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*                                                                *
*               Tiny BASIC for the Motorola MC68000              *
*                                                                *
* Derived from Palo Alto Tiny BASIC as published in the May 1976 *
* issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal.  Adapted to the 68000 by:         *
*       Gordon Brandly                                           *
*       12147 - 51 Street                                        *
*       Edmonton AB  T5W 3G8                                     *
*       Canada                                                   *
*       (updated mailing address for 1996)                       *
*                                                                *
* This version is for MEX68KECB Educational Computer Board I/O.  *
*                                                                *
*    Copyright (C) 1984 by Gordon Brandly. This program may be   *
*    freely distributed for personal use only. All commercial    *
*                      rights are reserved.                      *

* Vers. 1.0  1984/7/17  - Original version by Gordon Brandly
*       1.1  1984/12/9  - Addition of '$' print term by Marvin Lipford
*       1.2  1985/4/9   - Bug fix in multiply routine by Rick Murray

*       OPT     FRS,BRS         forward ref.'s & branches default to short

;CR     EQU     $0D             ASCII equates
;LF     EQU     $0A
;TAB    EQU     $09
;CTRLC  EQU     $03
;CTRLH  EQU     $08
;CTRLS  EQU     $13
;CTRLX  EQU     $18

BUFLEN  EQU     80              length of keyboard input buffer
*       ORG     $10000          first free address using Tutor
* Standard jump table. You can change these addresses if you are
* customizing this interpreter for a different environment.
START   BRA     CSTART          Cold Start entry point
GOWARM  BRA     WSTART          Warm Start entry point
GOOUT   BRA OUTC                Jump to character-out routine
GOIN    BRA INC         Jump to character-in routine
GOAUXO  BRA     AUXOUT          Jump to auxiliary-out routine
GOAUXI  BRA     AUXIN           Jump to auxiliary-in routine
GOBYE   BRA     BYEBYE          Jump to monitor, DOS, etc.
* Modifiable system constants:
TXTBGN  DC.L    $41000          beginning of program memory
ENDMEM  DC.L    $41FF0          end of available memory
* The main interpreter starts here:
CSTART  MOVE.L  ENDMEM,SP       initialize stack pointer
        move.l  #OUTC1,OUTPTR
        move.l  #INC1,INPPTR
        LEA     INITMSG,A6      tell who we are
        BSR     PRMESG
        MOVE.L  TXTBGN,TXTUNF   init. end-of-program pointer
        MOVE.L  ENDMEM,D0       get address of end of memory
        SUB.L   #2048,D0        reserve 2K for the stack
        MOVE.L  D0,STKLMT
        SUB.L   #108,D0         reserve variable area (27 long words)
        MOVE.L  D0,VARBGN
WSTART  CLR.L   D0              initialize internal variables
        MOVE.L  D0,LOPVAR
        MOVE.L  D0,STKGOS
        MOVE.L  D0,CURRNT       current line number pointer = 0
        MOVE.L  ENDMEM,SP       init S.P. again, just in case
        LEA     OKMSG,A6        display "OK"
        bsr     PRMESG
ST3     MOVE.B  #'>',D0         Prompt with a '>' and
        bsr     GETLN           read a line.
        bsr     TOUPBUF         convert to upper case
        MOVE.L  A0,A4           save pointer to end of line
        LEA     BUFFER,A0       point to the beginning of line
        bsr     TSTNUM          is there a number there?
        bsr     IGNBLK          skip trailing blanks
        TST     D1              does line no. exist? (or nonzero?)
        BEQ     DIRECT          if not, it's a direct statement
        CMP.L   #$FFFF,D1       see if line no. is <= 16 bits
        BCC     QHOW            if not, we've overflowed
        MOVE.B  D1,-(A0)        store the binary line no.
        ROR     #8,D1           (Kludge to store a word on a
        MOVE.B  D1,-(A0)        possible byte boundary)
        ROL     #8,D1
        bsr     FNDLN           find this line in save area
        MOVE.L  A1,A5           save possible line pointer
        BNE     ST4             if not found, insert
        bsr     FNDNXT          find the next line (into A1)
        MOVE.L  A5,A2           pointer to line to be deleted
        MOVE.L  TXTUNF,A3       points to top of save area
        bsr     MVUP            move up to delete
        MOVE.L  A2,TXTUNF       update the end pointer
ST4     MOVE.L  A4,D0           calculate the length of new line
        SUB.L   A0,D0
        CMP.L   #3,D0           is it just a line no. & CR?
        BEQ     ST3             if so, it was just a delete
        MOVE.L  TXTUNF,A3       compute new end
        MOVE.L  A3,A6
        ADD.L   D0,A3
        MOVE.L  VARBGN,D0       see if there's enough room
        CMP.L   A3,D0
        BLS     QSORRY          if not, say so
        MOVE.L  A3,TXTUNF       if so, store new end position
        MOVE.L  A6,A1           points to old unfilled area
        MOVE.L  A5,A2           points to beginning of move area
        bsr     MVDOWN          move things out of the way
        MOVE.L  A0,A1           set up to do the insertion
        MOVE.L  A5,A2
        MOVE.L  A4,A3
        bsr     MVUP            do it
        BRA     ST3             go back and get another line

* *** Tables *** DIRECT *** EXEC ***
* This section of the code tests a string against a table. When
* a match is found, control is transferred to the section of
* code according to the table.
* At 'EXEC', A0 should point to the string, A1 should point to
* the character table, and A2 should point to the execution
* table. At 'DIRECT', A0 should point to the string, A1 and
* A2 will be set up to point to TAB1 and TAB1_1, which are
* the tables of all direct and statement commands.
* A '.' in the string will terminate the test and the partial
* match will be considered as a match, e.g. 'P.', 'PR.','PRI.',
* 'PRIN.', or 'PRINT' will all match 'PRINT'.
* There are two tables: the character table and the execution
* table. The character table consists of any number of text items.
* Each item is a string of characters with the last character's
* high bit set to one. The execution table holds a 16-bit
* execution addresses that correspond to each entry in the
* character table.
* The end of the character table is a 0 byte which corresponds
* to the default routine in the execution table, which is
* executed if none of the other table items are matched.
* Character-matching tables:
        DC.B    '<CO',('M'+$80)
        DC.B    '<CO',('N'+$80)
        DC.B    '>CO',('M'+$80)
        DC.B    '>CO',('N'+$80)
        DC.B    '<>CO',('M'+$80)
        DC.B    '<>CO',('N'+$80)
        DC.B    'LIS',('T'+$80)         Direct commands
        DC.B    'LOA',('D'+$80)
        DC.B    'NE',('W'+$80)
        DC.B    'RU',('N'+$80)
        DC.B    'SAV',('E'+$80)
TAB2    DC.B    'NEX',('T'+$80)         Direct / statement
        DC.B    'LE',('T'+$80)
        DC.B    'I',('F'+$80)
        DC.B    'GOT',('O'+$80)
        DC.B    'GOSU',('B'+$80)
        DC.B    'RETUR',('N'+$80)
        DC.B    'RE',('M'+$80)
        DC.B    'FO',('R'+$80)
        DC.B    'INPU',('T'+$80)
        DC.B    'PRIN',('T'+$80)
        DC.B    'POK',('E'+$80)
        DC.B    'STO',('P'+$80)
        DC.B    'BY',('E'+$80)
        DC.B    'CAL',('L'+$80)
        DC.B    0
TAB4    DC.B    'PEE',('K'+$80)         Functions
        DC.B    'RN',('D'+$80)
        DC.B    'AB',('S'+$80)
        DC.B    'SIZ',('E'+$80)
        DC.B    0
TAB5    DC.B    'T',('O'+$80)           "TO" in "FOR"
        DC.B    0
TAB6    DC.B    'STE',('P'+$80)         "STEP" in "FOR"
        DC.B    0
TAB8    DC.B    '>',('='+$80)           Relational operators
        DC.B    '<',('>'+$80)
        DC.B    ('>'+$80)
        DC.B    ('='+$80)
        DC.B    '<',('='+$80)
        DC.B    ('<'+$80)
        DC.B    0
        DC.B    0        <- for aligning on a word boundary

