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[/] [rio/] [branches/] [parallelSymbols/] [rtl/] [vhdl/] [RioWbBridge.vhd] - Rev 32
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- RapidIO IP Library Core -- -- This file is part of the RapidIO IP library project -- http://www.opencores.org/cores/rio/ -- -- Description -- Containing a bridge between a RapidIO network and a Wishbone bus. Packets -- NWRITE and NREAD are currently supported. -- -- To Do: -- - -- -- Author(s): -- - Nader Kardouni, nader.kardouni@se.transport.bombardier.com -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright (C) 2013 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG -- -- This source file may be used and distributed without -- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not -- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains -- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. -- -- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it -- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General -- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; -- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any -- later version. -- -- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be -- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied -- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more -- details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General -- Public License along with this source; if not, download it -- from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.numeric_std.ALL; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use work.rio_common.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- entity for RioWbBridge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entity RioWbBridge is generic( DEVICE_IDENTITY : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); DEVICE_VENDOR_IDENTITY : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); DEVICE_REV : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); ASSY_IDENTITY : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); ASSY_VENDOR_IDENTITY : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); ASSY_REV : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); DEFAULT_BASE_DEVICE_ID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := x"ffff"); port( clk : in std_logic; -- Main clock 25MHz areset_n : in std_logic; -- Asynchronous reset, active low readFrameEmpty_i : in std_logic; readFrame_o : out std_logic; readContent_o : out std_logic; readContentEnd_i : in std_logic; readContentData_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); writeFrameFull_i : in std_logic; writeFrame_o : out std_logic; writeFrameAbort_o : out std_logic; writeContent_o : out std_logic; writeContentData_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- interface to the peripherals module wbStb_o : out std_logic; -- strob signal, active high wbWe_o : out std_logic; -- write signal, active high wbData_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- master data bus wbAdr_o : out std_logic_vector(25 downto 0); -- master address bus wbErr_i : in std_logic; -- error signal, high active wbAck_i : in std_logic; -- slave acknowledge wbData_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) -- slave data bus ); end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture for RioWbBridge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture rtl of RioWbBridge is component Crc16CITT is port( d_i : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); crc_i : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); crc_o : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); end component; constant RST_LVL : std_logic := '0'; constant