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[/] [popcount_gen/] [trunk/] [FPGA_MaxPars_Gen.c] - Rev 2
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/* FPGA_MaxPars (version 1.0) A program to generate VHDL wrapper files * for the computational kernel of the Maximum Parsinomy FPGA Architecture. * * Copyright March 2011 by Nikolaos Ch. Alachiotis * * This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify its * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * The wrapper files generated by the FPGA_MaxPars as well as all the other * VHDL files that form the implementation of the Maximum Parsimony FPGA * Architecture can be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. * * Furthermore, the POPCOUNT component, which solves the population count problem * by generating a pipelined tree of adders, might as well be used outside the * context of the Maximum Parsimony FPGA Architecture under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License. * * The POPCOUNT module is vendor and device independent. * * For any other enquiries send an Email to Nikolaos Alachiotis * n.alachiotis@gmail.com */ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define SIZE_MODE 0 #define CONFIG_MODE 1 #define CREATE_MODE 2 FILE * ADDER_FP; FILE * MPPRU_FP; FILE * TOP_FP; int INPUT_LOAD; int ADDER_LOAD; int SIGNAL_LOAD; int MAX_CODE; int PPC_SIZE; int LATENCY; int BITVEC_INDEX; int inputbitvector[16]; int * registerpositions; typedef struct{ int inst_sz; int inst_ind; int inpA_num; int inpB_num; int outC_num; }adder_config; adder_config * ADD_CONFIG; int ADD_CONFIG_IND; typedef struct{ int type; int code; int size; }signal_config; void getbitvector(int input) { int i=0; int div=0; int mod=0; for(i=0;i<16;i++) { inputbitvector[i]=0; } div = input; i=15; while(div!=0) { mod = div%2; div = div/2; inputbitvector[i--]=mod; } fprintf(TOP_FP,"\ncurSIZE <= \""); for(i=0;i<16;i++) { fprintf(TOP_FP, "%d",inputbitvector[i]); } fprintf(TOP_FP,"\";\n"); } signal_config * SIG_CONFIG; int SIG_CONFIG_IND; int connect_input(int load, int MODE) { int i; for(i=load-1;i>-1;i--) { if(MODE==SIZE_MODE) { SIGNAL_LOAD+=2; } if(MODE==CONFIG_MODE) { SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].type=1; SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].code=1; SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].size=i; SIG_CONFIG_IND++; SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].type=3; SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].code=1; SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].size=i; SIG_CONFIG_IND++; } } return load; } int connect_output_to_input_next(int pos, int load, int MODE) { int i; for(i=load-1;i>-1;i--) { if(MODE==SIZE_MODE) { SIGNAL_LOAD += 3; } if(MODE==CONFIG_MODE) { SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].type=1; SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].code=pos; SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].size=i; SIG_CONFIG_IND++; SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].type=2; SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].code=pos-1; SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].size=i; SIG_CONFIG_IND++; SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].type=4; SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].code=pos; SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].size=i; SIG_CONFIG_IND++; } if(MODE==CREATE_MODE) { fprintf(ADDER_FP,"INPUT_%d_%d <= OUTPUT_%d_%d;\n",pos,i,pos-1,i); } } } int adder_line(int line_pos, int load, int arg, int MODE) { int next_load=0, i, i_init, i_last, sig_arg_ind; if(arg==1) { sig_arg_ind = load * 2; i_init = load; i_last = 0; } else { sig_arg_ind = load * 2-1; i_init = load-1; i_last = -1; } for(i=i_init;i>i_last;i--) { if(MODE==SIZE_MODE) { ADDER_LOAD++; } if(MODE==CONFIG_MODE) { ADD_CONFIG[ADD_CONFIG_IND].inst_sz=line_pos; if(ADD_CONFIG[ADD_CONFIG_IND].inst_sz>MAX_CODE) { MAX_CODE = ADD_CONFIG[ADD_CONFIG_IND].inst_sz; } ADD_CONFIG[ADD_CONFIG_IND].inst_ind=i; ADD_CONFIG[ADD_CONFIG_IND].inpA_num=sig_arg_ind--; ADD_CONFIG[ADD_CONFIG_IND].inpB_num=sig_arg_ind--; ADD_CONFIG[ADD_CONFIG_IND].outC_num=i; ADD_CONFIG_IND++; } if(MODE==CREATE_MODE) { fprintf(ADDER_FP,"ADD_%d_INST_%d: ADD_%d Port Map\n",line_pos,i,line_pos); fprintf(ADDER_FP,"(\n"); fprintf(ADDER_FP," ADD_%d_IN_A => INPUT_%d_%d,\n",line_pos,line_pos,sig_arg_ind--); fprintf(ADDER_FP," ADD_%d_IN_B => INPUT_%d_%d,\n",line_pos,line_pos,sig_arg_ind--); fprintf(ADDER_FP," ADD_%d_OUT => OUTPUT_%d_%d\n",line_pos,line_pos,i); fprintf(ADDER_FP,");\n"); } next_load++; } if(arg==1) { if(MODE==SIZE_MODE) { SIGNAL_LOAD++; } if(MODE==CONFIG_MODE) { SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].type=5; SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].code=line_pos; SIG_CONFIG[SIG_CONFIG_IND].size=0; SIG_CONFIG_IND++; } if(MODE==CREATE_MODE) { fprintf(ADDER_FP,"OUTPUT_%d_0 <= INPUT_%d_0;\n",line_pos,line_pos); } next_load++; } return next_load; } int calc_line_load(int load) { return load/2; } int calc_line_arrangement(int load) { if((load%2)==0) { return 2; } else { return 1; } } void connect_toplevel_input() { int i; for (i=0;i<SIGNAL_LOAD;i++) { if(SIG_CONFIG[i].type==3) { fprintf(ADDER_FP,"INPUT_%d_%d(0) <= invec(%d);\n",SIG_CONFIG[i].code,SIG_CONFIG[i].size,SIG_CONFIG[i].size); } } } void create_signals() { int i; fprintf(ADDER_FP,"\n\n"); for (i=0;i<SIGNAL_LOAD;i++) { if(SIG_CONFIG[i].type==1 && SIG_CONFIG[i].code<=MAX_CODE) { fprintf(ADDER_FP,"signal INPUT_%d_%d : std_logic_vector(%d downto 0);\n",SIG_CONFIG[i].code,SIG_CONFIG[i].size,SIG_CONFIG[i].code-1); } if(SIG_CONFIG[i].type==2 && SIG_CONFIG[i].code<=MAX_CODE) { fprintf(ADDER_FP,"signal OUTPUT_%d_%d : std_logic_vector(%d downto 0);\n",SIG_CONFIG[i].code,SIG_CONFIG[i].size,SIG_CONFIG[i].code); } } } void instantiate_adders() { int i; fprintf(ADDER_FP,"\n\n"); for (i=0;i<ADDER_LOAD;i++) { fprintf(ADDER_FP,"ADD_%d_INST_%d: ADD_%d Port Map\n",ADD_CONFIG[i].inst_sz,ADD_CONFIG[i].inst_ind,ADD_CONFIG[i].inst_sz); fprintf(ADDER_FP,"(\n"); fprintf(ADDER_FP," ADD_%d_IN_A => INPUT_%d_%d,\n",ADD_CONFIG[i].inst_sz,ADD_CONFIG[i].inst_sz,ADD_CONFIG[i].inpA_num); fprintf(ADDER_FP," ADD_%d_IN_B => INPUT_%d_%d,\n",ADD_CONFIG[i].inst_sz,ADD_CONFIG[i].inst_sz,ADD_CONFIG[i].inpB_num); fprintf(ADDER_FP," ADD_%d_OUT => OUTPUT_%d_%d\n",ADD_CONFIG[i].inst_sz,ADD_CONFIG[i].inst_sz,ADD_CONFIG[i].outC_num); fprintf(ADDER_FP,");\n"); } for(i=0;i<SIGNAL_LOAD;i++) { if(SIG_CONFIG[i].type==5) { fprintf(ADDER_FP,"OUTPUT_%d_0(%d) <= '0';\n",SIG_CONFIG[i].code,SIG_CONFIG[i].code); fprintf(ADDER_FP,"OUTPUT_%d_0(%d downto 0) <= INPUT_%d_0;\n",SIG_CONFIG[i].code,SIG_CONFIG[i].code-1,SIG_CONFIG[i].code); } } } void make_interconnections() { int i, registered, regindex; fprintf(ADDER_FP,"\n\n"); registered=0; regindex=0; for (i=0;i<SIGNAL_LOAD;i++) { if(SIG_CONFIG[i].type==4) { if(SIG_CONFIG[i].code!=MAX_CODE+1) { if(SIG_CONFIG[i].code==registerpositions[regindex]+1) { if (registered==0) { fprintf(ADDER_FP,"\nprocess(clk)\nbegin\nif clk'event and clk='1' then\n\n"); registered=1; } } if(SIG_CONFIG[i].code!=registerpositions[regindex]+1) { if(registered==1) { fprintf(ADDER_FP,"\nend if;\nend process;\n\n"); registered=0; regindex++; } } if(registered==1) { fprintf(ADDER_FP,"\t"); } fprintf(ADDER_FP,"INPUT_%d_%d <= OUTPUT_%d_%d;\n",SIG_CONFIG[i].code,SIG_CONFIG[i].size,SIG_CONFIG[i].code-1,SIG_CONFIG[i].size); if((SIG_CONFIG[i].code==registerpositions[regindex]+1) && SIG_CONFIG[i].size==0) { if(registered==1) { fprintf(ADDER_FP,"\nend if;\nend process;\n\n"); registered=0; regindex++; } } } else { fprintf(ADDER_FP,"\n\n"); fprintf(ADDER_FP,"process(clk)\nbegin\nif clk'event and clk='1' then\n",SIG_CONFIG[i].code); fprintf(ADDER_FP," value(31 downto %d)<= (others=>'0');\n",SIG_CONFIG[i].code); fprintf(ADDER_FP," value(%d downto 0)<= OUTPUT_%d_%d;\nend if;\nend process;",SIG_CONFIG[i].code-1,SIG_CONFIG[i].code-1,SIG_CONFIG[i].size); fprintf(ADDER_FP,"\n\nend Behavioral;"); } } } } void component_short_ADDER(int size, FILE * fp) { fprintf(ADDER_FP,"\n\n"); fprintf(ADDER_FP,"component ADD_%d is\n",size); fprintf(ADDER_FP,"Port ( ADD_%d_IN_A: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(%d downto 0);\n",size,size-1); fprintf(ADDER_FP," ADD_%d_IN_B: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(%d downto 0);\n",size,size-1); fprintf(ADDER_FP," ADD_%d_OUT : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(%d downto 0)\n",size,size); fprintf(ADDER_FP,");\n"); fprintf(ADDER_FP,"end component;\n"); } void processADDER(int MODE) { int line_load, line_load_next, line_arg, line_pos=0, i; if(MODE==SIZE_MODE) { ADDER_LOAD=0; SIGNAL_LOAD=0; MAX_CODE = -1; } if(MODE==SIZE_MODE || MODE==CONFIG_MODE) { connect_input(INPUT_LOAD,MODE); line_load_next = INPUT_LOAD; while(line_load_next!