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[/] [potato/] [trunk/] [src/] [pp_execute.vhd] - Rev 56
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-- The Potato Processor - A simple processor for FPGAs -- (c) Kristian Klomsten Skordal 2014 - 2015 <kristian.skordal@wafflemail.net> -- Report bugs and issues on <http://opencores.org/project,potato,bugtracker> library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.pp_types.all; use work.pp_csr.all; use work.pp_utilities.all; entity pp_execute is port( clk : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; stall, flush : in std_logic; -- IRQ input: irq : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Data memory outputs: dmem_address : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); dmem_data_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); dmem_data_size : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); dmem_read_req : out std_logic; dmem_write_req : out std_logic; -- Register addresses: rs1_addr_in, rs2_addr_in, rd_addr_in : in register_address; rd_addr_out : out register_address; -- Register values: rs1_data_in, rs2_data_in : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); rd_data_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Constant values: shamt_in : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); immediate_in : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Instruction address: pc_in : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); pc_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Funct3 value from the instruction, used to choose which comparison -- is used when branching: funct3_in : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- CSR signals: csr_addr_in : in csr_address; csr_addr_out : out csr_address; csr_write_in : in csr_write_mode; csr_write_out : out csr_write_mode; csr_value_in : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); csr_value_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); csr_writeable_in : in boolean; csr_use_immediate_in : in std_logic; -- Control signals: alu_op_in : in alu_operation; alu_x_src_in : in alu_operand_source; alu_y_src_in : in alu_operand_source; rd_write_in : in std_logic; rd_write_out : out std_logic; branch_in : in branch_type; branch_out : out branch_type; -- Memory control signals: mem_op_in : in memory_operation_type; mem_op_out : out memory_operation_type; mem_size_in : in memory_operation_size; mem_size_out : out memory_operation_size; -- Whether the instruction should be counted: count_instruction_in : in std_logic; count_instruction_out : out std_logic; -- Exception control registers: status_in : in csr_status_register; evec_in : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); evec_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Exception signals: decode_exception_in : in std_logic; decode_exception_cause_in : in csr_exception_cause; -- Exception outputs: exception_out : out std_logic; exception_context_out : out csr_exception_context; -- Control outputs: jump_out : out std_logic; jump_target_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Inputs to the forwarding logic from the MEM stage: mem_rd_write : in std_logic; mem_rd_addr : in register_address; mem_rd_value : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); mem_csr_addr : in csr_address; mem_csr_write : in csr_write_mode; mem_csr_value : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); mem_exception : in std_logic; mem_exception_context : in csr_exception_context; -- Inputs to the forwarding logic from the WB stage: wb_rd_write : in std_logic; wb_rd_addr : in register_address; wb_rd_value : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); wb_csr_addr : in csr_address; wb_csr_write : in csr_write_mode; wb_csr_value : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); wb_exception : in std_logic; wb_exception_context : in csr_exception_context; -- Hazard detection unit signals: mem_mem_op : in memory_operation_type; hazard_detected : out std_logic ); end entity pp_execute; architecture