not cfg_mgmt_rd_en;
      cfg_mgmt_wr_en_int_n                     <= not cfg_mgmt_wr_en;
      cfg_mgmt_wr_readonly_int_n               <= not cfg_mgmt_wr_readonly;
      cfg_mgmt_wr_rw1c_as_rw_int_n             <= not cfg_mgmt_wr_rw1c_as_rw;
      cfg_vend_id_wire                         <= CFG_VEND_ID;
      cfg_dev_id_wire                          <= CFG_DEV_ID;
      cfg_rev_id_wire                          <= CFG_REV_ID;
      cfg_subsys_vend_id_wire                  <= CFG_SUBSYS_VEND_ID;
      cfg_subsys_id_wire                       <= CFG_SUBSYS_ID;
      sys_or_hot_rst                           <= (not sys_rst_n) or pl_received_hot_rst_q;
      pl_received_hot_rst                      <= pl_received_hot_rst_q;
      user_clk_out                             <= user_clk_out_int;
      pl_phy_lnk_up                            <= pl_phy_lnk_up_q;
      user_lnk_up                              <= user_lnk_up_int;
      pl_ltssm_state                           <= pl_ltssm_state_int;
    -- Register Block Outputs to ease timing
    process (user_clk_out_int)
      if (user_clk_out_int'event and user_clk_out_int = '1') then
        if (sys_rst_n = '0') then
          pl_phy_lnk_up_q       <= '0' after (TCQ)*1 ps;
          pl_received_hot_rst_q <= '0' after (TCQ)*1 ps;
          pl_phy_lnk_up_q       <= pl_phy_lnk_up_int after (TCQ)*1 ps;
          pl_received_hot_rst_q <= pl_received_hot_rst_int after (TCQ)*1 ps;
        end if;
      end if;
     end process;
    process (user_clk_out_int)
      if (user_clk_out_int'event and user_clk_out_int = '1') then
        if (sys_rst_n = '0') then
          user_lnk_up_int <= '0' after (TCQ)*1 ps;
          user_lnk_up_int <= user_lnk_up_d after (TCQ)*1 ps;
        end if;
      end if;
     end process;
    process (user_clk_out_int)
      if (user_clk_out_int'event and user_clk_out_int = '1') then
        if (sys_rst_n = '0') then
          user_lnk_up_d <= '0' after (TCQ)*1 ps;
          user_lnk_up_d <= trn_lnk_up after (TCQ)*1 ps;
        end if;
      end if;
     end process;
  -- Generate user_reset_out
  -- Once user reset output of PCIE and Phy Layer is active, de-assert reset
  -- Only assert reset if system reset or hot reset is seen.  Keep AXI backend/user application alive otherwise
    process (user_clk_out_int,sys_or_hot_rst)
      if (sys_or_hot_rst = '1') then
        user_reset_int <= '1' after (TCQ)*1 ps;
      elsif (user_clk_out_int'event and user_clk_out_int = '1') then
        if (user_rst_n='1' and pl_phy_lnk_up_q='1') then
            user_reset_int <= '0' after (TCQ)*1 ps;
        end if;
      end if;
     end process;
    process (user_clk_out_int,sys_or_hot_rst)
      if (sys_or_hot_rst = '1') then
         user_reset_out <= '1' after (TCQ)*1 ps;
      elsif (user_clk_out_int'event and user_clk_out_int = '1') then
         user_reset_out <= user_reset_int after (TCQ)*1 ps;
      end if;
     end process;
    process (user_clk_out_int,sys_or_hot_rst)
      if (sys_or_hot_rst = '1') then
          bridge_reset_int <= '1' after (TCQ)*1 ps;
      elsif (user_clk_out_int'event and user_clk_out_int = '1') then
        if (user_rst_n='1' and pl_phy_lnk_up_q='1') then
            bridge_reset_int <= '0' after (TCQ)*1 ps;
        end if;
      end if;
     end process;
    process (user_clk_out_int,sys_or_hot_rst)
      if (sys_or_hot_rst = '1') then
        bridge_reset_d <= '1' after (TCQ)*1 ps;
      elsif (user_clk_out_int'event and user_clk_out_int = '1') then
        bridge_reset_d <= bridge_reset_int after (TCQ)*1 ps;
      end if;
     end process;
  -- **** PCI Express Core Wrapper ****                                                                               --
  -- The PCI Express Core Wrapper includes the following:                                                             --
  --   1) AXI Streaming Bridge                                                                                        --
  --   2) PCIE 2_1 Hard Block                                                                                         --
  --   3) PCIE PIPE Interface Pipeline                                                                                --
  pcie_top_i : cl_a7pcie_x4_pcie_top
  generic map (
    AER_BASE_PTR                             => AER_BASE_PTR ,
    AER_CAP_ID                               => AER_CAP_ID ,
    AER_CAP_MULTIHEADER                      => AER_CAP_MULTIHEADER ,
    AER_CAP_NEXTPTR                          => AER_CAP_NEXTPTR ,
    AER_CAP_ON                               => AER_CAP_ON ,
    AER_CAP_VERSION                          => AER_CAP_VERSION ,
    ALLOW_X8_GEN2                            => ALLOW_X8_GEN2 ,
    BAR0                                     => BAR0 ,
    BAR1                                     => BAR1 ,
    BAR2                                     => BAR2 ,
    BAR3                                     => BAR3 ,
    BAR4                                     => BAR4 ,
    BAR5                                     => BAR5 ,
    C_DATA_WIDTH                             => C_DATA_WIDTH ,
    C_REM_WIDTH                              => C_REM_WIDTH,
    CAPABILITIES_PTR                         => CAPABILITIES_PTR ,
    CARDBUS_CIS_POINTER                      => CARDBUS_CIS_POINTER ,
    CFG_ECRC_ERR_CPLSTAT                     => CFG_ECRC_ERR_CPLSTAT ,
    CLASS_CODE                               => CLASS_CODE ,
    CRM_MODULE_RSTS                          => CRM_MODULE_RSTS ,
    DEV_CAP_RSVD_14_12                       => DEV_CAP_RSVD_14_12 ,
    DEV_CAP_RSVD_17_16                       => DEV_CAP_RSVD_17_16 ,
    DEV_CAP_RSVD_31_29                       => DEV_CAP_RSVD_31_29 ,
    DISABLE_ASPM_L1_TIMER                    => DISABLE_ASPM_L1_TIMER ,
    DISABLE_ID_CHECK                         => DISABLE_ID_CHECK ,
    DISABLE_RX_TC_FILTER                     => DISABLE_RX_TC_FILTER ,
    DISABLE_SCRAMBLING                       => DISABLE_SCRAMBLING ,
    DNSTREAM_LINK_NUM                        => DNSTREAM_LINK_NUM ,
    DSN_BASE_PTR                             => DSN_BASE_PTR ,
    DSN_CAP_ID                               => DSN_CAP_ID ,
    DSN_CAP_NEXTPTR                          => DSN_CAP_NEXTPTR ,
    DSN_CAP_ON                               => DSN_CAP_ON ,
    DSN_CAP_VERSION                          => DSN_CAP_VERSION ,
    DISABLE_ERR_MSG                          => DISABLE_ERR_MSG ,
    DISABLE_PPM_FILTER                       => DISABLE_PPM_FILTER ,
    ENABLE_MSG_ROUTE                         => ENABLE_MSG_ROUTE ,
    ENABLE_RX_TD_ECRC_TRIM                   => ENABLE_RX_TD_ECRC_TRIM ,
    ENTER_RVRY_EI_L0                         => ENTER_RVRY_EI_L0 ,
