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[/] [pltbutils/] [trunk/] [src/] [vhdl/] [pltbutils_user_cfg_pkg.vhd] - Rev 43
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- ---- PlTbUtils User Configuration Package ---- ---- ---- ---- This file is part of the PlTbUtils project ---- ---- http://opencores.org/project,pltbutils ---- ---- ---- ---- Description: ---- ---- PlTbUtils is a collection of functions, procedures and ---- ---- components for easily creating stimuli and checking response ---- ---- in automatic self-checking testbenches. ---- ---- ---- ---- This file defines the user's customizations. ---- ---- ---- ---- If the user wishes to modify anything in this file, it is ---- ---- recommended that he/she first copies it to another directory ---- ---- and modifies the copy. Also make sure that the simulator ---- ---- read the modified file instead of the original. ---- ---- This makes it easier to update pltbutils to new versions ---- ---- without destroying the customizations. ---- ---- ---- ---- To Do: ---- ---- - ---- ---- ---- ---- Author(s): ---- ---- - Per Larsson, pela@opencores.org ---- ---- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- ---- Copyright (C) 2014 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ---- ---- ---- ---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- ---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- ---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- ---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- ---- ---- ---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- ---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- ---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- ---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- ---- later version. ---- ---- ---- ---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- ---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- ---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- ---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- ---- details. ---- ---- ---- ---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- ---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- ---- from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ---- ---- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; --use std.textio.all; --use std.env.all; -- Uncomment if using stop or finish in custom_stopsim() below. use work.txt_util.all; package pltbutils_user_cfg_pkg is --- Constants --- -- The user is free to modify the values to fit his/her requirements. constant C_PLTBUTILS_USE_STD_STARTSIM_MSG : boolean := true; constant C_PLTBUTILS_USE_STD_ENDSIM_MSG : boolean := true; constant C_PLTBUTILS_USE_STD_STARTTEST_MSG : boolean := true; constant C_PLTBUTILS_USE_STD_ENDTEST_MSG : boolean := true; constant C_PLTBUTILS_USE_STD_CHECK_MSG : boolean := true; constant C_PLTBUTILS_USE_STD_ERROR_MSG : boolean := true; constant C_PLTBUTILS_USE_STD_STOPSIM : boolean := true; constant C_PLTBUTILS_USE_CUSTOM_STARTSIM_MSG : boolean := false; constant C_PLTBUTILS_USE_CUSTOM_ENDSIM_MSG : boolean := false; constant C_PLTBUTILS_USE_CUSTOM_STARTTEST_MSG : boolean := false; constant C_PLTBUTILS_USE_CUSTOM_ENDTEST_MSG : boolean := false; constant C_PLTBUTILS_USE_CUSTOM_CHECK_MSG : boolean := false; constant C_PLTBUTILS_USE_CUSTOM_ERROR_MSG : boolean := false; constant C_PLTBUTILS_USE_CUSTOM_STOPSIM : boolean := false; --- Procedure declarations --- -- The user should NOT modify these. procedure custom_stopsim( constant timestamp : in time ); procedure custom_startsim_msg( constant testcase_name : in string; constant timestamp : in time ); procedure custom_endsim_msg( constant testcase_name : in string; constant timestamp : in time; constant num_tests : in integer; constant num_checks : in integer; constant num_errors : in integer; constant show_success_fail : in boolean ); procedure custom_starttest_msg( constant test_num : in integer; constant test_name : in string; constant timestamp : in time ); procedure custom_endtest_msg( constant test_num : in integer; constant test_name : in string; constant timestamp : in time; constant num_checks_in_test : in integer; constant num_errors_in_test : in integer ); procedure custom_check_msg( constant rpt : in string; constant timestamp : in time; constant expr : in boolean; constant actual : in string; constant expected : in string; constant mask : in string; constant test_num : in integer; constant test_name : in string; constant check_num : in integer; constant err_cnt_in_test : in integer ); procedure custom_error_msg( constant rpt : in string; constant timestamp : in time; constant test_num : in integer; constant test_name : in string; constant err_cnt_in_test : in integer ); --- User's function and procedure declarations --- -- Example for use with TeamCity. Remove, modify or replace -- to suit other other continous integration tools or scripts, if you need to. function tcfilter( constant s : string ) return string; end package pltbutils_user_cfg_pkg; package body pltbutils_user_cfg_pkg is --- Procedure definitions --- -- The user should NOT modify the arguments, -- but the behaviour is free to modify to fit the user's requirements. procedure custom_stopsim( constant timestamp : in time ) is begin -- The best way to stop a simulation differs between different simulators. -- Below are some examples. Modify to suit your simulator. -- Works with some simulators that supports VHDL-2008. -- Requires that 'use std.env.all' at the top of the file is uncommented. --stop; -- Works with some