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--! PDP8 Processor
--! \brief
--!      Processor
--! \details
--!      I hope you like state machines because this is implemented as one big
--!      state machine.
--! \file
--!      cpu.vhd
--! \author
--!      Rob Doyle - doyle (at) cox (dot) net
--  Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Rob Doyle
-- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction provided
-- that this copyright statement is not removed from the file and that any
-- derivative work contains the original copyright notice and the associated
-- disclaimer.
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-- under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
-- Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 of the License.
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-- details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-- along with this source; if not, download it from
-- Comments are formatted for doxygen

library ieee;                                   --! IEEE Library
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;                    --! IEEE 1164
use ieee.numeric_std.all;                       --! IEEE Numeric Standard
use work.cpu_types.all;
-- synthesis translate_off
use std.textio.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
use work.pck_fio.all;
-- synthesis translate_on

--! eCPU Entity

entity eCPU is port (
    sys     : in  sys_t;                        --! Clock/Reset
    swCPU   : in  swCPU_t;                      --! CPU Configuration
    swOPT   : in  swOPT_t;                      --! Options Configuration
    swDATA  : in  swDATA_t;                     --! Data Switch Inputs
    swCNTL  : in  swCNTL_t;                     --! Control Switch Inputs
    dev     : in  dev_t;                        --! Device Output
    cpu     : out cpu_t                         --! CPU Output
end eCPU;

--! eCPU RTL

architecture rtl of eCPU is

    -- Registers

    signal LAC      : ldata_t;                  --! Link and Accumulator
    alias  L        : std_logic is LAC (0);     --! Link Bit
    alias  AC       : data_t is LAC(1 to 12);   --! Accumulator
    signal IR       : data_t;                   --! Instruction Register
    signal PC       : addr_t;                   --! Program Counter
    signal MA       : addr_t;                   --! Memory Address Register
    signal MB       : data_t;                   --! Memory Buffer (output)
    signal MD       : data_t;                   --! Memory Data Register (input)
    signal MQ       : data_t;                   --! MQ Register
    signal MQA      : data_t;                   --! MQA Register
    signal SC       : sc_t;                     --! SC Register
    signal SP1      : addr_t;                   --! Stack Pointer
    signal SP2      : addr_t;                   --! Stack Pointer
    signal SR       : data_t;                   --! Switch Register

    -- Register Operation

    signal acOP     : acOP_t;                   --! AC operation
    signal pcOP     : pcOP_t;                   --! PC operation
    signal irOP     : irOP_t;                   --! IR operation
    signal maOP     : maOP_t;                   --! MA operation
    signal mbOP     : mbOP_t;                   --! MB operation
    signal mqOP     : mqOP_t;                   --! MQ operation
    signal mqaOP    : mqaOP_t;                  --! MQA operation
    signal scOP     : scOP_t;                   --! SC operation
    signal sp1OP    : spOP_t;                   --! SP1 operation
    signal sp2OP    : spOP_t;                   --! SP2 operation
    signal srOP     : srOP_t;                   --! SR operation

    -- Memory Extension Control Registers

    signal IB       : field_t;                  --! Instruction Buffer
    signal INF      : field_t;                  --! Instruction Field
    signal DF       : field_t;                  --! Data Field
    signal SF       : sf_t;                     --! Save Field
    signal UB       : std_logic;                --! User Buffer Flag
    signal UF       : std_logic;                --! User Flag

    -- Memory Extension Control Register Operations

    signal ibOP     : ibOP_t;                   --! IB operation
    signal ifOP     : ifOP_t;                   --! IF operation
    signal dfOP     : dfOP_t;                   --! DF operation
    signal sfOP     : sfOP_t;                   --! SF operation
    signal ubOP     : ubOP_t;                   --! User Buffer operation
    signal ufOP     : ufOP_t;                   --! USER Flag operation
    signal IRQ      : std_logic;                --! IRQ Flag

    -- BTSTRP:

    signal BTSTRP   : std_logic;                --! BTSTRP Flag
    signal btstrpOP : btstrpOP_t;               --! BTSTRP operation

    -- CTRLFF:
    -- The Control Panel Flip-Flop (CTRLFF), is set when the CPREQ is granted.
    -- CTRLFF prevents further CPREQs from being granted, bypasses the
    -- interrupt enable system and redefines several of the internal control
    -- instructions.  As long as the CTRLFF is set, LXPAR is used for all
    -- instruction, direct data and indirect pointer references.  Also, while
    -- CTRLFF is set, the INTGNT line is held inactive but the Interrupt Grant
    -- Flip Flop is not cleared.  IOTs executed while CTRLFF is set do not clear
    -- the Interrupt grant flip flop.

    signal CTRLFF   : std_logic;                --! CTRLFF
    signal ctrlffOP : ctrlffOP_t;               --! CTRLFF operation

    -- EAE:
    -- EAE Long Operations

    signal EAE      : eae_t;                    --! EAE Register
    signal eaeOP    : eaeOP_t;                  --! EAE operation

    -- EMODE:
    -- The EMODE bit is set at reset and is set by the SWAB and cleared by the
    -- SWBA instructions.  This enables EAE Mode A and EAE Mode B instructions.

    signal EMODE    : std_logic;                --! EAE Mode
    signal emodeOP  : emodeOP_t;                --! EAE Mode operation

    -- FZ:
    -- The Force Zero Flag (FZ) is used to implement Extended memory operations
    -- for Panel Mode instructions.  When set, forces control panel instruction
    -- field access to field zero.  Indirect data accesses are not affected.

    signal FZ       : std_logic;                --! Force Zero
    signal fzOP     : fzOP_t;                   --! FZ operation

    -- HLTTRP:
    -- The HLTTRP flip-flop allows the cpu to single step through code.
    -- The HLTTRP flip-flop is set by a HLT instruction.

    signal HLTTRP   : std_logic;                --! HLTTRP Flip-Flop
    signal hlttrpOP : hlttrpOP_t;               --! HLTTRP operation

    -- GTF:

    signal GTF      : std_logic;                --! Greater than Flag
    signal gtfOP    : gtfOP_t;                  --! GTF operation

    -- ID:
    -- The Interrupt Enable Delay Flip-Flop (ID) delays the effect of the ION
    -- instruction until the instruction after the ION instruction has executed.
    -- This will allow a return from interrupt to be executed before the next
    -- interrupt request is serviced.

    signal ID       : std_logic;                --! ION Delay Flip-flop
    signal idOP     : idOP_t;                   --! ION Delay Operation

    -- IE:
    -- The Interrupt Enable Flip-Flop (IE) enables and disables interrupts.

    signal IE       : std_logic;                --! Interrupt Enable
    signal ieOP     : ieOP_t;                   --! IE operation

    -- II:
    -- The Interrupt Inhibit (II) Flip-Flop is set whenever there is an
    -- instruction executed that could change the Instruction Field.  These
    -- include CIF, CDI, RMF, RTF, CAF, CUF, SUF.  The II Flip-Flop is
    -- cleared when the next JMP, JMS, RTN1, or RTN2 instruction is executed.
    -- This prevents an interrupt from occuring between the CIF (or like)
    -- instruction and the return (or like) instruction.

    signal II       : std_logic;                -- Interrupt Inhibit Flip-Flop
    signal iiOP     : iiOP_t;                   -- Interrupt Inhibit Operation

    -- PDF:
    -- The Panel Data Flag (PDF) is used to contol whether indirectly addressed
    -- data references by Control Panel AND, TAD, ISZ or DCA instructions
    -- reference panel memory or main memory.  If PDF is set, this flag causes
    -- indirect references from control panel memory to address control panel
    -- memory by asserting LXPAR.  If PDF is cleared, this flag causes indirect
    -- references from control panel memory to address main memory by asserting
    -- LXMAR.  The PDF is cleared unconditionally whenever the panel mode is
    -- entered for any reason.  It is also cleared by the Clear Panel Data
    -- (CPD) instruction.  The PDF is set by the Set Panel Data (SPD)
    -- instruction. The state of the Panel Data flag is ignored when not
    -- operating in panel mode.

    signal PDF      : std_logic;                --! Panel Data Flag
    signal pdfOP    : pdfOP_t;                  --! PDF operation

    -- PEX:
    -- The Panel Exit Delay (PEX) Flip-Flop is set by the PEX instruction.
    -- When a JMP, JMS, RET1, or RET2 instruction is executed with the PEX
    -- Flip-Flop set, the CPU will exit panel mode.  The PEX Flip-Flop is
    -- cleared by the JMP, JMS, RET1, or RET2 instruction.

    signal PEX      : std_logic;                -- PEX Flip-Flop
    signal pexOP    : pexOP_t;                  -- PEX Operation

    -- PNLTRP:
    -- A Panel Trap is one of the many ways to enter panel mode.  The Panel Trap
    -- Flip-Flop (PNLTRP) is set by any of the PR0, PR1, PR2, PR3 instructions.
    -- The PNLTRP flag can be examined and cleared by the PRS instruction.

    signal PNLTRP   : std_logic;                --! PNLTRP Flag
    signal pnltrpOP : pnltrpOP_t;               --! PNLTRP operation

    -- PRWON:
    -- The Power-On Trap Flip-Flop (PWRTRP) is set when STRTUP is negated during
    -- RESET, The Power-On Flip-Flop (PWRTRP) is reset by a PRS or PEX
    -- instruction.

    signal PWRTRP   : std_logic;                --! PWRTRP Flip-Flop
    signal pwrtrpOP : pwrtrpOP_t;               --! PWRTRP operation

    -- USRTRP:
    -- User Mode Trap.

    signal USRTRP   : std_logic;                --! USR Interrupt
    signal usrtrpOP : usrtrpOP_t;               --! USR Interrupt operation

    -- XMA

    signal XMA      : field_t;                  --! XMA Register
    signal xmaOP    : xmaOP_t;                  --! XMA operation

    -- Bus Control Signals

    signal busb     : busOP_t;                  --! Bus Operation output
    signal busOP    : busOP_t;                  --! Bus Operation input
    signal ioclrb   : std_logic;                --! IOCLR register output
    signal ioclrOP  : std_logic;                --! IOCLR register input
    signal wrb      : std_logic;                --! WR signal register input
    signal wrOP     : std_logic;                --! WR signal register output
    signal rdb      : std_logic;                --! RD signal register output
    signal rdOP     : std_logic;                --! RD signal register input
    signal ifetchb  : std_logic;                --! IFETCH signal register output
    signal ifetchOP : std_logic;                --! IFETCH signal register input
    signal datafb   : std_logic;                --! DATAF signal register output
    signal datafOP  : std_logic;                --! DATAF signal register input
    signal lxdarb   : std_logic;                --! LXDAR signal register output
    signal lxdarOP  : std_logic;                --! LXDAR signal register input
    signal lxmarb   : std_logic;                --! LXMAR signal register output
    signal lxmarOP  : std_logic;                --! LXMAR signal register input
    signal lxparb   : std_logic;                --! LXPAR signal register output
    signal lxparOP  : std_logic;                --! LXPAR signal register input
    signal memselb  : std_logic;                --! MEMSEL signal register output
    signal memselOP : std_logic;                --! MEMSEL signal register input
    signal intgntb  : std_logic;                --! INTGNT signal register output
    signal dmagnt   : std_logic;                --! DMAGNT signal register input
    signal intgntOP : std_logic;                --! INTGNT signal register input
    signal waitfb   : std_logic;                --! WAITF signal register output
    signal waitfOP  : std_logic;                --! WAITF signal register input

    signal oops     : std_logic;
    -- State Information

    type state_t is (

        -- MRI States


        -- IOT states


        -- Stack Operation States


        -- OPR Groups


        -- Front Panel States


        -- EAE States


        -- HALT states


    signal   state      : state_t;
    signal   nextState  : state_t;
    constant maAutoIncr : std_logic_vector(3 to 11) := o"001";

    -- Output files for state dumpState

    -- synthesis translate_off
    file     FIL        : text is out "STD_OUTPUT";
    file     STDOUT     : text is out "STD_OUTPUT";
  --file     FIL        : text is out "trace.txt";
    -- synthesis translate_on

    -- vectorize

    function vectorize(s: std_logic) return std_logic_vector is
        variable v: std_logic_vector(0 to 0);
        v(0) := s;
        return v;

    -- dumpState()

    procedure dumpState(PC : in addr_t) is
        -- synthesis translate_off
        variable LIN : line;
        -- synthesis translate_on
        -- synthesis translate_off
        write (LIN, string'("ST:"));
        write (LIN, string'(" PC="));
        owrite(LIN, PC);
        write (LIN, string'(", IR="));
        owrite(LIN, IR);
        write (LIN, string'(", LAC="));
        owrite(LIN, "00" & LAC);
        write (LIN, string'(", MQ="));
        owrite(LIN, MQ);
        write (LIN, string'(", SR="));
        owrite(LIN, SR);
        write (LIN, string'(", IF="));
        owrite(LIN, INF);
        write (LIN, string'(", DF="));
        owrite(LIN, DF);
        write (LIN, string'(", IB="));
        owrite(LIN, IB);
        write (LIN, string'(", UB="));
        owrite(LIN, "00" & vectorize(UB));
        write (LIN, string'(", UF="));
        owrite(LIN, "00" &  vectorize(UF));
        write (LIN, string'(", USF="));
        owrite(LIN, "00" &  SF(0 to 0));
        write (LIN, string'(", ISF="));
        owrite(LIN, SF(1 to 3));
        write (LIN, string'(", DSF="));
        owrite(LIN, SF(4 to 6));
        write (LIN, string'(", SC="));
        owrite(LIN, '0' & SC);
        write (LIN, string'(", GTF="));
        owrite(LIN, "00" & vectorize(GTF));
        write (LIN, string'(", EMODE="));
        owrite(LIN, "00" & vectorize(EMODE));
        write (LIN, string'(", IEFF="));
        owrite(LIN, "00" & vectorize(IE));
        write (LIN, string'(", IDFF="));
        owrite(LIN, "00" & vectorize(ID));
        write (LIN, string'(", IIFF="));
        owrite(LIN, "00" & vectorize(II));
        write (LIN, string'(", IRQ="));
        owrite(LIN, "00" & vectorize(IRQ));
        write (LIN, string'(", SP1="));
        owrite(LIN, SP2);
        write (LIN, string'(", SP2="));
        owrite(LIN, SP1);
        write (LIN, string'("; MA=00000"));
        --owrite(LIN, XMA & MA);
        writeline(FIL, LIN);
        -- synthesis translate_on
    end dumpState;

    -- dispHALT

    procedure dispHALT(signal PC : in addr_t) is
        -- synthesis translate_off
       variable LIN : line;
        -- synthesis translate_on
        -- synthesis translate_off
        write (LIN, string'("CPU Halted at PC = "));
        owrite(LIN, PC);
        writeline(STDOUT, LIN);
        -- synthesis translate_on
    end dispHALT;

    -- dispCONT

    procedure dispCONT(signal PC : in addr_t) is
        -- synthesis translate_off
        variable LIN : line;
        -- synthesis translate_on
        -- synthesis translate_off
        write (LIN, string'("CPU Continued at PC = "));
        owrite(LIN, PC);
        writeline(STDOUT, LIN);
        -- synthesis translate_on
    end dispCONT;


    IRQ <= '1' when ((dev.intr = '1') or
                     (USRTRP = '1' and swOPT.TSD = '0') or
                     (usrtrpOP = usrtrpopSET and swOPT.TSD = '0')) else '0';

    --  ALU

    iALU : entity work.eALU (rtl) port map (
        sys     => sys,
        acOP    => acOP,
        BTSTRP  => BTSTRP,
        GTF     => GTF,
        HLTTRP  => HLTTRP,
        IE      => IE,
        IRQ     => IRQ,
        PNLTRP  => PNLTRP,
        PWRTRP  => PWRTRP,
        DF      => DF,
        EAE     => EAE,
        INF     => INF,
        IR      => IR,
        MA      => MA,
        MD      => MD,
        MQ      => MQ,
        SC      => SC,
        SF      => SF,
        SP1     => SP1,
        SP2     => SP2,
        SR      => SR,
        UF      => UF,
        LAC     => LAC

    -- CTRLFF

    iCTRLFF : entity work.eCTRLFF (rtl) port map (
        sys      => sys,
        ctrlffOP => ctrlffOP,
        CTRLFF   => CTRLFF

    -- EAE Register

    iEAE : entity work.eEAE (rtl) port map (
        sys     => sys,
        eaeOP   => eaeOP,
        MD      => MD,
        MQ      => MQ,
        AC      => AC,
        EAE     => EAE

    -- EAE Mode A

    iEMODE : entity work.eEMODE (rtl) port map (
        sys     => sys,
        emodeOP => emodeOP,
        EMODE   => EMODE

    -- FZ Flip Flop

    iFZ : entity work.eFZ (rtl) port map (
        sys  => sys,
        fzOP => fzOP,
        FZ   => FZ

    -- GTF

    iGTF : entity work.eGTF (rtl) port map (
        sys   => sys,
        gtfOP => gtfOP,
        AC    => AC,
        GTF   => GTF

    -- HLTTRP

    iHLTTRP : entity work.eHLTTRP (rtl) port map (
        sys      => sys,
        hlttrpOP => hlttrpOP,
        HLTTRP   => HLTTRP

    -- Program Counter (PC)

    iPC : entity work.ePC (rtl) port map (
        sys  => sys,
        pcOP => pcOP,
        IR   => IR,
        MA   => MA,
        MB   => MB,
        MD   => MD,
        SR   => SR,
        PC   => PC

    -- Multiplier Quotient Register (MQ)

    iMQ : entity work.eMQ (rtl) port map (
        sys  => sys,
        mqOP => mqOP,
        AC   => AC,
        MD   => MD,
        EAE  => EAE,
        MQ   => MQ

    -- Auxillary Multiplier Quotient Register (MQA)

    iMQA : entity work.eMQA (rtl) port map (
        sys   => sys,
        mqaOP => mqaOP,
        MQ    => MQ,
        MQA   => MQA