    EXIT_LOOPBACK_ON_EI                      => EXIT_LOOPBACK_ON_EI ,
    EXPANSION_ROM                            => EXPANSION_ROM ,
    EXT_CFG_CAP_PTR                          => EXT_CFG_CAP_PTR ,
    EXT_CFG_XP_CAP_PTR                       => EXT_CFG_XP_CAP_PTR ,
    HEADER_TYPE                              => HEADER_TYPE ,
    INFER_EI                                 => INFER_EI ,
    INTERRUPT_PIN                            => pad_gen(INTERRUPT_PIN, 8) ,
    INTERRUPT_STAT_AUTO                      => INTERRUPT_STAT_AUTO ,
    IS_SWITCH                                => IS_SWITCH ,
    LAST_CONFIG_DWORD                        => LAST_CONFIG_DWORD ,
    LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_SPEED_int              => LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_SPEED_int ,
    LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH_int              => LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH_int ,
    LINK_CAP_RSVD_23                         => LINK_CAP_RSVD_23 ,
    LINK_CONTROL_RCB                         => LINK_CONTROL_RCB ,
    LL_ACK_TIMEOUT                           => LL_ACK_TIMEOUT ,
    LL_ACK_TIMEOUT_EN                        => LL_ACK_TIMEOUT_EN ,
    LL_ACK_TIMEOUT_FUNC                      => LL_ACK_TIMEOUT_FUNC ,
    LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT                        => LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT ,
    LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT_EN                     => LL_REPLAY_TIMEOUT_EN ,
    LTSSM_MAX_LINK_WIDTH                     => LTSSM_MAX_LINK_WIDTH ,
    MPS_FORCE                                => MPS_FORCE,
    MSI_BASE_PTR                             => MSI_BASE_PTR ,
    MSI_CAP_ID                               => MSI_CAP_ID ,
    MSI_CAP_MULTIMSGCAP                      => MSI_CAP_MULTIMSGCAP ,
    MSI_CAP_NEXTPTR                          => MSI_CAP_NEXTPTR ,
    MSI_CAP_ON                               => MSI_CAP_ON ,
    MSIX_BASE_PTR                            => MSIX_BASE_PTR ,
    MSIX_CAP_ID                              => MSIX_CAP_ID ,
    MSIX_CAP_NEXTPTR                         => MSIX_CAP_NEXTPTR ,
    MSIX_CAP_ON                              => MSIX_CAP_ON ,
    MSIX_CAP_PBA_BIR                         => MSIX_CAP_PBA_BIR ,
    MSIX_CAP_PBA_OFFSET                      => pad_gen(MSIX_CAP_PBA_OFFSET, 29) ,
    MSIX_CAP_TABLE_BIR                       => MSIX_CAP_TABLE_BIR ,
    MSIX_CAP_TABLE_OFFSET                    => pad_gen(MSIX_CAP_TABLE_OFFSET, 29) ,
    MSIX_CAP_TABLE_SIZE                      => pad_gen(MSIX_CAP_TABLE_SIZE, 11) ,
    N_FTS_COMCLK_GEN1                        => N_FTS_COMCLK_GEN1 ,
    N_FTS_COMCLK_GEN2                        => N_FTS_COMCLK_GEN2 ,
    N_FTS_GEN1                               => N_FTS_GEN1 ,
    N_FTS_GEN2                               => N_FTS_GEN2 ,
    PCIE_BASE_PTR                            => PCIE_BASE_PTR ,
    PCIE_CAP_NEXTPTR                         => PCIE_CAP_NEXTPTR ,
    PCIE_CAP_ON                              => PCIE_CAP_ON ,
    PCIE_CAP_RSVD_15_14                      => PCIE_CAP_RSVD_15_14 ,
    PCIE_REVISION                            => PCIE_REVISION ,
    PL_AUTO_CONFIG                           => PL_AUTO_CONFIG ,
    PL_FAST_TRAIN                            => PL_FAST_TRAIN ,
    PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT                       => PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT ,
    PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT_EN                    => PM_ASPML0S_TIMEOUT_EN ,
    PM_ASPM_FASTEXIT                         => PM_ASPM_FASTEXIT ,
    PM_BASE_PTR                              => PM_BASE_PTR ,
    PM_CAP_AUXCURRENT                        => PM_CAP_AUXCURRENT ,
    PM_CAP_D1SUPPORT                         => PM_CAP_D1SUPPORT ,
    PM_CAP_D2SUPPORT                         => PM_CAP_D2SUPPORT ,
    PM_CAP_DSI                               => PM_CAP_DSI ,
    PM_CAP_ID                                => PM_CAP_ID ,
    PM_CAP_NEXTPTR                           => PM_CAP_NEXTPTR ,
    PM_CAP_ON                                => PM_CAP_ON ,
    PM_CAP_PME_CLOCK                         => PM_CAP_PME_CLOCK ,
    PM_CAP_PMESUPPORT                        => PM_CAP_PMESUPPORT ,
    PM_CAP_RSVD_04                           => PM_CAP_RSVD_04 ,
    PM_CAP_VERSION                           => PM_CAP_VERSION ,
    PM_CSR_B2B3                              => PM_CSR_B2B3 ,
    PM_CSR_BPCCEN                            => PM_CSR_BPCCEN ,
    PM_CSR_NOSOFTRST                         => PM_CSR_NOSOFTRST ,
    PM_DATA0                                 => PM_DATA0 ,
    PM_DATA1                                 => PM_DATA1 ,
    PM_DATA2                                 => PM_DATA2 ,
    PM_DATA3                                 => PM_DATA3 ,
    PM_DATA4                                 => PM_DATA4 ,
    PM_DATA5                                 => PM_DATA5 ,
    PM_DATA6                                 => PM_DATA6 ,
    PM_DATA7                                 => PM_DATA7 ,
    PM_DATA_SCALE0                           => PM_DATA_SCALE0 ,
    PM_DATA_SCALE1                           => PM_DATA_SCALE1 ,
    PM_DATA_SCALE2                           => PM_DATA_SCALE2 ,
    PM_DATA_SCALE3                           => PM_DATA_SCALE3 ,
    PM_DATA_SCALE4                           => PM_DATA_SCALE4 ,
    PM_DATA_SCALE5                           => PM_DATA_SCALE5 ,
    PM_DATA_SCALE6                           => PM_DATA_SCALE6 ,
    PM_DATA_SCALE7                           => PM_DATA_SCALE7 ,
    PM_MF                                    => PM_MF ,
    RBAR_BASE_PTR                            => RBAR_BASE_PTR ,
    RBAR_CAP_ID                              => RBAR_CAP_ID,
    RBAR_CAP_INDEX0                          => RBAR_CAP_INDEX0 ,
    RBAR_CAP_INDEX1                          => RBAR_CAP_INDEX1 ,
    RBAR_CAP_INDEX2                          => RBAR_CAP_INDEX2 ,
    RBAR_CAP_INDEX3                          => RBAR_CAP_INDEX3 ,
    RBAR_CAP_INDEX4                          => RBAR_CAP_INDEX4 ,
    RBAR_CAP_INDEX5                          => RBAR_CAP_INDEX5 ,
    RBAR_CAP_NEXTPTR                         => RBAR_CAP_NEXTPTR ,
    RBAR_CAP_ON                              => RBAR_CAP_ON ,
    RBAR_CAP_SUP0                            => pad_gen(RBAR_CAP_SUP0, 32) ,
    RBAR_CAP_SUP1                            => pad_gen(RBAR_CAP_SUP1, 32) ,
    RBAR_CAP_SUP2                            => pad_gen(RBAR_CAP_SUP2, 32) ,
    RBAR_CAP_SUP3                            => pad_gen(RBAR_CAP_SUP3, 32) ,