BERR_UNKNOWN_DATA : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"08"; -- not valid data constant BERR_FRAME_SIZE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"81"; -- Frame code size error constant BERR_FRAME_CODE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"80"; -- Frame code type error constant BERR_NOT_RESPONSE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"86"; -- Not response from the device type state_type_RioBrige is (IDLE, WAIT_HEADER_0, HEADER_0, HEADER_1, CHECK_OPERATION, READ_ADDRESS, READ_FROM_FIFO, CHECK_ERROR, WRITE_DATA, WRITE_TO_WB, WAIT_IDLE, SEND_DONE_0, SEND_DONE_1, SEND_DONE_2, READ_FROM_WB, APPEND_CRC, SEND_TO_FIFO, SEND_ERROR, SEND_FRAME, APPEND_CRC_AND_SEND, SEND_MAINTENANCE_READ_RESPONSE_0, SEND_MAINTENANCE_READ_RESPONSE_1, SEND_MAINTENANCE_WRITE_RESPONSE_0, SEND_MAINTENANCE_WRITE_RESPONSE_1); signal stateRB, nextStateRB : state_type_RioBrige; type byteArray8 is array (0 to 7) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal dataLane : byteArray8; -- type byteArray4 is array (0 to 3) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- signal dataLaneS : byteArray4; signal pos, byteOffset : integer range 0 to 7; signal numberOfByte, byteCnt, headLen : integer range 0 to 256; signal endianMsb, reserved, ready : std_logic; signal start : std_logic; signal wdptr : std_logic; signal wbStb : std_logic; signal xamsbs : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal ftype : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal ttype : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal size : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal tid : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal tt : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal errorCode : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal sourceId : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal destinationId : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal writeContentData : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal crc16Current, crc16Temp, crc16Next: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal tempAddr : std_logic_vector(25 downto 0); signal timeOutCnt : std_logic_vector(14 downto 0); -- Configuration memory signal declaration. signal configEnable : std_logic; signal configWrite : std_logic; signal configAddress : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); signal configDataWrite : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal configDataRead : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal componentTag : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal baseDeviceId : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := DEFAULT_BASE_DEVICE_ID; signal hostBaseDeviceIdLocked : std_logic; signal hostBaseDeviceId : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '1'); begin wbStb_o <= wbStb; writeContentData_o <= writeContentData; Crc16High: Crc16CITT port map( d_i=>writeContentData(31 downto 16), crc_i=>crc16Current, crc_o=>crc16Temp); Crc16Low: Crc16CITT port map( d_i=>writeContentData(15 downto 0), crc_i=>crc16Temp, crc_o=>crc16Next); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- wbInterfaceCtrl -- This process handle the Wishbone interface to the RioWbBridge module. