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%% Filename: 	spec.tex
%% Project:	Wishbone Controlled Quad SPI Flash Controller
%% Purpose:	This LaTeX file contains all of the documentation/description
%%		currently provided with this Quad SPI Flash Controller.
%%		It's not nearly as interesting as the PDF file it creates,
%%		so I'd recommend reading that before diving into this file.
%%		You should be able to find the PDF file in the SVN distribution
%%		together with this PDF file and a copy of the GPL-3.0 license
%%		this file is distributed under.
%% Creator:	Dan Gisselquist
%%		Gisselquist Technology, LLC
%% Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
%% This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
%% modify it under the terms of  the GNU General Public License as published
%% by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
%% your option) any later version.
%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
%% ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
%% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
%% for more details.
%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
%% with this program.  (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
%% target there if the PDF file isn't present.)  If not, see
%% <> for a copy.
%% License:	GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
\project{Quad SPI Flash Controller}
\author{Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.}
\email{dgisselq (at)}
Copyright (C) \theyear\today, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
This project is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of  the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program.  If not, see \texttt{} for a
0.3 & 8/11/2016 & Gisselquist & Added information on the Extended Quad SPI controller\\\hline
0.2 & 5/26/2015 & Gisselquist & Minor spelling changes\\\hline
0.1 & 5/13/2015 & Gisselquist & First Draft \\\hline
% Revision History
% Table of Contents, named Contents
The genesis of this project was a desire to communicate with and program an
FPGA board without the need for any proprietary tools.  This includes Xilinx
JTAG cables, or other proprietary loading capabilities such as Digilent's
Adept program.  As a result, all interactions with the board need to take
place using open source tools, and the board must be able to reprogram itself.
That was the beginning of the QSPI flash controller.
The EQSPI flash controller started from a similar need for a board that had
an EQSPI flash.  That particular board was an Arty, and so the EQSPI flash
controller has been designed around the Arty platform.
This document discusses the design and usage of two cores: a Quad SPI flash
controller, and a newer Extended Quad SPI flash controller.  In general, the
two are {\em very} similar.  However, their construction and register usage
are subtly different, so the user will need to pay attention to these
Both Flash controllers handle all of the necessary queries and accesses to
and from a SPI Flash device that has been augmented with an additional
two data lines and enabled with a mode allowing all four data lines to
work together in the same direction at the same time.  Since the interface
was derived from a SPI interface, most of the interaction takes place using
normal SPI protocols and only some commands work at the higher four bits
at a time speed.  This remains true, even though the newer Extended SPI flash
controller allows control accesses and Dual I/O and Quad I/O speeds: control
interactions remain at SPI speeds, and only data reads and writes take place
at the Quad I/O speed.
Both controllers attempt to mask the underlying operation of the
Flash device behind a wishbone interface, to make it so that reads and writes
are as simple as using the wishbone interface.  However, the difference
between erasing (turning bits from '0' to '1') and programming (turning bits
from '1' to '0') breaks this model somewhat.  Therefore, reads from the 
device act like normal wishbone reads, writes program the device (if the write
protect is properly removed) and sort of work with the wishbone, while erase
commands require another register to control.  Please read the Operations
chapter for a detailed description of how to perform these relevant operations.
This QSPI controller implements the interface for the Quad SPI flash found on
the Basys-3 board built by Digilent, Inc, as well as their CMod-S6 board.  A
similar controller has been modified for the flash on the XuLA2-LX25 SoC.  
It is possible that some portions of the interface may be specific to the
Spansion S25FL032P chip used on the Basys-3 board, and the
100~MHz system clock found on the board, although there is no reason the
controller needs to be limited to this architecture.  It just happens to be
the one the QSPI controller was designed to and for.
The Extended QSPI controller, or EQSPI controller, was designed to control the
Micron Serial NOR Flash Memory, N25Q128A, found on Digilent's Arty board.  As
with the Spansion chip, it is possible that parts of the interface are specific
to this board and this chip.
For a description of how the internal of each core work, feel free to browse
through the Architecture chapter.
The registers that control the cores are discussed in the Registers chapter.
As required, you can find a wishbone datasheet in Chapt.~\ref{chap:wishbone}.
The final pertinent information for implementing the cores is found in the
I/O Ports chapter, Chapt.~\ref{chap:ioports}.
As always, write me if you have any questions or problems.
The internal architecture of each of these two cores is different, reflecting
their different chips and goals.  The QSPI controller is designed to run using
a 50~MHz SPI clock, generated from a 100~MHz controller clock.  The EQSPI
controller, however, was designed to prove that a 100~MHz SPI clock could be
used to drive a flash controller from a 200~MHz controller clock.  As a result
of these clocking differences, the architectures of each are quite different.
\section{QSPI Flash Architecture}
As built, the core consists of only two components: the wishbone quad SPI
flash controller, {\tt wbqspiflash}, and the lower level quad SPI driver,
{\tt llqspi}.  The controller issues high level read/write commands to the
lower level driver, which actually implements the Quad SPI protocol.
Pictorally, this looks something like Fig.~\ref{fig:qspi-arch}.