behaviour of pp_execute is signal alu_op : alu_operation; signal alu_x_src, alu_y_src : alu_operand_source; signal alu_x, alu_y, alu_result : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal rs1_addr, rs2_addr : register_address; signal rs1_data, rs2_data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal mem_op : memory_operation_type; signal mem_size : memory_operation_size; signal pc : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal immediate : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal shamt : std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); signal funct3 : std_logic_vector( 2 downto 0); signal rs1_forwarded, rs2_forwarded : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal branch : branch_type; signal branch_condition : std_logic; signal do_jump : std_logic; signal jump_target : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal sr : csr_status_register; signal evec, evec_forwarded : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal csr_write : csr_write_mode; signal csr_addr : csr_address; signal csr_use_immediate : std_logic; signal csr_writeable : boolean; signal csr_value, csr_value_forwarded : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal decode_exception : std_logic; signal decode_exception_cause : csr_exception_cause; signal exception_taken : std_logic; signal exception_cause : csr_exception_cause; signal exception_vaddr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal exception_context_forwarded : csr_exception_context; signal data_misaligned, instr_misaligned : std_logic; signal irq_asserted : std_logic; signal irq_asserted_num : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin -- Register values should not be latched in by a clocked process, -- this is already done in the register files. csr_value <= csr_value_in; rd_data_out <= alu_result; branch_out <= branch; mem_op_out <= mem_op; mem_size_out <= mem_size; csr_write_out <= csr_write; csr_addr_out <= csr_addr; pc_out <= pc; exception_out <= exception_taken; exception_context_out <= ( status => exception_context_forwarded.status, cause => exception_cause, badvaddr => exception_vaddr ) when exception_taken = '1' else exception_context_forwarded; do_jump <= (to_std_logic(branch = BRANCH_JUMP or branch = BRANCH_JUMP_INDIRECT) or (to_std_logic(branch = BRANCH_CONDITIONAL) and branch_condition) or to_std_logic(branch = BRANCH_SRET)) and not stall; jump_out <= do_jump; jump_target_out <= jump_target; evec_out <= evec_forwarded; exception_taken <= (decode_exception or to_std_logic(exception_cause /= CSR_CAUSE_NONE) or irq_asserted) and not stall; irq_asserted <= to_std_logic(exception_context_forwarded.status.ei = '1' and (irq and exception_context_forwarded.status.im) /= x"00"); rs1_data <= rs1_data_in; rs2_data <= rs2_data_in; dmem_address <= alu_result; dmem_data_out <= rs2_forwarded; dmem_write_req <= '1' when mem_op = MEMOP_TYPE_STORE else '0'; dmem_read_req <= '1' when memop_is_load(mem_op) else '0'; pipeline_register: process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if reset = '1' or flush = '1' then rd_write_out <= '0'; branch <= BRANCH_NONE; csr_write <= CSR_WRITE_NONE; mem_op <= MEMOP_TYPE_NONE; decode_exception <= '0'; count_instruction_out <= '0'; elsif stall = '0' then pc <= pc_in; count_instruction_out <= count_instruction_in; -- Register signals: rd_write_out <= rd_write_in; rd_addr_out <= rd_addr_in; rs1_addr <= rs1_addr_in; rs2_addr <= rs2_addr_in; -- ALU signals: alu_op <= alu_op_in; alu_x_src <= alu_x_src_in; alu_y_src <= alu_y_src_in; -- Control signals: branch <= branch_in; mem_op <= mem_op_in; mem_size <= mem_size_in; -- Constant values: immediate <= immediate_in; shamt <= shamt_in; funct3 <= funct3_in; -- CSR signals: csr_write <= csr_write_in; csr_addr <= csr_addr_in; csr_use_immediate <= csr_use_immediate_in; csr_writeable <= csr_writeable_in; -- Status register; sr <= status_in; -- Exception vector base: evec <= evec_in; -- Instruction decoder exceptions: decode_exception <= decode_exception_in; decode_exception_cause <= decode_exception_cause_in; end if; end if; end process pipeline_register; set_data_size: process(mem_size) begin case mem_size is when MEMOP_SIZE_BYTE => dmem_data_size <= b"01"; when MEMOP_SIZE_HALFWORD => dmem_data_size <= b"10"; when MEMOP_SIZE_WORD => dmem_data_size <= b"00"; when others => dmem_data_size <= b"11"; end case; end process set_data_size; get_irq_num: process(irq, exception_context_forwarded) variable temp : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin temp := (others => '0'); for i in 0 to 7 loop if irq(i) = '1' and exception_context_forwarded.status.im(i) = '1' then temp := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, temp'length)); exit; end if; end loop; irq_asserted_num <= temp; end process get_irq_num; data_misalign_check: process(mem_size, alu_result) begin case mem_size is when MEMOP_SIZE_HALFWORD => if alu_result(0) /= '0' then data_misaligned <= '1'; else data_misaligned <= '0'; end if; when MEMOP_SIZE_WORD => if alu_result(1 downto 0) /= b"00" then data_misaligned <= '1'; else data_misaligned <= '0'; end if; when others => data_misaligned <= '0'; end case; end process data_misalign_check; instr_misalign_check: process(jump_target, branch, branch_condition, do_jump) begin if jump_target(1 downto 0) /= b"00" and do_jump = '1' then instr_misaligned <= '1'; else instr_misaligned <= '0'; end if; end process instr_misalign_check; find_exception_cause: process(decode_exception, decode_exception_cause, mem_op, data_misaligned, instr_misaligned, irq_asserted, irq_asserted_num) begin if irq_asserted = '1' then exception_cause <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(CSR_CAUSE_IRQ_BASE) + unsigned(irq_asserted_num)); elsif decode_exception = '1' then exception_cause <= decode_exception_cause; elsif mem_op = MEMOP_TYPE_INVALID then exception_cause <= CSR_CAUSE_INVALID_INSTR; elsif instr_misaligned = '1' then exception_cause <= CSR_CAUSE_INSTR_MISALIGN; elsif data_misaligned = '1' and mem_op = MEMOP_TYPE_STORE then exception_cause <= CSR_CAUSE_STORE_MISALIGN; elsif data_misaligned = '1' and memop_is_load(mem_op) then exception_cause <= CSR_CAUSE_LOAD_MISALIGN; else exception_cause <= CSR_CAUSE_NONE; end if; end process find_exception_cause; find_exception_vaddr: process(instr_misaligned, data_misaligned, jump_target, alu_result) begin if instr_misaligned = '1' then exception_vaddr <= jump_target; elsif data_misaligned = '1' then exception_vaddr <= alu_result; else exception_vaddr <= (others => '0'); end if; end process find_exception_vaddr; calc_jump_tgt: process(branch, pc, rs1_forwarded, immediate, csr_value_forwarded) begin case branch is when BRANCH_JUMP | BRANCH_CONDITIONAL => jump_target <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(pc) + unsigned(immediate)); when BRANCH_JUMP_INDIRECT => jump_target <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(rs1_forwarded) + unsigned(immediate)); when BRANCH_SRET => jump_target <= csr_value_forwarded; -- Will be the EPC value in the case of SRET when others => jump_target <= (others => '0'); end case; end process calc_jump_tgt; alu_x_mux: entity work.pp_alu_mux port map( source => alu_x_src, register_value => rs1_forwarded, immediate_value => immediate, shamt_value => shamt, pc_value => pc, csr_value => csr_value_forwarded, output => alu_x ); alu_y_mux: entity work.pp_alu_mux port map( source => alu_y_src, register_value => rs2_forwarded, immediate_value => immediate, shamt_value => shamt, pc_value => pc, csr_value => csr_value_forwarded, output => alu_y ); alu_x_forward: process(mem_rd_write, mem_rd_value, mem_rd_addr, rs1_addr, rs1_data, wb_rd_write, wb_rd_addr, wb_rd_value) begin if mem_rd_write = '1' and mem_rd_addr = rs1_addr and mem_rd_addr /= b"00000" then rs1_forwarded <= mem_rd_value; elsif wb_rd_write = '1' and wb_rd_addr = rs1_addr and wb_rd_addr /= b"00000" then rs1_forwarded <= wb_rd_value; else rs1_forwarded <= rs1_data; end if; end process alu_x_forward; alu_y_forward: process(mem_rd_write, mem_rd_value, mem_rd_addr, rs2_addr, rs2_data, wb_rd_write, wb_rd_addr, wb_rd_value) begin