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[/] [qaz_libs/] [trunk/] [scripts/] [sim_procs.do] - Rev 44
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# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# ------------------------------------
proc sim_compile_lib {lib target} {
global env
echo "INFO: compiling $target rtl"
foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -directory ${lib}/sim/libs/${target}_verilog/ *.f] {
echo "INFO: compiling $filename"
vlog -f $filename
foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -directory ${lib}/sim/libs/${target}_VHDL/ *.f] {
echo "INFO: compiling $filename"
vcom -explicit -f $filename
# ------------------------------------
proc sim_compile_all { target } {
global env
echo "INFO: compiling $target rtl"
foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -directory ../../libs/${target}_verilog/ *.f] {
echo "INFO: compiling $filename"
vlog -f $filename
foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -directory ../../libs/${target}_VHDL/ *.f] {
echo "INFO: compiling $filename"
vcom -explicit -f $filename
# ------------------------------------
proc sim_run_sim { } {
if { [file exists ./pre_sim.do] } {
echo "INFO: found ./pre_sim.do"
do ./pre_sim.do
if {[file exists ./sim.do]} {
do ./sim.do
} elseif {[file exists ../../libs/sim.do]} {
do ../../libs/sim.do
} elseif {[file exists ../../libs/altera_sim.f]} {
vsim -novopt -f ../../libs/altera_sim.f -l transcript.txt work.tb_top
} elseif {[file exists ../../libs/xilinx_sim.f]} {
vsim -novopt -f ../../libs/xilinx_sim.f -l transcript.txt work.tb_top work.glbl
if { [file exists ./wave.do] } {
do ./wave.do
if { [file exists ./post_sim.do] } {
echo "INFO: found ./post_sim.do"
do ./post_sim.do
# ------------------------------------
proc sim_run_test { } {
global env
# unique setup
if { [file exists ./setup_test.do] } {
do ./setup_test.do
if { [info exists env(MAKEFILE_TEST_RUN)] } {
vlog +define+MAKEFILE_TEST_RUN ../../src/tb_top.v
} else {
run -all
# ------------------------------------
proc sim_restart { } {
global env
# work in progress files to compile
if { [file exists ./wip.do] } {
echo "INFO: found ./wip.do"
do ./wip.do
if { [file exists ./pre_sim.do] } {
echo "INFO: found ./pre_sim.do"
do ./pre_sim.do
if { [string equal nodesign [runStatus]] } {
} else {
restart -force
run -all
echo "INFO: run -all done."
if { [file exists ./post_sim.do] } {
echo "INFO: found ./post_sim.do"
do ./post_sim.do
# ------------------------------------
proc make_lib { lib {rebuild 0} } {
if {[file exists $lib/_info]} {
echo "INFO: Simulation library $lib already exists"
if { $rebuild != 0 } {
echo "INFO: Rebuilding library. Deleting ./$lib and recompiling all"
quit -sim
file delete -force ./$lib
vlib $lib
vmap $lib $lib
} else {
vlib $lib
vmap $lib $lib
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