* Execution address tables:
        DC.L    INCOM
        DC.L    INCON
        DC.L    OUTCOM
        DC.L    OUTCON
        DC.L    IOCOM
        DC.L    IOCON
        DC.L    LIST                    Direct commands
        DC.L    LOAD
        DC.L    NEW
        DC.L    RUN
        DC.L    SAVE
TAB2_1  DC.L    NEXT                    Direct / statement
        DC.L    LET
        DC.L    IF
        DC.L    GOTO
        DC.L    GOSUB
        DC.L    RETURN
        DC.L    REM
        DC.L    FOR
        DC.L    INPUT
        DC.L    PRINT
        DC.L    POKE
        DC.L    STOP
        DC.L    GOBYE
        DC.L    CALL
        DC.L    DEFLT
TAB4_1  DC.L    PEEK                    Functions
        DC.L    RND
        DC.L    ABS
        DC.L    SIZE
        DC.L    XP40
TAB5_1  DC.L    FR1                     "TO" in "FOR"
        DC.L    QWHAT
TAB6_1  DC.L    FR2                     "STEP" in "FOR"
        DC.L    FR3
TAB8_1  DC.L    XP11    >=              Relational operators
        DC.L    XP12    <>
        DC.L    XP13    >
        DC.L    XP15    =
        DC.L    XP14    <=
        DC.L    XP16    <
        DC.L    XP17
        LEA     TAB1_1,A2
EXEC    bsr     IGNBLK          ignore leading blanks
        MOVE.L  A0,A3           save the pointer
        CLR.B   D2              clear match flag
EXLP    MOVE.B  (A0)+,D0        get the program character
        MOVE.B  (A1),D1         get the table character
        BNE     EXNGO           If end of table,
        MOVE.L  A3,A0           restore the text pointer and...
        BRA     EXGO            execute the default.
EXNGO   MOVE.B  D0,D3           Else check for period...
        AND.B   D2,D3           and a match.
        CMP.B   #'.',D3
        BEQ     EXGO            if so, execute
        AND.B   #$7F,D1         ignore the table's high bit
        CMP.B   D0,D1           is there a match?
        BEQ     EXMAT
        ADDQ.L  #4,A2           if not, try the next entry
        MOVE.L  A3,A0           reset the program pointer
        CLR.B   D2              sorry, no match
EX1     TST.B   (A1)+           get to the end of the entry
        BPL     EX1
        BRA     EXLP            back for more matching
EXMAT   MOVEQ   #-1,D2          we've got a match so far
        TST.B   (A1)+           end of table entry?
        BPL     EXLP            if not, go back for more
EXGO    LEA     0,A3            execute the appropriate routine
        MOVE.L  (A2),A3
        JMP     (A3)
* Console redirection
* <COM will redirect input to the COM port
* >COM will redirect output to the COM port
* <CON will redirect input to the console
* >CON will redirect output to the console
* <>COM will redirect input and output to the COM port
* <>CON will redirect input and output to the console
        move.l  #INC1,INPPTR
        bra                     FINISH
        move.l  #AUXIN,INPPTR
        bra                     FINISH
        move.l  #AUXIN,INPPTR
        move.l  #AUXOUT,OUTPTR
        bra                     FINISH
        move.l  #INC1,INPPTR
        move.l  #OUTC1,OUTPTR
        bra                     FINISH

* What follows is the code to execute direct and statement
* commands. Control is transferred to these points via the command
* table lookup code of 'DIRECT' and 'EXEC' in the last section.
* After the command is executed, control is transferred to other
* sections as follows:
* For 'LIST', 'NEW', and 'STOP': go back to the warm start point.
* For 'RUN': go execute the first stored line if any; else go
* back to the warm start point.
* For 'GOTO' and 'GOSUB': go execute the target line.
* For 'RETURN' and 'NEXT'; go back to saved return line.
* For all others: if 'CURRNT' is 0, go to warm start; else go
* execute next command. (This is done in 'FINISH'.)
* *** NEW *** STOP *** RUN (& friends) *** GOTO ***
* 'NEW<CR>' sets TXTUNF to point to TXTBGN
* 'STOP<CR>' goes back to WSTART
* 'RUN<CR>' finds the first stored line, stores its address
* in CURRNT, and starts executing it. Note that only those
* commands in TAB2 are legal for a stored program.
* There are 3 more entries in 'RUN':
* 'RUNNXL' finds next line, stores it's address and executes it.
* 'RUNTSL' stores the address of this line and executes it.
* 'RUNSML' continues the execution on same line.
* 'GOTO expr<CR>' evaluates the expression, finds the target
* line, and jumps to 'RUNTSL' to do it.
NEW     bsr     ENDCHK
        MOVE.L  TXTBGN,TXTUNF   set the end pointer

STOP    bsr     ENDCHK
        BRA     WSTART

RUN     bsr     ENDCHK
        MOVE.L  TXTBGN,A0       set pointer to beginning
        MOVE.L  A0,CURRNT

RUNNXL  TST.L   CURRNT          executing a program?
        beq     WSTART          if not, we've finished a direct stat.
        CLR.L   D1              else find the next line number
        MOVE.L  A0,A1
        bsr     FNDLNP
        BCS     WSTART          if we've fallen off the end, stop

RUNTSL  MOVE.L  A1,CURRNT       set CURRNT to point to the line no.
        MOVE.L  A1,A0           set the text pointer to
        ADDQ.L  #2,A0           the start of the line text

RUNSML  bsr     CHKIO           see if a control-C was pressed
        LEA     TAB2,A1         find command in TAB2
        LEA     TAB2_1,A2
        BRA     EXEC            and execute it

GOTO    bsr     EXPR            evaluate the following expression
        bsr     ENDCHK          must find end of line
        MOVE.L  D0,D1
        bsr     FNDLN           find the target line
        bne     QHOW            no such line no.
        BRA     RUNTSL          go do it

* *** LIST *** PRINT ***
* LIST has two forms:
* 'LIST<CR>' lists all saved lines
* 'LIST #<CR>' starts listing at the line #
* Control-S pauses the listing, control-C stops it.
* PRINT command is 'PRINT ....:' or 'PRINT ....<CR>'
* where '....' is a list of expressions, formats, back-arrows,
* and strings.  These items a separated by commas.
* A format is a pound sign followed by a number.  It controls
* the number of spaces the value of an expression is going to
* be printed in.  It stays effective for the rest of the print
* command unless changed by another format.  If no format is
* specified, 11 positions will be used.
* A string is quoted in a pair of single- or double-quotes.
* An underline (back-arrow) means generate a <CR> without a <LF>
* A <CR LF> is generated after the entire list has been printed
* or if the list is empty.  If the list ends with a semicolon,
* however, no <CR LF> is generated.

LIST    bsr     TSTNUM          see if there's a line no.
        bsr     ENDCHK          if not, we get a zero
        bsr     FNDLN           find this or next line
LS1     BCS     FINISH          warm start if we passed the end
        bsr     PRTLN           print the line
        bsr     CHKIO           check for listing halt request
        BEQ     LS3
        CMP.B   #CTRLS,D0       pause the listing?
        BNE     LS3
LS2     bsr     CHKIO           if so, wait for another keypress
        BEQ     LS2
LS3     bsr     FNDLNP          find the next line
        BRA     LS1

PRINT   MOVE    #11,D4          D4 = number of print spaces
        bsr     TSTC            if null list and ":"
        DC.B    ':',PR2-*
        bsr     CRLF            give CR-LF and continue
        BRA     RUNSML          execution on the same line
PR2     bsr     TSTC            if null list and <CR>
        DC.B    CR,PR0-*
        bsr     CRLF            also give CR-LF and
        BRA     RUNNXL          execute the next line
PR0     bsr     TSTC            else is it a format?
        DC.B    '#',PR1-*
        bsr     EXPR            yes, evaluate expression
        MOVE    D0,D4           and save it as print width
        BRA     PR3             look for more to print
PR1     bsr     TSTC            is character expression? (MRL)
        DC.B    '$',PR4-*
        bsr     EXPR            yep. Evaluate expression (MRL)
        BSR     GOOUT           print low byte (MRL)
        BRA     PR3             look for more. (MRL)
PR4     bsr     QTSTG           is it a string?
        BRA.S   PR8             if not, must be an expression
PR3     bsr     TSTC            if ",", go find next
        DC.B    ',',PR6-*
        bsr     FIN             in the list.
        BRA     PR0
PR6     bsr     CRLF            list ends here
        BRA     FINISH
PR8     MOVE    D4,-(SP)        save the width value
        bsr     EXPR            evaluate the expression
        MOVE    (SP)+,D4        restore the width
        MOVE.L  D0,D1
        bsr     PRTNUM          print its value
        BRA     PR3             more to print?

