Subversion Repositories pcie_sg_dma
[/] [pcie_sg_dma/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [bram_Control.vhd] - Rev 8
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: ziti, Uni. HD -- Engineer: wgao -- -- Create Date: 12:29:46 15 Apr 2008 -- Design Name: -- Module Name: bram_Control - Behavioral -- Project Name: -- Target Devices: -- Tool versions: -- Description: -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision 1.00 - first release. 16.04.2008 -- -- Additional Comments: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; library work; use work.abb64Package.all; ---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating ---- any Xilinx primitives in this code. --library UNISIM; --use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity bram_Control is Generic ( C_ASYNFIFO_WIDTH : integer := 72 ; P_SIMULATION : boolean := TRUE ); Port ( -- DMA interface DDR_wr_sof : IN std_logic; DDR_wr_eof : IN std_logic; DDR_wr_v : IN std_logic; DDR_wr_FA : IN std_logic; DDR_wr_Shift : IN std_logic; DDR_wr_Mask : IN std_logic_vector(2-1 downto 0); DDR_wr_din : IN std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); DDR_wr_full : OUT std_logic; DDR_rdc_sof : IN std_logic; DDR_rdc_eof : IN std_logic; DDR_rdc_v : IN std_logic; DDR_rdc_FA : IN std_logic; DDR_rdc_Shift : IN std_logic; DDR_rdc_din : IN std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); DDR_rdc_full : OUT std_logic; -- DDR_rdD_sof : OUT std_logic; -- DDR_rdD_eof : OUT std_logic; -- DDR_rdDout_V : OUT std_logic; -- DDR_rdDout : OUT std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- DDR payload FIFO Read Port DDR_FIFO_RdEn : IN std_logic; DDR_FIFO_Empty : OUT std_logic; DDR_FIFO_RdQout : OUT std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Common interface DBG_dma_start : IN std_logic; DDR_Ready : OUT std_logic; DDR_blinker : OUT std_logic; Sim_Zeichen : OUT std_logic; mem_clk : IN std_logic; trn_clk : IN std_logic; trn_reset_n : IN std_logic ); end entity bram_Control; architecture Behavioral of bram_Control is -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPONENT DDR_ClkGen PORT( ddr_Clock : OUT std_logic; ddr_Clock_n : OUT std_logic; ddr_Clock90 : OUT std_logic; ddr_Clock90_n : OUT std_logic; Clk_ddr_rddata : OUT std_logic; Clk_ddr_rddata_n : OUT std_logic; ddr_DCM_locked : OUT std_logic; clk_in : IN std_logic; trn_reset_n : IN std_logic ); END COMPONENT; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPONENT asyn_rw_FIFO72 -- GENERIC ( -- OUTPUT_REGISTERED : BOOLEAN -- ); PORT( wClk : IN std_logic; wEn : IN std_logic; Din : IN std_logic_vector(C_ASYNFIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0); aFull : OUT std_logic; Full : OUT std_logic; rClk : IN std_logic; rEn : IN std_logic; Qout : OUT std_logic_vector(C_ASYNFIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0); aEmpty : OUT std_logic; Empty : OUT std_logic; Rst : IN std_logic ); END COMPONENT; component prim_FIFO_plain port ( wr_clk : IN std_logic; wr_en : IN std_logic; din : IN std_logic_VECTOR(C_ASYNFIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0); full : OUT std_logic; prog_full: OUT std_logic; rd_clk : IN std_logic; rd_en : IN std_logic; dout : OUT std_logic_VECTOR(C_ASYNFIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0); empty : OUT std_logic; rst : IN std_logic ); end component; -- component fifo_512x36_v4_2 -- port ( -- wr_clk : IN std_logic; -- wr_en : IN std_logic; -- din : IN std_logic_VECTOR(35 downto 0); -- prog_full : OUT std_logic; -- full : OUT std_logic; -- -- rd_clk : IN std_logic; -- rd_en : IN std_logic; -- dout : OUT std_logic_VECTOR(35 downto 0); -- prog_empty : OUT std_logic; -- empty : OUT std_logic; -- -- rst : IN std_logic -- ); -- end component; component