    RBAR_CAP_SUP4                            => pad_gen(RBAR_CAP_SUP4, 32) ,
    RBAR_CAP_SUP5                            => pad_gen(RBAR_CAP_SUP5, 32) ,
    RBAR_CAP_VERSION                         => RBAR_CAP_VERSION ,
    RBAR_NUM                                 => RBAR_NUM ,
    RECRC_CHK                                => RECRC_CHK ,
    RECRC_CHK_TRIM                           => RECRC_CHK_TRIM ,
    RP_AUTO_SPD                              => RP_AUTO_SPD ,
    RP_AUTO_SPD_LOOPCNT                      => RP_AUTO_SPD_LOOPCNT ,
    SELECT_DLL_IF                            => SELECT_DLL_IF ,
    SPARE_BIT0                               => SPARE_BIT0 ,
    SPARE_BIT1                               => SPARE_BIT1 ,
    SPARE_BIT2                               => SPARE_BIT2 ,
    SPARE_BIT3                               => SPARE_BIT3 ,
    SPARE_BIT4                               => SPARE_BIT4 ,
    SPARE_BIT5                               => SPARE_BIT5 ,
    SPARE_BIT6                               => SPARE_BIT6 ,
    SPARE_BIT7                               => SPARE_BIT7 ,
    SPARE_BIT8                               => SPARE_BIT8 ,
    SPARE_BYTE0                              => SPARE_BYTE0 ,
    SPARE_BYTE1                              => SPARE_BYTE1 ,
    SPARE_BYTE2                              => SPARE_BYTE2 ,
    SPARE_BYTE3                              => SPARE_BYTE3 ,
    SPARE_WORD0                              => SPARE_WORD0 ,
    SPARE_WORD1                              => SPARE_WORD1 ,
    SPARE_WORD2                              => SPARE_WORD2 ,
    SPARE_WORD3                              => SPARE_WORD3 ,
    SSL_MESSAGE_AUTO                         => SSL_MESSAGE_AUTO ,
    TECRC_EP_INV                             => TECRC_EP_INV ,
    TL_RBYPASS                               => TL_RBYPASS ,
    TL_TFC_DISABLE                           => TL_TFC_DISABLE ,
    TL_TX_CHECKS_DISABLE                     => TL_TX_CHECKS_DISABLE ,
    TRN_DW                                   => TRN_DW ,
    TRN_NP_FC                                => TRN_NP_FC ,
    UPCONFIG_CAPABLE                         => UPCONFIG_CAPABLE ,
    UPSTREAM_FACING                          => UPSTREAM_FACING ,
    UR_ATOMIC                                => UR_ATOMIC ,
    UR_CFG1                                  => UR_CFG1 ,
    UR_INV_REQ                               => UR_INV_REQ ,
    UR_PRS_RESPONSE                          => UR_PRS_RESPONSE ,
    USER_CLK2_DIV2                           => USER_CLK2_DIV2 ,
    USER_CLK_FREQ                            => USER_CLK_FREQ ,
    USE_RID_PINS                             => USE_RID_PINS ,
    VC0_CPL_INFINITE                         => VC0_CPL_INFINITE ,
    VC0_RX_RAM_LIMIT                         => pad_gen(VC0_RX_RAM_LIMIT, 13) ,
    VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_CD                     => VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_CD ,
    VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_CH                     => VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_CH ,
    VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_NPD                    => VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_NPD,
    VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_NPH                    => VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_NPH ,
    VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_PD                     => VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_PD ,
    VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_PH                     => VC0_TOTAL_CREDITS_PH ,
    VC0_TX_LASTPACKET                        => VC0_TX_LASTPACKET ,
    VC_BASE_PTR                              => pad_gen(VC_BASE_PTR, 12) ,
    VC_CAP_ID                                => VC_CAP_ID ,
    VC_CAP_NEXTPTR                           => VC_CAP_NEXTPTR ,
    VC_CAP_ON                                => VC_CAP_ON ,
    VC_CAP_VERSION                           => VC_CAP_VERSION ,
    VSEC_BASE_PTR                            => pad_gen(VSEC_BASE_PTR, 12) ,
    VSEC_CAP_HDR_ID                          => VSEC_CAP_HDR_ID ,
    VSEC_CAP_HDR_LENGTH                      => VSEC_CAP_HDR_LENGTH ,
    VSEC_CAP_ID                              => VSEC_CAP_ID ,
    VSEC_CAP_NEXTPTR                         => VSEC_CAP_NEXTPTR ,
    VSEC_CAP_ON                              => VSEC_CAP_ON ,
    VSEC_CAP_VERSION                         => VSEC_CAP_VERSION
    -- I/O
  port map (
    -- AXI Interface
    user_clk_out                               => user_clk_out_int ,
    user_reset                                 => bridge_reset_d ,
    user_lnk_up                                => user_lnk_up_int      ,
    user_rst_n                                 => user_rst_n       ,
    trn_lnk_up                                 => trn_lnk_up       ,
    tx_buf_av                                  => tx_buf_av        ,
    tx_err_drop                                => tx_err_drop      ,
    tx_cfg_req                                 => tx_cfg_req       ,
    s_axis_tx_tready                           => s_axis_tx_tready ,
    s_axis_tx_tdata                            => s_axis_tx_tdata  ,
    s_axis_tx_tkeep                            => s_axis_tx_tkeep  ,
    s_axis_tx_tuser                            => s_axis_tx_tuser  ,
    s_axis_tx_tlast                            => s_axis_tx_tlast  ,
    s_axis_tx_tvalid                           => s_axis_tx_tvalid ,
    tx_cfg_gnt                                 => tx_cfg_gnt ,
    m_axis_rx_tdata                            => m_axis_rx_tdata  ,
    m_axis_rx_tkeep                            => m_axis_rx_tkeep  ,
    m_axis_rx_tlast                            => m_axis_rx_tlast  ,
    m_axis_rx_tvalid                           => m_axis_rx_tvalid ,
    m_axis_rx_tready                           => m_axis_rx_tready ,
    m_axis_rx_tuser                            => m_axis_rx_tuser  ,
    rx_np_ok                                   => rx_np_ok ,
    rx_np_req                                  => rx_np_req ,
    fc_cpld                                    => fc_cpld          ,
    fc_cplh                                    => fc_cplh          ,
    fc_npd                                     => fc_npd           ,
    fc_nph                                     => fc_nph           ,
    fc_pd                                      => fc_pd            ,
    fc_ph                                      => fc_ph            ,
    fc_sel                                     => fc_sel ,
    cfg_turnoff_ok                             => cfg_turnoff_ok ,
    cfg_received_func_lvl_rst                  => cfg_received_func_lvl_rst ,