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- wbInterfaceCtrl: process(clk, areset_n) variable Temp : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); begin if areset_n = RST_LVL then start <= '0'; wdptr <= '0'; wbStb <= '0'; wbWe_o <= '0'; byteCnt <= 0; headLen <= 0; byteOffset <= 0; readFrame_o <= '0'; readContent_o <= '0'; writeFrame_o <= '0'; writeContent_o <= '0'; writeFrameAbort_o <= '0'; configWrite <= '0'; configEnable <= '0'; ready <= '0'; endianMsb <= '0'; stateRB <= IDLE; nextStateRB <= IDLE; tt <= (others => '0'); tid <= (others => '0'); size <= (others => '0'); ttype <= (others => '0'); ftype <= (others => '0'); xamsbs <= (others => '0'); sourceId <= (others => '0'); configDataWrite <= (others => '0'); destinationId <= (others => '0'); errorCode <= (others => '0'); tempAddr <= (others => '0'); wbAdr_o <= (others => '0'); wbData_o <= (others => '0'); writeContentData <= (others => '0'); dataLane <= (others =>(others => '0')); -- dataLaneS <= (others =>(others => '0')); crc16Current <= (others => '0'); timeOutCnt <= (others => '0'); Temp := (others => '0'); elsif clk'event and clk ='1' then case stateRB is when IDLE => if (readFrameEmpty_i = '0') and (writeFrameFull_i = '0') then readContent_o <= '1'; byteCnt <= 0; ready <= '0'; endianMsb <= '1'; timeOutCnt <= (others => '0'); crc16Current <= (others => '1'); stateRB <= WAIT_HEADER_0; else start <= '0'; readFrame_o <= '0'; readContent_o <= '0'; writeFrame_o <= '0'; writeContent_o <= '0'; writeFrameAbort_o <= '0'; errorCode <= (others => '0'); writeContentData <= (others => '0'); dataLane <= (others =>(others => '0')); -- dataLaneS <= (others =>(others => '0')); Temp := (others => '0'); end if; when WAIT_HEADER_0 => stateRB <= HEADER_0; when HEADER_0 => readContent_o <= '1'; -- read the header (frame 0) tt <= readContentData_i(21 downto 20); ftype <= readContentData_i(19 downto 16); destinationId <= readContentData_i(15 downto 0); stateRB <= HEADER_1; when HEADER_1 => -- read the header (frame 1) readContent_o <= '1'; ttype <= readContentData_i(15 downto 12); size <= readContentData_i(11 downto 8); tid <= readContentData_i(7 downto 0); sourceId <= readContentData_i(31 downto 16); stateRB <= READ_ADDRESS; when READ_ADDRESS => readContent_o <= '0'; wdptr <= readContentData_i(2); xamsbs <= readContentData_i(1 downto 0); tempAddr <= readContentData_i(25 downto 3) & "000"; -- Wishbone address bus is 26 bits width configAddress <= readContentData_i(23 downto 0); -- this line is in case of maintenance pakage (config-offset(21-bits)+wdptr(1-bit)+rsv(2-bits)) stateRB <= CHECK_ERROR; when CHECK_ERROR => byteOffset <= pos; -- first byte position in the first payload tempAddr <= tempAddr + pos; -- first address if readContentEnd_i = '1' then -- check if data not valid i the switch buffer wbStb <= '0'; wbWe_o <= '0'; byteOffset <= 0; writeFrameAbort_o <= '1'; -- over write the frame with an error frame errorCode <= BERR_UNKNOWN_DATA; -- not valid data stateRB <= SEND_ERROR; -- check if error in the frame size for write pakage elsif (reserved = '1') and (ftype = FTYPE_WRITE_CLASS) then wbStb <= '0'; wbWe_o <= '0'; byteOffset <= 0; writeFrameAbort_o <= '1'; -- over write the frame with an error frame errorCode <= BERR_FRAME_SIZE; -- Frame code size error stateRB <= SEND_ERROR; -- type 5 pakage formate, NWRITE transaction (write to peripherals) read payload from the buffer elsif (ftype = FTYPE_WRITE_CLASS) and (ttype = "0100") and (tt = "01") then readContent_o <= '1'; stateRB <= READ_FROM_FIFO; -- read the payload nextStateRB <= SEND_ERROR; -- this is in case not valid data in switch buffer headLen <= 12; -- Type 2 pakage formate, NREAD transaction, (read from peripherals) write payload to the buffer elsif (ftype = FTYPE_REQUEST_CLASS) and (ttype = "0100") and (tt = "01") then writeContent_o <= '1'; -- write the header-0 of the Read Response pakage writeContentData(15 downto 0) <= sourceId; -- write to the source address writeContentData(19 downto 16) <= "1101"; -- Response pakage type 13, ftype Response writeContentData(21 downto 20) <= "01"; -- tt writeContentData(31 downto 22) <= "0000000000"; -- acckId, vc, cfr, prio stateRB <= SEND_DONE_0; -- headLen <= 8; -- Type 8 pakage formate, maintenance Read request elsif (ftype = FTYPE_MAINTENANCE_CLASS) and (ttype = TTYPE_MAINTENANCE_READ_REQUEST) and (tt = "01") then configWrite <= '0'; -- read config operation configEnable <= '1'; -- enable signal to the memoryConfig process writeContent_o <= '1'; -- write the header-0 of the Read Response pakage writeContentData(15 downto 0) <= sourceId; -- write to the source address, this is a response pakage writeContentData(19 downto 16) <= FTYPE_MAINTENANCE_CLASS; -- ftype, maintenance writeContentData(21 downto 20) <= "01"; -- tt writeContentData(31 downto 22) <= "0000000000"; -- acckId, vc, cfr, prio stateRB <= SEND_MAINTENANCE_READ_RESPONSE_0; -- Type 8 pakage formate, maintenance Write request elsif (ftype = FTYPE_MAINTENANCE_CLASS) and (ttype = TTYPE_MAINTENANCE_WRITE_REQUEST) and (tt = "01") then configWrite <= '1'; -- write config operation writeContent_o <= '1'; -- write the header-0 writeContentData(15 downto 0) <= sourceId; -- write to the source address, this is a response pakage writeContentData(19 downto 16) <= FTYPE_MAINTENANCE_CLASS; -- ftype, maintenance writeContentData(21 downto 20) <= "01"; -- tt writeContentData(31 downto 22) <= "0000000000"; -- acckId, vc, cfr, prio stateRB <= SEND_MAINTENANCE_WRITE_RESPONSE_0; -- Error: unexpected ftype or ttype else wbStb <= '0'; wbWe_o <= '0'; byteOffset <= 0; writeFrameAbort_o <= '1'; -- over write the frame with an error frame errorCode <= BERR_FRAME_CODE; stateRB <= SEND_ERROR; -- next state after the dataLane is stored in the switch buffer end if; when SEND_MAINTENANCE_READ_RESPONSE_0 => byteCnt <= 0; configEnable <= '0'; -- disable signal to the memoryConfig process -- write the header-1 of the Read Response pakage writeContentData(7 downto 0) <= tid; writeContentData(11 downto 8) <= "0000"; -- size/status writeContentData(15 downto 12) <= TTYPE_MAINTENANCE_READ_RESPONSE; -- transaction type, Maintenance Read Response writeContentData(31 downto 16) <= baseDeviceId; -- destination address, because this is a response pakage crc16Current <= crc16Next; -- first frame's CRC stateRB <= SEND_MAINTENANCE_READ_RESPONSE_1; when SEND_MAINTENANCE_READ_RESPONSE_1 => byteCnt <= byteCnt + 1; -- using byteCnt as a counter if byteCnt = 0 then writeContentData <= X"FF" & X"000000"; -- write the filed with HOP + reserved crc16Current <= crc16Next; -- second frame's CRC elsif byteCnt = 1 then if configAddress(2) = '0' then -- check the wdptr bit in the config offset field writeContentData <= configDataRead; -- write payload-0 with data if wdptr='0' else writeContentData <= (others => '0'); -- write zeros end if; crc16Current <= crc16Next; -- third frame's CRC elsif byteCnt = 2 then if configAddress(2) = '0' then -- check the wdptr bit in the config offset field writeContentData <= (others => '0'); -- write zeros else writeContentData <= configDataRead; -- write payload-1 with data if wdptr='1' end if; crc16Current <= crc16Next; -- forth frame's CRC elsif byteCnt = 3 then writeContentData <= crc16Next & X"0000"; -- write the CRC field else writeContent_o <= '0'; stateRB <= SEND_FRAME; end if; when SEND_MAINTENANCE_WRITE_RESPONSE_0 => byteCnt <= 0; readContent_o <= '1'; -- read the config offset if configAddress(2) = '0' then -- check the wdptr bit in the config offset field configDataWrite <= readContentData_i; -- copy payload-0 if wdptr='0' else configDataWrite <= configDataWrite; -- do nothing end if; writeContentData(7 downto 0) <= tid; writeContentData(11 downto 8) <= "0000"; -- size/status writeContentData(15 downto 12) <= TTYPE_MAINTENANCE_WRITE_RESPONSE; -- transaction type, Maintenance Write Response writeContentData(31 downto 