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.92in,0.5in){\tt i\_wb\_cyc}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.72in,0.5in){\tt i\_wb\_data\_stb}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.52in,0.5in){\tt i\_wb\_ctrl\_stb}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.32in,0.5in){\tt i\_wb\_we}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.12in,0.5in){\tt i\_wb\_addr}
	\rput( 0.1in,0){\psline{->}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}( 0.08in,0.5in){\tt i\_wb\_data}
	\rput( 0.5in,0){\psline{<-}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}( 0.48in,0.5in){\tt o\_wb\_ack}
	\rput( 0.7in,0){\psline{<-}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}( 0.68in,0.5in){\tt o\_wb\_stall}
	\rput( 0.9in,0){\psline{<-}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}( 0.88in,0.5in){\tt o\_wb\_data}}
	\rput(0,0.25in){\tt wbqspiflash}}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.92in,0.5in){\tt spi\_wr}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.72in,0.5in){\tt spi\_hold}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.52in,0.5in){\tt spi\_in}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.32in,0.5in){\tt spi\_len}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.12in,0.5in){\tt spi\_spd}
	\rput( 0.1in,0){\psline{->}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}( 0.08in,0.5in){\tt spi\_dir}
	% \rput(-0.9in,0){\psline{->}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		% \rput[b]{90}(-0.92in,0.5in){\tt i\_wb\_cyc}
	\rput( 0.5in,0){\psline{->}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}( 0.48in,0.5in){\tt spi\_out}
	\rput( 0.7in,0){\psline{->}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}( 0.68in,0.5in){\tt spi\_valid}
	\rput( 0.9in,0){\psline{->}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}( 0.88in,0.5in){\tt spi\_busy}}
	\rput(0,0.25in){\tt llqspi}}
	\rput[l](0.4in,0.25in){Quad SPI I/O lines}
\caption{QSPI Architecture Diagram}\label{fig:qspi-arch}
This is also what you will find if you browse through the code.
While it isn't relevant for operating the device, a quick description of these
internal wires may be educational.  The lower level device is commanded by
asserting a {\tt spi\_wr} signal when the device is not busy (i.e. {\tt 
spi\_busy} is low).  The actual command given depends upon the other
signals.  {\tt spi\_len} is a two bit value indicating whether this is an
8 bit (2'b00), 16 bit (2'b01), 24 bit (2'b10), or 32 bit (2'b11) transaction.
The data to be sent out the port is placed into {\tt spi\_in}. 
Further, to support Quad I/O, {\tt spi\_spd} can be set to one to use all four
bits.  In this case, {\tt spi\_dir} must also be set to either 1'b0 for
writing, or 1'b1 to read from the four bits.
When data is valid from the lower level driver, the {\tt spi\_valid} line
will go high and {\tt spi\_out} will contain the data with the most recently
read bits in the lower bits.  Further, when the device is idle, {\tt spi\_busy}
will go low, where it may then read another command.
Sadly, this simple interface as originally designed doesn't work on a 
device where transactions can be longer than 32~bits.  To support these
longer transactions, the lower level driver checks the {\tt spi\_wr} line
before it finishes any transaction.  If the line is high, the lower level
driver will deassert {\tt spi\_busy} for one cycle while reading the command
from the controller on the previous cycle.  Further, the controller can also
assert the {\tt spi\_hold} line which will stop the clock to the device
and force everything to wait for further instructions.
This hold line interface was necessary to deal with a slow wishbone bus that
was writing to the device, but that didn't have it's next data line ready.
Thus, by holding the {\tt i\_wb\_cyc} line high, a write could take many
clocks and the flash would simply wait for it.  (I was commanding the device
via a serial port, so writes could take {\em many} clock cycles for each
word to come through, i.e. 1,500 clocks or so per word and that's at high
The upper level component, the controller {\tt wbqspiflash}, is little more
than a glorified state machine that interacts with the wishbone bus.  
From it's idle state, it can handle any command, whether data or control,
and issue appropriate commands to the lower level driver.  From any other
state, it will stall the bus until it comes back to idle--with a few exceptions.
Subsequent data reads, while reading data, will keep the device reading.
Subsequent data writes, while in program mode, will keep filling the devices
buffer before starting the write.  In other respects, the device will just
stall the bus until it comes back to idle.
While they aren't used in this design, the wishbone error and retry signals
would've made a lot of sense here.  Specifically, it should be an error to
read from the device while it is in the middle of an erase or program command.
Instead, this core stalls the bus--trying to do good for everyone.  Perhaps
a later, updated, implementation will make better use of these signals instead
of stalling.  For now, this core just stalls the bus.
Perhaps the best takeaway from this architecture section is that the varying
pieces of complexity have each been separated from each other.  There's a
lower level driver that handles actually toggling the lines to the port,
while the higher level driver maintains the state machine controlling which
commands need to be issued and when.