FINISH  bsr     FIN             Check end of command
        BRA     QWHAT           print "What?" if wrong

* *** GOSUB *** & RETURN ***
* 'GOSUB expr:' or 'GOSUB expr<CR>' is like the 'GOTO' command,
* except that the current text pointer, stack pointer, etc. are
* saved so that execution can be continued after the subroutine
* 'RETURN's.  In order that 'GOSUB' can be nested (and even
* recursive), the save area must be stacked.  The stack pointer
* is saved in 'STKGOS'.  The old 'STKGOS' is saved on the stack.
* If we are in the main routine, 'STKGOS' is zero (this was done
* in the initialization section of the interpreter), but we still
* save it as a flag for no further 'RETURN's.
* 'RETURN<CR>' undoes everything that 'GOSUB' did, and thus
* returns the execution to the command after the most recent
* 'GOSUB'.  If 'STKGOS' is zero, it indicates that we never had
* a 'GOSUB' and is thus an error.
GOSUB   bsr     PUSHA           save the current 'FOR' parameters
        bsr     EXPR            get line number
        MOVE.L  A0,-(SP)        save text pointer
        MOVE.L  D0,D1
        bsr     FNDLN           find the target line
        BNE     AHOW            if not there, say "How?"
        MOVE.L  CURRNT,-(SP)    found it, save old 'CURRNT'...
        MOVE.L  STKGOS,-(SP)    and 'STKGOS'
        CLR.L   LOPVAR          load new values
        BRA     RUNTSL

RETURN  bsr     ENDCHK          there should be just a <CR>
        MOVE.L  STKGOS,D1       get old stack pointer
        BEQ     QWHAT           if zero, it doesn't exist
        MOVE.L  D1,SP           else restore it
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,STKGOS    and the old 'STKGOS'
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,CURRNT    and the old 'CURRNT'
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A0        and the old text pointer
        bsr     POPA            and the old 'FOR' parameters
        BRA     FINISH          and we are back home

* *** FOR *** & NEXT ***
* 'FOR' has two forms:
* 'FOR var=exp1 TO exp2 STEP exp1' and 'FOR var=exp1 TO exp2'
* The second form means the same thing as the first form with a
* STEP of positive 1.  The interpreter will find the variable 'var'
* and set its value to the current value of 'exp1'.  It also
* evaluates 'exp2' and 'exp1' and saves all these together with
* the text pointer, etc. in the 'FOR' save area, which consisits of
* 'LOPVAR', 'LOPINC', 'LOPLMT', 'LOPLN', and 'LOPPT'.  If there is
* already something in the save area (indicated by a non-zero
* 'LOPVAR'), then the old save area is saved on the stack before
* the new values are stored.  The interpreter will then dig in the
* stack and find out if this same variable was used in another
* currently active 'FOR' loop.  If that is the case, then the old
* 'FOR' loop is deactivated. (i.e. purged from the stack)
* 'NEXT var' serves as the logical (not necessarily physical) end
* of the 'FOR' loop.  The control variable 'var' is checked with
* the 'LOPVAR'.  If they are not the same, the interpreter digs in
* the stack to find the right one and purges all those that didn't
* match.  Either way, it then adds the 'STEP' to that variable and
* checks the result with against the limit value.  If it is within
* the limit, control loops back to the command following the
* 'FOR'.  If it's outside the limit, the save area is purged and
* execution continues.
FOR     bsr     PUSHA           save the old 'FOR' save area
        bsr     SETVAL          set the control variable
        MOVE.L  A6,LOPVAR       save its address
        LEA     TAB5,A1         use 'EXEC' to test for 'TO'
        LEA     TAB5_1,A2
        BRA     EXEC
FR1     bsr     EXPR            evaluate the limit
        MOVE.L  D0,LOPLMT       save that
        LEA     TAB6,A1         use 'EXEC' to look for the
        LEA     TAB6_1,A2       word 'STEP'
        BRA     EXEC
FR2     bsr     EXPR            found it, get the step value
        BRA     FR4
FR3     MOVEQ   #1,D0           not found, step defaults to 1
FR4     MOVE.L  D0,LOPINC       save that too
FR5     MOVE.L  CURRNT,LOPLN    save address of current line number
        MOVE.L  A0,LOPPT        and text pointer
        MOVE.L  SP,A6           dig into the stack to find 'LOPVAR'
        BRA     FR7
FR6     ADD.L   #20,A6          look at next stack frame
FR7     MOVE.L  (A6),D0         is it zero?
        BEQ     FR8             if so, we're done
        CMP.L   LOPVAR,D0       same as current LOPVAR?
        BNE     FR6             nope, look some more
        MOVE.L  SP,A2           Else remove 5 long words from...
        MOVE.L  A6,A1           inside the stack.
        LEA     20,A3
        ADD.L   A1,A3
        bsr     MVDOWN
        MOVE.L  A3,SP           set the SP 5 long words up
FR8     BRA     FINISH          and continue execution

NEXT    bsr     TSTV            get address of variable
        BCS     QWHAT           if no variable, say "What?"
        MOVE.L  D0,A1           save variable's address
NX0     MOVE.L  LOPVAR,D0       If 'LOPVAR' is zero, we never...
        BEQ     QWHAT           had a FOR loop, so say "What?"
        CMP.L   D0,A1           else we check them
        BEQ     NX3             OK, they agree
        bsr     POPA            nope, let's see the next frame
        BRA     NX0
NX3     MOVE.L  (A1),D0         get control variable's value
        ADD.L   LOPINC,D0       add in loop increment
        BVS     QHOW            say "How?" for 32-bit overflow
        MOVE.L  D0,(A1)         save control variable's new value
        MOVE.L  LOPLMT,D1       get loop's limit value
        TST.L   LOPINC
        BPL     NX1             branch if loop increment is positive
        EXG     D0,D1
NX1     CMP.L   D0,D1           test against limit
        BLT     NX2             branch if outside limit
        MOVE.L  LOPLN,CURRNT    Within limit, go back to the...
        MOVE.L  LOPPT,A0        saved 'CURRNT' and text pointer.
        BRA     FINISH
NX2     bsr     POPA            purge this loop
        BRA     FINISH

* *** REM *** IF *** INPUT *** LET (& DEFLT) ***
* 'REM' can be followed by anything and is ignored by the
* interpreter.
* 'IF' is followed by an expression, as a condition and one or
* more commands (including other 'IF's) separated by colons.
* Note that the word 'THEN' is not used.  The interpreter evaluates
* the expression.  If it is non-zero, execution continues.  If it
* is zero, the commands that follow are ignored and execution
* continues on the next line.
* 'INPUT' is like the 'PRINT' command, and is followed by a list
* of items.  If the item is a string in single or double quotes,
* or is an underline (back arrow), it has the same effect as in
* 'PRINT'.  If an item is a variable, this variable name is
* printed out followed by a colon, then the interpreter waits for
* an expression to be typed in.  The variable is then set to the
* value of this expression.  If the variable is preceeded by a
* string (again in single or double quotes), the string will be
* displayed followed by a colon.  The interpreter the waits for an
* expression to be entered and sets the variable equal to the
* expression's value.  If the input expression is invalid, the
* interpreter will print "What?", "How?", or "Sorry" and reprint
* the prompt and redo the input.  The execution will not terminate
* unless you press control-C.  This is handled in 'INPERR'.
* 'LET' is followed by a list of items separated by commas.
* Each item consists of a variable, an equals sign, and an
* expression.  The interpreter evaluates the expression and sets
* the variable to that value.  The interpreter will also handle
* 'LET' commands without the word 'LET'.  This is done by 'DEFLT'.
REM     BRA     IF2             skip the rest of the line

