Subversion Repositories pcie_sg_dma
[/] [pcie_sg_dma/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [DDR_Blinker.vhd] - Rev 2
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: ZITI -- Engineer: wgao -- -- Create Date: 16:38:03 06 Oct 2008 -- Design Name: -- Module Name: DDR_Blink - Behavioral -- Project Name: -- Target Devices: -- Tool versions: -- Description: -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision 1.00 - first release. 08.10.2008 -- -- Additional Comments: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; library work; use work.abb64Package.all; ---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating ---- any Xilinx primitives in this code. --library UNISIM; --use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity DDR_Blink is Port ( DDR_blinker : OUT std_logic; DBG_dma_start : IN std_logic; DBG_bram_wea : IN std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); DBG_bram_addra : IN std_logic_vector(C_PRAM_AWIDTH-1 downto 0); DDR_Write : IN std_logic; DDR_Read : IN std_logic; DDR_Both : IN std_logic; ddr_Clock : IN std_logic; DDr_Rst_n : IN std_logic ); end entity DDR_Blink; architecture Behavioral of DDR_Blink is -- Blinking -_-_-_-_ Constant C_BLINKER_MSB : integer := 15; -- 4; -- 15; Constant CBIT_SLOW_BLINKER : integer := 11; -- 2; -- 11; signal DDR_dma_write_wrong_lo : std_logic; signal DDR_dma_write_wrong_hi : std_logic; signal DDR_dma_write_init_lo : std_logic; signal DDR_dma_write_init_hi : std_logic; signal dma_bram_wr_address_lo : std_logic_vector(C_PRAM_AWIDTH-1 downto 0); signal dma_bram_wr_address_hi : std_logic_vector(C_PRAM_AWIDTH-1 downto 0); signal DDR_blinker_i : std_logic; signal Fast_blinker : std_logic_vector(C_BLINKER_MSB downto 0); signal Fast_blinker_MSB_r1 : std_logic; signal Blink_Pulse : std_logic; signal Slow_blinker : std_logic_vector(CBIT_SLOW_BLINKER downto 0); signal DDR_write_extension : std_logic; signal DDR_write_extension_Cnt: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal DDR_read_extension : std_logic; signal DDR_read_extension_Cnt : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); begin -- DDR_blinker <= DDR_blinker_i; DDR_blinker <= DDR_dma_write_wrong_lo or DDR_dma_write_wrong_hi; -- Syn_DDR_Fast_blinker: process ( ddr_Clock, DDr_Rst_n) begin if DDr_Rst_n = '0' then Fast_blinker <= (OTHERS=>'0'); Fast_blinker_MSB_r1 <= '0'; Blink_Pulse <= '0'; Slow_blinker <= (OTHERS=>'0'); elsif ddr_Clock'event and ddr_Clock = '1' then Fast_blinker <= Fast_blinker + '1'; Fast_blinker_MSB_r1 <= Fast_blinker(C_BLINKER_MSB); Blink_Pulse <= Fast_blinker(C_BLINKER_MSB) and not Fast_blinker_MSB_r1; Slow_blinker <= Slow_blinker + Blink_Pulse; end if; end process; -- Syn_DDR_Write_Extenstion: process ( ddr_Clock, DDr_Rst_n) begin if DDr_Rst_n = '0' then DDR_write_extension_Cnt <= (OTHERS=>'0'); DDR_write_extension <= '0'; elsif ddr_Clock'event and ddr_Clock = '1' then case DDR_write_extension_Cnt is when "00" => if DDR_Write='1' then DDR_write_extension_Cnt <= "01"; DDR_write_extension <= '1'; else DDR_write_extension_Cnt <= DDR_write_extension_Cnt; DDR_write_extension <= DDR_write_extension; end if; when "01" => if Slow_blinker(CBIT_SLOW_BLINKER)='1' then DDR_write_extension_Cnt <= "11"; DDR_write_extension <= '1'; else DDR_write_extension_Cnt <= DDR_write_extension_Cnt; DDR_write_extension <= DDR_write_extension; end if; when "11" => if Slow_blinker(CBIT_SLOW_BLINKER)='0' then DDR_write_extension_Cnt <= "10"; DDR_write_extension <= '1'; else DDR_write_extension_Cnt <= DDR_write_extension_Cnt; DDR_write_extension <= DDR_write_extension; end if; when Others => if Slow_blinker(CBIT_SLOW_BLINKER)='1' then DDR_write_extension_Cnt <= "00"; DDR_write_extension <= '0'; else DDR_write_extension_Cnt <= DDR_write_extension_Cnt; DDR_write_extension <= DDR_write_extension; end if; end case; end if; end process; -- Syn_DDR_Read_Extenstion: process ( ddr_Clock, DDr_Rst_n) begin if DDr_Rst_n = '0' then DDR_read_extension_Cnt <= (OTHERS=>'0'); DDR_read_extension <= '1'; elsif ddr_Clock'event and ddr_Clock = '1' then case DDR_read_extension_Cnt is when "00" => if DDR_Read='1' then DDR_read_extension_Cnt <= "01"; DDR_read_extension <= '0'; else DDR_read_extension_Cnt <= DDR_read_extension_Cnt; DDR_read_extension <= DDR_read_extension; end if; when "01" => if Slow_blinker(CBIT_SLOW_BLINKER)='1' then DDR_read_extension_Cnt <= "11"; DDR_read_extension <= '0'; else DDR_read_extension_Cnt <= DDR_read_extension_Cnt; DDR_read_extension <= DDR_read_extension; end if; when "11" => if Slow_blinker(CBIT_SLOW_BLINKER)='0' then DDR_read_extension_Cnt <= "10"; DDR_read_extension <= '0'; else DDR_read_extension_Cnt <= DDR_read_extension_Cnt; DDR_read_extension <= DDR_read_extension; end if; when Others => if Slow_blinker(CBIT_SLOW_BLINKER)='1' then DDR_read_extension_Cnt <= "00"; DDR_read_extension <= '1'; else DDR_read_extension_Cnt <= DDR_read_extension_Cnt; DDR_read_extension <= DDR_read_extension; end if; end case; end if; end process; -- Syn_DDR_Working_blinker: process ( ddr_Clock, DDr_Rst_n) begin if DDr_Rst_n = '0' then DDR_Blinker_i <= '0'; elsif ddr_Clock'event and ddr_Clock = '1' then DDR_Blinker_i <= (Slow_blinker(CBIT_SLOW_BLINKER-2) or DDR_write_extension) and DDR_read_extension; end if; end process; -- !!! DBG !!! Syn_DDR_DBG_blinker: process ( ddr_Clock, DBG_dma_start) begin if DBG_dma_start = '1' then DDR_dma_write_init_lo <= '1'; DDR_dma_write_init_hi <= '1'; DDR_dma_write_wrong_lo <= '0'; DDR_dma_write_wrong_hi <= '0'; dma_bram_wr_address_lo <= (others=>'0'); dma_bram_wr_address_hi <= (others=>'0'); elsif ddr_Clock'event and ddr_Clock = '1' then if DBG_bram_wea(0)='1' then DDR_dma_write_init_lo <= '0'; else DDR_dma_write_init_lo <= DDR_dma_write_init_lo; end if; if DDR_dma_write_init_lo='1' then DDR_dma_write_wrong_lo <= '0'; if DBG_bram_wea(0)='1' then dma_bram_wr_address_lo <= DBG_bram_addra + '1'; else dma_bram_wr_address_lo <= dma_bram_wr_address_lo; end if; else if DBG_bram_wea(0)='1' then dma_bram_wr_address_lo <= dma_bram_wr_address_lo + '1'; if DBG_bram_addra<dma_bram_wr_address_lo then DDR_dma_write_wrong_lo <= '1'; else DDR_dma_write_wrong_lo <= '0'; end if; else dma_bram_wr_address_lo <= dma_bram_wr_address_lo; end if; end if; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if DBG_bram_wea(4)='1' then DDR_dma_write_init_hi <= '0'; else DDR_dma_write_init_hi <= DDR_dma_write_init_hi; end if; if DDR_dma_write_init_hi='1' then DDR_dma_write_wrong_hi <= '0'; if DBG_bram_wea(4)='1' then dma_bram_wr_address_hi <= DBG_bram_addra + '1'; else dma_bram_wr_address_hi <= dma_bram_wr_address_hi; end if; else if DBG_bram_wea(4)='1' then dma_bram_wr_address_hi <= dma_bram_wr_address_hi + '1'; if DBG_bram_addra<dma_bram_wr_address_hi then DDR_dma_write_wrong_hi <= '1'; else DDR_dma_write_wrong_hi <= '0'; end if; else dma_bram_wr_address_hi <= dma_bram_wr_address_hi; end if; end if; end if; end process; end architecture Behavioral;