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[/] [pmodad2driver/] [trunk/] [hw/] [sources/] [Top_PmodAD2Driver.vhd] - Rev 2
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------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Engineer: Dalmasso Loic -- Create Date: 05/02/2025 -- Module Name: Top_PmodAD2Driver -- Description: -- Top Module including Pmod AD2 Driver for the 4 Channels of 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter AD7991. -- -- WARNING: /!\ Require Pull-Up on SCL and SDA pins /!\ -- -- Ports -- Input - i_sys_clock: System Input Clock -- Input - i_reset: Module Reset ('0': No Reset, '1': Reset) -- Output - o_led: ADC Value -- In/Out - io_scl: I2C Serial Clock ('0'-'Z'(as '1') values, working with Pull-Up) -- In/Out - io_sda: I2C Serial Data ('0'-'Z'(as '1') values, working with Pull-Up) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; USE IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; ENTITY Top_PmodAD2Driver is PORT( i_sys_clock: IN STD_LOGIC; i_reset: IN STD_LOGIC; o_led: OUT UNSIGNED(15 downto 0); io_scl: INOUT STD_LOGIC; io_sda: INOUT STD_LOGIC ); END Top_PmodAD2Driver; ARCHITECTURE Behavioral of Top_PmodAD2Driver is ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Component Declarations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPONENT PmodAD2Driver is GENERIC( sys_clock: INTEGER := 100_000_000; i2c_clock: INTEGER range 1 to 400_000 := 100_000 ); PORT( i_sys_clock: IN STD_LOGIC; i_enable: IN STD_LOGIC; i_mode: IN STD_LOGIC; i_addr: IN UNSIGNED(6 downto 0); i_config_byte: IN UNSIGNED(7 downto 0); i_last_read: IN STD_LOGIC; o_adc_valid: OUT STD_LOGIC; o_adc_value: OUT UNSIGNED(15 downto 0); o_ready: OUT STD_LOGIC; io_scl: INOUT STD_LOGIC; io_sda: INOUT STD_LOGIC ); END COMPONENT; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Signal Declarations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Pmod States TYPE pmodState is (IDLE, CONFIG, END_CONFIG, WAITING_READ, READ_ADC, END_READ); signal state: pmodState := IDLE; signal next_state: pmodState; -- Read Timer (1 read every second) constant CLOCK_DIV: INTEGER := 100_000_000; signal read_timer: INTEGER range 0 to CLOCK_DIV-1 := 0; signal read_enable: STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- Pmod AD2 Enable signal pmodad2_enable: STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- Pmod AD2 Ready signal pmodad2_ready: STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- Pmode AD2 Input Register signal mode_reg: STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- Pmod AD2 Output Register signal adc_valid_reg: STD_LOGIC := '0'; signal adc_value_reg: UNSIGNED(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Module Implementation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin ----------------------- -- Reset Read Timer -- ----------------------- process(i_sys_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_sys_clock) then -- Reset Read Timer if (i_reset = '1') or (read_timer = CLOCK_DIV-1) or (state = END_READ) then read_timer <= 0; -- Increment Read Timer elsif (state = WAITING_READ) then read_timer <= read_timer +1; end if; end if; end process; ----------------- -- Read Enable -- ----------------- process(i_sys_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_sys_clock) then -- Read Enable if (read_timer = CLOCK_DIV-1) then read_enable <= '1'; else read_enable <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------ -- Pmod State Machine -- ------------------------ -- Pmod State process(i_sys_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_sys_clock) then -- Reset if (i_reset = '1') then state <= IDLE; -- Next State else state <= next_state; end if; end if; end process; -- Pmod Next State process(state, pmodad2_ready, read_enable) begin case state is when IDLE => if (pmodad2_ready = '1') then next_state <= CONFIG; else next_state <= IDLE; end if; -- Configure ADC when CONFIG => if (pmodad2_ready = '0') then next_state <= END_CONFIG; else next_state <= CONFIG; end if; -- End of Configuration when END_CONFIG => if (pmodad2_ready = '1') then next_state <= WAITING_READ; else next_state <= END_CONFIG; end if; -- Waiting Read ADC when WAITING_READ => if (read_enable = '1') then next_state <= READ_ADC; else next_state <= WAITING_READ; end if; -- Read ADC when READ_ADC => if (pmodad2_ready = '0') then next_state <= END_READ; else next_state <= READ_ADC; end if; -- End Read ADC when END_READ => if (pmodad2_ready = '1') then next_state <= WAITING_READ; else next_state <= END_READ; end if; when others => next_state <= IDLE; end case; end process; --------------------- -- Pmod AD2 Enable -- --------------------- pmodad2_enable <= '0' when state = IDLE or state = WAITING_READ else '1'; ------------------- -- Pmod AD2 Mode -- ------------------- mode_reg <= '0' when state = CONFIG or state = END_CONFIG else '1'; ---------------------------- -- Pmod AD2 Digital Value -- ---------------------------- process(i_sys_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_sys_clock) then -- Config if (state = IDLE) then o_led <= "1010101010101010"; -- ADC Value elsif (adc_valid_reg = '1') then o_led <= adc_value_reg; end if; end if; end process; --------------------- -- Pmod AD2 Driver -- --------------------- inst_PmodAD2Driver: PmodAD2Driver generic map ( sys_clock => 100_000_000, i2c_clock => 100_000) port map ( i_sys_clock => i_sys_clock, i_enable => pmodad2_enable, i_mode => mode_reg, i_addr => "0101000", i_config_byte => "00010000", i_last_read => '1', o_adc_valid => adc_valid_reg, o_adc_value => adc_value_reg, o_ready => pmodad2_ready, io_scl => io_scl, io_sda => io_sda); end Behavioral;