IF      bsr     EXPR            evaluate the expression
IF1     TST.L   D0              is it zero?
        BNE     RUNSML          if not, continue
IF2     MOVE.L  A0,A1
        CLR.L   D1
        bsr     FNDSKP          if so, skip the rest of the line
        BCC     RUNTSL          and run the next line
        BRA     WSTART          if no next line, do a warm start

INPERR  MOVE.L  STKINP,SP       restore the old stack pointer
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,CURRNT    and old 'CURRNT'
        ADDQ.L  #4,SP
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A0        and old text pointer

INPUT   MOVE.L  A0,-(SP)        save in case of error
        bsr     QTSTG           is next item a string?
        BRA.S   IP2             nope
        bsr     TSTV            yes, but is it followed by a variable?
        BCS     IP4             if not, branch
        MOVE.L  D0,A2           put away the variable's address
        BRA     IP3             if so, input to variable
IP2     MOVE.L  A0,-(SP)        save for 'PRTSTG'
        bsr     TSTV            must be a variable now
        BCS     QWHAT           "What?" it isn't?
        MOVE.L  D0,A2           put away the variable's address
        MOVE.B  (A0),D2         get ready for 'PRTSTG'
        CLR.B   D0
        MOVE.B  D0,(A0)
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A1
        bsr     PRTSTG          print string as prompt
        MOVE.B  D2,(A0)         restore text
IP3     MOVE.L  A0,-(SP)        save in case of error
        MOVE.L  CURRNT,-(SP)    also save 'CURRNT'
        MOVE.L  #-1,CURRNT      flag that we are in INPUT
        MOVE.L  SP,STKINP       save the stack pointer too
        MOVE.L  A2,-(SP)        save the variable address
        MOVE.B  #':',D0         print a colon first
        bsr     GETLN           then get an input line
        LEA     BUFFER,A0       point to the buffer
        bsr     EXPR            evaluate the input
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A2        restore the variable address
        MOVE.L  D0,(A2)         save value in variable
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,CURRNT    restore old 'CURRNT'
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A0        and the old text pointer
IP4     ADDQ.L  #4,SP           clean up the stack
        bsr     TSTC            is the next thing a comma?
        DC.B    ',',IP5-*
        BRA     INPUT           yes, more items
IP5     BRA     FINISH

DEFLT   CMP.B   #CR,(A0)        empty line is OK
        BEQ     LT1             else it is 'LET'

LET     bsr     SETVAL          do the assignment
        bsr     TSTC            check for more 'LET' items
        DC.B    ',',LT1-*
        BRA     LET
LT1     BRA     FINISH          until we are finished.

* *** LOAD *** & SAVE ***
* These two commands transfer a program to/from an auxiliary
* device such as a cassette, another computer, etc.  The program
* is converted to an easily-stored format: each line starts with
* a colon, the line no. as 4 hex digits, and the rest of the line.
* At the end, a line starting with an '@' sign is sent.  This
* format can be read back with a minimum of processing time by
* the 68000.
LOAD    MOVE.L  TXTBGN,A0       set pointer to start of prog. area
        MOVE.B  #CR,D0          For a CP/M host, tell it we're ready...
        BSR     GOAUXO          by sending a CR to finish PIP command.
        BSR     GOAUXI          look for start of line
        BEQ     LOD1
        CMP.B   #'@',D0         end of program?
        BEQ     LODEND
        CMP.B   #':',D0         if not, is it start of line?
        BNE     LOD1            if not, wait for it
        BSR     GBYTE           get first byte of line no.
        MOVE.B  D1,(A0)+        store it
        BSR     GBYTE           get 2nd bye of line no.
        MOVE.B  D1,(A0)+        store that, too
        BSR     GOAUXI          get another text char.
        BEQ     LOD2
        MOVE.B  D0,(A0)+        store it
        CMP.B   #CR,D0          is it the end of the line?
        BNE     LOD2            if not, go back for more
        BRA     LOD1            if so, start a new line
        MOVE.L  A0,TXTUNF       set end-of program pointer
        BRA     WSTART          back to direct mode

        MOVEQ   #1,D2           get two hex characters from auxiliary
        CLR.L   D1              and store them as a byte in D1
        BSR     GOAUXI          get a char.
        BEQ     GBYTE1
        CMP.B   #'A',D0
        BCS     GBYTE2
        SUBQ.B  #7,D0           if greater than 9, adjust
        AND.B   #$F,D0          strip ASCII
        LSL.B   #4,D1           put nybble into the result
        OR.B    D0,D1
        DBRA    D2,GBYTE1       get another char.

        MOVE.L  TXTBGN,A0       set pointer to start of prog. area
        MOVE.L  TXTUNF,A1       set pointer to end of prog. area
        MOVE.B  #CR,D0          send out a CR & LF (CP/M likes this)
        BSR     GOAUXO
        MOVE.B  #LF,D0
        BSR     GOAUXO
        CMP.L   A0,A1           are we finished?
        BLS     SAVEND
        MOVE.B  #':',D0         if not, start a line
        BSR     GOAUXO
        MOVE.B  (A0)+,D1        send first half of line no.
        BSR     PBYTE
        MOVE.B  (A0)+,D1        and send 2nd half
        BSR     PBYTE
        MOVE.B  (A0)+,D0        get a text char.
        CMP.B   #CR,D0          is it the end of the line?
        BEQ     SAVE1           if so, send CR & LF and start new line
        BSR     GOAUXO          send it out
        BRA     SAVE2           go back for more text
        MOVE.B  #'@',D0         send end-of-program indicator
        BSR     GOAUXO
        MOVE.B  #CR,D0          followed by a CR & LF
        BSR     GOAUXO
        MOVE.B  #LF,D0
        BSR     GOAUXO
        MOVE.B  #$1A,D0         and a control-Z to end the CP/M file
        BSR     GOAUXO
        BRA     WSTART          then go do a warm start

PBYTE   MOVEQ   #1,D2           send two hex characters from D1's low byte
PBYTE1  ROL.B   #4,D1           get the next nybble
        MOVE.B  D1,D0
        AND.B   #$F,D0          strip off garbage
        ADD.B   #'0',D0         make it into ASCII
        CMP.B   #'9',D0
        BLS     PBYTE2
        ADDQ.B  #7,D0           adjust if greater than 9
PBYTE2  BSR     GOAUXO          send it out
        DBRA    D2,PBYTE1       then send the next nybble

* *** POKE *** & CALL ***
* 'POKE expr1,expr2' stores the byte from 'expr2' into the memory
* address specified by 'expr1'.
* 'CALL expr' jumps to the machine language subroutine whose
* starting address is specified by 'expr'.  The subroutine can use
* all registers but must leave the stack the way it found it.
* The subroutine returns to the interpreter by executing an RTS.
POKE    BSR     EXPR            get the memory address
        bsr     TSTC            it must be followed by a comma
        DC.B    ',',PKER-*
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)        save the address
        BSR     EXPR            get the byte to be POKE'd
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A1        get the address back
        MOVE.B  D0,(A1)         store the byte in memory
        BRA     FINISH
PKER    BRA     QWHAT           if no comma, say "What?"

