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RAM Summary report for cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video
Wed Aug 15 10:41:19 2012
Quartus II Version 11.0 Build 157 04/27/2011 SJ Web Edition
; Table of Contents ;
1. Legal Notice
2. Fitter RAM Summary
; Legal Notice ;
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; Fitter RAM Summary ;
; Name ; Type ; Mode ; Clock Mode ; Port A Depth ; Port A Width ; Port B Depth ; Port B Width ; Port A Input Registers ; Port A Output Registers ; Port B Input Registers ; Port B Output Registers ; Size ; Implementation Port A Depth ; Implementation Port A Width ; Implementation Port B Depth ; Implementation Port B Width ; Implementation Bits ; M9Ks ; MIF ; Location ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|cpu:the_cpu|cpu_ic_data_module:cpu_ic_data|altsyncram:the_altsyncram|altsyncram_tcd1:auto_generated|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Dual Clocks ; 256 ; 32 ; 256 ; 32 ; yes ; no ; yes ; no ; 8192 ; 256 ; 32 ; 256 ; 32 ; 8192 ; 1 ; None ; M9K_X22_Y27_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|cpu:the_cpu|cpu_ic_tag_module:cpu_ic_tag|altsyncram:the_altsyncram|altsyncram_v0g1:auto_generated|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Single Clock ; 32 ; 25 ; 32 ; 25 ; yes ; no ; yes ; no ; 800 ; 32 ; 25 ; 32 ; 25 ; 800 ; 1 ; cpu_ic_tag_ram.mif ; M9K_X22_Y31_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|cpu:the_cpu|cpu_nios2_oci:the_cpu_nios2_oci|cpu_nios2_ocimem:the_cpu_nios2_ocimem|cpu_ociram_lpm_dram_bdp_component_module:cpu_ociram_lpm_dram_bdp_component|altsyncram:the_altsyncram|altsyncram_6472:auto_generated|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; True Dual Port ; Single Clock ; 256 ; 32 ; 256 ; 32 ; yes ; no ; yes ; no ; 8192 ; 256 ; 32 ; 256 ; 32 ; 8192 ; 2 ; cpu_ociram_default_contents.mif ; M9K_X22_Y28_N0, M9K_X22_Y29_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|cpu:the_cpu|cpu_register_bank_a_module:cpu_register_bank_a|altsyncram:the_altsyncram|altsyncram_cqf1:auto_generated|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Single Clock ; 32 ; 32 ; 32 ; 32 ; yes ; no ; yes ; no ; 1024 ; 32 ; 32 ; 32 ; 32 ; 1024 ; 1 ; cpu_rf_ram_a.mif ; M9K_X22_Y32_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|cpu:the_cpu|cpu_register_bank_b_module:cpu_register_bank_b|altsyncram:the_altsyncram|altsyncram_dqf1:auto_generated|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Single Clock ; 32 ; 32 ; 32 ; 32 ; yes ; no ; yes ; no ; 1024 ; 32 ; 32 ; 32 ; 32 ; 1024 ; 1 ; cpu_rf_ram_b.mif ; M9K_X22_Y30_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|cpu_ddr_clock_bridge:the_cpu_ddr_clock_bridge|cpu_ddr_clock_bridge_downstream_fifo:the_downstream_fifo|dcfifo:downstream_fifo|dcfifo_1tf1:auto_generated|altsyncram_ni31:fifo_ram|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Dual Clocks ; 8 ; 86 ; 8 ; 86 ; yes ; no ; yes ; yes ; 688 ; 8 ; 62 ; 8 ; 62 ; 496 ; 2 ; None ; M9K_X22_Y25_N0, M9K_X22_Y24_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|cpu_ddr_clock_bridge:the_cpu_ddr_clock_bridge|cpu_ddr_clock_bridge_upstream_fifo:the_upstream_fifo|dcfifo:upstream_fifo|dcfifo_u1g1:auto_generated|altsyncram_di31:fifo_ram|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Dual Clocks ; 64 ; 33 ; 64 ; 33 ; yes ; no ; yes ; yes ; 2112 ; 64 ; 32 ; 64 ; 32 ; 2048 ; 1 ; None ; M9K_X22_Y26_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_burst_1:the_cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_burst_1|cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_burst_1_fifo_module:the_cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_burst_1_fifo_module|cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_burst_1_fifo_module_fifo_ram_module:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_burst_1_fifo_module_fifo_ram|lpm_ram_dp:lpm_ram_dp_component|altdpram:sram|altsyncram:ram_block|altsyncram_kbq1:auto_generated|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Single Clock ; 16 ; 64 ; 16 ; 64 ; yes ; no ; yes ; no ; 1024 ; 16 ; 64 ; 16 ; 64 ; 1024 ; 2 ; None ; M9K_X22_Y14_N0, M9K_X22_Y13_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|ddr_sdram:the_ddr_sdram|ddr_sdram_controller_phy:ddr_sdram_controller_phy_inst|ddr_sdram_auk_ddr_hp_controller_wrapper:ddr_sdram_auk_ddr_hp_controller_wrapper_inst|auk_ddr_hp_controller:auk_ddr_hp_controller_inst|auk_ddr_hp_avalon_if:\g_local_avalon_if:av_if|scfifo:wfifo|scfifo_jve1:auto_generated|a_dpfifo_kg71:dpfifo|altsyncram_1ea1:FIFOram|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Single Clock ; 32 ; 72 ; 32 ; 72 ; yes ; no ; yes ; no ; 2304 ; 32 ; 72 ; 32 ; 72 ; 2304 ; 2 ; None ; M9K_X22_Y15_N0, M9K_X22_Y16_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|ddr_sdram:the_ddr_sdram|ddr_sdram_controller_phy:ddr_sdram_controller_phy_inst|ddr_sdram_phy:ddr_sdram_phy_inst|ddr_sdram_phy_alt_mem_phy:ddr_sdram_phy_alt_mem_phy_inst|ddr_sdram_phy_alt_mem_phy_rdata_valid:rdv_pipe|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_4ni1:auto_generated|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Single Clock ; 32 ; 2 ; 32 ; 2 ; yes ; no ; yes ; yes ; 64 ; 32 ; 2 ; 32 ; 2 ; 64 ; 1 ; None ; M9K_X33_Y22_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|ddr_sdram:the_ddr_sdram|ddr_sdram_controller_phy:ddr_sdram_controller_phy_inst|ddr_sdram_phy:ddr_sdram_phy_inst|ddr_sdram_phy_alt_mem_phy:ddr_sdram_phy_alt_mem_phy_inst|ddr_sdram_phy_alt_mem_phy_read_dp:rdp|altsyncram:half_rate_ram_gen.altsyncram_component|altsyncram_7ch1:auto_generated|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Dual Clocks ; 16 ; 32 ; 8 ; 64 ; yes ; no ; yes ; yes ; 512 ; 16 ; 32 ; 8 ; 64 ; 512 ; 2 ; None ; M9K_X33_Y15_N0, M9K_X33_Y16_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|lcd_pixel_fifo:the_lcd_pixel_fifo|lcd_pixel_fifo_dcfifo_with_controls:the_dcfifo_with_controls|lcd_pixel_fifo_dual_clock_fifo:the_dcfifo|dcfifo:dual_clock_fifo|dcfifo_tpg1:auto_generated|altsyncram_1j31:fifo_ram|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Dual