\section{EQSPI Flash Architecture}
The EQSPI flash architecture was an entire redesign.  The reason for the 
redesign is quite simple: the QSPI flash controller was just way to complex
to run at a 200~MHz clock.  This new and modified architecture is shown in
% \rput(0,0){\psframe(-2in,-1.2in)(2.75in,5.5in)}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.92in,0.5in){\tt i\_wb\_cyc}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.72in,0.5in){\tt i\_wb\_data\_stb}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.52in,0.5in){\tt i\_wb\_ctrl\_stb}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.32in,0.5in){\tt i\_wb\_we}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.12in,0.5in){\tt i\_wb\_addr}
	\rput( 0.1in,0){\psline{->}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}( 0.08in,0.5in){\tt i\_wb\_data}
	\rput( 0.5in,0){\psline{<-}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}( 0.48in,0.5in){\tt o\_wb\_ack}
	\rput( 0.7in,0){\psline{<-}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}( 0.68in,0.5in){\tt o\_wb\_stall}
	\rput( 0.9in,0){\psline{<-}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}( 0.88in,0.5in){\tt o\_wb\_data}
	\rput( 1.1in,0){\psline{<-}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}( 1.08in,0.5in){\tt o\_int}}
	\rput(0,0.25in){\tt qspibus}}
	% Wires
	\rput(-1.5in,0.25in){\tt readqspi}}
	\rput(-0.5in,0.25in){\tt writeqspi}}
	\rput(0.5in,0.25in){\tt ctrlspi}}
	\rput(1.5in,0.25in){\tt idotpqspi}}
	\rput(0,0.25in){Command Mux}}
		\rput[b]{90}(-1.02in,0.5in){\tt spi\_wr}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.82in,0.5in){\tt spi\_hold}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.62in,0.5in){\tt spi\_in}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.42in,0.5in){\tt spi\_len}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.22in,0.5in){\tt spi\_spd}
	\rput( 0.0in,0){\psline{->}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.02in,0.5in){\tt spi\_dir}
	\rput( 0.2in,0){\psline{->}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}( 0.18in,0.5in){\tt spi\_word}
	\rput( 0.6in,0){\psline{<-}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}( 0.58in,0.5in){\tt spi\_out}
	\rput( 0.8in,0){\psline{<-}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}( 0.78in,0.5in){\tt spi\_valid}
	\rput( 1.0in,0){\psline{<-}(0,1in)(0,0in)}
		\rput[b]{90}( 0.98in,0.5in){\tt spi\_busy}}
	\rput(0,0.25in){\tt lleqspi}}
		\rput[b]{90}(-1.02in,0.25in){\tt bmod}
		\psline{->}(-0.1in,-0.35in)( 0.1in,-0.35in)
		\psline{->}( 0.3in,-0.35in)( 0.5in,-0.35in)
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.62in,0.25in){\tt dat[0]}
		\rput[b]{90}(-0.22in,0.25in){\tt dat[1]}
		\rput[b]{90}(0.18in,0.25in){\tt dat[2]}
		\rput[b]{90}(0.58in,0.25in){\tt dat[3]}
		\rput[b]{90}(0.98in,0.25in){\tt clk/cs}}
	\rput[l](1.1in,0.25in){Top level Interface Wires}
	\rput(-0.6in,0){\rput(0,0){\psframe(-0.1in,0)(0.1in,0.7in)}\rput{90}(0,0.35in){\tt xioddr}}
	\rput(-0.2in,0){\rput(0,0){\psframe(-0.1in,0)(0.1in,0.7in)}\rput{90}(0,0.35in){\tt xioddr}}
	\rput( 0.2in,0){\rput(0,0){\psframe(-0.1in,0)(0.1in,0.7in)}\rput{90}(0,0.35in){\tt xioddr}}
	\rput( 0.6in,0){\rput(0,0){\psframe(-0.1in,0)(0.1in,0.7in)}\rput{90}(0,0.35in){\tt xioddr}}
	\rput( 1.0in,0){\rput(0,0){\psframe(-0.1in,0)(0.1in,0.7in)}\rput{90}(0,0.35in){\tt xioddr}}
	\rput[l](1.1in,-0.25in){Quad SPI I/O lines}}
\caption{EQSPI Architecture Diagram}\label{fig:eqspi-arch}
All of the various modules of this architecture, save the {\tt lleqspi} and
{\tt xioddr} modules, are found in the {\tt eqspiflash.v} file.
The goal of this architecture was to reduce the amount of logic necessary to
process the many various requests this controller allows.
At the top, all requests to the controller come from the bus straight into the
{\tt qspibus} module.  The purpose of this module is to parse the various
commands to their respective modules.  One command, however, never gets
parsed: the request to read from the erase register.  This register returns
the status of the controller, and particularly whether or not it is still
busy with the last erase or write command.
The top level controller has the ability to latch a bus request.  Such requests
are then issued to the lower level controllers.  However, they remain latched
in the top level controller until the lower controller acknowledges them, at
which point the bus may advance to its next request.  Depending on the lower
level controller, this may not occurr until the lower level transaction is
complete, or nearly so.
The lower level controllers also communicate with the command multiplexer
beneath them.  Each controller has a request line, whereby it requests access
to the lowerest level controller.  Once granted, the controller maintains 
control of that lowest level until it is released.  In this fashion, for
example, the {\tt readqspi} controller implements the execute in place 
functionality: it reads from the interface, then maintains the interface.