=1) { line_pos ++; line_load=calc_line_load(line_load_next); line_arg= calc_line_arrangement(line_load_next); line_load_next = adder_line(line_pos,line_load, line_arg, MODE); connect_output_to_input_next(line_pos+1, line_load_next,MODE); } } else { create_signals(); for(i=1;i<MAX_CODE+1;i++) { component_short_ADDER(i, ADDER_FP); } fprintf(ADDER_FP,"\n\nbegin\n\n"); connect_toplevel_input(); instantiate_adders(); make_interconnections(); } } void preliminary_input(FILE *fp) { fprintf(fp,"------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(fp,"-- Copyright (C) 2010 Nikolaos Ch. Alachiotis --\n"); fprintf(fp,"-- Contact: n.alachiotis@gmail.com --\n"); fprintf(fp,"-- Details: This file has been generated by --\n"); fprintf(fp,"-- the FPGA_MaxPars program. --\n"); fprintf(fp,"------------------------------------------------\n"); } void libraries(FILE * fp) { fprintf(fp,"\n\n"); fprintf(fp,"library IEEE;\n"); fprintf(fp,"use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;\n"); fprintf(fp,"use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;\n"); fprintf(fp,"use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;\n"); } void entityADDER() { fprintf(ADDER_FP,"\n\n"); fprintf(ADDER_FP,"entity POPCOUNT is\n"); fprintf(ADDER_FP,"Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC;\n"); fprintf(ADDER_FP," invec : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(%d downto 0);\n",INPUT_LOAD-1); fprintf(ADDER_FP," value : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0)\n"); fprintf(ADDER_FP,");\n"); fprintf(ADDER_FP,"end POPCOUNT;\n"); } void start_architectureADDER() { fprintf(ADDER_FP,"\n\n"); fprintf(ADDER_FP,"architecture Behavioral of POPCOUNT is\n"); } void entity_short_ADDER(int size, FILE *fp) { fprintf(ADDER_FP,"\n\n"); fprintf(ADDER_FP,"entity ADD_%d is\n",size); fprintf(ADDER_FP,"Port ( ADD_%d_IN_A: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(%d downto 0);\n",size,size-1); fprintf(ADDER_FP," ADD_%d_IN_B: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(%d downto 0);\n",size,size-1); fprintf(ADDER_FP," ADD_%d_OUT : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(%d downto 0)\n",size,size); fprintf(ADDER_FP,");\n"); fprintf(ADDER_FP,"end ADD_%d;\n",size); } void start_architecture_short_ADDER(int size, FILE *fp) { fprintf(fp,"\n\n"); fprintf(fp,"architecture Behavioral of ADD_%d is\n",size); } void finish_architecture_short_ADDER(int size, FILE * fp) { fprintf(fp,"\nsignal tinput_A : std_logic_vector(%d downto 0);\n",size); fprintf(fp,"signal tinput_B : std_logic_vector(%d downto 0);\n",size); fprintf(fp,"signal toutput : std_logic_vector(%d downto 0);\n",size); fprintf(fp,"\nbegin\n\n"); fprintf(fp,"tinput_A(%d)<='0';\ntinput_A(%d downto 0) <= ADD_%d_IN_A;\n",size,size-1,size); fprintf(fp,"tinput_B(%d)<='0';\ntinput_B(%d downto 0) <= ADD_%d_IN_B;\n",size,size-1,size); fprintf(fp,"toutput <= tinput_A + tinput_B;\n",size); fprintf(fp,"ADD_%d_OUT <= toutput;\n",size); fprintf(fp,"\nend Behavioral;\n"); } void create_short_adder(int size, FILE * fp) { libraries(fp); entity_short_ADDER(size,fp); start_architecture_short_ADDER(size,fp); finish_architecture_short_ADDER(size,fp); } void entityPPC() { fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"\n\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"entity PPC is\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC;\n\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," tip_addr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," tip_we : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," tip_din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," tip_we_nxt : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0);\n\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," sel_vec : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," addrA : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," addrB : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," addrC : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," addrD : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," WRCNTRL : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(13 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," POPCOUNTvector : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(%d downto 0)\n",INPUT_LOAD-1); fprintf(MPPRU_FP,");\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"end PPC;\n"); } void