    -- Interrupt Enable Flip-Flop

    iIE : entity work.eIE (rtl) port map (
        sys  => sys,
        ieOP => ieOP,
        IE   => IE

    -- Interrupt Inhibit Flip-Flop

    iII : entity work.eII (rtl) port map (
        sys  => sys,
        iiOP => iiOP,
        II   => II

    -- USRTRP Flip-Flop

    iUSRTRP : entity work.eUSRTRP (rtl) port map (
        sys      => sys,
        usrtrpOP => usrtrpOP,
        USRTRP   => USRTRP

    -- Instruction Register (IR)

    iIR: entity work.eIR (rtl) port map (
        sys   => sys,
        irOP  => irOP,
        MD    => MD,
        IR    => IR

    -- Memory Address Register (MA)

    iMA : entity work.eMA (rtl) port map (
        sys  => sys,
        maOP => maOP,
        IR   => IR,
        MB   => MB,
        MD   => MD,
        PC   => PC,
        SP1  => SP1,
        SP2  => SP2,
        SR   => SR,
        MA   => MA

    -- Memory Buffer Register (MB)

    iMB : entity work.eMB (rtl) port map (
        sys  => sys,
        mbOP => mbOP,
        AC   => AC,
        MA   => MA,
        MD   => MD,
        MQ   => MQ,
        PC   => PC,
        SR   => SR,
        MB   => MB

    -- Instruction Buffer Address Extension Register (IB)

    iIB : entity work.eIB (rtl) port map (
        sys  => sys,
        ibOP => ibOP,
        SF   => SF,
        AC   => AC,
        IR   => IR,
        IB   => IB

    -- Instruction Field Address Extension Register (IF/INF)

    iIF : entity work.eIF (rtl) port map (
        sys  => sys,
        ifOP => ifOP,
        IB   => IB,
        SR   => SR,
        INF  => INF

    -- ION Delay Flip-Flop

    iID : entity work.eID (rtl) port map (
        sys  => sys,
        idOP => idOP,
        ID   => ID

    -- Data Field Address Extension Register (DF)

    iDF : entity work.eDF (rtl) port map (
        sys  => sys,
        dfOP => dfOP,
        AC   => AC,
        IR   => IR,
        SF   => SF,
        SR   => SR,
        DF   => DF

    -- BTSTRP Flip-Flop

    iBTSTRP : entity work.eBTSTRP (rtl) port map (
        sys      => sys,
        btstrpOP => btstrpOP,
        BTSTRP   => BTSTRP

    -- PDF Flip-Flop

    iPDF : entity work.ePDF (rtl) port map (
        sys   => sys,
        pdfOP => pdfOP,
        PDF   => PDF

    -- PEX Flip-Flop

    iPEX : entity work.ePEX (rtl) port map (
        sys   => sys,
        pexOP => pexOP,
        PEX   => PEX

    -- PNLTRP Flip-Flop

    iPNLTRP : entity work.ePNLTRP (rtl) port map (
        sys      => sys,
        pnltrpOP => pnltrpOP,
        PNLTRP   => PNLTRP

    -- PWRTRP Flip-Flop
    -- When set during reset, the unit will enter panel mode before executing
    -- the first instruction.

    iPWRTRP : entity work.ePWRTRP (rtl) port map (
        sys      => sys,
        pwrtrpOP => pwrtrpOP,
        PWRTRP   => PWRTRP

    -- SC
    -- Step Counter

    iSC : entity work.eeSC (rtl) port map (
        sys  => sys,
        scOP => scOP,
        AC   => AC,
        MD   => MD,
        SC   => SC

    -- SF
    -- Save Field Address Extension Register (SF)

    iSF : entity work.eSF (rtl) port map (
        sys  => sys,
        sfOP => sfOP,
        DF   => DF,
        IB   => IB,
        UB   => UB,
        SF   => SF

    -- SP1
    -- Stack Pointer #1

    iSP1 : entity work.eSP (rtl) port map (
        sys  => sys,
        spOP => sp1OP,
        AC   => AC,
        SP   => SP1

    -- SP2
    -- Stack Pointer #2

    iSP2: entity work.eSP (rtl) port map (
        sys  => sys,
        spOP => sp2OP,
        AC   => AC,
        SP   => SP2

    -- SR
    -- Switch Register

    iSR : entity work.eSR (rtl) port map (
        sys   => sys,
        swCPU => swCPU,
        srOP  => srOP,
        AC    => AC,
        SRD   => swDATA,
        SR    => SR

    -- UB
    -- User Buffer Flag

    iUB : entity work.eUB (rtl) port map (
        sys  => sys,
        ubOP => ubOP,
        AC5  => AC(5),
        SF0  => SF(0),
        UB   => UB

    -- UF
    -- User Flag

    iUF : entity work.eUF (rtl) port map (
        sys  => sys,
        ufOP => ufOP,
        UB   => UB,
        UF   => UF

    -- XMA
    -- XMA is disabled by disabling the KM8E option

    iXMA : entity work.eXMA (rtl) port map (
        sys   => sys,
        xmaOP => xmaOP,
        sWCPU => swCPU,
        DF    => DF,
        INF   => INF,
        IB    => IB,
        XMA   => XMA

    -- Next State Decoder

    process(swOPT, dev, IRQ, state, USRTRP, AC, L, MQA,
            LAC, MA, MD, MQ, PC, PEX, PNLTRP, PWRTRP, IR, SC, UF, swCPU,
            swCNTL.halt, swCNTL.clear, swCNTL.exam, swCNTL.dep, swCNTL.lock,
            swCNTL.step, swCNTL.cont, swCNTL.loadADDR, swCNTL.loadEXTD)

        variable EAEIR : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);


        -- Control signal defaults

        busOP      <= busopNOP;
        ioclrOP    <= '0';
        wrOP       <= '0';
        rdOP       <= '0';
        ifetchOP   <= '0';
        datafOP    <= '0';
        lxdarOP    <= '0';
        memselOP   <= '0';
        intgntOP   <= '0';

        -- Operation defaults

        acOP       <= acopNOP;
        busOP      <= busopNOP;
        btstrpOP   <= btstrpopNOP;
        ctrlffOP   <= ctrlffopNOP;
        dfOP       <= dfopNOP;
        eaeOP      <= eaeopNOP;
        emodeOP    <= emodeopNOP;
        fzOP       <= fzopNOP;
        gtfOP      <= gtfopNOP;
        hlttrpOP   <= hlttrpopNOP;
        idOP       <= idopNOP;
        ieOP       <= ieopNOP;
        iiOP       <= iiopNOP;
        ibOP       <= ibopNOP;
        ifOP       <= ifopNOP;
        irOP       <= iropNOP;
        maOP       <= maopNOP;
        mbOP       <= mbopNOP;
        mqOP       <= mqopNOP;
        mqaOP      <= mqaopNOP;
        pcOP       <= pcopNOP;
        pdfOP      <= pdfopNOP;
        pexOP      <= pexopNOP;
        pnltrpOP   <= pnltrpopNOP;
        pwrtrpOP   <= pwrtrpopNOP;
        scOP       <= scopNOP;
        sfOP       <= sfopNOP;
        sp1OP      <= spopNOP;
        sp2OP      <= spopNOP;
        srOP       <= sropNOP;
        ubOP       <= ubopNOP;
        ufOP       <= ufopNOP;
        usrtrpOP   <= usrtrpopNOP;
        xmaOP      <= xmaopNOP;

        -- Default Next State

        nextState <= stateLALA;

        -- BTSTRP set when CPREQ is asserted

        if dev.cpreq = '1' and swCPU = swHD6120 then
            btstrpOP <= btstrpOPSET;
        end if;

        -- The State Machine

        case state is

            -- Reset State

            when stateRESET =>
                busOP     <= busopRESET;
                nextState <= stateInit;

            -- Startup States

            when stateInit =>
                if swCPU = swHD6120 then

                    -- HD6120 Mode with STARTUP asserted.
                    -- Boot to front panel mode (PC=7777)

                    if swOPT.STARTUP = '1' then
                        pwrtrpOP  <= pwrtrpopSET;
                        nextState <= stateCheckReq;

                    -- HD6120 Mode with STARTUP negated.
                    -- Begin executing at PC=0000

                        pwrtrpOP  <= pwrtrpopCLR;
                        nextState <= stateCheckReq;

                    end if;

                    -- PDP8 Mode with STARTUP asserted.
                    -- Set PC to contents of switch register and start
                    -- execution.

                    if swOPT.STARTUP = '1' then
                        pcOP      <= pcopSR;
                        nextState <= stateFetchAddr;

                    -- PDP8 Mode with STARTUP negated.
                    -- Start in HALT state.  User must interact with front
                    -- panel.

                        nextState <= stateHalt;

                    end if;
                end if;

            -- This state occurs at the very top of the processing loop.
            -- The priority hierarchy is:
            -- 1.  RESET -   Clears Accummulator and Link registers and clears the
            --               RUN output signal.
            -- 2.  CPREQ -   If not RESET and CPREQ is asserted, the processor
            --               enters Panel Mode.
            -- 3.  RUN/HLT - If neither RESET or CPREQ is asserted and HLT is
            --               asserted (HLTFLAG = '1'), the processor should enter
            --               the HALT state and the end of the current cycle.
            -- 4.  DEV.INTR -  If no higher priority signal is asserted and IRQ is
            --               asserted an interrup may be processed.

            when stateCheckReq =>

                -- HD6120:
                -- Panel mode is entered because of the occurrence of any of
                -- four events.  Each of these events sets a status flag, as
                -- well as causing the entry into panel mode. It should be
                -- noted that more than one event might happen simultaneously.
                -- These events are:
                --  1. PWRTRP  - Power-up Trap
                --  2. PNLTRP  - Panel Trap
                --  3. HLTTRP  - HLT insruction
                --  4. BTSTRP  - CPREQ asserted.
                --  5. Not already in panel mode
                -- When a panel request is granted, the PC is stored in
                -- location 0000 of the control panel memory and the CPU
                -- resumes operation at location 7777 (octal) of the panel
                -- memory. During the PC write, 0 appears on EMA0, EMA1 and
                -- EMA2. The states of the IB, IF/INF, OF, ISF and DSF
                -- registers are not disturbed by entry into the control
                -- panel mode but execution is forced to commence in field
                -- zero.
                -- See also description of ID, IE, and II.

                if (((swCPU = swHD6120) and (ID = '0') and (II = '0') and (CTRLFF = '0') and (PWRTRP = '1')) or
                    ((swCPU = swHD6120) and (ID = '0') and (II = '0') and (CTRLFF = '0') and (PNLTRP = '1')) or
                    ((swCPU = swHD6120) and (ID = '0') and (II = '0') and (CTRLFF = '0') and (BTSTRP = '1')) or
                    ((swCPU = swHD6120) and (ID = '0') and (II = '0') and (CTRLFF = '0') and (HLTTRP = '1'))) then

                    ctrlffOP  <= ctrlffopSET;
                    fzOP      <= fzopSET;
                    pdfOP     <= pdfopCLR;
                    maOP      <= maop0000;
                    mbOP      <= mbopPC;
                    pcOP      <= pcop7777;
                    xmaOP     <= xmaopCLR;
                    busOP     <= busopWRZF;
                    assert false report "---------------------> Panel Trap <---------------------" severity note;
                    nextState <= stateFetchAddr;

                -- HALT Mode is entered if the HLTTRP is set or the RUN/HALT
                -- Switch is in the HALT position.

                elsif (((swCPU /= swHD6120) and (HLTTRP = '1')) or
                       ((swCPU /= swHD6120) and (swCNTL.halt = '1') and (swCNTL.lock = '0')) or
                       ((swCPU /= swHD6120) and (swCNTL.step = '1') and (swCNTL.lock = '0'))) then
                    hlttrpOP  <= hlttrpopCLR;
                    nextState <= stateHalt;

                -- Interrupt Request
                -- When an External Interrupt is asserted, the following occurs:
                --   1.  The PC is stored in location 0000 of field 0.
                --   2.  The Interrupt Enable Flip-Flop (IE) is disabled
                --       which precludes automatically nested interupts.
                --   3.  The INTGNT signal is is asserted.
                --   4.  UF, IF/INF, DF is loaded into SF.
                --   5.  IF/INF is cleared.
                --   6.  IB is cleared.
                --   7.  DF is cleared.
                --   8.  UF is cleared.
                --   9.  UB is cleared.
                --  10.  The PC is set to "0001" of main memory field 0 so
                --       that the next instruction is fetched from there.
                -- See also description of ID, IE, and II.

                elsif (IRQ = '1') and (ID = '0') and (IE = '1') and (II = '0') then
                    intgntOP  <= '1';
                    maOP      <= maop0000;
                    mbOP      <= mbopPC;
                    ieOP      <= ieopCLR;
                    sfOP      <= sfopUBIBDF;
                    dfOP      <= dfopCLR;
                    ifOP      <= ifopCLR;
                    ibOP      <= ibopCLR;
                    ufOP      <= ufopCLR;
                    ubOP      <= ubopCLR;
                    pcOP      <= pcop0001;
                    xmaOP     <= xmaopCLR;
                    busOP     <= busopWRZF;
                    assert false report "---------------------> Interrupt <---------------------" severity note;
                    nextState <= stateFetchAddr;

                -- No interrupts, halt, single step, or anthing else.
                -- Just start to fetch the next instruction.

                    nextState <= stateFetchAddr;

                end if;

            -- HALT State
            -- An HD6120 will never get to this state since halts are trapped
            -- by the front panel.

            when stateHalt =>

                -- Continue Switch Pressed

                if ((swCNTL.cont = '1' and swCNTL.lock = '0') or
                    (swCNTL.step = '1' and swCNTL.lock = '0')) then
                    nextState <= stateContinue;

                -- Load Address Switch Pressed
                -- This sets MA and PC to the contents of the switch register.
                --  MA <- SR
                --  PC <- SR

                elsif swCNTL.loadADDR = '1' and swCNTL.lock = '0' then
                    pcOP      <= pcopSR;
                    maOP      <= maopSR;
                    nextState <= stateLoadADDR;

                -- Load Extended Address Switch Pressed
                -- This sets IF and DF to the contents of the switch register.
                --  IF <- SR[6:8]
                --  DF <- SR[9:11]

                elsif swCNTL.loadEXTD = '1' and swCNTL.lock = '0' then
                    ifOP      <= ifopSR6to8;
                    dfOP      <= dfopSR9to11;
                    nextState <= stateLoadEXTD;

                -- Clear Switch Pressed

                elsif swCNTL.clear = '1' and swCNTL.lock = '0' then
                    acOP      <= acopCLACLL;
                    mqOP      <= mqopCLR;
                    ifOP      <= ifopCLR;
                    dfOP      <= dfopCLR;
                    sp1OP     <= spopCLR;
                    sp2OP     <= spopCLR;
                    gtfOP     <= gtfopCLR;
                    emodeOP   <= emodeopCLR;
                    ieOP      <= ieopCLR;
                    idOP      <= idopSET;
                    usrtrpOP  <= usrtrpopCLR;
                    busOP     <= busopIOCLR;
                    nextState <= stateClear;

                -- Examine Switch Pressed
                -- This loads the contents of the memory location addressed by
                -- the MA register into the MD register and increments the MA
                -- and PC registers.
                --  MD <- MEM[IF'MA]

                elsif swCNTL.exam = '1' and swCNTL.lock = '0' then
                    maOP      <= maopPC;
                    xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                    busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                    nextState <= stateExamineReadAddr;

                -- Deposit Switch Pressed
                -- This writes the contents of the Switch Register into the
                -- memory location addressed by the MA register.
                --  MEM[IF'MA] <- SR

                elsif swCNTL.dep = '1' and swCNTL.lock = '0' then
                    maOP      <= maopPC;
                    mbOP      <= mbopSR;
                    xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                    busOP     <= busopWRIF;
                    nextState <= stateDepositWriteData;

                    nextState <= stateHalt;

                end if;

            -- Wait for Continue button to negate

            when stateContinue =>
                if swCNTL.cont = '1' then
                    nextState <= stateContinue;
                    nextState <= stateFetchAddr;
                end if;

            -- Wait for LoadADDR button to negate

            when stateLoadADDR =>
                if swCNTL.loadADDR = '1' then
                    nextState <= stateLoadADDR;
                    nextState <= stateHaltDone;
                end if;

            -- Wait for LoadEXTD button to negate

            when stateLoadEXTD =>
                if swCNTL.loadEXTD = '1' then
                    nextState <= stateLoadEXTD;
                    nextState <= stateHaltDone;
                end if;

            -- Wait for Clear button to negate

            when stateClear =>
                if swCNTL.clear = '1' then
                    nextState <= stateClear;
                    nextState <= stateHaltDone;
                end if;

            -- Examine Read Addr
            -- This is the address phase of the read cycle.
            --  MD <- MEM[IF'MA]

            when stateExamineReadAddr =>
                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                busOP     <= busopRDIFdata;
                nextState <= stateExamineReadData;

            -- Examine Read Data
            -- This is the data phase of the read cycle.
            -- At the end of this cycle, MD will have the data that was read.
            -- This state increments the PC and MA register after the examine.
            --  MD <- MEM[IF'MA]
            --  MA <- MA + 1
            --  PC <- PC + 1

            when stateExamineReadData =>
                maOP      <= maopINC;
                pcOP      <= pcopINC;
                nextState <= stateExamine;

            -- Wait for Examine button to negate

            when stateExamine =>
                if swCNTL.exam = '1' then
                    nextState <= stateExamine;
                    nextState <= stateHaltDone;
                end if;

            -- This cycle writes data to memory.  Once written
            -- this state increments PC and MA.
            --  MA <- MA + 1
            --  PC <- PC + 1

            when stateDepositWriteData =>
                maOP      <= maopINC;
                pcOP      <= pcopINC;
                nextState <= stateDeposit;

            -- Wait for Deposit button to negate

            when stateDeposit =>
                if swCNTL.dep = '1' then
                    nextState <= stateDeposit;
                    nextState <= stateHaltDone;
                end if;

            -- Update Front Panel display

            when stateHaltDone =>
                nextState <= stateHalt;