If another driver requests the interface, the read controller reactivates
itself and returns the interface to a non--XIP mode.
Now, of these four controllers, the {\tt readqspi} controller handles reads
from the device.  Reads are always done in Quad SPI mode, if so enabled,
and the device is left in XIP mode until another controller requests the
interface.  XIP mode is left by reading a 32'bit value from the device at
address zero.
The {\tt writeqspi} controller handles both program and erase requests.
Upon completion of either request, the {\tt writeqspi} controller holds on
to the interface perpetually reading from the status register until the device
is no longer busy.
The {\tt ctrlspi} controller handles requests to read and write the various
control registers internal to the device.  These include the status register,
the non--volatile configuration register, the volatile configuration register,
the extended volatile configuration register, the flags register, and the
lock registers associated with the most recently selected sector (set in the
erase register).  Writes to these registers, though, aren't quite so simple:
One must first disable the write protect in the erase control register,
thus setting the Write Enable Latch of the device, before the device
will accept write requests.
Finally, the {\tt idotpqspi} controller handles the logic associated with the
ID memory internal to the controller, as well as both reading and writing the
One Time Programmable (OTP) registers, and eventually locking the OTP registers
so that they can no longer be read or written.  As with the {\tt writeqspi}
module, write requests do not release the port until the write has completed.
Reading the erase register will provide the status on this operation.
Moving down in the architecture to the command multiplexer, this portion is
really not that remarkable.  It takes one clock for requests to go through the
command multiplexer and get to the lower level controller, and it grants
and releases control to the various controllers.
The {\tt lleqspi} controller is the lower level controller for this device.
It's operation mirrors that of the {\tt llqspi} lower--level controller from
the QSPI flash.  The biggest difference is that the Micron chip requires a
particular recovery time following any command other than a read command
leaving the chip in the XIP mode.
What is new in this controller is the requirement for the output ports to
be connected to the I/O banks via {\tt ODDR} and {\tt IDDR} modules.  These
are contained within the {\tt xioddr} modules.  Since the wires can change
direction, the {\tt bmod} pair of wires provides an indication of which
direction the various bits of the port are moving--either as inputs or outputs.
This implementation attempts to encapsulate (hide) the details of the chip
from the user, so that the user does not need to know about the various
subcommands going to and from the chip.  The original goal was to make the
chip act like any other read/write memory, however the difference between
erasing and programming a flash chip made this impossible.  Therefore a
separate register is provided to control the erase any given sector, while
reads and writes may proceed (almost) as normal.
The wishbone bus that this controller works with, however, is a 32--bit
bus.  Address one on the bus addresses a completely different 32--bit word
from address zero or address two.  Bus select lines are not implemented,
all operations are 32--bit.  Further, the device is little--endian, meaning
that the low order byte is the first byte that will be or is stored on the
\section{High Level}
From a high level perspective, this core provides read/write access to the
device either via the wishbone (read and program), or through a control
register found on the wishbone (the EREG).  Programming the device consists of
first clearing the write protect, and then erasing the region of interest. 
This will set all the bits to `1' in that region.  After erasing the region,
the write protect may again be cleared, and then the region can then be
programmed, setting some of the `1' bits to '0's.  When neither erase nor
program operation is going on, the device may be read.  The section will
describe each of those operations in detail.
To erase a sector of the device, two writes are required to the EREG register.
The first write turns off the write protect bit, whereas the second write
commands the erase itself.  The first write should equal \hbox{0x1000\_0000}
for the QSPI controller and \hbox{0x4000\_0000} for the EQSPI controller.
After this write, the EQSPI controller will issue a Write Enable command to the
device.  For the QSPI controller, the second write should be any address within
the sector to be erased together with setting the high bit of the register. 
This is equivalent to setting it to \hbox{0x8000\_0000} plus the address.  The
EQSPI flash driver is subtly different in that it requires a {\em key} to erase.
Hence, for the EQSPI flash driver, one must write \hbox{0xc000\_01be} plus the
first address in the sector to accomplish the same result.  Further, the
EQSPI flash controller allows the erasing of 4~kB subsegments.  To do this,
the second write must also set the subsector bit, so it looks like writing
\hbox{0xd000\_01be} plus the first address in the subsector.  After
this second write, the QSPI controller will issue a write--enable
command to the device (the EQSPI controller will have already issued the
write--enable), followed by a sector erase command.  In summary, for the
QSPI flash:
\item Disable write protect by writing \hbox{\tt 0x1000\_0000} to the EREG
\item Command the erase by writing \hbox{\tt 0x8000\_0000} plus the device
	address to the EREG register.  (Remember, this is the {\em word
	address} of interest, not the {\em byte address}.)
and for the EQSPI flash:
\item Disable write protect by writing \hbox{\tt 0x4000\_0000} to the EREG
\item Command the sector (64~kB) erase by writing \hbox{\tt 0xc000\_01be} plus
	the first address in the segment to the EREG register.
	In the case of a subsegment (4~kB) erase command, write
	\hbox{\tt 0xd000\_01be} plus the first address in the subsegment to
	the EREG register.