Clocks ; 128 ; 69 ; 128 ; 69 ; yes ; no ; yes ; yes ; 8832 ; 128 ; 53 ; 128 ; 53 ; 6784 ; 2 ; None ; M9K_X33_Y29_N0, M9K_X33_Y28_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|lcd_sgdma:the_lcd_sgdma|lcd_sgdma_command_fifo:the_lcd_sgdma_command_fifo|scfifo:lcd_sgdma_command_fifo_command_fifo|scfifo_2c31:auto_generated|a_dpfifo_9i31:dpfifo|altsyncram_qsd1:FIFOram|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Dual Clocks ; 2 ; 104 ; 2 ; 104 ; yes ; no ; yes ; yes ; 208 ; 2 ; 41 ; 2 ; 41 ; 82 ; 2 ; None ; M9K_X22_Y20_N0, M9K_X22_Y21_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|lcd_sgdma:the_lcd_sgdma|lcd_sgdma_m_readfifo:the_lcd_sgdma_m_readfifo|lcd_sgdma_m_readfifo_m_readfifo:the_lcd_sgdma_m_readfifo_m_readfifo|scfifo:lcd_sgdma_m_readfifo_m_readfifo_m_readfifo|scfifo_ru31:auto_generated|a_dpfifo_2541:dpfifo|altsyncram_std1:FIFOram|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Dual Clocks ; 32 ; 69 ; 32 ; 69 ; yes ; no ; yes ; yes ; 2208 ; 32 ; 53 ; 32 ; 53 ; 1696 ; 2 ; None ; M9K_X33_Y25_N0, M9K_X33_Y24_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|lcd_sgdma:the_lcd_sgdma|lcd_sgdma_status_token_fifo:the_lcd_sgdma_status_token_fifo|scfifo:lcd_sgdma_status_token_fifo_status_token_fifo|scfifo_ja31:auto_generated|a_dpfifo_qg31:dpfifo|altsyncram_spd1:FIFOram|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Dual Clocks ; 2 ; 24 ; 2 ; 24 ; yes ; no ; yes ; yes ; 48 ; 2 ; 24 ; 2 ; 24 ; 48 ; 1 ; None ; M9K_X22_Y18_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|raytrac_0:the_raytrac_0|raytrac:raytrac_0|ap_n_dpc:arithmetic_pipeline_and_datapath_controller|arithblock:ap|invr32:inversion_block|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_b8a1:auto_generated|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; ROM ; Single Clock ; 1024 ; 18 ; -- ; -- ; yes ; no ; -- ; -- ; 18432 ; 1024 ; 17 ; -- ; -- ; 17408 ; 2 ; ./meminvr.mif ; M9K_X33_Y5_N0, M9K_X33_Y6_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|raytrac_0:the_raytrac_0|raytrac:raytrac_0|ap_n_dpc:arithmetic_pipeline_and_datapath_controller|arithblock:ap|sqrt32:square_root|altsyncram:altsyncram_component|altsyncram_m8a1:auto_generated|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; ROM ; Single Clock ; 1024 ; 18 ; -- ; -- ; yes ; no ; -- ; -- ; 18432 ; 1024 ; 17 ; -- ; -- ; 17408 ; 2 ; ./memsqrt.mif ; M9K_X33_Y4_N0, M9K_X33_Y3_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|raytrac_0:the_raytrac_0|raytrac:raytrac_0|ap_n_dpc:arithmetic_pipeline_and_datapath_controller|scfifo:qxqyqz|scfifo_gi61:auto_generated|a_dpfifo_34v:dpfifo|altsyncram_8d81:FIFOram|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Single Clock ; 32 ; 96 ; 32 ; 96 ; yes ; no ; yes ; no ; 3072 ; 32 ; 96 ; 32 ; 96 ; 3072 ; 3 ; None ; M9K_X33_Y7_N0, M9K_X33_Y8_N0, M9K_X33_Y9_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|raytrac_0:the_raytrac_0|raytrac:raytrac_0|scfifo:output_buffer|scfifo_4u91:auto_generated|a_dpfifo_qqv:dpfifo|altsyncram_ag81:FIFOram|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Dual