            -- Begin Instruction Fetch.  Perform Read Address Cycle.
            --  MA <- PC
            --  MD <- MEM[IF'MA]

            when stateFetchAddr =>
                maOP      <= maopPC;
                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                busOP     <= busopFETCHaddr;
                nextState <= stateFetchData;

            -- Continue Instruction Fetch.  Perform Read Data Cycle.
            -- The Interrupt Enable Delay Flip-Flop (ID) is cleared.
            -- If the ID was set at the beginning of this instruction,
            -- an interrupt, if present, was deferred.  We clear it now.
            -- Therefore this instruction will complete and then that
            -- interrupt, if present, will be recognized.
            --  MD <- MEM[IF'MA]

            when stateFetchData =>
                pcOP      <= pcopINC;
                idOP      <= idopCLR;
                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                busOP     <= busopFETCHdata;
                nextState <= stateLoadIR;

            -- Load IR with the instruction that was fetched.
            -- Note: This state is a wasted state.  We could have decoded the MD
            -- and loaded the IR simultaneously.
            --  IR <- MD

            when stateLoadIR =>
                irOP      <= iropMD;
                nextState <= stateDecodeInstruction;

            -- Decode Instruction in IR

            when stateDecodeInstruction =>

                -- Default Next State

                nextState <= stateLALA;

                -- Parse OPCODE

                case IR(0 to 2) is

                    -- AND Instruction

                    when opAND =>

                        case IR(3 to 4) is

                            -- AND, direct, zero page.  Start Read Addr Cycle
                            --  MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)

                            when amDZ =>
                                maOP      <= maopZP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- AND, direct, curr page.  Start Read Addr Cycle
                            --  MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)

                            when amDC =>
                                maOP      <= maopCP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- AND, indirect, zero page.  Start Read Addr Cycle
                            --  MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)

                            when amIZ =>
                                maOP      <= maopZP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- AND, indirect, curr page.  Start Read Addr Cycle
                            --  MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)

                            when amIC =>
                                maOP      <= maopCP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- Everthing else

                            when others =>

                        end case;

                    -- TAD Instruction

                    when opTAD =>

                        case IR(3 to 4) is

                            -- TAD, direct, zero page.  Start Read Addr Cycle
                            --  MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)

                            when amDZ =>
                                maOP      <= maopZP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- TAD, direct, curr page.  Start Read Addr Cycle
                            --  MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)

                            when amDC =>
                                maOP      <= maopCP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- TAD, indirect, zero page.  Start Read Addr Cycle
                            --  MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)

                            when amIZ =>
                                maOP      <= maopZP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- TAD, indirect, curr page.  Start Read Addr Cycle
                            --  MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)

                            when amIC =>
                                maOP      <= maopCP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- Everything else

                            when others =>

                        end case;

                    -- ISZ Instruction

                    when opISZ =>

                        case IR(3 to 4) is

                            -- ISZ, direct, zero page.  Start Read Addr Cycle
                            --  MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)

                            when amDZ =>
                                maOP      <= maopZP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- ISZ, direct, curr page.  Start Read Addr Cycle
                            --  MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)

                            when amDC =>
                                maOP      <= maopCP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- ISZ, indirect, zero page.  Start Read Addr Cycle
                            --  MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)

                            when amIZ =>
                                maOP      <= maopZP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- ISZ, indirect, curr page.  Start Read Addr Cycle
                            --  MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)

                            when amIC =>
                                maOP      <= maopCP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- Everything else

                            when others =>

                        end case;

                    -- MRI DCA

                    when opDCA =>

                        case IR(3 to 4) is

                            -- DCA, direct, zero page.  Start Write Cycle
                            --  MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)

                            when amDZ =>
                                wrOP      <= '1';
                                acOP      <= acopCLA;
                                maOP      <= maopZP;
                                mbOP      <= mbopAC;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            -- DCA, direct, curr page.  Start Write Cycle
                            --  MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)

                            when amDC =>
                                wrOP      <= '1';
                                acOP      <= acopCLA;
                                maOP      <= maopCP;
                                mbOP      <= mbopAC;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            -- DCA, indirect, zero page.  Start Read Addr Cycle.
                            --  MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)

                            when amIZ =>
                                maOP      <= maopZP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- DCA, indirect, curr page.  Start Read Addr Cycle.
                            --  MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)

                            when amIC =>
                                maOP      <= maopCP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- Everything else

                            when others =>

                        end case;
                    -- JMS Instruction

                    when opJMS =>

                        -- The II Flip-Flop is cleared.
                        -- The FZ Flip-Flop is cleared
                        iiOP <= iiopCLR;
                        fzOP <= fzopCLR;

                        case IR(3 to 4) is

                            -- JMS, direct, zero page.  Start write cycle.
                            --  MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)
                            -- When the PEX Flip-flop is set, the CPU shall
                            -- exit from Panel Mode to Main Memory (i.e., clear
                            -- CTRLFF) during the next JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2
                            -- instruction.
                            -- PEX is cleared by the JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2
                            -- instruction. 

                            when amDZ =>
                                ifOP      <= ifopIB;
                                ufOP      <= ufopUB;
                                maOP      <= maopZP;
                                mbOP      <= mbopPC;
                                pcOP      <= pcopZPP1;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIB;
                                busOP     <= busopWRIB;
                                if PEX = '1' then
                                    ctrlffOP <= ctrlffopCLR;
                                    pexOP    <= pexopCLR;
                                end if;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            -- JMS, direct, curr page.  Start write cycle.
                            --  MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)
                            -- When the PEX Flip-flop is set, the CPU shall
                            -- exit from Panel Mode to Main Memory (i.e., clear
                            -- CTRLFF) during the next JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2
                            -- instruction.
                            -- PEX is cleared by the JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2
                            -- instruction. 

                            when amDC =>
                                ifOP      <= ifopIB;
                                ufOP      <= ufopUB;
                                maOP      <= maopCP;
                                mbOP      <= mbopPC;
                                pcOP      <= pcopCPP1;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIB;
                                busOP     <= busopWRIB;
                                if PEX = '1' then
                                    ctrlffOP <= ctrlffopCLR;
                                    pexOP    <= pexopCLR;
                                end if;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            -- JMS, indirect, zero page.  Start Read Addr Cycle.
                            --  MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)

                            when amIZ =>
                                maOP      <= maopZP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- JMS, indirect, curr page.  Start Read Addr Cycle.
                            --  MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)

                            when amIC =>
                                maOP      <= maopCP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- Everthing else

                            when others =>

                        end case;

                    -- JMP Instruction

                    when opJMP =>

                        -- The II Flip-Flop is cleared.
                        -- The FZ Flip-Flop is cleared
                        iiOP <= iiopCLR;
                        fzOP <= fzopCLR;

                        case IR(3 to 4) is

                            -- JMP, direct, zero page.
                            --  MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)
                            -- When the PEX Flip-flop is set, the CPU shall
                            -- exit from Panel Mode to Main Memory (i.e., clear
                            -- CTRLFF) during the next JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2
                            -- instruction.
                            -- PEX is cleared by the JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2
                            -- instruction. 

                            when amDZ =>
                                maOP <= maopZP;
                                pcOP <= pcopZP;
                                ifOP <= ifopIB;
                                ufOP <= ufopUB;
                                if PEX = '1' then
                                    ctrlffOP <= ctrlffopCLR;
                                    pexOP    <= pexopCLR;
                                end if;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            -- JMP, direct, curr page.
                            --  MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)
                            -- When the PEX Flip-flop is set, the CPU shall
                            -- exit from Panel Mode to Main Memory (i.e., clear
                            -- CTRLFF) during the next JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2
                            -- instruction.
                            -- PEX is cleared by the JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN
                            -- instruction. 

                            when amDC =>
                                maOP <= maopCP;
                                pcOP <= pcopCP;
                                ifOP <= ifopIB;
                                ufOP <= ufopUB;
                                if PEX = '1' then
                                    ctrlffOP <= ctrlffopCLR;
                                    pexOP    <= pexopCLR;
                                end if;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            -- JMP, indirect, zero page.  Start Read Addr Cycle.
                            --  MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)

                            when amIZ =>
                                maOP      <= maopZP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- JMP, indirect, curr page.  Start Read Addr Cycle.
                            --  MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)

                            when amIC =>
                                maOP      <= maopCP;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;

                            -- Everything else

                            when others =>

                        end case;

                    -- IOT Instructions

                    when opIOT =>

                        -- Default Next State

                        nextState <= stateDone;

                        -- Handle USR Mode interrupts

                        if (UF = '1') then

                            usrtrpOP  <= usrtrpopSET;
                            nextState <= stateDone;


                            -- Internal IOT (CPU Control)
                            --   600x, 62xx are internal IOTs

                            case IR(0 to 11) is

                                -- OP 6000: PRS/SKON

                                when o"6000" =>

                                    -- HD6120 only
                                    -- OP 6000: PRS - Panel Read Status Word.
                                    -- Read panel status bits into AC<0-4>, 0
                                    -- into AC<5:11>.  Following the reading of
                                    -- the flags into the AC, the flags are
                                    -- cleared, with the exception of HLTTRP.
                                    -- BTSTR is cleared only if a 1 was read
                                    -- into AC<0>.

                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        if CTRLFF = '1' then
                                            acOP     <= acopPRS;
                                            pnltrpOP <= pnltrpopCLR;
                                            pwrtrpOP <= pwrtrpopCLR;
                                            btstrpOP <= btstrpopCLR;
                                        end if;

                                    -- PDP-8/E and later and HD-6120
                                    -- SKON - Skip if interupt system is on,
                                    -- turn it off.

                                    elsif ((swCPU = swPDP8E) or
                                           (swCPU = swPDP8F) or
                                           (swCPU = swPDP8A) or
                                           (swCPU = swHD6120)) then
                                        if IE = '1' then
                                            pcOP <= pcopINC;
                                        end if;
                                        ieOP <= ieopCLR;

                                    -- Pre PDP8/E
                                    -- This instruction was a NOP.


                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6001: ION - Enable Interrupts.
                                -- The Interrupt Enable Flip-Flop (IE) is set.
                                -- The Interrupt Enable Delay Flip-Flop (ID)
                                -- is set.
                                -- Note: Setting the ID delays the interrupt
                                -- enable by one instruction so that a return
                                -- (from interrupt) may be executed before the
                                -- next interrupt request is serviced.

                                when o"6001" =>
                                    ieOP <= ieopSET;
                                    idOP <= idopSET;

                                -- IOT 6002: IOF - Disable Interrupts
                                -- The Interrupt Enable Flip Flop (IE) is cleared
                                -- immediately. If IRQ is low while this
                                -- instruction is being processed, the interrupt
                                -- will not be recognized.

                                when o"6002" =>
                                    ieOP <= ieopCLR;

                                -- OP 6003: PGO/SRQ

                                when o"6003" =>

                                    -- HD6120 only
                                    -- OP 6003: PGO - Panel Go.

                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        if CTRLFF = '1' then
                                            hlttrpOP <= hlttrpopCLR;
                                        end if;

                                    -- PDP-8/E and later and HD-6120
                                    -- OP 6003: SRQ - Skip on Interupt Request

                                    elsif ((swCPU = swPDP8E) or
                                           (swCPU = swPDP8F) or
                                           (swCPU = swPDP8A) or
                                           (swCPU = swHD6120)) then
                                        if IRQ = '1' then
                                            pcOP <= pcopINC;
                                        end if;

                                    -- Pre PDP-8/E
                                    -- OP 6003: ION - This was equivalent to
                                    -- the ION instruction.

                                        ieOP <= ieopSET;
                                        idOP <= idopSET;

                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6004: PEX/GTF
                                -- GTF - Get Flags
                                --  00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
                                -- +--+--+--+--+--+--+--------+--------+
                                -- | L|GT|IR|0 |IE|UF|   IF   |   DF   |
                                -- +--+--+--+--+--+--+--------+--------+
                                -- L  - The link bit.
                                -- GT - The Greater Than bit
                                -- IR - The interrupt request status, as tested by SRQ.
                                -- IE - The state of the interrupt enable flip-flop (IE)
                                -- UF - User Flag
                                -- IF - The instruction field.
                                -- DF - The data field.
                                -- PEX -  Panel Exit to Normal Mode 
                                -- Exit from panel mode into main memory at the end
                                -- of the next JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2 instruction.

                                when o"6004" =>

                                    -- OP 6004: PEX - Panel Exit to Normal Mode
                                    -- HD6120 in Panel Mode only
                                    -- Set PEX Flip-flop
                                    -- Clear PWRTRP and PNLTRP.

                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 and CTRLFF = '1' then
                                        pwrtrpOP <= pwrtrpopCLR;
                                        pnltrpOP <= pnltrpopCLR;
                                        pexOP    <= pexopSET;

                                    -- OP 6004: GTF - Get Flags
                                    -- HD6120 in Normal Mode only
                                    -- AC(4) is always set.
                                    -- AC(5) is always cleared.

                                    elsif swCPU = swHD6120 and CTRLFF = '0' then
                                        acOP <= acopGTF1;

                                    -- OP 6004: GTF - Get Flags
                                    -- PDP-8/E and later with KM8E installed
                                    -- AC(4) is set to state of the interrupt

                                    elsif ((swCPU = swPDP8E and swOPT.KM8E = '1') or
                                           (swCPU = swPDP8F and swOPT.KM8E = '1') or
                                           (swCPU = swPDP8A and swOPT.KM8E = '1')) then
                                        acOP <= acopGTF2;

                                    -- Pre PDP-8/E
                                    -- OP 6004: This was and ADC operation or a
                                    -- NOP.


                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6005: RTF - Restore Flags and Fields from AC.
                                -- The flags are set as follows:
                                --  00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
                                -- +--+--+--+--+--+--+--------+--------+
                                -- | L|GT|  |  |IE|UB|   IB   |   DF   |
                                -- +--+--+--+--+--+--+--------+--------+

                                when o"6005" =>
                                    if ((swCPU = swPDP8E) or
                                        (swCPU = swPDP8F) or
                                        (swCPU = swPDP8A) or
                                        (swCPU = swHD6120)) then

                                        -- HD6120: The AC is cleared following
                                        -- the load operation.  The interrupt
                                        -- is enabled per AC(4).  See HD6120
                                        -- GTF instruction.

                                        if swCPU = swHD6120 then

                                            if AC(0) = '1' then
                                                acOP <= acopCLACLLCML;
                                                acOP <= acopCLACLL;
                                            end if;

                                            if AC(4) = '1' then
                                                ieOP <= ieopSET;
                                                iiOP <= iiopSET;
                                            end if;

                                        -- PDP8/E and later: AC is not modified by
                                        -- the instruction. AC(4) is ignored and
                                        -- interrupts are unconditionally
                                        -- re-enabled.  AC(5) sets the UB bit.
                                        -- See PDP/8 GTF instruction.


                                            if AC(0) = '1' then
                                                acOP <= acopCLLCML;
                                                acOP <= acopCLL;
                                            end if;
                                            ieOP <= ieopSET;
                                            iiOP <= iiopSET;
                                            ubOP <= ubopAC5;
                                        end if;

                                        gtfOP <= gtfopAC1;
                                        ibOP  <= ibopAC6to8;
                                        dfOP  <= dfopAC9to11;
                                        fzop  <= fzopCLR;

                                    -- Pre PDP8/E
                                    -- OP 6005: ION ORed with ADC

                                        ieOP <= ieopSET;
                                        idOP <= idopSET;

                                    end if;

                                -- OP 6006: SGT

                                when o"6006" =>

                                    -- PDP8/E and later
                                    -- OP 6006: SGT - Skip if the GT flag is set.

                                    if ((swCPU = swPDP8E) or
                                        (swCPU = swPDP8F) or
                                        (swCPU = swPDP8A) or
                                        (swCPU = swHD6120)) then
                                        if GTF = '1' then
                                            pcOP <= pcopINC;
                                        end if;

                                    -- Pre PDP8/E
                                    -- OP 6006: This was equivalent to an IOF
                                    -- ORed with and ADC op

                                        ieOP <= ieopCLR;

                                    end if;

                                -- OP 6007: CAF - Clear all flags.

                                when o"6007" =>

                                    -- PDP8/E and Later
                                    -- IOT 6007: CAF - Clear all flags.
                                    -- The AC, LINK and GT flag are cleared.
                                    -- Interrupt Enable Flip Flop (IE) is cleared.
                                    -- IOCLR is generated with LXDAR high, causing
                                    -- peripheral devices to clear their flags.

                                    if ((swCPU = swPDP8E) or
                                        (swCPU = swPDP8F) or
                                        (swCPU = swPDP8A) or
                                        (swCPU = swHD6120)) then
                                        gtfOP     <= gtfopCLR;
                                        acOP      <= acopCLACLL;
                                        emodeOP   <= emodeopCLR;
                                        ieOP      <= ieopCLR;
                                        idOP      <= idopSET;
                                        busOP     <= busopIOCLR;
                                        usrtrpOP  <= usrtrpopCLR;

                                    -- Pre PDP8/E
                                    -- OP 6007: ION ORed with ADC

                                        ieOP <= ieopSET;
                                        idOP <= idopSET;

                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6200: LXM - Load Extended Mode Register
                                -- On all machines without KT8-A this is executed
                                -- as a NOP instruction.

                                when o"6200" =>
                                -- IOT 62x1: CDF - Change Data Field
                                -- The Data Field Register (DF) is loaded with IR<6:8>
                                -- of this instruction.

                                when o"6201" | o"6211" | o"6221" | o"6231" | o"6241" | o"6251" | o"6261" | o"6271" =>
                                    dfOP <= dfopIR6to8;

                                -- IOT 62x2: CIF - Change Instruction Field
                                -- The Instruction Buffer (IB/IB) is loaded with
                                -- IR<6:8> of this instruction and the Interrupt
                                -- Inhibit Flip Flop (II) is set.
                                -- Note: Setting the II causes the CPU to ignore
                                -- interrupt requests until the next JMP, JMS,
                                -- RTN1 or RTN2 Instruction is executed.  At that
                                -- time the contents of IB/IB are loaded into the
                                -- IF/INF and the II cleared.