CALL    BSR     EXPR            get the subroutine's address
        TST.L   D0              make sure we got a valid address
        BEQ     QHOW            if not, say "How?"
        MOVE.L  A0,-(SP)        save the text pointer
        MOVE.L  D0,A1
        JSR     (A1)            jump to the subroutine
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A0        restore the text pointer
        BRA     FINISH
* *** EXPR ***
* 'EXPR' evaluates arithmetical or logical expressions.
* <EXPR>::=<EXPR2>
*          <EXPR2><rel.op.><EXPR2>
* where <rel.op.> is one of the operators in TAB8 and the result
* of these operations is 1 if true and 0 if false.
* <EXPR2>::=(+ or -)<EXPR3>(+ or -)<EXPR3>(...
* where () are optional and (... are optional repeats.
* <EXPR3>::=<EXPR4>( <* or /><EXPR4> )(...
* <EXPR4>::=<variable>
*           <function>
*           (<EXPR>)
* <EXPR> is recursive so that the variable '@' can have an <EXPR>
* as an index, functions can have an <EXPR> as arguments, and
* <EXPR4> can be an <EXPR> in parenthesis.
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)        save <EXPR2> value
        LEA     TAB8,A1         look up a relational operator
        LEA     TAB8_1,A2
        BRA     EXEC            go do it

XP11    BSR     XP18            is it ">="?
        BLT     XPRT0           no, return D0=0
        BRA     XPRT1           else return D0=1

XP12    BSR     XP18            is it "<>"?
        BEQ     XPRT0           no, return D0=0
        BRA     XPRT1           else return D0=1

XP13    BSR     XP18            is it ">"?
        BLE     XPRT0           no, return D0=0
        BRA     XPRT1           else return D0=1

XP14    BSR     XP18            is it "<="?
        BGT     XPRT0           no, return D0=0
        BRA     XPRT1           else return D0=1

XP15    BSR     XP18            is it "="?
        BNE     XPRT0           if not, return D0=0
        BRA     XPRT1           else return D0=1

XP16    BSR     XP18            is it "<"?
        BGE     XPRT0           if not, return D0=0
        BRA     XPRT1           else return D0=1

XPRT0   CLR.L   D0              return D0=0 (false)

XPRT1   MOVEQ   #1,D0           return D0=1 (true)

XP17    MOVE.L  (SP)+,D0        it's not a rel. operator
        RTS                     return D0=<EXPR2>

XP18    MOVE.L  (SP)+,D0        reverse the top two stack items
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,D1
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)
        MOVE.L  D1,-(SP)
        BSR     EXPR2           do second <EXPR2>
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,D1
        CMP.L   D0,D1           compare with the first result
        RTS                     return the result

EXPR2   bsr     TSTC            negative sign?
        DC.B    '-',XP21-*
        CLR.L   D0              yes, fake '0-'
        BRA     XP26
XP21    bsr     TSTC            positive sign? ignore it
        DC.B    '+',XP22-*
XP22    BSR     EXPR3           first <EXPR3>
XP23    bsr     TSTC            add?
        DC.B    '+',XP25-*
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)        yes, save the value
        BSR     EXPR3           get the second <EXPR3>
XP24    MOVE.L  (SP)+,D1
        ADD.L   D1,D0           add it to the first <EXPR3>
        BVS     QHOW            branch if there's an overflow
        BRA     XP23            else go back for more operations
XP25    bsr     TSTC            subtract?
        DC.B    '-',XP42-*
XP26    MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)        yes, save the result of 1st <EXPR3>
        BSR     EXPR3           get second <EXPR3>
        NEG.L   D0              change its sign
        JMP     XP24            and do an addition

EXPR3   BSR     EXPR4           get first <EXPR4>
XP31    bsr     TSTC            multiply?
        DC.B    '*',XP34-*
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)        yes, save that first result
        BSR     EXPR4           get second <EXPR4>
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,D1
        bsr     MULT32          multiply the two
        BRA     XP31            then look for more terms
XP34    bsr     TSTC            divide?
        DC.B    '/',XP42-*
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)        save result of 1st <EXPR4>
        BSR     EXPR4           get second <EXPR4>
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,D1
        EXG     D0,D1
        bsr     DIV32           do the division
        BRA     XP31            go back for any more terms

EXPR4   LEA     TAB4,A1         find possible function
        LEA     TAB4_1,A2
        BRA     EXEC
XP40    BSR     TSTV            nope, not a function
        BCS     XP41            nor a variable
        MOVE.L  D0,A1
        CLR.L   D0
        MOVE.L  (A1),D0         if a variable, return its value in D0
XP41    bsr     TSTNUM          or is it a number?
        MOVE.L  D1,D0
        TST     D2              (if not, # of digits will be zero)
        BNE     EXP4RT          if so, return it in D0
PARN    bsr     TSTC            else look for ( EXPR )
        DC.B    '(',XP43-*
        BSR     EXPR
        bsr     TSTC
        DC.B    ')',XP43-*
XP42    RTS
XP43    BRA     QWHAT           else say "What?"

* ===== Test for a valid variable name.  Returns Carry=1 if not
*       found, else returns Carry=0 and the address of the
*       variable in D0.

TSTV    bsr     IGNBLK
        CLR.L   D0
        MOVE.B  (A0),D0         look at the program text
        SUB.B   #'@',D0
        BCS     TSTVRT          C=1: not a variable
        BNE     TV1             branch if not "@" array
        ADDQ    #1,A0           If it is, it should be
        BSR     PARN            followed by (EXPR) as its index.
        ADD.L   D0,D0
        BCS     QHOW            say "How?" if index is too big
        ADD.L   D0,D0
        BCS     QHOW
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)        save the index
        bsr     SIZE            get amount of free memory
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,D1        get back the index
        CMP.L   D1,D0           see if there's enough memory
        BLS     QSORRY          if not, say "Sorry"
        MOVE.L  VARBGN,D0       put address of array element...
        SUB.L   D1,D0           into D0
TV1     CMP.B   #27,D0          if not @, is it A through Z?
        EOR     #1,CCR
        BCS     TSTVRT          if not, set Carry and return
        ADDQ    #1,A0           else bump the text pointer
        ADD     D0,D0           compute the variable's address
        ADD     D0,D0
        MOVE.L  VARBGN,D1
        ADD     D1,D0           and return it in D0 with Carry=0

* ===== Multiplies the 32 bit values in D0 and D1, returning
*       the 32 bit result in D0.
        EOR.L   D0,D4           see if the signs are the same
        TST.L   D0              take absolute value of D0
        BPL     MLT1
        NEG.L   D0
MLT1    TST.L   D1              take absolute value of D1
        BPL     MLT2
        NEG.L   D1
MLT2    CMP.L   #$FFFF,D1       is second argument <= 16 bits?
        BLS     MLT3            OK, let it through
        EXG     D0,D1           else swap the two arguments
        CMP.L   #$FFFF,D1       and check 2nd argument again
        BHI     QHOW            one of them MUST be 16 bits
MLT3    MOVE    D0,D2           prepare for 32 bit X 16 bit multiply
        MULU    D1,D2           multiply low word
        SWAP    D0
        MULU    D1,D0           multiply high word
        SWAP    D0
*** Rick Murray's bug correction follows:
        TST     D0              if lower word not 0, then overflow
        BNE     QHOW            if overflow, say "How?"
        ADD.L   D2,D0           D0 now holds the product
        BMI     QHOW            if sign bit set, it's an overflow
        TST.L   D4              were the signs the same?
        BPL     MLTRET
        NEG.L   D0              if not, make the result negative

* ===== Divide the 32 bit value in D0 by the 32 bit value in D1.
*       Returns the 32 bit quotient in D0, remainder in D1.
DIV32   TST.L   D1              check for divide-by-zero
        BEQ     QHOW            if so, say "How?"
        MOVE.L  D1,D2
        MOVE.L  D1,D4
        EOR.L   D0,D4           see if the signs are the same
        TST.L   D0              take absolute value of D0
        BPL     DIV1
        NEG.L   D0
DIV1    TST.L   D1              take absolute value of D1
        BPL     DIV2
        NEG.L   D1
DIV2    MOVEQ   #31,D3          iteration count for 32 bits
        MOVE.L  D0,D1
        CLR.L   D0
DIV3    ADD.L   D1,D1           (This algorithm was translated from
        ADDX.L  D0,D0           the divide routine in Ron Cain's
        BEQ     DIV4            Small-C run time library.)
        CMP.L   D2,D0
        BMI     DIV4
        ADDQ.L  #1,D1
        SUB.L   D2,D0
DIV4    DBRA    D3,DIV3
        EXG     D0,D1           put rem. & quot. in proper registers
        TST.L   D4              were the signs the same?
        BPL     DIVRT
        NEG.L   D0              if not, results are negative
        NEG.L   D1