    cm_rst_n                                   => '1' ,
    func_lvl_rst_n                             => '1' ,
    cfg_dev_id                                 => cfg_dev_id_wire ,
    cfg_vend_id                                => cfg_vend_id_wire ,
    cfg_rev_id                                 => cfg_rev_id_wire ,
    cfg_subsys_id                              => cfg_subsys_id_wire ,
    cfg_subsys_vend_id                         => cfg_subsys_vend_id_wire ,
    cfg_pciecap_interrupt_msgnum               => cfg_pciecap_interrupt_msgnum ,
    cfg_bridge_serr_en                         => cfg_bridge_serr_en ,
    cfg_status                                 => cfg_status ,
    cfg_command                                => cfg_command ,
    cfg_dstatus                                => cfg_dstatus ,
    cfg_dcommand                               => cfg_dcommand ,
    cfg_lstatus                                => cfg_lstatus ,
    cfg_lcommand                               => cfg_lcommand ,
    cfg_dcommand2                              => cfg_dcommand2 ,
    cfg_command_bus_master_enable              => open ,
    cfg_command_interrupt_disable              => open ,
    cfg_command_io_enable                      => open ,
    cfg_command_mem_enable                     => open ,
    cfg_command_serr_en                        => open ,
    cfg_dev_control_aux_power_en               => open ,
    cfg_dev_control_corr_err_reporting_en      => open ,
    cfg_dev_control_enable_ro                  => open ,
    cfg_dev_control_ext_tag_en                 => open ,
    cfg_dev_control_fatal_err_reporting_en     => open ,
    cfg_dev_control_max_payload                => open ,
    cfg_dev_control_max_read_req               => open ,
    cfg_dev_control_non_fatal_reporting_en     => open ,
    cfg_dev_control_no_snoop_en                => open ,
    cfg_dev_control_phantom_en                 => open ,
    cfg_dev_control_ur_err_reporting_en        => open ,
    cfg_dev_control2_cpl_timeout_dis           => open ,
    cfg_dev_control2_cpl_timeout_val           => open ,
    cfg_dev_control2_ari_forward_en            => open ,
    cfg_dev_control2_atomic_requester_en       => open ,
    cfg_dev_control2_atomic_egress_block       => open ,
    cfg_dev_control2_ido_req_en                => open ,
    cfg_dev_control2_ido_cpl_en                => open ,
    cfg_dev_control2_ltr_en                    => open ,
    cfg_dev_control2_tlp_prefix_block          => open ,
    cfg_dev_status_corr_err_detected           => open ,
    cfg_dev_status_fatal_err_detected          => open ,
    cfg_dev_status_non_fatal_err_detected      => open ,
    cfg_dev_status_ur_detected                 => open ,
    cfg_mgmt_do                                => cfg_mgmt_do ,
    cfg_err_aer_headerlog_set                  => cfg_err_aer_headerlog_set ,
    cfg_err_aer_headerlog                      => cfg_err_aer_headerlog ,
    cfg_err_cpl_rdy                            => cfg_err_cpl_rdy ,
    cfg_interrupt_do                           => cfg_interrupt_do ,
    cfg_interrupt_mmenable                     => cfg_interrupt_mmenable ,
    cfg_interrupt_msienable                    => cfg_interrupt_msienable ,
    cfg_interrupt_msixenable                   => cfg_interrupt_msixenable ,
    cfg_interrupt_msixfm                       => cfg_interrupt_msixfm ,
    cfg_interrupt_rdy                          => cfg_interrupt_rdy ,
    cfg_link_control_rcb                       => open ,
    cfg_link_control_aspm_control              => open ,
    cfg_link_control_auto_bandwidth_int_en     => open ,
    cfg_link_control_bandwidth_int_en          => open ,
    cfg_link_control_clock_pm_en               => open ,
    cfg_link_control_common_clock              => open ,
    cfg_link_control_extended_sync             => open ,
    cfg_link_control_hw_auto_width_dis         => open ,
    cfg_link_control_link_disable              => open ,
    cfg_link_control_retrain_link              => open ,
    cfg_link_status_auto_bandwidth_status      => open ,
    cfg_link_status_bandwidth_status           => open ,
    cfg_link_status_current_speed              => open ,
    cfg_link_status_dll_active                 => open ,
    cfg_link_status_link_training              => open ,
    cfg_link_status_negotiated_width           => open ,
    cfg_msg_data                               => cfg_msg_data ,
    cfg_msg_received                           => cfg_msg_received ,
    cfg_msg_received_assert_int_a              => cfg_msg_received_assert_int_a ,
    cfg_msg_received_assert_int_b              => cfg_msg_received_assert_int_b ,
    cfg_msg_received_assert_int_c              => cfg_msg_received_assert_int_c ,
    cfg_msg_received_assert_int_d              => cfg_msg_received_assert_int_d ,
    cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_a            => cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_a ,
    cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_b            => cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_b ,
    cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_c            => cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_c ,
    cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_d            => cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_d ,
    cfg_msg_received_err_cor                   => cfg_msg_received_err_cor ,
    cfg_msg_received_err_fatal                 => cfg_msg_received_err_fatal ,
    cfg_msg_received_err_non_fatal             => cfg_msg_received_err_non_fatal ,
    cfg_msg_received_pm_as_nak                 => cfg_msg_received_pm_as_nak ,
    cfg_msg_received_pme_to                    => open ,
    cfg_msg_received_pme_to_ack                => cfg_msg_received_pme_to_ack ,
    cfg_msg_received_pm_pme                    => cfg_msg_received_pm_pme ,
    cfg_msg_received_setslotpowerlimit         => cfg_msg_received_setslotpowerlimit ,
    cfg_msg_received_unlock                    => open ,
    cfg_to_turnoff                             => cfg_to_turnoff ,
    cfg_pcie_link_state                        => cfg_pcie_link_state ,
    cfg_pmcsr_pme_en                           => cfg_pmcsr_pme_en ,
    cfg_pmcsr_powerstate                       => cfg_pmcsr_powerstate ,
    cfg_pmcsr_pme_status                       => cfg_pmcsr_pme_status ,
    cfg_pm_rcv_as_req_l1_n                     => open ,
    cfg_pm_rcv_enter_l1_n                      => open ,
    cfg_pm_rcv_enter_l23_n                     => open ,
    cfg_pm_rcv_req_ack_n                       => open ,