start_architecturePPC() { fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"\n\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"architecture Behavioral of PPC is\n"); } void componentPRU() { fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"\n\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"component PRU_TOP is\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," port (\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," clk : in STD_LOGIC;\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," tip_addr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," tip_we : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," tip_din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," tip_we_nxt : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," sel_vec : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," addrA : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," addrB : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," addrC : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," addrD : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," WRCNTRL : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(13 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," countBITs : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0)\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," );\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"end component;\n"); } void instantiatePRU(int index) { fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"\n-----------------------\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"-- Processing Unit %d --\n",index); fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"-----------------------\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"PRU_INST_%d: PRU_TOP Port Map\n", index); fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"(\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," clk => clk,\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," tip_addr => tip_addr,\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," tip_we => tip_we_%d,\n",index); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," tip_din => tip_din,\n"); if(index==PPC_SIZE) { fprintf(MPPRU_FP," tip_we_nxt => open,\n"); } else { fprintf(MPPRU_FP," tip_we_nxt => tip_we_%d,\n",index+1); } fprintf(MPPRU_FP," sel_vec => sel_vec,\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," addrA => addrA,\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," addrB => addrB,\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," addrC => addrC,\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," addrD => addrD,\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," WRCNTRL => WRCNTRL,\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP," countBITs => POPCOUNTvector(%d downto %d)\n", BITVEC_INDEX, BITVEC_INDEX-1); fprintf(MPPRU_FP,");\n"); BITVEC_INDEX = BITVEC_INDEX - 2; } void signalsPPC() { int i=0; fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"\n"); for(i=1;i<=PPC_SIZE;i++) { fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"signal tip_we_%d: std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);\n",i); } fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"\nbegin\n"); fprintf(MPPRU_FP,"\ntip_we_1 <= tip_we;\n"); } void end_file(FILE *fp) { fprintf(fp,"\n\nend Behavioral;\n"); } void entityMPEXT() { fprintf(TOP_FP,"\n\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"entity MPEXT is\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC;\n\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," curSIZE : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);\n\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," tip_addr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," tip_we : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," tip_din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," sel_vec : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," addrA : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," addrB : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," addrC : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," addrD : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," WRCNTRL : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(13 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," POPCOUNT_val : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);\n\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," score_rdaddr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," score_rddout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," score3_we : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," score3_addr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," score3_din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);\n\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," sync_in : in STD_LOGIC;\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," sync_out : out STD_LOGIC\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,");\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"end MPEXT;\n"); } void start_architectureMPEXT() { fprintf(TOP_FP,"\n\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"architecture Behavioral of MPEXT is\n"); } void componentPPC() { fprintf(TOP_FP,"\n\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"component PPC is\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC;\n\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," tip_addr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," tip_we : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," tip_din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," sel_vec : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," addrA : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," addrB : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," addrC : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," addrD : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," WRCNTRL : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(13 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," POPCOUNTvector : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(%d downto 0)\n",INPUT_LOAD-1); fprintf(TOP_FP," );\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"end component;\n"); } void componentPOPCOUNT() { fprintf(TOP_FP,"\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"component POPCOUNT is\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC;\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," invec : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(%d downto 0);\n",INPUT_LOAD-1); fprintf(TOP_FP," value : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0)\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,");\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"end component;\n"); } void componentSCOREMEM() { fprintf(TOP_FP,"\n\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"component MP_SCORE_MEM_V5 is\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," port (\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," ssrb : in STD_LOGIC := 'X';\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," clka : in STD_LOGIC := 'X';\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," clkb : in STD_LOGIC := 'X';\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," wea : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," addra : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," addrb : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," doutb : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," dina : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0)\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," );\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"end component;\n"); } void MPEXT_components() { int i; componentPPC(); componentPOPCOUNT(); componentSCOREMEM(); fprintf(TOP_FP,"\n\nsignal sync_vec: std_logic_vector(%d downto 0);",LATENCY+6); fprintf(TOP_FP,"\n\nsignal bitvector_consig: std_logic_vector(%d downto 0);\n\n\nbegin\n\n",INPUT_LOAD-1); getbitvector((INPUT_LOAD/2)-2); } void synchronize() { int i; fprintf(TOP_FP,"\nsync_vec(0) <= sync_in;\nsync_out<=sync_vec(%d);\n\nprocess(clk)\nbegin\nif clk'event and clk='1' then\n",LATENCY+6); for (i=1;i<=LATENCY+6;i++) { fprintf(TOP_FP," sync_vec(%d) <= sync_vec(%d);\n",i,i-1); } fprintf(TOP_FP,"end if;\nend process;\n"); } void instantiatePPC() { fprintf(TOP_FP,"\n\n---------\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"-- PPC --\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"---------\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"PPC_U: PPC Port Map\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"(\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," clk => clk,\n\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," tip_addr => tip_addr,\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," tip_we => tip_we,\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," tip_din => tip_din,\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," sel_vec => sel_vec,\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," addrA => addrA,\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," addrB => addrB,\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," addrC => addrC,\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," addrD => addrD,\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," WRCNTRL => WRCNTRL,\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," POPCOUNTvector => bitvector_consig\n",INPUT_LOAD-1); fprintf(TOP_FP,");\n"); } void instantiatePOPCOUNT() { fprintf(TOP_FP,"\n\n--------------\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"-- POPCOUNT --\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"--------------\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"POPCOUNT_U: POPCOUNT Port Map\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"(\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," clk => clk,\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," invec => bitvector_consig,\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," value => POPCOUNT_val\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,");\n"); } void instantiateSCOREMEM() { fprintf(TOP_FP,"\n\n---------------\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"-- SCORE MEM --\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"---------------\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"SCOREMEM_U: MP_SCORE_MEM_V5 Port Map\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,"(\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," ssrb => score_rdaddr(0),\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," clka => clk,\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," clkb => clk,\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," wea => score3_we,\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," addra => score3_addr(11 downto 1),\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," addrb => score_rdaddr(11 downto 1),\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," doutb => score_rddout,\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP," dina => score3_din\n"); fprintf(TOP_FP,");\n"); } void get_register_positions() { int i; int popcountstages = MAX_CODE; int desiredlatency = LATENCY; int registerstages = MAX_CODE/LATENCY; int offset = MAX_CODE % LATENCY; int loopposition = registerstages; int loopoffset = offset; registerpositions = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*LATENCY-1); registerpositions[0] = loopposition; if(loopoffset!=0) { registerpositions[0]++; loopoffset--; } for(i=1;i<LATENCY-1;i++) { registerpositions[i] = registerpositions[i-1] + loopposition; if(loopoffset!=0) { registerpositions[i]++; loopoffset--; } } } int main() { int i=0; char temp; printf("\n1. Number of Input Bits:"); scanf("%d",&INPUT_LOAD); if(INPUT_LOAD<=1) { printf("\n Minimum Number of Input Bits = 2!\n\n"); INPUT_LOAD = 2; } printf("\n2. POPCOUNT Latency (# of Cycles):"); scanf("%d",&LATENCY); if (LATENCY<=0) { printf("\n Minimum POPCOUNT Latency = 1 clock cycle!\n"); LATENCY = 1; } ADDER_FP = fopen("POPCOUNT.vhd","w"); preliminary_input(ADDER_FP); libraries(ADDER_FP); entityADDER(); start_architectureADDER(); processADDER(SIZE_MODE); ADD_CONFIG = (adder_config*)malloc(sizeof(adder_config)*ADDER_LOAD); ADD_CONFIG_IND = 0; SIG_CONFIG = (signal_config*)malloc(sizeof(signal_config)*SIGNAL_LOAD); SIG_CONFIG_IND = 0; processADDER(CONFIG_MODE); get_register_positions(); processADDER(CREATE_MODE); for(i=1;i<MAX_CODE+1;i++) { create_short_adder(i,ADDER_FP); } fclose(ADDER_FP); /* MPPRU_FP = fopen("PPC.vhd","w"); PPC_SIZE = INPUT_LOAD / 2; BITVEC_INDEX = INPUT_LOAD - 1; preliminary_input(MPPRU_FP); libraries(MPPRU_FP); entityPPC(); start_architecturePPC(); componentPRU(); signalsPPC(); for(i=1;i<=PPC_SIZE;i++) { instantiatePRU(i); } end_file(MPPRU_FP); fclose(MPPRU_FP); TOP_FP = fopen("MP_EXT.vhd","w"); preliminary_input(TOP_FP); libraries(TOP_FP); entityMPEXT(); start_architectureMPEXT(); MPEXT_components(); synchronize(); instantiatePPC(); instantiatePOPCOUNT(); instantiateSCOREMEM(); end_file(TOP_FP); fclose(TOP_FP); */ printf("\n\n\n A VHDL file has been successfully generated!\n\n\nPress Enter to Exit...\n"); scanf("%c",&temp); scanf("%c",&temp); return 0; }