fifo_512x72_v4_4 port ( wr_clk : IN std_logic; wr_en : IN std_logic; din : IN std_logic_VECTOR(C_ASYNFIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0); prog_full : OUT std_logic; full : OUT std_logic; rd_clk : IN std_logic; rd_en : IN std_logic; dout : OUT std_logic_VECTOR(C_ASYNFIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- prog_empty : OUT std_logic; empty : OUT std_logic; rst : IN std_logic ); end component; ---- Dual-port block RAM for packets --- Core output registered -- -- component v5bram4096x32 -- port ( -- clka : IN std_logic; -- addra : IN std_logic_vector(C_PRAM_AWIDTH-1 downto 0); -- wea : IN std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); -- dina : IN std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- douta : OUT std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- -- clkb : IN std_logic; -- addrb : IN std_logic_vector(C_PRAM_AWIDTH-1 downto 0); -- web : IN std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); -- dinb : IN std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- doutb : OUT std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0) -- ); -- end component; component bram4096x64 port ( clka : IN std_logic; addra : IN std_logic_vector(C_PRAM_AWIDTH-1 downto 0); wea : IN std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); dina : IN std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); douta : OUT std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); clkb : IN std_logic; addrb : IN std_logic_vector(C_PRAM_AWIDTH-1 downto 0); web : IN std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); dinb : IN std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); doutb : OUT std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0) ); end component; -- Blinking -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- COMPONENT DDR_Blink PORT( DDR_Blinker : OUT std_logic; DBG_dma_start : IN std_logic; DBG_bram_wea : IN std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); DBG_bram_addra : IN std_logic_vector(C_PRAM_AWIDTH-1 downto 0); DDR_Write : IN std_logic; DDR_Read : IN std_logic; DDR_Both : IN std_logic; ddr_Clock : IN std_logic; DDr_Rst_n : IN std_logic ); END COMPONENT; -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- signal ddr_DCM_locked : std_logic; -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- signal Rst_i : std_logic; -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- signal DDR_Ready_i : std_logic; -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- signal ddr_Clock : std_logic; signal ddr_Clock_n : std_logic; signal ddr_Clock90 : std_logic; signal ddr_Clock90_n : std_logic; signal Clk_ddr_rddata : std_logic; signal Clk_ddr_rddata_n : std_logic; -- -- -- Write Pipe Channel signal wpipe_wEn : std_logic; signal wpipe_Din : std_logic_vector(C_ASYNFIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal wpipe_aFull : std_logic; signal wpipe_Full : std_logic; -- Earlier calculate for better timing signal DDR_wr_Cross_Row : std_logic; signal DDR_wr_din_r1 : std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal DDR_write_ALC : std_logic_vector(11-1 downto 0); signal wpipe_rEn : std_logic; signal wpipe_Qout : std_logic_vector(C_ASYNFIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- signal wpipe_aEmpty : std_logic; signal wpipe_Empty : std_logic; signal wpipe_Qout_latch : std_logic_vector(C_ASYNFIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- -- -- Read Pipe Command Channel signal rpipec_wEn : std_logic; signal rpipec_Din : std_logic_vector(C_ASYNFIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal rpipec_Din_r : std_logic_vector(C_ASYNFIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- signal rpipec_aFull : std_logic; -- signal rpipec_Full : std_logic; -- Earlier