    cfg_mgmt_rd_wr_done                        => cfg_mgmt_rd_wr_done ,
    cfg_slot_control_electromech_il_ctl_pulse  => cfg_slot_control_electromech_il_ctl_pulse ,
    cfg_root_control_syserr_corr_err_en        => cfg_root_control_syserr_corr_err_en ,
    cfg_root_control_syserr_non_fatal_err_en   => cfg_root_control_syserr_non_fatal_err_en ,
    cfg_root_control_syserr_fatal_err_en       => cfg_root_control_syserr_fatal_err_en ,
    cfg_root_control_pme_int_en                => cfg_root_control_pme_int_en,
    cfg_aer_ecrc_check_en                      => cfg_aer_ecrc_check_en ,
    cfg_aer_ecrc_gen_en                        => cfg_aer_ecrc_gen_en ,
    cfg_aer_rooterr_corr_err_reporting_en      => cfg_aer_rooterr_corr_err_reporting_en ,
    cfg_aer_rooterr_non_fatal_err_reporting_en => cfg_aer_rooterr_non_fatal_err_reporting_en ,
    cfg_aer_rooterr_fatal_err_reporting_en     => cfg_aer_rooterr_fatal_err_reporting_en ,
    cfg_aer_rooterr_corr_err_received          => cfg_aer_rooterr_corr_err_received ,
    cfg_aer_rooterr_non_fatal_err_received     => cfg_aer_rooterr_non_fatal_err_received ,
    cfg_aer_rooterr_fatal_err_received         => cfg_aer_rooterr_fatal_err_received ,
    cfg_aer_interrupt_msgnum                   => cfg_aer_interrupt_msgnum ,
    cfg_transaction                            => open ,
    cfg_transaction_addr                       => open ,
    cfg_transaction_type                       => open ,
    cfg_vc_tcvc_map                            => cfg_vc_tcvc_map ,
    cfg_mgmt_byte_en_n                         => cfg_mgmt_byte_en_int_n ,
    cfg_mgmt_di                                => cfg_mgmt_di ,
    cfg_dsn                                    => cfg_dsn ,
    cfg_mgmt_dwaddr                            => cfg_mgmt_dwaddr ,
    cfg_err_acs_n                              => '1' ,
    cfg_err_cor_n                              => cfg_err_cor_int_n ,
    cfg_err_cpl_abort_n                        => cfg_err_cpl_abort_int_n ,
    cfg_err_cpl_timeout_n                      => cfg_err_cpl_timeout_int_n ,
    cfg_err_cpl_unexpect_n                     => cfg_err_cpl_unexpect_int_n ,
    cfg_err_ecrc_n                             => cfg_err_ecrc_int_n ,
    cfg_err_locked_n                           => cfg_err_locked_int_n ,
    cfg_err_posted_n                           => cfg_err_posted_int_n ,
    cfg_err_tlp_cpl_header                     => cfg_err_tlp_cpl_header ,
    cfg_err_ur_n                               => cfg_err_ur_int_n ,
    cfg_err_malformed_n                        => cfg_err_malformed_int_n ,
    cfg_err_poisoned_n                         => cfg_err_poisoned_int_n ,
    cfg_err_atomic_egress_blocked_n            => cfg_err_atomic_egress_blocked_int_n ,
    cfg_err_mc_blocked_n                       => cfg_err_mc_blocked_int_n ,
    cfg_err_internal_uncor_n                   => cfg_err_internal_uncor_int_n ,
    cfg_err_internal_cor_n                     => cfg_err_internal_cor_int_n ,
    cfg_err_norecovery_n                       => cfg_err_norecovery_int_n ,
    cfg_interrupt_assert_n                     => cfg_interrupt_assert_int_n  ,
    cfg_interrupt_di                           => cfg_interrupt_di ,
    cfg_interrupt_n                            => cfg_interrupt_int_n ,
    cfg_interrupt_stat_n                       => cfg_interrupt_stat_int_n  ,
    cfg_bus_number                             => cfg_bus_number,
    cfg_device_number                          => cfg_device_number,
    cfg_function_number                        => cfg_function_number,
    cfg_ds_bus_number                          => cfg_ds_bus_number ,
    cfg_ds_device_number                       => cfg_ds_device_number ,
    cfg_ds_function_number                     => cfg_ds_function_number  ,
    cfg_pm_send_pme_to_n                       => '1' ,
    cfg_pm_wake_n                              => cfg_pm_wake_int_n ,
    cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l0s_n                     => cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l0s_int_n ,
    cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l1_n                      => cfg_pm_halt_aspm_l1_int_n ,
    cfg_pm_force_state_en_n                    => cfg_pm_force_state_en_int_n ,
    cfg_pm_force_state                         => cfg_pm_force_state ,
    cfg_force_mps                              => "000" ,
    cfg_force_common_clock_off                 => '0' ,
    cfg_force_extended_sync_on                 => '0' ,
    cfg_port_number                            => x"00" ,
    cfg_mgmt_rd_en_n                           => cfg_mgmt_rd_en_int_n ,
    cfg_trn_pending                            => cfg_trn_pending ,
    cfg_mgmt_wr_en_n                           => cfg_mgmt_wr_en_int_n ,
    cfg_mgmt_wr_readonly_n                     => cfg_mgmt_wr_readonly_int_n ,
    cfg_mgmt_wr_rw1c_as_rw_n                   => cfg_mgmt_wr_rw1c_as_rw_int_n ,
    pl_initial_link_width                      => pl_initial_link_width ,
    pl_lane_reversal_mode                      => pl_lane_reversal_mode ,
    pl_link_gen2_cap                           => pl_link_gen2_cap ,
    pl_link_partner_gen2_supported             => pl_link_partner_gen2_supported ,
    pl_link_upcfg_cap                          => pl_link_upcfg_cap ,
    pl_ltssm_state                             => pl_ltssm_state_int ,
    pl_phy_lnk_up                              => pl_phy_lnk_up_int ,
    pl_received_hot_rst                        => pl_received_hot_rst_int ,
    pl_rx_pm_state                             => pl_rx_pm_state ,
    pl_sel_lnk_rate                            => pl_sel_lnk_rate ,
    pl_sel_lnk_width                           => pl_sel_lnk_width ,
    pl_tx_pm_state                             => pl_tx_pm_state ,
    pl_directed_link_auton                     => pl_directed_link_auton ,
    pl_directed_link_change                    => pl_directed_link_change ,
    pl_directed_link_speed                     => pl_directed_link_speed ,
    pl_directed_link_width                     => pl_directed_link_width ,
    pl_downstream_deemph_source                => pl_downstream_deemph_source ,
    pl_upstream_prefer_deemph                  => pl_upstream_prefer_deemph ,
    pl_transmit_hot_rst                        => pl_transmit_hot_rst ,
    pl_directed_ltssm_new_vld                  => '0' ,
    pl_directed_ltssm_new                      => "000000" ,
    pl_directed_ltssm_stall                    => '0' ,
    pl_directed_change_done                    => pl_directed_change_done ,
    phy_rdy_n                                  => phy_rdy_n ,
    dbg_sclr_a                                 => open ,