* ===== The PEEK function returns the byte stored at the address
*       contained in the following expression.
PEEK    BSR     PARN            get the memory address
        MOVE.L  D0,A1
        CLR.L   D0              upper 3 bytes will be zero
        MOVE.B  (A1),D0         get the addressed byte
        RTS                     and return it

* ===== The RND function returns a random number from 1 to
*       the value of the following expression in D0.
RND     BSR     PARN            get the upper limit
        TST.L   D0              it must be positive and non-zero
        BEQ     QHOW
        BMI     QHOW
        MOVE.L  D0,D1
        MOVE.L  RANPNT,A1       get memory as a random number
        CMP.L   #LSTROM,A1
        BCS     RA1
        LEA     START,A1        wrap around if end of program
RA1     MOVE.L  (A1)+,D0        get the slightly random number
        BCLR    #31,D0          make sure it's positive
        MOVE.L  A1,RANPNT       (even I can do better than this!)
        BSR     DIV32           RND(n)=MOD(number,n)+1
        MOVE.L  D1,D0           MOD is the remainder of the div.
        ADDQ.L  #1,D0

* ===== The ABS function returns an absolute value in D0.
ABS     BSR     PARN            get the following expr.'s value
        TST.L   D0
        BPL     ABSRT
        NEG.L   D0              if negative, complement it
        BMI     QHOW            if still negative, it was too big

* ===== The SIZE function returns the size of free memory in D0.
SIZE    MOVE.L  VARBGN,D0       get the number of free bytes...
        SUB.L   TXTUNF,D0       between 'TXTUNF' and 'VARBGN'
        RTS                     return the number in D0

* *** SETVAL *** FIN *** ENDCHK *** ERROR (& friends) ***
* 'SETVAL' expects a variable, followed by an equal sign and then
* an expression.  It evaluates the expression and sets the variable
* to that value.
* 'FIN' checks the end of a command.  If it ended with ":",
* execution continues.  If it ended with a CR, it finds the
* the next line and continues from there.
* 'ENDCHK' checks if a command is ended with a CR. This is
* required in certain commands, such as GOTO, RETURN, STOP, etc.
* 'ERROR' prints the string pointed to by A0. It then prints the
* line pointed to by CURRNT with a "?" inserted at where the
* old text pointer (should be on top of the stack) points to.
* Execution of Tiny BASIC is stopped and a warm start is done.
* If CURRNT is zero (indicating a direct command), the direct
* command is not printed. If CURRNT is -1 (indicating
* 'INPUT' command in progress), the input line is not printed
* and execution is not terminated but continues at 'INPERR'.
* Related to 'ERROR' are the following:
* 'QWHAT' saves text pointer on stack and gets "What?" message.
* 'AWHAT' just gets the "What?" message and jumps to 'ERROR'.
* 'QSORRY' and 'ASORRY' do the same kind of thing.
* 'QHOW' and 'AHOW' also do this for "How?".
SETVAL  BSR     TSTV            variable name?
        BCS     QWHAT           if not, say "What?"
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)        save the variable's address
        bsr     TSTC            get past the "=" sign
        DC.B    '=',SV1-*
        BSR     EXPR            evaluate the expression
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A6
        MOVE.L  D0,(A6)         and save its value in the variable
SV1     BRA     QWHAT           if no "=" sign

FIN     bsr     TSTC            *** FIN ***
        DC.B    ':',FI1-*
        ADDQ.L  #4,SP           if ":", discard return address
        BRA     RUNSML          continue on the same line
FI1     bsr     TSTC            not ":", is it a CR?
        DC.B    CR,FI2-*
        ADDQ.L  #4,SP           yes, purge return address
        BRA     RUNNXL          execute the next line
FI2     RTS                     else return to the caller

        CMP.B #':',(a0)
        BEQ ENDCHK1
        CMP.B   #CR,(A0)        does it end with a CR?
        BNE     QWHAT           if not, say "WHAT?"

ERROR   bsr     PRMESG          display the error message
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A0        restore the text pointer
        MOVE.L  CURRNT,D0       get the current line number
        BEQ     WSTART          if zero, do a warm start
        CMP.L   #-1,D0          is the line no. pointer = -1?
        BEQ     INPERR          if so, redo input
        MOVE.B  (A0),-(SP)      save the char. pointed to
        CLR.B   (A0)            put a zero where the error is
        MOVE.L  CURRNT,A1       point to start of current line
        bsr     PRTLN           display the line in error up to the 0
        MOVE.B  (SP)+,(A0)      restore the character
        MOVE.B  #'?',D0         display a "?"
        BSR     GOOUT
        CLR     D0
        SUBQ.L  #1,A1           point back to the error char.
        bsr     PRTSTG          display the rest of the line
        BRA     WSTART          and do a warm start
        BRA     ERROR
QHOW    MOVE.L  A0,-(SP)        Error: "How?"
        BRA     ERROR
* *** GETLN *** FNDLN (& friends) ***
* 'GETLN' reads in input line into 'BUFFER'. It first prompts with
* the character in D0 (given by the caller), then it fills the
* buffer and echos. It ignores LF's but still echos
* them back. Control-H is used to delete the last character
* entered (if there is one), and control-X is used to delete the
* whole line and start over again. CR signals the end of a line,
* and causes 'GETLN' to return.
* 'FNDLN' finds a line with a given line no. (in D1) in the
* text save area.  A1 is used as the text pointer. If the line
* is found, A1 will point to the beginning of that line
* (i.e. the high byte of the line no.), and flags are NC & Z.
* If that line is not there and a line with a higher line no.
* is found, A1 points there and flags are NC & NZ. If we reached
* the end of the text save area and cannot find the line, flags
* are C & NZ.
* 'FNDLN' will initialize A1 to the beginning of the text save
* area to start the search. Some other entries of this routine
* will not initialize A1 and do the search.
* 'FNDLNP' will start with A1 and search for the line no.
* 'FNDNXT' will bump A1 by 2, find a CR and then start search.
* 'FNDSKP' uses A1 to find a CR, and then starts the search.
GETLN   BSR     GOOUT           display the prompt
        MOVE.B  #' ',D0         and a space
        BSR     GOOUT
        LEA     BUFFER,A0       A0 is the buffer pointer
GL1     bsr     CHKIO           check keyboard
        BEQ     GL1             wait for a char. to come in
        CMP.B   #CTRLH,D0       delete last character?
        BEQ     GL3             if so
        CMP.B   #CTRLX,D0       delete the whole line?
        BEQ     GL4             if so
        CMP.B   #CR,D0          accept a CR
        BEQ     GL2
        CMP.B   #' ',D0         if other control char., discard it
        BCS     GL1
GL2     MOVE.B  D0,(A0)+        save the char.
        BSR     GOOUT           echo the char back out
        CMP.B   #CR,D0          if it's a CR, end the line
        BEQ     GL7
        CMP.L   #(BUFFER+BUFLEN-1),A0   any more room?
        BCS     GL1             yes: get some more, else delete last char.
GL3     MOVE.B  #CTRLH,D0       delete a char. if possible
        BSR     GOOUT
        MOVE.B  #' ',D0
        BSR     GOOUT
        CMP.L   #BUFFER,A0      any char.'s left?
        BLS     GL1             if not
        MOVE.B  #CTRLH,D0       if so, finish the BS-space-BS sequence
        BSR     GOOUT
        SUBQ.L  #1,A0           decrement the text pointer
        BRA     GL1             back for more
GL4     MOVE.L  A0,D1           delete the whole line
        SUB.L   #BUFFER,D1      figure out how many backspaces we need
        BEQ     GL6             if none needed, branch
        SUBQ    #1,D1           adjust for DBRA
GL5     MOVE.B  #CTRLH,D0       and display BS-space-BS sequences
        BSR     GOOUT
        MOVE.B  #' ',D0
        BSR     GOOUT
        MOVE.B  #CTRLH,D0
        BSR     GOOUT
        DBRA    D1,GL5
GL6     LEA     BUFFER,A0       reinitialize the text pointer
        BRA     GL1             and go back for more
GL7     MOVE.B  #LF,D0          echo a LF for the CR
        BRA     GOOUT

