Subversion Repositories ps2_keyboard_interface
[/] [ps2_keyboard_interface/] [Keyboard_Controller.twr] - Rev 2
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Release 12.3 Trace (lin64)
Copyright (c) 1995-2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
/home/omar/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/unwrapped/trce -intstyle ise -v 3 -s 5 -n 3
-fastpaths -xml Keyboard_Controller.twx Keyboard_Controller.ncd -o
Keyboard_Controller.twr Keyboard_Controller.pcf -ucf Keyboard_Controller.ucf
Design file: Keyboard_Controller.ncd
Physical constraint file: Keyboard_Controller.pcf
Device,package,speed: xc3s200,ft256,-5 (PRODUCTION 1.39 2010-09-15)
Report level: verbose report
Environment Variable Effect
-------------------- ------
NONE No environment variables were set
INFO:Timing:2698 - No timing constraints found, doing default enumeration.
INFO:Timing:2752 - To get complete path coverage, use the unconstrained paths
option. All paths that are not constrained will be reported in the
unconstrained paths section(s) of the report.
INFO:Timing:3339 - The clock-to-out numbers in this timing report are based on
a 50 Ohm transmission line loading model. For the details of this model,
and for more information on accounting for different loading conditions,
please see the device datasheet.
INFO:Timing:3390 - This architecture does not support a default System Jitter
value, please add SYSTEM_JITTER constraint to the UCF to modify the Clock
Uncertainty calculation.
INFO:Timing:3389 - This architecture does not support 'Discrete Jitter' and
'Phase Error' calculations, these terms will be zero in the Clock
Uncertainty calculation. Please make appropriate modification to
SYSTEM_JITTER to account for the unsupported Discrete Jitter and Phase
Data Sheet report:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)
Setup/Hold to clock Clk
|Max Setup to|Max Hold to | | Clock |
Source | clk (edge) | clk (edge) |Internal Clock(s) | Phase |
DataIn | -1.282(F)| 2.962(F)|Clk_BUFGP | 0.000|
Clock Clk to Pad
| clk (edge) | | Clock |
Destination | to PAD |Internal Clock(s) | Phase |
Segments<0> | 15.527(F)|Clk_BUFGP | 0.000|
Segments<1> | 15.547(F)|Clk_BUFGP | 0.000|
Segments<2> | 14.902(F)|Clk_BUFGP | 0.000|
Segments<3> | 14.832(F)|Clk_BUFGP | 0.000|
Segments<4> | 14.881(F)|Clk_BUFGP | 0.000|
Segments<5> | 15.667(F)|Clk_BUFGP | 0.000|
Segments<6> | 14.621(F)|Clk_BUFGP | 0.000|
pressed<0> | 11.811(F)|Clk_BUFGP | 0.000|
pressed<1> | 10.757(F)|Clk_BUFGP | 0.000|
pressed<2> | 11.797(F)|Clk_BUFGP | 0.000|
pressed<3> | 11.135(F)|Clk_BUFGP | 0.000|
pressed<4> | 11.133(F)|Clk_BUFGP | 0.000|
pressed<5> | 10.677(F)|Clk_BUFGP | 0.000|
pressed<6> | 10.652(F)|Clk_BUFGP | 0.000|
pressed<7> | 10.781(F)|Clk_BUFGP | 0.000|
Clock Clk2 to Pad
| clk (edge) | | Clock |
Destination | to PAD |Internal Clock(s) | Phase |
Enables<0> | 10.006(R)|Clk2_BUFGP | 0.000|
Enables<1> | 9.793(R)|Clk2_BUFGP | 0.000|
Enables<2> | 9.495(R)|Clk2_BUFGP | 0.000|
Enables<3> | 10.361(R)|Clk2_BUFGP | 0.000|
Segments<0> | 12.189(R)|Clk2_BUFGP | 0.000|
Segments<1> | 12.586(R)|Clk2_BUFGP | 0.000|
Segments<2> | 11.867(R)|Clk2_BUFGP | 0.000|
Segments<3> | 11.528(R)|Clk2_BUFGP | 0.000|
Segments<4> | 11.497(R)|Clk2_BUFGP | 0.000|
Segments<5> | 12.433(R)|Clk2_BUFGP | 0.000|
Segments<6> | 11.330(R)|Clk2_BUFGP | 0.000|
Clock to Setup on destination clock Clk
| Src:Rise| Src:Fall| Src:Rise| Src:Fall|
Source Clock |Dest:Rise|Dest:Rise|Dest:Fall|Dest:Fall|
Clk | | | | 3.763|
Clock to Setup on destination clock Clk2
| Src:Rise| Src:Fall| Src:Rise| Src:Fall|
Source Clock |Dest:Rise|Dest:Rise|Dest:Fall|Dest:Fall|
Clk2 | 3.314| | | |
Analysis completed Fri Dec 3 00:08:32 2010
Trace Settings:
Trace Settings
Peak Memory Usage: 208 MB