    dbg_sclr_b                                 => open ,
    dbg_sclr_c                                 => open ,
    dbg_sclr_d                                 => open ,
    dbg_sclr_e                                 => open ,
    dbg_sclr_f                                 => open ,
    dbg_sclr_g                                 => open ,
    dbg_sclr_h                                 => open ,
    dbg_sclr_i                                 => open ,
    dbg_sclr_j                                 => open ,
    dbg_sclr_k                                 => open ,
    dbg_vec_a                                  => open ,
    dbg_vec_b                                  => open ,
    dbg_vec_c                                  => open ,
    pl_dbg_vec                                 => open ,
    trn_rdllp_data                             => open ,
    trn_rdllp_src_rdy                          => open ,
    dbg_mode                                   => "00" ,
    dbg_sub_mode                               => '0' ,
    pl_dbg_mode                                => "000" ,
    drp_clk                               => '0',
    drp_en                                => '0',
    drp_we                                => '0',
    drp_addr                              => "000000000",
    drp_di                                => X"0000",
    drp_do                                => open,
    drp_rdy                               => open,
    -- Pipe Interface
    pipe_clk                                   => pipe_clk            ,
    user_clk                                   => user_clk            ,
    user_clk2                                  => user_clk2           ,
    pipe_rx0_polarity_gt                       => pipe_rx0_polarity_gt       ,
    pipe_rx1_polarity_gt                       => pipe_rx1_polarity_gt       ,
    pipe_rx2_polarity_gt                       => pipe_rx2_polarity_gt       ,
    pipe_rx3_polarity_gt                       => pipe_rx3_polarity_gt       ,
    pipe_rx4_polarity_gt                       => pipe_rx4_polarity_gt       ,
    pipe_rx5_polarity_gt                       => pipe_rx5_polarity_gt       ,
    pipe_rx6_polarity_gt                       => pipe_rx6_polarity_gt       ,
    pipe_rx7_polarity_gt                       => pipe_rx7_polarity_gt       ,
    pipe_tx_deemph_gt                          => pipe_tx_deemph_gt          ,
    pipe_tx_margin_gt                          => pipe_tx_margin_gt          ,
    pipe_tx_rate_gt                            => pipe_tx_rate_gt            ,
    pipe_tx_rcvr_det_gt                        => pipe_tx_rcvr_det_gt        ,
    pipe_tx0_char_is_k_gt                      => pipe_tx0_char_is_k_gt      ,
    pipe_tx0_compliance_gt                     => pipe_tx0_compliance_gt     ,
    pipe_tx0_data_gt                           => pipe_tx0_data_gt           ,
    pipe_tx0_elec_idle_gt                      => pipe_tx0_elec_idle_gt      ,
    pipe_tx0_powerdown_gt                      => pipe_tx0_powerdown_gt      ,
    pipe_tx1_char_is_k_gt                      => pipe_tx1_char_is_k_gt      ,
    pipe_tx1_compliance_gt                     => pipe_tx1_compliance_gt     ,
    pipe_tx1_data_gt                           => pipe_tx1_data_gt           ,
    pipe_tx1_elec_idle_gt                      => pipe_tx1_elec_idle_gt      ,
    pipe_tx1_powerdown_gt                      => pipe_tx1_powerdown_gt      ,
    pipe_tx2_char_is_k_gt                      => pipe_tx2_char_is_k_gt      ,
    pipe_tx2_compliance_gt                     => pipe_tx2_compliance_gt     ,
    pipe_tx2_data_gt                           => pipe_tx2_data_gt           ,
    pipe_tx2_elec_idle_gt                      => pipe_tx2_elec_idle_gt      ,
    pipe_tx2_powerdown_gt                      => pipe_tx2_powerdown_gt      ,
    pipe_tx3_char_is_k_gt                      => pipe_tx3_char_is_k_gt      ,
    pipe_tx3_compliance_gt                     => pipe_tx3_compliance_gt     ,
    pipe_tx3_data_gt                           => pipe_tx3_data_gt           ,
    pipe_tx3_elec_idle_gt                      => pipe_tx3_elec_idle_gt      ,
    pipe_tx3_powerdown_gt                      => pipe_tx3_powerdown_gt      ,
    pipe_tx4_char_is_k_gt                      => pipe_tx4_char_is_k_gt      ,
    pipe_tx4_compliance_gt                     => pipe_tx4_compliance_gt     ,
    pipe_tx4_data_gt                           => pipe_tx4_data_gt           ,
    pipe_tx4_elec_idle_gt                      => pipe_tx4_elec_idle_gt      ,
    pipe_tx4_powerdown_gt                      => pipe_tx4_powerdown_gt      ,
    pipe_tx5_char_is_k_gt                      => pipe_tx5_char_is_k_gt      ,
    pipe_tx5_compliance_gt                     => pipe_tx5_compliance_gt     ,
    pipe_tx5_data_gt                           => pipe_tx5_data_gt           ,
    pipe_tx5_elec_idle_gt                      => pipe_tx5_elec_idle_gt      ,
    pipe_tx5_powerdown_gt                      => pipe_tx5_powerdown_gt      ,
    pipe_tx6_char_is_k_gt                      => pipe_tx6_char_is_k_gt      ,
    pipe_tx6_compliance_gt                     => pipe_tx6_compliance_gt     ,
    pipe_tx6_data_gt                           => pipe_tx6_data_gt           ,
    pipe_tx6_elec_idle_gt                      => pipe_tx6_elec_idle_gt      ,
    pipe_tx6_powerdown_gt                      => pipe_tx6_powerdown_gt      ,
    pipe_tx7_char_is_k_gt                      => pipe_tx7_char_is_k_gt      ,
    pipe_tx7_compliance_gt                     => pipe_tx7_compliance_gt     ,
    pipe_tx7_data_gt                           => pipe_tx7_data_gt           ,
    pipe_tx7_elec_idle_gt                      => pipe_tx7_elec_idle_gt      ,
    pipe_tx7_powerdown_gt                      => pipe_tx7_powerdown_gt      ,
    pipe_rx0_chanisaligned_gt                  => pipe_rx0_chanisaligned_gt  ,
    pipe_rx0_char_is_k_gt                      => pipe_rx0_char_is_k_gt      ,
    pipe_rx0_data_gt                           => pipe_rx0_data_gt           ,
    pipe_rx0_elec_idle_gt                      => pipe_rx0_elec_idle_gt      ,
    pipe_rx0_phy_status_gt                     => pipe_rx0_phy_status_gt     ,
    pipe_rx0_status_gt                         => pipe_rx0_status_gt         ,
    pipe_rx0_valid_gt                          => pipe_rx0_valid_gt          ,
    pipe_rx1_chanisaligned_gt                  => pipe_rx1_chanisaligned_gt  ,
    pipe_rx1_char_is_k_gt                      => pipe_rx1_char_is_k_gt      ,
    pipe_rx1_data_gt                           => pipe_rx1_data_gt           ,
    pipe_rx1_elec_idle_gt                      => pipe_rx1_elec_idle_gt      ,
    pipe_rx1_phy_status_gt                     => pipe_rx1_phy_status_gt     ,
