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--! @file raytrac.vhd --! @brief Descripción del sistema aritmetico usado por raytrac. --! @author Juli´n Andrés Guarín Reyes. -- RAYTRAC -- Author Julian Andres Guarin -- uf.vhd -- This file is part of raytrac. -- -- raytrac is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- raytrac is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with raytrac. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --! Libreria de definicion de senales y tipos estandares, comportamiento de operadores aritmeticos y logicos. library ieee; --! Paquete de definicion estandard de logica. use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; --! Paquete para el manejo de aritmŽtica con signo sobre el tipo std_logic_vector use ieee.std_logic_signed.all; --! Paquete estandar de texto use std.textio.all; --! Se usaran en esta descripcion los componentes del package arithpack.vhd. use work.arithpack.all; --! uf es la descripción del circuito que realiza la aritmética del Rt Engine. --! La entrada opcode indica la operación que se est´ realizando, en los sumadores, es la misma señal que se encuentra en la entidad opcoder, que selecciona si se est´ realizando un producto punto o un producto cruz. Dentro de la arquitectura de uf, la señal opcode selecciona en la primera etapa de sumadores, si la operación a realizar ser´ una resta o una suma. --! Los resultados estar´n en distintas salidas dependiendo de la operación, lo cual es apenas natural: El producto cruz tiene por resultado un vector, mientras que el producto punto tiene por resultado un escalar. --! Esta entidad utiliza las señales de control clk y rst.} --! \n\n --! La característica fundamental de uf, es que puede realizar 2 operaciones de producto punto al mimso tiempo ó una operación de producto cruz al mismo tiempo. La otra característica importante es que el pipe de producto punto es mas largo que el pipe de producto cruz: el producto punto tomar´ 3 clocks para realizarse, mientras que el procto punto tomara 4 clocks para realizarse. entity uf is generic ( use_std_logic_signed : string := "NO"; testbench_generation : string := "NO"; carry_logic : string := "CLA" ); port ( opcode : in std_logic; --! Entrada que dentro de la arquitectura funciona como selector de la operación que se lleva a cabo en la primera etapa de sumadores/restadores. m0f0,m0f1,m1f0,m1f1,m2f0,m2f1,m3f0,m3f1,m4f0,m4f1,m5f0,m5f1 : in std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); --! Entradas que van conectadas a los multiplicadores en la primera etapa de la descripción. cpx,cpy,cpz,dp0,dp1 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --! Salidas donde se registran los resultados de las operaciones aritméticas: cpx,cpy,cpz ser´n los componentes del vector que da por resultado el producto cruz entre los vectores AxB ó CxD. clk,rst : in std_logic --! Las entradas de control usuales. ); end uf; architecture uf_arch of uf is -- Stage 0 signals signal stage0mf00,stage0mf01,stage0mf10,stage0mf11,stage0mf20,stage0mf21,stage0mf30,stage0mf31,stage0mf40,stage0mf41,stage0mf50,stage0mf51 : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); --! Señales que conectan los operandos seleccionados en opcode a las entradas de los multiplicadores. signal stage0p0,stage0p1, stage0p2, stage0p3, stage0p4, stage0p5 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --! Señales / buses, con los productos de los multiplicadores. signal stageMopcode : std_logic; --! Señal de atraso del opcode. Revisar el diagrama de bloques para mayor claridad. --Stage 1 signals signal stage1p0, stage1p1, stage1p2, stage1p3, stage1p4, stage1p5 : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); --! Señales provenientes de los productos de la etapa previa de multiplicadores. signal stage1a0, stage1a1, stage1a2 : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); --! Señales / buses, con los resultados de los sumadores. signal stageSRopcode : std_logic; --! Señal proveniente del opcode que selecciona si los sumadores deben ejecutar una resta o una suma dependiendo de la operación que se ejecute en ese momento del pipe. -- Some support signals signal stage1_internalCarry : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); --! Cada uno de los 3 sumadores de la etapa de sumadores est´ compuesto de una cascada de 2 sumadores Carry Look Ahead: aXhigh y aXlow. El carry out del componente low y el carry in del componente high, se conectar´ a través de las señales internal carry. signal stage2_internalCarry : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); --! Cada uno de los 2 sumadores de la última etapa de sumadores est´ compuesto de una cascada de 2 sumadores Carry Look AheadÑ: aXhigh y aXlow. El carry out del componente low y el carry in del componente high, se conectar´ a través de las señales internal carry. --Stage 2 signals signal stage2a0, stage2a2, stage2a3, stage2a4, stage2p2, stage2p3 : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); --! Estas señales corresponden a los sumandos derivados de la primera etapa de multiplicadores (stage2p2, stage2p3) y a los sumandos derivados del resultado de las sumas en la primera etapa de sumadores. begin -- Multiplicator Instantiation (StAgE 0) --! Multiplicador 0 m0 : lpm_mult generic map ( lpm_hint => "DEDICATED_MULTIPLIER_CIRCUITRY=YES,MAXIMIZE_SPEED=9", lpm_pipeline => 2, lpm_representation => "SIGNED", lpm_type => "LPM_MULT", lpm_widtha => 18, lpm_widthb => 18, lpm_widthp => 32 ) port map ( aclr => rst, clock => clk, dataa => stage0mf00, datab => stage0mf01, result => stage0p0 ); --! Multiplicador 1 m1 : lpm_mult generic map ( lpm_hint => "DEDICATED_MULTIPLIER_CIRCUITRY=YES,MAXIMIZE_SPEED=9", lpm_pipeline => 2, lpm_representation => "SIGNED", lpm_type => "LPM_MULT", lpm_widtha => 18, lpm_widthb => 18, lpm_widthp => 32 ) port map ( aclr => rst, clock => clk, dataa => stage0mf10, datab => stage0mf11, result => stage0p1 ); --! Multiplicador 2 m2 : lpm_mult generic map ( lpm_hint => "DEDICATED_MULTIPLIER_CIRCUITRY=YES,MAXIMIZE_SPEED=9", lpm_pipeline => 2, lpm_representation => "SIGNED", lpm_type => "LPM_MULT", lpm_widtha => 18, lpm_widthb => 18, lpm_widthp => 32 ) port map ( aclr => rst, clock => clk, dataa => stage0mf20, datab => stage0mf21, result => stage0p2 ); --! Multiplicador 3 m3 : lpm_mult generic map ( lpm_hint => "DEDICATED_MULTIPLIER_CIRCUITRY=YES,MAXIMIZE_SPEED=9", lpm_pipeline => 2, lpm_representation => "SIGNED", lpm_type => "LPM_MULT", lpm_widtha => 18, lpm_widthb => 18, lpm_widthp => 32 ) port map ( aclr => rst, clock => clk, dataa => stage0mf30, datab => stage0mf31, result => stage0p3 ); --! Multiplicador 4 m4 : lpm_mult generic map ( lpm_hint => "DEDICATED_MULTIPLIER_CIRCUITRY=YES,MAXIMIZE_SPEED=9", lpm_pipeline => 2, lpm_representation => "SIGNED", lpm_type => "LPM_MULT", lpm_widtha => 18, lpm_widthb => 18, lpm_widthp => 32 ) port map ( aclr => rst, clock => clk, dataa => stage0mf40, datab => stage0mf41, result => stage0p4 ); --! Multiplicador 5 m5 : lpm_mult generic map ( lpm_hint => "DEDICATED_MULTIPLIER_CIRCUITRY=YES,MAXIMIZE_SPEED=9", lpm_pipeline => 2, lpm_representation => "SIGNED", lpm_type => "LPM_MULT", lpm_widtha => 18, lpm_widthb => 18, lpm_widthp => 32 ) port map ( aclr => rst, clock => clk, dataa => stage0mf50, datab => stage0mf51, result => stage0p5 ); useIeee: if use_std_logic_signed="YES" generate -- Adder Instantiation (sTaGe 1) stage1adderProc: process (stage1p0,stage1p1,stage1p2,stage1p3,stage1p4,stage1p5,stageSRopcode) begin case (stageSRopcode) is when '1' => -- Cross Product stage1a0 <= stage1p0-stage1p1; stage1a2 <= stage1p4-stage1p5; when others => -- Dot Product stage1a0 <= stage1p0+stage1p1; stage1a2 <= stage1p4+stage1p5; end case; end process stage1adderProc; stage1a1 <= stage1p2-stage1p3; -- This is always going to be a substraction -- Adder Instantiation (Stage 2) stage2a3 <= stage2a0+stage2p2; stage2a4 <= stage2p3+stage2a2; end generate useIeee; dontUseIeee: if use_std_logic_signed="NO" generate --! Adder 0, 16 bit carry lookahead low adder. a0low : adder generic map (16,carry_logic,"YES") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time) -- Yes instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder so we can substract on the opcode signal command. port map (stage1p0(15 downto 0),stage1p1(15 downto 0),stageSRopcode,'0',stage1a0(15 downto 0),stage1_internalCarry(0)); --Adder 0, 16 bit carry lookahead high adder. a0high : adder generic map (16,carry_logic,"YES") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time) -- Yes instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder so we can substract on the opcode signal command. port map (stage1p0(31 downto 16),stage1p1(31 downto 16),stageSRopcode,stage1_internalCarry(0),stage1a0(31 downto 16),open); --! Adder 1, 16 bit carry lookahead low adder. a1low : adder generic map (16,carry_logic,"YES") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time) -- Yes instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder so we can substract on the opcode signal command. port map (stage1p2(15 downto 0),stage1p3(15 downto 0),'1','0',stage1a1(15 downto 0),stage1_internalCarry(1)); --! Adder 1, 16 bit carry lookahead high adder. a1high : adder generic map (16,carry_logic,"YES") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time) -- Yes instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder so we can substract on the opcode signal command. port map (stage1p2(31 downto 16),stage1p3(31 downto 16),'1',stage1_internalCarry(1),stage1a1(31 downto 16),open); --! Adder 2, 16 bit carry lookahead low adder. a2low : adder generic map (16,carry_logic,"YES") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time) -- Yes instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder so we can substract on the opcode signal command. port map (stage1p4(15 downto 0),stage1p5(15 downto 0),stageSRopcode,'0',stage1a2(15 downto 0),stage1_internalCarry(2)); --! Adder 2, 16 bit carry lookahead high adder. a2high : adder generic map (16,carry_logic,"YES") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time) -- Yes instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder so we can substract on the opcode signal command. port map (stage1p4(31 downto 16),stage1p5(31 downto 16),stageSRopcode,stage1_internalCarry(2),stage1a2(31 downto 16),open); -- Adder Instantiation (Stage 2) --! Adder 3, 16 bit carry lookahead low adder. a3low : adder generic map (16,carry_logic,"NO") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time) -- Dont instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder. port map (stage2a0(15 downto 0),stage2p2(15 downto 0),'0','0',stage2a3(15 downto 0),stage2_internalCarry(0)); --Adder 3, 16 bit carry lookahead high adder. a3high : adder generic map (16,carry_logic,"NO") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time) -- Dont instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder. port map (stage2a0(31 downto 16),stage2p2(31 downto 16),'0',stage2_internalCarry(0),stage2a3(31 downto 16),open); --! Adder 4, 16 bit carry lookahead low adder. a4low : adder generic map (16,carry_logic,"NO") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time) -- Dont instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder. port map (stage2p3(15 downto 0),stage2a2(15 downto 0),'0','0',stage2a4(15 downto 0),stage2_internalCarry(1)); --! Adder 4, 16 bit carry lookahead high adder. a4high : adder generic map (16,carry_logic,"NO") -- Carry Look Ahead Logic (More Gates Used, But Less Time) -- Dont instantiate Xor gates stage in the adder. port map (stage2p3(31 downto 16),stage2a2(31 downto 16),'0',stage2_internalCarry(1),stage2a4(31 downto 16),open); end generate dontUseIeee; -- Incoming from opcoder.vhd signals into pipeline's stage 0. stage0mf00 <= m0f0; stage0mf01 <= m0f1; stage0mf10 <= m1f0; stage0mf11 <= m1f1; stage0mf20 <= m2f0; stage0mf21 <= m2f1; stage0mf30 <= m3f0; stage0mf31 <= m3f1; stage0mf40 <= m4f0; stage0mf41 <= m4f1; stage0mf50 <= m5f0; stage0mf51 <= m5f1; -- Signal sequencing: as the multipliers use registered output and registered input is not necessary to write the sequence of stage 0 signals to stage 1 signals. -- so the simplistic path is taken: simply connect stage 0 to stage 1 lines. However this would not apply for the opcode signal stage1p0 <= stage0p0; stage1p1 <= stage0p1; stage1p2 <= stage0p2; stage1p3 <= stage0p3; stage1p4 <= stage0p4; stage1p5 <= stage0p5; --Outcoming to the rest of the system (by the time i wrote this i dont know where this leads to... jeje) cpx <= stage1a0; cpy <= stage1a1; cpz <= stage1a2; dp0 <= stage2a3; dp1 <= stage2a4; -- Looking into the design the stage 1 to stage 2 are the sequences pipe stages that must be controlled in this particular HDL. --! Este proceso describe la manera en que se organizan las etapas de pipe. --! Todas las señales internas en las etapas de pipe, en el momento en que la entrada rst alcanza el nivel rstMasterValue, se colocan en '0'. Nótese que, salvo stageMopcode<=stageSRopcode, las señales que vienen desde la entrada hacia los multiplicadores en la etapa 0 y desde la salida de los multiplicadores desde la etapa0 hacia la etapa 1, no est´n siendo descritas en este proceso, la explicación de es simple: Los multiplicadores que se est´n instanciado tienen registros a la entrada y la salida, permitiendo así, registrar las entradas y registrar los productos o salidas de los multiplicadores, hacia la etapa 1 o etapa de sumadores/restadores. uf_seq: process (clk,rst) begin if rst=rstMasterValue then stageMopcode <= '0'; stageSRopcode <= '0'; stage2a2 <= (others => '0'); stage2p3 <= (others => '0'); stage2p2 <= (others => '0'); stage2a0 <= (others => '0'); elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then stage2a2 <= stage1a2; stage2p3 <= stage1p3; stage2p2 <= stage1p2; stage2a0 <= stage1a0; -- Opcode control sequence stageMopcode <= opcode; stageSRopcode <= stageMopcode; end if; end process uf_seq; --! Codigo generado para realizar test bench tbgen: if testbench_generation="YES" generate tbproc0: process variable buff : line; variable theend : time :=30835 ns; file mbuff : text open write_mode is "TRACE_multiplier_content.csv"; begin write(buff,string'("#UF multipliers test benching")); writeline(mbuff, buff); write(buff,string'("#{Time} {m0result} {m1result} {m2result} {m3result} {m4result} {m5result}")); writeline(mbuff, buff); wait for 5 ns; wait until rst=not(rstMasterValue); wait until clk='1'; wait for tclk2+tclk4; --! Garantizar la estabilidad de los datos que se van a observar en la salida. displayRom: loop write (buff,string'("{")); write (buff,now,unit =>ns); write (buff,string'("}{")); hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1p0(31 downto 0)); write (buff,string'("}{")); hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1p1(31 downto 0)); write (buff,string'("}{")); hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1p2(31 downto 0)); write (buff,string'("}{")); hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1p1(31 downto 0)); write (buff,string'("}{")); hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1p4(31 downto 0)); write (buff,string'("}{")); hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1p5(31 downto 0)); write (buff,string'("}")); writeline(mbuff,buff); wait for tclk; if now>=theend then wait; end if; end loop displayRom; end process tbproc0; tbproc1: process variable buff : line; variable theend : time :=30795 ns; file fbuff : text open write_mode is "TRACE_decoded_factors_content.csv"; begin write(buff,string'("#UF factors decoded test benching")); writeline(fbuff, buff); write(buff,string'("#{Time} {m0f0,m0f1}{m1f0,m1f1}{m2f0,m2f1}{m3f0,m3f1}{m4f0,m4f1}{m5f0,m5f1}")); writeline(fbuff, buff); wait for 5 ns; wait until rst=not(rstMasterValue); wait until clk='1'; wait for tclk2+tclk4; --! Garantizar la estabilidad de los datos que se van a observar en la salida. displayRom: loop write (buff,string'(" { ")); write (buff,now,unit =>ns); write (buff,string'(" } ")); write (buff,string'(" { ")); hexwrite_0 (buff,m0f0(17 downto 0)); write (buff,string'(",")); hexwrite_0 (buff,m0f1(17 downto 0)); write (buff,string'(" } { ")); hexwrite_0 (buff,m1f0(17 downto 0)); write (buff,string'(",")); hexwrite_0 (buff,m1f1(17 downto 0)); write (buff,string'(" } { ")); hexwrite_0 (buff,m2f0(17 downto 0)); write (buff,string'(",")); hexwrite_0 (buff,m2f1(17 downto 0)); write (buff,string'(" } { ")); hexwrite_0 (buff,m3f0(17 downto 0)); write (buff,string'(",")); hexwrite_0 (buff,m3f1(17 downto 0)); write (buff,string'(" } { ")); hexwrite_0 (buff,m4f0(17 downto 0)); write (buff,string'(",")); hexwrite_0 (buff,m4f1(17 downto 0)); write (buff,string'(" } { ")); hexwrite_0 (buff,m5f0(17 downto 0)); write (buff,string'(",")); hexwrite_0 (buff,m5f1(17 downto 0)); write (buff,string'(" }")); writeline(fbuff,buff); wait for tclk; if now>=theend then wait; end if; end loop displayRom; end process tbproc1; tbproc2: process variable buff : line; variable theend : time :=30855 ns; file rbuff : text open write_mode is "TRACE_results_content.csv"; begin write(buff,string'("#UF results test benching")); writeline(rbuff, buff); write(buff,string'("#{Time} {CPX,CPY,CPZ}{DP0,DP1}")); writeline(rbuff, buff); wait for 5 ns; wait until rst=not(rstMasterValue); wait until clk='1'; wait for tclk2+tclk4; --! Garantizar la estabilidad de los datos que se van a observar en la salida. displayRom: loop write (buff,string'(" { ")); write (buff,now,unit =>ns); write (buff,string'(" }{ ")); hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1a0(31 downto 0)); write (buff,string'(",")); hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1a1(31 downto 0)); write (buff,string'(",")); hexwrite_0 (buff,stage1a2(31 downto 0)); write (buff,string'(" }{ ")); hexwrite_0 (buff,stage2a3(31 downto 0)); write (buff,string'("}{")); hexwrite_0 (buff,stage2a4(31 downto 0)); write (buff,string'(" }")); writeline(rbuff,buff); wait for tclk; if now>=theend then wait; end if; end loop displayRom; end process tbproc2; end generate tbgen; end uf_arch;
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