                                when o"6202" | o"6212" | o"6222" | o"6232" | o"6242" | o"6252" | o"6262" | o"6272" =>
                                    ibOP <= ibopIR6to8;
                                    iiOP <= iiopSET;
                                    fzop <= fzopCLR;

                                -- IOT 62x2: CIF/CDF (CDI) - Change Instruction
                                -- and Data Field.
                                -- A microprogrammed combination of CDF and CIF.
                                -- Both fields are set to X.

                                when o"6203" | o"6213" | o"6223" | o"6233" | o"6243" | o"6253" | o"6263" | o"6273" =>
                                    dfOP <= dfopIR6to8;
                                    ibOP <= ibopIR6to8;
                                    iiOP <= iiopSET;
                                    fzop <= fzopCLR;

                                -- IOT 6204: CINT - Clear User Interrupt Flag

                                when o"6204" =>
                                    usrtrpOP <= usrtrpopCLR;

                                -- IOT 6205: PPC1 - Push (PC+1) to Stack 1
                                -- The contents of the PC are incremented by
                                -- one and the result is loaded into the memory
                                -- location pointed to by the contents of SP1.
                                -- SP1 is then decremented by 1.
                                -- The stacks are located in field 0 of memory.

                                when o"6205" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        maOP     <= maopSP1;
                                        mbOP     <= mbopPCP1;
                                        sp1OP    <= spopDEC;
                                        xmaOP    <= xmaopCLR;
                                        busOP    <= busopWRZF;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6206: PR0 - Panel Request 0
                                -- The PNLTRP flag is set.  If the Interrupt Inhibit
                                -- Flip-Flop (ION) is not set, the CPU will enter
                                -- panel mode instead of executing the next
                                -- instruction.  If the Interrupt Inhibit Flip Flop
                                -- is set, panel mode will be entered following the
                                -- next JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2 which clears the
                                -- Interrupt inhibit flip flop.  This is a NOP in
                                -- panel mode.

                                when o"6206" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        if CTRLFF = '0' then
                                            pnltrpOP <= pnltrpopSET;
                                        end if;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6207: RSP1 - Read Stack 1 Pointer to AC
                                -- The contents of SP1 is loaded Into the AC.

                                when o"6207" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        acOP <= acopSP1;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6214: RDF - Read Data Field to AC<6:8>
                                -- PDP8: The RDF ors the DF register with AC<6:8>.
                                -- HD6120: The RDF replaces AC<6:8> with DF<0:2>.
                                -- The other bits of the accumulator are unaffected

                                when o"6214" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        acOP <= acopRDF0;
                                        acOP <= acopRDF1;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6215: PAC1 - Push AC to Stack 1.
                                -- The contents of the AC is loaded into the
                                -- memory location pointed to by the contents
                                -- of SP1. The contents of SP1 is then
                                -- decremented by 1.
                                -- The stacks are located in field 0 of memory.

                                when o"6215" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        maOP     <= maopSP1;
                                        mbOP     <= mbopAC;
                                        sp1OP    <= spopDEC;
                                        xmaOP    <= xmaopCLR;
                                        busOP    <= busopWRZF;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6216: PR1 - Panel Request 1.
                                -- The PNLTRP flag is set.  If the Interrupt Inhibit
                                -- Flip-Flop (ION) is not set, the CPU will enter
                                -- panel mode instead of executing the next
                                -- instruction.  If the Interrupt Inhibit Flip Flop
                                -- is set, panel mode will be entered following the
                                -- next JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2 which clears the
                                -- Interrupt inhibit flip flop.  This is a NOP in
                                -- panel mode.

                                when o"6216" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        if CTRLFF = '0' then
                                            pnltrpOP  <= pnltrpopSET;
                                        end if;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6217: LSP1 - Load Stack 1 Pointer from AC.
                                -- The contents of the AC is loaded into SP1.
                                -- The AC is cleared.

                                when o"6217" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        sp1OP <= spopAC;
                                        acOP  <= acopCLA;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6224: RIF - Read Instruction Field into AC<6:8>.
                                -- PDP8: The RIF ors the IF/INF register with AC<6:8>.
                                -- HD6120: The RIF replaces AC<6:8> with IF/INF<0:2>.
                                -- The other bits of the accumulator are unaffected

                                when o"6224" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        acOP <= acopRIF0;
                                        acOP <= acopRIF1;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6225: RTN1 - Pop top of Stack 1 to PC
                                -- The contents of the stack pointer (SP1) is
                                -- incremented by one.  The contents of the
                                -- memory location pointed to by SP1 is loaded
                                -- into the PC.
                                when o"6225" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        sp1OP     <= spopINC;
                                        nextState <= stateRTN1;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6226: PR2 - Panel Request 2.
                                -- The PNLTRP flag is set.  If the Interrupt Inhibit
                                -- Flip-Flop (ION) is not set, the CPU will enter
                                -- panel mode instead of executing the next
                                -- instruction.  If the Interrupt Inhibit Flip Flop
                                -- is set, panel mode will be entered following the
                                -- next JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2 which clears the
                                -- Interrupt inhibit flip flop.  This is a NOP in
                                -- panel mode.

                                when o"6226" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        if CTRLFF = '0' then
                                            pnltrpOP <= pnltrpopSET;
                                        end if;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6227: RSP2 - Read Stack 2 Pointer to AC
                                -- The contents of SP2 is loaded Into the AC.

                                when o"6227" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        acOP <= acopSP2;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6234: RIB - Read Instruction Save Field into AC<6:8>
                                -- and Data Save Field into AC<9:11>.
                                -- PDP8: The RIB ors the ISF/DSF register with AC<6:11>.
                                -- HD6120: The RIB replaces AC<6:11> with ISF/DSF.
                                -- The other bits of the accumulator are unaffected

                                when o"6234" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        acOP <= acopRIB0;
                                        acOP <= acopRIB1;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6235: POP1 - Pop top of Stack 1 to AC
                                -- The contents of SP1 is incremented by 1. The
                                -- contents of the memory location pointed to
                                -- by SP1 is then loaded into the AC.
                                -- The stacks are located in field 0 of memory.

                                when o"6235" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        maOP      <= maopSP1P1;
                                        sp1OP     <= spopINC;
                                        xmaOP     <= xmaopCLR;
                                        busOP     <= busopRDZFaddr;
                                        nextState <= statePOPaddr;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6236: PR3 - Panel Request 3.
                                -- The PNLTRP flag is set.  If the Interrupt Inhibit
                                -- Flip-Flop (ION) is not set, the CPU will enter
                                -- panel mode instead of executing the next
                                -- instruction.  If the Interrupt Inhibit Flip Flop
                                -- is set, panel mode will be entered following the
                                -- next JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2 which clears the
                                -- Interrupt inhibit flip flop.  This is a NOP in
                                -- panel mode.

                                when o"6236" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        if CTRLFF = '0' then
                                            pnltrpOP <= pnltrpopSET;
                                        end if;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6237: LSP2 - Load Stack 2 Pointer from AC.
                                -- The contents of the AC is loaded into SP2.
                                -- The AC is cleared.

                                when o"6237" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        sp2OP <= spopAC;
                                        acOP  <= acopCLA;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6244: RMF - Restore Memory Fields.
                                -- Load the contents of ISF into IB, OSF into OF,
                                -- and set the Interrupt Inhibit Flip Flop. This instruction
                                -- is used to restore the contents of the memory
                                -- field registers to their values before an
                                -- interrupt occurred.
                                -- Note: Setting the II causes the CPU to ignore
                                -- interrupt requests until the next JMP, JMS,
                                -- RTN1 or RTN2 Instruction is executed.  At that
                                -- time the contents of IB are loaded into the
                                -- IF/INF and the II cleared.

                                when o"6244" =>
                                    ubOP <= ubopSF;
                                    ibOP <= ibopSF1to3;
                                    dfOP <= dfopSF4to6;
                                    iiOP <= iiopSET;
                                    fzop <= fzopCLR;

                                -- IOT 6245: PPC2 - Push (PC+1) to Stack 2
                                -- The contents of the PC are Incremented by
                                -- one and the result is loaded into the memory
                                -- location pointed to by the contents of SP2.
                                -- SP2 is then decremented by 1.
                                -- The stacks are located in field 0 of memory.

                                when o"6245" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        maOP     <= maopSP2;
                                        mbOP     <= mbopPCP1;
                                        sp2OP    <= spopDEC;
                                        xmaOP    <= xmaopCLR;
                                        busOP    <= busopWRZF;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6246: WSR - Write to Switch Register
                                -- The contents of AC are written to the switch
                                -- register and the AC is cleared.  This allows
                                -- the switch register to be 'virtualized' in
                                -- from panel mode for units without front panel
                                -- interfaces.

                                when o"6246" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        srOP <= sropAC;
                                        acOP <= acopCLA;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6254: SINT - Skip on User Interrupt Flag

                                when o"6254" =>
                                    if USRTRP = '1' then
                                        pcOP <= pcopINC;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6255: PAC2 - Push AC to Stack 2.
                                -- The contents of the AC is loaded into the
                                -- memory location pointed to by the contents
                                -- of SP2. The contents of SP2 is then
                                -- decremented by 1.
                                -- The stacks are located in field 0 of memory.

                                when o"6255" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        maOP     <= maopSP2;
                                        mbOP     <= mbopAC;
                                        sp1OP    <= spopDEC;
                                        xmaOP    <= xmaopCLR;
                                        busOP    <= busopWRZF;
                                    end if;
                                -- IOT 6256: GCF
                                -- Get current fields and flags

                                when o"6256" =>
                                    acOP <= acopGCF;

                                -- IOF 6264: CUF - Clear User Flag
                                -- The CUF instruction clears the User Flag (UF) and
                                -- sets the Interrupt Inhibit Flip-Flop (II).

                                when o"6264" =>
                                    ubOP <= ubopCLR;
                                    iiOP <= iiopSET;

                                -- IOT 6265: RTN2 - Pop top of Stack 2 to PC
                                -- The contents of the stack pointer (SP2) is
                                -- incremented by one.  The contents of the
                                -- memory location pointed to by SP2 is loaded
                                -- into the PC.

                                when o"6265" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        sp2op     <= spopINC;
                                        nextState <= stateRTN2;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6266: CPD - Clear Panel Data Flag
                                -- Clears the Panel Data Flag (PDF) so that indirect
                                -- data operands of panel mode instructions are
                                -- obtained from main memory.

                                when o"6266" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        if CTRLFF = '1' then
                                            pdfOP <= pdfopCLR;
                                        end if;
                                    end if;

                                -- IOT 6274: SUF - Set User Flag
                                -- The SUF instruction sets the User Flag (UF) and
                                -- sets the Interrupt Inhibit Flip Flop (II).

                                when o"6274" =>
                                    ubOP <= ubopSET;
                                    iiOP <= iiopSET;

                                -- IOT 6275: POP2 - Pop top of Stack 2 to AC
                                -- The contents of SP2 is incremented by 1. The contents
                                -- of the memory location pointed to by SP2 is then
                                -- loaded into the AC.
                                -- The stacks are located in field 0 of memory.

                                when o"6275" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        maOP      <= maopSP2P1;
                                        sp2OP     <= spopINC;
                                        xmaOP     <= xmaopCLR;
                                        busOP     <= busopRDZFaddr;
                                        nextState <= statePOPaddr;
                                     end if;

                                -- IOT 6276: SPD - Set Panel Data Flag
                                -- Sets the Panel Data Flag (PDF) so that indirect
                                -- data operands of panel mode instructions are
                                -- obtained from panel memory.

                                when o"6276" =>
                                    if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                                        if CTRLFF = '1' then
                                            pdfOP <= pdfopSET;
                                        end if;
                                    end if;

                                -- Unhandled IOTs

                                when others =>

                                    if (IR(0 to 8) = o"600") or (IR(0 to 5)  = o"62") then

                                        -- Internal IOTS (600x and 62xx) that are
                                        -- not handled above.

                                        assert false report "Unhandled Internal IOT" severity warning;
                                        nextState <= stateLaLa;


                                        -- External IOTS.  Handled by external
                                        -- devices.

                                        maOP      <= maopIR;
                                        mbOP      <= mbopAC;
                                        busOP     <= busopIOTWR;
                                        nextState <= stateIOTdecode;

                                    end if;
                            end case;
                        end if;

                    -- Operate Instructions

                    when opOPR =>

                        if IR(3) = '0' then

                            -- Operate Group 1
                            --                        Group 1
                            --  |           |           |           |           |
                            --  |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
                            --  | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| 11|
                            --  | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |CLA|CLL|CMA|CML| R1| R2| R3|IAC|
                            --  |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
                            --                    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
                            --        Sequence:   1   1   2   2   4   4   4   3

                            -- Operate Group 1 Sequence 1 and Sequence 2
                            -- This state executes all combinations of Sequence 1
                            -- and Sequence 2 operations

                            case IR(4 to 7) is

                                -- OP 7000: NOP

                                when "0000" =>

                                -- OP 7020: CML - Complement Link Register
                                -- The contents of the LINK is complemented.

                                when "0001" =>
                                    acop <= acopCML;

                                -- OP 7040: CMA - Complement accumulator.
                                -- The contents of the AC is replaced by its
                                -- 1's  complement.

                                when "0010" =>
                                    acop <= acopCMA;

                                -- OP 7060: CMA CML
                                -- The contents of the LINK is complemented.
                                -- The contents of the AC is replaced by its
                                -- 1's complement.

                                when "0011" =>
                                    acOP <= acopCMACML;

                                -- OP 7100: CLL - Clear LINK
                                -- The LINK is set to zero.

                                when "0100" =>  -- CLL
                                    acOP <= acopCLL;

                                -- OP 7120: CLL CML (STL) - Set LINK.
                                -- Clear LINK then Complement LINK.  The LINK
                                -- is set to one.

                                when "0101" =>
                                    acop <= acopCLLCML;

                                -- OP 7140: CLL CMA -
                                -- Clear LINK and Complement accumulator,

                                when "0110" =>
                                    acOP <= acopCLLCMA;
                                -- OP 7160: CLL CMA CML - STL CMA
                                -- Set LINK and Complement accumulator,

                                when "0111" =>
                                    acOP <= acopCLLCMACML;

                                -- OP 7200: CLA - Clear accumulator
                                -- Load AC with "0000".

                                when "1000" =>
                                    acOP <= acopCLA;

                                -- OP 7220: CLA CML
                                -- Clear Accumulator and Complement LINK

                                when "1001" =>
                                    acOP <= acopCLACML;

                                -- OP 7240: CLA CMA (STA)
                                -- Clear Accumulator then Complement
                                -- Accumulator, or Set Accumulator.

                                when "1010" =>
                                    acOP <= acopCLACMA;

                                -- OP 7260: CLA CMA CML (STA CML)
                                -- Set Accumulator and Complement LINK.

                                when "1011" =>
                                    acOP <= acopCLACMACML;

                                -- OP 7300: CLA CLL
                                -- Clear AC and Clear LINK.

                                when "1100" =>
                                    acOP <= acopCLACLL;

                                -- OP 7320: CLA CLL CML
                                -- Clear AC and Set LINK

                                when "1101" =>
                                    acOP <= acopCLACLLCML;

                                -- OP 7340: CLA CLL CMA, STA CLL
                                -- Set Accumulator and Clear LINK

                                when "1110" =>
                                    acOP <= acopCLACLLCMA;

                                -- OP 7360: CLA CLL CMA CML, STA STL
                                -- Set Accumulator and Set LINK

                                when "1111" =>
                                    acOP <= acopCLACLLCMACML;

                                -- Everything else

                                when others =>

                            end case;

                            -- Determine the next state.  Skip states if
                            -- possible.

                            if IR(11) = '1' then
                                nextState <= stateOprGroup1Seq3;
                                if IR(8) = '1' or IR(9) = '1' or IR(10) = '1' then
                                    nextState <= stateOprGroup1Seq4;
                                    nextState <= stateDone;
                                end if;
                            end if;

                        else    -- IR(3) = '1'

                            if IR(11) = '0' then

                                -- Operate Group 2
                                --                        Group 2
                                --  |           |           |           |           |
                                --  |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
                                --  | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| 11|
                                --  | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |CLA|SMA|SZA|SNL| 0 |OSR|HLT| 0 |
                                --  | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |CLA|SPA|SNA|SZL| 1 |OSR|HLT| 0 |
                                --  |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
                                --                    |   |   |   |       |   |
                                --        Sequence:   2   1   1   1       3   3

                                -- This state handles Operating Group 2
                                -- Sequence 1

                                case IR(5 to 8) is

                                    -- OP 7400: NOP

                                    when "0000" =>

                                    -- OP 7410: SKP - SKIP
                                    -- The content of the PC is incremented by 1,
                                    -- to skip the next Instruction.