simulators that support VHDL-2008. -- Requires that 'use std.env.all' at the top of the file is uncommented. --finish; -- Works in all simulators known by the author, but ugly. assert false report "--- FORCE END OF SIMULATION ---" & " (ignore this false failure message, it's not a real failure)" severity failure; end procedure custom_stopsim; -- Example custom messages for TeamCity. -- Edit to suit other continous integration tools or scripts, if you need to. -- General TeamCity information: http://www.jetbrains.com/teamcity/ -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teamcity -- TeamCity test reporting: http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD8/Build+Script+Interaction+with+TeamCity#BuildScriptInteractionwithTeamCity-ReportingTests procedure custom_startsim_msg( constant testcase_name : in string; constant timestamp : in time ) is begin print("##teamcity[testSuiteStarted name='" & tcfilter(testcase_name) & "']"); end procedure custom_startsim_msg; procedure custom_endsim_msg( constant testcase_name : in string; constant timestamp : in time; constant num_tests : in integer; constant num_checks : in integer; constant num_errors : in integer; constant show_success_fail : in boolean ) is begin -- TeamCity ignores all arguments except testcase_name print("##teamcity[testSuiteFinished name='" & tcfilter(testcase_name) & "']"); end procedure custom_endsim_msg; procedure custom_starttest_msg( constant test_num : in integer; constant test_name : in string; constant timestamp : in time ) is begin -- TeamCity ignores test_num and timestamp print("##teamcity[testStarted name='" & tcfilter(test_name) & "']"); end procedure custom_starttest_msg; procedure custom_endtest_msg( constant test_num : in integer; constant test_name : in string; constant timestamp : in time; constant num_checks_in_test : in integer; constant num_errors_in_test : in integer ) is begin -- TeamCity ignores all arguments except test_name print("##teamcity[testFinished name='" & tcfilter(test_name) & "']"); end procedure custom_endtest_msg; procedure custom_check_msg( constant rpt : in string; constant timestamp : in time; constant expr : in boolean; constant actual : in string; constant expected : in string; constant mask : in string; constant test_num : in integer; constant test_name : in string; constant check_num : in integer; constant err_cnt_in_test : in integer ) is variable comparison_str : string(1 to 32) := (others => ' '); variable comparison_str_len : integer := 1; variable actual_str : string(1 to 32) := (others => ' '); variable actual_str_len : integer := 1; variable expected_str : string(1 to 32) := (others => ' '); variable expected_str_len : integer := 1; variable mask_str : string(1 to 32) := (others => ' '); variable mask_str_len : integer := 1; begin if not expr then -- Output message only if the check fails if err_cnt_in_test <= 1 then -- TeamCity allows max one error message per test if actual /= "" then actual_str_len := 10 + actual'length; actual_str(1 to actual_str_len) := " actual='" & tcfilter(actual) & "'"; end if; if expected /= "" then comparison_str_len := 26; comparison_str(1 to comparison_str_len) := " type='comparisonFailure' "; expected_str_len := 12 + expected'length; expected_str(1 to expected_str_len) := " expected='" & tcfilter(expected) & "'"; end if; if mask /= "" then mask_str_len := 17 + mask'length; mask_str(1 to mask_str_len) := " details='mask=" & tcfilter(mask) & "' "; end if; print("##teamcity[testFailed" & comparison_str(1 to comparison_str_len) & "name='" & tcfilter(test_name) & "' " & "message='" & tcfilter(rpt) & "' " & expected_str(1 to expected_str_len) & actual_str(1 to actual_str_len) & mask_str(1 to mask_str_len) & "]"); else print("(TeamCity error message filtered out, because max one message is allowed for each test)"); end if; end if; end procedure custom_check_msg; procedure custom_error_msg( constant rpt : in string; constant timestamp : in time; constant test_num : in integer; constant test_name : in string; constant err_cnt_in_test : in integer ) is begin if err_cnt_in_test <= 1 then -- TeamCity allows max one error message per test print("##teamcity[testFailed" & "name='" & tcfilter(test_name) & "' " & "message='" & tcfilter(rpt) & "']"); else print("(TeamCity error message filtered out, because max one message is allowed for each test)"); end if; end procedure custom_error_msg; --- User's function and procedure definitions --- -- Example for use with TeamCity. Remove, modify or replace -- to suit other other continous integration tools or scripts, if you need to. -- TeamCity string filter. Filters out characters which are not allowed in TeamCity messages. -- Search for "escaped values" in -- http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD8/Build+Script+Interaction+with+TeamCity#BuildScriptInteractionwithTeamCity-ReportingTests -- The TeamCity escape character is not used, because that changes the length of the string. -- The VHDL code can be simplified if it doesn't have to deal with changes of string -- lengths. function tcfilter( constant s : string ) return string is variable r : string(s'range) := (others => (' ')); begin for i in s'range loop if s(i) = ''' then r(i) := '`'; elsif s(i) = lf or s(i) = cr then r(i) := ' '; elsif s(i) = '|' then r(i) := '/'; elsif s(i) = '[' then r(i) := '{'; elsif s(i) = ']' then r(i) := '}'; else r(i) := s(i); end if; end loop; return r; end function tcfilter; end package body pltbutils_user_cfg_pkg;
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