    pipe_rx1_status_gt                         => pipe_rx1_status_gt         ,
    pipe_rx1_valid_gt                          => pipe_rx1_valid_gt          ,
    pipe_rx2_chanisaligned_gt                  => pipe_rx2_chanisaligned_gt  ,
    pipe_rx2_char_is_k_gt                      => pipe_rx2_char_is_k_gt      ,
    pipe_rx2_data_gt                           => pipe_rx2_data_gt           ,
    pipe_rx2_elec_idle_gt                      => pipe_rx2_elec_idle_gt      ,
    pipe_rx2_phy_status_gt                     => pipe_rx2_phy_status_gt     ,
    pipe_rx2_status_gt                         => pipe_rx2_status_gt         ,
    pipe_rx2_valid_gt                          => pipe_rx2_valid_gt          ,
    pipe_rx3_chanisaligned_gt                  => pipe_rx3_chanisaligned_gt  ,
    pipe_rx3_char_is_k_gt                      => pipe_rx3_char_is_k_gt      ,
    pipe_rx3_data_gt                           => pipe_rx3_data_gt           ,
    pipe_rx3_elec_idle_gt                      => pipe_rx3_elec_idle_gt      ,
    pipe_rx3_phy_status_gt                     => pipe_rx3_phy_status_gt     ,
    pipe_rx3_status_gt                         => pipe_rx3_status_gt         ,
    pipe_rx3_valid_gt                          => pipe_rx3_valid_gt          ,
    pipe_rx4_chanisaligned_gt                  => pipe_rx4_chanisaligned_gt  ,
    pipe_rx4_char_is_k_gt                      => pipe_rx4_char_is_k_gt      ,
    pipe_rx4_data_gt                           => pipe_rx4_data_gt           ,
    pipe_rx4_elec_idle_gt                      => pipe_rx4_elec_idle_gt      ,
    pipe_rx4_phy_status_gt                     => pipe_rx4_phy_status_gt     ,
    pipe_rx4_status_gt                         => pipe_rx4_status_gt         ,
    pipe_rx4_valid_gt                          => pipe_rx4_valid_gt          ,
    pipe_rx5_chanisaligned_gt                  => pipe_rx5_chanisaligned_gt  ,
    pipe_rx5_char_is_k_gt                      => pipe_rx5_char_is_k_gt      ,
    pipe_rx5_data_gt                           => pipe_rx5_data_gt           ,
    pipe_rx5_elec_idle_gt                      => pipe_rx5_elec_idle_gt      ,
    pipe_rx5_phy_status_gt                     => pipe_rx5_phy_status_gt     ,
    pipe_rx5_status_gt                         => pipe_rx5_status_gt         ,
    pipe_rx5_valid_gt                          => pipe_rx5_valid_gt          ,
    pipe_rx6_chanisaligned_gt                  => pipe_rx6_chanisaligned_gt  ,
    pipe_rx6_char_is_k_gt                      => pipe_rx6_char_is_k_gt      ,
    pipe_rx6_data_gt                           => pipe_rx6_data_gt           ,
    pipe_rx6_elec_idle_gt                      => pipe_rx6_elec_idle_gt      ,
    pipe_rx6_phy_status_gt                     => pipe_rx6_phy_status_gt     ,
    pipe_rx6_status_gt                         => pipe_rx6_status_gt         ,
    pipe_rx6_valid_gt                          => pipe_rx6_valid_gt          ,
    pipe_rx7_chanisaligned_gt                  => pipe_rx7_chanisaligned_gt  ,
    pipe_rx7_char_is_k_gt                      => pipe_rx7_char_is_k_gt      ,
    pipe_rx7_data_gt                           => pipe_rx7_data_gt           ,
    pipe_rx7_elec_idle_gt                      => pipe_rx7_elec_idle_gt      ,
    pipe_rx7_phy_status_gt                     => pipe_rx7_phy_status_gt     ,
    pipe_rx7_status_gt                         => pipe_rx7_status_gt         ,
    pipe_rx7_valid_gt                          => pipe_rx7_valid_gt
  -- **** V7/K7/A7 GTX Wrapper ****                                                                                   --
  --   The 7-Series GTX Wrapper includes the following:                                                               --
  --     1) Virtex-7 GTX                                                                                              --
  --     2) Kintex-7 GTX                                                                                              --
  --     3) Artix-7  GTP                                                                                              --
  gt_top_i : cl_a7pcie_x4_gt_top
  generic map (
    REF_CLK_FREQ                  => REF_CLK_FREQ,
    USER_CLK_FREQ                 => USER_CLK_FREQ,
    USER_CLK2_DIV2                => USER_CLK2_DIV2,
    PL_FAST_TRAIN                 => PL_FAST_TRAIN,
    PCIE_EXT_CLK                  => PCIE_EXT_CLK,
    PCIE_USE_MODE                 => PCIE_USE_MODE,
    PCIE_GT_DEVICE                => PCIE_GT_DEVICE,
    PCIE_PLL_SEL                  => PCIE_PLL_SEL,
    PCIE_ASYNC_EN                 => PCIE_ASYNC_EN,
    PCIE_TXBUF_EN                 => PCIE_TXBUF_EN,
    PCIE_CHAN_BOND                => PCIE_CHAN_BOND
  port map (
    -- pl ltssm
    pl_ltssm_state                => pl_ltssm_state_int ,
    -- Pipe Common Signals
    pipe_tx_rcvr_det              => pipe_tx_rcvr_det_gt ,
    pipe_tx_reset                 => '0' ,
    pipe_tx_rate                  => pipe_tx_rate_gt ,
    pipe_tx_deemph                => pipe_tx_deemph_gt ,
    pipe_tx_margin                => pipe_tx_margin_gt ,
    pipe_tx_swing                 => '0' ,
    PIPE_PCLK_IN                  => PIPE_PCLK_IN ,
    PIPE_DCLK_IN                  => PIPE_DCLK_IN ,
    PIPE_USERCLK1_IN              => PIPE_USERCLK1_IN ,
    PIPE_USERCLK2_IN              => PIPE_USERCLK2_IN ,
    PIPE_OOBCLK_IN                => PIPE_OOBCLK_IN,
    PIPE_GEN3_OUT                 => PIPE_GEN3_OUT ,
    -- Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 0
    pipe_rx0_char_is_k            =>  pipe_rx0_char_is_k_gt ,
    pipe_rx0_data                 =>  pipe_rx0_data_gt     ,
    pipe_rx0_valid                =>  pipe_rx0_valid_gt    ,
    pipe_rx0_chanisaligned        =>  pipe_rx0_chanisaligned_gt   ,
    pipe_rx0_status               =>  pipe_rx0_status_gt      ,
    pipe_rx0_phy_status           =>  pipe_rx0_phy_status_gt  ,
    pipe_rx0_elec_idle            =>  pipe_rx0_elec_idle_gt   ,
    pipe_rx0_polarity             =>  pipe_rx0_polarity_gt    ,
    pipe_tx0_compliance           =>  pipe_tx0_compliance_gt  ,
    pipe_tx0_char_is_k            =>  pipe_tx0_char_is_k_gt   ,
    pipe_tx0_data                 =>  pipe_tx0_data_gt        ,
    pipe_tx0_elec_idle            =>  pipe_tx0_elec_idle_gt   ,
    pipe_tx0_powerdown            =>  pipe_tx0_powerdown_gt   ,
    -- Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 1
    pipe_rx1_char_is_k            =>  pipe_rx1_char_is_k_gt,
    pipe_rx1_data                 =>  pipe_rx1_data_gt     ,
    pipe_rx1_valid                =>  pipe_rx1_valid_gt    ,
    pipe_rx1_chanisaligned        =>  pipe_rx1_chanisaligned_gt   ,