if mem_rd_write = '1' and mem_rd_addr = rs2_addr and mem_rd_addr /= b"00000" then rs2_forwarded <= mem_rd_value; elsif wb_rd_write = '1' and wb_rd_addr = rs2_addr and wb_rd_addr /= b"00000" then rs2_forwarded <= wb_rd_value; else rs2_forwarded <= rs2_data; end if; end process alu_y_forward; csr_forward: process(mem_csr_write, wb_csr_write, csr_addr, mem_csr_addr, wb_csr_addr, csr_value, mem_csr_value, wb_csr_value, csr_writeable, mem_exception, wb_exception, mem_exception_context, wb_exception_context) begin if csr_addr = CSR_CAUSE and mem_exception = '1' then csr_value_forwarded <= to_std_logic_vector(mem_exception_context.cause); elsif csr_addr = CSR_STATUS and mem_exception = '1' then csr_value_forwarded <= to_std_logic_vector(mem_exception_context.status); elsif csr_addr = CSR_BADVADDR and mem_exception = '1' then csr_value_forwarded <= mem_exception_context.badvaddr; elsif mem_csr_write /= CSR_WRITE_NONE and mem_csr_addr = csr_addr and csr_writeable then csr_value_forwarded <= mem_csr_value; elsif csr_addr = CSR_CAUSE and wb_exception = '1' then csr_value_forwarded <= to_std_logic_vector(wb_exception_context.cause); elsif csr_addr = CSR_STATUS and wb_exception = '1' then csr_value_forwarded <= to_std_logic_vector(wb_exception_context.status); elsif csr_addr = CSR_BADVADDR and wb_exception = '1' then csr_value_forwarded <= wb_exception_context.badvaddr; elsif wb_csr_write /= CSR_WRITE_NONE and wb_csr_addr = csr_addr and csr_writeable then csr_value_forwarded <= wb_csr_value; else csr_value_forwarded <= csr_value; end if; end process csr_forward; evec_forward: process(mem_csr_write, mem_csr_addr, mem_csr_value, wb_csr_write, wb_csr_addr, wb_csr_value, evec) begin if mem_csr_write /= CSR_WRITE_NONE and mem_csr_addr = CSR_EVEC then evec_forwarded <= mem_csr_value; elsif wb_csr_write /= CSR_WRITE_NONE and wb_csr_addr = CSR_EVEC then evec_forwarded <= wb_csr_value; else evec_forwarded <= evec; end if; end process evec_forward; exception_ctx_forward: process(mem_exception, wb_exception, mem_exception_context, wb_exception_context, exception_cause, exception_vaddr, mem_csr_write, mem_csr_addr, mem_csr_value, wb_csr_write, wb_csr_addr, wb_csr_value, sr) begin if mem_exception = '1' then exception_context_forwarded <= mem_exception_context; elsif mem_csr_write /= CSR_WRITE_NONE and mem_csr_addr = CSR_STATUS then exception_context_forwarded <= ( status => to_csr_status_register(mem_csr_value), cause => mem_exception_context.cause, badvaddr => mem_exception_context.badvaddr); elsif wb_exception = '1' then exception_context_forwarded <= wb_exception_context; elsif wb_csr_write /= CSR_WRITE_NONE and wb_csr_addr = CSR_STATUS then exception_context_forwarded <= ( status => to_csr_status_register(wb_csr_value), cause => wb_exception_context.cause, badvaddr => wb_exception_context.badvaddr); else exception_context_forwarded.status <= sr; exception_context_forwarded.cause <= exception_cause; exception_context_forwarded.badvaddr <= exception_vaddr; end if; end process exception_ctx_forward; detect_load_hazard: process(mem_mem_op, mem_rd_addr, rs1_addr, rs2_addr, alu_x_src, alu_y_src) begin if (mem_mem_op = MEMOP_TYPE_LOAD or mem_mem_op = MEMOP_TYPE_LOAD_UNSIGNED) and ((alu_x_src = ALU_SRC_REG and mem_rd_addr = rs1_addr and rs1_addr /= b"00000") or (alu_y_src = ALU_SRC_REG and mem_rd_addr = rs2_addr and rs2_addr /= b"00000")) then hazard_detected <= '1'; else hazard_detected <= '0'; end if; end process detect_load_hazard; branch_comparator: entity work.pp_comparator port map( funct3 => funct3, rs1 => rs1_forwarded, rs2 => rs2_forwarded, result => branch_condition ); alu_instance: entity work.pp_alu port map( result => alu_result, x => alu_x, y => alu_y, operation => alu_op ); csr_alu_instance: entity work.pp_csr_alu port map( x => csr_value_forwarded, y => rs1_forwarded, result => csr_value_out, immediate => rs1_addr, use_immediate => csr_use_immediate, write_mode => csr_write ); end architecture behaviour;
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