16) <= baseDeviceId; -- destination address, because this is a response pakage crc16Current <= crc16Next; -- first frame's CRC stateRB <= SEND_MAINTENANCE_WRITE_RESPONSE_1; when SEND_MAINTENANCE_WRITE_RESPONSE_1 => byteCnt <= byteCnt + 1; -- using byteCnt as a counter if byteCnt = 0 then writeContentData <= X"FF" & X"000000"; -- write the filed with HOP + reserved crc16Current <= crc16Next; -- second frame's CRC elsif byteCnt = 1 then configEnable <= '1'; -- enable signal to the memoryConfig process writeContentData <= crc16Next & X"0000"; -- write the CRC field if configAddress(2) = '0' then -- check the wdptr bit in the config offset field configDataWrite <= configDataWrite; -- do nothing else configDataWrite <= readContentData_i; -- copy payload-1 if wdptr='1' end if; else configEnable <= '0'; -- disable signal to the memoryConfig process readContent_o <= '0'; -- at this point even the frame's CRC is read from the buffer writeContent_o <= '0'; stateRB <= SEND_FRAME; end if; when SEND_DONE_0 => writeContent_o <= '1'; writeContentData(7 downto 0) <= tid; writeContentData(11 downto 8) <= "0000"; -- size/status writeContentData(15 downto 12) <= "1000"; -- ttype writeContentData(31 downto 16) <= baseDeviceId; crc16Current <= crc16Next; -- first frame's CRC stateRB <= SEND_DONE_1; when SEND_DONE_1 => byteCnt <= 0; dataLane <= (others =>(others => '0')); writeContent_o <= '0'; -- this line is to make sure that the CRC is complete read crc16Current <= crc16Next; -- second frame's CRC wbAdr_o <= tempAddr; tempAddr <= tempAddr + 1; wbStb <= '1'; wbWe_o <= '0'; byteOffset <= pos; stateRB <= READ_FROM_WB; when READ_FROM_WB => if wbAck_i = '1' then timeOutCnt <= (others => '0'); -- reset the time out conter if wbErr_i = '0' then -- check if no error occur if (byteCnt < numberOfByte - 1) then -- check if reach the last data byte byteCnt <= byteCnt + 1; if (byteCnt + headLen = 80) then -- when current position in payload is a CRC position dataLane(0) <= crc16Current(15 downto 8); dataLane(1) <= crc16Current(7 downto 0); dataLane(2) <= wbData_i; byteOffset <= 3; elsif byteOffset < 7 then dataLane(byteOffset) <= wbData_i; byteOffset <= byteOffset + 1; else -- dataLane vector is ready to send to fifo dataLane(7) <= wbData_i; byteOffset <= 0; -- Here, sets byteOffset for other response stateRB <= SEND_TO_FIFO; nextStateRB <= READ_FROM_WB; -- end if; else -- get last data from Wishbone wbStb <= '0'; byteCnt <= 0; -- Here, using byteCnt and reset it for other response dataLane(byteOffset) <= wbData_i; stateRB <= APPEND_CRC_AND_SEND; if byteOffset < 7 then -- checking for CRC appending position byteOffset <= byteOffset + 1; else byteOffset <= 0; end if; end if; -- when Wishbone error occur else wbStb <= '0'; wbWe_o <= '0'; byteOffset <= 0; writeFrameAbort_o <= '1'; -- over write the frame with an error frame errorCode <= wbData_i; stateRB <= SEND_ERROR; end if; else -- when no acknowledge received if timeOutCnt(13) = '1' then -- when waiting more than 1 ms for response from the device wbStb <= '0'; wbWe_o <= '0'; byteOffset <= 0; writeFrameAbort_o <= '1'; -- over write the frame with an error frame errorCode <= BERR_NOT_RESPONSE; stateRB <= SEND_ERROR; else timeOutCnt <= timeOutCnt + 1; end if; end if; -- appending CRC and write to the fifo when frame is shorter then 80 bytes when APPEND_CRC_AND_SEND => writeContent_o <= '0'; byteCnt <= byteCnt + 1; -- check if frame is shorter than 80 bytes if (numberOfByte < 65) then -- Yes, frame is shorter then 80 bytes if byteCnt = 0 then -- first write the current double word to the fifo -- then put the CRC in the next double word byteOffset <= 0; stateRB <= SEND_TO_FIFO; nextStateRB <= APPEND_CRC_AND_SEND; elsif byteCnt = 1 then -- append the CRC