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# Copyright (C) 2014
# ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) <http://www.astron.nl/>
# P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Purpose: Provide useful commands for simulating Modelsim projects
# Desription:
# * The user commands are typically used at the Modelsim prompt are:
# . lp <name> : load HDL library <name>.mpf project
# . mk <name> : make one or range of HDL library mpf projects
# . as # : add signals for # levels of hierarchy to the wave window
# . ds : delete all signals from the wave window
# * The other procedures in this commands.do are internal command procedures
# that are typically not used at the Modelsim prompt.
# * The recommended project directory structure is:
# $arg_lib/build/modelsim : Modelsim project file
# /quartus : Quartus project file
# /src/vhdl : VHDL source code that gets synthesized
# /tb/vhdl : VHDL source code for test bench
# Alternatively the build/ directory may be located at another more central
# location.
# HDL library settings
echo "Loading general HDL library commands..."
proc hdl_env {} {
global env
return $env(HDL)
proc hdl_build {} {
global env
proc hdl_buildset {} {
global env
return $env(BUILDSET)
# LP = Load project
proc get_cur_lib {} {
set mpf [eval project env]
set cur_lib [string range $mpf [expr [string last / $mpf]+1] [expr [string last . $mpf]-1]]
return $cur_lib
proc lp {{arg_lib ""}} {
set cur_lib [get_cur_lib]
if {$arg_lib=="help"} {
echo ""
echo "lp \[project\]"
echo " possible projects are:"
echo " <lib_name> : load project <lib_name>.mpf"
echo " : report current project library"
echo " all : report all libraries that the current project library depends on"
echo " help : displays this help"
echo ""
} elseif {$arg_lib == "" || $arg_lib == $cur_lib} {
return $cur_lib
} elseif {$arg_lib=="all"} {
read_lib_compile_order_file $cur_lib
} else {
set sim [simdir $arg_lib]
if {[eval project env]!=""} {
project close ;# close current project
project open $sim/$arg_lib.mpf ;# load project for the requested library
return $arg_lib
# MK = Make project
proc project_mk_cmds {} {
return {clean execute compile files make test vmake} ;# mk with arg_cmd="" will default to "make"
# Get commands from the mk args
proc parse_for_cmds arg_list {
set cmds {}
if [ string equal $arg_list "help" ] then {
echo ""
echo "mk \[commands\] \[projects\]"
echo " possible commands are:"
echo " clean: removes the library files"
echo " execute: runs compile IP scripts"
echo " compile: runs project compileall"
echo " files: list files in compile order"
echo " help: displays this help"
echo " make: runs makefile"
echo " test: runs test cases"
echo " vmake: creates makefile"
echo ""
echo " commands are executed for the projects indicated"
echo " - when no command is specified, 'make' is used as default"
echo " - when no projects are specified, the current project is used"
echo " - when the keyword 'all' is specified, then the command is applied to all projects that the current project depends on"
echo ""
} else {
# search for commands in arg_list
foreach cmd [project_mk_cmds] {
if {[lsearch $arg_list $cmd] >= 0} then {
lappend cmds $cmd
if {[llength $cmds] == 0} then {
# no commands found, use default command
set cmds {make}
return $cmds
# Get libraries from the mk args
proc parse_for_libs arg_list {
# strip the commands from arg_list to keep only the libraries
set libs $arg_list
foreach cmd [project_mk_cmds] {
set i [lsearch $libs $cmd]
if {$i >= 0} then {
set libs [lreplace $libs $i $i]
return $libs
# Create work library
proc do_vlib arg_work {
set modelsimId [vsimId]
set dot_index [string first . $modelsimId]
set majorId [string range $modelsimId 0 [expr $dot_index-1]]
if {$majorId <= 6} {
vlib $arg_work
} else {
# The makefile that is created by vmake relies on using directories in vlib
vlib -type directory $arg_work
# Extract this lib or all libs that it depends on for arg_lib
proc extract_all_libs arg_lib {
if {$arg_lib=="all"} {
set cur_lib [get_cur_lib]
return [read_lib_compile_order_file $cur_lib]