FNDLN   CMP.L   #$FFFF,D1       line no. must be < 65535
        BCC     QHOW
        MOVE.L  TXTBGN,A1       init. the text save pointer

FNDLNP  MOVE.L  TXTUNF,A2       check if we passed the end
        SUBQ.L  #1,A2
        CMP.L   A1,A2
        BCS     FNDRET          if so, return with Z=0 & C=1
        MOVE.B  (A1),D2 if not, get a line no.
        LSL     #8,D2
        MOVE.B  1(A1),D2
        CMP.W   D1,D2           is this the line we want?
        BCS     FNDNXT          no, not there yet
FNDRET  RTS                     return the cond. codes

FNDNXT  ADDQ.L  #2,A1           find the next line

        CMP.B   #CR,(A1)+       try to find a CR
        BEQ             FNDLNP
        CMP.L   TXTUNF,A1
        BLO             FNDSKP
        BRA             FNDLNP          check if end of text

* *** MVUP *** MVDOWN *** POPA *** PUSHA ***
* 'MVUP' moves a block up from where A1 points to where A2 points
* until A1=A3
* 'MVDOWN' moves a block down from where A1 points to where A3
* points until A1=A2
* 'POPA' restores the 'FOR' loop variable save area from the stack
* 'PUSHA' stacks for 'FOR' loop variable save area onto the stack
MVUP    CMP.L   A1,A3           see the above description
        BEQ     MVRET
        MOVE.B  (A1)+,(A2)+
        BRA     MVUP

MVDOWN  CMP.L   A1,A2           see the above description
        BEQ     MVRET
        MOVE.B  -(A1),-(A3)
        BRA     MVDOWN

POPA    MOVE.L  (SP)+,A6        A6 = return address
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,LOPVAR    restore LOPVAR, but zero means no more
        BEQ     PP1
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,LOPINC    if not zero, restore the rest
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,LOPLMT
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,LOPLN
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,LOPPT
PP1     JMP     (A6)            return

PUSHA   MOVE.L  STKLMT,D1       Are we running out of stack room?
        SUB.L   SP,D1
        BCC     QSORRY          if so, say we're sorry
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A6        else get the return address
        MOVE.L  LOPVAR,D1       save loop variables
        BEQ     PU1             if LOPVAR is zero, that's all
        MOVE.L  LOPPT,-(SP)     else save all the others
        MOVE.L  LOPLN,-(SP)
        MOVE.L  LOPLMT,-(SP)
        MOVE.L  LOPINC,-(SP)
PU1     MOVE.L  D1,-(SP)
        JMP     (A6)            return

* *** PRTSTG *** QTSTG *** PRTNUM *** PRTLN ***
* 'PRTSTG' prints a string pointed to by A1. It stops printing
* and returns to the caller when either a CR is printed or when
* the next byte is the same as what was passed in D0 by the
* caller.
* 'QTSTG' looks for an underline (back-arrow on some systems),
* single-quote, or double-quote.  If none of these are found, returns
* to the caller.  If underline, outputs a CR without a LF.  If single
* or double quote, prints the quoted string and demands a matching
* end quote.  After the printing, the next 2 bytes of the caller are
* skipped over (usually a short branch instruction).
* 'PRTNUM' prints the 32 bit number in D1, leading blanks are added if
* needed to pad the number of spaces to the number in D4.
* However, if the number of digits is larger than the no. in
* D4, all digits are printed anyway. Negative sign is also
* printed and counted in, positive sign is not.
* 'PRTLN' prints the saved text line pointed to by A1
* with line no. and all.
PRTSTG  MOVE.B  D0,D1           save the stop character
PS1     MOVE.B  (A1)+,D0        get a text character
        CMP.B   D0,D1           same as stop character?
        BEQ     PRTRET          if so, return
        BSR     GOOUT           display the char.
        CMP.B   #CR,D0          is it a C.R.?
        BNE     PS1             no, go back for more
        MOVE.B  #LF,D0          yes, add a L.F.
        BSR     GOOUT
PRTRET  RTS                     then return

QTSTG   bsr     TSTC            *** QTSTG ***
        DC.B    '"',QT3-*
        MOVE.B  #'"',D0         it is a "
QT1     MOVE.L  A0,A1
        BSR     PRTSTG          print until another
        MOVE.L  A1,A0
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A1        pop return address
        CMP.B   #LF,D0          was last one a CR?
        BEQ     RUNNXL          if so, run next line
QT2     ADDQ.L  #2,A1           skip 2 bytes on return
        JMP     (A1)            return
QT3     bsr     TSTC            is it a single quote?
        DC.B    '''',QT4-*
        MOVE.B  #'''',D0        if so, do same as above
        BRA     QT1
QT4     bsr     TSTC            is it an underline?
        DC.B    '_',QT5-*
        MOVE.B  #CR,D0          if so, output a CR without LF
        bsr     GOOUT
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A1        pop return address
        BRA     QT2
QT5     RTS                     none of the above

PRTNUM  MOVE.L  D1,D3           save the number for later
        MOVE    D4,-(SP)        save the width value
        MOVE.B  #$FF,-(SP)      flag for end of digit string
        TST.L   D1              is it negative?
        BPL     PN1             if not
        NEG.L   D1              else make it positive
        SUBQ    #1,D4           one less for width count
PN1     DIVU    #10,D1          get the next digit
        BVS     PNOV            overflow flag set?
        MOVE.L  D1,D0           if not, save remainder
        AND.L   #$FFFF,D1       strip the remainder
        BRA     TOASCII         skip the overflow stuff
PNOV    MOVE    D1,D0           prepare for long word division
        CLR.W   D1              zero out low word
        SWAP    D1              high word into low
        DIVU    #10,D1          divide high word
        MOVE    D1,D2           save quotient
        MOVE    D0,D1           low word into low
        DIVU    #10,D1          divide low word
        MOVE.L  D1,D0           D0 = remainder
        SWAP    D1              R/Q becomes Q/R
        MOVE    D2,D1           D1 is low/high
        SWAP    D1              D1 is finally high/low
TOASCII SWAP    D0              get remainder
        MOVE.B  D0,-(SP)        stack it as a digit
        SWAP    D0
        SUBQ    #1,D4           decrement width count
        TST.L   D1              if quotient is zero, we're done
        BNE     PN1
        SUBQ    #1,D4           adjust padding count for DBRA
        BMI     PN4             skip padding if not needed
PN3     MOVE.B  #' ',D0         display the required leading spaces
        BSR     GOOUT
        DBRA    D4,PN3
PN4     TST.L   D3              is number negative?
        BPL     PN5
        MOVE.B  #'-',D0         if so, display the sign
        BSR     GOOUT
PN5     MOVE.B  (SP)+,D0        now unstack the digits and display
        BMI     PNRET           until the flag code is reached
        ADD.B   #'0',D0         make into ASCII
        BSR     GOOUT
        BRA     PN5
PNRET   MOVE    (SP)+,D4        restore width value

        MOVE.B  (A1)+,D1        get the binary line number
        LSL     #8,D1
        MOVE.B  (A1)+,D1
        MOVEQ   #5,D4           display a 5 digit line no.
        BSR     PRTNUM
        MOVE.B  #' ',D0         followed by a blank
        BSR     GOOUT
        CLR     D0              stop char. is a zero
        BRA     PRTSTG          display the rest of the line

* ===== Test text byte following the call to this subroutine. If it
*       equals the byte pointed to by A0, return to the code following
*       the call. If they are not equal, branch to the point
*       indicated by the offset byte following the text byte.
TSTC    BSR     IGNBLK          ignore leading blanks
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A1        get the return address
        MOVE.B  (A1)+,D1        get the byte to compare
        CMP.B   (A0),D1         is it = to what A0 points to?
        BEQ     TC1             if so
        CLR.L   D1              If not, add the second
        MOVE.B  (A1),D1         byte following the call to
        ADD.L   D1,A1           the return address.
        JMP     (A1)            jump to the routine
TC1     ADDQ.L  #1,A0           if equal, bump text pointer
        ADDQ.L  #1,A1           Skip the 2 bytes following
        JMP     (A1)            the call and continue.