                                    when "0001" =>
                                        pcop <= pcopINC;

                                    -- OP 7420: SNL
                                    -- Skip if LINK = 1

                                    when "0010" =>
                                        if L = '1' then
                                            pcop <= pcopINC;
                                        end if;

                                    -- OP 7430: SZL
                                    -- Skip if LINK = 0

                                    when "0011" =>
                                        if L = '0' then
                                            pcop <= pcopINC;
                                        end if;

                                    -- OP 7440: SZA
                                    -- Skip on zero accumulator (AC = "0000")

                                    when "0100" =>
                                        if AC = o"0000" then
                                            pcop <= pcopINC;
                                        end if;

                                    -- OP 7450: SNA
                                    -- Skip on non-zero accumulator

                                    when "0101" =>
                                        if AC /= o"0000" then
                                            pcop <= pcopINC;
                                        end if;

                                    -- OP 7460: SZA SNL
                                    -- Skip if AC="0000" or if LINK = 1

                                    when "0110" =>
                                        if ((AC = o"0000") or (L = '1')) then
                                            pcop <= pcopINC;
                                        end if;

                                    -- OP 7470: SNA SZL
                                    -- Skip if AC not "0000" and if LINK = 1

                                    when "0111" =>
                                        if ((AC /= o"0000") and (L = '0')) then
                                            pcop <= pcopINC;
                                        end if;

                                    -- OP 7500: SMA
                                    -- Skip on negative (minus) accumulator (AC0=1)

                                    when "1000" =>
                                        if AC(0) = '1' then
                                            pcop <= pcopINC;
                                        end if;

                                    -- OP 7510: SPA
                                    -- Skip on positive accumulator (AC0=0)

                                    when "1001" =>
                                        if AC(0) = '0' then
                                            pcop <= pcopINC;
                                        end if;

                                    -- OP 7520: SMA SNL
                                    -- Skip if AC is negative (minus) or if LINK is 1

                                    when "1010" =>
                                        if ((AC(0) = '1') or (L = '1')) then
                                            pcop <= pcopINC;
                                        end if;

                                    -- OP 7530: SPA SZL
                                    -- Skip if AC is positive and if LINK is 0

                                    when "1011" =>
                                        if ((AC(0) = '0') and (L = '0')) then
                                            pcop <= pcopINC;
                                        end if;

                                    -- OP 7540: SMA SZA - Skip if AC is minus or zero

                                    when "1100" =>
                                        if ((AC(0) = '1') or (AC = o"0000")) then
                                            pcop <= pcopINC;
                                        end if;

                                    -- OP 7550: SPA SNA
                                    -- Skip if AC is positive and non-zero

                                    when "1101" =>
                                        if ((AC(0) = '0') and (AC /= o"0000")) then
                                            pcop <= pcopINC;
                                        end if;

                                    -- OP 7560: SMA SZA SNL
                                    -- Skip if AC is minus or if AC="0000" or if LINK is 1

                                    when "1110" =>
                                        if ((AC(0) = '1') or (AC = o"0000") or (L = '1')) then
                                            pcop <= pcopINC;
                                        end if;

                                    -- OP 7570: SPA SNA SZL
                                    -- Skip if AC is positive, nonzero, and if LINK is zero.

                                    when "1111" =>
                                        if ((AC(0) = '0') and (AC /= o"0000") and (L = '0')) then
                                            pcop <= pcopINC;
                                        end if;

                                    -- Everything else

                                    when others =>

                                end case;

                                -- Determine if there are any Group 2 Sequence
                                -- 2 operations to perform.  Skip states if not.

                                if IR(4) = '1' or IR(9) = '1' or IR(10) = '1' then
                                    nextState <= stateOprGroup2Seq2;
                                    nextstate <= stateDone;
                                end if;

                            else  -- IR(11) = '1'

                                -- Decode Group 3 Sequence 1,2 Opcode
                                --                        Group 3
                                --  |           |           |           |           |
                                --  |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
                                --  | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| 11|
                                --  | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |CLA|MQA| 0 |MQL| 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
                                --  |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
                                --                    |   |       |
                                --        Sequence:   1   2       2
                                -- Note: In the state machine, Sequence 1 and Sequence 2
                                -- are handled together to save time (cycles).
                                -- Operate Group 3, 3A and 3B instructions.
                                -- HD6120: If bits 6, 8, 9 or 10 are set to a
                                -- one, instruction execution is not altered but the
                                -- instruction becomes uninterruptable by either
                                -- panel or normal interrupts.  That is, the next
                                -- instruction is guaranteed to be fetched barring
                                -- a reset, DMAREQ or RUN/HLT flip flop in the
                                -- HLT state.

                                if ((swCPU = swHD6120 and IR( 6) = '1') or
                                    (swCPU = swHD6120 and IR( 8) = '1') or
                                    (swCPU = swHD6120 and IR( 9) = '1') or
                                    (swCPU = swHD6120 and IR(10) = '1')) then
                                    idOP <= idopSET;
                                end if;

                                -- OP 74x1: EAE Instructions
                                -- The PDP8/L had no provision for EAE
                                -- These instructions were only available pre
                                -- PDP8/E if EAE was added.
                                -- These instruction work on PDP8/E and later
                                -- without EAE.

                                if ((swCPU = swPDP8  and swOPT.KE8 = '1') or
                                    (swCPU = swPDP8S and swOPT.KE8 = '1') or
                                    (swCPU = swPDP8I and swOPT.KE8 = '1') or
                                    -- PDP8L never supported EAE
                                    (swCPU = swPDP8E) or
                                    (swCPU = swPDP8F) or
                                    (swCPU = swPDP8M) or
                                    (swCPU = swPDP8A) or
                                    (swCPU = swHD6120)) then

                                    EAEIR := IR(4) & IR(5) & IR(7) & '0';
                                    case EAEIR(0 to 2) is

                                        -- OP 7401: NOP

                                        when "000" =>

                                        -- OP 7421: MQL - MQ register load
                                        -- The MQ is loaded with the contents of the
                                        -- AC and the AC is cleared. The original
                                        -- contents of the MQ is lost.

                                        when "001" =>
                                            mqOP <= mqopAC;
                                            acOP <= acopCLA;

                                        -- OP 7501: MQA - MQ "OR" with accumulator.
                                        -- OR the contents of the MQ is "OR"ed with
                                        -- the contents of the AC, and the result left
                                        -- in the AC.  The MQ is not modified.

                                        when "010" =>
                                            acOP <= acopORMQ;

                                        -- OP 7521: SWP - Swap contents of AC and MQ.
                                        -- The contents of the AC and MQ are exchanged
                                        -- The SWP instruction does not work on
                                        -- Straight 8 (PDP8)

                                        when "011" =>
                                            if ((swCPU = swPDP8) or
                                                (swCPU = swPDP8I)) then
                                                -- What should this do?
                                                acOP <= acopNOP;
                                                mqOP <= mqopNOP;
                                                acOP <= acopMQ;
                                                mqOP <= mqopAC;
                                            end if;

                                        -- OP 7601: CLA - Clear Accumulator
                                        -- The accumulator may be cleared prior to other
                                        -- group three microcoded operations. Unless
                                        -- microcoded with other group three instructions,
                                        -- PDP-8 assemblers generally assume that the CLA
                                        -- mnemonic refers to the group one instruction.

                                        when "100" =>
                                            acOP <= acopCLA;

                                        -- OP 7621: CLA/MQL - CAM - Clear AC and MQ
                                        -- This instruction first clears AC, so the
                                        -- result is to clear both AC and MQ.

                                        when "101" =>
                                            acOP <= acopCLA;
                                            mqOP <= mqopCLR;

                                        -- OP 7701: CLA MQA - ACL - Microcode CLA MQA
                                        -- This instruction first clears AC, so the
                                        -- result is to load AC with the contents
                                        -- of MQ.

                                        when "110" =>
                                            acOP <= acopMQ;

                                        -- OP 7721: CLA SWP - Clear AC, then swap.
                                        -- The MQ is loaded into the AC;
                                        -- "0000" is loaded into the MQ.

                                        when "111" =>
                                            acOP <= acopMQ;
                                            mqOP <= mqopCLR;

                                        -- Everything else

                                        when others =>

                                    end case;

                                    -- Group 3 Sequence 3 instruction are
                                    -- supported with EAE installed.

                                    if swOPT.KE8 = '1' then
                                        nextState <= stateOprGroup3Seq3;
                                        nextstate <= stateDone;
                                    end if;

                                end if;  -- Group 3
                            end if;  -- IR(11)
                        end if;  -- IR(3)

                    -- Everything else

                    when others =>

                end case;

            -- IOT Decode State
            -- The previous state peformed an IOT write cycle.  This state
            -- decides the devc and skip that is return by the IOT interface.

            when stateIOTdecode =>

                -- Handle Skip

                if dev.skip = '1' then
                    pcOP <= pcopINC;
                end if;

                -- Handle CLA

                if dev.devc = devWRCLR or dev.devc = devRDCLR then
                    acOP <= acopCLA;
                end if;

                -- Handle RD and WR

                if dev.devc = devRD or dev.devc = devRDCLR then
                    busOP     <= busopRDIOT;
                    nextState <= stateIOT;
                    nextState <= stateDone;
                end if;

            -- stateIOT:
            -- The previous state performed a Read Data Cycle.  OR the IOT data
            -- that was read with AC.

            when stateIOT =>
                acOP      <= acopORMD;
                nextState <= stateDone;

            -- Operate Group1 Sequence 3 State

            when stateOprGroup1Seq3 =>

                -- OP 7001: IAC - Increment accumulator.
                -- The contents of the AC is incremented by 1.
                -- Carry out complements the LINK.

                if IR(11) = '1' then
                    acOP <= acopIAC;
                end if;

                -- Determine the next state

                if IR(8) = '1' or IR(9) = '1' or IR(10) = '1' then
                    nextState <= stateOprGroup1Seq4;
                    nextState <= stateDone;
                end if;

            -- Operate Group1 Sequence 4 State

            when stateOprGroup1Seq4 =>

                case IR(8 to 10) is

                    -- OP 7000: NOP

                    when "000" =>

                    -- OP 7002: BSW - Byte swap

                    when "001" =>

                        -- PDP-8/E and later
                        -- OP 7002: BSW - Byte swap
                        -- AC<O-5> are exchanged with AC<6-11> respectively.
                        -- The LINK is not changed.

                        if ((swCPU = swPDP8E) or
                            (swCPU = swPDP8F) or
                            (swCPU = swPDP8A) or
                            (swCPU = swHD6120)) then
                            acOP <= acopBSW;

                        -- Pre PDP8/E
                        -- OP 7002: Equivalent to a NOP


                        end if;

                    -- OP 7004: RAL - Rotate accumulator left.
                    -- The contents of the AC and LINK are rotated one
                    -- binary position to the left. AC(O) is shifted to
                    -- LINK and LINK is shifted to AC(11).
                    -- RAL combined with IAC only works on PDP8I and later
                    -- RAL combined with CMA is broke on on PDP8S

                    when "010" =>
                        if ((swCPU = swPDP8  and IR(11) = '1') or
                            (swCPU = swPDP8S and IR(11) = '1')) then
                            -- What should this do?
                            acOP <= acopNOP;
                        elsif swCPU = swPDP8S and IR(6) = '1' then
                            -- What should this do?
                            acOP <= acopNOP;
                            acOP <= acopRAL;
                        end if;

                    -- OP 7006: RTL - Rotate two left.
                    -- Equivalent to two RAL's.
                    -- RTL combined with IAC only works on PDP8I and later
                    -- RTL combined with CMA is broke on on PDP8S

                    when "011" =>
                        if ((swCPU = swPDP8  and IR(11) = '1') or
                            (swCPU = swPDP8S and IR(11) = '1')) then
                            -- What should this do?
                            acOP <= acopNOP;
                        elsif swCPU = swPDP8S and IR(6) = '1' then
                            -- What should this do?
                            acOP <= acopNOP;
                            acOP <= acopRTL;
                        end if;

                    -- OP 7010: RAR - Rotate accumulator right.
                    -- The contents of the AC and LINK are rotated one
                    -- binary position to the right.  AC(11) is shifted
                    -- into the LINK, and LINK is shifted to AC(O).
                    -- RAR combined with IAC only works on PDP8I and later
                    -- RAR combined with CMA is broke on on PDP8S

                    when "100" =>
                        if ((swCPU = swPDP8  and IR(11) = '1') or
                            (swCPU = swPDP8S and IR(11) = '1')) then
                            -- What should this do?
                            acOP <= acopNOP;
                        elsif swCPU = swPDP8S and IR(6) = '1' then
                            -- What should this do?
                            acOP <= acopNOP;
                            acOP <= acopRAR;
                        end if;

                    -- OP 7012: RTR - Rotate two right.
                    -- Equivalent to two RAR's.
                    -- RTR combined with IAC only works on PDP8I and later
                    -- RTR combined with CMA is broke on on PDP8S

                    when "101" =>
                        if ((swCPU = swPDP8  and IR(11) = '1') or
                            (swCPU = swPDP8S and IR(11) = '1')) then
                            -- What should this do?
                            acOP <= acopNOP;
                        elsif swCPU = swPDP8S and IR(6) = '1' then
                            -- What should this do?
                            acOP <= acopNOP;
                            acOP <= acopRTR;
                        end if;

                    -- OP 7014: PDP8: UNDEF1
                    --   Sneak path though the AND array  This instruction
                    --   produced predicable but undocumented results.
                    -- OP 7014: PDP8E, PDP8F, PDP8M, PDP8A
                    --   NOP.  Verified on David Gesswein's PDP8E
                    -- OP 7014: HD6120:  R3L - Rotate 3 Left.
                    --   Rotate AC (but not LINK) left 3 places.
                    --   AC(0) is rotated into AC(9),
                    --   AC(1) is rotated into AC(10),
                    --   AC(2) is rotated into AC(11),
                    --   AC(3) is rotated into AC(1), etc

                    when "110" =>
                        if swCPU = swHD6120 then
                            acOP <= acopR3L;
                        elsif ((swCPU = swPDP8E) or
                               (swCPU = swPDP8F) or
                               (swCPU = swPDP8M) or
                               (swCPU = swPDP8A)) then
                            acOP <= acopNOP;
                            acOP <= acopUNDEF1;
                        end if;

                    -- OP 7016: UNDEF2: Sneak though addr.  This instruction
                    -- produced predicable but undocumented results.
                    -- Verified on David Gesswein's PDP8E

                    when "111" =>
                        acOP <= acopUNDEF2;

                    -- Everything else

                    when others =>

                end case;
                nextState <= stateDone;

            -- Operate Group 2 Sequence 2 State

            when stateOprGroup2Seq2 =>

                -- In USER mode, the OSR and HLT instructions are privledged
                -- and generate a User Mode interrupt.

                if ((UF = '1' and IR( 9) = '1') or
                    (UF = '1' and IR(10) = '1')) then
                    if IR(4) = '1' then
                        acOP <= acopCLA;
                    end if;
                    usrtrpOP  <= usrtrpopSET;


                    -- OP 7402: HLT - HALT
                    -- OP 7406: OSR HLT - HALT
                    -- OP 7606: CLA OSR HLT, LAS HLT - HALT
                    -- The HALT Operation is not particularly sequence
                    -- sensitive so it is decoded here.  The CPU will halt at
                    -- the end of the current instruction.

                    if IR(10) = '1' then
                        hlttrpOP <= hlttrpopSET;
                    end if;

                    if IR(9) = '1' then

                        -- OP 7604: LAS : Load AC with Switches.

                        if IR(4) = '1' then
                            acOP <= acopLAS;

                        -- OP 7404: OSR : OR Switch Register with accumulator.

                            acOP <= acopOSR;

                        end if;


                        -- OP 7600: CLA - Clear Accumulator

                        if IR(4) = '1' then
                            acOP <= acopCLA;

                        end if;

                    end if;

                end if;
                nextState <= stateDone;

            -- Operate Group 3 Sequence 3 Mode A State

            when stateOprGroup3Seq3 =>

                --                    Group 3 Mode A
                --  |           |           |           |           |
                --  |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
                --  | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| 11|
                --  | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |CLA|MQA|SCA|MQL|   |   |   | 1 |
                --  |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
                --                    |   |       | |           |
                --      Sequence:     1   2       2  \____3____/
                --                                        V
                --                              0 = NOP       4 = NMI
                --                              1 = SCL       5 = SHL
                --                              2 = MUY       6 = ASR
                --                              3 = DVI       7 = LSR
                --                    Group 3 Mode B
                --  |           |           |           |           |
                --  |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
                --  | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| 11|
                --  | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |CLA|MQA|   |MQL|   |   |   | 1 |
                --  |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
                --                    |   | |     |             |
                --      Sequence:     1   2  \    2            /
                --                            \_______3_______/
                --                                    V
                --                          0 = NOP       10 = SCA
                --                          1 = ACS       11 = DAD
                --                          2 = MUY       12 = DST
                --                          3 = DVI       13 = SWBA
                --                          4 = NMI       14 = DPSZ
                --                          5 = SHL       15 = DPIC (MQL & MQA set)
                --                          6 = ASR       16 = DCM  (MQL & MQA set)
                --                          7 = LSR       17 = SAM

                if IR = o"7431" then

                    -- OP 7431: SWAB - Switch from A to B.  The SWAB
                    -- instruction cannot be microprogrammed with any of the
                    -- Mode 3A or Mode 3B instructions.
                    -- EAE Mode B was only available on PDP8/E, PDP8/F, PDP8/M,
                    -- PDP8/A with EAE.

                    if ((swCPU = swPDP8E) or
                        (swCPU = swPDP8F) or
                        (swCPU = swPDP8M) or
                        (swCPU = swPDP8A)) then
                        emodeOP   <= emodeopSET;
                        nextState <= stateDone;
                    end if;

                elsif IR = o"7447" then

                    -- SWBA - Switch from B to A.   Clear GTF.  The SWBA
                    -- instruction cannot be microprogrammed with any of the
                    -- Mode 3A or Mode 3B instructions.

                    emodeOP   <= emodeopCLR;
                    gtfOP     <= gtfopCLR;
                    nextState <= stateDone;


                    -- EAE Mode A Operations clear GTF

                    if EMODE = '0' then
                        gtfOP <= gtfopCLR;
                    end if;

                    -- All the Mode 3A and Mode 3B instructions

                    EAEIR := IR(6) & IR(8) & IR(9) & IR(10);
                    case EAEIR is

                        -- OP 7401: NOP

                        when opEAENOP =>
                            nextState <= stateDone;

                        -- OP 7403: MODEA: SCL
                        --          MODEB: ACS

                        when "0001" =>

                            if EMODE = '0' then

                                -- SCL - Step Counter Load from Memory.  The SCL
                                -- instruction is a two-word instruction.  The
                                -- value to load is contained in the operand
                                -- which is located at the next memory
                                -- location. Begin the fetch of the operand.

                                maOP      <= maopPC;
                                pcOP      <= pcopINC;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateEAEfetchAddr;


                                -- ACS - Accumulator to Step Count.
                                -- AC(7 to 11) are loaded into the Step Counter
                                -- then the AC is cleared.