} else {
return $arg_lib
# General make project
proc mk args {
# Parse the args, the args is a special TCL argument because it allows more than one formal.
set arg_cmd [parse_for_cmds $args]
set arg_lib [parse_for_libs $args]
# Extract arg_lib or all libs that it depends on for arg_lib
set arg_lib [extract_all_libs $arg_lib]
# keep current lib
set cur_lib [get_cur_lib]
# Without arguments mk current lib
if { [llength $arg_lib] == 0 } {
set arg_lib $cur_lib
# Perform the commands on the specified libs
foreach cmd $arg_cmd {
foreach lib $arg_lib {
if { [ catch { eval ["mk_$cmd" $lib] } msg ] } {
echo $msg
# back to original lib
lp $cur_lib
proc mk_clean {arg_lib} {
echo "\[mk clean $arg_lib\]"
set sim [simdir $arg_lib]
if {[file exists "$sim/work"]} then {
vdel -lib $sim/work -all
if {[file exists "$sim/makefile"]} then {
file delete $sim/makefile
if {[file exists "$sim/vsim.wlf"]} then {
file delete $sim/vsim.wlf
if {[file exists "$sim/$arg_lib.cr.mti"]} then {
file delete $sim/$arg_lib.cr.mti
proc mk_execute {arg_lib} {
# if there are compile scripts for IP files then first use use mk_execute to compile those into this work
set compile_ip [read_lib_compile_ip_file $arg_lib]
if {[llength $compile_ip] > 0} {
echo "\[mk execute $arg_lib\]"
set sim [simdir $arg_lib]
lp $arg_lib
# create work library if it does not already exist
if {![file exists "$sim/work"]} then {
do_vlib work
global env ;# Make global env() variable known locally. This is necessary for $env(*) in compile IP tcl script, alternatively use $::env(*) in compile IP tcl scrip
foreach ip $compile_ip {
echo "do $ip"
do $ip
proc mk_compile {arg_lib} {
set sim [simdir $arg_lib]
if {[string compare [env] "<No Context>"] != 0} {
echo "A project cannot be closed while a simulation is in progress.\nUse the \"quit -sim\" command to unload the simulation first."
echo "\[mk compile $arg_lib\]"
lp $arg_lib
# recreate work library
if {[file exists "$sim/work"]} then {
vdel -lib $sim/work -all
do_vlib work
# and then first execute any IP compile scripts
mk_execute $arg_lib
# and then compile the HDL
project compileall
proc mk_files {arg_lib} {
lp $arg_lib
foreach file [project compileorder] {
echo $file
proc mk_vmake {arg_lib} {
set sim [simdir $arg_lib]
if {![file exists "$sim/work/_info"]} then {
mk_compile $arg_lib
echo "\[mk vmake $arg_lib\]"
if {![file exists "$sim/makefile"] || ([file mtime "$sim/makefile"] < [file mtime "$sim/work/_info"]) } then {
# Both the specific library name $(arg_lib)_lib and the work library map to the same local work library,
# so to be compatible for both names always use work to generate the makefile
echo [exec vmake -fullsrcpath work > $sim/makefile]
# recreate work library
vdel -lib $sim/work -all
do_vlib work
# and then first execute any IP compile scripts
mk_execute $arg_lib
proc mk_make {arg_lib} {
set sim [simdir $arg_lib]
if {! [file exists "$sim/makefile"] } then {
mk_vmake $arg_lib
echo "\[mk make $arg_lib\]"
if {[this_os]=="Windows"} {
echo [exec [hdl_env]/radiohdl/bin/make.exe -C $sim -s -k -f makefile]
} else {
echo [exec /usr/bin/make -C $sim -s -k -f makefile]
proc mk_test {arg_lib} {
echo "\[mk test $arg_lib\]"
radix -decimal
vsim -quiet tst_lib.tb_$arg_lib
set tb [tbdir $arg_lib]
foreach tc [glob -directory $tb/data -type d -nocomplain tc*] {
echo "testcase $tc"
foreach fileName [glob -directory $tc -type f -nocomplain *.in *.out *.ref] {
file copy -force $fileName .
restart -force
run 1 ms
foreach fileName [glob -dir . -type f -nocomplain *.in *.out *.ref] {
file delete -force $fileName
quit -sim
# Auxiliary procedures
proc read_modelsim_project_files_file {} {
set fp [open [hdl_build]/[hdl_buildset]/modelsim/modelsim_project_files.txt]
set data [read $fp]
close $fp
set lines [split $data \n]
set lib_names {}
set mpf_paths {}
foreach line $lines {
set ll [split $line]
if {[lindex $ll 1]== "="} {
lappend lib_names [lindex $ll 0]
lappend mpf_paths [lindex $ll 2]
set ret {}
lappend ret $lib_names
lappend ret $mpf_paths
return $ret
proc read_lib_compile_order_file {arg_lib} {
set sim [simdir $arg_lib]
set file_name $arg_lib
append file_name "_lib_order.txt"
set fp [open $sim/$file_name]
set data [read $fp]
set data [string trim $data] ;# trim any trailing white space
close $fp
set lib_names [split $data]
echo $lib_names
return $lib_names
proc read_lib_compile_ip_file {arg_lib} {
set sim [simdir $arg_lib]
set file_name $arg_lib
append file_name "_lib_compile_ip.txt"
if {[file exists "$sim/$file_name"]} then {
set fp [open $sim/$file_name]
set data [read $fp]
set data [string trim $data] ;# trim any trailing white space
close $fp
set compile_ip [split $data]
echo $compile_ip
return $compile_ip
} else {
# Compute simulation directory where the mpf is located
proc simdir {arg_lib} {
set project_libs [read_modelsim_project_files_file]
set lib_names [lindex $project_libs 0]
set mpf_paths [lindex $project_libs 1]
set lib_index [lsearch $lib_names $arg_lib]
if {$lib_index >= 0} {
return [lindex $mpf_paths $lib_index]
} else {
error "Project directory $arg_lib not found"
return -1
# Compute tb directory
proc tbdir {arg_lib} {
# find out which environment operating system we are on
proc this_os {} {
if {$::tcl_platform(platform)=="windows"} {
return "Windows"
} else {
return "Not Windows" ;# Linux, Unix, ...