Clocks ; 256 ; 32 ; 256 ; 32 ; yes ; no ; yes ; no ; 8192 ; 256 ; 32 ; 256 ; 32 ; 8192 ; 1 ; None ; M9K_X33_Y14_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|raytrac_0:the_raytrac_0|raytrac:raytrac_0|scfifo:res|scfifo_lo61:auto_generated|a_dpfifo_8av:dpfifo|altsyncram_mj81:FIFOram|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Dual Clocks ; 256 ; 128 ; 256 ; 128 ; yes ; no ; yes ; no ; 32768 ; 256 ; 128 ; 256 ; 128 ; 32768 ; 4 ; None ; M9K_X33_Y11_N0, M9K_X33_Y12_N0, M9K_X33_Y10_N0, M9K_X33_Y13_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|raytrac_ddr_clock_crossing_bridge:the_raytrac_ddr_clock_crossing_bridge|raytrac_ddr_clock_crossing_bridge_upstream_fifo:the_upstream_fifo|dcfifo:upstream_fifo|dcfifo_h7g1:auto_generated|altsyncram_3l31:fifo_ram|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Dual Clocks ; 1024 ; 33 ; 1024 ; 33 ; yes ; no ; yes ; yes ; 33792 ; 1024 ; 32 ; 1024 ; 32 ; 32768 ; 4 ; None ; M9K_X22_Y10_N0, M9K_X22_Y11_N0, M9K_X22_Y12_N0, M9K_X22_Y9_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|raytrac_ssram_clock_crossing_bridge:the_raytrac_ssram_clock_crossing_bridge|raytrac_ssram_clock_crossing_bridge_downstream_fifo:the_downstream_fifo|dcfifo:downstream_fifo|dcfifo_7tf1:auto_generated|altsyncram_ti31:fifo_ram|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Dual Clocks ; 8 ; 89 ; 8 ; 89 ; yes ; no ; yes ; yes ; 712 ; 8 ; 66 ; 8 ; 66 ; 528 ; 2 ; None ; M9K_X33_Y19_N0, M9K_X33_Y21_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|raytrac_ssram_clock_crossing_bridge:the_raytrac_ssram_clock_crossing_bridge|raytrac_ssram_clock_crossing_bridge_upstream_fifo:the_upstream_fifo|dcfifo:upstream_fifo|dcfifo_i3g1:auto_generated|altsyncram_ji31:fifo_ram|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Dual Clocks ; 512 ; 33 ; 512 ; 33 ; yes ; no ; yes ; yes ; 16896 ; 512 ; 32 ; 512 ; 32 ; 16384 ; 2 ; None ; M9K_X33_Y26_N0, M9K_X33_Y27_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|slow_peripheral_bridge:the_slow_peripheral_bridge|slow_peripheral_bridge_downstream_fifo:the_downstream_fifo|dcfifo:downstream_fifo|dcfifo_cuf1:auto_generated|altsyncram_ki31:fifo_ram|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Dual Clocks ; 16 ; 56 ; 16 ; 56 ; yes ; no ; yes ; yes ; 896 ; 16 ; 49 ; 16 ; 49 ; 784 ; 2 ; None ; M9K_X22_Y17_N0, M9K_X22_Y19_N0 ;
; cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc:cycloneIII_3c25_niosII_video_sopc_instance|slow_peripheral_bridge:the_slow_peripheral_bridge|slow_peripheral_bridge_upstream_fifo:the_upstream_fifo|dcfifo:upstream_fifo|dcfifo_u1g1:auto_generated|altsyncram_di31:fifo_ram|ALTSYNCRAM ; AUTO ; Simple Dual Port ; Dual Clocks ; 64 ; 33 ; 64 ; 33 ; yes ; no ; yes ; yes ; 2112 ; 64 ; 32 ; 64 ; 32 ; 2048 ; 1 ; None ; M9K_X22_Y8_N0 ;
Note: Fitter may spread logical memories into multiple blocks to improve timing. The actual required RAM blocks can be found in the Fitter Resource Usage section.
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