                                scOP      <= scopAC7to11;
                                acOP      <= acopCLA;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            end if;

                        -- OP 7405: MUY - Multiply.  The Multiply instruction
                        -- is a two-word instruction.  The second word is
                        -- either the multiplier or the address of the multiplier
                        -- depending on the mode.  Begin the fetch of the operand.

                        when opEAEMUY =>
                            maOP      <= maopPC;
                            pcOP      <= pcopINC;
                            xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                            busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                            nextState <= stateEAEfetchAddr;

                        -- OP 7407: DVI - Divide.  The Divide instruction
                        -- is a two-word instruction.  The second word is
                        -- either the divisor or the address of the divisor
                        -- depending on the mode.  Begin the fetch of the operand.

                        when opEAEDVI =>
                            maOP      <= maopPC;
                            pcOP      <= pcopINC;
                            xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                            busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                            nextState <= stateEAEfetchAddr;

                        -- OP 7411: NMI
                        -- The Step Counter is initially cleared.

                        when opEAENMI =>
                            scOP      <= scopCLR;
                            nextState <= stateEAEnmi;

                        -- OP 7413: SHL - Shift Left.  The shift left
                        -- instruction is a two-word instruction. The number of
                        -- shifts is contained in operand which is located at
                        -- the next memory location.  Begin the fetch of the operand.

                        when opEAESHL =>
                            maOP      <= maopPC;
                            xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                            pcOP      <= pcopINC;
                            xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                            busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                            nextState <= stateEAEfetchAddr;

                        -- OP 7415: ASR - Arithmetic Shift Right.
                        -- The number of shifts is contained in operand which
                        -- is contained in the next memory location.  Begin the
                        -- fetch of the operand.

                        when opEAEASR =>
                            maOP      <= maopPC;
                            xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                            pcOP      <= pcopINC;
                            busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                            nextState <= stateEAEfetchAddr;

                        -- OP 7417: LSR - Logical Shift Right
                        -- The number of shifts is contained in operand which
                        -- is located at the next memory location.  Begin the
                        -- fetch of the operand.

                        when opEAELSR =>
                            maOP      <= maopPC;
                            xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                            pcOP      <= pcopINC;
                            busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                            nextState <= stateEAEfetchAddr;

                        -- OP 7441: SCA - Step Count OR with AC

                        when opEAESCA =>
                            acop      <= acopSCA;
                            nextState <= stateDone;

                        -- OP 7443: MODEA SCA/SCL
                        --          MODEB DAD

                        when opEAEDAD =>

                            if EMODE = '0' then

                                -- SCA/SCL - Step Counter Load from Memory.  The SCL
                                -- instruction is a two-word instruction.  The
                                -- value to load is contained in the operand
                                -- which is located at the next memory
                                -- location.  Begin the fetch of the operand.

                                acop      <= acopSCA;
                                pcOP      <= pcopINC;
                                maOP      <= maopPC;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateEAEfetchAddr;


                                -- DAD - Double Precision Add.  The DAD
                                -- instruction is a three-word instruction. The
                                -- second word is the first operand which is
                                -- the address of the LSW of the addend.  Begin
                                -- the fetch of the first operand.

                                pcOP      <= pcopINC;
                                maOP      <= maopPC;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateEAEfetchAddr;

                            end if;

                        -- OP 7445: MODEA: SCA/MUY
                        --          MODEB: DST

                        when opEAEDST =>

                            if EMODE = '0' then

                                -- SCA/MUY - Multiply.  The Multiply instruction
                                -- is a two-word instruction.  The second word is
                                -- either the multiplier or the address of the multiplier
                                -- depending on the mode.  Begin the fetch of the operand.

                                acop      <= acopSCA;
                                pcOP      <= pcopINC;
                                maOP      <= maopPC;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateEAEfetchAddr;


                                -- DST - Double Precision Store.

                                pcOP      <= pcopINC;
                                maOP      <= maopPC;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateEAEfetchAddr;

                            end if;

                        -- OP 7451: MODEA: SCA/NMI
                        --          MODEB: DPSZ

                        when opEAEDPSZ =>

                            if EMODE = '0' then

                                -- SCA/NMI -
                                -- The Step Counter is initially cleared.

                                acop      <= acopSCA;
                                scOP      <= scopCLR;
                                nextState <= stateDone;


                                -- DPSZ - Double Precision Skip if Zero

                                if AC = o"0000" and MQ = o"0000" then
                                    pcop  <= pcopINC;
                                end if;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            end if;

                        -- OP 7453: MODEA: SCA/SHL
                        --          MODEB: DPIC

                        when opEAEDPIC =>

                            if EMODE = '0' then

                                -- SCA/SHL - SCA combined with SHL

                                acOP      <= acopSCA;
                                maOP      <= maopPC;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                pcOP      <= pcopINC;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateEAEfetchAddr;


                                -- DPIC - Double Precision Increment
                                -- Note: AC and MQ were previously swapped because
                                -- this instruction must be micro-coded with MQL and MQA.

                                if AC = o"7777" then
                                    mqOP <= mqopCLR;
                                    if MQ = o"7777" then
                                       acOP <= acopCLACLLCML;
                                       acOP <= acopMQP1;
                                    end if;
                                    mqOP <= mqopACP1;
                                    acOP <= acopZMQ;
                                end if;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            end if;

                        -- OP 7455: MODEA: SCA/ASR
                        --          MODEB: DCM

                        when opEAEDCM =>

                            if EMODE = '0' then

                                -- SCA/ASR - SCA combined with ASR

                                maOP      <= maopPC;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                acOP      <= acopSCA;
                                pcOP      <= pcopINC;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateEAEfetchAddr;


                                -- DCM - Double Precision Complement.
                                -- The 24-bit number in AC and MQ is complemented and
                                -- incremented. This has the effect of two complementing
                                -- the 24-bit number.  The high-order carry is propigated
                                -- into the link register.
                                -- Note: AC and MQ were previously swapped because
                                -- this instruction must be micro-coded with MQL and MQA.

                                if AC = o"0000" then
                                    mqOP <= mqopCLR;
                                    if MQ = o"0000" then
                                        acOP <= acopCLACLLCML;
                                        acOP <= acopNEGMQ;
                                    end if;
                                    mqOP <= mqopNEGAC;
                                    acOP <= acopNOTMQ;
                                end if;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            end if;

                        -- OP 7457: MODEA: SCA/LSR
                        --          MODEB: SAM

                        when opEAESAM =>

                            if EMODE = '0' then

                                -- SCA/LSR - SCA combined with LSR

                                maOP      <= maopPC;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                                pcOP      <= pcopINC;
                                acOP      <= acopSCA;
                                busOP     <= busopRDIFaddr;
                                nextState <= stateEAEfetchAddr;


                                -- SAM - Subtract AC from MQ.
                                -- GTF is set if signed MQ >= signed AC
                                -- otherwise GTF is cleared.

                                acOP  <= acopMQSUB;
                                if signed(MQ) >= signed(AC) then
                                    gtfOP <= gtfopSET;
                                    gtfOP <= gtfopCLR;
                                end if;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            end if;

                        -- Everything else

                        when others =>
                            assert false report "stateOprGroup3Seq3: Undecoded instruction" severity warning;
                            nextState <= stateDone;

                    end case;

                end if;

            -- This state performs a read address cycle.
            -- The next state will do a read data bus.

            when stateMRIreadAddr =>
                xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
                busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
                if ((IR(3 to 4) = amDZ) or IR(3 to 4) = amDC) then
                    nextState <= stateMRIexecute;
                    nextState <= stateMRIreadDataIND;
                end if;

            -- This state perfored a read data bus cycle.
            -- The data that was read is in MD.

            when stateMRIreadDataIND =>

                if MA(0 to 8) = maAutoIncr then

                    -- Writeback auto incremented data.
                    --  MB <- MD + 1
                    --  MEM[IF'MA] <- MB

                    mbOP      <= mbopMDP1;
                    xmaOP     <= xmaopIF;
                    busOP     <= busopWRIF;
                    nextState <= stateMRIreadINCaddr;


                    -- Non-autoincrement addresses
                    -- Start address phase of indirect data read
                    -- Address input is in MD

                    case IR(0 to 2) is
                        -- MA <- MD
                        -- MD <- MEM[IB'MA]

                        when opJMS | opJMP =>
                            maOP      <= maopMD;
                            xmaOP     <= xmaopIB;
                            busOP     <= busopRDIBaddr;
                            nextState <= stateMRIexecute;
                            -- MA <- MB
                            -- MD <- MEM[DF'MA]
                        when others =>
                            maOP      <= maopMD;
                            xmaOP     <= xmaopDF;
                            busOP     <= busopRDDFaddr;
                            nextState <= stateMRIreadINDdata;
                    end case;

                end if;

            -- Start address phase of indirect data read
            -- Address input is in MB

            when stateMRIreadINCaddr =>
                case IR(0 to 2) is

                    -- MA <- MB
                    -- MD <- MEM[IB'MA]
                    when opJMS | opJMP =>
                        maOP      <= maopMB;
                        xmaOP     <= xmaopIB;
                        busOP     <= busopRDIBaddr;
                        nextState <= stateMRIexecute;

                    -- MA <- MB
                    -- MD <- MEM[DF'MA]
                    when others =>
                        maOP      <= maopMB;
                        xmaOP     <= xmaopDF;
                        busOP     <= busopRDDFaddr;
                        nextState <= stateMRIreadINDdata;
                end case;

            -- Start data phase of indirect data read
            --  MD <- MEM[DF'MA]

            when stateMRIreadINDdata =>
                xmaOP     <= xmaopDF;
                busOP     <= busopRDDFdata;
                nextState <= stateMRIexecute;

            -- Dispatch the MRI ops.   The previous state was a read data cycle.
            --  The data is in MD and the address is MA.

            when stateMRIexecute =>
                case IR(0 to 2) is

                    --  AC <- AC and MD
                    when opAND =>
                        acOP      <= acopANDMD;
                        nextState <= stateDone;

                    -- AC <- AC + MD
                    when opTAD =>
                        acOP      <= acopADDMD;
                        nextState <= stateDone;

                    -- MB <- MD + 1
                    -- IF MD = 7777 (or MB = 0000) Then
                    --    PC <- PC + 1;
                    -- ENDIF
                    -- IF ISZ DIRECT THEN
                    --    MEM[IF'MA] <- MB
                    -- ELSE
                    --    MEM[DF'MA] <- MB
                    -- ENDIF
                    -- Note: Checking MD against 7777 saves a state...
                    when opISZ =>
                        mbOP <= mbopMDP1;
                        if MD = o"7777" then
                            pcOP <= pcopINC;
                        end if;
                        if ((IR(3 to 4) = amDZ) or IR(3 to 4) = amDC) then
                            xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
                            busOP <= busopWRIF;
                            xmaOP <= xmaopDF;
                            busOP <= busopWRDF;
                        end if;
                        nextState <= stateDone;

                    -- MB <- AC
                    -- AC <- 0000
                    -- IF DCA DIRECT THEN
                    --    MEM[IF'MA] <- MB
                    -- ELSE
                    --    MEM[DF'MA] <- MB
                    -- ENDIF
                    when opDCA =>
                        mbOP <= mbopAC;
                        acOP <= acopCLA;
                        if ((IR(3 to 4) = amDZ) or IR(3 to 4) = amDC) then
                            xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
                            busOP <= busopWRIF;
                            xmaOP <= xmaopDF;
                            busOP <= busopWRDF;
                        end if;
                        nextState <= stateDone;

                    -- opJMS
                    -- When the PEX Flip-flop is set, the CPU shall exit from
                    -- Panel Mode to Main Memory (i.e., clear CTRLFF) during
                    -- the next JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2 instruction.  PEX is
                    -- cleared by the JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN instruction.
                    -- IF <- IB
                    -- UF <- UB
                    -- IIFF <- '0'
                    -- MB <- PC
                    -- MEM[IB'MA] <- MB
                    -- IF PEX = '1' THEN
                    --    CTRLFF <- '0'
                    --    PEX    <- '0'
                    -- ENDIF
                    when opJMS =>
                        ifOP     <= ifopIB;
                        ufOP     <= ufopUB;
                        wrOP     <= '1';
                        mbOP     <= mbopPC;
                        pcOP     <= pcopMAP1;
                        xmaOP    <= xmaopIB;
                        memselOP <= '1';
                        busOP    <= busopWRIB;
                        if PEX = '1' then
                            ctrlffOP <= ctrlffopCLR;
                            pexOP    <= pexopCLR;
                        end if;
                        nextState <= stateDone;

                    -- opJMP
                    -- When the PEX Flip-flop is set, the CPU shall exit from
                    -- Panel Mode to Main Memory (i.e., clear CTRLFF) during
                    -- the next JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2 instruction.  PEX is
                    -- cleared by the JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN instruction.
                    -- IF <- IB
                    -- UF <- UB
                    -- PC <- MA
                    -- IF PEX = '1' THEN
                    --    CTRLFF <- '0'
                    --    PEX    <- '0'
                    -- ENDIF
                    when opJMP =>
                        ifOP <= ifopIB;
                        ufOP <= ufopUB;
                        pcOP <= pcopMA;
                        if PEX = '1' then
                            ctrlffOP <= ctrlffopCLR;
                            pexOP    <= pexopCLR;
                        end if;
                        nextState <= stateDone;

                    -- Can't get to any of these
                    when opIOT =>
                        assert false report "stateMRIexecute: IOT direct." severity warning;
                        nextState <= stateDone;
                    when opOPR =>
                        assert false report "stateMRIexecute: OPR direct." severity warning;
                        nextState <= stateDone;
                    when others =>
                        assert false report "stateMRIexecute: Others direct." severity warning;
                        nextState <= stateDone;
                end case;

            -- The previous state set the MA register
            -- This state handles the address phase of the read cycle.
            --  MD <- MEM[IF,MA]

            when stateEAEfetchAddr =>
                busOP     <= busopRDIFdata;
                nextState <= stateEAEfetchData;

            -- This is the data phase of the EAE second word read.
            -- At the end of this cycle, the second word is in the MD register.
            --  MD <- MEM[IF,MA]
            -- This state will re-dispatch EAE ops that have a single operand
            -- that is used as 'immediate data'.  This state will begin the
            -- fetch of indirect data for EAE ops with indirect operands.

            when stateEAEfetchData =>

                EAEIR := IR(6) & IR(8) & IR(9) & IR(10);
                case EAEIR is

                    -- OP 7401: NOP

                    when opEAENOP =>
                        nextState <= stateDone;

                    -- OP 7403: MODEA: SCL
                    --          MODEB: ACS

                    when opEAEACS =>

                        if EMODE = '0' then

                            -- SCL - The ones complement of the last five bits
                            -- of this operand are loaded into the Step Counter
                            -- and the program resumes at the instruction word
                            -- following the operand.

                            scOP      <= scopNOTMD7to11;
                            nextState <= stateDone;


                            -- ACS - Accumulator to Step Count.
                            -- The ACS instruction doesn't re-dispatch here.
                            -- You shouldn't get here.

                            assert false report "stateEAEfetchData: ACS should not re-dispatch here" severity warning;
                            nextState <= stateLALA;

                        end if;
                    -- OP 7405: MUY - Multiply.
                    -- In MODEA, the operand is the multiplier.
                    -- In MODEB, the operand is the address of the multipler,
                    -- which is possibly pre-incremented before use.  Start the
                    -- multiply operation.

                    when opEAEMUY =>
                        if EMODE = '0' then
                            EAEop     <= eaeopMUY;
                            nextState <= stateEAEmuy;
                            if MA(3 to 11) = maAutoIncr then

                                -- Start the writeback of the incremented data

                                wrOP      <= '1';
                                mbOP      <= mbopMDP1;
                                datafOP   <= '1';
                                memselOP  <= '1';
                                nextState <= stateEAEindWrite;


                                -- Start address phase of indirect data read

                                maOP      <= maopMD;
                                datafOP   <= '1';
                                memselOP  <= '1';
                                nextState <= stateEAEindReadAddr;

                            end if;
                        end if;

                    -- OP 7407: DVI - Divide
                    -- In MODEA, the operand is the divisor
                    -- In MODEB, the operand is the address of the divisor
                    -- which is possibly pre-incremented before use.  The
                    -- divisor is in MD.

                    when opEAEDVI =>
                        if EMODE = '0' then

                            -- Handle divide overflow condition

                            if AC >= MD then
                                scOP      <= scopCLR;
                                acOP      <= acopCLLCML;
                                mqOP      <= mqopSHL1;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            -- Handle normal divide condition

                                mqaOP     <= mqaopMQ;
                                scOP      <= scopCLR;
                                acOP      <= acopCLL;
                                nextState <= stateEAEsubDVI;

                            end if;

                            if MA(3 to 11) = maAutoIncr then

                                -- Start the writeback of the incremented data

                                wrOP      <= '1';
                                mbOP      <= mbopMDP1;
                                --DATAFOP OR IFETCHOP
                                memselOP  <= '1';
                                nextState <= stateEAEindWrite;


                                -- Start address phase of indirect data read

                                maOP      <= maopMD;
                                datafOP   <= '1';
                                memselOP  <= '1';
                                nextState <= stateEAEindReadAddr;

                            end if;
                        end if;

                    -- OP 7411: NMI - Normalize
                    -- The NMI instruction doesn't re-dispatch here.
                    -- You shouldn't get here.

                    when opEAENMI =>
                        assert false report "stateEAEfetchData: NMI should not re-dispatch here" severity warning;
                        nextState <= stateLALA;

                    -- OP 7413: SHL - Shift Left.
                    -- The second word of the two-word instruction defines the
                    -- number of shifts to be performed. In Mode A, the number
                    -- of shifts performed is equal to one more than the number
                    -- in the last five bits of the second word.  In Mode B,
                    -- the number of shifts performed is equal to the number in
                    -- the last five bits of the second word.  A shift count of
                    -- zero is legal, and leaves the link, AC, and MQ registers
                    -- unchaged.

                    when opEAESHL =>
                        if EMODE = '0' then

                            -- Mode A:
                            -- Handle case where SHL Shift count is maxed out.