# DS = Delete Signals : deletes all signals in the waveform window.
proc ds {} {
delete wave *
# AS = Add signals : adds all signals up to hierarchy depth to the wave window
proc as {depth {inst ""}} {
#asf $depth
asg $depth $inst
# ASF = add signals flat : flat adds all signals up to hierarchy depth to the wave window
# It will automatically add dividers between the blocks, and it will discard all
# nxt_ and i_ signals. Altera alt_ blocks will also be ignored.
proc asf depth {
global env
# Start with all signals in the model.
add wave -noupdate -divider {as}
add wave -noupdate -depth $depth -r "/*"
# Allow users to set environment variable if they don't want the signals to be deleted
if { ![info exists ::env(MODELSIM_WAVE_NO_DEL) ] } {
delete wave */nxt_*
delete wave */i_*
#delete wave */alt*
configure wave -signalnamewidth 0
echo "Done."
# ASG = add signals in groups : recursively scans the hierarchy and adds signals
# groupwise to the wave window.
# Normal use:
# . asg [depth]
# => Adds all signals down to a depth of [depth].
# Advanced/debugging use:
# . asg [depth] [instance_name]
# => Adds all signals in [instance_name] down to to a level of [depth]
# NOTE: instance_name = NOT the entity name!
proc asg {depth {inst ""}} {
add_wave_grouped_recursive "" "" $depth $inst 0
wave refresh
# The grouping already displays the hierarchy, so use short signal names.
config wave -signalnamewidth 1
# With our short signal names, the name column can be narrower than default.
config wave -namecolwidth 300
# called by ASG:
proc add_wave_grouped_recursive {current_level prev_group_option depth target_inst target_inst_det} {
# Find all instances (=next hierarchy levels) in the ecurrent hierarchy level
set found_instances [find instances "$current_level/*"]
# Find all blocks (=GENERATE statement labels that are also hierarchy levels to be explored)
set found_blocks [find blocks "$current_level/*"]
# Concatenate the instance list with the block list, sort them alphabetically
set objects [lsort -dictionary [concat $found_instances $found_blocks]]
foreach object $objects {
# Separate "/object_path" from "(entity_name)"
set object_path [lindex [split $object " "] 0]
# Get the word after last "/"
set gname [lrange [split $object_path "/"] end end]
if {[path_depth $object_path]<$depth} {
if { $gname == $target_inst || $target_inst_det==1} {
# Found an instance that matches user input - or we're already inside that instance.
add_wave_grouped_recursive "$object_path" "$prev_group_option -group $gname" $depth $target_inst 1
} else {
add_wave_grouped_recursive "$object_path" "$prev_group_option -group $gname" $depth $target_inst 0
if { $current_level != "" } {
# First check if what we're about to add is an instance, not merely a GENERATE level
if {[context isInst $current_level]==1} {
set CMD "add wave -noupdate -radix unsigned $prev_group_option $current_level/*"
if {$target_inst!=""} {
# User passed a target inst. Check if we inside of it.
if {$target_inst_det==0} {
# We're not in in instance. Only add a group and move on.
set CMD "add wave -noupdate -radix unsigned $prev_group_option"
# Use catch so e.g. empty entities don't cause script to fail
catch {eval $CMD}
# Count the number of occurences in a string:
proc scount {subs string} {
regsub -all $subs $string $subs string
# Return the depth of a given path; e.g. /some/path/to/some/thing = 5.
proc path_depth path {
scount "/" $path
# NOWARN default disables the library warnings for subsequent simulation runs.
# Use argument 0 to enable the warnings again.
proc nowarn {{off 1}} {
set ::StdArithNoWarnings $off
set ::NumericStdNoWarnings $off