While the device is erasing, the controller will idle while checking the
status register over and over again.  Should you wish to read from the EREG
during this time, the high order bit of the EREG register will be set indicating
that a write is in progress (WIP).  Once the erase is complete, this bit will
clear, the interrupt line will be strobed high, and other operations may take
then place on the part.  Any attempt to perform another operation on the part
prior to that time will stall the bus until the erase is complete.
Once an area has been erased, it may then be programmed.  To program the device,
first disable the write protect by writing a {\tt 0x1000\_0000} to the EREG
register for the QSPI controller, or {\tt 0x4000\_0000} for the EQSPI
controller.  After that, you may then write to the area in question whatever
values you wish to program.  One 256~byte (64~bus word) page may be programmed
at a time.  Pages start on even boundaries, such as addresses {\tt 0x040},
{\tt 0x080}, {\tt 0x0100}, etc.  To program a whole page at a time, write the
64~words of the page to the controller without dropping the {\tt i\_wb\_cyc}
line.  Attempts to write more than 64~words will stall the bus, as will
attempts to write more than one page.  Writes of less than a page work as well.
In summary,
\item Disable the write protect by writing a {\tt 0x1000\_0000} to the EREG
	register when using the QSPI flash controller, or {\tt 0x4000\_0000}
	for the EQSPI flash controller.
\item Write the page of interest to the data memory of the device. 
	The first address should start at the beginning of a page (bottom six
	bits zero), and end at the end of the page (bottom six bits one, top
	bits identical).  Writes of less than a page are okay.  Writes crossing
	page boundaries will stall the bus, while waiting for the first write
	to complete before attempting to start the second write.
While the device is programming a page, the controller will idle while
checking the status register as it did during an erase.  During this idle,
both the EREG register and the device status register may be queried.  Once
the status register drops the write in progress line, the top level bit of
the EREG register will be cleared and the interrupt line strobed.  Prior to this
time, any other bus operation will stall the bus until the write completes.
Reads are simple for the QSPI flash controller, you just read from the device
and the device does everything you expect.  Reads may be pipelined.  To use
the QSPI mode of transferring 4--bits at a time, when using the QSPI controller,
you must first either read (or set) the quad mode bit in the configuration
register.  This will enable Quad--I/O mode reads.  Once enabled, reads will
take place four bits at a time from the bus.
Using the EQSPI flash controller, reads are almost as simple, but with a couple
of caveats.  The first caveat is that the controller defaults to Quad I/O mode,
and will not leave it.  The problem is that this mode depends upon a variable
number of dummy cycles set to 8.  Hence, before issuing reads from the data
section of the device, the number of dummy cycles will need to be set in either
the volatile or non--volatile configuration register.
% When using the QSPI controller, 
% it will take 72 device clocks (at 50~MHz) to read the first word
% from memory using the QSPI controller, and 32 for every pipelined word read
% thereafter provided that the reads are in memory order.  Likewise, in quad
% SPI mode, it will instead take 28 device clocks to read the first word,
% and 8 device clocks to read every word thereafter again provided that the
% subsequent pipelined reads are in memory order. 
Both controllers provide for a special mode following a read, where the
next read may start immediately in Quad I/O mode following a 12~clock
setup for the QSPI controller, or 16~clocks for the EQSPI controller.  Both
controllers leaves the device in this mode following any initial
read.  Therefore, back to back reads as part of separate bus cycles will only
take 20~clocks (24 for EQSPI) to read the first word, and 8~clocks per word
thereafter.  Other commands, however, such as erasing, writing, reading from
the status, configuration, or ID registers, will require a 32~device
clock operation before entering.
\section{Low Level}
At a lower level, the QSPI core implements the following Quad SPI commands:
\item FAST\_READ, when a read is requested and Quad mode has not been enabled.
\item QIOR, or quad I/O high performance read mode.  This is the default read
	command when Quad mode has been enabled, and it leaves the device
	in the Quad I/O High Performance Read mode, ready for a faster second
	read command.
\item RDID, or Read identification
\item WREN, or Write Enable, is issued prior to any erase, program, or
		write register (i.e. configuration or status) command.
	This detail is hidden from the user.
\item RDSR, or read status register, is issued any time the user attempts
	to read from the status register.  Further, following an erase or a
	write command, the device is left reading this register over and over
	again until the write completes.
\item RCR, or read configuration, is issued any time a request is made to
	read from the configuration register.  Following such a read, the
	quad I/O may be enabled for the device, if it is enabled in this
\item WRR, or write registers, is issued upon any write to the status or
	configuration registers.  To separate the two, the last value read
	from the status register is written to the status register when 
	writing the configuration register.
\item PP, or page program, is issued to program the device in serial mode
	whenever programming is desired and the quad I/O has not been enabled.
\item QPP, or quad page program, is used to program the device whenever
	a write is requested and quad I/O mode has been enabled.
\item SE, or sector erase, is the only type of erase this core supports.
\item CLSR, or Clear Status Register, is issued any time the last status
	register had the bits {\tt P\_ERR} or {\tt E\_ERR} set and the
	write to the status register attempts to clear one of these.  This
	command is then issued following the WRR command.