                            if unsigned(MD(7 to 11)) > 24 then
                                scOP      <= scopCLR;
                                mqOP      <= mqopCLR;
                                acOP      <= acopCLACLL;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            -- Mode A:
                            -- Normal case where SHL shift count not maxed out.

                                scOP      <= scopMDP1;
                                nextState <= stateEAEshift;

                            end if;


                            -- Mode B:
                            -- Handle case where SHL Shift count is maxed out.

                            if unsigned(MD(7 to 11)) > 25 then
                                scOP      <= scopSET;
                                mqOP      <= mqopCLR;
                                acOP      <= acopCLACLL;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            -- Mode B:
                            -- Handle case where SHL Shift count is zero

                            elsif unsigned(MD(7 to 11)) = 0 then
                                scOP      <= scopSET;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            -- Mode B:
                            -- Normal case where SHL shift count not maxed out.

                                scOP      <= scopMD7to11;
                                nextState <= stateEAEshift;

                            end if;
                        end if;

                    -- OP 7415: ASR - Arithmetic Shift Right.
                    -- The second word of the two-word instruction defines the
                    -- number of shifts to be performed. In Mode A, the number
                    -- of shifts performed is equal to one more than the number
                    -- in the last five bits of the second word.  In Mode B,
                    -- the number of shifts performed is equal to the number in
                    -- the last five bits of the second word.  A shift count of
                    -- zero is legal, and loads the link from AC(0) but leaves
                    -- the AC and MQ registers unchaged.

                    when opEAEASR =>
                        if EMODE = '0' then

                            -- Mode A:
                            -- Handle case where ASR Shift count is maxed out.
                            -- Sign extended AC into L and MQ

                            if unsigned(MD(7 to 11)) > 23 then
                                if AC(0) = '0' then
                                    acOP <= acopCLACLL;
                                    mqOP <= mqopCLR;
                                    acOP <= acopCLACLLCMACML;
                                    mqOP <= mqopSET;
                                end if;
                                scOP      <= scopCLR;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            -- Mode A:
                            -- Normal case where ASR shift count not maxed out.
                            -- Sign extend AC into L


                                scOP <= scopMDP1;
                                if AC(0) = '0' then
                                    acOP  <= acopCLL;
                                    acOP  <= acopCLLCML;
                                end if;
                                nextState <= stateEAEshift;

                            end if;


                            -- Mode B:
                            -- Handle case where ASR Shift count is maxed out.
                            -- Shift sign extended AC

                            if unsigned(MD(7 to 11)) > 25 then
                                if AC(0) = '0' then
                                    acOP  <= acopCLACLL;
                                    mqOP  <= mqopCLR;
                                    gtfOP <= gtfopCLR;
                                    acOP  <= acopCLACLLCMACML;
                                    mqOP  <= mqopSET;
                                    gtfOP <= gtfopSET;
                                end if;
                                scOP      <= scopSET;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            -- Mode B:
                            -- Handle case where ASR Shift count is zero
                            -- Sign extend AC into L

                            elsif unsigned(MD(7 to 11)) = 0 then
                                if AC(0) = '0' then
                                    acOP  <= acopCLL;
                                    acOP  <= acopCLLCML;
                                end if;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            -- Mode B:
                            -- Normal case where ASR shift count not maxed out.

                                scOP      <= scopMD7to11;
                                if AC(0) = '0' then
                                    acOP  <= acopCLL;
                                    acOP  <= acopCLLCML;
                                end if;
                                nextState <= stateEAEshift;

                            end if;

                        end if;

                    -- OP 7417: LSR - Logical Shift Right
                    -- The second word of the two-word instruction defines the
                    -- number of shifts to be performed. In Mode A, the number
                    -- of shifts performed is equal to one more than the number
                    -- in the last five bits of the second word.  In Mode B,
                    -- the number of shifts performed is equal to the number in
                    -- the last five bits of the second word.  A shift count of
                    -- zero is legal, and clears the link without changing the
                    -- AC or MQ registers.

                    when opEAELSR =>
                        if EMODE = '0' then

                            -- Mode A:
                            -- Handle case where LSR Shift count is maxed out.

                            if unsigned(MD) > 23 then
                                scOP      <= scopCLR;
                                acOP      <= acopCLACLL;
                                mqOP      <= mqopCLR;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            -- Mode A:
                            -- Normal case where LSR shift count not maxed out.

                                scOP      <= scopMDP1;
                                acOP      <= acopCLL;
                                nextState <= stateEAEshift;

                            end if;


                            -- Mode B:
                            -- Handle case where LSR Shift count is maxed out.

                            if unsigned(MD) > 24 then
                                scOP      <= scopCLR;
                                acOP      <= acopCLACLL;
                                mqOP      <= mqopCLR;
                                gtfOP     <= gtfopCLR;
                                nextState <= stateEAEshift;

                            -- Mode B:
                            -- Handle case where LSR Shift count is zero

                            elsif unsigned(MD(7 to 11)) = 0 then
                                acOP      <= acopCLL;
                                nextState <= stateDone;

                            -- Mode B:
                            -- Normal case where LSR shift count not maxed out.

                                scOP      <= scopMD7to11;
                                acOP      <= acopCLL;
                                nextState <= stateEAEshift;

                            end if;
                        end if;

                    -- OP 7441: SCA - Step Count OR with AC
                    -- The ones complement of the last five bits of this
                    -- operand are loaded into the Step Counter and the
                    -- program resumes at the instruction word following
                    -- the operand.

                    when opEAESCA =>
                        assert false report "stateEAEfetchData: SCA should not re-dispatch here" severity warning;
                        nextState <= stateLALA;

                    -- OP 7407: DAD - Double Precision Add.  DAD is MODEB only.
                    -- In MODEB, the operand is the address of the quotient,
                    -- which is possibly pre-incremented before use.

                    when opEAEDAD =>
                        if EMODE = '0' then
                            assert false report "stateEAEfetchData: SCA/SCL should not re-dispath here" severity warning;
                            nextState <= stateLALA;
                            if MA(3 to 11) = maAutoIncr then

                                -- Start the writeback of the incremented data

                                wrOP      <= '1';
                                mbOP      <= mbopMDP1;
                                --DATAFOP OR IFETCHOP
                                memselOP  <= '1';
                                nextState <= stateEAEindWrite;


                                -- Start address phase of indirect data

                                maOP      <= maopMD;
                                datafOP   <= '1';
                                memselOP  <= '1';
                                nextState <= stateEAEindReadAddr;

                            end if;
                        end if;

                    -- OP 7445: SCA/MUY -
                    --          DST - Double Precision Store.

                    when opEAEDST =>
                        if EMODE = '0' then
                            EAEop     <= eaeopMUY;
                            nextState <= stateEAEmuy;
                            if MA(3 to 11) = maAutoIncr then

                                -- Start the writeback of the incremented data

                                wrOP      <= '1';
                                mbOP      <= mbopMDP1;
                                --DATAFOP OR IFETCHOP
                                memselOP  <= '1';
                                nextState <= stateEAEindWrite;


                                -- Start address phase of indirect data

                                maOP      <= maopMD;
                                xmaOP     <= xmaopDF;
                                datafOP   <= '1';
                                memselOP  <= '1';
                                nextState <= stateEAEindReadAddr;

                            end if;
                        end if;

                    -- OP 7451:  DPSZ - Double Precision Skip if Zero

                    when opEAEDPSZ =>
                        assert false report "stateEAEfetchData: DPSZ should not re-dispatch here" severity warning;
                        nextState <= stateLALA;

                    -- OP 7453: DPIC - Double Precision Increment

                    when opEAEDPIC =>
                        assert false report "stateEAEfetchData: DPIC should not re-dispatch here" severity warning;
                        nextState <= stateLALA;

                    -- OP 7455: DCM - Double Precision Complement.

                    when opEAEDCM =>
                        assert false report "stateEAEfetchData: DCM should not re-dispatch here" severity warning;
                        nextState <= stateLALA;

                    -- OP 7457: SAM - Subtract AC from MQ.

                    when opEAESAM =>
                        assert false report "stateEAEfetchData: SAM should not re-dispatch here" severity warning;
                        nextState <= stateLALA;

                    -- Everything else.

                    when others =>
                        assert false report "stateEAEfetchData: Unimplemented EAE case" severity warning;
                        nextState <= stateDone;
                end case;

            -- statePOPaddr
            -- This state increments the stack pointer SP1 or SP2, sets
            -- the MA to the incremented value, and performs a Read Addr cycle.
            --   MD <- MEM[000'MA]

            when statePOPaddr =>
                acOP      <= acopCLA;
                xmaOP     <= xmaopCLR;
                busOP     <= busopRDZFdata;
                nextState <= statePOPdata;

            -- statePOPdata
            -- This state completed the read of the top-of-stack and
            -- placed the data in the MD.  It also cleared AC so that
            -- we can add MD to the AC.
            --   AC <- MD

            when statePOPdata =>
                acOP      <= acopADDMD;
                nextState <= stateDone;

            -- RTN1 Read State
            -- The previous state incremented SP1.
            -- This state sets up a Read Addr Cycle to the memory location
            -- pointed to by SP2.
            -- If Instructions are being fetched from main memory, the stacks
            -- are located in field 0 of main memory.  If Instructions are
            -- being fetched from panel memory, the stacks are located in field
            -- 0 of panel memory, except for the case of a RTN from control
            -- panel  memory via a RTN1 or RTN2 Instruction. In this case, the
            -- main memory stack is accessed by the instruction fetched from
            -- panel memory.

            when stateRTN1 =>
                maOP      <= maopSP1;
                xmaOP     <= xmaopCLR;
                busOP     <= stateRDZFaddr;
                nextState <= stateRTNaddr;

            -- RTN2 Read State
            -- The previous state incremented SP2.
            -- This state sets up a Read Addr Cycle to the memory location
            -- pointed to by SP2.
            -- If Instructions are being fetched from main memory, the stacks
            -- are located in field 0 of main memory.  If Instructions are
            -- being fetched from panel memory, the stacks are located in field
            -- 0 of panel memory, except for the case of a RTN from control
            -- panel  memory via a RTN1 or RTN2 Instruction. In this case, the
            -- main memory stack is accessed by the instruction fetched from
            -- panel memory.

            when stateRTN2 =>
                maOP      <= maopSP2;
                xmaOP     <= xmaopCLR;
                busOP     <= stateRDZFaddr;
                nextState <= stateRTNaddr;

            -- stateRTNaddr
            -- The previous state peformed a Read Addr cycle to the top-of-stack.
            -- This state sets up a Read Data Cycle.
            -- If Instructions are being fetched from main memory, the stacks
            -- are located in field 0 of main memory.  If Instructions are
            -- being fetched from panel memory, the stacks are located in field
            -- 0 of panel memory, except for the case of a RTN from control
            -- panel  memory via a RTN1 or RTN2 Instruction. In this case, the
            -- main memory stack is accessed by the instruction fetched from
            -- panel memory.

            when stateRTNaddr =>
                xmaOP     <= xmaopCLR;
                busOP     <= busopRDZFdata;
                nextState <= stateRTNdata;

            -- stateRTNdata
            -- The previous state performed a Read Data Cycle to the
            -- top-of-stack. 
            -- The contents of the Instruction Buffer (IB) is loaded into the
            -- Instruction Field (IF) register.
            -- If the Interrupt Inhibit Flip Flop (II) is set, then the Force
            -- Zero (FZ) flag is cleared.
            -- When the PEX Flip-flop is set, the CPU shall exit from Panel
            -- Mode to Main Memory (i.e., clear CTRLFF) during the next JMP,
            -- JMS, RTN1 or RTN2 instruction.
            -- PEX is cleared by the JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2 instruction. 
            when stateRTNdata =>
                ifOP <= ifopIB;
                pcOP <= pcopMD;
                if PEX = '1' then
                    ctrlffOP <= ctrlffopCLR;
                    pexOP    <= pexopCLR;
                end if;

                if II = '1' then
                    fzOP  <= fzopCLR;
                end if;
                nextState <= stateDone;

            -- stateEAEindWrite
            -- This state performs an indirect write

            when stateEAEindWrite =>
                maOP      <= maopMB;
                datafOP   <= '1';
                memselOP  <= '1';
                nextState <= stateEAEindReadAddr;

            -- stateEAEindReadAddr -
            -- The previous state set the MA register to the indirect address.
            -- This state handles the address phase of the EAE indirect read cycle.

            when stateEAEindReadAddr =>
                rdOP      <= '1';
                datafOP   <= '1';
                memselOP  <= '1';
                nextState <= stateEAEindReadData;

            -- stateEAEindReadData -
            -- This state handles the data phase of the EAE indirect read cycle.
            -- At the end of this state, the indirect data should be in the MD
            -- register.  This state then redispatches the MUY, DVI, DAD, and
            -- DST instructions.  At this point the operand is in the MD register.

            when stateEAEindReadData =>
                EAEIR := IR(6) & IR(8) & IR(9) & IR(10);
                case EAEIR is

                    -- MUY - Setup EAE and go to next state.

                    when opEAEMUY =>
                        eaeOP     <= eaeopMUY;
                        nextState <= stateEAEmuy;

                    -- DVI - Check for overflow right away.  If overflow, then
                    -- set state and exit. Otherwise setup EAE, MQ, SC, and go to
                    -- next state.  The Divisor is in MD.

                    when opEAEDVI =>

                        -- Handle divide overflow condition

                        if AC >= MD then
                            scOP      <= scopCLR;
                            acOP      <= acopCLLCML;
                            mqOP      <= mqopSHL1;
                            nextState <= stateDone;

                        -- Handle normal divide condition

                            mqaOP     <= mqaopMQ;
                            scOP      <= scopCLR;
                            acOP      <= acopCLL;
                            nextState <= stateEAEsubDVI;

                        end if;

                    -- DAD - Add the contents of MD to MQ.

                    when opEAEDAD =>
                        maOP      <= maopINC;
                        mqOP      <= mqopADDMD;
                        datafOP   <= '1';
                        memselOP  <= '1';

                        -- Handle cases where carry does/doesnot come from MQ

                        if (unsigned('0'& MQ) + unsigned('0' & MD)) > 4095 then
                            nextState <= stateEAEreadDADaddr1;
                            nextState <= stateEAEreadDADaddr0;
                        end if;

                    -- DST - Stores the MQ data to MEM[XMA & MA]

                    when opEAEDST =>
                        wrOP      <= '1';
                        mbOP      <= mbopMQ;
                        --DATAFOP OR IFETCHOP
                        memselOP  <= '1';
                        nextState <= stateEAEdst;

                    -- Everything else.

                    when others =>
                        nextState <= stateLALA;

                end case;

            -- StateEAEshift - This is where all the shift loop for the EAE ASR,
            -- LSR, and SHR instructions occurs.  On right shifts, bits shifted
            -- out of of EAE(24) are shifted into the GTF to facillitate
            -- round-off operations.  In Mode A, the  shift operations complete
            -- with SC set to zero.  In Mode B the shift operations complete
            -- with the SC set to 31.

            when stateEAEshift =>
                EAEIR := IR(6) & IR(8) & IR(9) & IR(10);
                if unsigned(SC) = 0 then
                    if EAEIR = opEAELSR then
                        acOP <= acopCLL;
                    end if;
                    if EMODE = '0' then
                        scOP <= scopCLR;
                        scOP <= scopSET;
                    end if;
                    nextState <= stateDone;
                    case EAEIR is
                        when opEAELSR =>
                            if EMODE = '1' then
                                if MQ(11) = '0' then
                                    gtfOP <= gtfopCLR;
                                    gtfOP <= gtfopSET;
                                end if;
                            end if;
                            acOP <= acopLSR;
                            if AC(11) = '0' then
                                mqOP <= mqopSHR0;
                                mqOP <= mqopSHR1;
                            end if;
                        when opEAEASR =>
                            if EMODE = '1' then
                                if MQ(11) = '0' then
                                    gtfOP <= gtfopCLR;
                                    gtfOP <= gtfopSET;
                                end if;
                            end if;
                            acOP <= acopASR;
                            if AC(11) = '0' then
                                mqOP <= mqopSHR0;
                                mqOP <= mqopSHR1;
                            end if;
                        when opEAESHL =>
                            mqOP <= mqopSHL0;
                            if MQ(0) = '0' then
                                acOP <= acopSHL0;
                                acOP <= acopSHL1;
                            end if;
                        when others =>
                            assert false report "stateEAEshift: Not a shift OP" severity warning;
                    end case;
                    scOP      <= scopDEC;
                    nextState <= stateEAEwait;
                end if;

            -- stateEAEwait
            -- stateEAEshift has a hard time meeting timing.  This gives the
            -- accumulators a little extra time to settle.

            when stateEAEwait =>
                nextState <= stateEAEshift;

            -- stateEAEnmi
            -- The Step Counter is initially cleared.  The contents of the
            -- Link, AC, and MQ registers are are shifted left until AC(0) and
            -- AC(1) are different or until AC(2) through MQ(11) are all zero.
            -- The Step Count register is increment once for every shift.  If
            -- MODE B, and the contents of AC & MQ is o"4000_0000", the AC is
            -- cleared.

            when stateEAEnmi =>
                if (AC(0) /= AC(1)) or (unsigned(AC(2 to 11)) = 0 and unsigned(MQ) = 0) then
                    if EMODE = '1' and unsigned(AC) = 2048 and unsigned(MQ) = 0 then
                        acOP  <= acopCLA;
                    end if;
                    nextState <= stateDone;
                    scOP      <= scopINC;
                    mqOP      <= mqopSHL0;
                    if MQ(0) = '0' then
                        acOP  <= acopSHL0;
                        acOP  <= acopSHL1;
                    end if;
                    nextState <= stateEAEnmi;
                end if;

            -- The contents of the MQ are multiplied by the multiplier (in the
            -- MD) and the MSBs of the 24 bit result are left in the AC and the
            -- LSBs are left in the MQ. The multiplication is unsigned.  If AC
            -- is non-zero, the product is added to AC.

            when stateEAEmuy =>
                acOP      <= acopEAEZAC;
                mqOP      <= mqopEAE;
                scOP      <= scop12;
                nextState <= stateDone;

