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[/] [plasma/] [trunk/] [kernel/] [libc.c] - Rev 404
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/*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * TITLE: ANSI C Library * AUTHOR: Steve Rhoads (rhoadss@yahoo.com) * DATE CREATED: 12/17/05 * FILENAME: libc.c * PROJECT: Plasma CPU core * COPYRIGHT: Software placed into the public domain by the author. * Software 'as is' without warranty. Author liable for nothing. * DESCRIPTION: * Subset of the ANSI C library *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define NO_ELLIPSIS #include "rtos.h" char *strcpy(char *dst, const char *src) { char *dstSave=dst; int c; do { c = *dst++ = *src++; } while(c); return dstSave; } char *strncpy(char *dst, const char *src, int count) { int c=1; char *dstSave=dst; while(count-- > 0 && c) c = *dst++ = *src++; *dst = 0; return dstSave; } char *strcat(char *dst, const char *src) { int c; char *dstSave=dst; while(*dst) ++dst; do { c = *dst++ = *src++; } while(c); return dstSave; } char *strncat(char *dst, const char *src, int count) { int c=1; char *dstSave=dst; while(*dst) ++dst; while(--count >= 0 && c) c = *dst++ = *src++; *dst = 0; return dstSave; } int strcmp(const char *string1, const char *string2) { int diff, c; for(;;) { diff = *string1++ - (c = *string2++); if(diff) return diff; if(c == 0) return 0; } } int strncmp(const char *string1, const char *string2, int count) { int diff, c; while(count-- > 0) { diff = *string1++ - (c = *string2++); if(diff) return diff; if(c == 0) return 0; } return 0; } char *strstr(const char *string, const char *find) { int i; for(;;) { for(i = 0; string[i] == find[i] && find[i]; ++i) ; if(find[i] == 0) return (char*)string; if(*string++ == 0) return NULL; } } int strlen(const char *string) { const char *base=string; while(*string++) ; return string - base - 1; } void *memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, unsigned long bytes) { if(((uint32)dst | (uint32)src | bytes) & 3) { uint8 *Dst = (uint8*)dst, *Src = (uint8*)src; while((int)bytes-- > 0) *Dst++ = *Src++; } else { uint32 *Dst32 = (uint32*)dst, *Src32 = (uint32*)src; bytes >>= 2; while((int)bytes-- > 0) *Dst32++ = *Src32++; } return dst; } void *memmove(void *dst, const void *src, unsigned long bytes) { uint8 *Dst = (uint8*)dst; uint8 *Src = (uint8*)src; if(Dst < Src) { while((int)bytes-- > 0) *Dst++ = *Src++; } else { Dst += bytes; Src += bytes; while((int)bytes-- > 0) *--Dst = *--Src; } return dst; } int memcmp(const void *cs, const void *ct, unsigned long bytes) { uint8 *Dst = (uint8*)cs; uint8 *Src = (uint8*)ct; int diff; while((int)bytes-- > 0) { diff = *Dst++ - *Src++; if(diff) return diff; } return 0; } void *memset(void *dst, int c, unsigned long bytes) { uint8 *Dst = (uint8*)dst; while((int)bytes-- > 0) *Dst++ = (uint8)c; return dst; } int abs(int n) { return n>=0 ? n : -n; } #ifndef _LIBC static uint32 Rand1=0x1f2bcda3; int rand(void) { Rand1 = 1664525 * Rand1 + 1013904223; //from D.E. Knuth and H.W. Lewis return Rand1; } void srand(unsigned int seed) { Rand1 = seed; } long strtol(const char *s, char **end, int base) { int i; unsigned long ch, value=0, neg=0; if(s[0] == '-') { neg = 1; ++s; } if(s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'x') { base = 16; s += 2; } for(i = 0; i <= 8; ++i) { ch = *s++; if('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') ch -= '0'; else if('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') ch = ch - 'A' + 10; else if('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') ch = ch - 'a' + 10; else break; value = value * base + ch; } if(end) *end = (char*)s - 1; if(neg) value = -(int)value; return value; } int atoi(const char *s) { return strtol(s, NULL, 10); } char *itoa(int num, char *dst, int base) { int digit, negate=0, place; char c, text[20]; if(base == 10 && num < 0) { num = -num; negate = 1; } text[16] = 0; for(place = 15; place >= 0; --place) { digit = (unsigned int)num % (unsigned int)base; if(num == 0 && place < 15 && base == 10 && negate) { c = '-'; negate = 0; } else if(digit < 10) c = (char)('0' + digit); else c = (char)('a' + digit - 10); text[place] = c; num = (unsigned int)num / (unsigned int)base; if(num == 0 && negate == 0) break; } strcpy(dst, text + place); return dst; } int sprintf(char *s, const char *format, int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7) { int argv[8]; int argc=0, width, length; char f, text[20], fill; argv[0] = arg0; argv[1] = arg1; argv[2] = arg2; argv[3] = arg3; argv[4] = arg4; argv[5] = arg5; argv[6] = arg6; argv[7] = arg7; for(;;) { f = *format++; if(f == 0) return argc; else if(f == '%') { width = 0; fill = ' '; f = *format++; while('0' <= f && f <= '9') { width = width * 10 + f - '0'; f = *format++; } if(f == '.') { fill = '0'; f = *format++; } if(f == 0) return argc; if(f == 'd') { memset(s, fill, width); itoa(argv[argc++], text, 10); length = (int)strlen(text); if(width < length) width = length; strcpy(s + width - length, text); } else if(f == 'x' || f == 'f') { memset(s, '0', width); itoa(argv[argc++], text, 16); length = (int)strlen(text); if(width < length) width = length; strcpy(s + width - length, text); } else if(f == 'c') { *s++ = (char)argv[argc++]; *s = 0; } else if(f == 's') { length = strlen((char*)argv[argc]); if(width > length) { memset(s, ' ', width - length); s += width - length; } strcpy(s, (char*)argv[argc++]); } s += strlen(s); } else { if(f == '\n') *s++ = '\r'; *s++ = f; if(f == '\r' && *format == '\n') *s++ = *format++; } *s = 0; } } int sscanf(const char *s, const char *format, int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7) { int argv[8]; int argc=0; char f, *ptr; argv[0] = arg0; argv[1] = arg1; argv[2] = arg2; argv[3] = arg3; argv[4] = arg4; argv[5] = arg5; argv[6] = arg6; argv[7] = arg7; for(;;) { if(*s == 0) return argc; f = *format++; if(f == 0) return argc; else if(f == '%') { while(isspace(*s)) ++s; f = *format++; if(f == 0) return argc; if(f == 'd') *(int*)argv[argc++] = strtol(s, (char**)&s, 10); else if(f == 'x') *(int*)argv[argc++] = strtol(s, (char**)&s, 16); else if(f == 'c') *(char*)argv[argc++] = *s++; else if(f == 's') { ptr = (char*)argv[argc++]; while(!isspace(*s)) *ptr++ = *s++; *ptr = 0; } } else { while(*s && *s != f) ++s; if(*s) ++s; } } } #endif //_LIBC #ifdef INCLUDE_DUMP /*********************** dump ***********************/ void dump(const unsigned char *data, int length) { int i, index=0, value; char string[80]; memset(string, 0, sizeof(string)); for(i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if((i & 15) == 0) { if(strlen(string)) printf("%s\n", string); printf("%4x ", i); memset(string, 0, sizeof(string)); index = 0; } value = data[i]; printf("%2x ", value); if(isprint(value)) string[index] = (char)value; else string[index] = '.'; ++index; } for(; index < 16; ++index) printf(" "); printf("%s\n", string); } #endif //INCLUDE_DUMP #ifdef INCLUDE_QSORT /*********************** qsort ***********************/ static void QsortSwap(char *base, long left, long right, long size) { int temp, i; char *ptrLeft, *ptrRight; ptrLeft = base + left * size; ptrRight = base + right * size; for(i = 0; i < size; ++i) { temp = ptrLeft[i]; ptrLeft[i] = ptrRight[i]; ptrRight[i] = (char)temp; } } //Modified from K&R static void qsort2(void *base, long left, long right, long size, int (*cmp)(const void *,const void *)) { int i, last; char *base2=(char*)base, *pivot; if(left >= right) return; QsortSwap(base2, left, (left + right)/2, size); last = left; pivot = &base2[left*size]; for(i = left + 1; i <= right; ++i) { if(cmp(&base2[i*size], pivot) < 0) QsortSwap(base2, ++last, i, size); } QsortSwap(base2, left, last, size); qsort2(base, left, last-1, size, cmp); qsort2(base, last+1, right, size, cmp); } void qsort(void *base, long n, long size, int (*cmp)(const void *,const void *)) { qsort2(base, 0, n-1, size, cmp); } void *bsearch(const void *key, const void *base, long n, long size, int (*cmp)(const void *,const void *)) { long cond, low=0, high=n-1, mid; char *base2=(char*)base; while(low <= high) { mid = (low + high)/2; cond = cmp(key, &base2[mid*size]); if(cond < 0) high = mid - 1; else if(cond > 0) low = mid + 1; else return &base2[mid * size]; } return NULL; } #endif //INCLUDE_QSORT #ifdef INCLUDE_TIMELIB /************************* time.h ***********************/ #define SEC_PER_YEAR (365L*24*60*60) #define SEC_PER_DAY (24L*60*60) //typedef unsigned long time_t; //start at 1/1/80 //struct tm { // int tm_sec; //(0,59) // int tm_min; //(0,59) // int tm_hour; //(0,23) // int tm_mday; //(1,31) // int tm_mon; //(0,11) // int tm_year; //(0,n) from 1900 // int tm_wday; //(0,6) calculated // int tm_yday; //(0,365) calculated // int tm_isdst; //hour adjusted for day light savings //}; static const unsigned short DaysUntilMonth[]= {0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334,365}; static const unsigned short DaysInMonth[]= {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; static time_t DstTimeIn, DstTimeOut; /* Leap year if divisible by 4. Centenary years should only be leap-years if they were divisible by 400. */ static int IsLeapYear(int year) { return(((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0)); } time_t mktime(struct tm *tp) { time_t seconds; unsigned long days, y, year; days = tp->tm_mday - 1 + DaysUntilMonth[tp->tm_mon] + 365 * (tp->tm_year - 80); seconds = (unsigned long)tp->tm_sec + 60L * (tp->tm_min + 60L * (tp->tm_hour + 24L * days)); if(tp->tm_isdst) seconds -= 60 * 60; year = 1900 + tp->tm_year - (tp->tm_mon < 2); for(y = 1980; y <= year; y += 4) { if(y % 100 != 0 || y % 400 == 0) seconds += SEC_PER_DAY; } return seconds; } void gmtime_r(const time_t *tp, struct tm *out) { time_t seconds, delta, secondsIn=*tp; int isLeapYear; unsigned long year, month; out->tm_isdst = 0; if(DstTimeIn <= secondsIn && secondsIn < DstTimeOut) { secondsIn += 60 * 60; out->tm_isdst = 1; } seconds = secondsIn; for(year = 0; ; ++year) { delta = SEC_PER_YEAR + IsLeapYear(1980 + year) * SEC_PER_DAY; if(seconds >= delta) seconds -= delta; else break; } out->tm_year = year + 80; isLeapYear = IsLeapYear(1980 + year); for(month = 0; ; ++month) { delta = SEC_PER_DAY * (DaysInMonth[month] + (isLeapYear && (month == 1))); if(seconds >= delta) seconds -= delta; else break; } out->tm_mon = month; out->tm_mday = seconds / SEC_PER_DAY; out->tm_yday = DaysUntilMonth[month] + out->tm_mday; seconds -= out->tm_mday * SEC_PER_DAY; ++out->tm_mday; out->tm_hour = seconds / (60 * 60); seconds -= out->tm_hour * (60 * 60); out->tm_min = seconds / 60; seconds -= out->tm_min * 60; out->tm_sec = seconds; seconds = secondsIn % (SEC_PER_DAY * 7); out->tm_wday = (seconds / SEC_PER_DAY + 2) % 7; /* 1/1/80 is a Tue */ //printf("%4.d/%2.d/%2.d:%2.d:%2.d:%2.d\n", // out->tm_year+1900, out->tm_mon+1, out->tm_mday, // out->tm_hour, out->tm_min, out->tm_sec); } void gmtimeDst(time_t dstTimeIn, time_t dstTimeOut) { DstTimeIn = dstTimeIn; DstTimeOut = dstTimeOut; } //DST from 2am on the second Sunday in March to 2am first Sunday in November void gmtimeDstSet(time_t *tp, time_t *dstTimeIn, time_t *dstTimeOut) { time_t seconds, timeIn, timeOut; struct tm tmDate; int year, days; DstTimeIn = 0; DstTimeOut = 0; gmtime_r(tp, &tmDate); year = tmDate.tm_year; //March 1, year, 2AM -> second Sunday tmDate.tm_year = year; tmDate.tm_mon = 2; tmDate.tm_mday = 1; tmDate.tm_hour = 2; tmDate.tm_min = 0; tmDate.tm_sec = 0; seconds = mktime(&tmDate); gmtime_r(&seconds, &tmDate); days = 7 - tmDate.tm_wday + 7; *dstTimeIn = timeIn = seconds + days * SEC_PER_DAY; //November 1, year, 2AM -> first Sunday tmDate.tm_year = year; tmDate.tm_mon = 10; tmDate.tm_mday = 1; tmDate.tm_hour = 2; tmDate.tm_min = 0; tmDate.tm_sec = 0; seconds = mktime(&tmDate); gmtime_r(&seconds, &tmDate); days = 7 - tmDate.tm_wday; *dstTimeOut = timeOut = seconds + days * SEC_PER_DAY; DstTimeIn = timeIn; DstTimeOut = timeOut; } #endif //INCLUDE_TIMELIB
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