\section{QSPI Controller}
The QSPI controller supports four control registers.  These are the EREG
register, the configuration register, the status register, and the device ID,
as shown and listed in Table.~\ref{tbl:reglist}.
EREG & 0 & 32 & R/W & An overall control register, providing instant status	
	from the device and controlling erase commands.\\\hline
Config & 1 & 8 & R/W & The devices configuration register.\\\hline
Status & 2 & 8 & R/W & The devices status register.\\\hline
ID & 3 & 16 & R & Reads the 16-bit ID from the device.\\\hline
\caption{List of QSPI Registers}\label{tbl:reglist}
\subsection{EREG Register}
The EREG register was designed to be a replacement for all of the device
registers, leaving all the other registers a part of a lower level access
used only in debugging the device.  This would've been the case, save that
one may need to set bit one of the configuration register to enter high
speed mode.
The bits associated with this register are listed in Tbl.~\ref{tbl:eregbits}.
31 & R/W & Write in Progress/Erase.  On a read, this bit will be high if any
	write or erase operation is in progress, zero otherwise.  To erase
	a sector, set this bit to a one.  Otherwise, writes should keep this
	register at zero.\\\hline
30 & R & Dirty bit.  The sector referenced has been written to since it
	was erased.  This bit is meaningless between startup and the first
	erase, but valid afterwards.\\\hline
29 & R & Busy bit.  This bit returns a one any time the lower level Quad
	SPI core is active.  However, to read this register, the lower level
	core must be inactive, so this register should always read zero.
28 & R/W & Disable write protect.  Set this to a one to disable the write
	protect mode, or to a zero to re--enable write protect on this chip.
	Note that this register is not self--clearing.  Therefore, write
	protection may still be disabled following an erase or a write.
	Clear this manually when you wish to re--enable write protection.
27 & R & Returns a one if the device is in high speed (4-bit I/O) mode.
	To set the device into high speed mode, set bit~1 of the configuration
20--26 & R & Always return zero.\\\hline
14--19 & R/W & The sector address bits of the last sector erased.  If the
	erase line bit is set while writing this register, these bits
	will be set as well with the sector being erased.\\\hline
0--13 & R & Always return zero.\\\hline
\caption{EREG bit definitions}\label{tbl:eregbits}
In general, only three bits and an address are of interest here. 
The first bit of interest is bit 27, which will tell you if you are in Quad--I/O
mode.  The device will automatically start up in SPI serial mode.  Upon 
reading the configuration register, it will transition to Quad--I/O mode if
the QUAD bit is set.  Likewise, if the bit is written to the configuration
register it will transition to Quad--I/O mode.
While this may seem kind of strange, I have found this setup useful.  It allows
me to debug commands that might work in serial mode but not quad I/O mode,
and it allows me to explicitly switch to Quad I/O mode.  Further, writes to the
configuration register are non--volatile and in some cases permanent. 
Therefore, it doesn't make sense that a controller should perform such a write
without first being told to do so.  Therefore, this bit is set upon
noticing that the QUAD bit is set in the configuration register.
The second bit of interest is the write protect disable bit.  Write a '1'
to this bit before any erase or program operation, and a '0' to this bit
otherwise.  This allows you to make sure that accidental bus writes to the
wrong address won't reprogram your flash (which they would do otherwise).
The final bit of interest is the write in progress slash erase bit.  On read,
this bit mirrors the WIP bit in the status register.  It will be a one during
any ongoing erase or programming operation, and clear otherwise.  Further,
to erase a sector, disable the write protect and then set this bit to a one
while simultaneously writing the sector of interest to the device.
The last item of interest in this register is the sector address of interest.
This was placed in bits 14--19 so that any address within the sector
would work.  Thus, to erase a sector, write the sector address, together with
an erase bit, to this register.
\subsection{Config Register}
The Quad Flash device also has a non--volatile configuration register, as
shown in Tbl.~\ref{tbl:confbits}.  Writes to this register are program events, 
which will stall subsequent bus operations until the write in progress bit
of either the status or EREG registers clears.  Note that some bits, once
written, cannot be cleared such as the BPNV bit.
Writes to this register are not truly independent of the status register,
as the Write Registers (WRR) command writes the status register before the
configuration register.  Therefore, the core implements this by writing the
status register with the last value that was read by the core, or zero
if the status register has yet to be read by the core.  Following the
status register write, the new value for the configuration register is
8--31 & R & Always return zero.\\\hline
6--7 & R & Not used.\\\hline
5 & R/W & TBPROT. Configures the start of block protection.  See device
	documentation for more information.  (Default 0)\\\hline
4 & R/W & Do not use.  (Default 0)\\\hline
3 & R/W & BPNV, configures BP2--0 bits in the status register.  If this bit
	is set to 1, these bits are volatile, if set to '0' (default) the
	bits are non--volatile.  {\em Note that once this bit has been set,
	it cannot be cleared!}\\\hline
2 & R/W & TBPARM.  Configures the parameter sector location.  See device
	documentation for more detailed information.  (Default 0)\\\hline
1 & R/W & QUAD.  Set to '1' to place the device into Quad I/O (4--bit) mode,
	'0' to leave in dual or serial I/O mode.  (This core does not support
	dual I/O mode.)  (Most programmers will set this to '1'.)\\\hline
0 & R/W & FREEZE.  Set to '1' to lock bits BP2--0 in the status register, zero
	otherwise.  (Default 0).\\\hline
\caption{Configuration bit definitions}\label{tbl:confbits}
Further information on this register is available in the device data sheet.