    pipe_rx1_status               =>  pipe_rx1_status_gt      ,
    pipe_rx1_phy_status           =>  pipe_rx1_phy_status_gt  ,
    pipe_rx1_elec_idle            =>  pipe_rx1_elec_idle_gt   ,
    pipe_rx1_polarity             =>  pipe_rx1_polarity_gt    ,
    pipe_tx1_compliance           =>  pipe_tx1_compliance_gt  ,
    pipe_tx1_char_is_k            =>  pipe_tx1_char_is_k_gt   ,
    pipe_tx1_data                 =>  pipe_tx1_data_gt        ,
    pipe_tx1_elec_idle            =>  pipe_tx1_elec_idle_gt   ,
    pipe_tx1_powerdown            =>  pipe_tx1_powerdown_gt   ,
    -- Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 2
    pipe_rx2_char_is_k            =>  pipe_rx2_char_is_k_gt,
    pipe_rx2_data                 =>  pipe_rx2_data_gt     ,
    pipe_rx2_valid                =>  pipe_rx2_valid_gt    ,
    pipe_rx2_chanisaligned        =>  pipe_rx2_chanisaligned_gt   ,
    pipe_rx2_status               =>  pipe_rx2_status_gt      ,
    pipe_rx2_phy_status           =>  pipe_rx2_phy_status_gt  ,
    pipe_rx2_elec_idle            =>  pipe_rx2_elec_idle_gt   ,
    pipe_rx2_polarity             =>  pipe_rx2_polarity_gt    ,
    pipe_tx2_compliance           =>  pipe_tx2_compliance_gt  ,
    pipe_tx2_char_is_k            =>  pipe_tx2_char_is_k_gt   ,
    pipe_tx2_data                 =>  pipe_tx2_data_gt        ,
    pipe_tx2_elec_idle            =>  pipe_tx2_elec_idle_gt   ,
    pipe_tx2_powerdown            =>  pipe_tx2_powerdown_gt   ,
    -- Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 3
    pipe_rx3_char_is_k            =>  pipe_rx3_char_is_k_gt,
    pipe_rx3_data                 =>  pipe_rx3_data_gt     ,
    pipe_rx3_valid                =>  pipe_rx3_valid_gt    ,
    pipe_rx3_chanisaligned        =>  pipe_rx3_chanisaligned_gt   ,
    pipe_rx3_status               =>  pipe_rx3_status_gt      ,
    pipe_rx3_phy_status           =>  pipe_rx3_phy_status_gt  ,
    pipe_rx3_elec_idle            =>  pipe_rx3_elec_idle_gt   ,
    pipe_rx3_polarity             =>  pipe_rx3_polarity_gt    ,
    pipe_tx3_compliance           =>  pipe_tx3_compliance_gt  ,
    pipe_tx3_char_is_k            =>  pipe_tx3_char_is_k_gt   ,
    pipe_tx3_data                 =>  pipe_tx3_data_gt        ,
    pipe_tx3_elec_idle            =>  pipe_tx3_elec_idle_gt   ,
    pipe_tx3_powerdown            =>  pipe_tx3_powerdown_gt   ,
    -- Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 4
    pipe_rx4_char_is_k            =>  pipe_rx4_char_is_k_gt,
    pipe_rx4_data                 =>  pipe_rx4_data_gt     ,
    pipe_rx4_valid                =>  pipe_rx4_valid_gt    ,
    pipe_rx4_chanisaligned        =>  pipe_rx4_chanisaligned_gt   ,
    pipe_rx4_status               =>  pipe_rx4_status_gt      ,
    pipe_rx4_phy_status           =>  pipe_rx4_phy_status_gt  ,
    pipe_rx4_elec_idle            =>  pipe_rx4_elec_idle_gt   ,
    pipe_rx4_polarity             =>  pipe_rx4_polarity_gt    ,
    pipe_tx4_compliance           =>  pipe_tx4_compliance_gt  ,
    pipe_tx4_char_is_k            =>  pipe_tx4_char_is_k_gt   ,
    pipe_tx4_data                 =>  pipe_tx4_data_gt        ,
    pipe_tx4_elec_idle            =>  pipe_tx4_elec_idle_gt   ,
    pipe_tx4_powerdown            =>  pipe_tx4_powerdown_gt   ,
    -- Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 5
    pipe_rx5_char_is_k            =>  pipe_rx5_char_is_k_gt,
    pipe_rx5_data                 =>  pipe_rx5_data_gt     ,
    pipe_rx5_valid                =>  pipe_rx5_valid_gt    ,
    pipe_rx5_chanisaligned        =>  pipe_rx5_chanisaligned_gt   ,
    pipe_rx5_status               =>  pipe_rx5_status_gt      ,
    pipe_rx5_phy_status           =>  pipe_rx5_phy_status_gt  ,
    pipe_rx5_elec_idle            =>  pipe_rx5_elec_idle_gt   ,
    pipe_rx5_polarity             =>  pipe_rx5_polarity_gt    ,
    pipe_tx5_compliance           =>  pipe_tx5_compliance_gt  ,
    pipe_tx5_char_is_k            =>  pipe_tx5_char_is_k_gt   ,
    pipe_tx5_data                 =>  pipe_tx5_data_gt        ,
    pipe_tx5_elec_idle            =>  pipe_tx5_elec_idle_gt   ,
    pipe_tx5_powerdown            =>  pipe_tx5_powerdown_gt   ,
    -- Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 6
    pipe_rx6_char_is_k            =>  pipe_rx6_char_is_k_gt,
    pipe_rx6_data                 =>  pipe_rx6_data_gt     ,
    pipe_rx6_valid                =>  pipe_rx6_valid_gt    ,
    pipe_rx6_chanisaligned        =>  pipe_rx6_chanisaligned_gt   ,
    pipe_rx6_status               =>  pipe_rx6_status_gt      ,
    pipe_rx6_phy_status           =>  pipe_rx6_phy_status_gt  ,
    pipe_rx6_elec_idle            =>  pipe_rx6_elec_idle_gt   ,
    pipe_rx6_polarity             =>  pipe_rx6_polarity_gt    ,
    pipe_tx6_compliance           =>  pipe_tx6_compliance_gt  ,
    pipe_tx6_char_is_k            =>  pipe_tx6_char_is_k_gt   ,
    pipe_tx6_data                 =>  pipe_tx6_data_gt        ,
    pipe_tx6_elec_idle            =>  pipe_tx6_elec_idle_gt   ,
    pipe_tx6_powerdown            =>  pipe_tx6_powerdown_gt   ,
    -- Pipe Per-Lane Signals - Lane 7
    pipe_rx7_char_is_k            =>  pipe_rx7_char_is_k_gt,
    pipe_rx7_data                 =>  pipe_rx7_data_gt     ,
    pipe_rx7_valid                =>  pipe_rx7_valid_gt    ,
    pipe_rx7_chanisaligned        =>  pipe_rx7_chanisaligned_gt   ,
    pipe_rx7_status               =>  pipe_rx7_status_gt      ,
    pipe_rx7_phy_status           =>  pipe_rx7_phy_status_gt  ,
    pipe_rx7_elec_idle            =>  pipe_rx7_elec_idle_gt   ,
    pipe_rx7_polarity             =>  pipe_rx7_polarity_gt    ,
    pipe_tx7_compliance           =>  pipe_tx7_compliance_gt  ,
    pipe_tx7_char_is_k            =>  pipe_tx7_char_is_k_gt   ,
    pipe_tx7_data                 =>  pipe_tx7_data_gt        ,
    pipe_tx7_elec_idle            =>  pipe_tx7_elec_idle_gt   ,
    pipe_tx7_powerdown            =>  pipe_tx7_powerdown_gt   ,
    -- PCI Express Signals
    pci_exp_txn                   =>  pci_exp_txn          ,
    pci_exp_txp                   =>  pci_exp_txp          ,
    pci_exp_rxn                   =>  pci_exp_rxn          ,
    pci_exp_rxp                   =>  pci_exp_rxp          ,
    -- Non PIPE Signals
    sys_clk                       =>  sys_clk             ,
    sys_rst_n                     =>  sys_rst_n           ,
    PIPE_MMCM_RST_N               =>  PIPE_MMCM_RST_N     ,        -- Async      | Async
    pipe_clk                      =>  pipe_clk            ,
    user_clk                      =>  user_clk            ,
    user_clk2                     =>  user_clk2           ,
    phy_rdy_n                     =>  phy_rdy_n
end pcie_7x;

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