* ===== See if the text pointed to by A0 is a number. If so,
*       return the number in D1 and the number of digits in D2,
*       else return zero in D1 and D2.
TSTNUM  CLR.L   D1              initialize return parameters
        CLR     D2
        BSR     IGNBLK          skip over blanks
TN1     CMP.B   #'0',(A0)       is it less than zero?
        BCS     TSNMRET         if so, that's all
        CMP.B   #'9',(A0)       is it greater than nine?
        BHI     TSNMRET         if so, return
        CMP.L   #214748364,D1   see if there's room for new digit
        BCC     QHOW            if not, we've overflowd
        MOVE.L  D1,D0           quickly multiply result by 10
        ADD.L   D1,D1
        ADD.L   D1,D1
        ADD.L   D0,D1
        ADD.L   D1,D1
        MOVE.B  (A0)+,D0        add in the new digit
        AND.L   #$F,D0
        ADD.L   D0,D1
        ADDQ    #1,D2           increment the no. of digits
        BRA     TN1

* ===== Skip over blanks in the text pointed to by A0.
IGNBLK  CMP.B   #' ',(A0)       see if it's a space
        BNE     IGBRET          if so, swallow it
IGB1    ADDQ.L  #1,A0           increment the text pointer
        BRA     IGNBLK

* ===== Convert the line of text in the input buffer to upper
*       case (except for stuff between quotes).
TOUPBUF LEA     BUFFER,A0       set up text pointer
        CLR.B   D1              clear quote flag
        MOVE.B  (A0)+,D0        get the next text char.
        CMP.B   #CR,D0          is it end of line?
        BEQ     TOUPBRT         if so, return
        CMP.B   #'"',D0         a double quote?
        BEQ     DOQUO
        CMP.B   #'''',D0        or a single quote?
        BEQ     DOQUO
        TST.B   D1              inside quotes?
        BNE     TOUPB1          if so, do the next one
        BSR     TOUPPER         convert to upper case
        MOVE.B  D0,-(A0)        store it
        ADDQ.L  #1,A0
        BRA     TOUPB1          and go back for more

DOQUO   TST.B   D1              are we inside quotes?
        BNE     DOQUO1
        MOVE.B  D0,D1           if not, toggle inside-quotes flag
        BRA     TOUPB1
DOQUO1  CMP.B   D0,D1           make sure we're ending proper quote
        BNE     TOUPB1          if not, ignore it
        CLR.B   D1              else clear quote flag
        BRA     TOUPB1

* ===== Convert the character in D0 to upper case
TOUPPER CMP.B   #'a',D0         is it < 'a'?
        BCS     TOUPRET
        CMP.B   #'z',D0         or > 'z'?
        BHI     TOUPRET
        SUB.B   #32,D0          if not, make it upper case

* 'CHKIO' checks the input. If there's no input, it will return
* to the caller with the Z flag set. If there is input, the Z
* flag is cleared and the input byte is in D0. However, if a
* control-C is read, 'CHKIO' will warm-start BASIC and will not
* return to the caller.
CHKIO   bsr     GOIN            get input if possible
        BEQ     CHKRET          if Zero, no input
        CMP.B   #CTRLC,D0       is it control-C?
        BNE     CHKRET          if not
        BRA     WSTART          if so, do a warm start

* ===== Display a CR-LF sequence

* ===== Display a zero-ended string pointed to by register A6
PRMESG  MOVE.B  (A6)+,D0        get the char.
        BEQ     PRMRET          if it's zero, we're done
        BSR     GOOUT           else display it
        BRA     PRMESG

* The following routines are the only ones that need *
* to be changed for a different I/O environment.     *

* ===== Output character to the console (Port 1) from register D0
*       (Preserves all registers.)
        move.l  a6,-(a7)
        move.l  OUTPTR,a6
        jsr                     (a6)
        move.l  (a7)+,a6

        movem.l         d0/d1,-(a7)
        move.l          d0,d1
        moveq.l         #6,d0
        trap                    #15
        movem.l         (a7)+,d0/d1

*OUTC   BTST    #1,$10040       is port 1 ready for a character?
*       BEQ     OUTC            if not, wait for it
*       MOVE.B  D0,$10042       out it goes.
*       RTS

* ===== Input a character from the console into register D0 (or
*       return Zero status if there's no character available).
        move.l  a6,-(a7)
        move.l  INPPTR,a6
        jsr                     (a6)
        move.l  (a7)+,a6

        move.l  d1,-(a7)
        moveq.l #5,d0                   * function 5 GetKey
        trap            #15
        move.l  d1,d0
        move.l  (a7)+,d1
        cmpi.b  #-1,d0
        bne                     .0001
        clr.b           d0

*INC    BTST    #0,$10040       is character ready?
*       BEQ     INCRET          if not, return Zero status
*       MOVE.B  $10042,D0       else get the character
*       AND.B   #$7F,D0         zero out the high bit

* ===== Output character to the host (Port 2) from register D0
*       (Preserves all registers.)
        movem.l d0/d1,-(a7)
        move.l  d0,d1
        moveq           #34,d0
        trap            #15
        movem.l (a7)+,d0/d1

*AUXOUT BTST    #1,$10041       is port 2 ready for a character?
*       BEQ     AUXOUT          if not, wait for it
*       MOVE.B  D0,$10043       out it goes.
*       RTS

* ===== Input a character from the host into register D0 (or
*       return Zero status if there's no character available).
        move.l  d1,-(a7)
        moveq           #36,d0                          ; serial get char from buffer
        trap            #15
        move.l  d1,d0
        move.l  (a7)+,d1
        cmpi.w  #-1,d0
        beq                     .0001
        andi.b  #$7F,d0                         ; clear high bit
        ext.w           d0                                              ; return character in d0
        ext.l           d0
        moveq           #0,d0                                   ; return zf=1 if no character available

*AUXIN  BTST    #0,$10041       is character ready?
*       BEQ     AXIRET          if not, return Zero status
*       MOVE.B  $10043,D0       else get the character
*       AND.B   #$7F,D0         zero out the high bit

* ===== Return to the resident monitor, operating system, etc.
        bra             Monitor
;       MOVE.B  #228,D7         return to Tutor
;       TRAP    #14

INITMSG DC.B    CR,LF,'Gordo''s MC68000 Tiny BASIC, v1.2',CR,LF,LF,0
HOWMSG  DC.B    'How?',CR,LF,0
WHTMSG  DC.B    'What?',CR,LF,0
SRYMSG  DC.B    'Sorry.'
        DC.B    0        <- for aligning on a word boundary
LSTROM  EQU     *               end of possible ROM area
* Internal variables follow:
RANPNT  DC.L    START           random number pointer
INPPTR  DS.L    1               input pointer
OUTPTR  DS.L    1       output pointer
CURRNT  DS.L    1               Current line pointer
STKGOS  DS.L    1               Saves stack pointer in 'GOSUB'
STKINP  DS.L    1               Saves stack pointer during 'INPUT'
LOPVAR  DS.L    1               'FOR' loop save area
LOPINC  DS.L    1               increment
LOPLMT  DS.L    1               limit
LOPLN   DS.L    1               line number
LOPPT   DS.L    1               text pointer
TXTUNF  DS.L    1               points to unfilled text area
VARBGN  DS.L    1               points to variable area
STKLMT  DS.L    1               holds lower limit for stack growth
BUFFER  DS.B    BUFLEN          Keyboard input buffer
TXT     EQU     *               Beginning of program area
;       END

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