writeContent_o <= '1'; writeContentData <= crc16Current & X"0000"; else stateRB <= SEND_FRAME; -- store in the switch buffer end if; else --No, appending CRC and write to the fifo when frame is longer then 80 bytes if byteCnt = 0 then -- check if the last byte was placed in the second half of the double word, -- in that case write the first word to the fifo. writeContentData <= dataLane(0) & dataLane(1) & dataLane(2) & dataLane(3); elsif byteCnt = 1 then crc16Current <= crc16Temp; -- calcylate the crc for the 16 most significant bits elsif byteCnt = 2 then writeContent_o <= '1'; writeContentData <= dataLane(0) & dataLane(1) & crc16Current; else stateRB <= SEND_FRAME; -- store in the switch buffer end if; end if; when SEND_TO_FIFO => if byteOffset = 0 then -- using byteOffset as a counter byteOffset <= 1; writeContent_o <= '1'; writeContentData <= dataLane(0) & dataLane(1) & dataLane(2) & dataLane(3); elsif byteOffset = 1 then -- using byteOffset as a counter byteOffset <= 2; writeContent_o <= '0'; crc16Current <= crc16Next; -- calcylate the crc elsif byteOffset = 2 then byteOffset <= 3; writeContent_o <= '1'; writeContentData <= dataLane(4) & dataLane(5) & dataLane(6) & dataLane(7); elsif byteOffset = 3 then crc16Current <= crc16Next; -- calcylate the crc writeContent_o <= '0'; byteOffset <= 0; stateRB <= nextStateRB; dataLane <= (others =>(others => '0')); end if; when READ_FROM_FIFO => if (endianMsb = '1') then if (readContentEnd_i = '0') then endianMsb <= '0'; dataLane(0 to 3) <= (readContentData_i(31 downto 24), readContentData_i(23 downto 16), readContentData_i(15 downto 8), readContentData_i(7 downto 0)); else wbStb <= '0'; wbWe_o <= '0'; byteOffset <= 0; readContent_o <= '0'; writeFrameAbort_o <= '1'; -- over write the frame with an error frame errorCode <= BERR_FRAME_SIZE; stateRB <= SEND_ERROR; -- stateRB <= IDLE; end if; else endianMsb <= '1'; readContent_o <= '0'; dataLane(4 to 7) <= (readContentData_i(31 downto 24), readContentData_i(23 downto 16), readContentData_i(15 downto 8), readContentData_i(7 downto 0)); if ready = '1' then stateRB <= nextStateRB; else stateRB <= WRITE_TO_WB; end if; end if; when WRITE_TO_WB => if wbStb = '0' then wbStb <= '1'; wbWe_o <= '1'; byteCnt <= 1; byteOffset <= byteOffset + 1; -- increase number of counted byte tempAddr <= tempAddr + 1; -- increase the memory sddress address wbAdr_o <= tempAddr; wbData_o <= dataLane(byteOffset); else if wbAck_i = '1' then timeOutCnt <= (others => '0'); -- reset the time out conter if wbErr_i = '0' then -- check the peripherals error signal if byteCnt < numberOfByte then tempAddr <= tempAddr + 1; -- increase the memory sddress address wbAdr_o <= tempAddr; wbData_o <= dataLane(byteOffset); byteCnt <= byteCnt + 1; -- increase number of counted byte if byteOffset < 7 then if (byteCnt + headLen = 79) then -- check for the CRC-byte position 80 in the frame byteOffset <= byteOffset + 3; else byteOffset <= byteOffset + 1; end if; else if (byteCnt + headLen = 79) then -- check for the CRC-byte position 80 in the frame byteOffset <= 2; else byteOffset <= 0; end if; if byteCnt < numberOfByte - 1 then readContent_o <= '1'; stateRB <= READ_FROM_FIFO; end if; end if; else -- no more data to send to the peripherals wbStb <= '0'; wbWe_o <= '0'; ready <= '1'; stateRB <= SEND_FRAME; end if; else -- if the peripheral generates an error, send an error Response wbStb <= '0'; wbWe_o <= '0'; byteOffset <= 0; writeFrameAbort_o <= '1'; -- over write the frame with an error frame errorCode <= wbData_i; stateRB <= SEND_ERROR; end if; else -- if readContentEnd_i = '1' then -- when unvalid data in the switch buffer -- wbStb <= '0'; -- wbWe_o <= '0'; -- readFrame_o <= '1'; -- byteOffset <= 0; -- writeFrameAbort_o <= '1'; -- over write the frame with an error frame -- errorCode <= BERR_FRAME_SIZE; -- more data content is expected, Frame size error -- stateRB <= SEND_ERROR; -- else if timeOutCnt(13) = '1' then -- when waiting more than 1 ms for response from the device wbStb <= '0'; wbWe_o <= '0'; readFrame_o <= '1'; byteOffset <= 0; writeFrameAbort_o <= '1'; -- over write the frame with an error frame errorCode <= BERR_NOT_RESPONSE; stateRB <= SEND_ERROR; else timeOutCnt <= timeOutCnt + 1; end if; -- end if; end if; end if; when SEND_ERROR => -- Generate a Response Class, an error pakage ftype=13, ttype=8, status="1111" readFrame_o <= '0'; writeFrameAbort_o <= '0'; byteOffset <= byteOffset + 1; if byteOffset = 0 then writeContent_o <= '1'; -- start write to the buffer crc16Current <= (others => '1'); writeContentData <= "00000000" & "00" & "01" & "1101" & sourceId; elsif byteOffset = 1 then writeContentData <= baseDeviceId & "1000" & "1111" & tid; crc16Current <= crc16Next; -- first frame's CRC elsif byteOffset = 2 then writeContentData <= errorCode & x"000000"; crc16Current <= crc16Next; -- second frame's CRC elsif byteOffset = 3 then writeContentData <= x"00000000"; crc16Current <= crc16Next; -- third frame's CRC elsif byteOffset = 4 then writeContentData <= crc16Next & X"0000"; -- write the CRC field else writeContent_o <= '0'; writeFrame_o <= '1'; readFrame_o <= '1'; stateRB <= WAIT_IDLE; end if; when SEND_FRAME => if (ftype = FTYPE_WRITE_CLASS) and (ttype = TTYPE_NWRITE_TRANSACTION) and (tt = "01") then -- check what type of pakage we got readFrame_o <= '1'; elsif (ftype = FTYPE_REQUEST_CLASS) and (ttype = TTYPE_NREAD_TRANSACTION) and (tt = "01") then -- write payload to the buffer is done readFrame_o <= '1'; writeFrame_o <= '1'; else -- the operation was not valid readFrame_o <= '1'; writeFrame_o <= '1'; end if; stateRB <= WAIT_IDLE; when WAIT_IDLE => readFrame_o <= '0'; writeFrame_o <= '0'; readContent_o <= '0'; -- this line is to make sure that the CRC is complete read stateRB <= IDLE; when others => stateRB <= IDLE; end case; end if; end process; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Configuration memory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- memoryConfig : process(clk, areset_n) begin if (areset_n = '0') then configDataRead <= (others => '0'); baseDeviceId <= DEFAULT_BASE_DEVICE_ID; componentTag <= (others => '0'); hostBaseDeviceIdLocked <= '0'; hostBaseDeviceId <= (others => '1'); elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then if (configEnable = '1') then case (configAddress) is when x"000000" => -- Device Identity CAR. Read-only. configDataRead(31 downto 16) <= DEVICE_IDENTITY; configDataRead(15 downto 0) <= DEVICE_VENDOR_IDENTITY; when x"000004" => -- Device Information CAR. Read-only. configDataRead(31 downto 0) <= DEVICE_REV; when x"000008" => -- Assembly Identity CAR. Read-only. configDataRead(31 downto 16) <= ASSY_IDENTITY; configDataRead(15 downto 0) <= ASSY_VENDOR_IDENTITY; when x"00000c" => -- Assembly Informaiton CAR. Read-only. -- Extended features pointer to "0000". configDataRead(31 downto 16) <= ASSY_REV; configDataRead(15 downto 0) <= x"0000"; when x"000010" => -- Processing Element Features CAR. Read-only. -- Bridge(31), Memory(30), Processor(29), Switch(28). configDataRead(31) <= '1'; configDataRead(30 downto 4) <= (others => '0'); configDataRead(3) <= '1'; -- support 16 bits common transport large system configDataRead(2 downto 0) <= "001"; -- support 34 bits address when x"000018" => -- Source Operations CAR. Read-only. configDataRead(31 downto 0) <= (others => '0'); when x"00001C" => -- Destination Operations CAR. Read-only. configDataRead(31 downto 16) <= (others => '0'); configDataRead(15) <= '1'; configDataRead(14) <= '1'; configDataRead(13 downto 0) <= (others => '0'); when x"00004C" => -- Processing Element Logical Layer Control CSR. configDataRead(31 downto 3) <= (others => '0'); configDataRead(2 downto 0) <= "001"; -- support 34 bits address when x"000060" => -- Base Device ID CSR. -- Only valid for end point devices. if (configWrite = '1') then baseDeviceId <= configDataWrite(15 downto 0); else configDataRead(15 downto 0) <= baseDeviceId; end if; when x"000068" => -- Host Base Device ID Lock CSR. if (configWrite = '1') then -- Check if this field has been written before. if (hostBaseDeviceIdLocked = '0') then -- The field has not been written. -- Lock the field and set the host base device id. hostBaseDeviceIdLocked <= '1'; hostBaseDeviceId <= configDataWrite(15 downto 0); else -- The field has been written. -- Check if the written data is the same as the stored. if (hostBaseDeviceId = configDataWrite(15 downto 0)) then -- Same as stored, reset the value to its initial value. hostBaseDeviceIdLocked <= '0'; hostBaseDeviceId <= (others => '1'); else -- Not writing the same as the stored value. -- Ignore the write. end if; end if; else configDataRead(31 downto 16) <= (others => '0'); configDataRead(15 downto 0) <= hostBaseDeviceId; end if; when x"00006C" => -- Component TAG CSR. if (configWrite = '1') then componentTag <= configDataWrite; else configDataRead <= componentTag; end if; when others => configDataRead <= (others => '0'); end case; else -- Config memory not enabled. end if; end if; end process; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- findInPayload -- find out number of the bytes and first byte's position in the payload. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- findInPayload: process(wdptr, size) begin case size is when "0000" => reserved <= '0'; numberOfByte <= 1; if wdptr = '1' then pos <= 4; else pos <= 0; end if; when "0001" => reserved <= '0'; numberOfByte <= 1; if wdptr = '1' then pos <= 5; else pos <= 1; end if; when "0010" => reserved <= '0'; numberOfByte <= 1; if wdptr = '1' then pos <= 6; else pos <= 2; end if; when "0011" => reserved <= '0'; numberOfByte <= 1; if wdptr = '1' then pos <= 7; else pos <= 3; end if; when "0100" => reserved <= '0'; numberOfByte <= 2; if wdptr = '1' then pos <= 4; else pos <= 0; end if; when "0101" => reserved <= '0'; numberOfByte <= 3; if wdptr = '1' then pos <= 5; else pos <= 0; end if; when "0110" => reserved <= '0'; numberOfByte <= 2; if wdptr = '1' then pos <= 6; else pos <= 2; end if; when "0111" => reserved <= '0'; numberOfByte <= 5; if wdptr = '1' then pos <= 3; else pos <= 0; end if; when "1000" => reserved <= '0'; numberOfByte <= 4; if wdptr = '1' then pos <= 4; else pos <= 0; end if; when "1001" => reserved <= '0'; numberOfByte <= 6; if wdptr = '1' then pos <= 2; else pos <= 0; end if; when "1010" => reserved <= '0'; numberOfByte <= 7; if wdptr = '1' then pos <= 1; else pos <= 0; end if; when "1011" => reserved <= '0'; if wdptr = '1' then numberOfByte <= 16; else numberOfByte <= 8; end if; pos <= 0; when "1100" => reserved <= '0'; if wdptr = '1' then numberOfByte <= 64; else numberOfByte <= 32; end if; pos <= 0; when "1101" => if wdptr = '1' then reserved <= '0'; numberOfByte <= 128; else reserved <= '1'; numberOfByte <= 96; end if; pos <= 0; when "1110" => if wdptr = '1' then numberOfByte <= 192; else numberOfByte <= 160; end if; reserved <= '1'; pos <= 0; when "1111" => if wdptr = '1' then reserved <= '0'; numberOfByte <= 256; else reserved <= '1'; numberOfByte <= 224; end if; pos <= 0; when others => reserved <= '1'; numberOfByte <= 0; pos <= 0; end case; end process; end architecture;
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