            -- stateEAEsubDVI - Long division is a shift and subtract
            -- operation.  This state handles the subtraction.
            -- MQ = (AC & MQ) / MD
            -- AC = (AC & MQ) % MD

            when stateEAEsubDVI =>
                if unsigned(LAC) >= unsigned(MD) then
                    mqOP  <= mqopSHL1;
                    acOP  <= acopSUBMD;
                    mqOP  <= mqopSHL0;
                end if;
                scOP      <= scopINC;
                nextState <= stateEAEshiftDVI;

            -- stateEAEshiftDVI - Long division is a shift and subtract
            -- operation.  This state handles the shift operation.

            when stateEAEshiftDVI =>

                -- Check for loop exit condtions

                if unsigned(SC) = 13 then
                    acOP      <= acopCLL;
                    nextState <= stateDone;

                -- Shift L, AC, and MQ left

                    mqaOP     <= mqaopSHL;
                    if MQA(0) = '0' then
                        acOP  <= acopSHL0;
                        acOP  <= acopSHL1;
                    end if;
                    nextState <= stateEAEsubDVI;

                end if;

            -- stateEAEreadDADaddr0
            -- This is the address phase of the read cycle for the second
            -- operand (third word).  This state is for cases where there is no
            -- carry from the addition of MQ.

            when stateEAEreadDADaddr0 =>
                rdOP      <= '1';
                acOP      <= acopCLL;
                datafOP   <= '1';
                memselOP  <= '1';
                nextState <= stateEAEreadDADdata0;

            -- stateEAEreadDADaddr1
            -- This is the address phase of the read cycle for the second
            -- operand (third word).   This state is for cases where there is a
            -- carry from the addition of MQ.  Clear the link for the add
            -- instruction in the next state.

            when stateEAEreadDADaddr1 =>
                rdOP      <= '1';
                acOP      <= acopCLL;
                datafOP   <= '1';
                memselOP  <= '1';
                nextState <= stateEAEreadDADdata1;

            -- stateEAEreadDADdata0
            -- This is the data phase of the read cycle for the second operand
            -- (third word).  This state is for cases where there is no carry
            -- from the addition of MQ. Clear the link for the add instruction
            -- in the next state.

            when stateEAEreadDADdata0 =>
                acOP      <= acopADDMD;
                nextState <= stateDone;

            -- stateEAEreadDADdata1
            -- This is the data phase of the read cycle for the second operand
            -- (third word).  This state is for cases where there is a carry
            -- from the addition of MQ.

            when stateEAEreadDADdata1 =>
                acOP      <= acopADDMDP1;
                nextState <= stateDone;

            -- stateEAEdst - This state stores the AC data to MEM[XMA & (MA + 1)]

            when stateEAEdst =>
                wrOP      <= '1';
                maOP      <= maopINC;
                mbOP      <= mbopAC;
                xmaOP     <= xmaopDF;
                memselOP  <= '1';
                datafOP   <= '1';
                nextState <= stateDone;

            -- Done State
            -- This is the last state of the instruction.  This wastes a state
            -- but makes it easy to 'see' the end of the instruction cycle.

            when stateDone =>
                nextstate <= stateCheckReq;

            -- You've landed in LA-LA land.  You shouldn't get here.  Somehow
            -- some OPCODE was not decoded correctly or the next state for the
            -- State Machine was not set.  Plug your ears, close your eyes and
            -- scream LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA.

            when stateLALA =>
                nextState <= stateLALA;

        end case;

    end process;

    mem : block

        --! LXPAR is generated for panel memory accesses: It is asserted when:
        --! #.  MEMSEL asserted and CPU is HD6120 and Panel Mode and Direct
        --!     Memory Op with PDF in any state (two cases of CTRLFF).
        --! #.  MEMSEL asserted and CPU is HD6120 and Panel Mode and Indirect
        --!     Memory Op with PDF asserted (two cases of CTRLFF).

        lxparOP <= '1' when ((memselOP = '1' and swCPU  = swHD6120 and CTRLFF = '0' and ctrlffOP  = ctrlffopSET and datafOP = '0') or
                             (memselOP = '1' and swCPU  = swHD6120 and CTRLFF = '1' and ctrlffOP /= ctrlffopCLR and datafOP = '0') or
                             (memselOP = '1' and swCPU  = swHD6120 and CTRLFF = '0' and ctrlffOP  = ctrlffopSET and datafOP = '1' and PDF = '1') or
                             (memselOP = '1' and swCPU  = swHD6120 and CTRLFF = '1' and ctrlffOP /= ctrlffopCLR and datafOP = '1' and PDF = '1')) else

        --! LXMAR is generated for normal memory accesses.  It is asserted when:
        --! #.  MEMSEL asserted and CPU is HD6120 and Panel Mode and Indirect
        --!     Memory Op with PDF negated (two cases of CRTLFF).
        --! #.  MEMSEL asserted and CPU is HD6120 and Normal Mode (two cases of
        --!     CTRLFF).
        --! #.  MEMSEL asserted and not HD6120.

        lxmarOP <= '1' when ((memselOP = '1' and swCPU  = swHD6120 and CTRLFF = '0' and ctrlffOP  = ctrlffopSET and datafOP = '1' and PDF = '0') or
                             (memselOP = '1' and swCPU  = swHD6120 and CTRLFF = '1' and ctrlffOP /= ctrlffopCLR and datafOP = '1' and PDF = '0') or
                             (memselOP = '1' and swCPU  = swHD6120 and CTRLFF = '0' and ctrlffOP /= ctrlffopSET) or
                             (memselOP = '1' and swCPU  = swHD6120 and CTRLFF = '1' and ctrlffOP  = ctrlffopCLR) or
                             (memselOP = '1' and swCPU /= swHD6120)) else

        --! Wait for Bus ACK on:
        --! #.  DMA access
        --! #.  Memory accesses
        --! #.  Reads to devices
        --! #.  Writes to devices

        waitfOP <= '1' when ((memselOP = '1') or
                             (lxdarOP = '1' and rdOP = '1') or
                             (lxdarOP = '1' and wrOP = '1')) else

    end block;

    --! DMA Request.
    --! Only start DMA cycle when MEM cycle is unused.

    process(sys.clk, sys.rst)
        if sys.rst = '1' then
            dmagnt <= '0';
        elsif rising_edge(sys.clk) then
            if dev.dma.req = '1' then
                if memselOP = '0' then
                    dmagnt <= '1';
                end if;
                dmagnt <= '0';
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;

    --! State Machine
    --! The state only changes when properly ack'd and when not doing DMA.

    process(sys.clk, sys.rst)
        variable lastdma : std_logic;
        -- synthesis translate_off
        variable LIN : line;
        -- synthesis translate_on
        if sys.rst = '1' then
            ioclrb  <= '1';
            wrb     <= '0';
            rdb     <= '0';
            ifetchb <= '0';
            datafb  <= '0';
            lxdarb  <= '0';
            lxmarb  <= '0';
            lxparb  <= '0';
            memselb <= '0';
            intgntb <= '0';
            waitfb  <= '0';
            lastdma := '0';
            state   <= stateReset;
        elsif rising_edge(sys.clk) then
            ioclrb  <= '0';
            wrb     <= '0';
            rdb     <= '0';
            ifetchb <= '0';
            datafb  <= '0';
            lxdarb  <= '0';
            lxmarb  <= lxmarOP;
            lxparb  <= lxparOP;
            memselb <= '0';
            if dmagnt = '1' and memselOP = '1' then
                if waitfb = '0' or dev.ack = '1' then
                    case busOP is
                        when busopNOP =>
                        when busopRESET =>
                            ioclrb  <= '1';
                        when busopIOCLR =>
                            ioclrb  <= '1';
                            lxdarb  <= '1';
                            datafb  <= '1';
                        when busopPANELWR =>
                            wrb     <= '1';
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when busopPANELRDaddr =>
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when busopPANELRDdata =>
                            rdb     <= '1';
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when busopFETCHaddr =>
                            ifetchb <= '1';
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when busopFETCHdata =>
                            rdb     <= '1';
                            ifetchb <= '1';
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when busopWRIB =>
                            wrb     <= '1';
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when busopRDIBaddr =>
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when busopRDIBdata =>
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when busopWRIF =>
                            wrb     <= '1';
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when busopRDIFaddr =>
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when busopRDIFdata =>
                            rdb     <= '1';
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when busopWRDF =>
                            wrb     <= '1';
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when busopRDDFaddr =>
                            datafb  <= '1';
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when busopRDDFdata =>
                            rdb     <= '1';
                            datafb  <= '1';
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when busopIOTWR =>
                            wrb     <= '1';
                            datafb  <= '1';
                            lxdarb  <= '1';
                        when busopIOTRD =>
                            rdb     <= '1';
                            datafb  <= '1';
                            lxdarb  <= '1';
                        when busopWR0 =>
                            wrOP    <= '1';
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when busopWRTBD =>
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when busopRDTBDaddr =>
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when busopRDTBDdata =>
                            rdb     <= '1';
                            memselb <= '1';
                        when others =>
                    end case;
                    ioclrb  <= ioclrOP;
                    wrb     <= wrOP;
                    rdb     <= rdOP;
                    ifetchb <= ifetchOP;
                    datafb  <= datafOP;
                    lxdarb  <= lxdarOP;
                    lxmarb  <= lxmarOP;
                    lxparb  <= lxparOP;
                    memselb <= memselOP;
                    intgntb <= intgntOP;
                    waitfb  <= waitfOP;
                    state   <= nextState;
                end if;
            end if;

-- synthesis translate_off

            if dmagnt = '1' and lastdma = '0' then
                assert false report "-------------> DMA Asserted <------------" severity note;
            elsif dmagnt = '0' and lastdma = '1' then
                assert false report "-------------> DMA Negated <------------" severity note;
            end if;
            lastdma := dmagnt;
-- synthesis translate_on

        end if;
    end process;

--    oops <= '1' when ((xmaOP  = xmaopIF and datafOP  = '1') or
--                      (xmaOP  = xmaopDF and datafOP  = '0') or
--                      (xmaOP /= xmaopIF and memselOP = '1') or
--                      (xmaOP /= xmaopDF and memselOP = '1')) else '0';

    oops <= '1' when ((busOP = busopRESET       and ioclrOP   =      '0') or            -- IOCLR should be set
                      (busOP = busopIOCLR       and ioclrOP  =       '0') or            -- IOCLR should be set
                      (busOP = busopIOCLR       and lxdarOP  =       '0') or            -- LXDAR should be set
                      (busOP = busopIOCLR       and datafOP  =       '0') or            -- DATAF should be set
                      (busOP = busopFETCHaddr   and xmaOP    /=  xmaopIF) or
                      (busOP = busopFETCHaddr   and ifetchOP  =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopFETCHaddr   and memselOP  =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopFETCHdata   and xmaOP    /=  xmaopIF) or
                      (busOP = busopFETCHdata   and ifetchOP  =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopFETCHdata   and memselOP  =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopFETCHdata   and rdOP      =      '0') or

                      (busOP = busopWRIB        and xmaOP    /=  xmaopIB) or
                      (busOP = busopWRIB        and memselOP  =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopWRIB        and wrOP      =      '0') or

                      (busOP = busopRDIBaddr    and xmaOP    /=  xmaopIB) or
                      (busOP = busopRDIBaddr    and memselOP  =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopRDIBdata    and xmaOP    /=  xmaopIB) or
                      (busOP = busopRDIBdata    and memselOP  =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopRDIBdata    and rdOP      =      '0') or

                      (busOP = busopWRIF        and xmaOP    /=  xmaopIF) or
                      (busOP = busopWRIF        and memselOP  =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopWRIF        and wrOP      =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopRDIFaddr    and xmaOP    /=  xmaopIF) or
                      (busOP = busopRDIFaddr    and memselOP  =      '0') or

                      (busOP = busopRDIFdata    and xmaOP    /=  xmaopIF) or
                      (busOP = busopRDIFdata    and memselOP  =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopRDIFdata    and rdOP      =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopWRDF        and xmaOP    /=  xmaopDF) or
                      (busOP = busopWRDF        and memselOP  =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopRDDFaddr    and datafOP   =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopWRDF        and wrOP      =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopRDDFaddr    and xmaOP    /=  xmaopDF) or
                      (busOP = busopRDDFaddr    and memselOP  =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopRDDFaddr    and datafOP   =      '0') or

                      (busOP = busopRDDFdata    and xmaOP    /=  xmaopDF) or
                      (busOP = busopRDDFdata    and memselOP  =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopRDDFdata    and datafOP   =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopRDDFdata    and rdOP      =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopWRZF        and xmaOP    /= xmaopCLR) or
                      (busOP = busopWRZF        and memselOP   =     '0') or
                      (busOP = busopWRZF        and wrOP       =     '0') or

                      (busOP = busopRDZFaddr    and xmaOP    /= xmaopCLR) or
                      (busOP = busopRDZFaddr    and memselOP  =      '0') or

                      (busOP = busopRDZFdata    and xmaOP    /= xmaopCLR) or
                      (busOP = busopRDZFdata    and memselOP  =      '0') or
                      (busOP = busopRDZFdata    and rdOP      =      '0') or

                      (busOP = busopWRIOT       and datafOP  =       '0') or
                      (busOP = busopWRIOT       and lxdarOP  =       '0') or
                      (busOP = busopWRIOT       and wrOP     =       '0') or

                      (busOP = busopRDIOT       and datafOP  =       '0') or
                      (busOP = busopRDIOT       and lxdarOP  =       '0') or
                      (busOP = busopRDIOT       and rdOP     =       '0')) else '0';

    --! Externally visable (front panel) register state is only updated at
    --! certain times in the instruction cycle.

    process(sys.clk, sys.rst)
        variable CPC : addr_t;
        if sys.rst = '1' then
            cpu.regs.PC  <= (others => '0');
            cpu.regs.AC  <= (others => '0');
            cpu.regs.IR  <= (others => '0');
            cpu.regs.MQ  <= (others => '0');
            cpu.regs.ST  <= (others => '0');
            cpu.regs.SC  <= (others => '0');
            cpu.regs.MD  <= (others => '0');
            cpu.regs.MA  <= (others => '0');
            cpu.regs.XMA <= (others => '0');
            CPC          := (others => '0');
        elsif rising_edge(sys.clk) then

            -- Handle reads are writes

            if lxmarb = '1' then
                if rdb = '1' then
                    cpu.regs.MD <= MD;
                elsif wrb = '1' then
                    cpu.regs.MD <= MB;
                end if;
                cpu.regs.MA  <= MA;
                cpu.regs.XMA <= XMA;
            end if;

            -- State-based updates

            case state is

                -- Instruction Fetch

                when stateFetchAddr =>
                    CPC := PC;

                -- State Halt Done

                when stateHaltDone =>
                    cpu.regs.PC <= PC;
                    cpu.regs.AC <= AC;
                    cpu.regs.IR <= IR;
                    cpu.regs.MA <= MA;
                    cpu.regs.MQ <= MQ;
                    cpu.regs.ST <= L & GTF & IRQ & II & ID & UF & INF & DF;
                    cpu.regs.SC <= "0000000" & SC;

                -- Last state of instruction

                when stateDone =>
                    cpu.regs.PC <= PC;
                    cpu.regs.AC <= AC;
                    cpu.regs.IR <= IR;
                    cpu.regs.MQ <= MQ;
                    cpu.regs.ST <= L & GTF & IRQ & II & ID & UF & INF & DF;
                    cpu.regs.SC <= "0000000" & SC;

                -- Anything else?

                when others =>
            end case;
        end if;
    end process;

    --! DMA Bus Switch

    process(dmagnt, dev.dma.rd, dev.dma.wr, dev.dma.lxpar, dev.dma.lxmar, dev.dma.memsel,
            dev.dma.addr, dev.dma.eaddr,, rdb, wrb, ifetchb, lxmarb, lxparb,
            lxdarb, memselb, datafb, MA, MB, XMA)
        if dmagnt = '1' then
            cpu.buss.rd     <= dev.dma.rd;
            cpu.buss.wr     <= dev.dma.wr;
            cpu.buss.ifetch <= '0';
            cpu.buss.dataf  <= '0';
            cpu.buss.lxmar  <= dev.dma.lxmar;
            cpu.buss.lxpar  <= dev.dma.lxpar;
            cpu.buss.lxdar  <= '0';
            cpu.buss.memsel <= dev.dma.memsel;
            cpu.buss.addr   <= dev.dma.addr;
            cpu.buss.eaddr  <= dev.dma.eaddr;
            cpu.buss.rd     <= rdb;
            cpu.buss.wr     <= wrb;
            cpu.buss.ifetch <= ifetchb;
            cpu.buss.dataf  <= datafb;
            cpu.buss.lxmar  <= lxmarb;
            cpu.buss.lxpar  <= lxparb;
            cpu.buss.lxdar  <= lxdarb;
            cpu.buss.memsel <= memselb;
            cpu.buss.addr   <= MA;
            cpu.buss.eaddr  <= XMA;
     <= MB;
        end if;
    end process;

    --! Data Latch

    process(sys.rst, rdb,, MD)
        if sys.rst = '1' then
            MD <= (others => '0');
        elsif rdb = '1' then
            MD <=;
            MD <= MD;
        end if;
    end process;

    --! CPU combinational outputs

    cpu.buss.ioclr  <= ioclrb;
    cpu.buss.intgnt <= intgntb;
    cpu.buss.dmagnt <= dmagnt;         <= '0' when ((state = stateReset            ) or
                                 (state = stateInit             ) or
                                 (state = stateHalt             ) or
                                 (state = stateContinue         ) or
                                 (state = stateLoadADDR         ) or
                                 (state = stateLoadEXTD         ) or
                                 (state = stateClear            ) or
                                 (state = stateDepositWriteData ) or
                                 (state = stateDeposit          ) or
                                 (state = stateExamine          ) or
                                 (state = stateExamineReadAddr  ) or
                                 (state = stateExamineReadData  ) or
                                 (state = stateHaltDone         ) or
                                 (state = stateLALA             )) else

end rtl;

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