\subsection{Status Register}
The definitions of the bits in the status register are shown in
Tbl.~\ref{tbl:statbits}.  For operating this core, only the write in progress
bit is relevant.  All other bits should be set to zero.
8--31 & R & Always return zero.\\\hline
7 & R/W & Status register write disable.  This setting is irrelevant in the
	current core configuration, since the W\#/ACC line is always kept
6 & R/W & P\_ERR.  The device will set this to a one if a programming error
	has occurred.  Writes with either P\_ERR or E\_ERR cleared will
	clear this bit.\\\hline
5 & R/W & E\_ERR.  The device will set this to a one if an erase error has
	occurred, zero otherwise.  Writes clearing either P\_ERR or E\_ERR
	will clear this bit.
2--4 & R/W & Block protect bits.  This core assumes these bits are zero.
	See device documentation for other possible settings.\\\hline
1 & R & Write Enable Latch.  This bit is handled internally by the core,
	being set before any program or erase operation and cleared by
	the operation itself.  Therefore, reads should always read this
	line as low.\\\hline
0 & R & Write in Progress.  This bit, when one, indicates that an erase or
	program operation is in progress.  It will be cleared upon completion.
\caption{Status bit definitions}\label{tbl:statbits}
\subsection{Device ID}
Reading from the Device ID register causes the core controller to issue
a RDID {\tt 0x9f} command.  The bytes returned are first the manufacture
ID of the part ({\tt 0x01} for this part), followed by the device ID
({\tt 0x0215} for this part), followed by the number of extended bytes that
may be read ({\tt 0x4D} for this part).  This controller provides no means
of reading these extended bytes.  (See Tab.~\ref{tbl:idbits})
0--31 & R & Always reads {\tt 0x0102154d}.\\\hline
\caption{Read ID bit definitions}\label{tbl:idbits}
\chapter{Wishbone Datasheet}\label{chap:wishbone}
Tbl.~\ref{tbl:wishbone} is required by the wishbone specification, and so 
it is included here.
Revision level of wishbone & WB B4 spec \\\hline
Type of interface & Slave, (Pipelind) Read/Write \\\hline
Port size & 32--bit \\\hline
Port granularity & 32--bit \\\hline
Maximum Operand Size & 32--bit \\\hline
Data transfer ordering & Little Endian \\\hline
Clock constraints & Must be 100~MHz or slower (QSPI)\\\cline{2-2}
		& Must be 200~MHz or slower (EQSPI)\\\hline
Signal Names & \begin{tabular}{ll}
		Signal Name & Wishbone Equivalent \\\hline
		{\tt i\_clk\_100mhz} & {\tt CLK\_I} { (QSPI)} \\
		{\tt i\_clk\_200mhz} & {\tt CLK\_I} { (EQSPI)}\\
		{\tt i\_wb\_cyc} & {\tt CYC\_I} \\
		{\tt i\_wb\_ctrl\_stb} & {\tt STB\_I} \\
		{\tt i\_wb\_data\_stb} & {\tt STB\_I} \\
		{\tt i\_wb\_we} & {\tt WE\_I} \\
		{\tt i\_wb\_addr} & {\tt ADR\_I} \\
		{\tt i\_wb\_data} & {\tt DAT\_I} \\
		{\tt o\_wb\_ack} & {\tt ACK\_O} \\
		{\tt o\_wb\_stall} & {\tt STALL\_O} \\
		{\tt o\_wb\_data} & {\tt DAT\_O}
\caption{Wishbone Datasheet for the (E)QSPI Flash controller}\label{tbl:wishbone}
The EQSPI flash controller has a further simplified wishbone usage: the strobe
lines, whether {\tt i\_wb\_ctrl\_stb} or {\tt i\_wb\_data\_stb}, must be
guaranteed low any time {\tt i\_wb\_cyc} is low.  This simplifies transaction
processing internal to the controller, and is part of the method of getting the
controller running at 200~MHz.
