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/* ============================================================================ (C) 2007 Robert Finch All rights reserved. PSGEnvGen.v Version 1.1 ADSR envelope generator. This source code is available for evaluation and validation purposes only. This copyright statement and disclaimer must remain present in the file. NO WARRANTY. THIS Work, IS PROVIDEDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. The user must assume the entire risk of using the Work. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RELATING TO THE USE OF THIS WORK, OR YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE AUTHOR. IN ADDITION, IN NO EVENT DOES THE AUTHOR AUTHORIZE YOU TO USE THE WORK IN APPLICATIONS OR SYSTEMS WHERE THE WORK'S FAILURE TO PERFORM CAN REASONABLY BE EXPECTED TO RESULT IN A SIGNIFICANT PHYSICAL INJURY, OR IN LOSS OF LIFE. ANY SUCH USE BY YOU IS ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND YOU AGREE TO HOLD THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIMS OR LOSSES RELATING TO SUCH UNAUTHORIZED USE. Note that this envelope generator directly uses the values for attack, decay, sustain, and release. The original SID had to use four bit codes and lookup tables due to register limitations. This generator is built assuming there aren't any such register limitations. A wrapper could be built to provide that functionality. This component isn't really meant to be used in isolation. It is intended to be integrated into a larger audio component (eg SID emulator). The host component should take care of wrapping the control signals into a register array. The 'cnt' signal acts a prescaler used to determine the base frequency used to generate envelopes. The core expects to be driven at approximately a 1.0MHz rate for proper envelope generation. This is accomplished using the 'cnt' signal, which should the output of a counter used to divide the master clock frequency down to approximately a 1MHz rate. Therefore, the master clock frequency must be at least 4MHz for a 4 channel generator, 8MHZ for an 8 channel generator. The test system uses a 66.667MHz master clock and 'cnt' is the output of a seven bit counter that divides by 66. Note the resource space optimization. Rather than simply build a single channel ADSR envelope generator and instantiate it four or eight times, This unit uses a single envelope generator and time-multiplexes the controls from four (or eight) different channels. The ADSR is just complex enough that it's less expensive resource wise to multiplex the control signals. The luxury of time division multiplexing can be used here since audio signals are low frequency. The time division multiplex means that we need a clock that's four (or eight) times faster than would be needed if independent ADSR's were used. This probably isn't a problem for most cases. Spartan3 Webpack 9.1i xc3s1000-4ft256 522 LUTs / 271 slices / 81.155 MHz (speed) ============================================================================ */ /* sample attack values / rates ---------------------------- 8 2ms 32 8ms 64 16ms 96 24ms 152 38ms 224 56ms 272 68ms 320 80ms 400 100ms 955 239ms 1998 500ms 3196 800ms 3995 1s 12784 3.2s 21174 5.3s 31960 8s rate = 990.00ns x 256 x value */ // envelope generator states `define ENV_IDLE 0 `define ENV_ATTACK 1 `define ENV_DECAY 2 `define ENV_SUSTAIN 3 `define ENV_RELEASE 4 // Envelope generator module PSGEnvGen(rst, clk, cnt, gate, attack0, attack1, attack2, attack3, decay0, decay1, decay2, decay3, sustain0, sustain1, sustain2, sustain3, relese0, relese1, relese2, relese3, o); parameter pChannels = 4; parameter pPrescalerBits = 8; input rst; // reset input clk; // core clock input [pPrescalerBits-1:0] cnt; // clock rate prescaler input [15:0] attack0; input [15:0] attack1; input [15:0] attack2; input [15:0] attack3; input [11:0] decay0; input [11:0] decay1; input [11:0] decay2; input [11:0] decay3; input [7:0] sustain0; input [7:0] sustain1; input [7:0] sustain2; input [7:0] sustain3; input [11:0] relese0; input [11:0] relese1; input [11:0] relese2; input [11:0] relese3; input [3:0] gate; output [7:0] o; reg [7:0] sustain; reg [15:0] attack; reg [17:0] decay; reg [17:0] relese; // Per channel count storage reg [7:0] envCtr [3:0]; reg [7:0] envCtr2 [3:0]; reg [7:0] iv [3:0]; // interval value for decay/release reg [2:0] icnt [3:0]; // interval count reg [19:0] envDvn [3:0]; reg [2:0] envState [3:0]; reg [2:0] envStateNxt; reg [15:0] envStepPeriod; // determines the length of one step of the envelope generator reg [7:0] envCtrx; reg [19:0] envDvnx; // Time multiplexed values wire [15:0] attack_x; wire [11:0] decay_x; wire [7:0] sustain_x; wire [11:0] relese_x; integer n; wire [1:0] sel = cnt[1:0]; mux4to1 #(16) u1 ( .e(1'b1), .s(sel), .i0(attack0), .i1(attack1), .i2(attack2), .i3(attack3), .z(attack_x) ); mux4to1 #(12) u2 ( .e(1'b1), .s(sel), .i0(decay0), .i1(decay1), .i2(decay2), .i3(decay3), .z(decay_x) ); mux4to1 #(8) u3 ( .e(1'b1), .s(sel), .i0(sustain0), .i1(sustain1), .i2(sustain2), .i3(sustain3), .z(sustain_x) ); mux4to1 #(12) u4 ( .e(1'b1), .s(sel), .i0(relese0), .i1(relese1), .i2(relese2), .i3(relese3), .z(relese_x) ); always @(attack_x) attack <= attack_x; always @(decay_x) decay <= decay_x; always @(sustain_x) sustain <= sustain_x; always @(relese_x) relese <= relese_x; always @(sel) envCtrx <= envCtr[sel]; always @(sel) envDvnx <= envDvn[sel]; // Envelope generate state machine // Determine the next envelope state always @(sel or gate or sustain) begin case (envState[sel]) `ENV_IDLE: if (gate[sel]) envStateNxt <= `ENV_ATTACK; else envStateNxt <= `ENV_IDLE; `ENV_ATTACK: if (envCtrx==8'hFE) begin if (sustain==8'hFF) envStateNxt <= `ENV_SUSTAIN; else envStateNxt <= `ENV_DECAY; end else envStateNxt <= `ENV_ATTACK; `ENV_DECAY: if (envCtrx==sustain) envStateNxt <= `ENV_SUSTAIN; else envStateNxt <= `ENV_DECAY; `ENV_SUSTAIN: if (~gate[sel]) envStateNxt <= `ENV_RELEASE; else envStateNxt <= `ENV_SUSTAIN; `ENV_RELEASE: begin if (envCtrx==8'h00) envStateNxt <= `ENV_IDLE; else if (gate[sel]) envStateNxt <= `ENV_SUSTAIN; else envStateNxt <= `ENV_RELEASE; end // In case of hardware problem default: envStateNxt <= `ENV_IDLE; endcase end always @(posedge clk) if (rst) begin for (n = 0; n < pChannels; n = n + 1) envState[n] <= `ENV_IDLE; end else if (cnt < pChannels) envState[sel] <= envStateNxt; // Handle envelope counter always @(posedge clk) if (rst) begin for (n = 0; n < pChannels; n = n + 1) begin envCtr[n] <= 0; envCtr2[n] <= 0; icnt[n] <= 0; iv[n] <= 0; end end else if (cnt < pChannels) begin case (envState[sel]) `ENV_IDLE: begin envCtr[sel] <= 0; envCtr2[sel] <= 0; icnt[sel] <= 0; iv[sel] <= 0; end `ENV_SUSTAIN: begin envCtr2[sel] <= 0; icnt[sel] <= 0; iv[sel] <= sustain >> 3; end `ENV_ATTACK: begin icnt[sel] <= 0; iv[sel] <= (8'hff - sustain) >> 3; if (envDvnx==20'h0) begin envCtr2[sel] <= 0; envCtr[sel] <= envCtrx + 1; end end `ENV_DECAY, `ENV_RELEASE: if (envDvnx==20'h0) begin envCtr[sel] <= envCtrx - 1; if (envCtr2[sel]==iv[sel]) begin envCtr2[sel] <= 0; if (icnt[sel] < 3'd7) icnt[sel] <= icnt[sel] + 1; end else envCtr2[sel] <= envCtr2[sel] + 1; end endcase end // Determine envelope divider adjustment source always @(sel or attack or decay or relese) begin case(envState[sel]) `ENV_ATTACK: envStepPeriod <= attack; `ENV_DECAY: envStepPeriod <= decay; `ENV_RELEASE: envStepPeriod <= relese; default: envStepPeriod <= 16'h0; endcase end // double the delay at appropriate points // for exponential modelling wire [19:0] envStepPeriod1 = {4'b0,envStepPeriod} << icnt[sel]; // handle the clock divider // loadable down counter // This sets the period of each step of the envelope always @(posedge clk) if (rst) begin for (n = 0; n < pChannels; n = n + 1) envDvn[n] <= 0; end else if (cnt < pChannels) begin if (envDvnx==20'h0) envDvn[sel] <= envStepPeriod1; else envDvn[sel] <= envDvnx - 1; end assign o = envCtrx; endmodule