calculate for better timing signal DDR_rd_Cross_Row : std_logic; signal DDR_rdc_din_r1 : std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal DDR_read_ALC : std_logic_vector(11-1 downto 0); -- signal rpipec_rEn : std_logic; -- signal rpipec_Qout : std_logic_vector(C_ASYNFIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0); ---- signal rpipec_aEmpty : std_logic; -- signal rpipec_Empty : std_logic; -- -- -- Read Pipe Data Channel signal rpiped_wEn : std_logic; signal rpiped_Din : std_logic_vector(C_ASYNFIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal rpiped_aFull : std_logic; signal rpiped_Full : std_logic; -- signal rpiped_rEn : std_logic; signal rpiped_Qout : std_logic_vector(C_ASYNFIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- signal rpiped_aEmpty : std_logic; -- signal rpiped_Empty : std_logic; -- write State machine type bram_wrStates is ( wrST_bram_RESET , wrST_bram_IDLE -- , wrST_bram_Address , wrST_bram_1st_Data , wrST_bram_1st_Data_b2b , wrST_bram_more_Data , wrST_bram_last_DW ); -- State variables signal pseudo_DDR_wr_State : bram_wrStates; -- Block RAM signal pRAM_weA : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pRAM_addrA : std_logic_vector(C_PRAM_AWIDTH-1 downto 0); signal pRAM_dinA : std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal pRAM_doutA : std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal pRAM_weB : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pRAM_addrB : std_logic_vector(C_PRAM_AWIDTH-1 downto 0); signal pRAM_dinB : std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal pRAM_doutB : std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal pRAM_doutB_r1 : std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal pRAM_doutB_shifted : std_logic_vector(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal wpipe_qout_lo32b : std_logic_vector(33-1 downto 0); signal wpipe_QW_Aligned : std_logic; signal pRAM_AddrA_Inc : std_logic; signal wpipe_read_valid : std_logic; -- read State machine type bram_rdStates is ( rdST_bram_RESET , rdST_bram_IDLE -- , rdST_bram_b4_LA , rdST_bram_LA -- , rdST_bram_b4_Length -- , rdST_bram_Length -- , rdST_bram_b4_Address -- , rdST_bram_Address , rdST_bram_Data -- , rdST_bram_Data_shift ); -- State variables signal pseudo_DDR_rd_State : bram_rdStates; signal rpiped_rd_counter : std_logic_vector(10-1 downto 0); signal rpiped_wEn_b3 : std_logic; signal rpiped_wEn_b2 : std_logic; signal rpiped_wEn_b1 : std_logic; signal rpiped_wr_EOF : std_logic; signal rpiped_wr_skew : std_logic; signal rpiped_wr_postpone : std_logic; begin Rst_i <= not trn_reset_n; DDR_Ready <= DDR_Ready_i; pRAM_doutB_shifted <= pRAM_doutB_r1(32-1 downto 0) & pRAM_doutB(64-1 downto 32); -- Delay Syn_Shifting_pRAM_doutB: process ( trn_clk) begin if trn_clk'event and trn_clk = '1' then pRAM_doutB_r1 <= pRAM_doutB; end if; end process; -- ----------------------------------------------- -- Syn_DDR_CKE: process (trn_clk, Rst_i) begin if Rst_i = '1' then DDR_Ready_i <= '0'; elsif trn_clk'event and trn_clk = '1' then DDR_Ready_i <= '1'; -- ddr_DCM_locked; end if; end process; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DDR_Clock_Generator: -- DDR_ClkGen -- PORT MAP( -- ddr_Clock => ddr_Clock , -- OUT std_logic; -- ddr_Clock_n => ddr_Clock_n , -- OUT std_logic; -- ddr_Clock90 => ddr_Clock90 , -- OUT std_logic; -- ddr_Clock90_n => ddr_Clock90_n , -- OUT std_logic; -- Clk_ddr_rddata => Clk_ddr_rddata , -- OUT std_logic; -- Clk_ddr_rddata_n => Clk_ddr_rddata_n , -- OUT std_logic; -- ddr_DCM_locked => ddr_DCM_locked , -- OUT std_logic; -- -- clk_in => mem_clk , -- IN std_logic; -- trn_reset_n => trn_reset_n -- IN std_logic -- ); -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DDR_pipe_write_fifo: -- asyn_rw_FIFO -- GENERIC MAP ( -- OUTPUT_REGISTERED => TRUE -- ) -- PORT MAP( -- wClk => trn_clk , -- wEn => wpipe_wEn , -- Din => wpipe_Din , -- aFull => wpipe_aFull , -- Full => wpipe_Full , -- -- rClk => ddr_Clock , -- ddr_Clock_n , -- rEn => wpipe_rEn , -- Qout => wpipe_Qout , -- aEmpty => wpipe_aEmpty , -- Empty => wpipe_Empty , -- -- Rst => Rst_i -- ); -- DDR_pipe_write_fifo: -- asyn_rw_FIFO72 -- PORT MAP( -- wClk => trn_clk , -- wEn => wpipe_wEn , -- Din => wpipe_Din , -- aFull => wpipe_aFull , -- Full => open , -- -- rClk => ddr_Clock , -- rEn => wpipe_rEn , -- Qout => wpipe_Qout , -- aEmpty => open , -- Empty => wpipe_Empty , -- -- Rst => Rst_i -- ); DDR_pipe_write_fifo: prim_FIFO_plain PORT MAP( wr_clk => trn_clk , -- IN std_logic; wr_en => wpipe_wEn , -- IN std_logic; din => wpipe_Din , -- IN std_logic_VECTOR(35 downto 0); prog_full => wpipe_aFull , -- OUT std_logic; full => wpipe_Full , -- OUT std_logic; rd_clk => trn_clk , -- IN std_logic; rd_en => wpipe_rEn , -- IN std_logic; dout => wpipe_Qout , -- OUT std_logic_VECTOR(35 downto 0); empty => wpipe_Empty , -- OUT std_logic; rst => Rst_i -- IN std_logic ); wpipe_wEn <= DDR_wr_v; wpipe_Din <= DDR_wr_Mask & DDR_wr_Shift & '0' & DDR_wr_sof & DDR_wr_eof & DDR_wr_Cross_Row & DDR_wr_FA & DDR_wr_din; DDR_wr_full <= wpipe_aFull; Sim_Zeichen <= wpipe_Empty; Syn_DDR_wrD_Cross_Row: process (trn_clk) begin if trn_clk'event and trn_clk = '1' then DDR_wr_din_r1(64-1 downto 10) <= (OTHERS=>'0'); DDR_wr_din_r1( 9 downto 0) <= DDR_wr_din(9 downto 0) - "100"; end if; end process; DDR_write_ALC <= (DDR_wr_din_r1(10 downto 2) &"00") + ('0' & DDR_wr_din(9 downto 2) &"00"); DDR_wr_Cross_Row <= '0'; -- DDR_write_ALC(10); -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DDR_pipe_read_C_fifo: -- asyn_rw_FIFO -- GENERIC MAP ( -- OUTPUT_REGISTERED => TRUE -- ) -- PORT MAP( -- wClk => trn_clk , -- wEn => rpipec_wEn , -- Din => rpipec_Din , -- aFull => rpipec_aFull , -- Full => rpipec_Full , -- -- rClk => ddr_Clock , -- ddr_Clock_n , -- rEn => rpipec_rEn , -- Qout => rpipec_Qout , -- aEmpty => rpipec_aEmpty , -- Empty => rpipec_Empty , -- -- Rst => Rst_i -- ); -- -- DDR_pipe_read_C_fifo: -- asyn_rw_FIFO72 -- PORT MAP( -- wClk => trn_clk , -- wEn => rpipec_wEn , -- Din => rpipec_Din , -- aFull => rpipec_aFull , -- Full => open , -- -- rClk => ddr_Clock , -- rEn => rpipec_rEn , -- Qout => rpipec_Qout , -- aEmpty => open , -- Empty => rpipec_Empty , -- -- Rst => Rst_i -- ); -- DDR_pipe_read_C_fifo: -- prim_FIFO_plain -- PORT MAP( -- wr_clk => trn_clk , -- IN std_logic; -- wr_en => rpipec_wEn , -- IN std_logic; -- din => rpipec_Din , -- IN std_logic_VECTOR(35 downto 0); -- prog_full => rpipec_aFull , -- OUT std_logic; -- full => open, --rpipec_Full , -- OUT std_logic; -- -- rd_clk => trn_clk , -- IN std_logic; -- rd_en => rpipec_rEn , -- IN std_logic; -- dout => rpipec_Qout , -- OUT std_logic_VECTOR(35 downto 0); -- empty => rpipec_Empty , -- OUT std_logic; -- -- rst => Rst_i -- IN std_logic -- ); rpipec_wEn <= DDR_rdc_v; rpipec_Din <= "00" & DDR_rdc_Shift & '0' & DDR_rdc_sof & DDR_rdc_eof & DDR_rd_Cross_Row & DDR_rdc_FA & DDR_rdc_din; DDR_rdc_full <= '0'; --rpipec_aFull; Syn_DDR_rdC_Cross_Row: process (trn_clk) begin if trn_clk'event and trn_clk = '1' then DDR_rdc_din_r1(64-1 downto 10) <= (OTHERS=>'0'); DDR_rdc_din_r1( 9 downto 0) <= DDR_rdc_din(9 downto 0) - "100"; end if; end process; DDR_read_ALC <= (DDR_rdc_din_r1(10 downto 2) &"00") + ('0' & DDR_rdc_din(9 downto 2) &"00"); DDR_rd_Cross_Row <= '0'; -- DDR_read_ALC(10); -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DDR_pipe_read_D_fifo: -- asyn_rw_FIFO -- GENERIC MAP ( -- OUTPUT_REGISTERED => TRUE -- ) -- PORT MAP( -- wClk => ddr_Clock, -- Clk_ddr_rddata , -- ddr_Clock , -- ddr_Clock_n , -- wEn => rpiped_wEn , -- Din => rpiped_Din , -- aFull => rpiped_aFull , -- Full => rpiped_Full , -- -- rClk => trn_clk , -- rEn => DDR_FIFO_RdEn , -- rpiped_rEn , -- Qout => rpiped_Qout , -- aEmpty => open , -- rpiped_aEmpty , -- Empty => DDR_FIFO_Empty , -- rpiped_Empty , -- -- Rst => Rst_i -- ); -- DDR_pipe_read_D_fifo: -- asyn_rw_FIFO72 -- PORT MAP( -- wClk => ddr_Clock , -- wEn => rpiped_wEn , -- Din => rpiped_Din , -- aFull => rpiped_aFull , -- Full => open , -- -- rClk => trn_clk , -- rEn => DDR_FIFO_RdEn , -- Qout => rpiped_Qout , -- aEmpty => open , -- Empty => DDR_FIFO_Empty , -- -- Rst => Rst_i -- ); DDR_pipe_read_D_fifo: prim_FIFO_plain PORT MAP( wr_clk => trn_clk , -- IN std_logic; wr_en => rpiped_wEn , -- IN std_logic; din => rpiped_Din , -- IN std_logic_VECTOR(35 downto 0); prog_full => rpiped_aFull , -- OUT std_logic; full => open, -- rpiped_Full , -- OUT std_logic; rd_clk => trn_clk , -- IN std_logic; rd_en => DDR_FIFO_RdEn , -- IN std_logic; dout => rpiped_Qout , -- OUT std_logic_VECTOR(35 downto 0); empty => DDR_FIFO_Empty , -- OUT std_logic; rst => Rst_i -- IN std_logic ); DDR_FIFO_RdQout <= rpiped_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- ------------------------------------------------- -- pkt_RAM instantiate -- pkt_RAM: bram4096x64 port map ( clka => trn_clk , addra => pRAM_addrA , wea => pRAM_weA , dina => pRAM_dinA , douta => pRAM_doutA , clkb => trn_clk , addrb => pRAM_addrB , web => pRAM_weB , dinb => pRAM_dinB , doutb => pRAM_doutB ); pRAM_weB <= X"00"; pRAM_dinB <= (Others =>'0'); -- ------------------------------------------------ -- write States synchronous -- Syn_Pseudo_DDR_wr_States: process ( trn_clk, trn_reset_n) begin if trn_reset_n = '0' then pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_RESET; pRAM_addrA <= (OTHERS=>'1'); pRAM_weA <= (OTHERS=>'0'); pRAM_dinA <= (OTHERS=>'0'); wpipe_qout_lo32b <= (OTHERS=>'0'); wpipe_QW_Aligned <= '1'; pRAM_AddrA_Inc <= '1'; elsif trn_clk'event and trn_clk = '1' then case pseudo_DDR_wr_State is when wrST_bram_RESET => pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_IDLE; pRAM_addrA <= (OTHERS=>'1'); wpipe_QW_Aligned <= '1'; wpipe_qout_lo32b <= (OTHERS=>'0'); pRAM_weA <= (OTHERS=>'0'); pRAM_dinA <= (OTHERS=>'0'); pRAM_AddrA_Inc <= '1'; when wrST_bram_IDLE => pRAM_addrA <= wpipe_Qout(14 downto 3); pRAM_AddrA_Inc <= wpipe_Qout(2); wpipe_QW_Aligned <= not wpipe_Qout(69); wpipe_qout_lo32b <= (32=>'1', OTHERS=>'0'); pRAM_weA <= (OTHERS=>'0'); pRAM_dinA <= pRAM_dinA; if wpipe_read_valid = '1' then pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_1st_Data; -- wrST_bram_Address; else pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_IDLE; end if; when wrST_bram_1st_Data => pRAM_addrA <= pRAM_addrA; if wpipe_read_valid = '0' then pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_1st_Data; pRAM_weA <= (OTHERS=>'0'); --pRAM_weA; pRAM_dinA <= pRAM_dinA; elsif wpipe_Qout(66)='1' then -- eof if wpipe_QW_Aligned='1' then pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_IDLE; pRAM_weA <= not ( wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) ); pRAM_dinA <= wpipe_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); elsif wpipe_Qout(70)='1' then -- mask(0) pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_IDLE; pRAM_weA <= not ( wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) ); pRAM_dinA <= wpipe_qout_lo32b(32-1 downto 0) & wpipe_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 32); elsif wpipe_Qout(71)='1' then -- mask(1) pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_IDLE; pRAM_weA <= X"F0"; pRAM_dinA <= wpipe_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1-32 downto 0) & X"00000000"; else pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_last_DW; pRAM_weA <= not ( wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) ); pRAM_dinA <= wpipe_qout_lo32b(32-1 downto 0) & wpipe_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 32); wpipe_qout_lo32b <= '0' & wpipe_Qout(32-1 downto 0); end if; else if wpipe_QW_Aligned='1' then pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_more_Data; pRAM_weA <= not ( wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) ); pRAM_dinA <= wpipe_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); elsif pRAM_AddrA_Inc='1' then pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_more_Data; pRAM_weA <= not ( wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) ); pRAM_dinA <= wpipe_qout_lo32b(32-1 downto 0) & wpipe_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 32); wpipe_qout_lo32b <= '0' & wpipe_Qout(32-1 downto 0); else pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_1st_Data; pRAM_AddrA_Inc <= '1'; pRAM_weA <= X"00"; pRAM_dinA <= pRAM_dinA; wpipe_qout_lo32b <= wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(32-1 downto 0); end if; end if; when wrST_bram_more_Data => if wpipe_read_valid = '0' then pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_more_Data; -- wrST_bram_1st_Data; pRAM_weA <= (OTHERS=>'0'); --pRAM_weA; pRAM_addrA <= pRAM_addrA; pRAM_dinA <= pRAM_dinA; elsif wpipe_Qout(66)='1' then -- eof if wpipe_QW_Aligned='1' then pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_IDLE; pRAM_weA <= not ( wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) ); pRAM_addrA <= pRAM_addrA + '1'; pRAM_dinA <= wpipe_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); elsif wpipe_Qout(70)='1' then -- mask(0) pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_IDLE; pRAM_weA <= not ( wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) ); pRAM_addrA <= pRAM_addrA + '1'; pRAM_dinA <= wpipe_qout_lo32b(32-1 downto 0) & wpipe_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 32); else pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_last_DW; pRAM_weA <= not ( wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) ); pRAM_addrA <= pRAM_addrA + '1'; pRAM_dinA <= wpipe_qout_lo32b(32-1 downto 0) & wpipe_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 32); wpipe_qout_lo32b <= '0' & wpipe_Qout(32-1 downto 0); end if; else if wpipe_QW_Aligned='1' then pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_more_Data; pRAM_weA <= not ( wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) ); pRAM_addrA <= pRAM_addrA + '1'; pRAM_dinA <= wpipe_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); else pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_more_Data; pRAM_weA <= not ( wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_qout_lo32b(32) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) ); pRAM_addrA <= pRAM_addrA + '1'; pRAM_dinA <= wpipe_qout_lo32b(32-1 downto 0) & wpipe_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 32); wpipe_qout_lo32b <= '0' & wpipe_Qout(32-1 downto 0); end if; end if; when wrST_bram_last_DW => -- pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_IDLE; pRAM_weA <= X"F0"; pRAM_addrA <= pRAM_addrA + '1'; pRAM_dinA <= wpipe_qout_lo32b(32-1 downto 0) & X"00000000"; if wpipe_read_valid = '1' then pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_1st_Data_b2b; -- wrST_bram_Address; wpipe_Qout_latch <= wpipe_Qout; else pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_IDLE; wpipe_Qout_latch <= wpipe_Qout; end if; when wrST_bram_1st_Data_b2b => pRAM_addrA <= wpipe_Qout_latch(14 downto 3); wpipe_QW_Aligned <= not wpipe_Qout_latch(69); if wpipe_read_valid = '0' then pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_1st_Data; pRAM_weA <= (OTHERS=>'0'); --pRAM_weA; pRAM_dinA <= pRAM_dinA; pRAM_AddrA_Inc <= wpipe_Qout_latch(2); wpipe_qout_lo32b <= (32=>'1', OTHERS=>'0'); elsif wpipe_Qout(66)='1' then -- eof if wpipe_Qout_latch(69)='0' then -- wpipe_QW_Aligned pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_IDLE; pRAM_weA <= not ( wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) ); pRAM_dinA <= wpipe_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); pRAM_AddrA_Inc <= wpipe_Qout_latch(2); wpipe_qout_lo32b <= (32=>'1', OTHERS=>'0'); elsif wpipe_Qout(70)='1' then -- mask(0) pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_IDLE; pRAM_weA <= not ( X"f" & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) ); pRAM_dinA <= X"00000000" & wpipe_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 32); pRAM_AddrA_Inc <= wpipe_Qout_latch(2); wpipe_qout_lo32b <= (32=>'1', OTHERS=>'0'); elsif wpipe_Qout(71)='1' then -- mask(1) pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_IDLE; pRAM_weA <= X"F0"; pRAM_dinA <= wpipe_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1-32 downto 0) & X"00000000"; pRAM_AddrA_Inc <= wpipe_Qout_latch(2); wpipe_qout_lo32b <= (32=>'1', OTHERS=>'0'); else pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_last_DW; pRAM_weA <= not ( X"f" & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) ); pRAM_dinA <= X"00000000" & wpipe_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 32); pRAM_AddrA_Inc <= wpipe_Qout_latch(2); wpipe_qout_lo32b <= '0' & wpipe_Qout(32-1 downto 0); end if; else if wpipe_Qout_latch(69)='0' then -- wpipe_QW_Aligned pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_more_Data; pRAM_weA <= not ( wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(70) ); pRAM_dinA <= wpipe_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); pRAM_AddrA_Inc <= wpipe_Qout_latch(2); wpipe_qout_lo32b <= (32=>'1', OTHERS=>'0'); elsif wpipe_Qout_latch(2)='1' then -- pRAM_AddrA_Inc pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_more_Data; pRAM_weA <= not ( X"f" & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) & wpipe_Qout(71) ); pRAM_dinA <= X"00000000" & wpipe_Qout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 32); pRAM_AddrA_Inc <= wpipe_Qout_latch(2); wpipe_qout_lo32b <= '0' & wpipe_Qout(32-1 downto 0); else pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_1st_Data; pRAM_AddrA_Inc <= '1'; pRAM_weA <= X"00"; pRAM_dinA <= pRAM_dinA; wpipe_qout_lo32b <= wpipe_Qout(70) & wpipe_Qout(32-1 downto 0); end if; end if; when OTHERS => pseudo_DDR_wr_State <= wrST_bram_RESET; pRAM_addrA <= (OTHERS=>'1'); pRAM_weA <= (OTHERS=>'0'); pRAM_dinA <= (OTHERS=>'0'); wpipe_qout_lo32b <= (OTHERS=>'0'); wpipe_QW_Aligned <= '1'; pRAM_AddrA_Inc <= '1'; end case; end if; end process; -- Syn_wPipe_read: process ( trn_clk, DDR_Ready_i) begin if DDR_Ready_i = '0' then wpipe_rEn <= '0'; wpipe_read_valid <= '0'; elsif trn_clk'event and trn_clk = '1' then wpipe_rEn <= '1'; wpipe_read_valid <= wpipe_rEn and not wpipe_Empty; end if; end process; -- Syn_rPipeC_read: process ( trn_clk, DDR_Ready_i) begin if DDR_Ready_i = '0' then rpiped_wr_postpone <= '0'; rpiped_wr_skew <= '0'; elsif trn_clk'event and trn_clk = '1' then if DDR_rdc_v='1' then rpiped_wr_postpone <= DDR_rdc_din(2) and not DDR_rdc_Shift; rpiped_wr_skew <= DDR_rdc_Shift xor DDR_rdc_din(2); else rpiped_wr_postpone <= rpiped_wr_postpone; rpiped_wr_skew <= rpiped_wr_skew; end if; end if; end process; -- ------------------------------------------------ -- Read States synchronous -- Syn_Pseudo_DDR_rd_States: process ( trn_clk, DDR_Ready_i) begin if DDR_Ready_i = '0' then pseudo_DDR_rd_State <= rdST_bram_RESET; -- rpipec_rEn <= '0'; pRAM_addrB <= (OTHERS=>'1'); rpiped_rd_counter <= (OTHERS=>'0'); rpiped_wEn_b3 <= '0'; rpiped_wr_EOF <= '0'; rpipec_Din_r <= (OTHERS=>'0'); elsif trn_clk'event and trn_clk = '1' then case pseudo_DDR_rd_State is when rdST_bram_RESET => pseudo_DDR_rd_State <= rdST_bram_IDLE; -- rpipec_rEn <= '0'; rpipec_Din_r <= (OTHERS=>'0'); pRAM_addrB <= (OTHERS=>'1'); rpiped_rd_counter <= (OTHERS=>'0'); rpiped_wEn_b3 <= '0'; rpiped_wr_EOF <= '0'; when rdST_bram_IDLE => pRAM_addrB <= pRAM_addrB; rpiped_rd_counter <= (OTHERS=>'0'); rpiped_wEn_b3 <= '0'; rpiped_wr_EOF <= '0'; if rpipec_wEn = '1' then -- rpipec_rEn <= '1'; rpipec_Din_r <= rpipec_Din; pseudo_DDR_rd_State <= rdST_bram_LA; --rdST_bram_b4_Length; else -- rpipec_rEn <= '0'; rpipec_Din_r <= rpipec_Din_r; pseudo_DDR_rd_State <= rdST_bram_IDLE; end if; -- when rdST_bram_b4_LA => -- pRAM_addrB <= pRAM_addrB; -- rpiped_rd_counter <= (OTHERS=>'0'); -- rpiped_wEn_b3 <= '0'; -- rpiped_wr_EOF <= '0'; -- rpipec_rEn <= '0'; -- pseudo_DDR_rd_State <= rdST_bram_LA; when rdST_bram_LA => -- rpipec_rEn <= '0'; pRAM_addrB <= rpipec_Din_r(14 downto 3); rpiped_wr_EOF <= '0'; rpiped_wEn_b3 <= '0'; if rpipec_Din_r(2+32)='1' then rpiped_rd_counter <= rpipec_Din_r(11+32 downto 2+32) + '1'; elsif rpipec_Din_r(2)='1' and rpipec_Din_r(69)='1' then rpiped_rd_counter <= rpipec_Din_r(11+32 downto 2+32) + "10"; elsif rpipec_Din_r(2)='0' and rpipec_Din_r(69)='1' then rpiped_rd_counter <= rpipec_Din_r(11+32 downto 2+32) + "10"; elsif rpipec_Din_r(2)='1' and rpipec_Din_r(69)='0' then rpiped_rd_counter <= rpipec_Din_r(11+32 downto 2+32); else rpiped_rd_counter <= rpipec_Din_r(11+32 downto 2+32); end if; -- elsif rpipec_Qout(2)='1' then -- rpiped_rd_counter <= rpipec_Qout(11+32 downto 2+32) + "10"; -- elsif rpipec_Qout(69)='1' then -- rpiped_rd_counter <= rpipec_Qout(11+32 downto 2+32) + "10"; -- else -- rpiped_rd_counter <= rpipec_Qout(11+32 downto 2+32); -- end if; pseudo_DDR_rd_State <= rdST_bram_Data; when rdST_bram_Data => -- rpipec_rEn <= '0'; if rpiped_rd_counter = CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2, 10) then pRAM_addrB <= pRAM_addrB + '1'; rpiped_rd_counter <= rpiped_rd_counter; rpiped_wEn_b3 <= '1'; rpiped_wr_EOF <= '1'; pseudo_DDR_rd_State <= rdST_bram_IDLE; elsif rpiped_aFull = '1' then pRAM_addrB <= pRAM_addrB; rpiped_rd_counter <= rpiped_rd_counter; rpiped_wEn_b3 <= '0'; rpiped_wr_EOF <= '0'; pseudo_DDR_rd_State <= rdST_bram_Data; else pRAM_addrB <= pRAM_addrB + '1'; rpiped_rd_counter <= rpiped_rd_counter - "10"; rpiped_wEn_b3 <= '1'; rpiped_wr_EOF <= '0'; pseudo_DDR_rd_State <= rdST_bram_Data; end if; when OTHERS => -- rpipec_rEn <= '0'; pRAM_addrB <= pRAM_addrB; rpiped_rd_counter <= rpiped_rd_counter; rpiped_wEn_b3 <= '0'; rpiped_wr_EOF <= '0'; pseudo_DDR_rd_State <= rdST_bram_RESET; end case; end if; end process; Syn_Pseudo_DDR_rdd_write: process ( trn_clk, DDR_Ready_i) begin if DDR_Ready_i = '0' then rpiped_wEn_b1 <= '0'; rpiped_wEn_b2 <= '0'; rpiped_wEn <= '0'; rpiped_Din <= (OTHERS=>'0'); elsif trn_clk'event and trn_clk = '1' then rpiped_wEn_b2 <= rpiped_wEn_b3; rpiped_wEn_b1 <= rpiped_wEn_b2; if rpiped_wr_skew='1' then -- rpiped_wEn <= rpiped_wEn_b2; rpiped_wEn <= (rpiped_wEn_b2 and not rpiped_wr_postpone) or (rpiped_wEn_b1 and rpiped_wr_postpone); rpiped_Din <= "0000" & '0' & rpiped_wr_EOF & "00" & pRAM_doutB_shifted; else -- rpiped_wEn <= rpiped_wEn_b2; rpiped_wEn <= (rpiped_wEn_b2 and not rpiped_wr_postpone) or (rpiped_wEn_b1 and rpiped_wr_postpone); rpiped_Din <= "0000" & '0' & rpiped_wr_EOF & "00" & pRAM_doutB; end if; end if; end process; -- DDR_Blinker_Module: DDR_Blink PORT MAP( DDR_Blinker => DDR_Blinker , DBG_dma_start => DBG_dma_start , DBG_bram_wea => pRAM_weA , DBG_bram_addra => pRAM_addrA , DDR_Write => wpipe_rEn , DDR_Read => rpiped_wEn , DDR_Both => '0' , ddr_Clock => trn_clk , DDr_Rst_n => DDR_Ready_i -- DDR_CKE_i ); end architecture Behavioral;
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