\section{EQSPI Controller}
\subsection{EREG Register}
\subsection{Status Register}
\subsection{Non--Volatile Configuration Register}
\subsection{Volatile Configuration Register}
\subsection{Extended Volatile Configuration Register}
\subsection{Sector Lock Register}
\subsection{Flag Status Register}
\subsection{Identification memory}
\subsection{One--Time Programmable Memory}
The QSPI core is based upon the Basys--3 design.  The Basys--3 development board
contains one external 100~MHz clock.  This clock is divided by two to create
the 50~MHz clock used to drive the device.   According to the data sheet,
it should be possible to run this core at up to 160~MHz, however I have not
tested it at such speeds.  See Table.~\ref{tbl:qspi-clocks}.
i\_clk\_100mhz & External & 160 & & System clock.\\\hline
\caption{List of QSPI Controller Clocks}\label{tbl:qspi-clocks}
The EQSPI core is based upon a very similar Arty design, but one that instead
uses a 200~MHz core clock frequency.  In a fashion similar to the QSPI
controller, this clock is divided down to create a 100~MHz clock to command
the device.  Hence, the EQSPI clock is much faster, as shown in
i\_clk\_200mhz & External & 200 & & System clock.\\\hline
\caption{List of EQSPI Controller Clocks}\label{tbl:eqspi-clocks}
\chapter{I/O Ports}\label{chap:ioports}
There are two interfaces that this device supports: a wishbone interface, and
the interface to the Quad--SPI flash itself.  Both of these have their own
section in the I/O port list.  For the purpose of this table, the wishbone
interface is listed in Tbl.~\ref{tbl:iowishbone}, and the Quad SPI flash
interface is listed in Tbl.~\ref{tbl:ioqspi}.  The two lines that don't really
fit this classification are found in Tbl.~\ref{tbl:ioother}.
i\_wb\_cyc & 1 & Input & Wishbone bus cycle wire.\\\hline
i\_wb\_data\_stb & 1 & Input & Wishbone strobe, when the access is to the data 
i\_wb\_ctrl\_stb & 1 & Input & Wishbone strobe, for when the access is to 
	one of control registers.\\\hline
i\_wb\_we & 1 & Input & Wishbone write enable, indicating a write interaction
		to the bus.\\\hline
i\_wb\_addr & 19 & Input & Wishbone address.  When accessing control registers,
		only the bottom two bits are relevant all other bits are 
i\_wb\_data & 32 & Input & Wishbone bus data register.\\\hline
o\_wb\_ack & 1 & Output & Return value acknowledging a wishbone write, or
		signifying valid data in the case of a wishbone read request.
o\_wb\_stall & 1 & Output & Indicates the device is not yet ready for another
		wishbone access, effectively stalling the bus.\\\hline
o\_wb\_data & 32 & Output & Wishbone data bus, returning data values read
		from the interface.\\\hline
\caption{Wishbone I/O Ports}\label{tbl:iowishbone}
While this core is wishbone compatible, there was one necessary change to
the wishbone interface to make this possible.  That was the split of the
strobe line into two separate lines.  The first strobe line, the data strobe,
is used when the access is to data memory--such as a read or write (program)
access.  The second strobe line, the control strobe, is for reads and writes
to one of the four control registers.  By splitting these strobe lines,
the wishbone interconnect designer may place the control registers in a
separate location of wishbone address space from the flash memory.  It is
an error for both strobe lines to be on at the same time.
With respect to the Quad SPI interface itself, one piece of glue logic
is necessary to tie the QSPI flash I/O to the in/out port at the top
level of the device.  Specifically, these two lines must be added somewhere:
assign {\tt io\_qspi\_dat} = \= (\~{\tt qspi\_mod[1]})?(\{2'b11,1'bz,{\tt qspi\_dat[0]}\}) \hbox{\em // Serial mode} \\
	\> :(({\tt qspi\_bmod[0]})?(4'bzzzz):({\tt qspi\_dat[3:0]}));
		\hbox{\em // Quad mode}
These provide the transition between the input and output ports used by this 
core, and the bi--directional inout ports used by the actual part.  Further,
because the two additional lines are defined to be ones during serial I/O
mode, the hold and write protect lines are effectively eliminated in this
design in favor of faster speed I/O (i.e., Quad I/O).
The EQSPI controller is similar, but the glue logic is more involved.
o\_qspi\_sck & 1 & Output & Serial clock output to the device.  This pin
		will be either inactive, or it will toggle at 50~MHz.\\\hline
o\_qpsi\_cs\_n & 1 & Output & Chip enable, active low.  This will be
		set low at the beginning of any interaction with the chip,
		and will be held low throughout the interaction.\\\hline
o\_qspi\_mod & 2 & Output & Two mode lines for the top level to control
	how the output data lines interact with the device.  See the text
	for how to use these lines.\\\hline
o\_qspi\_dat & 4 & Output & Four output lines, the least of which is the
	old SPI MOSI line.  When selected by the o\_qspi\_mod, this output
	becomes the command for all 4 QSPI I/O lines.\\\hline
i\_qspi\_dat & 4 & Input & The four input lines from the device, of which
	line one, {\tt i\_qspi\_dat[1]}, is the old MISO line.\\\hline
\caption{List of Quad--SPI Flash I/O ports}\label{tbl:ioqspi}
Finally, the clock line is not specific to the wishbone bus, and the interrupt
line is not specific to any of the above.  These have been separated out here.
i\_clk\_100mhz & 1 & Input & The 100~MHz clock driving all QSPI
o\_interrupt & 1 & Output & An strobed interrupt line indicating the end of
	any erase or write transaction.  This line will be high for exactly
	one clock cycle, indicating that the core is again available for
\caption{Other I/O Ports}\label{tbl:ioother}
% Appendices
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